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Saturday, January 26, 2008
posted by Nealie Ride | 10:47 PM | permalink

I've got kids in the house and don't appreciate hearing an adult--much less someone running for President--speak in such a foul manner.

Thanks to Mike L. for the tip.
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So much for a former Baptist pastor who proclaim himself as a Christian leader! That's not a practising Christian to me. Many Christians should follow their heads not just their hearts. He and kissin' cousin McPain is like a wrestling tag team of foul mouths with envy, resentment and jealousy towards Mitt Romney. This is the modern version of the Pharisees.

posted by Nealie Ride | 9:24 PM | permalink

Whoever posted this on YouTube included the following comments:

John McCain knows absolutely nothing about how the US economy works, let alone how to keep us competitive and prosperous in our economic dealings around the world.

He voted against the tax cuts twice, but admits they saved the economy and says he'd make them permanent now, even though he still says voting against them was the right thing.

He says he wants interest rates to be ZERO out of complete ignorance for how interest rates affect the economy. I'd like to see him say that to retirees on a fixed income.

Mitt Romney has spent more than 25 years turning around and starting many businesses. He is an expert in economics and finance and is the man we need as president.

What's the most important issue during a week when the Dow dived 400 points? The ECONOMY.
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With McCain's clean sweep of the three Potomac primaries Huckabee is 100% eliminated and like it or not John McCain is the GOP nominee.

Huckabee needs to immediately back off from his senseless fight against the Republican nominee so the GOP can begin the work of organizing for a huge battle with the Democrats. If Huckabee and Paul stay in they are harming the party and reducing the chance that conservatives will have a voice in the White House next year.

McCain is not my ideal nominee either, but that's who conservatives have to work with this season. The Democrats are the 'enemy' now, not fellow Republicans.

Let's get with the program...

I suggest a McCain/Romney ticket to unite the GOP and defeat the Democrat contender.

posted by jason | 4:24 PM | permalink
Its amazing what this guy was able to learn in 77 days!

On Nov. 10, while traveling through New Hampshire on his Straight Talk Express bus, McCain was asked what he would seek in a vice presidential candidate if nominated. After mentioning the ability of a potential running mate to replace the president, McCain said, 'You also look for people who maybe have talents you don't, or experience or knowledge you don't, as well.' 'What are those qualities that you don't - that you wouldn't mind complementing?' asked David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times. McCain paused. 'Uh, maybe I shouldn't say this, but, somebody who's really well grounded in economics,' he said." Link

77 days later...

Mr. McCain said in the interview that he would feel no need to select a vice president with expertise in economic policy to balance his own foreign-policy experience. Link

I just have to say, this guy is a fast learner!
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recent research has shown that, because of the riggors of the campaign trail, it takes the average candidate approx 77 days to read Greenspan's book.

OMG.Charlie Crist is going to endorse McCain.....This is horrible!!!!!!

posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:05 PM | permalink
From a reader:
I got a call from a buddy of mine that told me of how McCain is on the attack in Florida. He lives in Miami. He got a call touting McCain and claiming that "McCain is the only Republican that could compete with the Dems." Saying that "Romney would be beat by 10 points." They said, "that is a political blow out". He said at the end of the message that it was paid for by John McCain for President. He told me that McCain was with Sen. Martinez and was challenging Romney's economic message.

Anyone else in Florida getting these calls? Let us know about all the latest on the ground in Florida at


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Is this the same Juan McCain that whined about attack ads in NH? Instead of giving people objective reasons to vote for him McCain has now switched to an electibility argument. Bill Clinton was right about one thing. A Clinton/McCain contest would put people to sleep. there's no reason to get excited about either and they agree on most everything. The dems will be happy to run against someone who wants to keep us in Iraq for 100 years.

I was wondering when the MSM would start it's pre-spin in case of a Romney win Tuesday. Well here you go. The message here is if Mitt wins it will be because of his ability to buy ads. The only problem with this line of thought is there really didn't to seem to be much benefit in other states. I get the feeling that Mitt's persoaal appearances are what's winning people over not the ads and that people are genuinely excoted when they leave his events.The media tries to paint him as stiff and robotic but he comes across very human,especially when he's talking about things he's an expert on. Read this and weep.,8599,1707027,00.html

posted by Myclob | 1:11 PM | permalink
Inside The Beltway, Years Of Leading Democrats Against Republicans

"The bottom line is that I served 12 years with him, 6 years in the United States Senate as leader, one of the leaders of the Senate — the number-3 leader — who had the responsibility of trying to put together the conservative agenda, and almost at every turn on domestic policy, John McCain was not only against us, but leading the charge on the other side." – Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "A Conservative Case Against McCain," National Review Online, 1/14/08)

Sen. McCain's Washington Leadership – Leading The Democrats:

Sen. McCain Is Touting His Leadership Inside The Beltway As A Reason To Support His Candidacy. "Speaking to reporters on his bus elsewhere in Florida, McCain insisted his service on the Senate Commerce Committee is better preparation for overseeing the U.S. economy than Romney's work as a business consultant, venture capitalist and Olympics CEO." (Glen Johnson, "GOP Candidates Tout Economic Skills," The Associated Press, 1/26/08)

Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA): "John McCain Was Not Only Against Us, But Leading The Charge On The Other Side." SEN. SANTORUM: "The bottom line is that I served 12 years with him, 6 years in the United States Senate as leader, one of the leaders of the Senate – the number-3 leader – who had the responsibility of trying to put together the conservative agenda, and almost at every turn on domestic policy, John McCain was not only against us, but leading the charge on the other side." (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "A Conservative Case Against McCain," National Review Online, 1/14/08)

Leadership? Opposing The Bush Tax Cuts:

Sen. McCain Took The Lead With Democrats Opposing President Bush's 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts. "On taxes and spending, Mr. McCain … has been disingenuous in explaining his opposition to Mr. Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. He claims to have cast these votes to protest the fact that the tax cuts were not accompanied by spending cuts. But the fact is that in opposing these measures, Mr. McCain joined liberal Democrats like Sens. Jay Rockefeller and Tom Daschle in employing class-warfare rhetoric and pushing in favor of higher taxes — voting on the pro-tax side on 14 different occasions." (Editorial, "McCain vs. McCain," The Washington Times, 1/25/08)

* Club For Growth President Pat Toomey: Sen. McCain Opposed The "Most Important Pro-Growth Tax Cuts In A Generation." "When the most important pro-growth tax cuts in a generation were proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003, Sen. McCain vigorously opposed them." (Pat Toomey, Op-Ed, "The McCain Record," The Wall Street Journal, 3/13/07)

Leadership? McCain-Kennedy Immigration:

Sen. McCain Took The Lead With Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) On Immigration Reform, Which Many Conservatives Derided As "Amnesty." "On illegal immigration, Mr. McCain said that anyone who says he supported amnesty is 'a liar' and says he has 'never' supported Social Security benefits for illegals. However, in 2006 and 2007, he joined with Ted Kennedy to support Senate bills that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegals. In 2006, Mr. McCain denounced in a floor speech and cast the deciding vote against an amendment by Sen. John Ensign, Nevada Republican, that would have denied Social Security benefits to illegals who work under a Social Security number obtained through identity fraud." (Editorial, "McCain vs. McCain," The Washington Times, 1/25/08)

* National Review: McCain's Immigration Proposal Amounts To Amnesty. "Supporters of the McCain/Kennedy proposal deny that it is an amnesty, pointing to the fact that payment of a (modest) fine is one of the prerequisites of legalization. But since the goal of an illegal immigrant is to work in the United States, anything that legalizes his presence is a reward; the putative fine is little more than a retroactive smuggling fee paid to the U.S. government." (Editorial, "Hope Over Experience," National Review, 5/17/05)

Leadership? McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform:

Sen. McCain Took The Lead With Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) On Campaign Finance Reform, Which Many Conservatives Said Violated The First Amendment. "Another issue where Mr. McCain has clashed with conservatives was over campaign finance reform, also called the McCain-Feingold bill, which instituted a series of regulations that limit the ability of independent groups not associated with the Democratic or Republican parties to participate in the political process. These regulations, which violate the First Amendment, bar the use of corporate or union money to pay for broadcast advertising that identifies a federal candidate within 30 days of a primary or nominating convention or within 60 days of a general election. … McCain's advocacy of the legislation has created a bitter political divide between the senator and the National Right to Life Committee, which views it as a hindrance to its ability to get its message out." (Editorial, "McCain vs. McCain," The Washington Times, 1/25/08)

* Former Speaker Newt Gingrich: McCain-Feingold Is A "Dangerous Modern-Day Assault On The First Amendment." "The McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law enacted in 2002 is an equally dangerous modern-day assault on the First Amendment. It could more accurately be called the McCain-Feingold censorship law because it stifles political speech, protects incumbent politicians and consolidates power in Washington. This law is of the Congress, by the Congress, and for the Congress, because it protects members of Congress by silencing opposing points of view." (Newt Gingrich, Op-Ed, "Blacking Out Speech," National Review, 6/1/06)

Leadership? McCain-Lieberman Climate Change Legislation:

Sen. McCain Took The Lead With Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) On Environmental Legislation, Which Many Conservatives Say Will Hurt The Economy. "Mr. McCain also differs with free-market conservatives on numerous environmental issues. He opposes oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska and has joined with Sen. Joe Lieberman to cosponsor legislation that would require that greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 2000 levels by 2010 — a measure sure to result in substantial increases in electricity and gasoline costs." (Editorial, "McCain vs. McCain," The Washington Times, 1/25/08)

* John Locke Foundation's Roy Cordato: McCain-Lieberman "Would Dramatically Raise The Tax On All Carbon-Based Fuels." "What is not widely understood is that [McCain] is currently sponsoring legislation that, in the name of fighting global warming, would dramatically raise the tax on all carbon-based fuels, including gasoline, home heating oil, coal, and to a lesser extent, natural gas. … Higher energy costs will, among other things, raise the cost of manufacturing big-ticket items in American factories. And higher gas prices will likely raise demand for those classes of automobiles that tend to be manufactured overseas." (Roy Cordato, "McCain's Costly Tax On Energy," National Review,, Posted 1/10/08)

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posted by Anne | 11:37 AM | permalink

Main St. for Mitt

***updating continually (I already shoveled and am staying warm, so why not blog for MITT)
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:26 AM | permalink
Of course, for us Romney supporters, we have known that Romney is the choice for a long time.

Vin Weber and Ceasar Conda have an article over at NRO stating exactly why Romney is the choice. Specifically, they review Romney's economic stimulus plan. They outline the basics of the plan:
For individuals, it would permanently reduce the lowest tax rate from 10 percent to 7.5 percent, providing up to a $400 tax cut for those affected. It would also eliminate payroll taxes on workers older than 65.

Additionally, the plan will allow Americans with adjusted gross incomes of less than $200,000 to save tax-free, by eliminating their tax liability on interest, capital gains, and dividends.

For businesses large and small, the plan would provide new incentives for job-creating investment. Companies could immediately write off or expense the cost of new equipment purchased for a two-year period, retroactive to January 1, 2008.

Romney proposes to permanently reduce the corporate rate to 25 percent for 2008 and 20 percent in 2009.
All of these changes to the tax code work not only a short term gain for individuals and businesses, but represent a significant step in the right direction in keeping our economy healthy. Here's the bottom line:
In 2008, we have a clear choice. We can select a nominee whose economic views have been shaped by almost 30 years spent in the free market, making businesses work and creating jobs. Or, we can pick a longtime politician who has never run a corner grocery store, much less the largest enterprise in the world — the federal government. The choice is clear, and the choice is Mitt Romney.

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Romney is the best GOP candidate. In addition to strong family values, Romney may be what this country needs to solve our national challenges and fix broken Washington. He can win the war against Islamic jihadists. He can secure our borders and deal with illegal aliens without stay-forever John McCain "Z Visas"; he will implement employer verification and penalties for noncompliance. His energy policy would include domestic drilling and conservation, with nuclear and renewable options.

Romney has warned about the impending Social Security and Medicare crises. He will cause a paradigm shift in medical care with portable health insurance. He wants to reduce taxes and eliminate taxation on capital gains and dividends.

He is the only Republican candidate who can usher in a new day in America, as President Reagan did in 1980.

Giuliani comes in a distant second and Sen. McCain is an honorable patriot who has been dead right about Iraq and dead wrong about core principles: freedom of speech (McCain/Feingold), rule of law (immigration) and economic justice (taxes). He has no executive experience.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:52 AM | permalink
I don't know what's gotten into the Atlanta Journal Constitution (perhaps some strong-arming from all the recent Georgian leaders who endorsed Romney?!), but all of the sudden their editorial board is sounding sane. Jim Wooten, for the editorial board, calmly lays out the case for Mitt Romney:
The qualities needed now in the Oval Office are business knowledge and experience, an understanding of economies and the imperatives of those who manage them around the world, an ability to problem-solve and to assess talent and to assemble the right team to accomplish a mission. What's needed, too, is a strong grounding in principle and steadfastness in the face of pressure and panic, but with the adaptability and flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances.

