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Saturday, May 19, 2007
posted by Jeff Fuller | 11:39 PM | permalink
The new Des Moines Register poll shows an AMAZING jump for Romney up to 30%!!! He has a double digit lead over Giuliani and McCain (17% and 18% respectively). This is among "Likely Republican Caucus-goers" and exclude unannounced possible candidates (F. Thompson and Newt namely).

However, these figures are far from "set in stone":

The race at this early stage could take many twists and turns before the Iowa finish line is reached in January.

Twelve percent of those polled are undecided or declare themselves uncommitted. Among those stating a preference, 87 percent say they could still be persuaded to support another candidate as their first choice.

Why is he surging? Some ideas below:

Romney’s front-runner status in the new Des Moines Register poll could stem in part from solid performances in the two national debates, his work in building a network of supporters in Iowa, his fundraising prowess and money spent on TV ads, said J. Ann Selzer, The Register’s pollster.

“His success raising money seems to have aroused caucusgoers’ interest, prompting them to take a serious look at the candidate,” Selzer said. “He’s helped by the top two qualifications Republican caucusgoers are looking for in a candidate — experience as a governor and as CEO.”

The poll shows Romney is regarded favorably by 74 percent of likely caucus participants and unfavorably by just 13 percent, with the rest unsure how they feel about him.

He does better in the poll among older Iowans, who tend to be more faithful in attending the caucuses, than he does among younger ones. Roughly one-third of those 55 or older make him their first choice, compared with support from about one-fifth of adults younger than 35.

Some opinions from participants:

Republican caucusgoers place a premium on a candidate who has experience as a governor, with 60 percent saying they are more likely to support a person with that experience on their resume.

“Just being elected out east, where the hard core of the Democrats are, speaks pretty highly of” Romney, said poll participant Edward Green, 57, of Davenport.

“He’s got a good family and his children are on the right track,” said Green, a minister who does missions work for Assemblies of God International.

Green wonders, however, whether Romney — a Mormon — can win the Republican nomination because of his religion. “People will poke and prod at his religion — a lot like they did with Kennedy in the ’60s.” John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, was the first Catholic elected president.

Most likely Republican caucus participants — 71 percent — say it makes no difference in their choice of a candidate if that person would be elected the first Mormon president. However, 22 percent say that would make their support for the candidate less likely.

Six percent say electing the first Mormon president would make them more apt to support that person and 1 percent are unsure.

Iowa is a nice microcosm proving that those who get to know Romney . . . like Romney. His campaign is picking up steam and will be hard to derail. Full steam ahead to the Ames Straw Poll!!!
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:11 AM | permalink
The NY Post has the details on McCain's angry, profanity-laced tirade at fellow Republican senator John Cornyn of Texas over the immigration bill.

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Friday, May 18, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 6:22 PM | permalink
Help Romney put this on the air at this crucial time when McCain and Kennedy are trying to rush through a "comprehensive" immigration bill:

'nuf said...



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posted by Justin Hart | 4:08 PM | permalink
FACT: As Governor Of Massachusetts, Governor Romney Took Action To Enforce Immigration Laws.

ENFORCEMENT: In December 2006, Governor Romney Signed A Memorandum Of Agreement With The Federal Government To Allow State Troopers To Enforce Federal Immigration Laws. "Governor Mitt Romney and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and ICE, which will give specially trained Massachusetts State Troopers the authority to administer and enforce federal immigration laws in the Commonwealth." (Office Of The Governor, "Governor Romney, ICE Sign Immigration Enforcement Pact," Press Release, 12/13/06)

IN-STATE TUITION: Governor Romney Vetoed In-State Tuition For Illegal Immigrants. "Romney also vetoed a number of outside sections of the budget, including:…A plan that would have permitted illegal aliens to pay the same in-state tuition rate at our public colleges and universities as Massachusetts citizens." (Office Of The Governor, "Romney Signs $22.402B Fiscal Year 2005 'No New Tax' Budget," Press Release, 6/25/04)

