Romney over McCain. Very close, lots depends on undecideds and whether independents (or Dems) vote in the Republican primary. Detroit Free Press:
Republican primary voters whose greatest concern is the economy could give Bloomfield Hills native Mitt Romney his first major state victory in Tuesday’s Michigan presidential primary, according to the Detroit Free Press-Local 4 Michigan Poll.
Romney leads John McCain, 27%-22%, with Mike Huckabee in third at 16%, the poll showed. Romney’s core of support is in metro Detroit, where he has a 2-1 advantage.
More breakdown by issue in the story. Updated RCP average here. It's very tight.
UPDATE: RCP with more new polls. In the Michigan Mitchell poll, Romney cuts into McCain's support. yeah!
UPDATE: More good news, another poll with an EIGHT POINT Romney lead (despite the badmouthing) :
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who badly needs to win Tuesday's Michgian primary, has an eight-point lead over Sen. John McCain of Arizona in a McClatchy-MSNBC poll of Michigan voters to be released Sunday.
I'm cautiously optimistic. (And anyway, we haven't hit a really Red State yet.) More detail:
McClatchy Newspapers reported: “Romney led McCain by 2 to 1 among voters who ranked the economy and jobs their top concern. He led Huckabee by a slightly greater margin among those voters. He also led McCain by 2 to 1 among likely voters who called themselves Republicans.”
The analysis continued: “McCain owes his solid standing to independents and Democrats, taking 38 percent of their support, while Huckabee had 22 percent and Romney had 18 percent. … Evangelical Christians represented 46 percent of the likely primary vote in the poll, and Huckabee got 31 percent of their support while Romney got 23 percent.”
The Detroit News has McCain edging Mitt by one point, with 45% undecided.
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Hillary can forget about opposition research back to Mitt's childhood--his first grade teacher is a fan. Breitbart:
The Republican presidential contender ran into his first-grade teacher—78-year-old Gloria Blazo of Novi—as he was shaking hands Saturday following a speech to the conservative Americans For Prosperity summit here.
"He was one person you never had to reprimand about talking at all," Blazo later told reporters, after Romney brought her over to his media bus. "He worked hard and he has lots of strengths."
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Mitt Romney 26% John McCain 25% Mike Huckabee 17% Fred Thompson 9% Ron Paul 8% Rudy Giuliani 6%
The big problem, of course, is that no one has any idea how many independents and democrats will vote in the Republican Primary. Nor, for that matter, how they will vote.
Thanks to Jeff Fuller for the link.
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I think the media has been sensing that Mitt might win Michigan and that's why they have ben downplaying the win saying his father was blah, blah. The other thing is this dialy kos thing has been talked about on TV, Usually they would never say anything about the blogosphere so they are using that to pre smear a win..Even if dems and independents cross over and vote for Mitt, the exit polls will show a republican win.On the other hand Mitt could lay claim that he's the economy's white knight.Either way he'll still claim another slug of delegates and increase his lead in the popular vote.With Thompson possibly taking some votes away for McHuckabee in SC he could squeeze in a 2nd place finish there also, making Fla. a toss up.
Thanks for posting this good news. I believe Mitt will win but if not he should stay in thru Super Tuesday because it is going to be a big crapshoot with 22 states and there are any number of scenarios as to how this all plays out. Also, want to thank you guys and gal for providing this resource. Not sure if us commenters tell you that enough.
Huck has proven himself to be a very underhanded person all along the way through the primaries.He started off using religion as a wedge issue under the advice of Dick Morris.He claims to have this nice guy personna but he never misses an oppurtunity to take a back handed swipe at somebody. His latest victim is Thompson.Despite the story about Kos encouraging dems to vote for Romney,I have a bad,bad feeling that independents are going to put Mccain over the top in Michigan.What's happened to Mitt since he got in the race is very sad. A very decent human being has been villified by hack newspapers who are in the tank for Hillary.McCain and Huck have tag teamed Mitt for their own shallow personal gains.I can't and won't vote for Huck or McCain because they have both ran a dirty campaign.We have a real chance to reform government and make it work for the people with Mitt but the MSM is dead set on promoting McHuckabee because they know they will be losers in Nov. Even if Mccain won in Nov it would be a shallow victory because he's no different than the dems.My only hope if Mitt has to drop out is Guliani becomes the nom.I strongly dislike he pro choice but I believe he will fight tooth and nail against the dangerous dem congress.
Good analysis Spidey, and if McHuck win the nomination - I will vote for Obama in November. If we're gonna have a liberal president - let the Dems take the credit for it. (And if Hill's the Dem nom, I think I will just stay home and knit on election day....)
Ottawa County is generally considered one of the most Republican counties in the state.
Geraldine Vruggink, a Romney supporter from Hudsonville, said she is attracted to his practical and business experience and to his "high morals." If Romney is elected, people won't have to worry about what is going on at the White House, she said.
The CNN New Hampshire exit polling confirms that those with the liberal mindset were the ones responsible for vaulting John McCain to win there and thereby granting him somewhat of a "front-runner" status.
Numbers don't lie (and remember, these are just the numbers from the voters in the GOP NH primary):
52% think that Abortion should be "legal"
53% go to church "never" or "a few times a year"
49% have a negative opinion of Bush
57% do not "strongly oppose" civil unions
50% support a "path to citizenship" or a "guest worker program" for illegals already here.
39% of them are not Republicans
Only 21% say they're "very conservative" (BTW, Romney beat McCain 43% to 18% among them).
45% admit to being moderates or liberals.
Finally, 50% made their decision within the last week (with a full 19% admitting to deciding on the day of the primary).
So they're not just liberals . . . they're fickle liberals.
Thanks for nothing New Hampshire.
Jeff Fuller
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I'm going to wind up needing a neck brace from shaking my head at McCain and Huck still leading in the national and SC poll.Neither one has any clue about what to do about the economy or really tackling the out of control Federal budget. Even if McCain stopped earmarks they make up a small % of the entire budget.We need a 20% reduction in the federal workforce to balance the budget. This can be done by streamling the governmnet by direct money to states without mandates. The mandates attached to Federal bills requires thousands of Federal monitors to check compliane. Not only is it a waste of human resources it's a huge waste of paper.
It's amazing how Mitt continues to pile up endorsements and it doesn't seem to matter. Illegal immigration is bankrupting the country and McCain supports amnesty.Security is another top issues and Huck has no clue on it but because he's likeable and pro life he's up in the polls.
It's absolutely absurd that we're going to pick the next president based on personality and not qualifications.
All Romney supporters, let's make a push for donations on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the day after the Michigan primaries. The media and the other Republican candidates are trying to push MITT out because they know he is strong.
I will be a first time donor. If you haven't donated, donate on that day. If you already donated, do it again on that day, even if it's just $10.
Now the hard part, commit to finding five more people who will donate on that day. We have to get up off our duffs and do something or a good man may go down, and we will wonder why. Also, try to get your five donors to commit to finding five more donors.
I may only get a little tree here in New Mexico, but if everybody else gets a small tree, we may just create a forest.
Smith writes that Huckabee “says he supports home-schoolers and that they should be left alone, yet he signed into law a bill that imposed new restrictions on homeschoolers in AR.”
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You could write a War and Peace sized novel on Huck's hypocricy and contradictions and flat out lies.. Whenever he gets cornered on one of them he resorts to an old tired one liner as a distraction. Now he's claiming Fred Thompson needs Metamucil because he busted his chops in the debate the other night.
He has been claiming that he only gave one speech to the embryonic stem cell company and it turned out to be 3,pocketing hefty fees in the process.
He claimed when he gave the Jesus/Satan brother thing to the Times magazine that he didn't know that much about Mormonism. However he attended a southern Baptist convention in 1998 in Utah where the main topic was the difference between the two religions was the main course. The lazy and cheerleading MSM does nothing to point all these things out about him.
Following up on Kyle's previous post. The RCP Blog, in their first roundup of stories of the day, reports that Mitt got a good headline out of last night's debate in the Detroit Free Press, "Romney Pledges to Fight for Michigan Jobs During Debate". Looks like the unpopularity of Dem governor Jennifer Granholm may help Republicans who have a strong economic message and track record--Mitt is the best on that.
UPDATE: More debate reaction. Gateway Pundit. Likes Romney, makes good points on McCain and Huck (that support Mitt). Hugh Hewitt.
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I think Romney made this point somewhere, but electing Granholm should be viewed as a profound failure for liberal Democrat policies. I am unaware of what increased “safety net” has been provided by her administration, but it seems clear to me that no “safety net” can make up for the absence of jobs that Michigan now faces. I would suspect that such things are clear to most Michigan residents as well.
I want to re-mention my concern associated with Michigan and the Democrat / Independent vote. It seems that two separate liberals have called for Democrats to vote in the Republican primary for the purpose of wounding the Republicans. I would hope that whatever effects this has upon the race (even if it benefits Romney) will be highlighted so the voice of conservatives can be heard on the road to the Republican nomination. This may be incredibly difficult because I would guess that Romney can attract some registered Democrats because of the above failure of the liberal policies of the Granholm administration. It would be desirable to define who voted for Romney (and other candidates) because of conservative principles that could really help Michigan, and who voted for Romney (and others) because they hope to support Hillary or Obama in the general election.
Seeing a positive story in the MSM about Mitt is as rare as seeing one about Bush.God I'm praying Mitt can win in Mich.Seeing McCain emerge in the national polls is enough to make me hide all the sharp objects.When are the conservatives going to start voting for crying out loud.
John Nevin penned an op/ed for the Detroit Free Press yesterday. In that op/ed he argued that Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the Michigan and the Great Lakes:
Mitt Romney grew up in that tradition and has a firsthand appreciation of how important the Great Lakes are to Michigan's high quality of life. Romney knows that Michigan's ecology and economy depend on healthy Great Lakes and clean water that is safe for drinking, beaches that are safe for swimming, and fish that are safe for eating.
We go ahold of Mr. Nevin and asked him a few follow-up questions.
MMM: What part of Michigan are you from?
JN: I am from Holt, a suburb of Lansing, right near Michigan State University.
MMM: What is your occupation?
JN: I am a policy adviser to a binational group that provides advice to governments regarding water quality and water quantity issues. Previously, I wrote speeches and provided communications advice to Governor John Engler for 12 years.
MMM: How would you describe your political leanings?
JN: My political leanings are definitely conservative but with a pragmatic, common sense approach that emphasizes results more than ideology. I am strongly pro-life and wouldn’t support a candidate who wasn’t.
MMM: Why endorse Mitt Romney?
JN: I’ve endorsed Mitt Romney for many reasons. He’s an experienced executive with a track record of success who understands how to manage change and to transform complex organizations. Second, just looking at his family, you know right away that he is an incredibly strong and compassionate leader. He doesn’t need the presidency. The presidency needs him.
MMM: You say in your Op/Ed that Mitt Romney will be best for Michigan and the Great Lakes. Why?
JN: Mitt would be best for the Great Lakes because I know he wouldn’t tolerate the lack of responsibility and accountability for current programs. He’s the only candidate who would have the ability to slash the bureaucracy, reorganize and focus on the key threats to the lakes. The bottom line is that Mitt is all about results and that’s the kind of leadership we need. And of course, it helps that he is from Michigan and has a true understanding and appreciation for how important the lakes are to our state, our economy and our culture.
NBC's Chuck Todd: "Mitt Romney's last answer about what he's been hearing on the campaign trail was one of his best messages I've heard yet." - link
Townhall's Mary Katharine Ham: "Mitt had a good line about Paul reading Ahmadinejad press releases." - link
National Review's Kathryn Jean Lopez: "Taking Washington apart. This is a strong outsider argument - that rings true. Romney would do it because he has." - link
ABC's Rick Klein: "Ahh, the R-word. 'Could we be headed for a recession? Absolutely. Do we have to be headed for a recession? Absolutely not.' Good answer by Mitt Romney." - link
National Review's Rich Lowry: "Mitt's change answer. Good. The best part of his stump speech." - link
Townhall's Hugh Hewitt: "Romney had less screen time tonight, but each time he answered he was poised and eloquent." - link
The American Spectator's Quin Hillyer: "Now Romney gets a tough question on abortion. He starts out with a really really strong answer. Now he segues back to Reagan. He ably defends 'the principles that Ronald Reagan espoused.' Good answer."
Yeah, Mitt did well - when he got a question!!! It seemed like a lot of attention was spent on McCain who is a one-horse show and can only talk "war." The only thing I didn't like was when Mitt made that jab at Ron Paul. I felt bad for Ron Paul, and it made me wince when Mitt said that; I've not seen him take a shot like that before....
Great job again last night in the debate for Romney. Regarding Huckabee, I cringed when he dove into his claim again that he instigated the first broad-based tax cut in 160 years in Arkansas. Just this week, Ernest Dumas wrote an article in the Arkansas Times exposing the truth about that broad-based tax cuts. They were devised by Gov. Jim Guy Tucker. Tucker resigned after a Whitewater conviction and the Huckster moved into the Governor's mansion. He also then immediately took credit for the tax cuts. Please, someone in the national media expose this guy!
Fred stole the show at the debate tonight, though he was channeling Mitt Romney with a lot of his answers. I thought "where have I heard that before...oh yeah, Mitt!" Mitt didn't get many questions and sort of faded into the background, but he did great answering on foreign policy (showing he knows more than he gets credit for) and talking about the Reagan coalition.
I am headed for Michigan tomorrow night after work. On Saturday I will be attending the Americans for Prosperity meeting in Livonia Michigan, where I will be live blogging it. This will feature Governor Romney, Sen. McCain, Rep. Duncan Hunter, several MI officials, reporters from various news outfits such as the Wall Street Journal and more.
Along with this, interviews set up with Duncan Hunter and Michigan GOP Chair, Saul Anuzis. On Monday and tuesday I should be embedded with the Romney campaign as well.
If you are interested in donating to my efforts (it isn't free for me!) you can donate here and send money to I appreciate all those who help last time, I was able to cover almost the whole trip.
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Word on the street over at is that dems are being encouraged to vote Huckabee, due to the fact that he is the weakest of all the viable GOP candidates. Another loss in MI would be devastating to Romney, and if Huckabee were the winner on top of that, it would only bolster his support in other states. And we all know EXACTLY what would happen if the ol' Huckster were to win the nomination.
Its reverse psycology. He thinks that by saying they want Romney, it will actually backfire and cause Republicans to vote for someone else who is not as electable - like a certain 71-year-old...
I do not know what to make of it. I think it would be a tragedy if Romney was out before Florida due to weird things in Iowa and less conservative voices in New Hampshire and Michigan.
Exit polls will hopefully help deconvolute some of this stuff.
I think the support Huckabee because he is the wrench in the Republican establishment movement is a better plan for Democrats. Here is a link about this:
I have no word from the street...but I've read Daily Kos before...they HATE Romney...I mean HATE HATE...they wrote plenty to do about the whole Mormon thing...made all sorts of outrageous and infuriating twisted statements.