But McCain does not have management experience nor wide-ranging expertise in business and economics. The Republican who best exemplifies all the qualities needed in a president is former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a successful CEO and the target of Huckabee's populist broadlines.

In all respects, Romney looks, sounds and acts presidential, projecting competence and the intelligence to deal comfortably with policy nuance and complexity. In a perilous world, whether the peril is terrorism, global competition or a tanking economy, Mitt Romney is the Republican who inspires confidence in his ability to lead.

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posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:37 AM | permalink
Gina in Gulf Breeze says this:
On January 25th I attended a Mitt Romney Meet & Greet event in Pensacola, Florida. An active campaign volunteer, I worked the table at the event; collecting volunteer cards and contributions to Mitt’s campaign. The audience was charged and the enthusiasm was like dynamite ready to ignite. By the end of the event over two hundred people were chanting, “But They Haven’t” and clamoring for their Mitt Romney yard signs.

Also at the event were the ubiquitous Ron Paul Supporters, hoping to disrupt the Romney event and get some media coverage for their guy. Quite graciously, they were escorted off the private property but encouraged to stand on the public access street with their signs. The only expectation was that they not be disruptive of the event being held on private property.

A few Romney supporters looked out onto the street, shook their heads and asked, "Can’t we make them leave; they’re kooks?” I then shared my opinion about Ron Paul’s supporters. As a dedicated Romney fan, I think MittHeads should love the Ron Paul people. I tell Ron Paul’s campaigners, “Thank you for thinking about our country’s future, for exercising your right to vote, and for being a member of the Republican Party – we may have our differences during the primary but we also have some common ground and I hope you’ll remember that after the primary.”


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I voted for Mitt today in Florida, I was feeling very confident up until I heard that Gov Christ endorsed McAmesty. I think this is going to send all of the " undecided" seniors in his direction.

I hope that Jeb Bush will now feel compelled to come out publicly for Mitt, It would be a big shot in the arm.

Also, Mitt needs to get back on message and not be distracted, It's obvious that McAmesty is trying to do anything to change the conversation from the economy back to the war.

Mitt's campaign must finsh strong !!


posted by jason | 2:40 AM | permalink
I have never been a huge fan of Bob Novak. Since his days on Crossfire where he looked like a useless pawn, to his weekly Evans-Novak reports that appear to be more gossip than anything, I have never quite figured out why he gets so much credit. Generally as a rule, nearly everything he tells us seems to come up wrong. I know he had some glory days in '76 covering the elections with Brit Hume, but basically I don't think he offers really anything too useful, other than the opportunity to say, "Bob Novak said...." when it's good for someones candidate.

So with that fair and balanced framing I offer you this quote from his latest article on Florida:

Private overnight polls after Fred Thompson's withdrawal from the presidential race Tuesday showed a bump for Sen. John McCain in Florida's Republican primary Jan. 29.

Thompson did not endorse McCain, even though the former Senate colleagues are on close terms with each other. Nevertheless, McCain appears to have picked up much of Thompson's Florida voter support and now leads Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani in the last primary before Mega Tuesday Feb. 5.

Bob, time to put down the peace pipe. I don't care what McCain's internal polls say, he does not lead Romney in Florida polls taken after Thompson's withdrawal. Take a look Bobby:

  • SurveyUSA 01/23 - 01/24 550 LV 30 28 McCain +2.0

  • Rasmussen 01/23 - 01/23 675 LV 23 27 Romney +4.0

  • Mason-Dixon 01/22 - 01/23 400 LV 26 30 Romney +4.0

(McCain numbers on left, Romney numbers on right)

If you included the numbers that Insider Advantage had with just republicans (It's taken without the Dems and indies- it is a closed primary people!)...

  • Mitt Romney: 30%

  • John McCain: 23% would get this average after Thompson drops out:

  • Romney 28.8%

  • McCain 25.5%

Romney +3.3%

If you take the five polls between NV/SC and Thompson dropping out (from the 20th- 22nd) you get these averages:

  • McCain 22.6

  • Romney 22.2

McCain +0.4

If you take the 7 polls between NH and SC/NV you get this average:

  • McCain 23.7%

  • Romney 17.9%

McCain +5.8

Some points:

  1. Novak doesn't look at polls, only McCain campaign press releases (half joke)

  2. McCain lost momentum after SC/NV (he ticked down 1.1%) and Romney gained momentum (He ticked up 4.3%)

  3. Both Romney and McCain have gained after Fred leaving. I am guessing that Romney gets the bulk of Fred's supporters, while McCain gets some as well, but really what McCain is picking up are former Rudy supporters who are sensing trouble on the Good Ship Giuliani.

  4. Romney has gained 11 points in FL since losing NH. Tell me, did any of you political junkies think that was possible?

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Wow,check this out.....Looks like McCain's campaign mgr.and lobbyist had some shady dealing with a Russian crook.I wonder if that stupid AP reporter will rake McCain over the coals on this?,0,6903459.story

posted by Beth Barnat | 12:27 AM | permalink
I walked into a coffee shop today to meet a friend and instead I met a glacier.

When I walked into the coffee shop I could see my friend wasn’t there yet, so I walked up to a table in front of the t.v. that was in the wall.

CNN News was on and Mitt Romney graced the screen.

I looked at the 70-ish lady and her husband sitting next to me and proudly said, “That’s the man I’m voting for.”

She looked at me skeptically, “Mitt? That’s a funny name.”

“Yes,” I said, “it is a different name.”

I sat down and started conversing with the woman who thought ‘Mitt’ was a funny name.

“Do you know anything about Mitt?” I asked.

“No, I really don’t.”

“You know,” I said, “he is a really amazing man.”

I continued -- “He is so smart. Can I tell you something about him?”

“Sure,” she reluctantly replied.

“Mitt Romney saved the 2002 Olympics,” I said and then proceeded to tell her the story about how he cancelled the fancy dinner at the hotel for the Olympic trustees, had them come to the rented offices, ordered pizza and had them pay $1.00 a piece.” I told her how he turned the Olympics around from bankruptcy and scandal to make a profit.

She was impressed.

We talked about other things. I asked them where they were from and we talked about the rainy weather and how it was affecting their roof.

They were starting to warm up to me.

Then I said, “Can I tell you one more thing about Mitt Romney that really impressed me?”

“Sure,” the woman said.

Then I told her about Mitt Romney’s partner at Bain Capital and how his daughter went missing in New York, and how Mitt closed the business and went to NY to find her.

She was even more impressed.

I told her that Mitt had been married to his wife, Ann, for almost 40 years and they had five sons and 11 grandchildren. I told her how Ann had MS and how Mitt stood by her side, no matter what.

“Oh, my goodness,” she said with empathy, “my friend has MS.”

We talked some more and I am positive that by the time I left the glacier that she had been was now a warm pool of water -- open to Mitt Romney.

It was a great day.
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Beth, excellent story - I love it! If all of us could have such a moment, Mitt would win in a landslide.

Well done! This kind of person to person word-of-mouth is the best way to convince people to be Mitt supporters!

This is awesome Beth. Mitt Romney supporters can hold their heads high! We don't have to cringe when mentioning his name in public! Great story :)

Thanks everyone! I have noticed that most people have no clue who Romney is.

Telling stories about his successes and family go a long way to personalizing him and making him real.

Friday, January 25, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:49 PM | permalink
Brenda in Orlando says this:

We have "boots on the ground" and are working really hard to bring Florida for Gov Romney. I would like to mention that the Romney Campaign is a first class organization disciplined to convey the true Mitt Romney to the people with pride, dignity and self respect. We are reminded constantly to remain dignified, do not criticize opponents and emphasize Gov Romney's strengths and dedication to his platform - and our telephone calls are ALL LIVE encounters. Lots of positive volunteers on the phone and on the ground because they believe in Gov Romney and know he is the best candidate for President. We will not stop until the last poll is closed on Tuesday - it is truly an inspiring campaign - full of energy and hope for the future. Strong support among evangelicals in the I-4 corridor - intelligent and thinking people who are making their decisions based on the man, his life and his experience.


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posted by Anne | 10:15 PM | permalink
Apology on earlier post--there was a Mormon question. BUT--not full transparency by MSNBC, and it was still a questionable call.

Lowell Brown here.

P.S. It's still a disgusting question to ask in a poll, and in the debate. It's a measure of political correctness and "tolerance" which apparently doesn't extend to people of faith.
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Hi Anne. We had a little more to say about yesterday's posts here:

Sorry to have been the source of such tumult. As you note, there are still some issues about the poll and Brian Williams' question.

posted by Anne | 8:58 PM | permalink
Re McCain.

***updating tonight until I get tired.
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posted by jason | 7:19 PM | permalink
This one is actually a Romney Web Ad:

And this is the best one of all. I would pay special attention to Ron Paul's comment at the very end:

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posted by Anne | 5:45 PM | permalink
From Elect Romney--Florida Trending Romney
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posted by Anne | 4:52 PM | permalink
Anti-Romney robo-calls in Florida, presumably from the Huckster. Marc Ambinder

And what about that nasty piece of bias from Brian Williams on their poll that supposedly a huge percentage of Americans would never vote for a Mormon. I found that shocking and unbelievable. Here's some excellent analysis by Lowell Brown at Article VI Blog, via Planet Romney:

I’ve had a chance to look at the NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll that Brian Williams referenced in the GOP debate last night, and it seems very clear that Williams’s question is simply outrageous. Williams (1) added unsupported “gloss” to the poll and (2) ignored virtually identical data about the other Republican candidates.
He presents a detailed look.

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posted by Nealie Ride | 4:51 PM | permalink

This was not one of McCain's better moments during last night's debate.

Here's the complete video of Miss Teen South Carolina's flopping during her beauty pageant. It's hilarious how badly she demonstrated her ignorance. If you haven't seen this, you gotta watch it.

McCain performed in a similar manner. Let's say together, "John McCain doesn't understand economics."

(This is a pro-Ron Paul production, but Mitt fans can enjoy it just as much.)

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posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:58 PM | permalink
For all you conspiracy theorists (I'm looking your way Ron Paul), there's a pretty good take on the "whispering" controversy from last night's debate over at the Carpetbagger Report.
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Unrelated, but you should really check out, she's got a story on McCain's National Director of Hispanic Outreach, Dr. Juan Hernandez. He's a radical open-borders guy, and former adviser to Vicente Fox. So much for McCain hearing the American people on border security.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:19 PM | permalink
I know it's still several days away until the Florida primary, but I want to get any input from our Florida readers as to what's going on over there. As always, if you have any insights as to what's happening on the ground, we want to know. Also, if you have already voted absentee for Romney, tell us why you chose him. We will post your thoughts on MMM. Email us at

Go Romney in Florida!


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I voted for Romney here in central Florida via early voting; in Florida one can vote for two weeks up to "election day". I voted for him because I believe he shares my values; the changes didn't bother me much because Mitt obviously practiced those values in his personal life. I have a strong bias to trust those who raised large families and stayed married. Not to play a game of one-up, but in my personal experience there is a large difference between those who choose to have a couple of children and those who have larger families, perhaps not "choosing" at all, but letting God plan their families. The differences grow as children are very expensive, et. Unless one is in those shoes, one can't appreciate the sacrifice. Plus, a stable marriage points to the commitment and love of God and the Family as the central feature of society.
Second, I love his intelligence and success. I'd love to know his I.Q., I'm sure it is quite high and good governance and intelligent leaders correlate.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:08 PM | permalink
For what it's worth, Scarborough, Todd, and Matthews talking about Romney winning last night's debate:

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posted by Anne | 1:49 PM | permalink
Latest poll, Romney surges 9 points, closing on McCain. RCP here.

Plus, dueling ads.
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posted by jason | 1:24 PM | permalink
We need your Donations. Currently we are trying to put together a 2-4 day embedding trip with Governor Romney before and on Super Tuesday. This will be an expensive trip. Although no exact plans have been made in the campaign schedule, I am expecting one day of air travel, meals and hotel to cost up to $2000 or so. We will do how many days we can raise funds for.

We are unsure which bloggers from this site are able to attend, but we can promise the same top notch coverage we have been able to provide in the past.

It's a large amount to raise, but having a MyManMitt reporter on the plane is great for not only the site, but for Mitt as well. Perhaps Glenn Johnson from the AP will go whacko again and we can get some exclusive footage? Perhaps if you have maxed out in your contributions for Mitt, a Mitt Friendly blog would be a good place to put your financial support.

