Boston, MA – On the evening of Saturday, January 20, Governor Mitt Romney will travel to Israel on a trip sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC). On Tuesday, January 23, Governor Romney will deliver public remarks at the Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference. Governor Romney will return to the United States on Thursday, January 25.
Public Event: Governor Romney delivers remarks at the Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference.
Tuesday, January 23 3:15 p.m. (Local Time) Herzliya, Israel
"Since its inception, the Herzliya Conference has become a leading and world-renowned summit of Israeli and international leaders for the discussion of Israel's national security. Participants at the Conference include: government officials, Knesset members and ministers, defense officials, business leaders, senior academics, media, representatives of leading Jewish organizations, and dignitaries from abroad."
Private Meetings During The Governor's Trip Will Include:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
Mr. Meir Dagan, Director of the Mossad
Avi Dichter, Minister of Public Security
Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak
Natan Sharansky
Former Prime Minister and former Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Dr. Salam Fayyad, former Palestinian Finance Minister
Private Visits Include:
Helicopter tour of Israel's Northern and Southern borders and Security Fence
Tour of surveillance and security measures at Ben-Gurion Airpor
Former US Ambassador to Italy Mel Sembler is traveling with Governor Romney in Israel this week. Sembler joined Romney's finance team a few weeks ago. Ambassador Sembler made a similar trip to Israel with then Governor George W. Bush in 1999.
Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton embarked on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House on Saturday, a former first lady intent on becoming the first female president.
``I'm in and I'm in to win,'' Sen. Clinton said in a video posted on her Web site.
Governor Mitt Romney Announces Representative Tom Feeney's Support Friday, Jan 19, 2007
Boston, MA - Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that U.S. Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL) will serve as a key liaison to fiscal conservatives and organizations promoting fiscal responsibility in Washington.
"I am pleased to have the support of Representative Feeney. He has been a powerful watchdog for fiscal responsibility in our nation's capital. I look forward to working with him as we strive to restore basic fiscal conservative values, curb runaway spending, and protect taxpayers' money," said Governor Romney.
With Governor Romney's announcement, Representative Feeney said, "I am proud to be part of Governor Romney's team. With his record of fighting for lower taxes and balanced budgets, Governor Romney is the right kind of leader to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. Governor Romney will be a strong fiscal steward of the American people's tax money."
Background On Representative Tom Feeney:
Representative Tom Feeney Has Been A Leader For Reform And A Watchdog For Fiscal Responsibility. Elected in 2002 to the U.S. House of Representatives, Feeney represents the people of Florida's 24th Congressional District in Central Florida encompassing areas of Brevard, Orange, Seminole and Volusia Counties. He previously served as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and was Governor Jeb Bush's running mate in his first race for governor in 1994.
In Congress, Feeney sits on the powerful Financial Services and Judiciary Committees. He also serves on the Steering Committee of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus in the U.S. House representing 100 conservative members, and is the Chairman of the House Conservatives Fund which helps elect true Reagan conservatives to the U.S. House of Representatives. Additionally, Feeney co-founded the Washington Waste Watchers, a working group formed to combat waste and fraud in the federal government.
Also, for all the press McCain gets for being a "fiscal watchdog" he got just a 76% rating . . . placing him in the bottom half of GOP Senators (whereas Romney backer Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina had a 100% rating!)
It's truly looking like the real fiscal conservatives are lining up with Romney! If he could keep the Mass legislature from overspending and deliver balanced budgets year after year then he has a leg up on EVERY other candidate on either side in this respect.
P.S. The Club for Growth has a survey (directed at members) where the last few questions deal with 2008 GOP POTUS candidates.
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Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that U.S. Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL) will serve as a key liaison to fiscal conservatives and organizations promoting fiscal responsibility in Washington.
"I am pleased to have the support of Representative Feeney. He has been a powerful watchdog for fiscal responsibility in our nation's capital. I look forward to working with him as we strive to restore basic fiscal conservative values, curb runaway spending, and protect taxpayers' money," said Governor Romney.
With Governor Romney's announcement, Representative Feeney said, "I am proud to be part of Governor Romney's team. With his record of fighting for lower taxes and balanced budgets, Governor Romney is the right kind of leader to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. Governor Romney will be a strong fiscal steward of the American people's tax money."