I've never given the credit of intellectual power to folks like this...I think in typical liberal fashion they were up late drinking wine and eating Harvati cheese from Costco thinking..."Hmmm wouldn't it be hilarious to see Romney bankrupt himself..." And being that they're complete idiots and believe the words on the MSM they actually believe that Romney is out if he doesn't win Michigan...
If there is an "underground" movement to vote Huckster among Dems...then so be it...who cares...eventually it will come to light...because they've pitted themselves against themselves in their stupidity. Reality is Michigan is going to bring a few more delegates to Mitt..then Mitt goes on to win in Nevada, takes on in and pulls out a bronze, then pulls a Flashdance on the Super Tuesday states while pushing for a decent showing in FL. When it all comes out in the wash, Utah/Idaho/Colorado/Arizona/California/Texas/Minnesota creates the W for the Mittster. He's got natural traction in the West. Folks remember the Olympics, and Mormons are well respected in the West for their Business Savvy.
So let them have their wine and cheese moment...and when Mitt Wins the Presidency they'll say...Dang! That was stupid!
I'm still hoping republicans come to thier senses and vote for Mitt.This situation with MCain and Huck is beyond ridiculous. I understand herd mentality voting with the Dems but ot the GOP,we're usually more rational.If Mitt wins Michigan the media will spin it as not being that big a deal because his father was a gov. there, blah blah, blah. I'm also hoping that Mitt cut back on his avtertising because he's perserving money for the big states and he's tired of hearing McCain and Huck whining about negative ads.
As long as the Democrats aren't united in supporting any one candidate, Michigan will vote for whom they would have anyway. Besides Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and Mass, I see Michigan as Mitt's strongest state and Mitt would have and still win Michigan no matter what the Daily Kos says.
Well, I think you should always be careful of people voting in the opposite primary. If they're willing to vote badly on the other party's ticket, how do you know they're really voting the right way for you? Simple; you don't.
That tired convention has become meaningless—a pundit toss-away line that means nothing this early in a multi- primary campaign, when ebb and flow affects everyone. No one at this very early point "has to win" any given state at any given time. Candidates are still picked not by media people, but by the aggregate number of delegates.
And even the money spigot doesn't completely stop after a second place finish. Romney was right to count his delegates won thus far, and to think absurd the notion that after two years of work he is supposed to implode because he didn't win tiny Iowa or New Hampshire when the mega-states are still in play.
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The Boston Globe: "GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—Mitt Romney got a hero's welcome as he returned to his birth state of Michigan..."
"'Measure me not by what I say, but what I do,' he said, with unusual passion. 'I will fight for Michigan. I will commit to you that if I'm president of the United States, I will not rest if Michigan is in a one-state recession. If I'm president, the one-state recession is over.'"
"Earlier, addressing the crowd in the Gaslight District, Romney recalled being born in Detroit and how his father, the late George Romney, served as Michigan's governor for three terms in the 1960s. His mother, Lenore, also ran for U.S. Senate in Michigan."
"Romney got choked up after shaking hands with one woman in the crowd who mentioned his father."
"'He was a great man and I miss him dearly,' Romney said."
For some reason this article reminded me of last Saturday, befor the NH primaries. It was raining where I live and so I was watching TV with my son when we found Mitt Romney on CSPAN, speaking at an Ask Mitt Anything event.
My son pointed out that it was Mitt Romney. I was so excited that he knew who he was ( I was even more excited previously when my wife reported to me that he had seen Mitt on TV and had mistaken him for me. I guess that is what I get for wearing the business suit all the time.)
I wanted my son to remember when Mitt Romney ran for President. See, all the other people who say skeptical things about Mitt miss the way I generaly feel about his candidacy. I want an honorable person in the White House (Maybe its because I remember President Clinton so vividly from my college years.) Mitt is an extraordinarily decent guy. For me, Mitt is the guy I hope I can be like (No jokes about a Hillary Clinton tear in my eye please!) He has a family he loves, and they love him. He works hard, does a good job, and does it in an honest way. He believes in the values of America. When they are talking about the speech "Faith in America" that Romney gave in 20 years, I want my son to remember Mitt Romney. In short, Mitt is the kind of person that I hope my son will look up to, much the same way Mitt looks up to his dad.
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Different thought but why I haven't seen any news coverage on TV or internet regarding the whopping 5M fundraiser? All I heard was Hill's day after total and that McCain and Huck have received boosts to their totals.
I don't know if I have read ANY post that says what I feel until this one. I too want a decent, hard working, family man to be our next president. Someone we can be proud. Thank you for this wonderful post!
My kids also call me to the TV whenever they see Mitt on. I hope they can meet him someday. Quick story: my 5 year old daughter tried to sneak something the other day, and my husband told her he was smart enough to know what she was doing. She replied "You're not as smart as Mitt Rotney (can't say RoMney just yet), he's REALLY smart!" Hmm, wonder where she learned that ....
This is a great post! :) Mitt not only has the experience, but as you say, he is a great person. I hope that our country can recognize all of this. Even if Mitt somehow doesn't get the nomination (I hope not!), I feel blessed just to know that there are still people like the Romney family out there. You are going to be a great dad.
Monaghan: “As someone who values the importance of faith in one’s life, I recognize in Mitt his deep religious convictions which will serve him well in facing the critical moral issues facing our society,” the release quotes Monaghan. “I believe he will stand firm on the pro-life issues and for the traditional family values that our country was founded on and which are so critical to the nation.”
While at Bain Capital, Romney led the investment team that saved Dominoes and made it the force that it is today.
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It's great to see someone like Monaghan endorse Romney. I owe a lot to Monaghan. I paid my way through college by working for a Dominos. Pizza delivery was not a great job, but it sure helped me as I tried to improve my lot in life. I might not have become a lawyer if I did not first have the chance to be a pizza guy. It is a wonderful thing that Monaghan took risks decades ago to start a new pizza company that is now offering a leg up to thousands of people across the country who are working their way up the economic ladder. We need a president who understands the value of entrepreneurs like Tom Monaghan. We do not need a president like Mike Huckabee who only aspires to remind us of our co-workers as his latest ad suggests.
If any of you have seen that ad, I encourage you to comment on it to unmask its shameful class warfare demagoguery. While Huckabee makes his snide comments about a candidate who reminds us of the guy who laid someone off, it might do us some good to remember what that guy who laid someone off is going through. To that end, I posted the following comment on Huckabee's website . . . I encourage you all to get your similar comments out there at this critical juncture in the campaign. Here's the comment . .
Let's think about that guy who laid someone off. He's running a business. He's excited to have actually built an enterprise that contributes something of value to the world. He's gone out on a limb to invest his own money to make something happen. He provides good work, good pay and good benefits for his employees. However, this guy has a governor who has enacted policies that attract more and more illegal immigrants who come into the state with their cheap labor. That governor won't allow the state police to enforce immigration laws. That governor complains when the federal government conducts raids to crack down on employment of illegal aliens. That governor entices more illegal immigrants to come with promises of cheap college tuition for their children. Our lay-off guy sees his competitors hiring the illegal immigrants at reduced wages, thereby allowing them to undercut him in the marketplace. Our guy's business starts losing clients and customers. His business starts to move out of the black and into the red. He tries to do everthing he can to make it work while staying within the law while others play outside the law. Slowly but surely, things start to slide out of control. The business just can't make ends meet anymore. Cuts have to be made. Our guy agonizes over it because he knows how much his dedicated employees need their jobs and their benefits. But reality is harsh and he makes the hardest decision of his life. He has to let someone go and it just tears him up inside. Maybe we need a president to remind us of this guy. Maybe we need a president who reminds us that the governor's compassion comes at a pretty high price for our guy and his employees. I don't need a president who reminds me of my co-worker. I need a president who understands what it takes to ensure that both my co-worker and I will have a job to return to tomorrow. Mike Huckabee, with his class warfare attitudes and his soft spot for illegal immigrants, cannot be that president.
It's also "Domino's" NOT "Dominoes." Sorry, I don't mean to be critical, and we all make mistakes, but it would take 2 seconds extra to do a spell check.
Other than those two things, you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work. I still feel very good about Mitt's chances. There's no way anybody else can claim to be the "front-runner" right now.
They are out of Lansing, Michigan, and have done a couple polls that have Huckabee in front. Real Clear Politics has them listed among the polls taken for Michigan. I smell a rat since when you click on the poll link, you get an error page. All other established polling companies have links that actually lead to their site.
I had to google this company to find them. They did not show up until beginning of December.
I'm a Catholic & while I would be happiest with a Reagan coalition Republican (Romney, Thompson or Hunter), I could hold my nose & vote for Guiliani & maybe even possibly McCain -- I absolutely would not for Huckabee. His treatment of Romney's religion as a cult puts me as a Catholic also in the crosshairs. I was brought up by a Methodist father & Baptist mother, but I will never identify myself with anyone remotely resembling Huckabee -- it disgusts me to have someone with the principles of a slug identify himself as "The Christian Candidate."
As a volunteer blogger for Mitt, I obviously support his candidacy as a full spectrum conservative, and Mitt's public policy is directly in-line with my Catholic faith and conservative values.
Mike Huckabee's campaign is predicated on style over substance, with charming quips on cable television shows and campaign ads appealing to identity politics, which I loathe. In Iowa, Huckabee's innuendo about Mitt's LDS faith was disgusting. Not only do I dislike the politics of Hope, Arkansas, but I cannot stand his complete lack of a vision on foreign policy, his big government conservatism (talk about an oxymoron), and his philosophy that the President of the United States should be 'like someone you work with'. I'm sorry-the greatest leaders in modern American History are not like the people I work with. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., FDR, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan are truly extraordinary people with amazing qualities, and I want more out of my next president than a guy who can play guitar well and make cute comments.
Reader Glenn sends along a suggestion for Romney to respond to the new Huckabee ad going up in Michigan that talks about a President being like the guy you worked with instead of the guy who laid you off:
"I think Mitt needs to put out an ad addressing this (apparently) important characterization issue before the other candidates label him the way that ad is trying to do. He needs an ad showing his family (like your co-worker, worrying about his family), and discussing how he helped businesses like Domino's and Staples come back to life, including the Olympics and Mass. governor things, how he fought to get those businesses, olympics, and state up and running even when the odds were against him. Then he needs to say, he understands their struggles, their worries about their families, but that running (or helping it get going) an economy is not something you'd want to entrust to just anybody. You'd want someone with experience, success out there in the real business world, who's created jobs and resurrected companies...and then end with something funny about not being the guy who laid you off, but the guy who turned things around at the company you work at and helped out you and your family."
Or in my words, "In the end, Americans want a President who reminds them of the guy who turned the company around, not the guy who ran it into the ground."
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I'd like someone at Mymanmitt to look into the possibility of Mitt winning 2nd place across the board, and 1st place being split between the Mayor, the Senator and the Minister (at least through Feb 5th. Assume Mitt is a close second (within 5%) in all races, and 3rd place is WAY behing (i.e. 15% or more). Are all delegates in all states split proportionally? It seems to me that if he keeps getting 2nd place, he could still end up with the most delegates.
Mitt needs to run an ad highlighting the missing girl incident, when he shut down his company for three days to look for an employee's missing 14-year-old daughter in New York City. That is such a touching story!! Now that is NOT the guy who "laid you off!"
I agree that Mitt should hit Huck and the others on lack of experience in creating jobs. Perhaps at tonights debate let it rip that he is the only one that knows what its like to deal with what happens when people like Huckabee raises taxes, and how it effects jobs.
In response to Huckabee's comment about him representing one of worker the people and Mitt representing someone who fired them, Mitt could say that he represents someone who has created successful companies that in turn created jobs.
In response to Mike's question: Here is a great find (don't have the link, sorry.)
Can Romney take 2nd place all the way to the nomination? By Thunder Posted in 2008 -
[Update] RealClearPolitics is starting to track delegate count, so this will start to grow in importance. ********************************************
Delegates needed to win the nomination: roughly 1231 delegates are needed.
Of those delegates, 1000 can be obtained through primaries/causes, the rest are unpledged delegates. (2000 available elected delegates, 462 unpledged delegates)
Of the contests that have happened so far we get the following.
Mitt Romney 30 or 43% so far or 3% of total needed Mike Huckabee 21 or 30% so far or 2.1% of total needed John McCain 10 or 15% so far or 1 % of total needed. Fred Thompson 6 or 8% so far or 1 % of total needed. Ron Paul 2 or 2% so far or 1 % of total needed. Rudy Giuliani 1 or 1% so far or 1 % of total needed. Duncan Hunter 1 or 1% so far or 1 % of total needed. Total Delegates so far 71.
The following is a list of winner take all states. Rudy Giuliani is expected to win New Jersey and New York on Super Tuesday, February 5, 2008, and those states award their delegates on a winner-take-all basis.
John McCain will likely win Arizona, which is another winner-take-all state, giving him 53 delegates on Super Tuesday. Mike Huckabee should win the winner-take-all state of Georgia, to earn him 72 points on Super Tuesday.
Mitt Romney is strong in the winner-take-all states of Massachusetts, Vermont and Utah, which yield a total of 96 delegates.
Fred Thompson can be expected to win the winner-take-all state of Tennessee, assuming he wins a majority of the votes, for a total of 55 delegates.
Total winner take out numbers Rudy Giuliani 153 Mitt Romney 96 Mike Huckabee 72 Fred Thompson 55 John McCain 53 Total winner take all 429.
Total so far plus winner take all states = 929 leaving 1071 delegates
Rudy Giuliani 154 or 846 needed delegates Mitt Romney 126 or 874 needed delegates Mike Huckabee 93 or 907 needed delegates John McCain 63 or 937 needed delegates Fred Thompson 61 or 939 needed delegates Total delegates allocated so far = 497 delegates.
That leaves a total of 1503 delegates left.
What percentage of the remaining delegates does each candidate need? Rudy Giuliani 154 or 846 needed delegates 56% of the remaining delegates Mitt Romney 126 or 874 needed delegates 58% of the remaining delegates Mike Huckabee 93 or 907 needed delegates 60% of the remaining delegates John McCain 63 or 937 needed delegates 62% of the remaining delegates Fred Thompson 61 or 939 needed delegates 62% of the remaining delegates.
However, if the current trends continue, we will see the following delegate counts.
Mitt Romney 43% or 646 delegates Mike Huckabee 30% or 450 delegates John McCain 15% or 225 delegates Fred Thompson 8% or 120 delegates Rudy Giuliani 1 or 1% or 15 delegates
While Romney is going to win some states, especially in the west, and will not always get his 43%, there is a good chance that the average will stay the same. While it is unlikely that Rudy will continue to do so badly, but there is no reason to think he will take off either. You can also expect either McCain, Thompson or Rudy to implode and either leave the contest, or just become an after thought.
This would bring us to the following delegate count
Mitt Romney 772 Mike Huckabee 457 John McCain 228 Fred Thompson 181 Rudy Giuliani 169
This brings us to the
The Republican Party does not have super-delegates. It does, however, have 463 unpledged delegates, 123 of whom are Republican National Committee members.