ENGLISH IMMERSION: Governor Romney Fought Efforts To Weaken Massachusetts' English Immersion Law. "But yesterday, Romney press secretary Shawn Feddeman said the governor will fight all attempts to slow the implementation of English immersion, known on the ballot as Question 2. … 'He will veto anything that weakens or delays English immersion,' Feddeman said." (Anand Vaishnav, "Romney Firm On English Timetable," The Boston Globe, 1/24/03)

In June 2002, Mitt Romney Said "The Approach Of English Immersion Is One That I Support. … I Would Make English Immersion The Educational Norm For All Non-Native English Speakers." (John McElhenny, "Mitt Romney Endorses 'English Immersion' Education Plan," The Associated Press, 6/4/02)

DRIVER'S LICENSES: Governor Romney Opposed Efforts To Give Driver's Licenses To Illegal Immigrants. "'Those who are here illegally should not receive tacit support from our government that gives an indication of legitimacy,' the governor said, echoing arguments that opponents have voiced in the Commonwealth and in other states considering similar license measures. 'If they are here illegally, they should not get driver's licenses,' he said." (Scott S. Greenberger, "Romney Stand Dims Chances Of License For Undocumented," The Boston Globe, 10/28/03)

FACT: Governor Romney Would Take Action To Secure The Borders Through Physical And Virtual Fences.

Governor Romney: "In my view, there are several principles that need to be part of our immigration plan. First, to secure the border…" (Governor Mitt Romney, Interview On The Northern Alliance Radio Network, 1/27/07)

Governor Romney: "You've got to have a wall or fence or electronic surveillance. You have got to make sure we secure our border, that's first." (Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," 9/19/06)

FACT: Governor Romney Supports Strong Reforms To Stop Illegal Immigration And Encourage Legal Immigration.

Governor Romney: "The current system puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically-enabled and tamper-proof documentation and employment-verification system, and increase legal immigration into America." (David Yepsen, Op-Ed, "So Far, Romney's Been Most Impressive Republican," Des Moines Register, 7/11/06)

FACT: Governor Romney Opposes The McCain-Kennedy Bill And Any Form Of Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants.

Governor Romney: "McCain-Kennedy Isn't The Answer." "Another aspect of American sovereignty is the security of our borders. The current system is a virtual concrete wall against those who have skill and education, but it's a wide-open walk across the border for those that have neither. McCain-Kennedy isn't the answer. As governor, I took a very different approach. I authorized our state police to enforce federal immigration laws." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington, D.C., 3/2/07)

FACT: Governor Romney Supports A Strong Employer-Verification System That Includes A Tamper Proof Worker Verification Card.

Governor Romney: "First, to secure the border, number two, have an employment verification system. This would be a card – a biometric card – that people who are not citizens would have and before an employer hires a non citizen they would have to look at the card, type in a number on a computer, and get verification from the federal government that this person is eligible for work in the U.S. If they hired someone not so eligible that company would be fined just like not paying taxes." (Governor Mitt Romney, Interview On The Northern Alliance Radio Network, 1/27/07)

FACT: Governor Romney Supports Empowering Local And State Authorities To Enforce Federal Immigration Laws.

Governor Romney Believes More State And Local Police Agencies Should Work With The Federal Government To Enforce Immigration Laws. "Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said Tuesday that more state and local police agencies ought to consider making deals with the federal government to have their officers trained in enforcing elements of federal immigration law. … 'I think it's a good idea for us to communicate that we intend to enforce our laws,' Romney said." (Jacques Billeaud, "Romney: More State, Local Police Should Get Immigration Training," The Associated Press, 3/13/07)


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Even in states where illegal aliens are not allowed to receive drivers licenses the can get them when they present a good fake birth certificate and/or social security card. Suddenly they are in the system with a legitimate form of ID saying they are citizens. Why then would they need a special card if the ones they already have legitimize them. I don't see how a biometric card would be useful unless all American's had to have one.