Background On Representative Tom Feeney:
Representative Tom Feeney Has Been A Leader For Reform And A Watchdog For Fiscal Responsibility. Elected in 2002 to the U.S. House of Representatives, Feeney represents the people of Florida's 24th Congressional District in Central Florida encompassing areas of Brevard, Orange, Seminole and Volusia Counties. He previously served as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and was Governor Jeb Bush's running mate in his first race for governor in 1994.
In Congress, Feeney sits on the powerful Financial Services and Judiciary Committees. He also serves on the Steering Committee of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus in the U.S. House representing 100 conservative members, and is the Chairman of the House Conservatives Fund which helps elect true Reagan conservatives to the U.S. House of Representatives. Additionally, Feeney co-founded the Washington Waste Watchers, a working group formed to combat waste and fraud in the federal government.
Two articles came out today in the news that claim the political buzz is all for Romney right now. First from CBN's David Brody:
Take my word for it. Mitt Romney is the “buzz” candidate. I have talked to a handful of “in the know” staffers who are handling 2008 Presidential candidates and they all say the same thing: watch out for Mitt Romney, he’s a formidable opponent.
They point out how he’s at ease when he talks, gentle on the eyes, has a great staff working for him and is already seems very presidential in the way he acts and talks. And this talk is coming from rival campaigns!
That is an interesting assesment. This good news could be the death sentence for a lesser candidate since it gives Romney the edge with early fundraising and staff hiring, but can leave him the political punching bag. My bet is Romney has the intelligence and innovation to handle this in a far superior way compared to Dean.
And aides tell us not to underestimate the value of running a campaign in Boston, way out of the Washington media spotlight.
"The fact that joining this shop requires a move to Boston is actually an advantage," says an insider. "It requires a personal and professional investment that yields a valuable return for Governor Romney. There's a greater sense of teamwork and commitment because of it."
That is a factor in the equation I haven't thought of. But it does provide some food for thought.
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According to, she does. I saw her on O'Reilly, probably a couple months ago. O'Reilly told her of his liking to Romney and she seemed open but skeptical, it appears she has been won over.
This morning on Laura Ingaraham, Laura talked about having dinner with Romney last night. Apparently they have been friends for a while. Laura told him she will hold him to the line and Romney said something to the effect (her words) that he assumed as much. Laura has been reported on occasion to say some pretty pro-Romney comments, as seen here.
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Laura Ingraham has yet to make it official, but it seems pretty obvious she is in Mitt's camp. Like myself, most Conservatives were hoping that somehow Fred Thompson would step up and make a fight of it. After his untimely departure, the only logical Conservative of any idealogical weight has to be Mitt Romney. A perfect Reagan Conservative? No, but Mitt is much closer than the Dem kissing John McCain. Ingraham is a pretty brilliant lady, and I am thinking she will certainly toss her hat toward Mitt should he win Florida. I think it should happen today, but we will see... One shock departure to McCain: True Conservative and harsh critic of illegal Amnesty G. Gordon Liddy has said he supports Senator McCain. He has had some very strong commentary on this, and I think he is likely feeling the heat of this totally illogical conclusion to who we should elect as President.
Governor Mitt Romney Announces Support of RNC Committee Members Thursday, Jan 18, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
Boston, MA - Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that 16 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) will be joining the Romney for President Exploratory Committee.
"As we gather for the RNC annual winter meeting, I am grateful to have the strong support of my fellow Republicans. In our Party and in their respective states, these men and women will be tireless advocates for our common ideals of lowering taxes, curbing runaway spending, promoting traditional values, and providing for a strong national defense," said Governor Romney. "In just two weeks, we have put together a strong team united by an optimistic vision for the future and motivated to go forward."
RNC Committee Members Supporting Governor Romney:
- Cindy Costa, SC - Darrell Crate, MA - David Norcross, NJ - Donna Gosney, WV - Jody Dow, MA - June Hartley, OR - Louis Pope, MD - Lynn Windel, OK - Peter Cianchette, ME - Robert Manning, RI - Ron Kaufman, MA - Sara Gear Boyd, VT - Solomon Yue, OR - Tom Rath, NH - Tony Parker, DC - Vance Day, OR
Former Massachusetts Gov. and presidential aspirant Mitt Romney’s (R) campaign has won the support of 16 Republican National Committee members, according to sources familiar with the campaign.