This would bring the need delegate count up to 1231 delegates needed or a total of 2462.
Mitt Romney 772 or 459 delegates short Mike Huckabee 457 or 774 delegates short John McCain 228 or 1003 delegates short Fred Thompson 181 or 1050 delegates short Rudy Giuliani 169 or 1062 delegates short
At this point, the only candidates who have enough delegates to be consider are Romney and to a lesser extent Huckabee.
So, if McCain, Thompson, and Rudy release their delegates, we would also have the following totals.
John McCain 228 or 1003 delegates short Fred Thompson 181 or 1050 delegates short Rudy Giuliani 169 or 1062 delegates short Total released delegates: 578
There are also another 193 delegates from minor candidates. Add in the unpledged or other delegates 1234 delegates. So if Romney gets 40% of these delegates, and Huckabee gets 60% then we would have the following count. (this is being generous to Huckabee).
There’s something to be said for a national leader who understands how things work; who can tell you why he does the things he does. It’s one of the reasons I like Mitt Romney so much. He understands conservatism and can tell you why it works. He can tell you why tax cuts work, why government spending needs to be restrained, why liberal pacifism is illogical, why families are at the center of the national well-being, and why amnesty for illegal immigrants will harm our nation. Such an understanding seems unnecessary out on the campaign trail where one can talk in sound bites without exposing any true depth of understanding. However, when actual governance commences, a profound understanding of conservative principles is vital as endless proposals and peoples try to influence governing philosophy through deception or political pressure. This was one of the reasons Reagan remained ideologically pure: he understood the intellectual underpinnings of conservatism. He had been advocating and refining his understanding for years before being elected. Thus, even after two terms in Washington, Reagan had not veered left. He remained true to his core, not out of stubbornness or fear or public pressure, but because of a true understanding of why conservatism worked.
This notion of intellectual underpinnings is one of the things that scares me most about John McCain and Mike Huckabee. To the extent that Huckabee has had to explain his reasoning, he has been found seriously lacking in depth and understanding. McCain (probably wisely) has not exerted himself in this way to explain the core principles of conservative governance. Without that solid understanding of why conservatism works it is easy to be misled. Proposals such as McCain-Feingold or the Fair Tax can be coaxed upon the candidate. Ideas about bombing Pakistan while pacifying Iran start to make sense. Giving amnesty to illegal immigrants starts to look reasonable. All of these demonstrate a lack of understanding. Of course, where does it end? How much more will it take before the little that is conservative has been unwound and removed? What is the next policy that will be endorsed? Open borders? Socialism?
Much more certain and firm is the man who can articulate the reasons behind the policies. More dependable is the man who holds an understanding conservatism to govern conservatively. That man is Mitt Romney.
It is difficult to discern any underlying or overarching principles in Senator McCain's devotion to the trademark issues of his recent political career outside the field of national security: campaign finance regulation, liberalized immigration, and balanced budgets. Senator McCain’s belief in his own rectitude in the pursuit of these ends, however, precludes serious reflection on causes and consequences or even, in the case of immigration reform, concern about procedural niceties.
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Mitt Romney for President or VP. I don't think so! The Mormon church would love this. If anyone knows anything about the Mormons they know that the Church comes first. If anyone has any doubt about this read "When Salt Lake City Calls" but Rocky Hulse. If this doesn't make you think nothing will!
So, you'd think that Romney supporters would be dampened by the 2nd place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Say it with me: "NOT!"
Today, in Boston, fundraisers and friends gathered and raised over 5 Million dollars for the Mitt campaign. Compare that to Hillary who raised $750,000 the day after her stunning victory.
By the way, they raised almost $110,000 out of Arizona alone! Does that top McCain's total take.
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Where is the media coverage on this? This should change public opinion that his ship's sinking (which it's not) and that he's giving up. They'll just start talking about how he's loading everything he's got into MI, to WIN IT!!!
There is no candidiate for President who cares more about Michigan than Mitt Romney.
If you are a Michigan resident just getting geared up to vote in the Primary election there, consider the following from Mitt Romney:
"I recognize that when Michigan is hurting, it is a precursor of what could happen to the entire country. Because our manufacturing base, if it's threatened there, it's threatened everywhere. And so for me, Michigan is not just, oh, one state that I hope they're doing well. No, for me, Michigan is a state that has to do well. Michigan is a state going through a one-state recession."
"I'll make a commitment: if I'm president, that one-state recession is over."
"[Folks in] Michigan recognize, like people across this country, that Washington has failed them time and again. That Washington has made promises and not delivered on those promises and they are tired of waiting for change. And we will bring change. You heard about illegal immigration, they promised change there, they haven't delivered. You heard about reducing the tax burden on the middle class and burdens on the middle class, they haven't delivered on that. We've talked about improving our schools, that hasn't been delivered. Getting health care for all of our citizens, that hasn't been delivered. And one, that as you know, Michigan cares about most deeply, and that is rebuilding and strengthening our economy, helping elevate wages, growing our middle class, making sure that we lead the world in technology and innovation and design and patents. It's been promised time and again, and I will actually get the job done because I have done it before."
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This is worth reading. I have had enough of John McCain the Republican. Let's call it what it is. McCain is a moderate Democrat in a Republican costume!!
Tom DeLay Slams McCain, Calls New Hampshire Win ‘A Blip’ by Wednesday, January 9, 2008
| By Chad Pergram
John McCain’s win in New Hampshire did not impress former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.
Revealing a divide in the Republican Party between moderates and conservatives, DeLay slammed McCain in an interview Wednesday with FOX News.
“There’s nothing redeeming about John McCain,” DeLay said.
The Texas Republican added that McCain “does betray conservative principles.”
When asked on which issues McCain was not a conservative, he said: “Mercy, there’s tons of them” and proceeded to list the Senator’s positions on the environment, immigration, the International Criminal Court, his support for affirmative action and taxes. He also called McCain a “hypocrite” when it came to lobbyists.
The Texas Republican went on to dismiss McCain’s victory as “A blip. An aberration in the nominating process of the Republican Party.”
DeLay said this was because New Hampshire is a state that’s trending Democratic (it replaced its two GOP House Members in 2006 with two Democrats and GOP Senator John Sununu has a tough re-election fight on his hands this year) and allows independents to vote in the Republican primary.
“He (McCain) appealed once again to independents,” DeLay said. “He’s not going to go much further than New Hampshire.”
McCain could struggle in South Carolina. President Bush clobbered him there in 2000. But eight years ago, he won Michigan, which votes next week.
DeLay also took a shot at press coverage of McCain, who described him as a “darling of the media.”
When asked about the divisions in the party between moderates and conservatives, DeLay said “I don’t think there’s a schism in the party. The party doesn’t exist. It’s rebuilding.”
I'm actually a Michigander myself. His support here seems really strong and I've been able to volunteer at the HQ and spirits seem to be high. I've made phone calls to residents all across the state and they all seem to really like him. It is looking like a victory.
Did the Red Sox panic in 2004 when they were down 3-0 to the Yankees in the ALCS? NO!
Did LSU panic in this year's BCS National Championship when OSU went up 10-0 in the first quarter? NO!
Did the Patriots panic when they were losing 24-20 with 3 minutes to go against the Ravens? NO!
Did Hillary's team panic when the polls showed a decisive lead for Obama? YES! They were talking about shaking up the team and advising Hillary to concede the next few primaries to concentrate on Super Tuesday.
Lessons learned? Panic bad, perseverance good. Media bad, phony tears good (but probably not for a man). Issues bad, platitudes good. Status quo bad, adjustments good. Yankees bad, Red Sox good.
Screw the Pundits and Pollsters. Don't believe the hype. It's not over 'til it's over!
As a diehard Yankees fan...I'm opposed to your comment about the Yankees/Red Sox...believe me Giuliani/Hillary may be political representations to New York...but that's only because Sports Fans don't vote when the Yanks lose.
According to CNN's exit polls, some interesting info comes to light:
Romney wins the vote of those who approve of the War in Iraq (37% to McCain's 33%), whereas McCain wins the vote of those who disapprove of the war (44% to Romney's 19%).
Romney wins among those who identify themselves as Republicans (35% to McCain's 34%) and among those who consider themselves Conservative (38% to McCain's 30%).
Romney wins among Urban voters (34% to McCain's 32%).
Romney trounced McCain with voters who placed illegal immigration as the most important issue (56% to 19%).
Romney won among voters who don't want gay civil unions (36% to McCain's 32%).
Romney won among voters who had positive feelings about Pres. Bush (37% to McCain's 32%).
Romney won among those who think the next president should be more conservative than Bush (35% to McCain's 31%).
The strange data here is that Romney's wins the support of those who approve of the War in Iraq/War on Terror, whereas McCain overwhelmingly wins the vote of those opposed. Is this strategic voting on the part of liberal independents who don't want to face Romney in the general election, or are Granite Staters clueless about McCain's stance on the War?
The good news for Romney is that 80% of the country is urban (where he won), illegal immigration is the most important issue in many states (South Carolina, Florida, Nevada, California, etc.), which issue Romney won, and conservatives went with Romney (and very few states will have the liberal leanings of an heavily independent GOP New Hampshire vote).
I just donated more $$ today and am getting in touch with the campaign here in SoCal. People, don't stand on the sidelines..give it a go and let's see where Mitt stands after Super Tuesday.
Here's an interesting post from NRO:
Nice recap of the crosstabs of which groups voted for each candidate. Here's why that's important, going forward ---
The odd thing about having so many candidates for President - with the leadership vacuum caused by a sitting President who cannot run - is that each early Primary has its vote spread across many contenders.
It will continue to be that way, until more candidates drop out.
The good news is that it makes it easier for a newcomer like Romney to get into the race. The bad news is that the media has greater power to anoint a favorite and give him/her blessed coverage, when they don't like a candidate.
Since the media's role is magnified by the 8 candidates on the Stage (including what idiot questions the media asks) and the media's choices as to who to cover/favor, that means we should expect some 2nd place finishes for Romney along the way as par for the course. The media is too powerful for it to be otherwise, for any candidate who is new on the scene.
Add to that the undeniable fact that Iowa and New Hampshire are not very representative of Republican base states (Iowa, with the huge evangelical population that Huckabee cleverly leveraged; and New Hampshire, with their growing-more-liberal block of Independents who can swing wildly either way, who like a maverick like legitimate war hero McCain), and the one true Republican who appeals to all 3 legs on Reagan's coalition is fighting uphill.
If all Republican states had 60% evangelicals, Romney should go home. If all Republican states had a huge Independent block, same deal. They aren't representative of the other 48 states but aberrations on each flank of the bell curve. Therefore, the predictive value of Iowa or New Hampshire in picking the Republican nominee is questionable.
Since the media have to know this, it almost looks dishonest to trumpet great victories in Iowa or New Hampshire. A whole lot of voters haven't been heard from yet, maybe 98% worth.
The media's rush to annoint a victor with maybe 1% of the states votes in, shows that early headlines aren't predictive - although they may/may not generate cash donations to needy candidates who do well.
Since everyone knew that the Presidential election would be held next November, if most voters haven't ponied up financial support for flake candidates to this point, maybe that support is thin anyway.
On the Democratic side, both Clinton and Obama have huge financial war chests, and nearly everyone sees it as a 2 person race unless Edwards starts winning.
Romney and Giuliani are still the big guys with the war chest on the Republican side. Whether McCain can persuade core Republicans who don't like him to open their wallets, now, remains to be seen. He'll undoubtedly get some, just as Huckabee got some, but this race is not Arizona or Arkansas. This is where the big boys/girls play.
All of this underscores why your crosstab breakdowns of who voted for Romney are encouraging. The tea leaves look like "Republican base" to me, and inside those numbers are financial contributors as well as future voters.
We'll see more of those more typical Republican voters in the States ahead (with South Carolina an interesting test of whether evangelicals will vote for their faith again, or their views against soft immigration record, versus whether Thompson will take some of their votes, etc.).
More people have voted or caucused for Mitt Romney than any other Republican candidate at this point. Clearly, Romney has the broadest appeal across the states. While McCain may pick off Michigan, and Huckabee or someone else may pick off South Carolina, Romney is proving he has what it takes to compete until Super Tuesday!
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Thanks for the numbers, I was wondering where the popular vote stood.
I see this as a tortoise and hare kind of race at this point. The other GOP candidates are having short bursts of speed and popularity, winning one state and then taking 3rd or 4th in the next. As long as Romney continues his steady & sure pace, taking lots of 2nds with several firsts thrown in, I have reason to be optimistic.
Thanks so much for this post. You know, I am sick and tired of the MSM trying to discredit Mitt simply because he hasn't won IA or NH (and forget the fact that he won WY.) Clearly, he is the candidate in the lead as far as delegates goes, and there is no real threat from any one candidate. Huckleberry wins in IA, and McCain barely registers. The reverse is true in NH, although Hucky did come in third. As far as I am concerned this race is still wide open - too bad the MSM won't report that. Keep up the good work!
Al Gore? ROTFL! I hate to point out the obvious, but Mitt Romney has a healthy lead in the delegate count to date, and that is the most important part of the equation.
I don't care much for the popular vote either (and I don't think Wyoming is that important), but I predict that Mitt will take 1st in Michigan, get a boost, and then take 2nd in SC. I think he will get 1st in Nevada either way. He's our man and it will become clear that voters will settle with a Guliani or a Thompson, but not liberals like McCain or Huck-a-stupidloserthatdoesn'tknowanything (sorry, I obviosly loathe this idiot) I appreciate the fact that McCain works across the aisle, but he sure has worked across the aisle at the WORST times...and Huck-a-hillbilly is just absolutely worthless.
All this talk about Romney being in big trouble is just wishful thinking by the media. They want to see a rich, conservative fail because a conservative candidate has the best chance of winning. If they proclaim his campaign to be finished, they are hoping that Romney supporters will get discouraged and vote for someone else. Romney's early big leads in Iowa and NH were bound to disappear as the other candidates got free exposure through debates and media coverage.
It was apparently a wise strategy to get in first and spend big money so the voters wouldn't be wondering, "Who's Mitt Romney?" as apparently they are now saying, "Who is Duncan Hunter?"
Romney's performance in the last debate is proof that Romney has a message that resonates. He is emphasizing his leadership skills both inside and outside of government which is appealing to many voters. Remember when Ross Perot first jumped in the race. His charts and graphs and business-like approach to reforming government was very appealing until he lost his mind. Mitt Romney is a proven leader. He lost that message for a while by trying to differentiate himself on individual issues such as immigration, crime, and taxation.
Why is Obama having success? Just look at what people like about him. He is charming, represents a change from the status quo, and talks of hope. Nobody knows what his individual positions are on any issue. He stays above the fray this way. How did McCain win NH? Besides having a base already established over the past 8 years, McCain emphasizes telling the truth and being trustworthy. Mitt is just starting to figure out that he needs to emphasize style over substance. We should be electing our President based on the issues, but in today's reality show based society, we just want the guy we can relate to and trust. Everyone else gets voted off the island regardless of their talent and abilities.
