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Friday, April 4, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 4:21 PM | permalink
This new ad by Absolut may be pushing the right buttons in Mexico, but for those of us in California who can't imagine living in a land other than America, I find it rather disturbing.

So, for those of you out there who may like a vodka Martini or maybe just a Screwdriver from time to time and may not be as familiar with the Spirits market, may I recommend the following labels:

Ketel One
Grey Goose

And heck, if you can't afford anything else, Smirnoff.

Or better yet, ditch the spirits market altogether and have a Sprite.

Seriously though, I think Absolut should get some backlash for the ad.
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Please post my pro-Romney petition.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 7:15 PM  

What was Absolut thinking?! Very dumb!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 5, 2008 at 8:37 AM  

posted by Justin Hart | 9:08 AM | permalink
Matt Lewis points to a Huckabee motive. David Brody has a headache over this thing. But I see another motif at play here.

Am I blowing smoke about the hidden anti-Mormon agenda of many of the signatories who signed onto the God Not Government post?

Well, let's review. Granted, these excerpts don't come anywhere close to equating Mormonism to Homosexuality, but even I was a bit shocked by some of these quotes.

My main point is this: if you want your egregious arguments to hold any water at all... don't include anti-Mormons on your list of adherents.
  • Matt Barber, Policy Director, Concerned Women for America quoted here as helping a reformed homosexual who converted to Mormonism find "scripturally-sound" evangelical churches to attend.
  • Ted Baehr, Author of Culture Wise Family, on the September 11th film: "What [the character of] Brigham Young does in the movie is talk about…that you have to have blood atonement... This is going to be an issue [for Romney]. ”
  • Janet Folger, President Faith2Action, See here: "Romney, as a Mormon, doesn't believe Jesus was God's only Son (Lucifer, they claim, was his 'brother'). Nor does he believe in the virgin birth. Instead, Mormons believe God the Father had physical sex with Mary. The word blasphemy comes to mind. A bit more than a mere 'denominational difference,' don't you think?"
  • Gary Glenn, President AFA, Michigan, played the "religion card" in his GOTV efforts for Huckabee
  • James Hartline, Founder and Publisher, California Christian News: "San Diego Republican Party Hits New Low - Invites Cult Member As Christmas Party Guest Of Honor" - "Mormon politics is more about promoting the economic interests of the Mormon Church and its wealthy members rather than any pseudo Biblical beliefs."
  • Linda Harvey, President Mission America: "He used his Republican and Mormon identity to push through radical policies on gay marriage, abortion and pro-homosexual school programs that Ted Kennedy always dreamed about." - link
  • Gregg Jackson: Writes here in an article entitled: "Is this the end of Evangelicalism in America?": "A cornerstone of the Mormon Church, Grudem writes, is the classic heresy of Saint Paul's day – angel worship. In his book, Grudem insists that an orthodox Christian must practice the theology he reads. So why would he step forward to become part of the Mitt Romney propaganda blitz trying to mislead evangelicals into doing what would shock most evangelicals in American history: elect a Mormon for president? "
  • Peter LaBarbera: "The sponsor of a homosexual-inclusive “hate crimes” bill in Utah is hailing the support of two Mormon-owned media organs, signaling the neutrality of the powerful and socially conservative church on an issue that is seen by many family advocates as the first step in the wider 'gay' agenda."
And I'm only half way through the list. In my mind, many of these people are hiding behind silly political pot-shots because they have theological angst against the Mormon church.

Am I wrong here?

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You are spot on with this one!! What can be done about this obvious religious intolerance toward Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

No, Justin, you are not wrong. Not at all. Honestly, if these people were pushing a "NO LEIBERMAN FOR VEEP" agenda and the list was full of anti-semites, do you honestly think for one second that the MSM and other wouldn't fly off the handle calling them out on obvious bias? But if it's Mormon bashing, it's totally fine- those Mormons are crazy, everyone knows this, so why not bash them a bit? Honestly, these people disgust me. Scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites!!!!!