So if you want to donate go here:

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posted by Justin Hart | 1:11 PM | permalink

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posted by Anne | 11:36 AM | permalink
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posted by Anne | 8:58 AM | permalink
Here Comes the Sun!

UPDATE: Best clip from last night, First applause of the night for anyone:
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Does Mitt need to address the "tax whisper" from last night that is getting some play in the blogs this morning?

My take is that it was Williams whispering to Russert while the mic was still on that he needed to mention that he "raised taxes" either then, or as a follow-up.

My question is, would it be good, or give it more traction, if Mitt addressed it, or requested that Williams & Russert publicly clarify on MSNBC that it was them?

Should he leave it alone & see if it will die out on it's own, or is this something that needs to be nipped in the bud?

Thursday, January 24, 2008
posted by Nealie Ride | 8:56 PM | permalink

Come on over to NY for Mitt to watch a bunch of other recently added YouTubes (including some from the debate tonight).

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Shamnesty: best word so far!

posted by Nealie Ride | 8:36 PM | permalink

Hugh Hewitt wrote this piece earlier today:

The Elephant In The Room

Look at all the GOP polls in Florida.

After 24 years in the Congress, thousands of hour of MSM exposure, a presidential campaign in 2000 and a keynote at the 2004 Convention, plus tens of millions of dollars in ads, John McCain's highest support number is 25% and his lowest is 18%.

The GOP rank-and-file know John McCain, admire his heroism, and reject his politics and record.

The idea that he is a "front-runner" is absurd. He should be the front-runner. He should be sweeping all before him. Instead he is trying to cobble together an inside straight, which tells us that he is a phenomenally weak candidate.

The Arizona maverick is the candidate of the MSM, pure and simple. The MSM is powerful, but powerful enough to overcome three-quarters of the GOP electorate and force a second Bob Dole campaign on the party?

How about a new acronym? MSR--Main Stream Republicans.

McCain is incredibly disliked by this group. The MSR will continue to coalesce around Mitt and defeat McCain.
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I wasn't previously aware of the extent of John McCain's temper problem until I read a Newsmax story that reveals how he reacts when his peers disagree with him or tell him they won't support him.

Is an out-of-control temper a desirable quality for commander in chief of the most powerful armed forces in the world? How could a nasty temper affect the decisions a president must make under pressure? Americans are choosing not only the president of the United States, but also the leader of the free world.

Here's an excerpt from the Newsmax article titled "Romney is the Real Deal" published Wednesday, December 26, 2007:

"Romney has not been found to have a vicious, out–of-control temper, as is true of John McCain. Nor did he twice oppose President Bush’s tax cuts — a key ingredient in the current the economic recovery — as did McCain.

“He [McCain] would disagree about something and then explode,” said former Sen. Bob Smith, a fellow Republican who served with McCain on various committees. “[There were] incidents of irrational behavior. We’ve all had incidents where we have gotten angry, but I’ve never seen anyone act like that.”

Over the years, McCain has alternately denied being prone to angry outbursts, admitted he struggles to control his anger, and claimed he only becomes angry over waste and abuse. But those who have experienced it say his anger does not erupt over policy issues or waste and abuse. Rather, his outbursts come when peers disagree with McCain or tell him they won’t support him."

I think McCain's problem needs to be revealed to more voters.

In contrast, Romney's MBA and doctorate from Harvard, his proven record of success in making the right business and financial executive decisions time after time, his commitment to secure our borders, and his lifetime devotion to the family values cherished by most Americans demonstrate clearly that he's the man for the Whitehouse, the man most capable of standing up to the insider lawyer/policiticans, the man most likely to bring real change to Washington.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 8:29 PM | permalink
There has been a lot of discussion about the Courts and judges today in the blogoshpere (Hugh, NRO Editors, Andy McCarthy, Marc Ambinder, Ramesh Ponnuru, Andy McCarthy again, Mark Levin, and Brad Smith). This is definitely one of the subjects where there is a difference between Romney, McCain, and Giuliani. Being a law student (my last semester, thankfully), this is a subject that I am passionate about. I have written before about what kind of judges each of these candidates would nominate. I find the most telling indicators are the issues that these candidates have gone to the courts to advocate.

Rudy went to the Supreme Court to fight against the line item veto. Some may yawn at the line item veto issue, but coupled with statements that Giuliani has made about his view of “strict constructionist” judges, a very troubling trend emerges. I wrote back in October:
Second, and I think even more illuminating, is who Rudy thinks is a “strict constructionist”. Apparently Rudy’s idea of a “strict constructionist” is someone who could come out either way on abortion, finds that the constitution mandates taxpayer funding of abortions, and agrees that the line-item veto is unconstitutional. This “strict constructionist” judge of Rudy’s looks more and more to me like John Paul Stevens, who was nominated by a Republican President, Gerald Ford. Of course Justice Stevens would be nobody’s idea of a “strict constructionist”, routinely finding in favor of race-based school classifications, abortion rights, and other “rights” found nowhere in the Constitution’s text. Certainly Rudy’s idea of a “strict constructionist” is not what Republican voters are looking for.
McCain fought against Wisconsin Right to Life to preserve the limitations on speech imposed by campaign finance reform. Campaign finance reform turns the First Amendment on its head, prioritizing the regulation of money over the freedom of speech and the political advocacy it was designed to protect. I wrote back in June:

McCain should be embarrassed for supporting such a blatant infringement of the First Amendment. While his concern with political corruption is laudable, silencing political speech is directly prohibited by the First Amendment, and certainly is not the method to avoid corruption. That McCain would choose to sacrifice free speech for the sake of political candidates is indefensible.
Romney went to the court to defend traditional marriage. After the ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court declaring gay marriage a right, Romney went to the court to force the legislature to allow the citizens of Massachusetts to vote on the issue. The Washington Post describes Romney’s efforts:
Romney said he will ask a justice of the state's Supreme Judicial Court to direct the secretary of state to place the question on the ballot if lawmakers do not vote directly on the question Jan. 2, the final day of the current session.

Romney has criticized lawmakers since they refused earlier this month to take up the question during a joint session, voting instead to recess, all but killing the measure.

"A decision not to vote is a decision to usurp the Constitution, to abandon democracy and substitute a form of what this nation's founders called tyranny, that is, the imposition of the will of those in power, on the people," Romney said earlier. "The issue now before us is not whether same-sex couples should marry. The issue before us today is whether 109 legislators will follow the Constitution."

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I think the best way to judge a judge is to look at thr rationale behind their decisions to see if they stick to the science of the Constitution and arrive at decisions based on a logial path rather than an emotional path.I mean hate crimes should be thrown out on their ear because of equal protection and punishing thought.The emotional side says minorities,gays jews etc. have all been crapped on by society so they need super protection under the law. So if you see these social justice themes as a basis for a decision that's a disqualifier.It's political activism..I don't like hearing somone say that I would appoint a Scialia or Roberts or Alito type judge or even a "constructionist" model. Would rather see a judge be appointed through adherence to the law. How could one judge on prop 187 thrawrt the will of the people? Or one judge stop the government from issuing social securty "no match letters"?

posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:58 PM | permalink
I hate playing the victim card. I think it does little to advance one's case and demeans whatever merit you already have. However, the lack of substantive thought at many major newspapers is astounding. Matthew Sheffield over at Newsbusters does a good job exposing the latest example of poor journalism over at the New York Times:
Everyone hates Mitt Romney. You should too. Why? Because, among the Republican presidential candidates, he's the most disliked.

This extremely sound bit of reasoning comes in today's edition of the New York Times courtesy of reporter Michael Luo whose evidence that the other candidates think this is based on some good old-fashioned arm-chair psychology.

Read the rest. Gotta love the reasoning of the NYT. Of course you would think the NYT's mother would retort "If everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you?" But that would require some good old common sense, something that has been lacking at the NYT for many years.


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What the liberal press hates, I like.

What the liberal press likes, I hate.


amen to that. This politics. The other candidates are just doing the crabs-in-a-bucket thing. Romney has the strongest campaign organization and is competitive everywhere. The other guys are trying to pull him back down into the bucket. Old fashioned jealousy it seems. Romney's hardly a mean the contrary in fact. Silly NYT...

I haven't a clue what "crabs-in-a-bucket thing" means (and not just because I keep kosher), but the NYT is a rag, and I am comfortable with the paper disliking Romney; not sure why op-ed columnist Brooks is so sour on Mitt.

Anyway, the NYSun is a fine alternative!

posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:40 PM | permalink
The build up on First-Read:
BOCA RATON, Fla. -- The ever-shrinking GOP presidential field (Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Paul, and Romney) meets for potentially the last time as a five-way contest tonight. Broadcast live on MSNBC and streamed on from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm ET, the debate here will be moderated by NBC’s Brian Williams; he will be joined by NBC’s Tim Russert, as well as St. Petersburg Times editor Paul Tash. It’s the only debate before the state’s crucial primary on Tuesday. And there’s a do-or-die feel to it. One tries to avoid the prediction game, particularly for this campaign season, and yet all signs point to this debate being one of the most contentious of the cycle for the GOP. Why? If the candidates don't stop McCain now, they never will.


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uh....can anyone find the URL to the MSNBC page with the video...I cannot (and I haven't owned a tv in five years)

Mitt dominated this debate, I loved his one liners targeted for Bill and Hillary Rotten Clinton !!

His front runner status in Florida had to get a big bump tonight.

Excellent night !! I think this debate will be a turning point that will lead to Mitt's nomination , He even had the Libs from MSNBC fawning over his performance.


posted by jason | 5:00 PM | permalink
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posted by jason | 4:57 PM | permalink
Since Sen. Thompson dropped out of the race, the ongoing question has been, "Who will Fredheads now support?" While many Fredheads have yet to make up their minds, and some have gone to McCain and a few to Giuliani and Huckabee, it's undeniable that Romney has been the recipient of a vast majority of them. A couple case in points would be the late Mason Dixon Poll, that has Romney inching up while McCain remains steady. Another sign is the long list I posted today of the many judicial advisors from "Lawyers for Fred" who have now hopped on the Romney boat. Now we have this coming out of Team Romney:

New Georgia State Legislators Supporting Governor Romney:

* Senator John Douglas, Social Circle, Senate District 17
* Senator Lee Hawkins, Gainesville, Senate District 49
* Senator Cecil Staton, Macon, Senate District 18
* Representative Tim Bearden, Villa Rica, House District 68
* Representative Steve Davis, McDonough, House District 109
* Representative Earl Ehrhart, Powder Springs, House District 36
* Representative Johnny Floyd, Cordele, House District 147
* Representative Doug Holt, Social Circle, House District 112
* Representative Billy Horne, Newnan, House District 71
* Representative John Lunsford, McDonough, House District 110
* Representative Tom Rice, Norcross, House District 51

and this...


Boston, MA – Today, Morton Blackwell, President of the conservative Leadership Institute, announced his support for Governor Mitt Romney and his candidacy for President of the United States. Morton Blackwell is a leader in the conservative movement and the long-standing Republican National Committeeman from Virginia.

"The only way conservatives are going to beat the Democrats this year is if we unite the major elements of our coalition. Governor Romney is the only candidate who can bring conservative change to Washington now and maintain the conservative coalition so many of us helped Ronald Reagan build. I am proud to support Governor Romney," said Morton Blackwell.

Welcoming today's announcement, Governor Romney said, "Across this country, thousands of conservatives have been inspired by Morton Blackwell's leadership. The conservative movement is stronger because of him. It is an honor to have him as part of our team as we work to bring conservative change to Washington and build a stronger America."

These new additions can be attributed to a few things:

  1. Romney's Conservative Message

  2. The Strength of Romney's Campaign

  3. The fact he didn't pour some cold water on Fred when he dropped out like Huck did

While Huck was busy claiming he would be the natural choice for Fredheads right before personally attacking Fred and his campaign; Romney was extending the hand of friendship to both Fred and his supporters. Now we have the Romney campaign coming out with these web buttons for Fredheads to put on their site:

I think one of Romney's hallmark's of both his public and private life is his ability to build groups of people with different views and get them behind a common cause. I think his ability to attract so many of the former Fredheads, and even support them in keeping the affectionate title of "Fredhead" is something in the direction. Fred is a great a conservative, and many of his supporters still support him, despite his leaving the race. You can still be a "Fredhead," and support Romney. One need not give anything up.

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That's great news. A Romney win in Georgia would spell the end of Huckabee's campaign. Any more news on the ground from GA? Go Mitt!

Is there a list somewhere of all the major conservatives that have endorsed Mitt? If there is I'd like to have it.

I keep finding blogs where people claim McCain has more conservative support.

Though a rediculous claim, it would be easier to refute if I had a list of Romney supporters.

Also if anyone has a list of all of the Democrats supporting McCain...

great analysis, great outreach,great post Jason!