As everyone is loading up on the buzzword change, I feel Mitt should be going after trust and leadership. Change is an ambiguous term, but trust and leadership are tangible. I trust Mitt to lead the country from day one based on his leadership experience.
As far as I'm concerned, the game is fairly tied so far and Romney has the most delegates to date. If this primary process has taught us anything, it's that the situation can change often and quite rapidly as Hillary Clinton showed us last night. There is still a lot of time left. As the other candidates keep taking turns coming in first, Romney keeps piling up the delegates by consistently having a high placing.
Although the Style over Substance debate may hold the key, I think you're missing on Trust and Leadership. You can't build on the "Hey Trust Me...I'm rich, and I can show you how to become rich too! Just vote for me and I'll change the economy so fast that everyone will have more money in their wallets!"...
He's not some Saturday Infomercial!
Romney needs to stick with Ficon, SoCon, Defender of Freedom.
He just needs to figure out how to brand himself in a stylish way. He also has to target his audience better...To states of the upper East and West he should go heavy on the FiCon/Defender. To the Midwest he's a SoCon Mega Dad/with Financial Advice for Washington. To the South he's a SoCon Freedom Fighter that promises to capture Bin Laden and humiliate him worldwide before putting him to death.
People want a President that speeky cut loose Mitt and pull a Huckster and draw on some ridiculously simple analogy to explain the Economy to a bunch of hicks. Like... The Economy is like Toast with too much Peanut Butter...its Saturated with Oil and Falls Face down everytime Wallstreet drops it...
nobody cares if it is accurate...but every hick will associate your simplification as genius because they already associate Economy with Falling and Oil. Hell just like don't have to offer any suggestions on how to correct the just have to sound "Folksy Smart".
Well I don't mean he should just say,"Trust me" and nothing else. It should be more like, "You can trust me that I will be able to lead the country from day one and be able to handle anything that may arise because I've been a leader all my life." I find Mitt's level of debate very convincing and easy to understand. I think he's an excellent communicator but shouldn't try to be Huckabee. People expect him to be more dignified and above that. I believe he needs to continue to look and act presidential, not like Earl down at the barbershop. I see what you're saying though because Perot used to talk about the giant, sucking sound. His talking about the same old people switching chairs isn't really grabbing me. He needs some phrases that really connect.
Oh my word. It is so sad, but so entirely true, that we are electing our leaders based on how they look/if they make us feel the little tinglies when they talk about stupid metaphors. Mitt by FAR is the best candidate on actual substance- on any given issue I can tell you exactly where he stands and what he plans to do about it. Anyone else? Nope. Maybe on their stump subjects, such as the war on terror for McCain or social issues for the Huckster, but only Romney has offered good, reasonable solutions to a wide variety of topics. But does the general public care? Not at all. All they see is "oh he made a lot of money, he must be a bad guy because profits are a bad thing, he should have given it all to the poor" blah blah blah. All they see is his polished, professional attitude and say "Looks like a corporate dude." Which is EXACTLY RIGHT. And dang it we NEED THAT in Washington. Someone with intelligence and leadership in a wide variety of areas. AND- unfortunately- someone who can look dumb enough to appeal to the common man. So, good luck, Mitt- I hope you win, and will pray for your success. But man sakes, if people fall for Hillary or the Huckster, we are in trouble as a nation.
A lot of our fine readers here at MMM think I have somehow lost faith in Mitt, or I need to pull it together. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am being honest with my opinion of why things shaped up the way they did, and what needs to be done. And frankly I think it’s constructive. If we can't be honest and thoughtful about the strategy and tactics, we won't win in Iowa.
I was an orchestral musician for a large chunk of my life. I had some big disappointment, not the least of which was a left hand injury, leaving me unable to play for quite a while that led to my changing career directions. But I did about 15-20 professional auditions with major orchestra. I know what failure is.
When I was doing the audition circuit (which I did very well with), I never blamed a lost audition on the other candidates, the audition committee or my instrument. Generally the first thing I would do after loosing was call my wife to rally my spirits, than start thinking about what went wrong and what went right, and try and pinpoint why the committee cut me. There were some hard loses, but I eventually started to win some spots, including some great opportunities with the St. Louis Symphony and the Chicago Symphony Orchestras.
I am sure Mitt is of the same mindset.
Trust me, no one wants Mitt to loose Michigan. I want him to win, and I think he can. And I will be there, covering it and helping just like I did with Iowa. There is no shame in self-assessment, and there is no winning in a bad strategy.
Now, it’s time to look forward and tell the people of Michigan why Mitt is the best.
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Mitt will jump now big time into the economy. Michigan and recession fears of the last few days are lined up perfectly. Make that move Mitt! Do a Humphrey! Gobs and gobs of jobs jobs jobs! Get those Reagan Democrats energized! Do it baby!
Just don't expect a win in Michigan Jason. I think that it is McCain's to lose right now. What we can expect is a strong second from Mitt. If Giuliani can sit out all of the primaries until Florida, Mitt is not hurt by competing and getting his message out there and pulling in substantial portions of each electorate. This thing isn't over until after February 5th.
What Mitt has going for him is the Giuliani national strategy, plus strong finishes in all of the early contests, something Giuliani lacks.
I'm afraid if Mitt wants to win Michigan, he's gonna have to act like a Democrat, which means make outlandish promises on how to subsidize the economy in Michigan by creating a government program that trains for Technology Jobs and states that Big Companies will move to Michigan to work with all the newly trained technologists...
Why not right? I mean who really needs things like principles...(that there is sarcasm) the fact is Romney can't win Michigan, he's got a better chance at winning Nevada and taking "silver" or "bronze" in Michigan.
Huck and McCain are represented by ignorant voters, yet for some reason these ignorant voters have an itchin' this political season to feel self important and show up at a caucus/primary.
I don't blame the candidates, I blame the mass amounts of unlikely caucus/primary goers that believe everything they're told by the MSM or other Candidates. This is why the negative ads came back on Romney...they weren't negative...but when they were labeled negative...that's when people began nodding their bobble heads as they read things like "Iowans and New Hampshire voters have usually punished campaigns for going negative in the past..."
The Huckster and McCain will eventually fall out from budget deficits as soon as Giuliani takes the stage again with the MSM and the free advertising for the twits comes to an end. This will happen after Super Tuesday of course.
If Romney wants to pull this off...Romney has to become identified as "Multiple Mitt" Economic Genius, Family Man, Freedom Lover!
He's done this...but he hasn't put to bed the argument that he's multi faced not multi-faceted.
Where the hell are those marketing guys that can come up with buzz words that describe these three things? The "Stool" analogy everytime its mentioned reminds me of poop. Let's give it a different name, something that every american can identify with.
I support the end...but let's face it...Mitt has to become a candidate of Style and put his Substance on the Shelf...nobody needs to know what he uses in the Kitchen, they just want to know what's on the dinner table.
Maybe that's one too many metaphors/analogies...I'm just sayin'...heheh
Here’s my final analysis of Iowa and New Hampshire. It’s pretty simple, but then again, I’m a fairly simple guy.
Losing sucks.
In case you didn’t notice, I don’t do nuance.
The way I see this campaign, it’s a lot like a football game. There is very little time to reflect on the last play – successful or not – because once the whistle blows there’s only a few seconds before you have to get the next play off. Ready or not, that big, bad, ugly lineman across from you is going to come at you with everything he has. He’s not going to care about how you feel or whether or not you think the he cheap-shotted you on the last play.
I fully agree with Jason’s assessment of the campaign as it sits right now. There’s some serious realignment needing to be done at Team Mitt. As to how that shake up is done, I’ll leave that to Mitt. Turning organizations around on a dime is what he does best. If this inside tip reported in the Seattle Times is any indication, Mitt is already working that problem.
Were Mitt to ask me my opinion, and at this writing he hasn’t, I’d suggest this strategy – again borrowing heavily on yet another football analogy. What can I say? I write what I know.
This battle will be fought and won on perception. In the 1992 campaign, the Clinton machine ran one of the most successful spin operations in modern political history. The “War Room” ran on a 24/7 basis and was famous for responding to every single statement Bush 41 made – no matter how insignificant it was. The Carville/Begala model was directly responsible for Bill Clinton’s election because they owned the news cycle – therefore they owned the perception market.
Mitt needs a War Room. In the coming weeks he’ll be fighting a two-front war against McCain and Huckabee. Both of those guys are and will continue to be dependant on the MSM to get their message out. This is a reality brought on by their financial situation. They will therefore put themselves in as many public appearances as possible.
When defending against a team running an option offense, the generally accepted rule for defensive lineman is that the quarterback hits the ground on every play – regardless as to whether or not he has the ball. This same strategy can and must be used against McCain and Huckabee. Every speech they give, every statement they make, every off handed comment they give a passing waitress must be used against them at every opportunity.
In short, every time they take the stage they need to be worried about what the Mitt War Room is going to do with their words. I’m not saying the Clinton model of personal destruction needs to be followed. If Iowa and New Hampshire taught us nothing it was that negative and/or comparison ads don’t work all that well. The Mitt War Room needs to be relentlessly positive in staking out Mitt’s territory and highlighting his strengths and accomplishments as opposed to the wishful rhetoric of his opponents.
Politics is a contact sport. Frankly, it’s time to start playing offense.
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Not likin' your comments but it did give me a good idea. Mitt is not bound by financial hardship like his opponents, he could get around MSM which clearly has an opposing agenda. He's got looks, so does the wife, they should go on a shopping spree, dress up in new duds, and play up the matinee image too. America can't RESIST celebrity, image, beautiful people. Less substance, more flash.
This is turning out to be a dumb post so I will stop myself.
I think you can expect that Romney will remain the guy to attack at the next debate in South Carolina. Whether they go negative, or simply try and distinguish themselves from Mitt, I think that McCain, and to a lesser extent, Huckabee, will still see him as the prime target. McCain for Michigan, and Huckabee, to a lesser extent, South Carolina.
I would really like to see Fred Thompson go after Huckabee though.
A 360° is a business term that denotes a post-project assessment. Whether your building a website, launching a product, or rolling out an partnership you always take a moment after a milestone to take a look at where you've been and evaluate where you are going. A 360° takes feedback from every player on the team and invites serious scrutiny from other players involved as well.
The Romney camp actually does this kind of evaluation on a regular basis. I have no doubt they will be doing a BIG 360° this week.
If I were invited to the session here's what I would say:
First, the Iowa "delta" (or the negative column):
We ran a great campaign there but its hard to justify the ROI.
We had three problems it seems. Time, scope and format.
The Huckabee surge came with precious little time left on the clock.
It was too late in the game to change things once Christmas came along
Negative ads then looked like desperation.
The scope of the candidates left little room for error
The format of the caucuses didn't particularly favor organizational prowess.
Next, the Iowa positive column:
We got the vote out as best as can be expected. A 30,000 GOTV result is a success by any measure.
No where on God's green earth is there another place where 60% of the electorate are Evangelical Christians.
As evidenced in New Hampshire, Huckabee will probably not win the nomination.
Thompson came in 3rd and McCain in 4th - that's good news.
Second, New Hampshire, "delta".
Like everyone else in the world, we thought Obama would win. We thought he would draw out the independent vote in New Hampshire away from McCain. It didn't happen.
The Romney camp was hoping for under 30% of the vote to go GOP. 37% turned out instead (which is about the margin of victory for McCain).
I thought that organizational prowess would help again. But I think Romney had a difficult time finding a natural base to turn out.
Did the negative ads hurt us? I'm not convinced. While 60% of the McCain voters thought Romney ran the most unfair campaign, 60% of Romney voters thought the same thing about McCain.
New Hampshire positive column:
With the New Hampshire "place" we have more delegate votes than any other candidate
We kept it close which is good. A blowout would have been very bad.
Mitt should evaluate the "contrast" ads, but this may not be the culprit.
Overall, we are not where we wanted to be. We have to own up to it. But we're certainly not down and out. The theory behind the early state victories was to leapfrog Rudy. It turns out that strategy might have been overplayed. We have a bit of egg on our face for pushing it heavy but adjusting strategy is nothing to shy away from.
Well, there’s no question but that our message continues to be the same message, and it’s a powerful and connecting message. What’s happened that’s quite different is that we were anticipating that we had to win the first two primaries to go up against Rudy Giuliani, who was way ahead in the national polls, and who would have a commanding lead in Florida. Well, now Rudy Giuliani’s no longer in the lead in the national polls, and it looks like he’s number four or number three in Florida. So the whole world is different than we thought, and it’s much more of an open process than we’d expected with at least three and maybe more Republicans all vying for votes. And I think it’s anybody’s guess as to exactly how this is going to turn out.
Now, the new strategy kick off with a win in Michigan, a good showing in South Carolina and a strong finish in Florida.
My optimism is dampened but I noticed that Mitt's is not. I'll take his lead anytime. For now, keep in mind this graphic depicting the number of delegates earned thus far:
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Most people aren't paying as close attention as we are. Their impressions are extremely susceptible to the media's narrative. On the issues, Romney was CLEARLY the superior conservative candidate.
Although he had the endorsement of NR, it was diluted by Byron York, Derb, Goldberg, Frum JPOD etc. Romney's hard work and money, could not overcome the strong liberal New England newspaper and TV media, the NYT, Fox News, the MSM, David Brooks, Dick Morris. Who had the media advantage? The difference is, Romney had to pay for his, while Huck and McCain got theirs free. If my choice in Nov. is either Huck or McCain, I stay home or vote for Obama!
I don't see how decreased turnout would have helped Romney. Exit polls showed that McCain beat Romney among registered Republicans. In any event, Michigan looks to be a battle. Too bad there has been virtually no Michigan polling released this last month so we really have no idea where things stand there.
Is it not possible that Mitt's front loading spending is actually paying off across the board?
Mitt has an uphill battle with the first states having open primaries. He is the only candidate that sounds like a conservative, which hurts him in these states because of opposition shenanigans. Can't we stay the course - because his opposition ads make a lot of sense to mainstream conservatives.
Conservativism is nothing to be ashamed of - proclaim it for the sake of our country and the little guy.
I for one would rather lose the white house, gain congress in 2010, then put up with another RINO.
My advice to Romney is to stop sounding like Barack with "CHANGE". Focus on conservative values and proven track record. And for God Sakes stop talking about his hair, silver and gold medals.
Two things: I agree Mitt should reach out to dems in Michigan. Though he's a conservative he should be able to sell his credentials about getting american jobs back better than McCain or Huck.
Second, we need to analyze why Mitt lost early leads in IA and NH. Something permitted that to happen. You can say it was a groundswell of support at the wrong bime, but the question is why was there a groundswell? Perhaps it was because Huck and McCain had natural constituencies in those states. But maybe it was all the ads, and the negative ones to boot. I think some contrast is appropriate but it's easier to sell yourself than to un-sell someone else.