You may be wrong to say that this is a complete smokescreen for bigotry -- but at the very least you have produced substantial evidence of an anti-Mormon slant in those you have listed, and it becomes very obvious why they have not given him the benefit of the doubt.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

You are dead-on, my friend, what a bunch of psycho haters. It is a free country, but it's depressingly low-grade.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 1:23 PM  

Doug from San Francisco - From what I saw in the primaries, you are hitting the nail on the head. We have more religious bigots than I would have supposed. I guess every church starts out this way but you would think that we have matured beyond what we've seen recently.

I really don't care if Mr. Romney believe in the Man in the Moon so long as his conservative views are in line with mine.

A message to evangelicals - Start practicing tolerance and forgiveness or you will be sitting with the hypocrits some day.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 2:37 PM  

Why is it that anytime someone points out the political expediency of Mitt's position swings, that person is an anti-Mormon bigot? Here in Detroit, we have a corrupt mayor, who claims that "racism" is behind the calls for him to step done (he was just indicted for perjury). My point is that bigotry isn't really the case in either example; it is a smokescreen to distract people from the truth. Or do you deny what this group wrote about Mitt and abortion / gay marriage is true?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 2:59 PM  

Sign our Romney for VP petition please.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 5:42 PM  

This is all so obvious and laughable by the Huckabee (now Huckabeen) campaign. Their candidate's "Huck-a-boom" didn't happened (thank you Dear God!), so now Huckabeen and his followers are desperately trying to manipulate him to the VP spot. I don't believe McCain would ever be so foolish as to choose the ONLY republican wanna-be VP that is listed as CORRUPT on Judicial Watch’s 2007 list (along with Hillary & Obama). Why would McCain choose Huckabeen with his ethics and bad-judgment problems? McCain's not foolish--the Huckabeen fanatics are wasting their time.

Mitt Romney is an upstanding man of morals and family values. And with his economic expertise, he is the best choice for VP. Our nation needs Mitt Romney!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 7:12 PM  

Anonymous, you will find the answer to your question in Kyle's "More illogical claims" post below, if you really care to know. I don't believe that everyone who doesn't support Romney is anti-Mormon, but I believe the people behind this ad sure are.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 7:12 PM  

So, what do I believe, the people who protest that Romney was a social liberal, or do I believe what I am seeing of the track records of these people with my own eyes?

For me, the answer is really very simple: This is about hanging a "Mormons need not apply" sign on the Presidency and Vice Presidency.

it is Romney who is dying by his own sword! Mitt was the bigot Governor that tried desperately (in order to appeal to the national conservative base) to strip civil rights away from couples that wanted nothing more than to protect their love and assets. These are the same couple he supported a few years earlier. It is very interesting to see that he is now being prosecuted for who he is. Justice can be a thing of beauty at times.

I love the senorship on this site, if they dont like what you say, it doesnt get posted.

The exit polls speak louder than a few articles and ads. Mitt Romney was the unifying choice of the majority of the Republican Party. The ONLY states to show preference toward Huckabee due to religious prejudice were South Carolina, Arkansas, and Alabama. If you recall, Romney was robbed of his rightful win in West Virginia through one of McCain’s famous “backroom deals" If you only count the Republican votes, or just the conservative votes, or subtract the "third party votes from these open corrupt primaries across the country, Mitt Romney would be our candidate today. The Southern religious prejudice is a paper tiger: Given the choice between a disciple of Rev. Wright, a disciple of Darwin, and a Conservative Mormon Christian, you can be sure SC, AR, and AL, will all support Romney. They will get over their misgivings in a hurry. Look at the exit polls up to and on Super Tuesday. Also, if you are a real Conservative, in the Charlton Heston Style

Assuming your quotes are accurate, no question you've got some of those folks dead to rights making comments obviously critical of the Church.


1. You falsely attributed to Matt Barber a comment made in fact by the LDS convert, as reported -- if you read carefully -- at the very link you yourself provided.

2. Where's any quote by Gary Glenn saying anything negative about the Church? All your link shows is that Glenn urged Huckabee supporters not to call or distribute literature at churches (LDS included) which polls showed were supporting Gov. Romney. That's kind of a no-brainer if you're trying to turn out Huck vote, but it doesn't make somebody anti-Mormon. Unless you've got more evidence than that.