The list includes Cindy Costa (S.C.), Darrell Crate (Mass.), David Norcross (N.J.), Donna Gosney (W.Va.), Jody Dow (Mass.), June Hartley (Ore.), Louis Pope (Md.), Lynn Windel (Okla.), Peter Cianchette (Maine), Robert Manning (R.I.), Ron Kaufman (Mass.), Sara Gear Boyd (Vt.), Solomon Yue (Ore.), Tom Rath (N.H.), Tony Parker (D.C.) and Vance Day (Ore.).
McCain's loss, Romney's gain. That's how Republican insiders were interpreting the surprise decision of former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber, one of the earliest supporters of Arizona Sen. John McCain's 2000 presidential bid, to sign up this time with Mitt Romney's 2008 presidential campaign team — as policy chairman. Weber, who heads the prominent lobbying firm Clark & Weinstock, has remained influential as a national party strategist since leaving Congress more than a decade ago.
Weber's opting out of Team McCain is considered particularly significant given his longtime association with the Republican Party's leading economic conservatives, ties that that date to the early Reagan years. It suggests how fully McCain - and his 2008 candidacy - have come to be identified with the Iraq war to the exclusion of other issues. The war is increasingly unpopular with Republicans as well as independents attracted to the senator's maverick effort in 2000. Link
PART 1: Event preparations and a special message from Mitt. Behind the scenes in Boston. $6.5 million is nothing to scoff at! Get the inside baseball scoop on the event from last week:
Thus does the left casually open the door to the baldest sort of bigotry, a first cousin of the anti-Catholicism thought buried in 1960, or the anti-Semitism that continues to plague Europe and of course the Middle East. The not-so-deft substitution of "religious heritage" for "religion" is supposed, I guess, to protect Jews willing to abandon the outward display of their faith, but for anyone believing in the miraculous of any sort, well, those days of the great tolerance in American politics are over.
Weisberg’s attack on Romney is exactly the sort of attack on other Christians and believers in the miraculous that the secular left would love to make routine. To mainstream Protestants and Mass-attending Catholics, the virtual mob against Romney because of his LDS faith may seem like someone else’s problem, but it is really another step down the road toward the naked public square. Legitimizing bigotry by refusing to condemn it invites not only its repetition, but its spread to new targets.
Boston, MA –Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that U.S. Representative Jim McCrery (R-LA) will serve as the House Congressional Liaison for the Romney for President Exploratory Committee. As Liaison, Representative McCrery will lead Governor Romney's outreach efforts in the U.S. House.
"I am proud to have the support and service of Jim McCrery on my Exploratory Committee. Congressman McCrery will be a strong voice in the U.S. Capitol for our vision to move America forward. Today's announcement is just another sign of our growing support," said Governor Romney.
Governor Romney also named Representatives Dave Camp (R-MI) and Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) as Co-House Congressional Liaisons. Congressman Camp will also serve as Michigan Co-Chair of the Romney for President Exploratory Committee.
"Congressmen Camp and McKeon have demonstrated a strong commitment to doing what's right for their constituents and the American people," said Governor Romney. "With their help, we will find new solutions for the new generation of challenges confronting our nation."
Background On Governor Romney's House Congressional Liaisons:
Representative Jim McCrery Is A Proven Leader In The United States Congress. Serving his ninth full term in the U.S. House, McCrery has been recognized for his focus on solving America's challenges by looking past partisan politics and toward long-term, practical solutions. Cited as one of 28 "emerging players" on Capitol Hill, McCrery has concentrated on advancing core conservative principles. As one time Chairman of the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, McCrery played a leading role in passing major tax bills during President Bush's first term.
Representative Dave Camp Has Compiled A Record Of Accomplishment For The People Of His District. First elected to Congress in 1990 as representative for the 4th Congressional District of Michigan, Camp quickly earned a reputation for paying close attention to his constituents' needs. In 1996, Camp made his mark playing a crucial role in the passage of historic welfare reform legislation. As an attorney before his election, Camp worked extensively with parents and children in the foster care system and has become one of the House's leading adoption and foster care proponents.
Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon Is A Vocal Advocate For Conservative Principles In Our Nation's Capital. Elected to represent the 25th Congressional District of California in 1992, McKeon is a noted leader in efforts to reform the education system, cut the national debt, provide tax cuts, and strengthen the military. McKeon's record of legislative leadership has been recognized by several national organizations including the National Taxpayers Union, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Independent Colleges.
Governor Mitt Romney Announces Vin Weber as Policy Chairman Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
Boston, MA - Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that former United States Representative Vin Weber (R-MN) will serve as Policy Chairman on the Romney for President Exploratory Committee. As Policy Chairman, Mr. Weber will oversee all policy development for Governor Romney.
"I am honored that Vin Weber will serve on my Exploratory Committee. Throughout his many years of public service, he has embodied the bold thinking necessary to find innovative solutions to the challenges confronting the American people," said Governor Romney. "As I continue building a national organization, he will be an important voice in advancing my agenda to move the country forward."
Vin Weber Biography:
Vin Weber served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1981 to 1993, representing Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District. He currently serves as Chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy and as chief executive officer of Clark & Weinstock. Mr. Weber sits on the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion, and co-chaired a major independent task force on U.S. Policy Toward Reform in the Arab World. Mr. Weber has counseled numerous Presidential campaigns, and in 2004, was the Bush-Cheney '04 Plains States Regional Chairman. Prior to opening Clark & Weinstock's Washington office in 1994, Mr. Weber was president of Empower America.
Key Bush operatives are backing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. They are led by Sally Bradshaw, Bush's former campaign manager and chief of staff; Ann Herberger, Bush's finance director; and Mandy Fletcher, who just stepped down as executive director of Bush's Foundation for Florida's Future.
Romney's Florida team is pushing for an October straw ballot in which 3,500 Republican delegates would cast nonbinding votes for president. The October vote would bring attention from the nation's news media and give the winner a boost going into the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary.
Ok, the big guns from Bush's campaign are hitching on, but how do we know Jeb is?
...anyone familiar with Bradshaw, and her deep devotion to Bush, understands that she would not have agreed to join Romney's campaign without a nod from Bush...
With Bradshaw on board, it quickly became clear to other key Bush supporters that Romney is the former governor's favorite. Last week, two top Bush fund-raisers, Mark Guzzetta, a Boca Raton developer, and Mel Sembler, a Tampa shopping center developer, joined Romney.
OK, that sounds good, but where are the results?
Some of the wooing began Friday, when Romney met with nearly 100 Republicans in the downtown Orlando offices of the Gray-Robinson law firm. He was introduced by Orange County Mayor Richard Crotty. After the introduction, Romney gave a brief speech and then answered a few questions.
One participant described it as a "low-key" event without "a lot of hard sell."
"I really like the guy," said William A. "Hoe" Brown, a Tampa-area developer who attended the Gray-Robinson event. "I like his business approach to things, and he's very, very smart."
Amidst this is talk that forces in the FL GOP want to move up the primary to right after New Hampshire and hold a FL straw poll next October. Said one McCain stratgist:
Any victory for John McCain is not significant," said the GOP strategist backing McCain. "Only defeats are significant, and if McCain loses the straw ballot, he will get hammered in the national press."
Bush, on the other hand, has said the straw ballot convention - dubbed Presidency IV - would be "a great idea."
McCain doesn't like straw polls? Maybe this could be why. Or this, or this, or this?
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... of all people Patrick Hynes from Ankle Biting Pundits . I "made use" of his bookmarking bar (see bottom right of each post) for the various viral tools that people can use to log their favorite items.
I'm asking his permission after the fact :)
I'm sure that we'll be having some great conversations with Patrick over the next months and years!
Thought you like to know that Mark "F. Lee" Levin was talking about presidential candidates tonight on his radio show. He panned Obama, Edwards and Hillary, of course. On the Republican side, he said McCain was the same as a Democrat and that Giuliani was too liberal. What we need is a Ronald Reagan conservative, he opined. "I may have to throw in with Romney," Levin concluded.