I don't believe that Mitt's negative/comparative ads were the problem in themselves. The problem was that Huckabee and McCain whinned like little girls about it and the media created a "story line" of the negative and dirty Romney. Heck in the Fox debate Sunday Wallace spent a great deal of time asking Romney about his "negative ads". But little media time is spent on the negative attitudes of McCain or Huckabee. The media can create narratives; and they have created one of Mitt as a negative guy.
I was speaking to a McCain fundraiser last night. He expects McCain to win in Michigan. he won there in 2000. He also says he expects Mitt will win the whole thing though. He says its the guy with the oganization who usually wins in the end. He pointed to Bush as his prime example.
Just thought I would tell you that I think we shouldn't focus too much on a win in Michigan. There is a real good chance McCain is going to win there. That doesn't mean Mitt can't win overall.
Outlasting everyone else is the key.
Finally, Mitt's "negative" ads against Huckabee informed the wider public as to his liberal positions on criminals and the economy. Without those ads, Huckabee may very well have been a stronger player now.
There comes a time where we need to accurately assess where things are, and tonight is the night where I do that.
I have tried my best to not post anything I don’t honestly believe. I will tell you right now, upfront, that Romney is the best candidate we have to occupy the White House. I truly think he would be able to solve so many of our nations problems, and frankly restore a lot of confidence in our nation.
But things didn’t work out so well the last week or two. He lost Iowa, where he had a huge lead, and he lost New Hampshire where he had a huge lead. Any honest person who supports Mitt Romney should take the time to ask why this happened.
Frankly, Romney lost Iowa and New Hampshire due to negative ads. I am sure there were dissenting voices in the campaign, but frankly Romney is the executive, and he made an executive mistake. And it cost him what was a clear path to the nomination. I don’t hold it against Romney, one bit. He is governor, with no experience (to his credit) on the national stage. A mistake like this was not too improbable. But when you have a stack of accusations against you and have been effectively painted a flip flopper by the opposition, pointing fingers just doesn’t get you anywhere. Well it does, it takes you south in the polls.
I don’t think this is news to Mitt. Not at all. This last weekend Romney hit his stride, the same one he had back in the spring and summer, optimistic and confident. A knowledgeable Mr. Fixit.
Romney isn’t done. New Hampshire wasn’t his swansong, but it could be his penultimate measure. If he wants to win Michigan, albeit with slim prospects ahead of him, he needs to realize those facts. He can win, but it will be with tough medicine. If I was the consultant, here’s the prescription I would give to Mitt:
Staff shakeup. Fire the people with the bad advice, the poor performers. Send a message you aren’t afraid to make big changes that are painful.
It’s the Economy Mitt. Michigan is in a one state economic disaster that our whole nation faces. No other candidate has the credentials you do. You need to show optimism and knowledge and a powerful plan. We don’t need the power point, just the spirit of economic leadership, competence and passion that you showed us on Saturday night.
Reach out to MI Dems. Trust me, they are hardest hit by the economic woes in Michigan. They want their jobs more than the Maverick. If you give them a reason, they will vote for you.
Michigan Dems bear the brunt of lost jobs in the auto industry because they are the union workers who, when out of a job, end up foreclosing, and working as a night janitor. All the MBA’s without a job have moved to other states to make their money by now. You have two crowds to win: Union Democrats and the MBA’s who don’t want to loose their Ford employee discount. They are your vote, not Gary Glenn.
If Mitt takes this prescription, he can win Michigan. If he wins there, he will still be a viable choice in the minds of voters having beat the two guys he just lost to. He can then win Nevada, place a strong second in SC and probably win Florida. At that point he would be the front-runner.
If Mitt doesn’t win Michigan he needs a very strong second and a win in Nevada, then a strong second in South Carolina and hope for the best in Florida. He might shake it out at that point.
If he doesn’t win Michigan or Nevada, well I am afraid I see no viable alternative. He would be smart at that point to drop out, make a huge show of it, put his weight behind McCain and bargain for a top speaking spot at the GOP convention. He then should campaign his butt off for McCain. If by some odd twist of fate McCain offers him VP, he should turn it down. After all Mitt’s an executive, not an order taker from a crusty sea captain. Then the day McCain loses in November (he will), he should begin his 2012 campaign by doing these things:
Work tirelessly for the GOP. Campaign for candidates in all 50 states.
Work like a banshee for pro-life causes.
Write a foreign policy book and try to broker some peace deal or something
Do some assesing and restore the Mitt brand
Mitt there's a fork in the road, you need to grab it.
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I really think Mitt had no choice but to go negative in Iowa. The media was completely propping up Huckabee and nobody was hearing about his many flaws as a candidate. It was just too little, too late. There was no way Mitt was going to beat a heavily propped up Huckabee in Iowa. However, I agree going negative in New Hampshire was a mistake. Mitt has let his opponents and a hostile media define him. What exactly he could have done about it, I'm not sure. I think Mitt still has hope for a strong second in Michigan (I'd say third if not for the baffling situation of Dems being allowed to vote in the Republican primary, especially when they are not having a primary of their own in that state) and a win in Nevada. I think he might be better off skipping ultra-negative, anti-Mormon South Carolina and let Huckabee and McCain turn on eachother while he goes toe-to-toe with Rudy in Florida.
Where are the negative adds? Can I see them online? I keep hearing about these negative adds but nothing I have seen is bad. Are candidates not allowed to debate positions and explain why one position is better than the other? I just don't get this negative add thing.
Second, who are the under-performers he would fire? He's been beaten by two one-trick ponies. The huge lead was before the ponies showed their tricks. I say second places clear until super-Tuesday is fine. Win a third of the super-Tuesday states and clean up after that.
Let the one trick ponies play their tricks and trust the Reagan coalition to come through. If after super-Tuesday Mitt is not at least second in the delegates, then drop out. Otherwise, stay in until the finish.
And for God's sake, don't give up on the adds. It's not like he's contrasting from the left, he's "going negative" from the right. On issues the electorate care about. The Sunday debate in NH was nothing other than a "negative" add live as Mitt contrasted his positions against all the other candidates.
I think it's worth saying that right now liberals are determining the GOP nominee. Romney won the conservative vote in New Hampshire, for instance, and still finished in second.
But this could just get worse in Michigan. Michigan allows its voters to vote however they want--Republican---Democrat. Whatever. Well, the Democrats decided to completely pull out of Michigan after they moved their primary up. The problem? Pretty much only Hillary is on their ballot and no delegates are up for grabs. There has been some talk of writing in None of the Above in efforts to embarrass Hillary (having her lose to None of the Above), but what's worse, all the independents and all the Democrats are free to vote in the Republican Primary.
I'm not sure if I know exactly what that's going to mean, but you could see Democrats piling on voting for their "Glass Jaw," for instance. Or independents who would normally be voting for Obama voting for McCain.
With all that foreboding, I like Romney's odds in Nevada. The state is 44% Catholic and 12% Mormon. This ain't Huckabee country. And it's also a border-type state, making it far less friendly to McCain. Only Romney and Giuliani have been actively campaigning here.
I think Romney needs to make sure he wins Nevada. It would take some of the luster off South Carolina AND it has more delegates.
Negative ads are not to blame for Iowa. Evangelical support for Huckabee just couldn't be stopped by a Mormon. Believe me if Romney wasn't a mormon he would have won Iowa.
New Hampshire was a big loss to Romney, but I think he lost to McCain because McCain branded himself as a man of integrity.
Your Michigan approach is spot on, however, the MLK march thing is going to come back big...
The problem isn't with the candidate, its not with his organization, although the negative ads in New Hampshire just gave McCain more integrity clout...the problem is America is simply not ready for an intelligent candidate.
I think your assessment with dropping out after disappointments in Michigan, Nevada, and Florida are incorrect...I think he should burn it out and go as far as he can, without adding his own bank.
Let's face it, the Mormon issue is a real issue, but not as big as the name recognition issue. I've got the formula for Mitt to be the nominee in 2012.
Mitt is a 2012 candidate, just like Reagan was a 1980 candidate in '76. The american people have to go through a heck of a lot more of the awful stuff before they realize they need someone like Mitt.
Luckily for me, I am an “honest person who supports Mitt Romney,” but I’m also emotionally stable enough to handle the ups and downs of the primary season without taking it out on my candidate.
I also have enough respect for him and what he has accomplished up to this point in his campaign (and life) to trust that he knows exactly what he is doing, how to assess what has or has not been effective and in turn what to do going forward.
Lastly, Mitt did not run negative ads. They were, are and will continue to be comparative ads.
Pull yourself together; I think panic is setting in.
I agree, to an extent... I think it would have better approach to inply that Huckabee is an idiot directly, without coming across as being negative. Saying something like this "We need somebody in washington that knows how to read an income statement", obviously infering that Huck's a hick with no knowledge of economics, etc.
McCain won in NH due to the sympathetic war hero vote.If immigration and the economy are the top two issues it makes no sense at all to vote for McCain. Last night was a huge win for the illegal crowd. I've already read 4 articles this morning that promote Huck and McCain in Mich.for different reasons.
I agree Mitt needs to shake his staff up. His inner circle think too much alike and are out of touch with voters concerns. Mitts slide started with his MTP appearance. I don't know who if anybody advised him to to say what he did on there but it was horrible..Somehow he has to create a compelling reason to vote for him. If it was me advising him ,I'd start attacking the Dems. Washinton needs checks an balances.We can't trust the Dems with all 3 branches of government. They'll spend 100's of billions of dollars down the liberal agenda rathole.The liberals have been in charge of education and poverty for 40 years and they are both failures.The democrats don't represent real change,they are just going to expand old failed programs and taxpayers are going to feel the pain of their failure.
One last thing. I strongly disagree that if Mitt drops out he should back McCain. He should back Guliani. He's the best one to go toe to toe with Hillary and he puts big states in play.He can pick a strong pro-life guy as his running mate.
I believe that Mitt is our best chance to win in November. I do think we have a better chance against Hillary than Obama, but our chances are not good either way. Whoever we nominate and whoever is nominated by the dems it is essential that we fight hard to win under a united front. The problem is that we are so divided in this contest that it will be hard to unite. I myself am battling feelings of "I just don't care anymore." I've always vowed never to vote for a pro choice candidate. Can I break my vow now? It would be hard. I will never, never, never vote for Huckabee. He is poison as far as I'm concerned. He was my governor and I voted for him, but I will never cast another vote for him again. If he is our nominee the rest of you will have to get him elected, because there is no way I will. I know there are people out there that feel that way about Romney and each of the candidates, which is my point. Can we unite. But my hopes are still on Romney.
Methinks you folks need to listen to Mitt's "challenge" (as opposed to concession) speech again. It was exceptional. You also need to push back from those self-serving promoted weathercasters at FoxNews. They've ridiculed Mitt for the last 3 days and I'm royally pissed at them.
If I had the magic formula for helping Mitt win == I'd have given it to him months ago. I don't. But I believe in him. And your suggestion that he withdraw, support McVain yadayadayada is totally unacceptable.
If Mitt even comes close to withdrawing -- I'm turning my blog into a survival handbook.
Now let him lead, follow him or get the hell outta the way.
I've tried numerous times on numerous sites to get someone of influence to start a "generic" every-day-type-blogger blog list and network ---- no one's done it yet. Are we the only support group NOT to have this support-link????
Support John McCain????? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR That makes my skin crawl. AND
We share disappointment about last night, but it's primarily based on expectations. Mitt was the favorite in NH? Not really he spent a lot of time and money there, and MA is next door, but such things do not trump the much greater name recognition of JM. You and I may be familiar with Mitt, but the average voter is not; nor are they familiar yet with the horrid policy aspects of JM.
Moreover, I disagree with you assessment. Hugh Hewitt's assessment, about Independents flipping strategically to McCain, and this being a momentum-less race is a lot closer to the mark.
Mitt lost by 5%, now has the most delegates, and as he sweetly puts it, the most "medals."
Michigan will be more telling than NH. And while MI has the same potential "independents strategically switching" dynamic, Obama not winning by 20% should neutralize that. A Mitt win in MI will be amazing; another strong second will be plenty good.
In any case, I salute you for this blog, and, chin up!
I agree with bigmo. Mitt is the only candidate who is trying to heavily contest every state. I think there's no way he wins SC; it's too much like IA. Make it known you're not trying too hard there and go to FL! They are more receptive.
I don't think Mitt is going to drop out. If he does, I REALLY don't think he would endorse McCain. Maybe Fred if he wins SC, but more likely Rudy. But not McCain or Huckabee.
The negatives are needed to stop media driven advances by Mitt's opponents. They worked. Mitt stopped them from running away with it and then he began to advance steadily. They - together with the late positives - worked perfectly. That's how Mitt states his case. How anyone does. It's a rational approach. Act 2 is a re-play of Act One. Mitt will emerge again as the logical winner. This time with delegates!
I agree Romney needs at least one more Gold, while continuing to do no worse than silver to stay in this race.
Throw his weight behind McCain?????? Absolutely no way!!!!!! Romney's only reason to throw support to McCain would be that McCain will be a one-term president (retire @ age 76) where Romney could make another run in 2012.
Rudy's main strike against him is is pro-choice, anti-traditional marriage positions. However, I'm much more willing to take Rudy's word for it that he will suppress those views as president than I am to nominate a "tax & spend / amnesty" candidate like McCain. McCain-Kennedy really pissed me (and the GOP) off...he won't get my vote under any circumstances.
I'd be very disappointed in Romney if he ever endorsed McCain (or Huck for that matter)...Romney would lose a lot of credibility.
I can't believe anyone here is even TALKING about who Mitt should throw his support behind when he loses!!! We're talking about Mitt here. Did anyone even read Turnaround? If anyone can turn this thing around, it's our guy. I say we stop talking about who Mitt should support, and start supporting him - make phone calls, send money, get out to the caucus, and post comments whenever and whevever you can.
This analysis is wrong. It has some good elements, but the problem is that you are lost in the trees and can't see the forest.
First, NH is a liberal state. McCain is a liberal republican and Romney is a conservative republican. Observe that Barak Obama lost -- which means that his Iowa landslide most likely caused liberal independents who would otherwise supported him to vote for McCain because they felt Obama was bulletproof coming into NH. This is most compelling reason Romney lost.
Moreover, keep in mind that the liberals would like nothing more than to make it seem that the conservatives are not supported in their own party. They have a motivation to work hard to get Huckabee and McCain votes because both candidates are liberal.
It stands to reason that Romney has a difficult time carrying liberal NH, even when he had an early lead because he is the conservative candidate. A lead doesn't mean anything (in Romney's case Iowa and NH) until there is some serious competition and people start paying attention.