3. Similarly, what's "anti-Mormon" about what Linda Harvey said? It's obviously anti-Romney, but are you seriously suggesting that not supporting Gov. Romney is = being anti-Mormon? I know about half a dozen members of the Church who didn't vote for Gov. Romney. One I know even voted for Huckabee!

4. Likewise with Peter LaBarbara's simply factual citation about the Deseret News and KSL-TV endorsing Utah's "hate crime" bill a few years back, which stirred up a big controversy in the valley. Church HQ was even quoted as slamming the head of Utah Eagle Forum who herself is a a prominent member of the Church. It wasn't pretty, and the bill failed. But what's "anti-Mormon" about simply stating a reported and truthful fact, as LaBarbara did? Are media outlets that at the time reported the exact same thing you attribute to LaBarbara also "anti-Mormon" because they simply reported the news?

5. And likewise, maybe, with the quote you attribute to Ted Baehr. I haven't seen the film he's talking about, so I don't know if President Brigham Young said something about blood atonement or not. But if what Baehr said is true, then what's "anti-Mormon" about him accurately stating that's the case and expressing his opinion that a Hollywood movie about the Church might have political implications for Gov. Romney's campaign. Is is not obvious that discussion of Gov. Romney's faith has indeed had political implications for his campaign?

No doubt whatsoever that some of those signers are clearly anti-Mormon. But my point is, in your zeal to indict all with the signers with the same broad brush, you should have taken greater care not to be guilty of the same reaching of which you accuse them.

The obvious stretches to which you yourself resorted (in my opinion) call into question whether you accurately quote the others for whom you don't provide live links.

But if your quotes on the others are in fact accurate, it certainly proves that SOME of the signers are hostile not just to Gov. Romney but to the Church itself.

Well, considering I'm only sixteen and I'm Mormon, what you believe about us isn't true. Unless you have talked to a Mormon about their beliefs you know nothing about what we believe. We do believe in Jesus Christ it's in our name for pete's sake. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We don't have his name in there for kicks.
We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. I'm not "brain washed" or whatever you may think, I just know what I believe.
Preach and believe what you would like, but don't assume unless you KNOW.

If you're curious go here for the only correct information about us out there:

Thank you for your opinions that only make me grow stronger in what I believe.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2008 at 11:10 AM  

Thursday, April 3, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:52 PM | permalink

Maybe this is reverse psychology?

That’s the only excuse I can think of in defense of the GINGPAC decision to blast the idea of a McCain-Romney ticket. Unfortunately I don’t think these guys had reverse psychology in mind when they drafted this ad that, according to the website, will appear wherever McCain campaigns, starting in Prescott, AZ this weekend.

I could go on in an almost endless rant about why these guys have it wrong about Romney. However, the illogic and misinformation are patent from reading the ad. Citing questionable sources and making bare (and false) allegations does not lend credibility to their claims. Indeed, one could find numerous reliable and prominent sources that completely negate the claims they make.

Probably the saddest part of this was seeing Paul Weyrich’s name attached to the ad. Et tu Paul?
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There should be some way that Romney supporters could run an ad that counters this one being posted by GINGPAC, an ad that responds to each of the false charges leveled against Romney. Could or Hugh Hewitt spearhead this effort, including well-known conservatives who support Governor Romney signing their names at the bottom? I'm sure that many of us would be willing to contribute to such an effort. Please let us know how we could help out. The public needs to hear the truth about Mitt.

Looks like a Pro-Huckster group to me!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 8:21 PM  

Hey Kyle, HotAir picked you up. Nice work! I'm glad someone is still working to set the record straight on these laughable accusations of our candidate. Thanks for the excellent effort!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 9:32 PM  

look, they are doin u a favor.
the MSM would have a festival on Mitt.
a rev. wright style youtube collage of icky mormon theological goobers like dead jew baptism and mormon underwear.
give it up.
this country is more ready for a scientologist to be prez than a mormon.
sad but true.

You know I used to have a lot of respect for some of these Social Conservative groups, I agree with a lot of their goals and what they want. But after this election I have lost a lot of respect for them. Some of these groups truly are the "agents of intolerance" that Sen. McCain once labeled.