I am a FredHead ( I'm still uncommitted, but I appreciate the fact that Mitt's folk are actually courting us.

My concern about Mitt is whether or not he will govern as President as he is campaigning (i.e. are his relatively recent conversions to conservative principles legitimate or were they conversions of convenience).

I'll be watching. I don't have to make my call until May, though my position right now is that I will be writing in Fred on my ballot.

Yes alot of Fredheads are going for Mitt, but how do the really feel about it?

posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:00 PM | permalink
...Mitt Romney's direction it looks like. Check out the latest polls:


Romney 30
McCain 26
Giuliani 18
Huckabee 15
Paul 4


Romney 27 (+2 vs. last poll, Jan. 20)
McCain 23 (+3)
Giuliani 20 (+1)
Huckabee 15 (+2)
Paul 4 (-2)
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Wow,Mitt's at 51 on intrade. McCain down to 35.

Great exchanges between Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough and Luntz (?) on MSNBC just now. Joe is very pro-Romney! (Re: his defense of Romney on the media biases). Joe had only the most favorable and positive things to say about Romney. They also had this same poll up during their conversation. It’s a pre-debate conversation. I’m sure you will get a clip up soon. Go Romney! I hope he stays calm, composed and stay president-like (as he has been throughout this campaign) in tonight’s debate, and he will win next Tuesday!

Good, good news! :)Come on Mitt!

posted by Mike | 2:53 PM | permalink
This story in the Wall Street Journal today is as irritating as they come. It begins:

Mitt Romney lost three of the first five big Republican contests and lags behind in most major state and national polls. Yet he is still widely seen as a credible contender for the nomination thanks mainly to one trait: his wallet.

A senior aide to Mr. Romney says the millionaire investor plans to spend as much as $40 million in the campaign. Mr. Romney spent $17.4 million of his own money on his campaign through the third quarter of last year, according to the Federal Election Commission.

By comparison, Arizona Sen. John McCain raised a total of $31.4 million in individual donations during the same period. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee raised $2.3 million.
It is only in the graphic that accompanies the story that one realizes that Mitt has raised only slightly less money from donors than the former front-runner, Rudy Giuliani. In fact he has raised about $15 million more in donations from others than has John McCain!

Forgetting for the moment that one's wallet is not a trait (a word normally used to describe personal characteristics), if the reporter were to write about the financial situation with any degree of fairness, that final paragraph would read, “Mitt Romney has raised $47 in individual donations and by comparison Arizona Sen. John McCain raised a total of $31.4 million during the same period.”

Unfortunately, such an approach does not support the mindset of the writer: Mitt can only win because of his fat wallet!

Returning to the idea of "trait" that was misused by the reporter, it occurs to me that people are in fact quite impressed with the traits (personal characteristics) that have enabled Mitt to load up the wallet so disapprovingly referred to by the reporter: intelligence, ethics, organizational talents, and hard work. Can we imagine any better real "traits" for our next president to have?

Mike B.
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I was so irritated with this article that I felt inclined to write the author about her inaccurate reporting. Who knows if she'll ever read it, or if she even cares how deceptive it is written. It blatantly misrepresents Romney's campaign and his accomplishments throughout this campaign.

Yeah, I love that. How did Mitt get that "wallet" -- wasn't it by his skills, intelligence, and hard work? Just what I want in a President, someone who knows how to create success!

Besides which, it shows how dedicated he is to his campaign for the presidency that he's willing to spend his own hard-earned money on it.

If you're going to invest in a project, don't you feel better to know that the people in charge have their own money on the line, too?

And of all papers to come up with this...the Wall Street Journal? Seriously?

I wrote her the following:

Ms. Holmes,

From the title and content of your article a casual reader would tend to develop a negative impression of Romney.

The statement of “Mitt Romney lost three of the first five big Republican contests,” is a biased glass-is-half-full pessimist viewpoint.

If you are not aware the exact same statement can be made for McCain; while Huckabee has lost more and the others candidates have lost all five of the five big Republican contests.

The then articles compares the $17.4 million of Romney’s personal contribution to the $31.4 and $2.3 millions of individual donors for McCain and Huckabee respectively. This is an apple to an orange comparison and worded to be slanted against Romney.

You also made no mention of the $5 million that Romney raised the day after his 2nd place in New Hampshire.

This type of writing should be in the op-ed section and not a news article

Ron in Austin

After reading the post and the article, I went online and ponied up another $50 for Mitt.

Perhaps Ms. Holmes should consider signing on as a fundraiser for Mitt. Her pitch worked for me. I encourage my fellow Mittheads to respond in kind.

- Brick

Mitt started this race as a virtual unknown and no natural base of support outside of some western states. He has EARNED every vote he has gotten so far. It's been an uphill battle in the face of a hostile press that also gives favorable treatment to his opponents.Perfect example is David Shuster saying right now McCain is in the lead,which the latest polls says romney is leading. He's also hucking the Huckster. I really don'tbelive Mitt's ads have gotten him all that many votes. Most have been from free media and personal appearances.

Did you mean $47 million?

posted by jason | 12:10 PM | permalink
McCain put out this commercial today:

It seems from this we are supposed to gather that the Dem's are shaking in their boots at the prospects of facing McCain in the generals. Last night on Hannity and Colmes I was amazed at how the Democratic Strategist so quickly and readily offered up that McCain would be a near insurmountable candidate to beat. Not that she said it, but that it's like the 10th time I have heard it given up so easily by a Dem strategist on Fox News as of late.

Does anyone here wonder why the Dems are so willing to admit defeat to McCain 11 months out without a hint of dissension on the topic? If McCain really does have it in the bag like they claim, and they might not be able to beat him, how come they are going onto shows like O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes and others to proclaim this in unison like a dog rolling over for his master.

I guess we should just take their cues and trust the Dem Strategists know what's best for our party.
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The new campaign theme from Mccain is that he can beat Hillary. I suppose that explains Rudy's rise in the polls, since a couple of months ago polls showed him beating Hillary. But, wait now Rudy is way back in the pack. McCain's numbers against Hillary are the result of the media's deification of McCain. That stops the moment he is the nominee.

Mr. Straight talk will become the angry guy with a short fuse. How many stories about his age will pop up. By August "keating 5" will be on bumper stickers.

Oh give me a break!!! Seriously are we supposed to buy into all that MSM garbage! The media is liberal and of course they want to run against Mccain, they know they can beat him! The clintons would slaughter Mccain in the first week. Romney is the only one who is strong enough and well organized enough to take down the terrible twosome!!! GO MITT!!

Mitt is up in the latest Mason-Dixon...not sure this has been posted yet. 30-26 over McCain.

The ad is a political IQ test.

If only one Democrat said it, it might mean something. When it comes out scripted, from liberal candidates and liberal pundits alike, it looks suspicious. More suspicious, when you see that the DNC released way more PR attacks on Romney during the year than against any other Republican candidate - including McCain.

Do the Democrats have a vested interest in the Republicans nominating the weaker of two candidates? Yes.

Can we trust the Democrats to speak honestly about which candidate they'd prefer to face? No.

George Will suggested that McCain ought to join the Democratic Party, because his record and outlook has so much in common with them.

In the General Election, the same Democrats who crossed over in New Hampshire or Michigan to vote for McCain will vote for Clinton or Obama in the General Election.

Not exactly rocket science.

When McCain selects this ad just before the Republican Primary, it's a sign of his weakness - if this is the best he's got. He's not talking about his record. Nor does he pretend to be strong on the big issue of the Economy - so he resorts to a transparent gimmick like this. Nice work, John.

The gimmick is predicated on his assumption that Florida Republicans are rubes - and are trusting of Democrats to show their hand. We'll see how it plays out.

Methinks the donkeys doth protest too much.

Oh wooooooo...... I'm shaking in my boots!!!! John McCain's so scary!! Yeah. Right. The Dems are DYING to have him as the Repub Nom; they've got so much crap on him.....

This just seems silly. I live in a very heavily Democratic city, and have not heard this from anyone. With a very competitive race on the other side, most Democrats haven't looked very closely at the Republican candidates.

One thing I have heard a number of times is the opinion that Huckabee would be easiest to beat. I myself would never vote for him and would not vote for the Republican ticket if he was the VP choice.

After thinking a brief second, I thought the end of the ad could have said "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this ad" Oh so transparent, of course the Dems would love to go up against McCain and all his baggage.

Never take political advice from your enemies...

- Ann Coulter

Shoot, I heard Hillary was looking at McCain for her VP

posted by Justin Hart | 9:51 AM | permalink

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This is a good advertisement. Romney is better than all the other candidates. He's already shown that he is willing to do negative contrast ads, but I think he's found that it doesn't do him much good when beating up other republicans. This is what I want to see from Romney - showcasing why he's better than the other candidates by staying positive. He definitely has my support. I'm crossing my fingers that the rest of the electorate starts to agree with me more.

Intrade now has Romney as the FLorida favorite

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
posted by Anne | 10:55 PM | permalink
Via Hugh Hewitt, Michelle Malkin's piece on NRO, closing with this:
The hothead has succeeded in intimidating voters and eluding tough questions from the press by playing his rhetorical violin. There is a reason so many liberals in the media and the Democratic party want John McCain to be the GOP presidential nominee. He gives them cover to continue smearing grassroots conservatives.
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You know, I don't like going around and beating up on McCain just because he happens to be Mitt's current biggest obstacle to the nomination. I'm a Romney supporter because I think Romney is better than McCain. I wouldn't be that upset if McCain got the nomination. I just think Romney would be much better.

posted by Nealie Ride | 10:30 PM | permalink

Hugh Hewitt writes about McCain and his immigration claims.

You may remember that McCain suggested Americans wouldn't pick lettuce in Arizona for $50 an hour.

Here's the story:

As he steered his Straight Talk Express across the United States in recent weeks, Republican Sen. John McCain has tried to stay a-head of the immigration issue. But Friday the immigration issue delivered 36 or so heads to his Phoenix office — heads of lettuce, that is.

McCain has been getting skewered in the media for comments earlier this month to a union group in Washington, D.C., that immigrants are taking jobs no one else wants, and offered them $50 an hour to pick lettuce in the Arizona sun for a summer, suggesting they couldn't do it.

The senator didn't stick around long enough to process any applications, despite several offers to take him up on his offer from the audience.
So Friday more than three dozen demonstrators showed up at his office, many carrying lettuce picker applications in one hand, and a head of lettuce in the other to show they could do the job.

McCain may be so out of touch to realize that $50/hour is a lot of money. He's been inside the Beltway way too long!

Virtually all Americans I know would love to get that kind of money--even if it means picking lettuce in Arizona.

Update: I spent my teenage years in Arizona, and would have loved getting more than about $5-6/hour. My friends and I would have done anything for that kind of $ (even when adjusted for inflation).
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I hope Mitt brings up this absurd comment made by McCain, During next weeks debate.

People will be shocked at how out of touch he is, I'd love to hear how McCain will back pedal from that statement.


I asked Juan McAmnesty for one of those jobs back then and he still hasn't replied to me! ;-)

Four years ago in Arizona my teenage son couldn't get a job, because they would rather have an immigrant who could work any hours all year and didn't have school restaints. He wasn't afraid of hard work and he would have jumped at the chance to pick lettuce for $50 an hour. When he turned 18 he worked for a landscaper in the hot Arizona summer. Those of us here in Arizona know that John McCain is out of touch!

What McCain really meant: " My friends,we know Americans are so lazy they won't even pick lettuce for $50 an hour. This shows that my proposed open border policy is the right one for cheap salad lovers everywhere. I'll never be caught short with immigrant labor because I also support chain migration.".

Maybe we should connect the dots between McCain's farm workers making $50.00 per hour, and his opposition to both of Bush's tax cuts.

In McCain's unpredictable mind, if ordinary workers are earning $50.00 per hour, they don't deserve to have their taxes cut.

Makes perfect sense, when lettuce picking pulls down $50.00 per hour.

On the other hand, we could be seeing an early sign of dementia -- as in, the "Putin is President of Germany" kind.

$50.00 per hour lettuce + Putin is President of Germany = something.

I'm not sure what.

I picked pineapples in Hawaii for $6.00 an hour. I venture to say it was at least as hard as picking lettuce.

Romney supporters aren't very smart are they? Glad to work for $5 an hour while Romney sucks small businesses dry both at Bain and as Governor.

McCain is one of the tightest-fisted conservatives in the Senate, and knows how to use hyperbole in making a point.

posted by Justin Hart | 10:07 PM | permalink

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double post!

I agree...Ann Romney does "rock"!

Double post... ;)

Ann was so classy on Cavuto today. What a contrast to some of the other potential 'first ladies,' or first 'gentleman.'

Ann seems like a very likable, humble person, who would be a credit to the White House.

