That tornado that ripped several Super Tuesday states might have caused Mitt to remember that his ancestor Parley P. Pratt was in the vicinity in 1834 and the end of the Zion’s Camp trek when a tornado wiped out the 400 man mob at Fishing Creek.
It is politically Incorrect to even think about this unless you are an insurance man and know that tornados are classified as an Act of God. Even secular insurance men believe this.
In southern states like Arkansas and Missouri, the peak of tornado season is March through May, while in the northern states, like Iowa and Illinois, more tornadoes occur in the late spring and summer.
If you don’t have a quick reference of the Zion’s camp march, I can send you a copy.
Yes, I was there. No video I have seen yet has actually shown what it was actually like. It was very SCARY yes AMAZING... these videos are the best yet
Mitt is a bigger man then most politicians. He will do what is best for himself and the country. If that means run as VP to attempt a rally of conservatives to McCain. That is what he'll do. Like with family, Mitt does what is best for himself and the family. He will do in this circumstance what is best for himself and his country.
I don't think I've seen Mitt looking so relaxed as I saw him on the Hannity show. TOTALLY and completely relaxed. Almost like he was glad this whole thing was over!!! With what there is to choose from this coming November, Mitt is obviously the best choice for POTUS. I don't think McCain will pick him because he is not a dumb man - he knows Mitt will outshine him everywhere they go. Hmmmm..... young, handsome, tall, vital Mitt Romney standing next to short, squatty, ferret-looking McCain....
Can you please place a link on your website / or blog; to this Take Back Our Country Song it’s a patriotic song that is very inspiring, and truthful. I wrote this song after being fed up with what I see happening in my neighborhood and to our country daily on the news.
I am just an ordinary citizen that went away to serve at age 19. And I am sick and tired of the lies and chaos our ELECTED SELLOUT OFFICIALS has put this country into. So I wanted to do my part, as a soldier of the USANG, I wrote this song and put it on this video.
My state Louisiana was hit hard by hurricane Katrina and hundreds of illegal aliens moved into our community took away jobs that we Americans were ready to do, and now crime has gone thru the roof. I am sick and tired of these people in my neighborhood and hanging out on our street corners. WE MUST DO SOMETHING TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!
Please check out my video Take Back Our Country Song on here’s the link. And FORWARD it to everyone on your email list. This is my way of fighting back and giving back to my country.
Please, I served my country in the US Army National Guards, and I hate what’s happening to our country. We must do all we can to Take Her Back!
Reuturs is reporting that McCain has officially begun the process of seraching for a running mate. He declined to comment on Romney as a running mate:
Speaking to reporters on his campaign plane, the expected Republican nominee said he had seen news reports that a defeated rival, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, had expressed interest in the job, but he offered no comment one way or the other on whether Romney would be a candidate.
Romney and McCain on a ticket just exudes competence in the White House. Can you imagine the national security powerhouse and the economic powerhouse running against the democratic lightweights?
Yeah I would love for Mitt to be the VP but I don't think McCain wants a bigger personality than him on the ticket. Plus Rick Davis doesn't want him. Speaking of Rick Davis he sends out a memo telling all McCain supporters to just praise Mccain as being great and not say anything negative about the dems. I just wonder if Davis sent Mitt a memo about Obama and Clinton arguing over who was the bigger dog. This McCain above the fray thing is just over the top for me. Mitt would have been ripping their heads off and exposing them for the frauds they are.Makes me wonder though if Mitt canpaigns for Mccain will he keep the gloves on?
I think it's in the bad for Crist because of his endorsement in Fla.There are rumors though that the Bush inner circle is pushing for Mitt..Maybe even Rove..
McCain treated Mitt like a dog. I think Mitt might ruin his chances for another run if he gets involved in a failed McCain administration, sky high taxes, global warming mantra, open borders the works.
Mitt's in a tough position of endorsing Mccain while disagreeing with him on several issues. He did a pretty good job last night of nuaincing those differences but it came off as kind of tortured. He would really have to throw a lot of his core convictions under the bus to me McCain's VP pick which would open him to a lot of critisism by the media.That said he'd be a great attack dog against the Dems while McCain stays above the fray.
Mitt is a bigger man then most politicians. He will do what is best for himself and the country. If that means run as VP to attempt a rally of conservatives to McCain. That is what he'll do. Like with family, Mitt does what is best for himself and the family. He will do in this circumstance what is best for himself and his country.
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