Probably I am among the few who see the clouds gathering around theglobe and thus have been urging leaders to act fast, decisively andearly on to avoid the future Jihad –that has began already. Had what Isee wasn’t there I would be fully excited -- like any citizen -- toargue forcefully about the crucial matters of our existence: health,environment, nutrition, scientific discoveries, animal protection, andwhy not space exploration. Had I not realized that all that debate washinging on what Bin laden and Ahmedinijad were preparing, I would havebeen looking at a whole different roaster of Presidential candidates.But that is not the world I see ahead of us, in the immediate future.
Hence,I’ll leave the debate about the best economic and technologicaldirections to their experts and I would postpone the social andphilosophical dreams to better times. Right now and right here I aminterested in who among the candidates can simply understand the tragicequation we’re in and may be able to use the resources of this nationto cross the bridge ahead of us. President Bush was elected before 9/11neither on the grounds of avoiding the Jihadi wars nor winning them.Very few even knew that we were already at war. He was reelected on theground of being a better choice than the defeatist politicalalternative. This year I suggest that Americans deserve a more daringchoice. They need to see and certify that the next occupant of theWhite House lives on this Planet, at this age, knows that we are at warand above all knows which war we are fighting. The margin of error istoo slim to allow hesitations.
By 2012 the Jihadists may recruit one million suicide bombers and couldalign two nuclear powers. By 2016 they would deploy 10 million suicidebombers and seize five regimes equipped with the final weapon. In thenext eight years NATO’s European membership could be battling urbanintifadas and US task forces lacking shelters worldwide. To avoid theseprospects of apocalypse the offices on Pennsylvania Avenue must catchup with the lost opportunities as of next winter.
Thus, andunlike traditional commentators in classical US politics I am notlooking at who said what and who flipped flopped when. Frankly, itdoesn’t matter at this stage if it is a he or a she, of this or otherrace, of this or other church, and if the President is single, has alarge family or has divorced twice. The stakes are much higher than thesweet but irrelevant American usual personality debate. I want to knowif the candidates are strong willed, smart, educated about the world,informed about the threat, can define it, can identify it, can fightit, are not duped by their bureaucracy, cannot be influenced by foreignregimes, have the right advisors, can run an economy while commanding awar and still see the threats as they handle daily crisis and takedrastic measures as the hard times are approaching. I want to know ifthe candidates are very specific when they inform their public aboutthe menace. Yes, it is indeed a vital function of national securitythat we need to insure for the next few years, so that all other issuescan be addressed thoroughly. In short I don’t want to see the fall ofConstantinople being repeated on these shores in the next decade ortwo. Humanity will not recover from such a disaster.
Dr. Phares discusses the qualifications of the four remaining contenders for President, two Democrats, two Republicans. "I am looking at the scariest item on any Presidential agenda and check out if they are conscious about it: national security." Here is his conclusion:
This is why I have come to the conclusion that -based on what wasprovided to the public by the four leading candidates- Governor Romneyhas the capacity of managing the counter strategies against theJihadists, only because he stated to the public that he sees the enemyas to who they are. And if a President can see them, he can defeatthem. His Republican contender, now leading the polls, can sense thembut haven’t shown them. The leading candidates on the other side aremaking progress in the opposite direction: One wants to end the Warunilaterally and the other wants to make Peace with the oppressors. Inshort, if elected, Romney will try to destroy the mother ship, McCainwill supply the trenches, Clinton will pull the troops back to thebarracks and Obama will visit the foes’ bunkers.
Hence, asis, I have recommended Governor Romney for the Republican Primaries asfirst among equals while considering Senator McCain as a genuineleader. If Romney is selected I believe America may have a chance totry new strategies. If his contender is selected, we will have four oreight more years of the past seven years. On the other side, I havesuggested to counter-Terrorism experts to help Democratic candidatesrestructure their agendas on national security in line with the realityof the enemy: For I would like to see both Parties presenting a unitedvision of the threat while differing on how to confront it. That wouldbe the ideal situation America can be in and a response to the deepestwill of the American public.
I would add that considering John McCain's position on illegal immigration he is not serious about national security. He gets A+ on the war in Iraq but national security goes way beyond that. He has a blind spot when it comes to our borders.
McCain has also said he would close Guantanamo Bay on his first day in office. His reasoning for closing Gitmo is reason enough to derail his "Straight Talk" Express: because "there's a lot of anti-Americanism" around the world. According to John McCain we should bring a bunch of terrorists to the United States (Ft. Leavenworth to be exact. Are Kansas voters listening?) so everybody will like us again. Call it the Mealy-Mouth Express:
John Weaver, Sen McCain's chief strategist, confirmed his plans for amarkedly more conciliatory foreign policy. "The next president willhave to work extra hard to unite our friends and divide our foes. Sadlythe opposite has occurred in recent years," he said, as Sen McCainaddressed a crowded hall in the farming community of Cedar Falls.
"John believes that you can accomplish a lot more in this world bysticking to your principles, while adopting a much more humble tonewith your partners."
Humble with your partners? I guess John McCain doesn't consider U.S. citizens his partners.
The endorsement by Dr. Phares is significant:
Inshort, if elected, Romney will try to destroy the mother ship, McCainwill supply the trenches, Clinton will pull the troops back to thebarracks and Obama will visit the foes’ bunkers.
Yes, John McCain is a war hero. That does not automatically make him the best choice for President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States.
For Professor Walid Phares to endorse Governor Mitt Romney it means that this is a statement of historical proportion. Dr Phares considers these elections as crucial for the next decade, as the Jihadi offensives are growing. he is telling us that we need a President who can go on the attack against the thrreat while running the economy. Thank you Dr Phares. Your words are full of wisdom. I am a mom and I am voting for Romney to save my future child from the threat..
"Today, the people of Maine joined those from across the nation in casting their vote for conservative change in Washington. All across the state, men and women gathered to help chart the future course of our country. Tonight, they have made their voice known and have endorsed our conservative vision for a stronger America. Like many Americans, the people of Maine are tired of Washington promises made but broken."
"The need for change in Washington is even more apparent today. With our economy facing uncertain times, we need a leader who actually understands how the economy works and how jobs are created. We also need a leader from outside of Washington who is ready to meet the long-term challenges facing our country. With a career spent working in the economy, creating jobs, turning around faltering institutions and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to bring conservative change to Washington. In this campaign, I am proud to have the support of the people of Maine."
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Just another note on the Romney victory in Maine. Quoting the CBS/AP story, which can be found here
“Despite a sleet storm the night before that left much of the state coated with slush and ice Saturday morning, cars jammed the parking lot outside an Augusta elementary school where Kennebec County municipalities were caucusing.”