Ann Romney is a first class lady with that serenity alongside beauty, humility and yet confidence. I think the citizens of this country and the world will also appreciate her high moral character if she becomes the First Lady. That's the kind of family we need in the White House to shine and be models for many of us who are struggling to be great families.

posted by Anne | 9:59 PM | permalink
Reuters roundup today:
The Herald poll, taken January 20-22, showed McCain with 25 percent of the Republican vote, putting him in a statistical tie with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney who had 23 percent of likely Republican voters. [snip]But Romney, whose Mormon faith is viewed as a cult by some evangelicals, was the second-choice of conservative Christians, the poll showed, suggesting religion may not pose as steep a hurdle for Romney as some political analysts have asserted.
The Hill:
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Mike Duncan believes Republicans can beat either of the two top Democrats racing for their party’s nomination.
For Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), Duncan says it comes down to trust. Sen. Barack Obama’s (Ill.) weakness, on the other hand, is his experience, according to Duncan.

Duncan continually brought up Clinton and Obama during a Wednesday morning breakfast with reporters sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. Pointing to internal poll numbers, the RNC chairman repeatedly insisted that no matter who Republicans nominate, the Democratic candidate can be defeated in November.
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:23 PM | permalink
I was listening to a little of Michael Medved on my way to school this afternoon. He had Joe Lieberman on and then was talking about how John McCain’s crossover appeal is something that Reagan had and is important for an electable president and for the party generally. I figure most of you have an opinion of Michael Medved these days (as do I), but I wanted to talk about crossover appeal and how it is achieved.

Medved is right that John McCain’s candidacy appeals to independents and some Democrats. I think that the election results so far bear this out. However, is John McCain’s type of crossover appeal the type that we are looking for? McCain’s appeal to independents and Democrats comes not by moving them to the right, but by McCain moving to the left. This is a key distinction between the type of appeal that Ronald Reagan hand and what John McCain has. Reagan was able to persuade Democrats to move to the right. Especially on economic matters, Reagan ushered in conservative economics by persuading them on his ideas. Additionally he was able to persuade a Democratic Congress to build up the military less than a decade after the end of the Vietnam War.

McCain, on the other hand, has crossover appeal because of his moves left on key issues. McCain has been the one persuaded and not the one persuading on issues such as immigration, interrogation techniques, campaign finance reform (and the First Amendment generally), global warming, and taxes. McCain’s type of appeal to Democrats does not move the discussion to the right, but moves it to the left. He cedes ground on these issues and moves the country in a less conservative direction, not a more conservative direction. This type of appeal is not the type of crossover appeal that I am looking for in a presidential candidate, and I suspect a similar sentiment from many of you.

I want a president that can move the country to the right. This is going to happen not through ceding ground to more liberal thoughts, but through persuasion that conservative ideas will improve this country. McCain is not that type of man. He has been the crossover leader on bills that have moved the country left (McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Feingold, etc.). This is classic Washington compromise and not leadership. Even recognizing McCain's advocacy for the surge, the net effect of his tenure has been to move the country to the left.

Mitt Romney is the type of conservative leader that can move the country right. He was able to persuade an overwhelmingly liberal legislature that his state needed tax cuts, that his state needed fiscal restraint, that his state could provide healthcare to its citizens through market-based reforms, and that his state could improve education through charter schools and merit-based teacher pay. All these changes moved the discussion in a conservative direction. This is the type of crossover appeal that I am looking for.


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Medved has gone to straight out advocating for Mccain. I pay him no mind because he's basically a liberal anyway or he sees the world through a liberal prism.I'd rather see medved write a column on why he thinks Oscars are being goven to movies that do roughly $30 at the box office.

Check out "American Thinkers" most recent article on Mitt. It is presented very well.

Medved used to be my preferred talk radio host. Since about last June, however, I've liked him less and for several months have quit listening to him altogether. For some strange reason he hates Romney and loves McCain and Huckabee.

My take is that he knows a large part of the voting block wants to hear good things about McCain and Huckabee and they aren't hearing what they want when listening to any other conservative radio show. Apparently he's playing for the ratings. Too bad. He has less character than I thought.

I really think you should post this blog on Redstate, or Politico. It really needs to be said.


The distinction you draw between President Reagan drawing independents over to conservative positions and McCain attracting their votes by embracing leftist and populist positions is profoundly important.

As for Michael Medved, my guess is that he is drawn to candidates who call themselves Republican but like himself have a very nuanced and ambiguous position on illegal immigration with plenty of wiggle room; Mitt has been too outspoken and firm on the immigration question for Medved's tastes.

When I look at those who disagree with me on things that I have come to believe passionately through what I consider to be the use of my intellect, I often find myself wondering how those folks can be so far away from the position at which I have arrived.
It is tempting to assign bias and … to those other guys, but the truth is I know bias exists within my position as well. So I just acknowledge that “I don’t get it.”

Having in the past had positive views of Medved, I am at a loss to understand how he can be so wrong (IMO) on Romney, Huckabee, and McCain. I guess this will just be another one of those things I cannot understand (thought this Medved thing seems more puzzling than most so perhaps it gets a special category of peculiarity).

In any case, I also think the distinction being drawn here about Reagan converting and McCain appeasing liberals is something that should receive a wider audience.
Thanks, TOm

Excellent post, Kyle!

This is right on. It's a bit frustrating when all the candidates are trying to "out-Reagan" each other. They all claim to be more Reagan than the next guy. But this aspect of Reagan's presidency is crucial and is the similarity between him and Mitt that really needs to be talked up. I think it's one area that Mitt has a clear record on.

posted by Nealie Ride | 6:06 PM | permalink

Check out more Mitt-related YouTube videos at NY for Mitt.
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What a lovely, dignified, sweet woman.

I agree, Steven...she communicates very well. Comes across as you say as dignified, also smart. Very impressive.

posted by Anne | 5:20 PM | permalink
New St. Petersberg Times poll, McCain leads Romney only slightly. RCP average dead heat.
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What I like best are the trends. Look at Romney rising, McCain falling off, etc. Keep it up, folks! This is the hour!

posted by Anne | 4:22 PM | permalink
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posted by jason | 2:58 PM | permalink
Insider Advantage, 1/20-21/08 (no link yet)

  • Romney 24%

  • Guiliani 19%

  • McCain 18%

  • Huckbee 12%

  • Paul 7%

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Great news. Id I'm reading Intrade right there's been a lot of movement Mitt's way there too.I'm beginning to think that Rudi staying back gave people a chance to make thier minds up on someone else. Hopefully Mitt.

Nice... this verifies the Rasmusson poll.

Go Romney!

Check out my new song and video, "Gimme Mitt"

Lon Gibson

posted by Anne | 12:58 PM | permalink
***Lots of updates, new links

New Righties on the "Left Coast" Poll
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Good news from the poll:

"The results indicate that Romney would be the chief beneficiary in California if Thompson were to withdraw, with 30% of Thompson supporters favoring [Romney]."

posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:36 AM | permalink
The Louisiana GOP realeased this statement about the caucus last night. I can't make much of it because they don't tie the delegates to which candidate they represented. If someone can make more sense of this than me, let us know at

On Tuesday night, approximately ten thousand Louisiana Republicans caucused in 11 different cities across the state. Those attending the caucuses cast their vote for 15 delegates and 15 alternates to represent their congressional district at the 2008 Louisiana Republican Convention. Results were tallied on site late into the night and then reported to Republican Party Headquarters in Baton Rouge. Of the thousands of ballots cast, approximately 650 were cast provisionally.

Before these provisional ballots are counted, LAGOP staff must verify that the voter was a registered Republican voter in his or her congressional district as of November 30, 2007. The counting of provisional ballots in the 3rd and 7th Congressional districts is not needed to verify the results as the margin of victory for all winning candidates is larger than the number of provisional ballots casts. For the other five Congressional districts, Republican Party staff members will begin the process of verifying the results through each parish's registrar of voter's office. Once that process is complete, the Secretary of the Republican of Louisiana will certify the official results.

Prior to the tabulation of the provisional ballots, the uncommitted "Pro-Life/Pro-Family" slate appears to have won a majority of delegates in all seven congressional districts.

All candidates who ran for alternate delegate in the the 2nd, 3rd and 4th congressional districts won after qualifying as there were 15 or fewer candidates for those positions. The files below contain the unofficial results broken down by district and position. The P column shows the number of provisional ballots cast.


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Since not knowing much does not stop me from commenting here goes.
To decode these results I think we would need a list of delegates for which Romney, McCain, Paul, Giuliani, and Huckabee campaigns advocated. One of the reports I read said that there were at least some common names on the pro-life groups list and the Romney list (this was written by a Romney supporter on a Paul discussion board). That the pro-life group had such a showing (the only info offered by the Louisiana GOP) would seem to be bad for Giuliani. Other than this, I think there is little to be gleaned from what seems to be publicly available.
Thanks, TOm

I was able to find the "Pro-Life/Pro-Family" slate list and compare it to the unofficial results. They pretty convincingly dominated. The Paul sites are all enraged about the Pro-Life slate, claiming it's a conspiratorial "fusion" slate put up by the other candidates to lock the Paul delegates out. I haven't been able to find the individual candidate slates, except for the McCain slate in one district. There was no overlap between them in that district, and the Pro-Life slate got 12 delegates and McCain the other 3. I read one anecdotal report on Free Republic that one person was on both the Pro-Life and Romney slates.

Unless I can get my hands on the official candidate slates, no-one can really convincingly claim a win out of LA, since the Pro-Life list hasn't publicly aligned with a candidate. The Ronulans may have a point, and the other campaigns may have condoned the Pro-Life slate with a wink and a nod to keep no news from coming out of LA and to keep Ron from winning.

posted by Justin Hart | 11:05 AM | permalink

John McCain 22%
Mitt Romney 18%
Rudy Giuliani 11%
Mike Huckabee 11%
Fred Thompson 9%
Ron Paul 7%
Undecided 21%

Taken from a poll of 377 likely voters in California.

The poll shows Rudy dropping from 25% since December. McCain was at 12% and Romney was at 15% in the last poll.

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When do we get new Florida numbers? I know it'll take a few days for the "Thompson effect" to factor in, but it will be interesting to watch.

Using Thompson's second choice numbers, it ends up being something like:

McCain 23
Romney 20

Romney get the most Thompson supporters (30%).

Read the poll even more and you see that they asked for a second choice from the Thompson supporters and Romney closed even further with Romney getting 30% of Thompsons supporters, the most of any candidate. McCain 23% Romney 21%

According to the Field poll numbers with Fred out of the race turns into:

McCain 23%
Romney 21%
Giuliani 13%
Huckabee 12%
Thompson -
Paul 7%

There's another field poll out that had similar numbers.

Field Research GOP California Primary

John McCain 23% (12%)
Mitt Romney 21% (15%)
Rudy Giuliani 13% (25%)
Mike Huckabee 12% (17%)
Ron Paul 7% (3%)
Undecided 23% (18%)
Survey of 377 likely voters was conducted January 14-20, 2008. The margin of error is +/- 5.2 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted December 10-17, 2007 are in parentheses.

posted by Anne | 10:46 AM | permalink
From Jay Cost, The HorseRace Blog, RCP, "Is McCain Inevitable?", talking about concerted conservative opposition. Very important piece for us Mitt-backers. Read it all, but one excerpt:
There is an ideological conflict brewing in the GOP - but not the one we thought we would see. This means that the way we have looked at nominations over the last few cycles does not hold. I think this contest could be longer than many have intuited - and the results in Florida could determine exactly who emerges as the "anti-McCain" candidate.

Do not expect the press to catch this dynamic. It understands the here-and-now of contemporary politics much better than the forces and institutions that have guided it for decades. One effect of its misunderstanding will come on Super Tuesday, which it will treat just like the general election. That evening, it is going to focus relentlessly and exclusively on who wins which states - as if delegates are allocated like Electoral College electors. Do not get caught up with this, regardless of how splashily it is staged. With the prospect of a McCain candidacy, and the ideological divergence it implies - this is not the best way to analyze Super Tuesday, even though it is an important aspect. We also need to wait until the next day to see how the delegates are meted out - that will indicate just where this race is going to go.

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I enjoyed Cost's article today but twice he had to interject that McCain was the fronrunner. Based on what? This is the kind of sneaky bias that drives me up a wall.

posted by Justin Hart | 9:52 AM | permalink
Mitt's Big Nevada Victory and a special invitation to Fredheads.

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Thank God the Mittcast is back!!

posted by Anne | 8:20 AM | permalink
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 7:14 PM | permalink
This is the only review of the Lousiana caucuses I have seen. Take it for what it's worth.

Marc Ambinder says this:
Louisiana was thought to be a battle between Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney.