Gov. Romney bent over backwards to assuage the fears of these groups by heartily supporting what they believe in and his record as MA Gov. showed it, they all seem to forget his ban on Stem Cell Research but they trot out some stupid made up claim about his healthcare plan allowing for $50.00 abortions, which is just utterly ridiculous.

I will Never ever donate one dime more of my money to support any of these organizations because it is obvious that their goals are to support religious bigotry. I mean My goodness How Dare a Mormon be elected President of the United States! What the blank did they do to these Christians? Nothing comes to my mind?

Now I see why so many supported Huckabee, he wanted the IRS abolished so the 501(c)(3) provisions would be gone, meaning politicking from the pulpit and a literal hijacking of the GOP that would prevent us from ever retaking the majority.

Let's start our own petition FOR Mitt to be McCain's running mate!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 10:02 PM  

I'm so sick of these miserable angry conservative cannibals, I could vomit. Of course, I'm not surprised by this in the least; it's ALWAYS been about their (meaning the hardcore conservative activists) very specific demands on the issues first, "me first" politics, America be damned. These are the same idiots that will end up getting Barry The Socialist Obamessiah elected because no matter what, they won't be happy with McCain at the top of the ticket. They could have Weyrich himself as the VP candidate, and still some of them would sit out the election to "teach the GOP a lesson." To hell with them.

Weyrich surprises me least of all. I have no doubt he endorsed Romney just because he thought Mitt would get the nomination and Mitt was the least objectionable to him of the pack--not that he actually wanted Mitt Romney to be President.

But what do I know? When I decided to support John McCain, I was told by the conservative activist elites that I was no longer conservative and that I'm a RINO. Funny how those who say they'll not support the Republican nominee call conservative Republican voters "RINOs."

You would think that they might follow Mitt's lead in letting the campaign be water under the bridge, and supporting the nominee, but then those people don't have the slightest concept of teamwork. Nor do they have a clue what Reagan would do, even though they drag Zombie Reagan around as their measuring stick for everything under the sun.

I'm even happier now that John McCain is the nominee (sorry, no offense to Mitt or y'all) because it's the big stick in the eye that those people need to knock them back down to size. THEY are the ones who need to be taught a lesson, and I say this as a lifelong conservative. I'm even more disgusted by this than I was by their deranged vilification of McCain, because in his case, it was pretty much expected. This, though, is just incredible.

Time for a new generation of conservative leaders to push the cannibals out. Those people have done precisely NOTHING to advance the cause of conservatism--the number of people who call themselves "conservatives" has shrunk steadily since the AngryCons have risen in power.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 11:19 PM  

You know I used to have a lot of respect for some of these Social Conservative groups, I agree with a lot of their goals and what they want. But after this election I have lost a lot of respect for them. Some of these groups truly are the "agents of intolerance" that Sen. McCain once labeled.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 11:20 PM  

Looks like a Pro-Huckster group to me!


Of course, it seemed pretty obvious even without the link, anyway.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 3, 2008 at 11:24 PM  

This sounds like ANOTHER attack against Romney by rabid Huckabee supporters, to me. These people seem to be bent against Mormons at the exclusion of all other non-Christian religions.

I have a blog post that rebuts some claims against Romney that may interest some.

This kind of tactic and opposition against Romney really upsets me.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 4:29 AM  

Is this org. connected to Newt? You know Newt blamed Mitt's money for him not getting in the race now he's sucking up to the global warming crowd.What's going on with these people? They wonder why we keep losing elections.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 5:52 AM  

I can't figure this out. I am a social conservative and the ONLY way I will vote for John McCain is if he picks Mitt to be his Veep. I have supported Mitt for public office ever since he ran against Ted Kennedy for Senate in Massachusetts in 1994. And no, I am not a Mormon.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 6:48 AM  

This group backs the Huckster.