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Romney is doing well in the straw polls. Here is the one just in from AZ. (Take the time to read the first comment also.) Look at all 3 categories and Romney is hot in AZ.
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That's right. MyManMitt is throwing its weight even further into new media and has put together its own podcast, the MittCast. You can subscribe via iTunes by clicking below. Alternately, for non-iTunes users you can click here or listen right online!:
Subscribe using the above iTunes button or you can listen to it here right on the webpage:
Full disclosure on Romney and guns from the Boston Globe. He's always been for a ban on assault weapons and has always been for protecting the 2nd ammendment's right to legally and responsibly own and bear arms. No "flipping" on this issue (despite the Globe's headline and some mild editorializing in their text.)
Bush has not publicly committed to Romney, McCain or another frequently mentioned likely candidate, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
But anyone familiar with Bradshaw, and her deep devotion to Bush, understands that she would not have agreed to join Romney's campaign without a nod from Bush.
Bradshaw is a detail-oriented campaign manager. She believes in building a strong organization, a solid fund-raising base and a dependable grass-roots campaign. She has been working on Florida campaigns since Bush's first run for governor in 1994.
With Bradshaw on board, it quickly became clear to other key Bush supporters that Romney is the former governor's favorite. Last week, two top Bush fund-raisers, Mark Guzzetta, a Boca Raton developer, and Mel Sembler, a Tampa shopping center developer, joined Romney.
Former Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings and former state House speaker Allan Bense also are supporting Romney.
"I think it is very noteworthy that in a very short period of time, Gov. Romney has been able to lock down a number of significant finance and political players in Florida," Bradshaw said.
In the first phase of a presidential campaign - building staff and raising the first dollars - Romney is well-positioned but not so far ahead that others cannot catch up quickly, said a Washington-based GOP strategist who has worked with McCain.
"There is no question that Romney has taken an early lead in the staffing primary and that Ann Herberger may let Romney take an early lead in the early money primary," said the strategist, who expects to work again for McCain.
And later . . .
Bush, on the other hand, has said the straw ballot convention - dubbed Presidency IV - would be "a great idea."
The assumption is that Bush's campaign machine will do a better job of recruiting and wooing convention delegates. Picking county delegates will take place at county caucuses in May.
Some of the wooing began Friday, when Romney met with nearly 100 Republicans in the downtown Orlando offices of the Gray-Robinson law firm. He was introduced by Orange County Mayor Richard Crotty. After the introduction, Romney gave a brief speech and then answered a few questions.
One participant described it as a "low-key" event without "a lot of hard sell."
"I really like the guy," said William A. "Hoe" Brown, a Tampa-area developer who attended the Gray-Robinson event. "I like his business approach to things, and he's very, very smart."
I've said it before and heard it said plenty too (and I'll say it again). The "Smart Money" is on Romney.
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My understanding is that google adds are based on the content of the article. Thus an article focussing on Gardening will show a Home Depot add, or one about Europe might return a travel special to Europe.
Since Romney probably paid google for their advertising services, it is logical you would see one pop up on an article about Romney.
Wow! I was decieved...I did not even notice the add has a mccain web address until you pointed it out.
If anything that would make me more annoyed at mccain. There is nothing more annoying on the Web than clicking a link and it takes you somewhere you did not intend.
A prominent Christian leader whose radio and magazine outreaches are solidly in support of biblically-based marriages – and keeps in touch with millions of constituents daily – says he cannot consider Arizona Sen. John McCain a viable candidate for president.
"Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances," said James Dobson, founder of the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family as well as the Focus Action cultural action organization set up specifically to provide a platform for informing and rallying constituents.
Why you ask?
He noted that legislation he'd just been discussing on the program, regarding an attempt by Democrat leaders in Congress to create obstacles for ministries such as Focus to reach constituents with action messages about pending legislation, is being supported by McCain, too.
"That came from McCain, and the McCain Feingold Bill kept us from telling the truth right before elections … and there are a lot of other things. He's not in favor of traditional marriage, and I pray that we won't get stuck with him," Dobson said.
Hits it on the head.
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