Romney has the support of two congressmen and announced teams in every district. It is winner take all by congressional district and majority receives at-large delegates.

It's the only Southern caucus, so conservative conservatives will probably turn out.

This is Romney's to lose...

Another gold medal... albeit in the state equivalent of Olympic curling, but still...


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I'm not seeing any results on Louisiana. Anyone else?

I found this link, but isn't the Louisiana contest really on 2/9/08?

I found this link:

but isn't the contest on 2/9/2008?

Yeah, I'm not seeing anything either. The MSM probably knew Mitt was gonna win it so they won't report it. ha.

I haven't seen anything either. Please post if you find something.

I read a few of reports tonight. If anything I say is incorrect I will refund all the money you paid me for this info. I am really somewhat confused about this whole thing, but this is how I see it.

Tonight a group of 105 delegates were selected for the Louisiana Republican convention. On Feb 9th Louisiana has a primary. If 51% or greater of the primary vote goes to one candidate then 20 delegates are bound to support that candidate. If not, then the Louisiana delegates are not bound (but I presume the somehow represent the will of the folks who voted on Feb 9th???). On Feb 16th the 105 delegates are paired down to 44 who will go to the national convention (3 more will go representing senior GOP leadership in the state).

Various folks were out supporting their candidate. A Romney supporter would offer a list to delegates to select as part of the 105. A group of pro-life folks offered a list of delegates to select as part of the 105. Some folks came with list already and were uninterested in discussing with the campaigners. Some delegates will likely be selected for their own credentials (a former Republican candidate) even though they are undecided as to who the will support on the 16th.

According to the I think two sources I found through Google, turnout was higher than normal and Romney/Paul supporters were the most vocal. I think however that means that Romney and Paul sent folks to influence the caucus goers as they entered their caucus sites. According to another source some folks already had a delegate list and mostly ignored the campaigners.

The above comes from 3-4 sources I found through Google. None seems authoritative. This is the state of the Louisiana race as I see it. I do not think the media has avoided Louisiana because Mitt is going to win (that’s an accusation that is so frequently true we can bypass it here). Romney’s website has nothing to say about Louisiana tonight (that I found) so I think the issue is that Louisiana’s actions tonight are less than decisive.

I hope there is something from Romney to brag about tomorrow (gold medal), but I think it will be even less brag-worthy than the Wyoming win. I think it quite possible that the “results” will be so inconclusive that nobody with have anything to brag about. The only way this would be picked up be the news in a major way (IMO) is if Ron Paul has something to brag about tomorrow. I lean toward the thought that whatever happened behind the caucus doors is so non-conclusive that not much bragging will happen and not much influence will be had on contests in Florida and on Super Tuesday.

Thanks, TOm

Yeah, the MSM is so mean to Romney, and so nice to Ron Paul, hahahaha.

It seems like Ron Paul wins the day in La. As the last conservative in the race, hopefully people will start to see that Paul is our last change to elect a small government conservative for the GOP.

Good article by Brent Bozell on the McCain media bias.

I read that Louisiana has both a caucus and a primary. In that case, how much does the caucus count?

The Louisiana Caucus is indeed on February 9. If this link doesn't work. Go to and look for the link under "NOMINATION CALANDER" on the left. It will be under the heading "Republican Schedule."

Aww crap the Ron Paul nuts have found this website. Do us a favor and troll other forums, ok? I like some of Ron's ideas, but honestly the way that people attach themselves to him with seeming religious zeal is much more of a detriment to his cause than a help. Mitt is a true conservative, AND is also completely electable. He doesn't give off the "I am a wacky nut job who only has a fringe base" vibe.

Hey, this site's own Jeff Fuller, MD, is on the list of delegates to vote for. See here.

Jeff!!! Hey, Jeff!!! Can you please let us know how it goes for you and your fellow delegate candidates?

I hope Jeff Fuller would forgive me for copying and pasting his reply from other blogger. He indeed did share his observation. He said [brackets are mine]:

Kavon [who made a post concerning how Mitt will win LA], Were you there?

This post is absurd. Romney has one paid staffer in LA. He started organizing for this just a couple of weeks ago. The lack of organization is/was saddening to me. As evidence check out the hand-written modification to the ballot you show [the ballot was scanned and shown at that post].

How can you assert that Romney “bought” this? You’ve got nothing to back that up. [Kavon was claiming Mitt has bought the state caucus]

You should have seen the McCain ballots (PS, you can see me on the Romney ballot! The Romney organizer told me to put the MD on there just in case some people want more MDs in politics and I might pick up some extraneous votes). McCain had a former governor of LA greeting people as the walked in and handing him their sample ballots. No Romney surrogates at all. McCain was far more organized statewide than anyone else. There were 15 delegates and 15 alternates suggested by the McCain sample ballots for EVERY congressional district.

This link shows that this LA voter was called TWICE by the McCain campaign . . . but by no others.

By contrast there were several districts that the Romney sample ballots only had 4-6 people on it . . . and no alternate delegates. Additionally, two nights ago, the Romney people decided to have a phone bank to call people out to the caucuses for Romney. I showed up along with 5 other people. I got called into the hospital after only making 10 calls and didn’t get anyone to come out for Romney.

Ron Paul had the most visible supporters there.

I’ll be shocked if Romney wins this thing (sadly).

Look for McCain to win, or Ron Paul, with Romney coming in third or worse.

It was a weird system.

[Jeff, I hope you forgive me for sharing your LA caucus experience here]

Yea, Mitt doesn't have any religious fringe base supporters. Good call!!!

The Louisiana caucuses were last night, it is the primary that is 2/9. Yes, confusing. The caucuses were just for repubs, to elect the delegates to the state convention. The primary on 2/9 is for both parties, and if one candidate wins more than 1/2 the vote then they automatically get a certain number of delegates.

The local media here is reporting nothing about last night. Then again, it's kind of hard to interpret anyway since you are electing delegates and not a candidate.

The Caucuses were indeed last night, and they are exactly as conclusive as either Iowa's or Nevada's caucuses. Almost exactly the same process happens there - delegates to the county or state conventions are selected who then pick delegates to the national convention.

There are two major differences - 1) in Iowa and Nevada it doesn't seem there was a predetermined slate/ballot of potential delegates. You could show up and have a good chance of getting yourself elected with no prior involvement. LA seems to be tighter controled on that front.

2) There doesn't seem to have been a highly organized straw poll like there was in Iowa and Nevada. That's what the widely reported results from those states were - just straw polls, with no binding effect. The real power lies with those selected to be delegates to the state conventions. National delegate counts from caucus states reported by the media are simply estimates based on the straw poll results.

Finally, on the Louisiana Primary. Yes, that is on the 9th. Louisiana has BOTH a caucus and a primary. However, the primary is odd. In order to get any pledged delegates, a contender must get 50% + 1 of the vote - not just a simple plurality. If no candidate gets 50% + 1, the 20 delegates associated with the primary are "unpledged," but since the individuals are selected at the state convention, they will likely support whoever "won" the caucus (meaning stacked the state convention in their favor).

Let me repeat, ALL caucuses work the way outlined above. NO DELEGATES are guaranteed based simply on the poll of caucus attendees, it's all about the state convention delegates. Louisiana was just especially confusing because of the predetermined ballots/slates of delegates, and the primary later. Washington also splits the system, with a caucus on the 9th and a primary on the 19th, but there are no delegate slates in Washington.

so, uh, I see you are censoring responses/comments?

Deleted some, even?

Is this how Mitt Romney operates?

Fucking shmucks.

People like you, moron, should be censored. If you have something intelligent to say, then do so without showing the complete lack of intelligence that resorting to profanities shows. Honestly, if I could work my will, people like you would be barred from the elective process in general, as those with the intellectual capacity of mayonnaise shouldn't have a say in who gets to lead the free world.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:29 PM | permalink
...Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt won't seek 2nd term. Indeed, one of his reasons for not seeking a 2nd term sounds very similar to us Romney followers.

Blunt, a Republican elected in 2004, explained in a television address that he had accomplished virtually everything he had set out to do.

I've heard that one before.

Also, Gov. Blunt was one of the early backers of Gov. Romney. From the press release of Gov. Blunt's endorsement back in April:

Endorsing Governor Romney, Governor Blunt said, "Mitt Romney's strong conservative principles are right for America. He is a strong leader and a proven problem solver - in private business, the Olympics, and as Governor. Governor Romney lives the American values that we cherish. I believe he has a great vision for the future of the United States."

Romney-Blunt in '08? Sounds good to me. Anyone from Missouri have an opinion?

Don't you just love the gossip.


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Sounds great to me.Don't want Huck or Thompson personally.

I'm from MO, and voted for Blunt. However, my hubby and I are away with the military, and my mom says that he is not very popular there now with some of the programs he has cut. If that will make much of a difference in a general election, I don't know because he isn't well known, but it might not help in Missouri, a state that is becoming more liberal every day.

I live in central MO. Blunt comes across as a light-weight: young and lacking in leadership, not ready for prime-time. It would be a big mistake, and this comes from one who voted for him.

I got to meet Governor Blunt in Iowa when he was helping out with our caucus effort. I think he's a bit young yet, but you know if the Democrats go with Obama, a young VP might help us take more of the youth vote.

Blunt is just about the least popular man in Missouri right now. Romney is screwed if he rolls into Missouri with Matt Blunt on his ticket, he won't stand a chance.

I live in St Louis and Blunt seems like a decent guy but I am convinced there are probably a hundred more qualified people to VP for Mitt. Blunt does not come across as a strong leader and his popularity has declined...which (along with a few minor scandals) is probably why he's not running for a second term. Just not VP material in my opinion

How about General Petraeus for VP?!

Only two names on our short list:

Jim DeMint
J.C. Watts, Jr.

Talk amongst yourselves.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:57 PM | permalink
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on former Senator Fred Thompson withdrawing his candidacy for President of the United States:

"Throughout this campaign, Fred Thompson brought a laudable focus to the challenges confronting our country and the solutions necessary to meet them. He stood for strong conservative ideas and believed strongly in the need to keep our conservative coalition together. Ann and I would like to extend our best wishes to Fred, Jeri and their family and congratulate them on their efforts during this campaign."


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I second the motion made by others for a Romney/Thompson ticket. I have really come to like Fred Thompson.

I like Fred Thompson also, however I don't think another southern old white guy is going to help against Hillary or Obama.

Mitt would need to "think outside the box" (yes I hate the phrase also) and perhaps go with a woman, black, or hispanic. It is identity politics, but thats life.

Look for JC Watts, Michael Steele, Marsha Blackburn, Gov Palin.

Conservatives do not believe in affirmative action hires even for the VP. Here's hoping the VP candidate is the best person for the job regardless of race, gender or religious affiliation.

posted by Jeff Fuller | 2:29 PM | permalink
I saw a couple of minutes ago Carl Cameron (boy I'm getting sick of his pro-McCain/anti-Romney bias BTW) announce that during the next 24 hours Fred will be bowing out of the race. He's a solid man with many prinicpled stands. We all wish him the best.

Marc Ambinder is reporting as well.

Jeff Fuller
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I generally like Thompson but he didn't do anything for me.What troubles me is he possibly played McCain's hatchet man on Mitt in NH and on Huck in SC.If you could airdrop Fred into the WH he'd probably be ok because he'd have the old GOP Baker types with him but it would be 80's like.I don't think he'd ever survive a general election. I hate myself for saying this but I have a bad feeling his supporters who are establishment people like Cheney's daughter and Mary Matilin will go to McCain. Everyone seems to have convinced themselves that McCain's positions on immigration,climate change,free speech don't matter anymore. It's all about judges with a lot of people.Which is nuts because of McCain's "reach across the asile" posture on everything. I despise that,I want a tooth and nail fight withthe Dems.When you start selling your soul don't be surprised when you wake up without one.

posted by Anne | 1:59 PM | permalink
From Mitt blogger David:
Main Stream Media bias? I searched Google News for the winner of each primary or caucus. I specifically used the following terms. The first number in parentheses is "about" how many results were found. For comparison, the second figure is the number of delegates won by the candidate (according to CNN).

"huckabee won" iowa (2,365; 17)
"romney won" wyoming (270; 8)
"mccain won" "new hampshire" (5,145; 7)
"romney won" michigan (1,239; 24)
"romney won" nevada (1,173; 18)
"mccain won" "south carolina" (3,806; 19)

Of the three states Romney won, he received the most coverage for his win in Michigan, about 1,239 stories, where he earned 24 delegates. In contrast, McCain earned only 7 delegates in New Hampshire but enjoyed the publicity from 5,145 news stories.

To look at this another way, the most stories written about any of Romney's three wins was 1,239 for Michigan while the fewest stories written about any of his opponents' wins was 2,365 for Huckabee's win in Iowa.