"Kim Pettengill, who has been a party activist for more than three decades, said Saturday's was the largest Kennebec County caucus turnout since 1980, the year Ronald Reagan won his first GOP nomination for president. Party Executive Director Julie O'Brien said other counties reported similarly heavy turnouts."
I have to ask what would have caused a record turn out, following a sleet storm nonetheless, other than the fear of a possible McCain victory. Let us hope we have more of this to look forward to.
Yesterday and today, my extended family has been getting Romney recorded phone calls. Today, the message was from Rick Santorum, telling my Mother-in-Law that if she supports conservative values, or something to that effect, she needs to vote for Mitt Romney.
Anyone else getting phone calls? Tell me about it in the comments.
Also, remember that if you want to volunteer from your home by participating in the Call at Home program into Super Tuesday states they are still making calls tomorrow and Monday.
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I live in California in the central valley and received one of these phone calls today with a message from Sen. Santorum. I am a BIG Mitt supporter, so I was excited to get this call, it means Romney is competitive in my congressional district. It starts by stating that he endorses Mitt Romney. He continues that as a senator he fought against the democrat agenda. He then says that McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts, and worked with Kennedy to try and pass what was essentially an amnesty bill. He closes by saying that McCain is against the federal marriage amendment, and urges California republicans to vote for the real conservative, Mitt Romney. I'm a political junkie and my husband is pretty a-political, but as soon as he heard this message he said, "Where can we get a Romney sign for our yard?" Living in Cali, illegal immigration is my #1 issue. We also own a business, and we are taxed to death here, partly because of this problem. I don't know if I could even hold my nose and vote for McCain. I might have to vote for Hillary or stay home if he is our nominee.
I received an automated call with Mitt Romney's voice Friday evening. Today, Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008, I received four calls: first was from Rick Santorum, about conservative values and why I should vote for Mitt; I can't remember the name of the second caller, but it was along the same lines as Santorum; third, was a California Group calling for Romney, explaining why Mitt is the best choice for Conservatives; the fourth was from John McCain (I almost said, "You've got the wrong number!"), because the name sounded so foreign, at first. Among other things, he said he would fix the borders, and appoint Conservative Judges, such as Roberts and Alito. I wouldn't trust him on that! I have already voted for Mitt Romney, by Absentee Ballot!
I have received five Romney calls today. They are from hidden numbers and do not give a phone number in the message which is legally required. This is hurting the campaign because so many folks are turned off by such inconsiderate activity. They know that the politicians deliberately exempted themselves from the Do Not Call registry. I've heard some folks say that they are keeping a list of all political calls and will vote for anyone who did not call them.
"Never give in -- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
-- Winston Churchill, 29 October 1941
As I was searching through the blogosphere today, in hopes of finding some inspiration and comfort in this troubling time for conservatives, I found the following comment in response to an article in Human Events. You can read the entire article here:
I will post the comment in its entirety because it so perfectly mirrored the feelings I have had in the last week or two. This comment is by Bill from California and was posted on Feb 01, 2008 @ 03:52 PM.
"I will not vote for John McCain who will permanently destroy the Republican party. He has spent the last 8 year betraying and undermining the Republican party while pandering to the liberal left. I would rather have a Democrat win and finally take the blame for this mess that we're sinking into. After 4 years, when the economy has tanked, when the dollar is worth nothing, when socialism has completely overtaken our economy and ground it to a halt, when social security has gone completely bankrupt, when the economic strain has undermined our military to the point where we are weak, when liberals have eroded the conservative values to the point of complete moral decay, only then will we realize the socialistic danger that we have been slipping into. At that point, we will go crawling on our hands and knees to Mitt Romney. And we will beg him to save us from disaster (the way that he saved the Olympics). Only then (when we are desperate for change) will we be willing to "get past" the "religion issue" (honestly, isn't this the REAL issue that has been holding some people back) and accept this intelligent, principled, patriotic, great man. It took Jimmy Carter and the disaster that he brought in order for us to see and accept the greatness of Ronald Reagan. It will probably take a Hillary Clinton or John McCain in office to open the door for recovery (by tearing down this country to the point where people are willing to truly stand behind the values that have made this nation great). But if John McCain destroys our country, Republicans will be blamed.
Romney is correct. Washington is broken. Spending is out of control, liberal judges are writing law, our laws (immigration) are broken without consequence, the deficit is growing while the dollar is falling, gas prices are rising while we become more dependent on foreign oil (even though we have reserves available that we don't tap because of the environmental lobby), etc. The longer we delay fixing these problems, the worse they become. How much pain will it take before we wake up?
Romney will eventually turn the country around at that point. But it will be even harder then than it is now. But this is a man who has accepted and conquered these types of challenges in the past. And he will do it (as he did in Massachusetts) without taking a salary. He'll do it (as he did for the Olympics) because of his personal commitment to public service, and his patriotic zeal for America. And he will do it (as he did in his courageous stand in defending traditional marriage in Massachusetts) while defending the important foundation of the family, and the religious Christian values that founded this great nation, which is the foundation and soul of our society. He will do it because he is a compassionate and patriotic man, and because he is one of the smartest people this world has known."
Fellow conservatives and Romney supporters, we still have time to battle the enemy (the liberal MSM and liberal politicians) who are trying to decide FOR us who are nominee is going to be.
Get on your phones and "Call From Home" for Mitt, talk to everyone you know who is going to be voting on Tuesday and pray!
I'm going to start calling here in California as soon as I post this. Remember, if you are on the East Coast or live in the Midwest, we are three hours behind you so there's till time - it's 4:30 p.m. here.
There is still PLENTY of hope for a Mitt Romney nomination and victory for Conservative Republicans everywhere!
I feel these same sentiments. This is what I have been thinking. Today I went to the San Jose California phone bank and made 200 calls to people in Fresno california. The phone bank called 3500 people today. We did good and overall people I called are voting for Mitt.
With all of the doom and gloom, many people may be surprised that following Florida, Romney is in no worse position than he was before in national polling. Romney is still tied with McCain. Unfortunately, there is still a large group of people supporting Mike Huckabee for Vice President.
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Vice President Huckabee - three words that make me shudder. I'm sure he'll win Arkansas but the Mitt supporters down in Georgia are very active, I hope they'll somehow be able to stop him. Other than those two states, I predict a HuckaBUST.