Personally, I'm in favor of federalizing the ID system. This is one area where I think the Europeans got it right.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2007 at 11:28 AM  

posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:02 PM | permalink
“And my fear is that McCain-Kennedy would do to immigration what McCain-Feingold has done to campaign finance and money in politics, and that's bad.”
- Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Debate in South Carolina, May 15, 2007
Of course we know what happened to money in politics after McCain-Feingold: it increased instead of decreasing. We can only speculate the extent of damage that would be caused by the immigration reform that McCain and others proposed yesterday. However, my intent is not to debate the merits of the bill, but to discuss McCain’s approach to solving problems.

When asked at the debate about McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy, McCain had this answer:
SEN. MCCAIN: Well, the first issues you mentioned have to do with bipartisanship, have to do with reaching across the aisle and work for the good of the American people. That's what I intend to do. That's what leadership is all about. And the reason why congressional approval ratings -- I saw at 28 percent as -- and you get down to blood relatives and paid staffers when you get down that low -- (laughter) -- is because they want us to work together, they want us to reach across the aisle on issues that are important to America.
Apparently McCain gives us this formula: Bipartisanship = Leadership. However, this formulation seems dubious at best. To McCain, any answer that passes, with both sides agreeing, is the right answer. But consensus is not leadership. In fact leadership may be just the opposite. It would seem that McCain would understand this in his defense of the Iraq war. What is his defense of the Iraq war, then, if it fails his bipartisanship = leadership formula? His position does not garner bipartisan support. Does that make his support for the Iraq war wrong, or against American interests? Certainly not.

McCain’s propensity to sell Republican values and principles for the pottage of bipartisanship is why we should avoid him. His latest immigration proposal only reaffirms the need for someone who, even in the toughest of times and places has stood against the tide of liberal ideals. After listing the fights he’s led for life, traditional marriage, English immersion in schools, the death penalty, and abstinence education, Romney summed up true leadership:

“In the toughest of states, I made the toughest decisions and did what was right for America.” - Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Debate in South Carolina, May 15, 2007

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posted by Justin Hart | 12:17 PM | permalink
John McCain on the Immigration Bill: I Own It!

MP3 File
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Sign it quickly, before anyone notices.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 18, 2007 at 2:09 PM  

posted by Justin Hart | 10:26 AM | permalink

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posted by jason | 7:38 AM | permalink
Elect Romney blog has a good rundown of the article.
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Noonan should have ended the first sentence of the first paragraph at "underwear." There was no need for the rest of it unless she wanted to take a swipe at Romney's religion. This is especially true given Noonan's past criticism of the the "boxers or briefs" question. While I'm a big Noonan fan, the second half of that sentence was beneath her.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 18, 2007 at 8:14 AM  

Thursday, May 17, 2007
posted by jason | 8:01 PM | permalink "Do you find that the climate of the adult industry changes when there is a Republican administration versus Democratic?"

Jenna Jameson: "Absolutely. The Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again. I would love to have him back in office. I would love to have Al Gore in office. When Republicans are in office, the problem is, a lot of times they try to put their crosshairs on the adult industry, to make a point. It's sad, when there are so many different things that are going on in the world: war, and people are dying of genocide...I look forward to another Democrat being in office. It just makes the climate so much better for us, and I know that once all our troops come home, things are going to be better and I think that getting Bush out of office is the most important thing right now." Link

Hat Tip Brody File

I really hope Team Romney is saving this for the generals. "Hillary: The Adult Business Candidate" or "Hillary: Good for Porn"
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It takes the Clinton Village to run the porn industry!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 10:03 PM  

posted by Justin Hart | 5:43 PM | permalink
"I strongly oppose today's bill going through the Senate. It is the wrong approach. Any legislation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the country indefinitely, as the new 'Z-Visa' does, is a form of amnesty. That is unfair to the millions of people who have applied to legally immigrate to the U.S.

"Today's Senate agreement falls short of the actions needed to both solve our country's illegal immigration problem and also strengthen our legal immigration system. Border security and a reliable employment verification system must be our first priority."