Don't anybody fool themselves for a single second about what Huckabee is currently doing behind the scenes to keep "The Mormon" off the ticket.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 9:12 AM  

I am a Conservative Catholic who is concerned about many political issues and I have studied the pros and cons of the various candidates. In the primary elections which were held March 4th in my state, I decided to vote for Mr. Huckabee. Social issues are important to me and I felt that he was the most Conservative candidate. I know that those who support Mr. Romney say that he is a Conservative. While I realize that he is not a Liberal. I have various concerns about Mr. Romney and I am not looking forward to voting for a ticket with Mr. Romney on it. I am primarily concerned that Mr. Romney is not Conservative enough on social issues and I am also concerned about his socialized medicine plan. Many people say that those of us who do not support Mr. Romney are bigots. I have only met a few Mormons in my life so I do not know much about them one way or the other so please understand that while I have disagreement with Mormonism, I do not oppose Mormons in public office. I have concerned with Mr. Romney's policies, not his faith. Please try to assure me that your candidate will uphold the Conservative values of our country.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 10:03 AM  

You pose a very good question Ohio Joe. You can never be 100% sure what the intentions are of any political candidate. However, one way to get some idea of the character of an individual is to look at the life they have lived, and what their core values are and what their record in public office has been. Mitt Romney has lived a virtuous life. Just look at his wonderful family. Something hard to do in this troubled world. But I believe most that Mitt Romney revealed his core values in his speech entitled, "Religious Freedom". What this country needs is someone who truly believes what Mitt said in his speech, and I believe he meant every word.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 10:47 AM  

mccain can't win the election without the theocons.
theocons (or social conservatives) make up 1/3 of the republican party, and 1/5 of the electorate.
some percentage of theocons will never vote for a mormon.
the issue stuff on the just-say-no-ad is just chaff.
it is pure religious bigotry.
but the theocons have the republican party by the short hairs.

face it, the theocons own the republican party now. no longer the party of constitutionalism and small government, it is the party of LIFE!, anti-gay marriage and school vouchers.

just like in Dune...whoever can destroy a thing, owns that thing.

Ohio Joe

If you took as much time studying Romney's actual record of accomplishments while governor of Mass as you took to write the above post you would have no concerns.

The fact that you post your so-called concerns over plainly documented achievements rather than actually research them shows a real lack of desire to know the truth about Romney.

Compare Huckabee's record as governor to Romney's record as governor and NO CONSERVATIVE would ever pick Huckabee over Romney unless they have a problem with his religion.

The bottom line is Huckabee governed as a bleeding heart liberal and Romney governed as a cool headed, fiscally conservative, problem solver.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM  


Click on the links in the actual blog post and you will see that Romney is indeed a social conservative. Like Reagan, some of his positions (namely, and quite frankly only, abortion) have changed from a non-interventionist policy to supporting an outright ban, but I have no doubt that his conservative credentials are bonified. And don't be scared by Huckster supporters telling you that Mitt is anathema to the conservative movement- they are only trying to cover up their own left leaning ways on anything BUT social issues.

Take the old chestnut "Mitt supported tax payer funded abortions in Mass!" This is a blatant lie. His free economy-based healthcare plan in Mass (similar to what car insurance is in most states- you are required to have it, but it does not matter where you get it, thereby cutting premiums roughly in half and allowing more marketplace reforms) originally did not allow for tax-payer funded abortions to be legal, but seeing as how the legislature in Mass is basically Communist, they added it to the bill after Mitt proposed it. Is that Mitt's fault? Or even idea? No. But the Huckaboob fans will cry foul all day long.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that many of these so called religious leaders are solely motivated by religious intolerance. They will tell lies and damn their souls in hell to tilt at windmills, while real and important issues get left in the dust. Curse them all!!

Woah these haters need to purge the worm that's eating them from the inside out. Weyrich, I know nothing about him 'cept now it's clear he's flaky, and a Benedict/Judas type. This is totally in line with Huckabee's attitudes and motives, most Americans reject the hater agenda. Get some moral backbone you people! Sheeesh.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 1:32 PM  

I am amazed that here we are looking to nominate John McCain, our nominee, to be president and a group is lobbying for their candidate for VP by pulling down Mitt. This is so self serving for Huckabee it isn't even funny. Mitt is trying to rally the republicans and Mike and his people are trying to force his way onto the ticket with an ad that isn't 100% true. That is a character issue and means I take Mitt over Mike all day long.