Second, the negative ads haven't hurt Romney. There is no evidence to buoy up this hypothesis. In Iowa he over-performed, obviously this is not indicative of being hurt by negative ads. It just so happens that Huckabee did a better job of motivating his base to vote. In NH, he lost a liberal state to a liberal republican, and still performed at about the expected level. Until I see proof positive that (1) the ads were really negative and (2) they somehow lost him votes he would have otherwise gained because of them, I don't believe they hurt him.
Does anybody reasonably believe that McCain will be the nominee? He is wrong socially and he is wrong economically. Don't write off Guiliani yet. He still commands leads in many states and has more or less sat back, saving his money and letting the other contenders inflict damage on each other. He is Romney's biggest competition, along with Thompson (even doing as poorly as he has in the first two contests). McCain has $$, but isn't likable and is not viable in most states that don't have a liberal electorate like NH, especially in the Republican party.
Iowa and NH in the end are strange beasts that are not representative of the national conservative consensus as a whole. Romney has received great focus lately, which is what he needs to win in the end (i.e., name recognition). People don't know him nationally, and therefore he hasn't polled too great nationally. But he has the right momentum going into states where conservatives (true conservatives) are going to be voting without liberal independents (NH), and weird voting confounding the results.
Moreover, make no mistake that Huckabee can't compete with the under 3M he has. At some point, he will not be able to counter the ads run against him unless he raises a lot of money fast.
I think you need to be careful as co-chair for Mitt's Michigan campaign what you write. Whether you are aware or not, your comments were completely mischaracterized by (See SunlitUpstate comment on front page). This is a dog fight down here and it hasn't played well that Mitt pulled his ads. The media misses the big key to SC - the Bob Jones University crowd. This group defeated McCain in 2000 and they could hand Mitt a major victory next Saturday if he can get passed Michigan. You should respond to this blogger on - it would be helpful.
Well, we learned tonight that fighting a two front war is really as difficult as the military strategists tell us. Having said that, Romney appears to be coming in a strong second in New Hampshire, following his strong second in Iowa and his clear victory in Wyoming.
Word from NH is that Romney called John McCain around 8:15 to congratulate him. Now, the race goes on...
After today, Romney should be ahead in the national delegate count, if I am not mistaken.
In addition, Romney should also be ahead in the popular vote, in that more people will have cast ballots for him than any other candidate. That is a pretty darn good position to be in.
Also, Romney seems to be winning the Republican vote in New Hampshire. A lot of independants voted for McCain. Members of our Republican Party, prefer Romney to McCain.
Of course, there will be folks in the media who have tried to create a story by saying Mitt's is somehow out of the race if he doesn't beat McCain in New Hampshire. That is clearly not the case. To say the guy who is winning on those two measures is out, would be like walking down the streets of Baghdad during a period of increased violence in Iraq with a military convoy and claiming it was a safe place anyone could walk around freely in.
At the end of the day, the person with the most delegates is going to win this thing. I would rather have more delegates than win a particular state that has a crush on me.
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Looks to me like Obama supporters got overconfident about his numbers and switched to McCain. I guess it cost them and us, but like you said, on to Michigan. Romney can still win this.
Yes!!! GO MITT GO!!! Who do we need? Mitt! Who do we Want? Romney! Mitt Romney 08! GO! GO! GO! Does any one else like that cheer above. I was bored and got really creative. Maybe its time we supporters of Mitt Start taking to street corners to get recognition of Our favorite candidate. We will remain optimistic even if the lose is a little disappointing.
The MSM is toying with us (as always) with all this "Mitt is going to Drop" stuff. But what's the surprise there? The results from NH are disappointing, yes, but what is with all this hype about Iowa and New Hampshire? Kerry may have been picked in Iowa last year, but why should 2 states make all the difference? Answer: they don't. The point of caucuses/primaries is to give the people a say, which they wouldn't have if there was only a convention. And if I am not mistaken, Iowa and New Hampshire do not account for the majority of the population! 2008 is very different from 2004. This race is going to continue (same with the race on the Democratic side). And I agree with David, Mitt's 2nd place finishes are definitely getting me fired up about Mitt's campaign in a way that wouldn't have happened had he won Iowa.
Mitt has the most delegates and he is by far the best canidate, now all of us need to do all we can to help him win in Michigan because we NEED a win there! We can do this people, mittheads unite!
No, its more like being Saddam Husein's public relations man the day the American's entered Baghdad claiming that there are no American's here while a US amored vehicle drives past....
Did anyone see the Concession Speech Mitt gave? It was awesome, and it was covered in its entirety on MSNBC. It turned into an EXCELLENT 5 minute infomercial/ad, free and nationwide. It may seem odd, but I think this could really help him throughout the country. McCain's speech by contrast was a big dud. America will wake up to this. Go MITT.
I'm still so solid in thinking Romney will be the nominee. But I can see where this is going, he will have to earn it state by tedious state. So be it!!! Count me in, conservatives and nerdy numbers wonks unite! The only consistent theme throughout these crazy primaries has been. . ..Mitt ROMNEY!
No one is denying that there's a long road ahead, but right now the Republican nomination is up for grabs. No one is the front runner. Saying "Romney is done" without giving logical explanations for your opinion is ridiculous and, frankly, lame.
A note about the delegate count I just posted from CNN. Their numbers seem to include some estimates for contests that haven't yet happened. But even when those are taken out, Romney is in the lead:
Mitt won twice as many delegates in Wyoming as McCain did in New Hampshire. 12 delegates picked mainly by independents should not have much impact on the Republican primary. Let's hope voters realize that.
Watching MSNBC (during class no less), they have been flashing a graphic saying that 51% of Republican voters (taken from exit polls) are either angry or dissatisfied at the Bush administration (I assume that this encompasses Washington generally, since Bush is not a monarch). I think MSNBC displays that graphic mostly to embarass the Bush administration. Regardless, it would logically follow that these voters are seeking something different in a president.
The choice for New Hampshire voters, then, is between a Washington fixture for the last 25 years or a former businessman and Governor who has brought conservative change to even liberal establishments.
The choice would seem clear to me, but I figured this out almost two years ago.
Rush spoke about the race earlier. Here are some excerpts: "Now they're saying if Romney finishes second, he's finished. How can that be? How can coming in second in the first two states finish somebody? If he comes in second, it may disappoint some people, but it also means that in these two states he's the only Republican to win high spots in both. The idea that anybody's finished after New Hampshire and Iowa is absurd. It's Drive-By Media spin designed to dispirit and depress people. They're out there saying, "Where does Romney go after New Hampshire?" Where do any of them go? It's wide open! They go on to the next primary! South Carolina and Michigan. That's where they go. For the Beltway crowd -- not just the media, but for people that live and work inside the Beltway -- to make conclusive statements about who's going to win and who won't based on all this -- two states -- is nuts, at least as far as the Republicans are concerned. There is no one candidate that has any front-runner momentum right now at all on the Republican side."
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I believe the media thinks the average American person is an idiot and unable to think for themselves. They are simply trying to pull the wool over our eyes. It won't work. We are too well read and up on the issues in this day and age. We know that if Mitt Romney places 2nd today, he will be way ahead in electoral votes. They are doing all they can to keep him from winning but he will win in spite of the media.
Romney will probably win in Michigan and do well in South Carolina, meaning he will be the only candidate to do well in all of these contests. He doesn't have such a regional appeal as Huckabee - he is the true national candidate.
Jason B. reported this morning strong confidence in the Romney camp
“M”, my Iowa friend now on the ground in New Hampshire is very cautious. He says it will be tight. Lots of volunteers. Lots of door knocking. Lots of phone calls. One small sample showed Romney with 35% (repeat, small sample).
"Scooter" tells me everyone is cautious right now. No one is certain what exactly will happen.
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You know it's nice to see a lot of sober reasons to vote for Mitt and I agree with all of them. What's unsettling in all this is it seems that you are better off being a pop culture figure than a quality candidate. Every name brand conservative you can think of has to one degree or another whacked McCain and the Huckster for all the well known reasons and it doesn't seem to matter.The MSM is systematically brainwashing people into voting for their latest rock star aura and we're going to wind up with a horrible President because of it.
The other subtext here which is even more distressing is that the red media seems to be losing ground it had picked up over the past 10 years and the MSM has regained it's influnence over the average voter who is too lazy to really examine issues and jump on someone's bandwagon. Why would one group of people vote enmasse for a young Obama and another vote for an old man like McCain who has never accomplished anything and is simply cashing in on the war hero narrative.
Now we'll be headed to SC where Huck seems to be way ahead.The question is why. Is he the best person to lead the country or are people that impressed with a guitar playing Henny Youngman wannabee. Has the usually sober conservative voter lost it's soul?Talk about a flip flop now Huck wants to repeal the anchor baby amendment when a year ago he was trying to rent the Mexican Condsolute in Ark. for $1 a years rent.No accusation of him being a racist or immigrant basher. Why? The media wants him around to stop Mitt in SC.
Remember, I will post your thoughts either on why you voted for Mitt or what's going on on the ground there in New Hampshire. Email us at
Reader Matthew from Nashua writes:
Dear New Hampshire,
Join me today at the polls and let's support a TRUE REPUBLICAN, Gov. Mitt Romney. He's got the goods ... proven executive leadership, brains, business know-how, charisma, strong values, and a contagious optimism about our country's future. He has a core understanding of how to keep America strong. He'll strengthen families and lower taxes, so we're all self reliant -- not reliant on the government. He'll get our military back to Reagan-era strength and give us the resources we need to defeat Islamic Jihad. He'll solve immigration. He's a man of accomplishment and turns everything he touches to gold. He'll bring back luster and life to the Republican Party, and certainly to America's standing in the world.
I admit, Senator McCain brings some strengths to the table; certainly the skills to be a great Secretary of Defense. He's just not presidential...way too cantankerous a fellow to bring our country together. He's got his talents and guts, but he's too stubborn and abrasive, and with too much of a maverick liberal streak to be our president. Wrong on immigration, wrong to vote against the Bush tax cuts, wrong on the 1st Amendment (McCain/Feingold) ...and a personal pet peeve, he's gone a bit too far to hold up promotion and command of some very good officers in our Air Force. The list goes on and on. I know you're tempted to vote his way NH - I was pulling for him too in 2000 - but I've learned a lot since then. His time has past. Sen. McCain will let us down in November. He can't go the distance against the Democratic nominee.
Romney is the most gifted candidate in the bunch - Republican, Democrat, or Independent - and he's the best choice for America.
Reader Brenda in Florida writes why she supports Mitt:
I support Mitt Romney because he exemplifies all of the wonderful qualities that we have allowed to deteriorate in our country - responsibility, hard work, motivation, intelligence, faith, dignity, pride and self respect, dedication to family and willingness to devote time and money to charitable efforts.
As a result of those qualities, he has excelled in his personal life as husband, father and grandfather. In the private sector, he has been a very successful business man who has been responsible for employing many, many people and supporting their families.
Mitt Romney is a serious man who rightfully separates the insignificant from the impressive. He demonstrates a reasonable sense of humor but preserves the dignity and image necessary for the leader of the greatest nation in the world. He preserves the dignity of his faith and family by keeping those areas of his life discreetly personal and special.
In summary, Mitt Romney embodies all of those qualities necessary to lead our country through extremely serious and challenging times as well as times that present great opportunities for every american. There could be no better role model for every age group.
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If you are in New Hampshire, send us an email telling us either why you voted for Mitt Romney or any of the local happenings there. I will post what you've written.
If our supporters are fired up anything like they were last night (see this link: we'll be in great shape!
"The point is, as far as determining the outcome of this particular race, the possibility exists that New Hampshire will do little to nothing. There is no dispute that if John McCain wins New Hampshire it will be as a result of those “independent” voters and thus, the idea that this helps determine a Republican Nominee is absolutely ridiculous. After all, shouldn’t it be the Republicans that determine the Republican nominee?
Remember, Conservatives don’t like John McCain. Most Republicans don’t either. Don’t get me wrong. John McCain was an American Hero. He served honorably in Vietnam and was a Prisoner of War for several years. There was a time he had a chance to go home, but he refused because others couldn’t. He was tortured for his country and for that he was an American Hero. Our country owes him eternal respect and a debt of gratitude for that. However, since then his public service has been far less than stellar."
I go on to say:
"If McCain wins New Hampshire on the strength of the “independent vote”, what does that gain him? New Hampshire is not a winner-take-all primary state. In fact, only few states are “winner-take all”. If McCain were to win, then Romney would be a close second and still have the delegate lead. The numbers don’t lie. After three states, McCain would have fourth place, zero place, and first place finishes under his belt. Governor Romney would have second place, first place, and second place finishes under his belt, with Michigan and Nevada coming soon after, both states likely to go his way. Romney would then have a large share of the momentum.
If McCain doesn’t win NH, he has no path to victory and is dead in the water. If he does win New Hampshire, he’s still barely plodding along."
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I invited a few of the bloggers from the pro-Romney blogger community to share with us a short, personal endorsement of why they support Romney for President of the United States, focusing on their main reason or reasons. Here are their responses...
"[I was an undecided voter in the New Hampshire Primary until seeing Governor Romney at an Ask Mitt Anything event at the New Hampshire Institute of Art. He promised that anyone could ask anything, but said he may not be able to answer.] I thought his candor and his honesty were something I've missed in the leadership of this country. When I listen to Mitt Romney, I believe that he wants to serve his country because he wants to change it for the better and not because he's some kind of shameless opportunist."
"I believe Mitt Romney is a leader. I believe he can and will put the right people around him to get things done in Washington and I believe he will manage them effectively."
"I believe he is thoughtful man who is willing to listen to others, even if he doesn't agree with them."
"I believe that his business experience can help improve things like our Federal Budget, energy independence and the health care system in America."
"I believe that he wants to secure the borders of this nation to help ensure our sovereignty and, by doing so, also ensure our greatness as a society."
"I believe Mitt Romney can help make America great once again and I believe that Mitt Romney is the best choice for the next President of the United States of America."
"After Bush I wanted two things in a president: competence and communication skills. I went searching and I found those two things in Mitt Romney. Mitt's record turning around over 150 businesses, Mitt's record turning around a corrupt and bankrupt olympics with sponsors hopping ship every day into one of the most succesful Olympics to date, Mitt's record turning around a 3 billion dollar deficit in Massachusetts into a balanced budget and providing health care to all both without raising income taxes and while actually shrinking government during a recession make him hands down the most competent candidate in the race. Likewise, Romney's communication skills are excellent. His Religion in American Speech, debate performances, and handling of a hostile press showcase his impeccable ability to be a great communicator. For these and many other reasons, I support Mitt Romney for President in 2008!!"
"The War on Terrorism – Gov Romney called it a war against radical jihadists; not insurgents or criminals or some soft name. He clearly understands they are people bent on killing us and they are a real threat that needs to be dealt with. He understands the potential threat China can pose on both economic and military fronts. Being a member of the armed forces I was impressed that he is not to afraid to truly identify the enemy. In addition, when I heard him speak it isn't 'the Democrats this…' and 'the other party is bad at that…' He spoke of how great America is. He used stories from the Olympics, the Boy Scouts, people he has met around the U.S. It reminded me of Reagan, a leader who believed in the greatness of this country."