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I'm in agreement with Mitt, and my wife is one of those many immigrants who's had to jump through all the hoops, pay all the fees, do all the waiting, and labor through interviews and paperwork just to get a permanent residency (green card). I'm upset with this vote, and it seems that they're just rolling to get done what Kennedy and the Dems want, and unfortunately, the approach that the president is willing ot take.

My question: if this passes and becomes law (and creates a whole new slew of problems and complications), what is Mitt's approach? Does he speak about repealing it? Altering it? What will his approach be?

Any politician who doesn't 'get it' that THIS ISSUE of illegal immigration is HUGE, will not win the presidency. It looks like Mitt has a clue. Keep it up Mitt Romney!!! John McCain is clearly out of touch.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 7:03 PM  

There was, unfortunately and other than Mitt seeking to take McCain to task, very little of the uproar about McCain's bill in the Republican debate. There was a lot of lip service about immigration, but this is an imminent disaster about to happen. The urgency was lacking amongst the candidates. Instead of Mitt's call out to McCain becoming a flash point for debate, it was retorted with a personal attack.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 9:06 PM  

posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:10 PM | permalink
Jonathan Martin reports another poll showing a statistical tie in Iowa.

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posted by Justin Hart | 3:44 PM | permalink
UPDATE: Stay tuned. Romney campaign to issue statement shortly.

Listen, immigration is a difficult issue. But one thing is for sure.... this has McCain written all over it.

Here's a photo from today's "Amnesty" bill press conference:

Hugh Hewitt spins this bit of parody on John McCain's "Amnesty-lite":
Deal's done. I am the guy. I made it happen. My opinion mattered, not yours. What I do in the middle of a campaign for president has nothing to do with politics. My critics are all motivated by politics. Since I have already made up my mind, no debate is necessary, so shut up. Republicans especially shut up. This is how things get done in D.C.: You roll over for Democrats. And by the way, cutting half the fence and leaving the other half subject to the whims of the anti-border security bureaucracy equals protecting national security, just like the Gang of 14 was good for the confirmation process and McCain-Feingold good for the First Amendment. So, if you didn't hear me the first time: Shut up. Sit down. I'm your nominee.

I'm John McCain and I approved of this message.
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Bye Bye McCain. Have fun with Ron Paul!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 5:35 PM  

What is worse than a poli that only listens to public opinion polls? A poli that doesn't listen to anyone and sells out the national interest.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 9:09 PM  

posted by jason | 2:22 PM | permalink
Zogby New Hampshire

* Romney - 35% (25)
* McCain - 19% (25)
* Giuliani - 19% (19)
* F Thompson - 6% (6)
* Paul - 3% (2)
* Everyone else - 1% or less

Looks like the "Straight Talk Express" has changed lanes.
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I had four people at my debate party and am fed ex'ing their support in today.
Winters, CA

This is what all the states will be like in 4-5 months... mark my words.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 at 9:36 PM  

posted by Justin Hart | 12:45 PM | permalink
The Romney campaign just released stats from the Sign Up America. I've been with enough cross-medium political campaigns to know that these are very big and impressive results.

Imagine. Yesterday you had a database of 32,000+ contributors and supporters. Overnight your list doubles! That is impressive.
  • Total Number Of New Romney Supporters Signed Up: Over 30,000
  • Percent Of New Supporters Who Signed Up On The Web Site: 60%
  • Number Of Call Day Events: 90 Call Day Events In 22 States
  • received more traffic on May 16 than ever before, as measured by daily unique visitors and by page views
  • Total Number Of Debate Watch House Parties: 953
  • Number Of States With Debate Watch House Parties: 48 states and the District of Columbia
  • Number Of Parties In Arizona: 44
  • Number Of Parties In California: 99
  • Number Of Parties In Florida: 77
  • More Than 100 People Attended A Single Orlando House Party
  • Number Of Parties In Georgia: 23
  • Number Of Parties In Iowa: 55
  • Number Of Parties In Michigan: 42
  • Number Of Parties In New Hampshire: 41
  • House Parties Were Held In Every New Hampshire County
  • Number Of Parties In Oregon: 22
  • Number Of Parties In South Carolina: 16
  • More Than 200 People Attended A Single Columbia House Party
  • Number Of Parties In Texas: 48
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posted by Justin Hart | 5:10 AM | permalink

One of the complaints against the Romney campaign at the end of Q1 is that the base of contributors was small. How about doubling your Q! amount of contributors in 24 hours. Yeah, that'll work.