Romney was on the John and Ken show in Los Angeles yesterday. Lots of discussion of illegal immigration, tax cuts, home foreclosures, the deficit, carbon emissions, and more! My favorite quote:
"How are you going to stop the McCain train?"
"Frankly, Talk radio is coming to my aid, I think there are a lot of people, from Laura Ingraham, to Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, that are looking down the barrell of a McCain nomination and saying this would not be good for the Republican party and thats given me the kind of boost that I need."
Listen here. (Note: The interview begins a few minutes into the podcast.)
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What's up with the guy at the end? "He said he was to the left of Ted Kennedy on everything! Just look on YouTube!" Its baffling how people can make so much of so little for so long from that debate with Ted Kennedy.
Here are some great videos. Hey Mitt supporters how about copying and pasting these, or any other pro Romney videos, to an email and sending it to all your friends and family. Grassroot support is esesental for a Romney win. In fact, I challenge to create a “copy and paste” email template with all the facts, reasons to vote for Mitt, and video links. This man deserves to be our president, lets fight for him. We will win.
I'm getting a sense of way too much "resignation" among some online Mitt supporters. In the last few days Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rick Santorum have all endorsed Romney and said that they would be voting for him. Although I wish these endorsements came earlier, it's clear that Romney is the conservative alternative to McCain (despite McCain's ads recently that call him "The True Conservative" . . . I spit out my milk when I heard that line).
I will also go on the record (again) that, should he become the nominee, I will not vote for McCain and will not encourage anyone else to vote for him either (probably not even if Romney is his VP). There are several reasons for this:
2) McCain has made quite a practice of "poking his finger in the eye" of conservatives. I'm guessing that he's man enough to realize and understand that many/most of us feel like returning the favor.
3) If McCain is the nominee, it's clear that, regardless which party wins, our country will have a President to the left of Bush. I don't want the GOP (and, by extension, conservatism) blamed for the ensuing mess of taking our country more to the left. Let the Democrats take the full blame of getting what they're asking for. That could be the best thing in the long run for the GOP and for conservatism.
Granted, I still am fighting and working to make sure that Romney is our nominee and not McCain. I would LOVE to be able to vote for the GOP nominee. We must all Rally to Romney!! He'll be the best President of anyone still in the game. His competence and leadership are unrivaled. People just need to wake up and realize it.
Jeff Fuller
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Interesting. I would really, really doubt that any of that is true, but a couple of things I agree with- IF it is true, then the Clintons will not ever hesitate to use it, and second- McCain, whether or not the stories are true of his having a literal "hotel" room in Hanoi, is psychologically damaged. Look at his ranting against Romney on the last debate- he looked crazy, looked like he was taking pleasure out of smearing a decent man. I will never vote for him. His tactics have been reprehensible, and his actions in the senate over all has been absolutely nuts. GO MITT!!!!!
Here are some great videos. Hey Mitt supporters how about copying and pasting these, or any other pro Romney videos, to an email and sending it to all your friends and family. Grassroot support is esesental for a Romney win. In fact, I challenge on to create a “copy and paste” email template with all the facts, reasons to vote for Mitt, and video links. This man deserves to be our president, lets fight for him. We will win.
Alaskan Romney supporter, Jeremy, lets us know the altest in the largest state in the Union:
I just wanted to update you on the progress of a forgotten piece of the U.S. Last night, we had Josh Romney visit Alaska and he rallied the troops. It was very inspirational. The message was simple. This was not just a fight for an election. This is the battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Part. Mitt Romney is the only person that can save the party. I was quite moved by the message.
Alaska is friendly to Mitt Romney. With ANWR being voted against four times by John McCain, Alaskans really don't like him to much (I mean really don't like him). On top of this, I have been doing much of local calling in the Anchorage Area (where the majority of the votes come from) and it has been overwhelmingly for Mitt. In addition, there are radio ads now playing for Mitt up here specifically talking about Mitt Supporting ANWR.
Just saw where Gov. Murkowski of Alaska has endorsed Mitt. Of course the media is doing it's best to hide this along with the Denver Post endorsement.Mitt's also closing in some staes that looked out of reach a few weeks ago.Tennessee is the most surprising.
Posted by: Lowell Brown at 02:35 pm, February 1st 2008 &mdash 2 Comments »
Chip Murray is a Senior Fellow in the Center for Religion and Civic Culture at the University of Southern California, where he holds the Tanzy Chair in Christian Ethics. For 27 years he has been nationally known as the leader and Senior Pastor of the influential Los Angeles First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME). Murray's leadership increased church membership from several hundred to more than 18,000. He is also credited with helping to build FAME Renaissance, the church's economic-development nonprofit arm, which brings corporate interests, jobs-training programs, affordable-housing development, homeowner loans and small-business incubation into the church's low-income neighborhood.
"In 2008 whose candidacy will face the most opposition, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Who do you think will face the most opposition or the most prejudice today?" Reverend Murray: "The Mormon. Because America is still growing."
Sonja Eddings Brown interviewed Dr. Murray on November 6, 2007, and made the video available to Article VI Blog. Excerpts from the video are posted at the upper right of our home page, and are available here.
A6: In the past year or so, several polls have been conducted suggesting that as many as 37% of Americans might not consider a member of the Mormon Church to be fit for the office of President. What is your view of the possibility of a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints being elected to the presidency?
Reverend Murray: To me this seems an antiquated question. Would a Mormon be fit to serve as President? It was really antiquated when we asked the question about John Kennedy and whether a Catholic would be fit to serve as president. About Barack Obama and whether a Black would be fit to serve as president. About Hilary Clinton, whether a woman would be fit to serve as president.
If you want to, you can categorize anyone who is running. You could ask whether a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, male is fit to run for president when that's all we've ever had. It's time to change. There can be arguments if you go by labels, but if you see that this is a country in pursuit of liberty and justice for all, if you perceive that in a democracy as opposed to a fascist form of government we must have liberty and equity in the process. If you can see that we are in the 21st Century, where people will soon be crossing the country in 30 minutes, where we will be vacationing on Mars, if you can see the new world then you accommodate yourself to it and stop living in the past.
People's labels, as long as they are not labeled as a criminal mentality, or defined as someone not FOR the people, then you can judge the merits of that platform and what they stand for, not where they are standing.
A6: But there are some in your own Christian community that fundamentally reject the theology of the Mormon Church and fear validating it by supporting Mitt Romney. They in essence, reject him, because they reject his beliefs.