I would have to agree with previous posts that the sour taste in my mouth is coming from those with an aganda other than getting John McCain nominated.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 4, 2008 at 3:45 PM  

Not one rebuttal of the letter itself on any point of fact. Just nasty amateur accusations about our motives. Sure, we're "anti-Mormon bigots" -- even though all six of us in Massachusetts voted for Romney in 2002.

Okay, then. So the statements of fact in our letter have been reliably disproved? Any chance of any of you figuring out that the links offered at this site do nothing at all to disprove the plain words of Massachusetts law and our state constitution? How about doing the original research to see if any of the people cited as authority did their homework.

They didn't and if you care for the truth I can prove it. In fact I already have:

Here's a test of whether you really mean that or you're just mitting us:
Let have a point-by-point debate. If you disprove ANY of our claims, even ONE of them, I will round up the signers of the letter and we'll publicly retract the statement(s) and apologize.

On the other hand, if you fail, and if I prove that Romney did these things, you publicly retract your slanderous statements and you close down this surreal, Orwellian website dedicated to kissing the feet of a pathological liar.

Fair enough?

Oh, by the way, bring Ann Coulter, Jay Sekulow, Hugh Hewitt, any limousine-chasing "legal heavyweights" you want and we'll up the ante.

Here's a perfect chance for you guys to score big. Get the job done and we're out of business with a humiliating apology.

If we get the job done, you're all finished. Close down this surreal shrine to St. Mitt. Okay?

It's put up or shut up. E-mail me if you think you can back up your big words.

And as I said, bring all the help you can get.

John Haskins
The Parents' Rights Coalition and

If McCain picks Mitt "I'll flip flop on any issue" Romney, as fas as I, and many like me are concerned, he's on his own!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 10:51 AM | permalink
Today, John McCain on Letterman, the Weyrich waffling, Gentry Collins
on the move, and zodiac signs predict who?

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Cool. I haven't seen this place before, wish I knew about it sooner.

posted by Justin Hart | 9:35 AM | permalink

The delivery could be better but its still good fun.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 9:43 AM | permalink

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Wow...I just got chills. GREAT video.

Okay, I'm bawling now!!! Super, great video!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

Monday, March 31, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 8:41 AM | permalink
Here's the setup.

Lowell Brown, the savvy legal eagle over at the Article VI blog, links to this article by Warren Smith. (Lowell and crew are masters at surveying the current intersection of politics and religion. Its an important post which we will discuss at some later date but Smith's claim is the issue at hand.)

In his WorldMag article, Smith alleges that Paul Weyrich (noted conservative Christian leader who endorsed Romney last November) now openly regrets his endorsement. Quoting Weyrich: "Friends, before all of you and before almighty God, I want to say I was wrong." Smith continues:
In a quiet, brief, but passionate speech, Weyrich essentially confessed that he and the other leaders should have backed Huckabee, a candidate who shared their values more fully than any other candidate in a generation. He agreed with Farris that many conservative leaders had blown it. By chasing other candidates with greater visibility, they failed to see what many of their supporters in the trenches saw clearly: Huckabee was their guy.
Lowell thinks Smith is spinning. I'm not convinced. Its difficult for me to claim spin with that direct quote from Weyrich. Still, context is everything.

My sources tell my that Weyrich (like many conservatives) was not a little miffed about Mitt's endorsement of McCain. I understand his sentiment but disagree with his reasoning.

The gist of the meeting, which Smith says took place in early March, lambastes leaders for not getting behind Huck. Its hard to justify this thinking. I could use the same logic in my corner to berate Iowan Evangelicals for not getting behind Mitt (which is the demographic move that started the whole McCain ball rolling after all).

From my perspective Mitt's McCain move was calculated but completely logical. McCain has always been the snubbed candidate from most sides of the conservative playground. But today, he's the only guy left to be picked for the kickball game. With the anti-Bush electorate so vocal, McCain may just be the best guy. This is what Mitt sees and what I hope our readers will see as well.

To wit: conservatives who oppose McCain for political reasons are essentially "kicking against the pricks" - a rough venture when the alternatives are President Clinton or Obama.