And it did. In 24 hours, the Romney campaign together with house parties across the country helped to sign up 24,000 new supporters and contributors.

From what I hear on the backend over half of the 24,000 actually gave a contribution. I hope to pull Stephen Smith and Mindy Finn aside and ask them how they did it. I'm impressed.

Click over to for a special message from Governor Romney.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 5:42 PM | permalink
Here's the latest video update from the campaign. Less than 5 hours to go! Make it happen.

Can we sign up 24,000 new supporters in 24 hours?

UPDATE: Last night:
1000 House Parties
48 States
55 House Parties in Iowa
31 in NH
42 in Michigan
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9:00 UPDATE with Craig and Tagg

6:30 Update. Mitt appears at Boston HQ

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posted by Jeff Fuller | 2:06 PM | permalink

See link here.

Actually, it's a statistical tie since the margin of error is 4.6% . . . but Romney's upward trend here in Iowa is amazing. He was at just 5% in Jan, up to 11% in March and now is at 19% (and this is with Fred Thompson included.) Rudy (18%) and McCain (18%) are stagnant or slipping. However, "Undecided" is the big winner at 22%. Some of the "little guys" are hanging in there . . . but Tommy Thompson (who has lived here the last few months) is the tops there with 4% . . . nearly 5 times less than Romney.

Romney now leads polls in Iowa and New Hampshire . . . critics and opponents are taking notice. Those are a couple of good states to be leading in, eh? That's where Romney's been and that's where Romney's liked. Coincidence? Not a chance. Romney is much more impressive in person or in advertisements than he is in MSM articles.

From Zogsby himself:

“Times have definitely changed. It used to be conventional wisdom that the worst thing a leader could face was a knock on the door and a voice calling out ‘Mike Wallace here from 60 Minutes - I have a few questions.’ Perhaps Mitt Romney proved this past weekend that this conventional wisdom doesn’t always hold true. . . . Overall, Romney’s surge makes this a true three–way battle on both sides of the aisle. Lurking in the background are other figures, including Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich on the Republican side and former Vice President Al Gore on the Democratic side, but there is no strong evidence that those potential candidacies will break through immediately into the top tier.”

Some more from that piece:

Romney, who is also on top of the heap in the GOP race in New Hampshire, has nearly doubled since the last Zogby Iowa polling in March and has nearly quadrupled since January. Meanwhile, McCain has held steady over the same time period, while Giuliani has returned to where he was at the beginning of the year
after a solid bump up in March. The percentage of undecided in the GOP race has remained constant at 22% throughout.

Romney’s jump comes as his organization in Iowa develops, and as Giuliani has wrestled with the abortion question and reports that he might downplay corn-fed caucus-goers in favor of GOP voters who will choose their favored presidential candidates in the weeks immediately after the Iowa caucuses. Romney is performing quite well among the very conservative and the conservative, while Giuliani has lost significant support among those likely voters – this coming after Romney’s strong performance on the CBS newsmagazine program 60 Minutes.

Jeff Fuller
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You bet Rudy is slumping. All he's got is 9-11. His morality, rediscovered record on important issues, and skeletons in multiple closets are causing him to fade.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:48 PM | permalink
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 11:41 PM | permalink
The Romney campaign has put out a challenge to all Romney supporters...

Can we sign up 24,000 new supporters in 24 hours?