Reverend Murray: If a candidate says my belief system is this…and someone who says, "Well my belief system is this…and we do not accept you because of your belief system." Anyone who is fair would look at this and say "Who appointed you judge?" I say, "When did God die and appoint you judge?" There's a constant challenge to grow and few churches can point the finger at another. Few people of one belief system can point a finger at another … particularly when you look at how the Mormons were treated in their trek West. They were coming West to escape the brutality of Christian people who were opposed to their way of thinking.
And now, if you would find a church as socially conscious as the Mormon Church, you would have done well. The outreach, the worldwide missionary outreach, young adults, youth, volunteering their time, everyone is a minister in a ministry of outreach, that would be a wonderful model for all of our churches to adopt.
A6: As a respected long-time member of the Christian ministry, how do you feel we are doing as a country when it comes to the actual separation of Church and State?
Reverend Murray: I think the separation of Church and State is a basic policy that we simply must follow. Not to follow that separation, that line in the sand separating church and state is to flirt with danger. Now of course when you separate church and state that doesn't mean that you weed religion out of those who are in politics, not that you weed politics out of those in religion, but you can't customize it, you can't structure it, so that you have the bully pulpit dictating to Congress. You can't give God a stick and you be God's agent and you are whipping people into line in your religious context.
You have your religion, your religion is personal. And even though religion is personal but never private, it cannot be public to the extent that it's "my way or the highway."
It isn't American and it isn't sensible to make the bully pulpit the bully. The bully pulpit at best deals with conscience and conscientiousness. Not consensus and not control. People have the right to believe as they believe. The Pure Charity Trust says that 87% of Americans believe in God but now when we look at how these Americans look at God, you have the Abrahamic faiths. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. You have the faith that comes out of the Mormon Church, you have Bhuddist and Daoist. These people have the right to their individual beliefs, but no one has the right to a collective belief that sweeps and demands and says you believe as we believe … or you get hurt.
A6: One of the most commonly-heard criticisms of the LDS Church is that Mormons are not considered to be authentically "Christian." Reverend, what is your definition of a Christian?
Reverend Murray: The definition of Christian would start with the definition of religion from French Latin: "religare." It means the pieces fit. Just as with Shalom, the Jewish term, it means "the pieces fit." As long as the pieces collide, you probably have some struggles with your authenticity in religion. But once the pieces fit, "I love God, I love my neighbor, I have an ear for my neighbor as well as a tongue, I have patience with my neighbor as he has patience with me, I have dialogue with my neighbor who will have dialogue with me. I have differences with my neighbor and he has differences with me," then the pieces fit. Our greatest challenge? Different folks with differences … not allowing their differences to matter.
A6: In 2008 whose candidacy will face the most opposition, Barack Obama ? Who do you think will face the most opposition or the most prejudice today?
Reverend Murray: The Mormon. Because America is still growing. The question, "Do we want a Mormon?" The ultra conservatives will start reaching into history and try to paint them as a radical sect, try to show that their belief system is alien to what perhaps a majority of Americans believe. Because that's where we are now. Prayerfully, that's not where we'll be in 20, 30 or 40 years. We don't know. I would say Barack would have the advantage. And anytime you say a black candidate would have an advantage running for President of the United States of America, great day in the morning! After four centuries of bad thinking about Blacks, then you know we still have LONG way to go.
I think Governor Romney must see himself as a symbol. Symbol of the underdog, who must run a good race, fight a good fight, and if and when he loses, walk with his head high because the victory was not in the victory, but in the struggle.
A6: It is not unusual, it is customary even, to see intermingling of church and politics in this present campaign. We have seen Jesse Jackson in the past, or today Barack Obama going into churches with his messages, or even a declared minister like Mike Huckabee campaigning as a man of faith and in places of faith. Are these candidates walking a thin line?
Reverend Murray: Jesse Jackson is a good example of what we're talking about, because he comes out of the Black community, also out of black ministry. The black ministry knows that if the church is not involved in politics, the black people will get lost. The voting rights movement there in the Black church, getting the black vote out, the church must be involved. But you walk a chalk line interpreting involvement. You are free to endorse a candidate, because much can ride on your endorsement. But if you were to talk to any gathering of 10 blacks, I think nine out of ten, nine and a half out of ten, would say "Jesse is free to say who he wants to endorse, but I endorse who I want."
Because we are living in a century or better of understanding … that you don't boss the church with politics.
A6: Considering the questions that continue to follow Governor's Romney campaign, what do you see as the biggest challenge facing Mitt Romney in his bid for the presidency?
[Romney] may see himself as a door opener, because 4 years from now he might run again and find a whole new chemistry. Or forty years from now another Mormon will run . . . .
Reverend Murray: I think Governor Romney must see himself as a symbol. Symbol of the underdog, who must run a good race, fight a good fight, and if and when he loses, walk with his head high because the victory was not in the victory, but in the struggle. He must hold America to its highest, he must have an agenda with bullet points that are clear to understand so that people can see what he stands for even as some will see as what he stand on … Mormonism. And thus be led to make choices. He may see himself as a door opener, because 4 years from now he might run again and find a whole new chemistry. Or forty years from now another Mormon will run, and they will see, just as Jesse ran for President and Al Sharpton ran for president. There was not a chance that they would win. Blacks knew it very well. They themselves knew it. But they were door openers for such as Barack Obama.
A6: And as a member of the clergy, how do you view the scrutiny that the Mormon Church as a whole is facing this year?
Reverend Murray: It isn't that Americans are ignorant of the Mormon Church, it is that they want to be ignorant of the Mormon Church because they are different, and we think different "from" means different "bad." So what is our hope? I think we have a chauffeur when it comes to fairness. We will be driven towards fairness by necessity. You cannot live in this country putting down people of this Church. Of that faith. Of people who are different. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done miracles of transformation. So the mentality of those who behave ignorant of it, and ignorance is bliss for them, they will take some educating. But it can be done and it must be done. So the Mormon Church has to continue to hold tight to high principles, market its product and its people continue to serve beyond themselves, knowing occasionally they're going to take the hit. But within whatever period of time, people will come to see that the pieces fit.
Some people might say, "Is that a black man over there telling us that it just takes time?"
That's just common reasoning. It takes time.
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I only have a few questions that people need to look into and if candidates or their followers can answer them or address them that would be great.
What are the candidates views on Bilderberg? What are the candidates views on the New World Order? Does the candidate have any plans on reinvestigating 9/11 or the explosions heard at ground level?
If any could answer these questions truthfully then I would feel comfortable voting for them.
I just saw the movie by Alex Jones called ENDGAME and it has completely changed my views on this election. You can view it on youtube. I urge anyone who votes to at least view a few sections of it before you vote.