If Romney were to receive the same coverage for his primary/caucus wins, it's reasonable to believe he would enjoy the frontrunner status that many in the press are giving to McCain today (the facts to the contrary).
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Wow, what a shame!

Excellent recap!

Too bad we don't know whether these skewed reporting numbers reflect a total negative bias by (a) editors, or (b) journalists, or (c) both. Theoretically, it's POSSIBLE that journalists were covering the Republican race fairly and all the fair reports were either spiked by the editor or revised beyond recognition.

My money is on journalists who are told by editors "Cover this, in this way" and if the editors don't like the work product by the journalist, they revise it to suit their own preconception.

Why don't we just do away with the unpredictable, messy election by real voters, and have a super caucus of editors and journalists?

Their slanted reporting of actual wins shows they have the arrogance to ignore actual Primaries or Caucuses held and actual votes cast.

Nice work. It's rare I see a novel way such as this to review this sort of bias. Wyoming and Nevada make a bit of sense, but Michigan was an important state and this sort of coverage is bizarre.

I wonder if they continue with the biases when Romney becomes President, he's going to be all over the news and the MSM will follow him everywhere! ...and scandal hungry too!

The point is that the Media Hags don't want Romney to win the nomination. They are afraid that if he wins the nomination, he will beat Hillary, and the media doesn't want that. They want four more years of Billary. That is also why they are turning a blind eye to how the Clinton Machine is trying to destroy Obama.

As far as McCain goes, even the Republican pundits want him. It's probably because he has paid his dues being in the Senate for the past 90 years. That's how Dole got the nomination in 1996. Dole didn't do very well, and neither will McCain. Unfortunately, The Republican establishment Media Hags are jumping on the lame horse and ignoring McCain's record of backstabbing the current president.

posted by Anne | 1:03 PM | permalink
A Feb. 5th Super Tuesday state.

GOP Illinois: Focus on the Race
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posted by jason | 12:06 PM | permalink
From the Sonoran Alliance

The county also gave an indication of who the party faithful is supporting as the Republican nominee. Here are the results out of 721 ballots cast:

Overall Votes (662 Votes):
#1 - Mitt Romney - 28.4% (188)
#2 - Fred Thomson - 18.3% (121)
#3 - Ron Paul - 17.4% (115)
#4 - Duncan Hunter - 14.0% (93)
#5 - John McCain - 12.1% (80)
#6 - Rudy Giuliani - 5.0% (33)
#7 - Mike Huckabee - 4.8% (32)

Most Acceptable (1781 Votes):
#1 - Fred Thompson - 20.8% (370)
#2 - Duncan Hunter - 20.1% (358)
#3 - Mitt Romney - 20.0% (356)
#4 - Rudy Giuliani - 13.2% (235)
#5 - Mike Huckabee - 11.6% (207)
#6 - John McCain - 7.6% (135)
#7 - Ron Paul - 6.7% (120)

Most Unacceptable (1949 votes):
#1 - John McCain - 21.9% (427)
#2 - Ron Paul - 20.3% (396)
#3 - Rudy Giuliani - 18.3% (357)
#4 - Mike Huckabee - 17.4% (340)
#5 - Duncan Hunter - 8.0% (156)
#6 - Fred Thompson - 7.8% (152)
#7 - Mitt Romney - 6.2% (121 )
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Just to confirm the article, I live in Maricopa County and have long been frustrated by McCain. Our other senator (Kyle) tends to vote as I would, but McCain usually does not vote my way on social or fiscal issues. I used to live in Massachusetts and am behind Mitt Romney all the way!

This is not surprising at all. The "Most Acceptable" have an effective strategy in dealing with illegal immigration (I really like Duncan Hunter for this). You would think that John McCain would have "gotten the message" on this one from his home state, but he has been too busy voting for tax increases and being the "Maverick" to find out what him home state really wants.

posted by Anne | 11:32 AM | permalink
It starts out this way:

Rudolph W. Giuliani likens himself to a boxer who never takes a punch without swinging back. As mayor, he made the vengeful roundhouse an instrument of government, clipping anyone who crossed him.

In August 1997, James Schillaci, a rough-hewn chauffeur from the Bronx, dialed Mayor Giuliani's radio program on WABC-AM to complain about a red-light sting run by the police near the Bronx Zoo. When the call yielded no results, Mr. Schillaci turned to The Daily News, which then ran a photo of the red light and this front page headline: "GOTCHA!"

That morning, police officers appeared on Mr. Schillaci's
doorstep. What are you going to do, Mr. Schillaci asked, arrest me? He was joking, but the officers were not.

They slapped on handcuffs and took him to court on a 13-year-old traffic warrant. A judge threw out the charge. A police spokeswoman later read Mr. Schillaci's decades-old criminal rap sheet to a reporter for The Daily News, a move of questionable legality because the state restricts how such information is released. She said, falsely, that he had been convicted of sodomy.

Then Mr. Giuliani took up the cudgel.

"Mr. Schillaci was posing as an altruistic whistle-blower," the mayor told reporters at the time. "Maybe he's dishonest enough to lie about police officers."

Mr. Schillaci suffered an emotional breakdown, was briefly hospitalized and later received a $290,000 legal settlement from the city. "It really damaged me," said Mr. Schillaci, now 60, massaging his face with thick hands. "I thought I was doing something good for once, my civic duty and all. Then he steps on me."

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There is something a little "mafia-ish" about Rudy that has always bothered me.... I think I'll post this 'anonymous.'

Sorry, but there is nothing "mafia-ish" chez Rudy. What there might be is someone whose personality doesn't completely sit well with you. And I agree with that. But please, get a grip...

read the rest of this traffic light story @:

I did the right thing back in the summer of 1997 reporting police misconduct. It was king rudy who failed me and the people of NYC.

James Schillaci

posted by Anne | 11:07 AM | permalink
Jonathan Martin, The Politico: Mitt's not-so-black Tuesday. It starts out this way:
If Mitt Romney wins Florida next week and ultimately the GOP nomination, today will be looked back upon as a crucial turning point.

For three major reasons, Romney is enjoying a super Tuesday of his own.

First, the anticipated drop of the stock market is taking place. As of just before 10, the Dow was down about 300 points. This will exacerbate fears of a full-fledged meltdown and spur that many more IRA-holding Floridians to vote their pocketbook.
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posted by Anne | 10:19 AM | permalink
Two American Spectator articles on Mitt's Economic message--one of the writers also at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Mitt's talking about the burden of regulation on the economy, very evident in Michigan. In Illinois we are a perennial judicial hellhole, as trial lawyers block tort reform and doctors stream out of the state. Then there is the issue of taxes, heavy in Illinois, and if the Dems win it all in Washington we will face huge tax increases.

Of course, Reagan talked about getting the government off our backs.

Romney: Road Tested
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I just hope Mitt doesn't pander to Floridians by pushing a federal hurricane/flood insurance proposal like Rudy has. That is pure and utter pandering. I don't particularly like McCain, but at least he had the guts to say he was against it.

Here's to hoping Mitt does the same.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:13 AM | permalink
I’ve argued before that McCain lacks a true understanding of the issues facing the nation. This is manifest in many different ways. One way is through the quick use of emotion when addressing the issue. On immigration, McCain has repeatedly said that he will not deport the parents of soldiers in spite of their illegal status. This kind of emotional pandering is intended to shame critics of his policies.

Another way that McCain manifests his lack of policy substance is through addressing tangential issues and not the main issue. One of these issues is fiscal discipline. When talking about fiscal discipline, instead of discussing spending restraints, McCain addresses the tangential issue of earmarks. Don’t get me wrong, earmarks are a problem and it should be addressed. However, looking at the data, the focus on earmarks as a form of fiscal restraint is seriously lacking.

Simply put earmarks represent less than one percent of the federal budget. Looking at the budget and earmarks from 2005 (the most recent data I could find for both), earmarks represented just a drop in the bucket of the federal budget. For 2005, the Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Budget and Management say the federal budget was $2.47 Trillion. In 2005, the Office of Management and Budget says there were 13,492 earmarks totaling $18,944,327,000 for appropriations accounts. Now, that number of dollars appropriated for earmarks is a significant number and likely represents the amount of corruption in Congress. However, for all the wrongs that earmarks represent, they account for less that 1% of the federal budget, Thus, even eliminating earmarks completely will do little to solve the spending problems in the federal budget.

McCain has said in debates that he will make famous the man who puts in the first earmark in a bill that comes to McCain’s desk. That sounds nice. McCain gets to act indignant over earmarks and show us all how much he hates them. However, while McCain is searching high and low for earmarks in spending bills, he will have missed the true substance of fiscal restraint. Bloated agency budgets will pass by him. Duplicative programs will find his approval. Entitlement programs will receive no scrutiny. McCain, for all his bluster over earmarks will not have made the hard decisions to truly reign in spending. He will have spent his efforts on something, while politically popular, that will do little to control the spending problems in Congress.

That is not fiscal conservatism. Indeed, it elevates form over substance and demonstrates a lack of seriousness on McCain's part.


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This is right on the money (sorry about the pun). McCain's substitution of eradicating earmarks in lieu of serious fiscal policy is exactly what you'd expect from a long-time Washington insider. It absolutely fails in addressing the fundamental problems before us. We need Mitt Romney and I am excited to have the chance to vote for him in 2 weeks!

posted by jason | 10:12 AM | permalink
From The Prowler:
Less than a month after a huge upset victory, and promises that fundraising would be ramped up, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is asking his senior staff to keep working for him without pay, while lower level campaign staff are seeing their salaries cut dramatically or eliminated altogether.

"The goal is to get a leaner, meaner campaign structure moving into Super Tuesday," says a senior campaign adviser.

But many of those being asked to take the cut are refusing, and walking away, leaving the campaign with holes to fill.

"The money simply hasn't come in at the rate that we expected," says the aide. "Florida is a $7 million commitment that we can't meet, and if we did, that leaves us exposed for Super Tuesday, where we have a lot of states and a lot media buys. We had to make tough decisions."

Matt Lewis chimes in with this:
Huckabee seems to be realizing he can't win Florida -- especially with Rudy, McCain, and Romney all campaigning hard there. He has been traveling to other states, including Georgia, and seems to be planning a Feb. 5 strategy, instead of a Florida strategy ...

He also seems to be out of money. He's cutting salaries, and squeezing his budget ...

I think he's fading ...

If Huck does avoid FL, this could really effect the outcome, as could Fred basically dropping out. Who knows in which direction, but I am guessing John wishes Huck and Fred would stay in a little a longer.
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Pass the plate, Huck. At least he and McCain have the media on their side. That's worth a lot of money for them.

I guess what they say about a week being an eternity in politics is true.Check that make it 4 days. Huck and Thompson's draw down and withdrawal,certianly changes the dynamic of the race. People were voting for Thompson more or less as a conscience vote as being the most pure or whatever now have to turn to the next best choice.I imagine a few zealots will still vote for Huck.Nobody can predict where they'll go.If the polls seem to help Romney the media will do everything they can to supress or explain them away. It's really personal now between the media and McCain haters. A win for Mitt would be a double.

I guess what they say about a week being an eternity in politics is true.Check that make it 4 days. Huck and Thompson's draw down and withdrawal,certianly changes the dynamic of the race. People were voting for Thompson more or less as a conscience vote as being the most pure or whatever now have to turn to the next best choice.I imagine a few zealots will still vote for Huck.Nobody can predict where they'll go.If the polls seem to help Romney the media will do everything they can to supress or explain them away. It's really personal now between the media and McCain haters. A win for Mitt would be a double.

posted by Justin Hart | 8:35 AM | permalink

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Dang, those pieces speak to me.

posted by Jeff Fuller | 8:18 AM | permalink
FredHeads will play a vital role in this race and WILL end up choosing the nominee, though, to their obvious chagrin, it will not be for their first choice candidate.

I've been watching and analyzing this race for two years now, reading and commenting nearly daily at forumns such as RedState, FreeRepublic, and Race42008. I've seen the slow dance of Fred's entrance, his surge in popularity and polls, and his steady decline. I've debated with FredHeads about both Fred and Mitt, their strengths and weaknesses. Interestingly, there has been a significant "warming" to Mitt among FredHeads and vice-a-versa over the last several weeks. Most Mitt supporters I know have Fred #2 on their list (me included . . . though it's a close call with Rudy because I like his executive experience).

Whether or not Fred officially drops out, it's clear that he does not have a realistic shot at becoming the nominee. His supporters will probably join other camps shortly.

Two online polls taken in the wake of last Saturday's results asked folks who they'd vote for in a "Fred-less" field.