"Lastly, and this may seem strange if you don't have kids, but the way people treat our children gives insight into them. My son Benjamin ran right up to Gov Romney and hugged him right at the knees. Gov Romney took it in total stride and hugged him right back and gave him the 'Grandpa' pat on the back. You know that pat on the back that only loving granddads give there grandsons. Well, when I saw it and then found out he has 5 children; I couldn't think of a better family man to hold up as an example to the nation. Think about it, in a time where marriage is being defined in different ways and some youth have doubts about it all together, here is a man married to the same woman, who raised five children, and has a successful life."
"There are many reasons I am a supporter of Mitt Romney, but I will focus on one. The reason I choose Mitt over all the others, is because he's a do-er! He has proven over and over again that he likes to get in there and get things accomplished. He has a successful record of taking bad situations and turning them around. That's one reason he has my vote."
"I’ve been politically active and attentive for probably 20 years, and never before have I been as impressed with a candidate than for Mitt Romney. While I could point to numerous issues that I agree with him on, and perhaps one or two that I disagree with, it’s his capacity as a leader that sold me. I’ve studied leadership and organizations in business, non-profit, and religious settings and find that the closer I look, the more Mitt Romney embodies those qualities that I wish to develop over my lifetime."
"Rarely does someone come along with the talent, intellect, good-looks, family background, record of success, and integrity that I see in Mitt Romney. It’s not just that he’s probably the most-talented problem-solver in this generation, but that he combines that capacity with common sense, tact, and a down-to-earth persona. Some say that Bill Clinton was a great president, but the worst man as president. I believe that Mitt Romney will not only be a great president, but the best man we’ve had for president since Reagan."
"I support Governor Romney because he has achieved so much and had such a positive impact in business, at the Olympics, and in Massachusetts while at the same time keeping such an exemplary family life. If he can have half the impact on this country that he has had everywhere else, we'll be incredibly fortunate and America will be better off for it."
"I endorse Mitt Romney because he's connected personally with me to a degree that I wholeheartedly know he will fix a broken Washington. I've seen Romney at several events in Iowa and, contrary to the oft repeated mantra from the media, he DOES connect with people on a personal level. I've seen it with my own eyes, but, more importantly, I've felt it and personally experienced it. Mitt met me and my wife at an event in July of 2006. Fortunately, we had a chance to speak for several minutes. He spent all the time asking about us, our family, my job etc . . . and not trying to sell himself or boast of his accomplishments (a friend of mine who had several minutes of face-time with Bill Clinton said he had the complete opposite experience). Well, several months passed and, although I had been able to make it to a few more Mitt events, my wife hadn't seen him. When my wife was finally able to make it to a Romney event in our city, I wasn't able. Romney shook the hands around my wife's table, called my wife by name (no name tags), and, after finishing the table and preparing to move on to the next turned around and asked my wife, "Where's Jeff?" He not only remembered my wife's name after several months, but remembered that we were a family and noticed my absence. That is a rare gift, and Mitt Romney has it. That is the Mitt Romney I know, a man who cares for and connects with people like me."
"LEADERSHIP-The President of the United States should ideally have many attributes such as correct values and correct stands on the issues; which in my case are conservative issues. Mitt has these in his family, devotion to his beliefs, and in being a conservative on all three legs of the conservative movement. He is a social conservative, a military conservative and a fiscal conservative. Others may have these attributes, or some of them, but the job of a president is to be a leader of the most important government in the world and of course a mind boggling, huge organization. Mitt Romney's overwhelming successes in turning around serious problems for Bain Capital, The Winter Olympics and Massachusetts are what really stand out to me for a position that needs a leader. There are none better trained, experienced, and proven."
"Mitt Romney has been successful in every aspect of his life. He was successful in school, in his marriage, with his children, in the private sector, in the non-profit sector, and in government. He is the only candidate that embodies correct ideals pertaining to national security, illegal immigration, Israel, government spending, taxes, the economy, judicial activism, the War on Terror, the importance of family, and the role of faith in America."
"Mitt Romney is one of those candidates for President that come along once in a lifetime. In line with what the Founder's vision for what a statesman is, he is a person that could easily be doing something else in order increase his wealth. Instead, not concerned with increasing his wealth, he chose to come into public life in order to serve the American people."
"As President, Mitt Romney will keep us safe, protect our border, lower taxes, help create new jobs, jump start the economy, dramatically slash government spending and waste, promote government efficiency, and build pride in America again. He will be a strong President; not afraid to make the tough or unpopular decisions. Furthermore, as Reagan did, Mitt Romney will make the case for his policies and initiatives directly to the American people. He is simply the most qualified, trustworthy, capable, clear communicator, and honorable person competing for the office of the Presidency."
As a criminal prosecutor, I stand behind Mitt because he stood behind law enforcement as Governor. Governor Romney reformed the process for granting pardons and commutations in Massachusetts in order to ensure they were not granted for improper reasons. He consistently sided with the jury, with the hard working law enforcement personnel, and most importantly, with the victims of crime by refusing to grant pardons where there was no evidence of defect in the conviction. Further, Governor Romney gave law enforcement the tools they needed by seeking to reintroduce the death penalty, increase penalties for offenders, and allowing state troopers to be trained in enforcement of immigration law. I know Mitt Romney will protect our country and stand up for the law abiding taxpayers of this country, instead of the people who prey upon the innocent and terrorize our country, whether those threats are at home, or abroad.
I'll tell you the reason why I support Mitt Romney, and you should too.
There was a time in my life that I was against the Olympics. I mean REALLY against the Olympics. The Salt Lake Olympics in particular. I did not want them to come to my home town. To me it was the end of the world. It was my overriding concern to prevent the Olympics from coming to Utah. I went as far as to make signs, sign petitions, attend City Council meetings and even GASP... make bumper stickers. I was what you would call, an activist. My efforts were futile of course, but it gave my young idealistic passions something to rail against. I had my reasons; environmental, social, economic and other nebulous concerns; but I mostly thought the Olympics were corrupt. Of course I has no proof, just a vague feeling. And here is the irony, I WAS RIGHT. As it turns out Salt Lake had bribed members of the IOC for the games. The whole thing was a mess. Budgets were going way into the red, construction projects were way behind and the whole movement had lost the support of the community. I had never felt so vindicated in my life. There were serious calls to pull out of the Olympics. But then something happened; they got this guy Mitt Romney to come and run the Olympics. Well, by the time the Olympics actually came around, not only was I an enthusiastic supporter of the Olympics, I was WORKING FOR THEM. It turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to this city, and one of the best experiences in my life. The Olympics were a great success and finished with a large profit. At some point all of my objections, worries, and concerns; my activism, started to seem petty, and judging by how this community reacted, I was not the only one. I would have not have said it at the time, but looking back, this change in attitude, this transformation, really was because of the leadership of Mitt Romney.
Lets analogize this to modern times. We have a Republican party that is in complete scandal ridden disarray run by people who have lost sight of its ideals, not unlike the Olympic movement in our city long ago. Put Romney in charge and he will fix the Republican Party. Now take a look at the whole country. We are fighting a war with ourselves just as much as we are fighting a war in Iraq. Make Mitt Romney president, and what happens to all of these Anti-War, Anti-trade, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American annoying activists? They will be made irrelevant, simply by the fact that they will probably realize that all of their objections were petty compared to all of other opportunities that our great American capitalistic economy provides them. And someday they will look back and, although they didn't realize it at the time, they'll give the credit to President Romney.
For one thing, the polls are very tight; there was no real post-Iowa bounce for John McCain; he was rising before Iowa and seems to have a ceiling at about 35%.
Romney seems liberated on the trail -- like a hose unbent. He is full of energy; his television ads are excellent; his debate performance last night was stellar.
He has spent more than $10M securing the approval of conservative Republicans, has held more than 40 town hall meetings in the state, has traveled here more than any candidate, is from a neighboring state, has a natural base here.
There are no alternative conservative choices with a shot at winning the nomination. A lot of voters in Concord this morning told me they were choosing between Romney and Huckabee -- and this was at a McCain event.
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Rush finally ripped into McCain and the Huckster today,it's about time. The question is are people still listening. People seem to be letting the MSM leading them around by the nose.I never thought I'd see the day that playing the guitar would get you in the oval office.
I just saw an AP sidebar that said McCain would be the "clear frontrunner" if he wins NH tomorrow.
Seems to me that even if Romney comes in 2nd tomorrow he would be the frontrunner. First place in Wyoming and 2nd in Iowa & NH would mean he would be leading, delegate-wise. Am I wrong? Why isn't his Wyoming win getting any play? Man...the MSM is beyond frustrating. (I know this isn't news to anyone.)
It doesn't matter anyway. I expect Romney to win NH tomorrow, especially after his stellar debate performances. Go Mitt!
At this point in the campaign, there's almost nothing new to write about the different candidates. So I looked back at the different arguments that I've made this past year that have dealt with John McCain and thought I would give you a healthy sampling of them:
McCain tries to conflate what he has done (debate and vote) with what a president does (execute laws). While McCain’s record of experience is lengthy, it is in developing an entirely different skill than what a president does. It would be foolish to assume that the two are equivalent. Indeed, McCain’s experience is more pundit than president. He has spent his time making arguments like a pundit. The difference is that McCain makes a vote at the end of the day. Such a distinction seems to hardly qualify McCain more than George Will or Rush Limbaugh.
McCain, of course, is supposed to have "moral authority" because, as a naval airman decades ago, he was tortured at the hands of his North Vietnamese communist captors. (By the way, were any of them ever tried for war crimes?) Moral authority, however, is not a substitute for accurate information.
Furthermore, it is a matter of controversy whether waterboarding constitutes torture. McCain's position is certainly a defensible one, but we find his instinct unsettling. There are going to be gray areas in the war on terror, and we'd rather have the man at the top be someone who, when faced with difficult questions, errs on the side of protecting American women and children from being murdered rather than protecting terrorists from being treated unpleasantly.
He suggested that government should supplement the income of older workers for “a few years” so they could afford to take lower wage entry-level jobs in newer industries.
Uh…really? Government should be supplementing worker’s income? How much should it supplement their income? How long is a “few years”? Where's the talk of fiscal restraint? How will this be paid for?
McCain’s absolutist position on the surge, while admirable in his support of our troops, is almost the dictionary definition of ideologue. It’s not the facts that convinced McCain that the surge is working, but the idea itself. In McCain’s mind it would be working whether or not the facts showed it, because the idea is right in his mind. This is the same kind of stubbornness that has kept him supporting “comprehensive immigration” when the facts don’t support him. Similarly campaign finance reform has been an abject failure, but McCain still supports it because the idea is right, in spite of the facts. Likewise McCain has come to the correct conclusion on the surge, not lead by the facts, but lead only by the idea. McCain is right more out of luck than any sort of analytical process that lead him to the right conclusion. Such a blind adherence to ideas is unsupportable, which, luckily, is what most Republicans have come to conclude.
The episode, to me, illuminates one of the areas where Romney stands above other candidates: his strict adherence to facts and analysis. Romney’s “let’s let the facts be told and then decide” sounds so ordinary and common sense in the normal world, but yet so out of place with politicians. No rational person would make decisions like McCain (and, honestly, most other Senators), giving unfailing support to ever failing ideas. Romney’s analytical processes are much more reasonable and certainly more reliable to produce the best results.
Well, Duncan Hunter pulled a great feat today. He got everyone to speculate about his dropping out of the race for President and when he had everyone gathered together, ripped the media for excluding him from the debate last night. In doing so, he pointed to the fact that he picked up a delegate in Wyoming last week, something neither Giuliani or McCain have.
"A guy who actually had some points on the scoreboard, that was myself, was not allowed to attend," Hunter said.
Of course, pointing to Wyoming is a good thing for us, since Mitt won with 67% of the vote and is now leading the delegate count, something he is likely to still be doing after New Hampshire.
Wouldn't Hunter make a great Secretary of Defense? He has the polish, the ability, the care, and most important, the temperament needed.
Unbelievable (no pun intended). Huckabee back in the pulpit in New Hampshire. Washington Post:
A pastor from Texas was scheduled to deliver the sermon Sunday at a church here called the Crossing.
But instead this small evangelical congregation heard from a different special guest: Baptist minister and 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who delivered a sermon of more than 20 minutes on how to be part of "God's Army" in the middle school cafeteria where the congregation meets.
"When we become believers, it's as if we have signed up to be part of God's Army, to be soldiers for Christ," Huckabee told the enthusiastic audience.
Days after winning the Iowa Republican caucus, where Christian conservatives powered him to victory, Huckabee now finds himself in a state without an extensive religious base. While more than 60 percent of GOP voters were estimated to be evangelicals in the Iowa caucuses, they accounted for only about one in five New Hampshire Republican voters in 2000, the last time the state held a competitive GOP primary.
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I was just reading an article online at Washington Post that is about this. It is posted on Drudge. The think that caught my attention was this line, "In his campaign stops in New Hampshire, Huckabee has generally focused on appealing to nonreligious voters, playing the bass guitar and emphasizing his support of small government, local control of schools and gun rights -- popular causes among Granite State Republicans."
LOCAL CONTROL OF SCHOOLS. Did you catch that? That is the one huge issue that has upset so many Arkansas residents about Mike Huckabee. He worked very hard to get rid of half of our school districts. He wanted to consolidate the schools into only large districts. Even when it was proven that the smaller districts were doing as well and sometimes better than the bigger schools. It was also proven that it would cost more to do it. He had no problem with putting kids on buses for very long rides. He had no problem with taking away local control of schools from most of rural Arkansas. Fortunately his plan was whittled down to only affect the smallest schools, but he was bitter about it. One proposal he approved of was to have 1 district for each county only. Now he says he is for local control. Sorry, but his history says otherwise.
I've been so impressed by your family -- and especially by Gov. Romney's poise and polish under pressure. You must be so proud of him! He is the kind of man I would like to see representing us to the world. If a candidate can't take the pressure of a debate and a primary, how will he do in the White House and on the international scene?! My parents are evangelical missionaries, so I know from experience how other nations view us.
I appreciate your family and am leaning toward voting for Gov. Romney in the SC primary.
I'm praying for you -- and for God to bless America as He has in the past!
I wish Huck would come preach at my church so I could make a scene gathering my friends and family and walking out. I'm surprised that hasn't happened with anyone yet...maybe there was no press coverage.
Huck is the only candidate on the GOP side who's nomination would cause me to make a statement to the GOP by staying home in November 2008.
Thing is, New Hampshire has a religious base. But they're not generally the kinds of Christians who are going to respond to quotations about "God's army." From my religious background, I recoil at the notion. It's a very simplistic, un-Biblical tent revival technique.
Christ never mentioned the first allusion to an army outside of perhaps splitting families. If you want to refer to servants, fine. If you want to say messengers, fine. If you want to say agents, fine. But God's army?