Mitt and McCain Tied Nationally This is such good news coming into Super Tuesday! With Florida done and factored into Rassmussen Reports national polling, it’s truly a Two Man Race!
Romney 30% McCain 30% Don’t let the media write us off, Mitt is in this race and he’s strong. His polling has gone up steadily since Rudy dropped out. Rudy may have endorsed the wrong guy. Rudy’s voters are going to Mitt.
Please look at that link. It debunks once and for all the loony 9-11 conspiracy myths, at least the most popular. The candidate shouldn't have to say that they are going to investigate the 9-11 tragedy when we already know what happened!
On the subject- I thought the Rev's comments were actually quite good. If Mitt doesn't get the nomination, or eventually the presidency, then that's fine- the victory will be just as much in the struggle as it is in the victory. GO MITT!!!
You are a very good man. Continue doing good and God will give you more blessings of knowledge and wisdom.
God bless you and the people under your care.
To my brother Mitt Romney:
We have been serving as ward bishops and it was our duty to serve Heavenly Father's children. Continue what you're doing now but don't forget to serve the people in righteousness. Continue to SET GOOD EXAMPLES to our fellowmen. Bless them that hate our church and you. When you hear criticisms, just accept them because it's part of your trials. Help America for the sake of God's children. Extend your love to non-americans whether he or she is black or white, christian or non-christian because they are all our beloved brothers and sisters.
There is one main reason I think the governors (Crist and Arnie) support McCain and not Mitt: they need a guy in Washington on whom they can rely later.
At this point, it is fairly clear that whoever wins the GOP nomination will have a very steep uphill battle against a Dem candidate in the general election. In fact, if the current sentiments hold it will be a miracle if the GOP keeps the presidency in 2008. However, most governors plan to keep on staying well past the presidential election.
In voting for McCain governors get into a no-loss situation. If McCain loses the general election, which he most likely will, the governors get to keep the powerful senator to whom they can turn in case of need (remember Arnie and emission standards). If McCain wins, well then they endorsed the right guy for the president. For governors to support Mitt means to sour relations with Big Mac, yet not significantly, if at all, improve GOP chances in general election. In this election, practicality not policy matters.
Mitt and McCain Tied Nationally This is such good news coming into Super Tuesday! With Florida done and factored into Rassmussen Reports national polling, it’s truly a Two Man Race!
Romney 30% McCain 30% Don’t let the media write us off, Mitt is in this race and he’s strong. His polling has gone up steadily since Rudy dropped out. Rudy may have endorsed the wrong guy. Rudy’s voters are going to Mitt.
I'm not ready to give up on Mitt's chances yet but if McCain does go on the get the nom the only way I can see im uniting the party would be making Mitt the VP pick. He could say Mitt would be charged with focusing on economic issues and reforming bureaucracy.Given the animosity between the 2 on the campaign trail doesn't make this seem likely but picking Mitt would show some humility on McCain's part and go a long way to healing the rift that's going on in the party right now. Picking Huck as the VP would only anger the base more.
Personally, I want nothing to do with John McCain. He has only ever claimed to be a Republican so that he can get elected in his state to the Senate. McCain or Hillary are pretty close to the same thing so in my opinion if McCain gets the nomination just let Hillary go in and hang herself while she trashes the economy and everything else. It will get conservatives back in the government and the Republican party won't be destroyed in the process.
I won't be responsible for putting Hillary into office, especially not by voting for her, but I'd vote for her before I voted for John McCain. I'm with Ann Coulter on that one.
I'll just write Mitt's name in on the ballot if he doesn't get the nomination.
I am feeling profoundly touched by what I learned from an interview I just saw on Glenn Beck’s show on CNN and the reflection that the interview provoked. Beck was interviewing Jon Huntsman Sr., a major fund-raiser for Mitt Romney and someone whom Jason wrote about here over a year ago. Here are a couple of anecdotes from the interview.
Some years ago Huntsman’s company was in financial trouble and found a buyer for 40% of his company and shook hands for $54 million. By the time the buyer got things together to close the deal six months later, the value of that share of the company had risen to $250 million. The buyer offered to split the difference, but Huntsman would not accept, saying that they had shaken hands on the first price and that was the deal. He gave up $200 million rather than go back on his word.
A few years later, they were once again in challenging economic times and cash flow was such that Huntsman could not meet his commitments to various charities to which he had pledged support. Rather than renege, Huntsman went to bankers for a loan to meet his obligations, putting his house and a major part of his business on the line. The banker was astounded, exclaiming that no one in their right mind would risk their home and their business just to honor their pledges to charity. To Huntsman it was unthinkable that the various causes which were depending on his support would go lacking, some of which were scholarships for students.
I then remembered the post earlier here on which spoke of the people in Mitt’s campaign:
One of the things that has struck me since I began volunteering for Governor Romney is the quality of the people associated with the campaign. Without exception, Romney staffers have been polite, appreciative, open and honest, and great people with whom to be associated. I think it speaks volumes about the candidate we support.
How does this compare to what we are seeing from the folks riding on the Crooked Talk Express?
Mike B.
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I know you've probably thought this all over a million times, but I feel compelled to write you. I've been all over the the campaign, the Romney Blogs, and the internet as a whole, and like you I am very proud of the course we've taken thus far. I do have some simple thoughts I have gleaned, and feel would be of great help in giving the average voter an opportunity to differentiate between you and John McCain. It seems these points have not been given much attention or appropriately emphasized.
1) AGE: It is a sensitive issue I suppose, but a real issue that should be addressed! McCain will be 73 if he were to move in the Oval Office. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed as it is, so what would it be like in 2011, 2012 when he's 76 and 77 yrs of age respectively? Is it fair to the American people to have a 77 year old John McCain on point in 2012? Not a pretty thought!
2) PARTY VIABILITY: This leaves the Republican party in a true lame duck position throughout the next presidential cycle, nothing will be accomplished in Washington if McCain were to win, as the Dem's know he could not possibly go a second term! And here we go again...
3) CONSERVATIVE LOYALTY: McCain was on the edge of leaving the Rep Party in 2001! He had extensive talks with Daschle, Kennedy, Edwards, etc. regarding the framework, of committee memberships etc., and the specifics of the deal. His people approached Kerry to be his VP running mate for heaven's sake!
4) REAL CHANGE: McCain is an lifetime career politician, thats not the way the founding fathers intended this deal to go. He has his hands in too many pockets at this point to be the agent of real change. It, as they said, leads to unholy alliances! (You, and Regan are an example of how it should be!)