Over at RedState (jokingly referred to as "FredState") this poll was asked . . . and here are the results as of now:

Now that South Carolina is done, who will you vote for in your state?
John McCain 14%307
Mike Huckabee 6%135
Rudy Giuliani 11%233
Mitt Romney 68%1,458
2,133 votes total

Over at (another very pro-Fred blog), the question was even more direct:

For Fred Supporters: If Fred Thompson drops out of the race, which major candidate would you support?
Rudy Giuliani 15%706
Mike Huckabee 4%213
John McCain 7%341
Mitt Romney 74%3,535
4,795 votes total

There is much speculation that Fred will endorse McCain, so HotAir's readership was asked if such an ensdorsement would affect their vote:

If Fred Thompson endorses John McCain, what impact would that have on your vote?
No impact 88%2,862
Somewhat more likely to vote for McCain 6%205
Much more likely to vote for McCain 5%172
3,239 votes total

Looks like FredHeads are the independent-minded voters that we'd expect of those supporting such a plain-spoken candidate.

For further evidence of FredHeads breaking for Mitt check out the comment section at HotAir (sorry, I didn't read all 1400 of them).

Some are even calling for a Romney/Fred ticket! I wouldn't have a problem with that personally. As Mitt supporters, we welcome any and all FredHeads into the fold.

Jeff Fuller
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I fear that Huckabee supporters will go to McCain. However, if the economy keeps struggling, Mitt may be the only answer.

The rationale of the Huckabee's supporters who are flocking to McCain's camp is truly incomprensible and bizarre. They would even choose a RINO over a Mormon who is not even running for Paster-in-Chief but a Commander-in-Chief. Mitt has tried so hard to keep religion out of his candidacy. However, he is much more qualified than either Huckabee and McCain. Enjoy reading this link...

As an ex-"Fred-Head", I would gladly support Romney if he will have a "come-to-Jesus" meetng with James J. Baker and Wayne LaPierre to certify his questionable support for the Second Ammendment.
And, I could care less if he is a Mormon. The Mormons I have known personally have all been very good Americans. leVieux

posted by Justin Hart | 7:29 AM | permalink
One sunny day in 2009, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."

The Marine replied, "Sir, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here."

The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton".

The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here." The man thanked him and again walked away .

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mrs. Clinton. I've told you already several times that Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't
you understand?"

The old man smiled as he replied, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing your answer!"

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow, Sir."
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How funny!

Ha!!! THAT is awesome!!!!

I love it! That was great.

posted by Jeff Fuller | 12:46 AM | permalink
I wrote the following blog back on Jan 5th . . . and the issue has only become more and more important. However, with the worldwide stock market crashes today (here too) and Wall Street likely to suffer as well (the Dow Futures look dismal) it bears repeating now. I think it's becoming clearer and clearer that we NEED Mitt Romney at the helm of our country and economy. And we absolutely DON'T NEED John McCain anywhere near the control panel of our economy.

So "The Economy" constantly ranks up there among the top issues/concerns among voters of BOTH parties. With the Iraq issue being far less polarizing of late, the Economy, Illegal Immigration, and Healthcare look to be the key issues for the general election. Additionally, this New Hampshire Fox News Poll last month had the Economy and Illegal Immigration as the two most important issues to GOP voters with the Economy being by far the most important issue.

Additionally, unlike many issues listed, the status of the economy is something that touches EVERY American in some real and powerful way (as opposed to Iraq, or abortion, or foreign policy, or those without healthcare insurance).

In the financial world, the news of an imminent recession has been dominating the headlines (including the sinking strength on Wall Street). Just yesterday, Bush met with the economic advisors and the Fed Chairman to discuss these issues. The press conference afterwards was not terribly positive.

So is a McCain presidency a good fit for a good economy? Back in 2003 many didn't think so. His new economic plan isn't impressing many. And let's not forget what the Club for Growth thinks about McCain's economic record (Their main points are that "John McCain is No Supply-Sider" and that he has a "Tenuous Record as an Economic Conservative")

Those are the words of others . . . but what does McCain think of himself in relation to the ecomony?

Just one month ago, a piece from the Boston Globe (who has since endorsed McCain) led off with this:

SALEM, N.H. -- John McCain, who happily volunteers he doesn't know much about economics . . .

Later in the piece:
McCain stood before a line graph showing the increase of the alternative-minimum tax, a low-budget campaign's alternative to the PowerPoint presentation Mitt Romney uses when talking about economic policy, a subject McCain has said he feels he is unknowledgeable and that filling the void would be a priority when selecting a vice-presidential nominee.

So McCain wants to bolster the ticket because he's weak on the #1 issue and at a time that recession is a real concern? Sounds scary to me.

Yet further:
Like Mike Huckabee, who joked recently that he "may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night," McCain suggested to reporters Monday that American consumer culture offered a short cut to expertise. "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should," McCain said. "I've got Greenspan's book."
Sorry John, but if you haven't gotten a grasp of economic issues after 71 years of life, and after 3+ decades in politics, something tells me that you're not ever going to "get it" . . . even if Greenspan's book is really good.

If we really are headed toward recession in the next few months, do we really want John McCain as our nominee to put up against Hillary or Obama? I think we have much better options to have at the TOP of the ticket.

Update Jan 14th:
I was just watching Road to the White House 2008 on C-Span (DVR'd) and John McCain, in a Saturday town hall meeting in MI, got a question about the economy and the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

He promptly said he knew it was a problem, but didn't know much about the details and so he brought up Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard to discuss the issue. After she answered the question, McCain mentioned that he wasn't an expert on every issue, but that he'd get people like her to advise him. I mean, this is a major issue in our economy and every other POTUS candidate can grasp it enough to say a few nice lines. Even Huck can sound conversant on the issue!

Update Jan 20th:
McCain is showing his lack of depth on economic understanding . . . and is proposing policy based on his faulty logic. It's SCARY folks!

I also noticed that the Romney campaign has been reading my blog :)

Jeff Fuller
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There is worldwide panic over the state of the US economy. Investors have to be taking gas.Bush's stimulus plan doesn't seem to be settling fears. You have the Democratic side of the ledger embroiled in the politics of race,all but ignoring issues so no reassurance there.Basically the dems always run on the concept that they will be a good luck charm for the economy rather than any coherent plan. Giving everyone free healthcare is not a cure for economic woes but they will never sway form their "tried and true" 60's liberal playbook.Reassuring minorities that their plight is due to wealthy white surpression doesn't appear to be working anymore as people are looking at Obama as an alternative to the old white plantation model which hasn't advanced minority causes.Government handouts are now being seen as a poor alternative to a job.Put all these things together and Americans are looking for a clear alternative which will stabilize then grow the economy. I think all these factors help Mitt a lot and there will be a slow gravitation towards him.Mccain has no cohesive message for the eonomy and as resources shrink people see his illegal immigrant friendly positions threatening those resources.The media hates Mitt because they can't morph him into thier republican sterotype like they could do with McCain and Huck (war mongers/religious zealot.

What really guiled the MSM after Mitt's victory in Mich. wasn't his so-called pandering to the auto industry but his optimistic tone.Don't forget the medias main objective is to create anger and pessimism because they think it will cause a backlash against the party in power.They hate the fact that Mitt hasn't gave up on industrial jobs. They loved McCain pessimistic tone that jobs wern't coming back(Bush's fault). McCain knew this cost him in Mich. and he changed his message real quick in SC saying jobs could come back. No flip flop noted. The last thing people want to see right now is a bunch of free spending and taxing liberals running Washinton. I wish that Mitt would start talking up the theme that Washinton needs checks an balances now more than ever before Dem taxation shuts the economy down even more.

Monday, January 21, 2008
posted by Myclob | 9:26 PM | permalink
"On this day, we honor the vision and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to fulfilling the truth revealed at our nation's founding that all men are created equal. He proved that one man with a dream can make a difference. While we have made great strides, there is still much work to be done to ensure all Americans prosper economically, have access to affordable health care, and receive a quality education. The failure of our inner city schools is the great civil rights issue of our time.

"Dr. King's life serves as an inspiration to all Americans and to liberty-loving people all over the world who aspire for freedom where it is threatened or does not exist."
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Good stuff. It's important for us to celebrate our efforts to be a land of equal opportunity for all. So many contributions to our nation have been made by individuals of diverse backgrounds. I like Romney's comment to about schools being "the great civil rights issue of our time." If we're serious about providing equality of opportunity, educating all our citizens at a higher level is critical.

posted by jason | 6:33 PM | permalink
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The linked blog seems to indicate that Fred will drop out and endorse Romney?

Seems like a premature and unsubstantiated claim, even if it is meant to be tongue and cheek. I'd be careful about introducing something like that into the rumor mill . . .

How can we verify what this site suggests? That Fred in fact will endorse Mitt tomorrow? Or that Fred will be part of Mitt's ticket?

The headline on the MittandFred blog is just an attention getter -not real news. Perhaps it should be changed. The point is to gather support for the Mitt and Fred alliance. Spread the word.

As a Romney supporter I would love to have Thompson come over to our team, but as of yet, he hasn't mentioned he was getting out of the race. Also keep in mind that he and McCain are friends and he supported him in 2000. While our beliefs align, I have a hard time seeing Fred coming over and endorsing us - at best he stays out. I know that many of Fred's supporters in our state also like Romney and will probably come over when an announcement is made. Until then - Let's win Florida!

From my talk with my fellows I think if (and the is a BIG IF) Fred drops out many will likely go to Mitt, but a good potion like myself will sit it out or in the end become so scared of ‘Hitlery’ that they will vote for whomever is the Republican nominee (except Huck). Not much of a recommendation is it, people voting for you because they are so afraid of the other guy?

Mitt lost me when his team started the 'dirty tricks’ campaign against Fred. Now you are going to say that Mitt never approved or had knowledge of these acts (,push polling in Iowa)and maybe, just maybe Mitt never personally approved any of these acts, but just like a CEO or for that matter the President you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your subordinates. And denials followed by a ‘I am sorry, but more sorry we got caught apology’ just doesn’t cut it with me. Maybe I a bit of a ‘Mr. Smith’, but I was raised that your reputation is not only what you do, but also who you associate with. Fred has had some hard talk for Mitt, Huck, and the others, but I challenge anyone who can point to anything dishonest committed by him or any campaign supporter.

From my talk with my fellows I think if (and the is a BIG IF) Fred drops out many will likely go to Mitt, but a good potion like myself will sit it out or in the end become so scared of ‘Hitlery’ that they will vote for whomever is the Republican nominee (except Huck). Not much of a recommendation is it, people voting for you because they are so afraid of the other guy?

Mitt lost me when his team started the 'dirty tricks’ campaign against Fred Now you are going to say that Mitt never approved or had knowledge of these acts (,push polling in Iowa)and maybe just maybe Mitt never personally approved any of these acts, but just like a CEO or for that matter the President you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your subordinates. And denials followed by a ‘I am sorry, but more sorry we got caught apology’ just doesn’t cut it with me. Maybe I a bit of a ‘Mr. Smith’, but I was raised that your reputation is not only what you do, but also who you associate with. Fred has had some hard talk for Mitt, Huck, and the others, but I challenge anyone who can point to anything dishonest committed by him or any campaign supporter.

Welcome aboard everyone.

posted by Nealie Ride | 5:25 PM | permalink
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Wow,I agree 100% and couldn't put it any better.This guy is causing a major rift between republicans and has to be stopped.

Great site for a poll splash/

Fred to support Mitt!!

How do you know Fred is going to support Mitt?

It is not wise to spread that kind of rumor without verification as it will create bad blood with some Fred supporters.

Anybody but McCain or Huckabee?

posted by Anne | 4:26 PM | permalink
From First Read, at the end:

“While we have made great strides,” the statement reads, “there is still much work to be done to ensure all Americans prosper economically, have access to affordable health care, and receive a quality education. The failure of our inner city schools is the great civil rights issue of our time.”

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Here's Mitt at the parade today!

posted by Anne | 3:35 PM | permalink
Hugh Hewitt, Townhall. Here's how it starts off. Much more detail:


Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA): “We Would Have Had A Much Bigger Tax Cut If It Was Not For John McCain.” (Kathryn Jean Lopez, “A Conservative Case Against McCain,” National Review,, 1/14/08, Accessed 1/18/08)

In His Twenty-Year Senate Career, John McCain Has Voted At Least Fifty-Two Times For Higher Taxes On The American People – That’s More Than Twice A Year.*

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Well it should be interesting if Rudy keeps it up. No doubt that McCain has gotten a free ride, when Mitt tried to point it out in Iowa and NH he was "negative". I think Rudy will also go after Mitt; especially if today's Rasmussen's poll #'s hold true.

Of course Huck will still be there to attack Mitt, and will.

posted by Anne | 3:00 PM | permalink
Picking up on Nealie's earlier post with Joe's video. Very powerful. Followed up on that, pulling some more evidence in--you've seen most of it, but it is undeniable bias.

The MSM are advocates for McCain.

Here's my post.
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