For those of you in the DC area... my wife and I, along with Rebecca Takemoto, Gene Summers and Annalee Whitehead, will be performing this Sunday, March 30th at the LDS Chapel in Ashburn, VA. No tickets required. Here's a quick sample of pieces from the recital.
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I would hope that Senator McCain would not be dumb enough to ignore the letter I sent him in favor of Mitt Romney as a VP. I sent it on behalf of the new Conservative party here in Indiana. We have an estimated three thousand conservatives in our area. That is three thousand votes people!!
Well, the proverb is true, luck favors the well prepared, but I think the news in Matt's post below of Hillary fighting at the convention to seat MI and FL really seems to be the promising bit of news for McCain.
In February I though McCain really had no chance to win, maybe 10-20%, but I thought "well, he's a good guy and I hope he does, despite some problems." Now I am beginning to think he has some real good chances to win. The best thing this guy has going for him is a non stop streak of luck that began last December and so far shows no signs of abating.
And with that, I offer this as an idea for a McCain campaign song. Not as prayer for more, but as homage to the lady who has helped McCain's campaign go so far:
Say what you will... but Romney is a bigger man than many of us. He has his eye on the real issue... President Obama or Clinton would be very, very bad.
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Amen. Mitt better be scoring some big points with all of the people that accused him of being a "phony" republican. While most conservatives, and about 2/3 of the conservatives in Utah (where I live) are wondering whether or not we can even vote for him, Mitt goes and helps him fund raise. Awesome man. GO MITT! MITT 2012!
I remain unconvinced. McCain is too liberal for me also. Unless McCain chooses Romney for his running mate, I will be an indifferent observer of the November proceedings. His choice is important because if he wins, McCain's VP will be the leading Repub. candidate in 2012. -Frank
If they are both "phony" conservatives, I am the type of "phony" conservative that is right in line with Romney's positions, competence, and family values. McCain is liberal in my mind.
Hi folks. Right now my blogging is consigned to an odd post here and there since my family life has become very crazy in the last month and will remain so for another month. But I will be back in full swing, and as a side note, I am now giving McCain a 50/50 chance of winning (used to be 20/80 or something) thanks to the Dem inter-party squabbling.
But onto the article on the housing market I was just reading. From the LA Times:
--Statewide, median sales prices fell by a stunning 26% from year-ago levels in February, with home prices dropping at a rate of nearly $3,000 a week, the California Association of Realtors reports. Further, the CAR says the Fed's interest rate-cutting campaign "will have little near-term direct effect on the housing market."
--In the San Fernando Valley, losing a home to foreclosure is now almost as common for families as buying a home. The L.A. Daily News: "During January and February, there were 1,084 foreclosures and 1,335 sales of houses and condos in Valley communities from Glendale to Calabasas, according to the San Fernando Valley Economic Research Center at California State University, Northridge."
"It's bad. It's really bad," market analyst Nima Nattagh told the Daily News.
This is crazy stuff, and frankly I think we have at least another year or two of this while we wait for all the 2 and 3 year arm people who were sold houses they can't afford to foreclose. In the mean time, the housing market has no choice but to lower and correct itself.
Frankly, I don't want the government to correct it. People who lose their houses in a foreclosure are not done in, and they are eligible to buy a new house in another few years. In the meantime, they can live in their houses rent free (most states) during the foreclosure process and catch up on their bills. Why would we want to keep people in houses they artificially can't afford and keep prices high? Right now- barring a $100,000 job or living in the country and telecommuting to work- most people can't afford a house without two full time incomes. Owning your own home should not be so difficult.
Obviously, a major self correction such as this has repercussions throughout the economy, and an economist would know better than me. But am I the only one who sees dropping home prices as not the worst thing in the world?