5) VP: I know this is your decision, and you certainly know better than I, but I am suggesting you let it out that you are strongly considering Gov. Sarah Palin as your VP. This will go a long way to bring back lost conservative women (And women in general who are on the fence) who earnestly want to see a women in the White House. Not to mention the avalanche of free media it will generate!!!
I suggest to you, it is late in the game, the gloves are off, and the people of America need to know the truth about John McCain, the person they think they're voting for! It is now you're responsibility to get the information out there. The average voter needs and wants this information. I know, speaking for myself of course, we all want you to make a spirited, hard fought campaign while remaining the gentleman you are... I feel however you must go after these points with a vengeance, hammer away at them, and make them points of the campaign! These things can rejuvenate the outside interest in your run for the White House, while cooling McCain's jets just a little!
It is I'm afraid as simple as this. If you (God forbid) didn't get the nomination Mitt, we are all in for a horror show of US politics the likes of which has never been seen before! It will indeed be a long, cold 4-8 years of higher taxes, huge entitlement spending, free running illegal immigration, and the list just goes on and on, because, you and I both know, John McCain can not win the general election!
Please seriously consider the above. Thank you for your valuable time, and consideration.
Yeah. This is exactly right. The Mitt supporters I'm most familiar with are a bunch of Bain guys who now coordinate microcredit funding for millions of the worlds poorest. You're not going to run into a smarter bunch or a more virtuous bunch than Romney's inner circle.
We are truly looking at a battle for the heart and soul of the republican party.
OK cowboys and cowgirls, its time to load 'em up and strike out on our own. Here are 10 Reasons why Romney should initiate a run for the White House as a third party candidate. 1. Because he can. He is uniquely qualified and supported across all demographics to win. 2. Infrastructure is in place. 3. If we don't fight against the liberals hijacking the republican party, we will have no party left in four years. 4. If McCaint is nominated, it doesn't matter, he can't beat Obama or Clinton. 5. This is THE last chance for conservative values to survive. 6. It sets a new course for the conservative base of the republican party. We are not leaving the republican party, it has left us. 7. McCaint is the candidate we are being forced to submit to by the chain of events we have seen over the past several weeks. This is America, we don't have to accept McCaint or any other cadidate with blind obedience. 8. Washington needs change. In my view this is the best way to do it. The winds of change must come through the breath of a new party. 9. Instantaneous media and information at everyone's finger tip can change this race overnight...with in birth of a new party and movement. 10. We can WIN!!!
There are so many good stories out there today. The best one is thatconservativesarecoalescingaround Romney. Tell all your friends. Get all other conservatives to join the, dare I say, Romney Revolt (if you can come up with a better name, let us know).
On to other news:
Vin Weber calls for conservatives to unite around Romney: On each of the major challenges confronting our country, Washington has failed to act. Mr. Romney will not. Throughout his career in business and public service, he has never failed to meet a challenge. That is leadership we need today...The source of America's greatness is the American people. That is why Washington needs to get the job done today. By taking action today, we can build a stronger America by strengthening each and every American. To do that, we need Mr. Romney's leadership in Washington -- leadership that understands that Washington is the obstacle not the solution.
Thomas Sowell tells us about McCain's crooked talk: We have been hearing for years that Senator John McCain gives “straight talk” and his bus has been endlessly referred to as the “Straight Talk Express.” But endless repetition does not make something true.The fact that McCain makes short, blunt statements does not make him a straight-talker.There are short, blunt lies.
City Journal's Nicole Gelinas lauds Romney's smart tax plan: Unlike Washington politicians, vying to outdo one another printing money to rescue Americans from falling home prices, Romney has proposed a bold long-term tax policy that would encourage Americans to choose their investments, both housing and otherwise, more wisely...This elegantly simple proposal would invite Americans to save and invest as much as they can or wish to without worrying about mind-numbingly complicated tax calculations.
Captain Ed takes McCain to task over McCain-Feingold: It does point up a problem with all of the campaign-finance reform nonsense that Congress has imposed on the process. Money finds its way into the process no matter how many artificial barriers get imposed and artificial categories created for it. Americans express their support by their pocketbook -- and they turn to other mechanisms when thwarted in efforts to directly support candidates. That accounts for the rise of 527s and their mostly-negative impact on national politics...Now the author of the BCRA wants to complain about running against a candidate who self-funds. John McCain can't have it both ways. If he dislikes the wealthy who have to spend their own money to challenge the power system, then get rid of the Byzantine mess that his McCain-Feingold bill has created -- and its attendant insults to the First Amendment. That's what is truly "alarming" in politics.
Jed Babin says McCain is the Anti-Conservative: In nuclear physics, every subatomic particle has an opposite. When they collide, they combine to produce another particle that resembles neither. McCain is the political antimatter that collides with conservatism and produces “liberal republicanism.” If John McCain is the Republican nominee, conservatism will be where we were in 1965: having to feed the conservative phoenix rising out of the ashes.
David Limbaugh agrees with Babin that McCain is the Anti-Conservative: It's true that McCain is unpopular with Reagan conservatives because he decidedly is not, on far too many issues, a Reagan conservative. But it's more than that. He is the anti-conservative. He instinctively sides against conservatives and relishes poking them in the eye.
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Romney revolution sounds a lot better. A revolt pits you against another (which is the case here against McCain). But Revolution carries the additional sentiment that your side has a cuase (or a conservative position) worth fighting for.
But the Ron Paul people have already coined that...and we don't want to associate with anything they do, then we'll be the ones who start to sound crazy. =P
Is it possible?: With the race down between McCain and Romney, and this backlash of conservatives against McCain, if Romney can come back and pull through as the nominee, could this whole crazy race actually HELP Romney in the general election? Conservatives are rallying around Romney as the Conservative/Reagan Coalition candidate, when earlier in the primary season some were concerned that he was a "flip-flopper" and not a real conservative. What does everyone else think about this?
"All right, I'm going to see your endorsement and raise you an announcement: February 12th is the big D.C. primary, I'm pulling the lever for Mitt Romney. No doubt about it. No hesitation." ("The Laura Ingraham Show," 2/1/08)
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Plenty more room on the bandwagon, people, jump on. It's not as if the stakes weren't huge and far-reaching. Could you people hurry up please, and save the day. Just say NO to McCain. It's safe to say we won't have the skill-set and discipline we have in the conservative Mitt Romney for some time to come. I say we take advantage of his kind offer to steer the conservative ship.
Wow all these talk radio mega stars announcing they are voting for Mitt doesn't hurt. I hope Laura and Sean are in every super Tuesday states. Mittmentum rocks!