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Here's what people are saying about Mitt's performance:

Des Moines Register's David Yepsen: "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney." (David Yepsen, "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney," Des Moines Register Blog,, 5/15/07)

Yepsen: "Mitt Romney had the best overall performance. He was cool, concise, and showed an executive persona throughout the session." (David Yepsen, "Best Overall Debate Performance: Romney," Des Moines Register Blog,, 5/15/07)

National Review Online's Mark Levin: "For what it's worth, Romney looks stronger and stronger to me. He's in his zone, he's nailed down his positions, he's confident and articulate, and he has charisma." (Mark Levin, "The Debate," Mark Levin Blog,, 5/15/07)

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Romney backed 'enhanced terrorism techniques' but drew the line at torture. He drew applause with his call to double the size of Guantanamo Bay, rather than close it." (Chris Cillizza, "On The Use Of Torture," The Fix Blog,, 5/15/07)

Dean Barnett: "Mitt gains from every one of these formats. The more the country gets to see him, the better it is for him… Anyway, about Iraq, his answer was so much more scholarly than the others. It's almost like he's a doctorate holder who actually knows the facts, while the other guys are platitude spewing high school students. His command of the facts and authoritative delivery have to be the envy of the field." (Dean Barnett, "Quickie Debate Recap," Townhall,, 5/15/07)

Townhall's Hugh Hewitt: "Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney are light years ahead in electability and seriousness than the other eight. Each are superbly prepared and competent to talk at length and persuasively about the key issues ahead and not the old feuds and failed policies of the past." (Hugh Hewitt, "A Rudy-Romney Race," Townhall,, 5/15/07)

Hewitt: "They are the class of the field, far beyond the rest in terms of presence and appeal… Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney are light years ahead in electability and seriousness than the other eight. Each are superbly prepared and competent to talk at length and persuasively about the key issues ahead and not the old feuds and failed policies of the past." (Hugh Hewitt, "A Rudy-Romney Race," Townhall,, 5/15/07)

Paul Mirengoff: "Romney put in another assured performance." (Paul Mirengoff, "About Tonight's Republican Debate," Power Line,, 5/15/07)

Ed Morrissey: "Mitt Romney continued to show that he has mastered the format." (Ed Morrissey, "Giuliani Wins, But Paul Threw The Game," Captain's Quarters,, 5/15/07)

Jim Geraghty: "Last debate we were introduced to a very sharp, smooth candidate who knows how to make his case in a challengingly limited amount of time. Tonight, we saw last time's good performance wasn't just luck." (Jim Geraghty, "Republican Debate Number Two Wrapup," The Hillary Spot On National Review Online,, 5/15/07)

Macranger: "Romney is masterful. Handled Wallace's questions about gun control, abortion with ease." (Macranger, "Read My lips," Heading Right,, 5/15/07)

Chin: "Both Romney and Hunter sound strong on Iraq. Cogent, informed and passionate. The others seems to be dancing." (Chin, "Iraq," Heading Right,, 5/15/07)

Matt Lewis: "Once again, Romney looks (and sounds) sharp." (Matt Lewis, "Game On!," Townhall,, 5/15/07)

The Influence Peddler: "Romney says we cannot fail. He paints a picture of what happens in Iraq if we leave prematurely. Sounds good." (The Editor, "Live Blogging the GOP Debate," The Influence Peddler,, 5/15/07)
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posted by Justin Hart | 8:02 PM | permalink

email us with any issues

On the Brit Hume scenario:

On John McCain

On abortion:

Some highlights:

First question:
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Go Mitt - we are 100% behind you here in the great state of New Hampshire. Two debates in a row that you conquered hands down. Congratulations!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 15, 2007 at 11:39 PM  

posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:36 PM | permalink
The Mitt website is all ready for you to sign up all your friends who are new Romney supporters.

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posted by Justin Hart | 10:41 AM | permalink
Hey folks... if you're on Facebook sign up with the new Facebook group for SignUp America for Mitt:


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posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:21 AM | permalink
There are several articles on related topics out there:

Newsmax has a nice article by Ronald Kessler about the recent media coverage and the MSM’s obsession with Romney’s religion: Instead of focusing on [Romney’s accomplishments], Time devotes almost 40 percent of its coverage of Romney to his religion and the question of whether Evangelicals will vote for a Mormon. Yet, as Time quotes Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's public-policy arm, "Southern Baptists understand they are voting for a commander in chief, not a theologian in chief."

