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Friday, June 6, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 3:22 PM | permalink
It appears Obama has bought in to all the hype about himself. Hopefully Americans will recognize the tall poppy for who he is.
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Even if he wins in Nov he'll be a one and done president after Americans see what a run away liberal government would do.It's just insane how gullable the American people are.I just hope McCain has the sense to ick a good VP. If not Mitt then Sarah Palin.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 7, 2008 at 11:46 AM  

Obama = Self Promotion
Huckabee = Self Promotion

Maybe Obama should pick Huckafart for VP. Obamabee ha ha ha...then we'd know what it is like for hollywood to run America.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 9, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

Thursday, June 5, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 8:48 AM | permalink
(see this press release from the NOAA)

Ocean Levels Suddenly Receding; Global Warming Trends Reverse Overnight

The NOAA is pleased to announce that Global Warming is no more! As dawn broke on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 it was clear that something had changed. No doubt the events of the previous evening had something to do with the sudden turnaround in global temperatures and the assurance that we can now all sleep in peace instead of 5 feet of water.

Satellite photos taken at various intervals overnight saw a dramatic decrease in global temperatures originating from St. Paul, Minnesota and slowly creeping out to the rest of the earth, indeed, the entire universe. NOAA experts have a good idea what caused the incredible change in our eco-doom scenarios, but our non-partisan efforts require us to walk carefully upon this disclosure. We can only claim this scientific fact: OBAMA ROCKS!

As President-elect Obama declared on Tuesday evening: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Indeed.

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Al Gore ~ the inventor of the Internet and Global Warming (perhaps the cause of it as well with all his hot air!)! Al, give back the Nobel Peace Prize and all that money made on your pathetic, sir, are an inconvenient lie!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 5, 2008 at 11:35 AM  

Hallelujah! Barack Hussein Obama is the One we have been waiting for!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 5, 2008 at 12:22 PM  

The trouble is "Global Warming" is not a joke. It's a political vehicle to change the direction of our country and our planet. I hope we wake up in time to keep the various "forces of evil" on the bandwagon from destroying our country. - P

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 5, 2008 at 3:48 PM  

Wow, I surely have missed something. Obama really is a saviour. He is magic! Its a miracle! Go tell it on the mountain!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 6, 2008 at 11:45 AM  

I truly believe in Global Warming.... we have the photos and documented science to back it up! We all need to go green! As far as Obama goes, Better him than her! I just can't get past the dirty shenanigans the media and other "Republican" candidates did to our Mitt!!! He is a man with a true solid vision!

Not afraid to by Anonymous - MISSY

What in the world?...Are you people joking? Are you seriously supporting Obama...former mittheads? Please tell me your joking!!! Seriously.....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 7, 2008 at 12:39 PM  

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
posted by jason | 9:11 PM | permalink

From the classic Norman Rockwell painting, "Doctor and Boy"

Another familiar Rockwell piece: "Freedom of Speech"

You have to admit... its the first thing that came to your mind when you heard Obama's reference to global warming.

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I reacted to "Freedom of Speech" viscerally before realising what I was seeing. My heart leapt as the awareness that Senator Obama is a perfect visage for this famous painting leads me to conclude that this is the way I see Obama, internally and perhaps unconciously, as a noble "everyman".
He is the man in "Freedom...", the very embodiment of what Rockwell sought to portray.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 6, 2008 at 9:27 AM  

omg, how much of a follower can the previous commentor be? Are you this trusting? Well in that case I am starting a cult since obviously there are really blind, naive, and overly trusting idiots out there

Haha you did a good job photoshopping, the freedom of speech is done very well. But I have to say i don't really like Obama. So these as satiracal pieces really made me laugh (especially global warming).
If only Norman Rockwell was still here.

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