One of the purposes of ARRA is to provide leadership in the Republican party, and as the ‘conservative conscience’ for the party, ARRA recommends the best conservative candidates to vote for coming into Republican primary elections. Conservatives throughout the nation have been in disarray due to a lack of a strong conservative leader in the Republican field. Candidates have been either strong in conservative principle and weak in leadership or strong in leadership but weak in conservative principles.
Perhaps the biggest concern for social and religious conservatives has been the issue of life and family values. But Romney gained monumental momentum from endorsements of the likes of John Wilke, a physician, and president of both the Life Issues Institute, and International Right to Life Federation. Wilke said of Romney, "Unlike other candidates who only speak to the importance of confronting the major social issues of the day, Governor Romney has a record of action defending life …. Every decision he made as Governor was on the side of life. I know he will be the strong pro-life President we need in the White House." Likewise, Jim Bopp, who has served as legal counsel for numerous pro-life organizations recently endorsed Romney pointing out that, "He vetoed the bill on embryonic stem cell research and some other efforts to liberalize the Massachusetts abortion law.”
The two man race for delegates in Arkansas will require that conservatives vote for Romney. Votes for Huckabee and Paul will serve only to reduce the votes needed by Romney to win over McCain.
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I'm jumping for joy here in Arkansas!! There is no reason for the Huckster to win here - people HATE him. Hopefully the Republican leadership can get out the vote for Romney and we can show the country what our opinion is of this so-called "Christian" leader. The biggest disappointment in all of this is that someone like Huckabee has taken crucial votes away from an honorable, intelligent, sincere candidate like Mitt Romney. Come on fellow Arkansans - stop the Huck - get out the vote for Romney!
I wonder if Huck has been campaigning or or out giving speeches to pay his mortgage.Hopefully the southern folks won't throw their votes away on this guy and vote Mitt instead!
"In a few short days, Republicans from across this country will decide more than their party's nominee. They will decide the very future of our party and the conservative coalition that Ronald Reagan built. Conservatives can no longer afford to stand on the sidelines in this election, and Governor Romney is the candidate who will stand up for the conservative principles that we hold dear," said Senator Santorum. "Governor Romney has a deep understanding of the important issues confronting our country today, and he is the clear conservative candidate that can go into the general election with a united Republican party."
Announcing Senator Santorum's support, Governor Romney said, "I am honored to have Senator Santorum's support. Throughout his career of public service, he has always led with a steadfast commitment to our party's conservative principles. He has fought for life, marriage, tax cuts and a stronger national defense. In the coming days, I look forward to working with him as we fight for our party's conservative foundations."
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"Governor Romney has succeeded in everything that he has done. He rescued the Winter Olympics from disaster, he built an incredibly successful business and he governed a state with notable accomplishments despite working with a Legislature that was more than 80 percent Democratic. One of his opponents has scornfully called him a manager for profit. If excelling in business hurts a candidate in a Republican primary, I'm terrified about the future of the party. We are the party of entrepreneurship, wealth creation and strong, open markets. A successful, visionary executive fits the profile of exactly what we need in the Oval Office during a time of economic turmoil.
"After a year of soul-searching following the 2006 election losses, we need to unite behind a candidate who will fight for low taxes, defend our borders, protect our nation's security, appoint strict-constructionist judges, manage the economy with the experience of a businessman and promote family values. That candidate is Mitt Romney. I endorse him for president of the United States, and I encourage Georgia conservatives to rally to this cause and cast their votes for him on Tuesday."
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Yesterday at a doctor's office, I was talking to the receptionist, who is a friend, about politics.
Me: Have you decided who you are voting for?
Her: I like Huckabee.
Me: Oh that's interesting. I always wonder why people like Huckabee.
Her: Well I don't have any particular reason other than we share the same religion and that's important to me.
Me: Using that criteria, you'd also vote for Jimmy Carter.
Her: That's true. I do like McCain too.
Me: Do you like Ted Kennedy?
Her: No he's terrible.
Me: Did you know McCain is friends with Ted Kennedy?
Her: Really?
Me: Have you heard of the McCain/Kennedy Immigration/Amnesty Bill?
Her: I really need to do more research.
Unfortunately I think that there are too many voters like her making uninformed decisions. Get the word out about Romney. Don't let people form their views from the bias of the mainstream media.
What's even more amazing is that in September McCain said that he was a baptist but never took the time to tell anyone or update his political profile information! I think this is the best flip flopping I have ever seen!
Thank you for detailing the problem with politics in America. I swear, I am starting to lean towards only letting people with half a brain be able to vote... i.e. at least graduated from high school, and at least having SOME idea of how the world works (i.e. higher taxes do NOT bring more prosperity).
Now is the time. If you believe in a Constituional Amendment to preserve traditional marriage. If you believe in appointing judges who believe the Constitution is a document, not some living organism. If you believe groups trying to elect candidates who share our values should be allowed to spend our contributions on political ads. If you believe life should be protected. Now is the time to support Mitt Romney.
I want to speak particularly to any Mike Huckabee supporters who may be out there. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. If you fracture the conservative vote, McCain will win by default.
Remember this is the guy who attacked members of the religious right as being agents of intolerance. That is what he does when you are against him. He believes that about religious groups that challenge him. That is why he liked McCain-Feingold. As previously stated here, this is the guy who has problems appointing conservative judges. You don't want him as President.
While I'm at it, remember that just because McCain says he is the most electable, doesn't mean he is. His predictions have proven false before:
"Unfortunately, Governor Bush is a Pat Robertson Republican who will lose to Al Gore."
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A reader at View from the Right says the following about Florida. I wonder if it's true that there is an investigation going on that an alleged over 300,000 votes are illegal:
I just got off the phone with the man in my county who is the assistant supervisor for operations re the primary. I told him I was a registered Republican voter here and asked about the CNN website stating 17% of the voters in the Republican primary were Independents. I was quite surprised at the details he went into with the numbers with me, but here goes:
He stated that they received a statewide email Wednesday morning about allegations that over 300,000 votes were made by Independents who were NOT registered as Republicans. The Secretary of State of Florida is aware of this and it is being investigated. The man I spoke with reiterated that this is illegal. He said he thought the counties were in South Florida, and Broward was the one name he remembered. He said the numbers were either 314,000 or 341,000. In Florida, you have to sign in and you have to show ID, so they should be able to check the books about what happened.
This is my own bias, but I wouldn't be surprised at anything that happened in Southeast Florida.