Still, Weyrich is expressing a certain bewilderment and understandable angst which many conservative Christians are feeling about McCain. Another source who is deeply connected in Evangelical circles expressed his dismay that McCain isn't reaching out to them.

A third source confirmed this feeling but indicated that its mostly par for the course. "McCain is coming to these conservative events but mostly just to check the box that says he was there. He holds no private meetings, no meet and greets and never lingers to mix with the crowd."

I hope he's wrong. Its going to take more than the facade of placation to placate these masses.

Still, context is everything. While Weyrich in early March was miffed at Mitt I'm told he's also a bit perturbed about Huck's defense of Reverend Wright. What goes around comes around.

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Sorry, but I still hate the Huckster. I am more then likely going to swallow the jagged little McCain pill, but Huck? I bet they are bucking to get Huck as the Veep choice. That would enrage my political sense more than any other combination. And should the Huckster run again in 2012, and all these evangelical leaders endorse him, well then they can all go to heck in a handbasket. I will die before I vote for Huck!

The Huckster effect will be alive and well (and possibly even stronger) in 2012 and 2016. Those evangelical leaders who bravely supported Mitt this time may jump on the the Huckster's bandwagon early next time seeing him as a viable candidate the second time around. There are no guarantees that the vote won't be split even further next time. Given that, it makes it even more important to get Mitt on the ticket as the VP now and to go on to win the WH this time thereby forever putting an end to the Huckster effect (we hope).

Irony, thy name is evangelical Politics...

It is funny that these people are miffed by Mitt's endorsement of McCain when his chance of winning became bleak and almost impossible. It is their voting for Huck in Iowa that directly led to McCain knocking Mitt off of his momentum, which would have given him the endorsement. We all told them this a long time ago, a vote for Huck is a vote for McCain. So they give McCain the nomination and then whine because Romney graciously endorses him? Then they complain that he (McCain) is not giving them enough attention? They made themselves irrelevent by their blind support of Huck because of his religious identity, when in reality, instead of regreting backing Mitt when you could have joind the identity politics bandwagon, He should be regretting not encouraging his fellow evangelical leaders to back Mitt as well. This would have given the nomination to a real conservative. And if Huck is the one who lines up most closely with their values, then I don't like their values! Of course they are not referring to the full spectrum of their values, just a narrow slice of religious values. If those are the most important to them in choosing a president, then further into political irrelevancy they can expect to go.

I see the anger about McCain but many Evangelical leaders sat on their hands and didn't get behind Mitt like Weyrich did. His problem is he should've been more active in his an endorsement and then doing nothing about it is still nothing.

To say also that you should've backed Huck...hindsight is always 20/20. It takes a really leader to not only endorse but to back your guy to the hilt amongst your people at the time that you decided to do it...

It looks like Weyrich is trying to mend fences with the people who are miffed that he didn't back Gomer - that's all...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 31, 2008 at 2:56 PM  

I don't get the reasoning here at all. We couldn't win in Nov. with the evangelical vote alone and that's all the Huckster got for the most part.Wyrich's star has been fading for quite a while anyway.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 1, 2008 at 5:46 AM  

We need Mitt as VP now more than ever at this moment in time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2008 at 12:44 PM  

Only two big things changed:

1. Mitt Romney accepted the results of the Republican primary, dropping out and endorsing the person who had won under the rules that governed the Republican presidential primaries.

2. Mike Huckabee complained that he didnot get conservative endorsements (never mind the fact that he made several campaign statements and had a track record as governor of Arkansas that were to the left of mainstream GOP positions, this included his comments about the Bush Administration's "bunker mentality" and waging class warfare during the campaign. And let's not discuss Huckabee's election-year flip-flop on immigration...).

If Weyrich's flip-flop is due to number one, then he is clearly placing the needs of conservatism over the country, and as such, I now have to question the man's patriotism.

If it is over reason number 2, then Weyrich is little better than a weathervane, blowing whichever way the wind is, and he will turn on a politician at the drop of the hat when he feels he might gain an advantage or if the heat from his supporters is too much - that he is incapable of taking a stand that might be unpopular with his supporters. This makes him demonstrably unreliable, and Mitt Romney should not trust Weyrich any further than he can throw a Nimitz-class carrier.

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