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No. You are, in my humble opinion, dead on. If the government lets a couple of banks go under because they made dumb decisions, then more power to them- perhaps they will not make such risky investments from now on. And, also, if they stop forcing banks to give loans to lower-income people, that will help. And if every speculator that bought 20 houses in Las Vegas or CA has to resell their houses at 30% less than what they paid- great! That's one of the reasons that the houses were so high in the first place, and they knew it. It's a sad situation that no one wants to take credit for, and no one seems to be at all willing to pay the consequences for, except for the obvious and oft-used cop out- the American taxpayer!
Michael Kinsley at the Washington Post, while doing a mostly unserious look at the advantage of being a male in the Presidential race because it takes less time to get ready in the morning, says one thing that shouldn't be forgotten:
A year ago the big dinner-table question was whether it is a bigger disadvantage in running for president to be an African-American or a woman. It seemed for a while as if neither one was a particular disadvantage. In fact, the prize for biggest burden of prejudice to be lugging around the primaries went to Mitt Romney for being a Mormon.
Freedom’s Watch Hires Romney Aide - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog: "The conservative group, Freedom’s Watch, which has endured some prominent staff departures in recent months, announced today the hiring of Carl Forti, who was most recently political director for Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, to run the group’s issue advocacy campaign in the fall.
Prior to the Romney campaign, Mr. Forti was communications director at the National Republican Congressional Committee, where he oversaw the committee’s independent expenditures in 2004 and 2006.
Freedom’s Watch, organized as a 501(c)4 non-profit corporation, made a big initial splash after it was formed last year and plunged into a $15 million advertising campaign to build support for President Bush’s troop escalation in Iraq. The group also aired ads challenging the liberal group,, for its criticism of General David Petraeus, the U.S. military commander in Iraq."
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What do these things have in common? They are all prime examples of politicians inventing their own memories for political gain.
The Drudge report links to a YouTube clip from a CBS report unraveling Hillary's claim that she was essentially a one-woman combat battalion landing in Bosnia. My only complaint with the piece is that CBS comes out singing na-na nana naaa. Anything that buoys the shamed CBS news team is not a good thing.
This isn't the first time. You might recall Hillary down under in the 90s claiming that she was named after famed explorer Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. Problem is, Hillary was a nobody until he accomplished that feat in 1953, quite a few years after Mrs. Clinton was born.
If I recall, Hillary's fellow New Yorker, Senator Schumer, had another moment like this, conjuring up in his mind the angst he felt watching the congressional mob hearings via boob tube as a child. Problem is the boob Schumer was watching at that point was his mom's... (forgive the crassness)... he was 8 weeks old.
To my grave disappointment, Hillary and her disbarred hubby have been lying with less and less style as their campaign slips into panic.
I once wrote :
In my lifetime I've had the privilege of watching Magic Johnson and Larry Bird and Michael Jordan play basketball, Wayne Gretzky play hockey, Muhammed Ali box, Tom Seaver pitch, Tiger Woods golf.
And I've heard the Clintons lie.
Greatness comes in many forms.
I guess, like aging boxers who stay in the ring after their skills are gone, the Clintons are sliding into pugsville.
The firt thing I thought of after hearing about Bosniagate was how nuts the media went over Mitt's MLK story. The media is just laughing off Hillary's embellishment as no big deal at all.The media also seems to be in a quandry over who to back between Obama and Hillary because they can't figure out who is going to win.What irks me is the recimination republicans face in a scandal and how it's poo pooed away when a dem messes up.Does anybody believe that a republican mayor of Detroit would still have his job?
Well, good luck to her. Anybody heard where or how Mitt is campaigning for McCain right now? I don't hear Mitt's name mentioned anywhere anymore, so I have given up hope of a vp nom. for him. As a matter of fact, some days I think Mitt needs to just stay away from McCain, the liberal loser.
Well, she seems to have a good resume. It also helps that she has a lot of money. And she probably has tons of connections and friends. It is also helpful that she's a female. Females seem to do quite well in statewide elections in California.
Now, the much more important question is: WHAT ARE HER POLITICS? Liberalism has killed California. Is she a conservative? And will she govern like a conservative? And if she is a conservative, can she communicate the conservative message in a way that will help her gain enough support to win the evermore liberal left coast People's Republic of California?
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