An editorial at the says why editorialist Joseph Haynie says we should look beyond the religion issue. The opening line sums it up nicely: Too much of a fuss is being made about Mitt Romney's Mormonism and not enough is being said about the man's politics, or, more importantly, his character.

Finally, David Brody at CBN posts a letter of a person who would rather vote for another candidate just to spite the LDS Church: “It finally dawned on me a couple of weekends ago why I’m against Mitt Romney and why I’d not vote for him. It’s not because he is a Mormon. It’s because it gives legitimacy to the LDS Churches drive to be accepted as a Christian group.” To be fair, Brody also includes another email from a person with a much better perspective: “The Romney candidacy is bringing bigots out of the woodwork, and I don't think there are really that many of them. I believe and hope that most conservatives are able to rise above religious differences and vote for the best man on his merits. And so far, he is beginning to look like that man.”

It’s good to see that the majority of people and, increasingly, media outlets have come to embrace Romney’s truism that when voting for President, the shared values are more important than a shared theology. The type of group prejudice portrayed by the one Brody letter is the type of thing we would hope to eliminate for all groups. It just goes to show the wisdom of the Constitution which strictly forbids that type of thinking, portrayed by such a small segment of society.

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I practice no religion but belong to a Catholic family.

The bigots on the right of the political spectrum are SHOCKING ME! It also makes me very sad too.
On this earth we are supposed to judge each man on HIS WORKS and leave his soul to God. It is very presumptious of these bigots to think they know for a fact that Mormonism is so wrong. Why is it so hard to believe that God might actually APPROVE of the way Mormons live their lives and worship? Why are these bigots so threatened by that?
And what if GOD does indeed see Mormons as his children and these so-called Christians are trashing God's Mormon children?
The reason we all go to different denominational churches is because we believe differently.

If we want the right to do that we better give Mormons the right to do it.

What if God sent us Mitt Romney because he is the right man for these times and WE REJECTED HIM because of our prejudices and bigotry?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 15, 2007 at 5:44 PM  

posted by Justin Hart | 7:51 AM | permalink
OK... I've pulled myself away from the video editor for the time being. There has been a flurry of news over the past week and I may have missed something so...


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posted by jason | 2:32 AM | permalink
A good article. Worth the read, but here is the money quote:

If Romney is the Mormon church’s intended instrument as president, it must be because the church has hatched a sinister plot to bring better management techniques to the federal government and cut wasteful spending, Romney’s rather unthreatening campaign pledges.
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Monday, May 14, 2007
posted by Scott Allan | 11:50 AM | permalink
I caught one of Mitt's new ads this weekend. We're going to need someone to utilize our system of checks and balances to keep the Democrat Congress in line especially when it comes to the budget and the military. I think this is a smart move. President Bush has used his veto power far too little and here's an area where Mitt can stand out.

Scott Allan

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posted by Justin Hart | 7:49 AM | permalink
Here's a quick playlist of the video to watch all at one time:

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Sunday, May 13, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:41 PM | permalink
UPDATE (videos below) (playlist video here):

My Key Takeaways
  • Mitt's criticism of the war is eye-opening
  • The "pre-marital sex" question is awkward but not outrageous in its context
  • Mike seems rather taken with the Romney family
  • Mitt calls his wife "a babe"
  • Mitt aptly explains himself on the charge of flip-flop
  • The Romney's lake house has an awesome island designed for extra grandkid participation (see below)
All in all... the interview was a terrific introduction to the nation of Mitt Romney. Wallace got in all of the usual MSM questions about Mitt but he did it with surprising alacrity and class (even the "pre-marital sex" question wasn't as unnerving as previously noted).

Gov. Romney as always was unflappable.

Here's the opening clip.

Mitt talks about Mormonism:

About the Iraq war:

Mitt talks about family values:

The pre-marital sex question:

On the typical charge of the flip-flop:

On taxes and winning the election:

Here's the cool kitchen island:

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I think this turned out very well. It started out as a glowing spotlight on Mitt, and even though they brought up the usual "flip-flop" accusations toward the end of the feature, I thought he handled it extremely well.