Huckabee's religion almost annoys me as much as his politics, and that's coming from an Evangelical Presbyterian active in missions and in his church.
Why are there links from to juan mccain blogs aka (listed as "Bloggers for Huckabee" under "Red Man Blue State"...
As if we needed any more proof that the two of them have a symbiotic relationship... 2 peas in a pod. The most liberal republicans you can find.
Well, I love this stuff but I'm already decided. I see Mr. Romney as our last ditch, yet entirely excellent shot at changing the trajectory of America's path. YOU GO BABY I want ROMNEY BANG for my tax buck
Bill Kristol started off his new job as a NY Times columnist positing a President Huckabee. Well. The Huckster may be conservative on life and the 2nd amendment but that's about it. As governor, he was a big tax and spender, so he and Barack could coo Kumbaya together on that approach. He also likes to blast the eeevil big corporations and push the class envy theme, (presumably as another excuse to raise taxes, ostensibly on the rich, but we all know it eventually hits the middle class.) Explain to me while a Republican would seek the endorsement of the ultra-liberal NEA in New Hampshire. Another chorus of liberal Kumbaya.
And he is often loose with the truth, by design or pure sloppiness.
Finally, he gives people of faith a bad name by pushing Christianity down our throats--vote for me because I'm a Christian leader. This masks his lack of solid policy proposals, and allows him to escape scrutiny of his record, his donors, and his bloopers by claiming vote for me because I am a good person. Tribune:
Asked by moderator Chris Wallace about a series of foreign policy gaffes, Huckabee replied that he may have made slips of the tongue but "I don't have a slip of my judgment, I don't have a slip of my character, I don't have a slip of the truth."
Well, that's not good enough. Swell final chorus of Kumbaya with the Big O, who pushes Hope along with another smooth-talker from Hope.
Hope is not enough.
--crossposted at BackyardConservative
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I've never figured out how Kristol calls himself a conservative.I wonder why all the lefties complained about him getting a job at the Times. He's not a conservative/
Why are there links from to juan mccain blogs aka (listed as "Bloggers for Huckabee" under "Red Man Blue State"...
As if we needed any more proof that the two of them have a symbiotic relationship... 2 peas in a pod. The most liberal republicans you can find.
Polls show the race tightening. It looks as if McCain's RCP lead has come down about 2% in the last couple days.
Romney does lead in some polls.
The polls where Mitt leads still sample indies around 30%
Romney over performed in Iowa according to pre caucus polling. Going into the caucus Romney was about 7-8 points behind Huckabee, in polls that sampled 40% Evangelicals. Romney lost by 9 with 60% evangelicals. If the same polls had been sampled with 60% evangelicals, Romney would have gone in behind 15% or so.
Talk radio people are beating McCain to death in New Hampshire
The word is internal polling in the Romney campaign shows a race to close to call
All day primary voting will allow a more effective use ground game than a 30 minute caucus.
The last two debates- Romney just kicked some major can. They revolved around him!
Romney losses, he is still delegate leader, has a big check book, and frankly is coming out swinging
Romney wins, he is undisputed winner. Will likely take MI, NV, place well in SC, and probably win FL.
If Romney wins, it wil be a major comeback story
***These are reasons to be optimistic, NOT bullish***
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A couple more reasons to add to your hopeful list:
1) Most surveys indicate that 50%+ of NH voters are still undecided. There is a good chance that the last 2 debates will sway this segment towards Romney.
2) With Obama's big surge and the ability for independents to vote in either the Democrats or Republican's primary, there is a good chance that a lot of indy voters will go for Obama instead of McCain.
3) Commentary I've read says that the last 2 debates have uncovered where McCain stands on immigration and taxes - 2 huge issues to NH voters.
On taxes, on immigration, on executive experience Mitt Romney hit a home run!
The test of course will be what the voters say on Tuesday, but Mitt made his case well.
In a key moment early on Huckabee evaded answering the question from Romney of whether he had raised taxes $500 MILLION in Arkansas. The Huckster wouldn't admit to it. The Huckster, the Evader, the Waffler.
And McCain didn't have a good explanation on why he didn't support the Bush tax cut (and still would have made the same decision all over again, tho he is in favor of extending it now) True, he is a porkbuster, but if you deny the Dems tax revenues that is one more way to squeeze Big Brother government and let the American people take care of their own priorities and families by leaving more money in their wallets. Duh. The tax cut grew the economy and allowed us to recover from Sept. 11th. We need the recognition of that component too, beyond the need to build up our military and our intel. Jobs and economic growth make America strong.
Mitt gets it. And he won tonight.
UPDATE: Video of Luntz focus group. Romney wins overwhelmingly:
Hey guys I'm really sad I don't see or hear anything of Judd Gregg actively campaigning for Romney in these final days. What's going on? Have you heard anything? That could really give him a 5-6 point push in NH
The following comment from our reader Dell, was too good not to have its own post...
I wonder if Romney could turn the stupid "Flip-Flopper" into a positive. Make an ad that plays on "Flip this House" (House a broken down house, renovate, and sell for a profit). "I'm Mitt Romney and yes I am a Flipper...I've flipped dozens of broken businesses making them profitable again...I flipped the debt and scandal ridden Olympics, turning a profit and restoring honor and integrity...I Flipped the Massachusetts Budget from a $3 Billion shortfall to a surplus that we used to expand health coverage...And I'll Flip Washington too by saying "NO" to earmark pork-barrel spending, holding government spending BELOW inflation, preventing Social Security from going Bankrupt, and improving the efficiency of our government."
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He should also use the accusation on President Bush. By their standards they would say that Bush flip-flopped his strategy on the war and now their all for it.
Michael Medved Dershowitz (?spelling) Half of the current conservative thinkers who write now a days. Ronald Reagan
and. . .
Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin and last but not least George Washington. These great men were loyal to the crown until the crown had gone too far. It's ok to flip once; but you can never go back. Glad to have Romney on board!!!
Several people have noted that a large amount of early votes were cast when Mitt held a 16 point lead over McCain. Not sure how accurate that is, or how significant, but there is a story out of Iowa that basically has gone unreported: The effectiveness of Mitt's ground ops in Iowa.
Remember Mitt's percentage in the final results basically echoed the numbers in the pre-caucus polling, despite the fact that in pre-caucus polling Evangelicals made up about 40% of the sample whereas in the election they made up 60%. It would be fair to assume that the extra turnout of Evangelicals went almost solely to Huckabee, especially in context of the pastoral network and Ed Rollins comments here. This would actually mean that Romney would have to substantially outperform the pre-caucus polling to even equal the pre-caucus polling.
It seems Mitt's ground opps in Iowa was worth 7-10% but as heavily overshadowed by the amazing Evangelical turnout that consisted of 77% of Huckabee's votes.
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So that's their new tactic? Accuse him of being a flip-flopper and hope that the people who support him will be lazy enough not to look at his record and realize they're lying? That's pretty weak. Issues matter, and Romney's right on the issues. End of story.
i can't stand mccain's arrogance and dishonesty. he is as much a lying weasle as huckabee. i will never vote for mccain based on his stand on illegal immigration. i wish romney would hit him harder on that. out here in california, it's all about illegal immigration. you will win votes or go down, depending on your stand on this one issue. mccain has no friends out here.... we all know where he stands on illegal immigration.
I still don't bear a particular amount of animosity toward John McCain. He's reminding me of Junior High School in the clip on t his post. I like Mitt better as a potential leader of the free world.
I still want to point out partly in defense of evangelicals -
Huckster's evangelical support (and where he pulled out the victory) came from two categories.
People with a household income of less than 30K.
Women who live in cities with fewer than 10,000 people.
So largely it was uneducated evangelicals from small towns that turned out for Huckster. In the population centers of Iowa Huckster lost. In small towns where some pastor with an axe to grind could pull the 'You don't want to vote for the Mormon do you?' card, without being caught, Huckster won.
These demographics are reinforced by the fact that Huckster hasn't had a fund raising bounce after Iowa.
So Huckster couldn't even win over a winning group of smart evangelicals? How does he think he'll implement a single one of his policy proposals that he is running on?
Latest polls in NH, taken yesterday pre-debate. Rasmussen has McCain up 2, leading 32-30, Zogby Tracking has Romney up 1, nosing McCain 32-31. RCP averages still show McCain up, skewed by an outlier poll.
If immigration and taxes are the top issues for New Hampshire Republicans, Romney's numbers should only improve after his commanding and cool under fire performance in last night's debate. There's another debate tonight on FoxNews at 7-9 central.
I am about to do the worst thing s Romnot could ever imagine...quote Hugh Hewitt. But before I do, I just want to ask Romnots to think about the substance of his comment:
Roaming through the blogs, the overwhelming impression of this debate is a negative reaction to John McCain, a deepening feeling that reflects a politically disastrous fact: John McCain lacks the essential graciousness towards his critics and opponents that a president must have --the Reagan touch, the iron discipline that Bush has shown never to attack even his most partisan and harshest opponents in personal terms.
I truly believe this is what most voters will take from the debate: a snarky old man who was more interested in making school yard burns than debating substance. Gathering from my readings, New Hampshirans love the policy contrasts, but could go without juvenile behavior. And frankly Hugh is right. John McCain lacks the temperament to be presidents. Remember back in the spring the line was McCain couldn't even get his senatorial colleagues to go with him, they all hated working with the guy.
When I posted my notes from a Romney event at Principal Financial Network in Des Moines, I noted a plan Romney laid out in how he dealt with the opposition in Massachusetts's. It's classy, effective, and frankly flies over the head of someone with the mindset of John McCain:
1. Never attacked Character of opposition in the Legislature. 2. Met regularly every week, personal relationship of trust. Dinners with wives” 3. Looked for common ground. Ex. Health Care Bill 4. Less score settling, shared credit, good for future negotiations 5. Recognition we need to act now
When you read Romney's plan in dealing with the opposition, and then read McCain's way in the next quote, you wonder if what really saved us from the Amnesty Bill in the summer was actually McCain's inability to work with others:
Defending His Amnesty Bill, Sen. McCain Lost His Temper And "Screamed, 'F*ck You!' At Texas Sen. John Cornyn" (R-TX). "Presidential hopeful John McCain - who has been dogged for years by questions about his volcanic temper - erupted in an angry, profanity-laced tirade at a fellow Republican senator, sources told The Post yesterday. In a heated dispute over immigration-law overhaul, McCain screamed, 'F--- you!' at Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who had been raising concerns about the legislation. 'This is chickens---stuff,' McCain snapped at Cornyn, according to several people in the room off the Senate floor Thursday. 'You've always been against this bill, and you're just trying to derail it.'" (Charles Hurt, "Raising McCain," New York Post, 5/19/07)
It's stuff like this, low class verbiage that is better left for the honky-tonk than the halls of congress, that really demonstrates that McCain's lack of emotional control leaves him unsuited for the job of the presidency.
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In business, you recognize that life is long and relationships are measured in terms of careers, not news cycles. Mitt comes from this world so takes a fundamentally different approach to governing than lifelong politicians like the Axis of Weasel (Huck, McCain, Rudy).
The last thing we need is a crotchety old man running this country.
Governor Romney may have changed his mind on some issues, but I think that is perfectly legitimate! If someone never changes their views we call them stubborn or unwilling to change. If they change their political views, we call them a flip-flopper. There is no way to win.
Not many people realize this but a large part of Romneycare was devised by the heritige foundation,not exactly a left leaning group.It couldn't be cheapened even more if the Dems hadn't loaded it up with mandates.
He got attacked on mandatory coverage but would any of his opponents be willing to say that car insurance he voluntary? People hate paying car insurance also but it's a necessary evil. The one thing missing fro getting the costs down is tort reform. This has to be addressed to get the costs down. Malpractice insurance has gone through the roof while the standards for a lawsuit have fallen well below gross negligence.Texas has put a cap on punitive awards and doctors are flocking there.
I reviewed yesterday how the Economy is a vital issue for both Repubs and Dems--also pointing out there is increasing concern of a looming recession and how McCain's not quite up to snuff on this issue (even by his own admission)
But who would be best for the economny? Barron's Online back in July said that Romney would be the best GOP candidate and McCain the worst GOP candidate for the economy (Huck's lucky that he wasn't included in their rankings back then). Their cover story article was called "The Mitt and Bill Show" Parts One and Two.
Some notable quotes:
Romney would be the best Republican candidate for stocks, bonds and the economy
"Based on our report card, the optimal match-up for Wall Street would be Richardson versus Romney, because both candidates favor low taxes and sound fiscal policy."
"Romney, formerly governor of Massachusetts and once a top private-equity investor, garnered 3.8 points out of a possible 4"
"Polls show that most Americans consider estate taxes to be unjust. Nevertheless, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani are the only candidates who favor total elimination. Romney told us, "I believe that it is unfair to tax income when it is earned, then again when it is saved and then again when it is passed on to one's children and grandchildren."
. . .
McCain's answer was ambiguous. On one hand, he supported extending all Bush tax cuts. But then he said the estate tax should be "low, simple, predictable and unobtrusive."
Folks, if the Economy takes a turn south we need a nominee who can make a convincing case that he can help turn it around. Only Romney can make that sale IMO (his resume is quite impressive in his education on ecomomics). As far as who I'd trust to with the Economy Romney's first, Rudy's a distant second, then Fred, then McCain, then Richardson, then Clinton tied with Huckabee, then Obama, then Edwards. We should keep in mind that there's a far greater chance of a economic downturn than many other variables or possibilities that people talk about a POTUS may face.
Jeff Fuller
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I wonder if Romney could turn the stupid "Flip-Flopper" into a positive. Make an ad that plays on "Flip this House" (House a broken down house, renovate, and sell for a profit). "I'm Mitt Romney and yes I am a Flipper...I've flipped dozens of broken businesses making them profitable again...I flipped the debt and scandal ridden Olympics, turning a profit and restoring honor and integrity...I Flipped the Massachussetts Budget from a $3 Billion shortfall to a surplus that we used to expand health coverage...And I'll Flip Washington too by saying "NO" to earmark pork-barrel spending, holding government spending BELOW inflation, preventing Social Security from going Bankrupt, and improving the efficiency of our government."
Can you guys please get this message to Gov. Romney.
He really needs to go after McCain on immigration and win the exchange decidedly. If he creates some fireworks over immigration it will gain the headlines and it will hurt McCain's support.
I posted a blog at redstate about how such an exchange could go.
Mitt Romney is great talkon his Debates. How can he think all of those ideas he done next to next to next...I hope if he will be a president of United States he can do better than any body. That is I feel in my views. I like how he did things in the past looking at his past experiences. He will do his best for our Economy back in America for GOOD with him. I don't think any other person could do this. That is waht I think. I hope he wins for 2008 Election for president of United States. I understand Iowa is one of ticky game it was looks like but...still other States are waiting. I go for Mitt Romney for all the way till the End. Thank you my for comment and opinion. Mike M. Miyake
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