You can't help but be impressed by him.

After the segment, Catholic Democrat Grandma called. She says Mitt was very impressive and added, "I didn't know he is George Romney's son. I love George Romney."

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 14, 2007 at 2:55 PM  

egarding plural marriage Mitt said in what appeared to be a rehearsed response: "I can"t imagine anything more awful than polygamy." I was concerned at the answer. I hope the campaign works up a better way to express his personal feeling on the subject.

My comments:

Is polygamy more awful than incest & other forms of rape?
Is polygamy more awful than extra-affairs?
Is polygamy more awful than than divorce?

Maybe there are some things more awful than polygamy. I say all of the above. Was polygamy a difficult thing for all involved? Was it againts the standards and traditions of that day? Yes. It was awfully hard on those who followed their leaders counsel & lived that lifestyle. I guess that says a lot about their trust in their God and their belief that their leaders were indeed directed by God. Mitt mentioned that his Great-Grandfather lived it after seeing that he needed to. If I remember right he moved his families to Mexico so he would not be hounded by the US government as he lived accoding to his religious beliefs. Just my personal comments. I'm sure many of you would see it differently.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 14, 2007 at 8:24 PM  

posted by jason | 12:51 PM | permalink
St. Petersburg Times/Bay News 9 poll

Giuliani 29

McCain 15

Romney 14

Thompson 9

Gingrich 9

Undecided 17

Romney is now ahead of McCain in MI and NH. He is in a statistical tie in Florida, and has more money than McCain along with a better organization.

I think my case for Romney and McCain being tied in the rankings holds.
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posted by Justin Hart | 10:11 AM | permalink
Two shocking things in this first 30 second clip
  1. Rudy thinks that Judges with a pro-life record are not terrific (from the line: "if on 20 other issues they would be terrific")
  2. Rudy just "might" bring himself to appoint pro-life judges.

The incredible game of abortion ping-pong with Mayor Rudy continues today on FoxNews Sunday with Chris Wallace.

Here are some excerpts I find both odd, cryptic and revealing:

Wallace asks why? Answer: It's morally better to oppose abortion.

Asked about frozen embryos:
"I can't decide when life begins"

Asked about his "pillar" of choice:
"It will never be my personal choice... I'm not a woman."

Rudy then offers:
"I support limitations on abortions"

"If we could ever get to no abortions by free choice..."

Wallace brings up the 1997 NARAL survey where he opposed parental notification, supported Medicaid funding, and opposed limitations on abortion.

Do you support limitations?
"I would probably find a way to support [ways to limit abortion]"

Wallace asks: Will you try to change the strongly pro-life GOP platform:
"I'm not going to deal with the platform"

(Sweating profusely now)

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The reality is that everyone in the GOP should just accept the fact that Giuliani is very pro-choice and that if he is elected, we can expect any progress made on the issues related to life to go the wayside. We could fairly expect him to expand federal funding of stem cell research, to approve cloning of embryos, to allow public funding for abortion, to allow late term abortions, and to appoint judges who care more about stare decisis than the Constitution. I am not a single-issue voter and would not advocate voting that way, but everyone who support Giuliani needs to come to grips with this basic fact. If you are okay with having a President who is on the same page as the democrats in Congress on these issues, no worries. If you want someone who will continue to stand up for these issues and who has a proven record of doing so, then My Man Mitt is the candidate for you.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 13, 2007 at 11:20 AM  

Here is my problem with the abortion question and Rudy: the GOP is the Party that allows different views, right? I am pro-life, but this issue is starting to define the GOP too heavily. We are losing our way, I fear. Always remember, people do good, government does bad. To change abortion we have to change people, not government. So, as conservatives, we need to focus on getting back to basic Americanism. Let's shrink government. Save the social stuff for individuals.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 13, 2007 at 5:38 PM  

Ouch. A Giuliani victory would be a Waterloo for the pro-life movement. There's no way to spin it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 14, 2007 at 9:34 AM  

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