I asked him about any follow up in the news and he said he would call me if he heard anything else. Again, I was surprised he told me this much on the telephone, as this is going to be a huge scandal if anything comes of it. This is the Secretary of State page if you would like to do any follow up yourself.
Alright. I am going to speak my mind, and come clear on what I think is happening here. Romney is by far the obvious, clear conservative choice in this race. McCain has hijacked the GOP, and has too much liberal press to propel him to the nomination without serious grassroots efforts to stop him. This would REQUIRE support from Huckabee's supporters, but guess what- there is about as much chance of that happening as me having a baby (I am male). The evangelicals would rather have McCain, who stands against almost every MORAL principle they have, then Romney, who (according to them) stands against every THEOLOGICAL view they have. Yes, I paint this as almost entirely a religious picture with that group. It's bigoted, it's lame, but it's a fact. Can you imagine if Romney was not Mormon? Evangelical voters would flock to him. It's so unfortunate that a good, honest, intelligent human being is wasted because he happens to believe differently then "mainstream" America. For those that don't believe as Romney but still can find the obvious reasons to support him, I applaud you for your openness. For those that are as small minded and bigoted as to reject him solely due to his beliefs, shame on you. You have doomed us all.
I swear,running against McCain feels more and more like running against a dem every day. This guy is supposed to be a man of principle? He and Huck both are now engaged in the politics of knee capping.Ann Coulter says she'll vote for Hillary over McCain. Can't say I disagree. I was a little disappoined that Hugh Hewitt said he'll support McCain if he's the nom because Hillary is a worst choice. I'm sorry but I can't support McCain under any circumstance. He doesn't have one thing where you can say "At least he'll do blah blah blah". I simply don't want the GOP to be responsible for creating another amnesty plan.
As far as the Huckster goes,what an embarassment he is to the party. He's nothing but a McCain stooge at this point. Good lord even Thomas Sowell has come out ripping on McCain this morning.
As Tim Russert said this morning, "McCain is dangling the veep carrot in front of Huckabee". What a disaster! If Huckabee is on the ticket, there is SO much dirt to dig up on him in Arkansas, Republicans don't stand a chance. It is absolutely ridiculous that he has gotten this far. The MSM has given him an absolute pass so far - but not if he is on a ticket. They will begin digging around in Arkansas, and they won't have to dig too deep. Everything is laying right out for anyone to see. Think Wayne Dumond. Anyone? Anyone? Please stop this train wreck that is John McCain!!!
You may have already heard by now but this morning on Laura Ingraham's radio show, Rick Santorum strongly endorsed Mitt, and Laura also said that she will be voting for Mitt! The momentum has begun... I just hope there's time to change enough minds before Tuesday!!
"I'll tell you right now, and I've not announced this, but I will be voting for Mitt Romney in this campaign. It's the first time I've stated it publicly. I'll state it now."
Did anyone see H&C on FoxNews last night? Ann Coulter is 100% for Romney. Not only that, but if it goes down to McCain vs Hillary, she will campaign and vote for Hillary over McCain.
The fact that McCain agrees with the democrats on immigration will not help him. The majority of Republicans and Democrats disagree with McCain (Washington) on that issue.
One of the best arguments that we have against the democrats is that they don't have any executive experience. They have never run a corner store. Neither has McCain. Both are senators. So is McCain.
The fact that McCain agrees with the democrats on campaign finance will not help him. Moderates don't jut want democrats and republicans to come together so they can smile for the cameras. They want republicans and democrats to work together to produce legislation that actually fixes the problems. The problem with McCain isn't that he is too liberal, its that he is incompetent. Every bill that has his name on it, has done the exact opposite of what it promised it would do. McCain-Feingold had the exact opposite effect: there is more dirty money that is not transparent now than ever. You know how Bush coined the phrase, "compassionate conservative." I would love to have Romney use the words "competent conservative." Its not just about saying that you have compassion, or saying that you are a conservative, its about accomplishing something that is able to deliver compassion in a conservative manner. Any of this talk, I'm sorry to say, is many levels over McCain's head. All that matters to him is working with the other side, not actually fixing problems. That's what happens when you look at the world from behind a committee, and that is why we don't elect senators to be presidents.
Mitt Romney was elected in Massachusetts, a far more liberal state than Arizona.
Romney will come off a lot smarter in the debates against the democrats than John MCain ever could.
McCain will come off a lot angrier than Hillary or Barak.
McCain will not be able to instill confidence in the future as much as Hillary or Barak.
McCain can not claim to be an agent of change, as much as Obama.
Obama and Hillary are far more appealing to independents. We need a candidate who can unite the base.
Romney is more likely to raise the type of money that he will need in the general election.
It is not just that McCain agrees with the democrats on many issues, and so he is bad. The point is that the issues that he agrees with the democrats happen to be issues that the Republican Party is correct in apposing.
Healthcare is the #1 democratic issue. Romney beats Hillary and Barak by accomplishing something significant that helps people in a conservative way. McCain has no healthcare plan.
... for evidence that McCain is not a conservative than his endorsement today by Arnold Schwarzenegger (And yes, I know how to spell that last name without checking it).
I was part of the Arnold revolution in California. During the recall of our former Governor, Gray Davis, I actively participated. I placed many yard signs for him. I was at the rally in San Diego when he admitted to some bad behavior with women who say he groped them. I called into John and Ken on KFI 640 talk radio and actually said, on the air, "I would rather have Arnold for Governor than be groped for every dime I have by Gray Davis!" This was in spite of the fact that he was pro-civil unions and pro-choice. Simply put, he was a better alternative than what we had.
After Arnold's election, I continued to be active. I even had an event with about 40 law students to promote his ballot initiatives for which he had called a special election for. But he lost those initiatives. And then, Arnold gave up the Republican party. He appointed Susan Kennedy as his Chief of Staff. In addition, he has continued to sign legislation that has expanded domestic partnerships in California. California is a gay marriage state for all intents and purposes, only minus the word married. He is also weak on illegal immigration (He may sound like he isn't, but he is fundamentally, no different than McCain on letting people who are here have amnesty via a "special pathway.") And as I mentioned yesterday, he is now proposing letting tens of thousand prisoners out early. And I have given up Arnold and gone instead with conservatism.
Arnold gave up conservatism in order to attract love from liberalism. Sound familiar? It should. There is a reason that Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani get along so well and its not because they are all Republicans. In California, the people who oppose Arnold are Republicans. If John McCain is President, it will be the same. John McCain has proven that by his positions now and his actions in the past.
One final lesson. When you elect a RINO, it moves the whole culture to the left. You need someone who believes in your values to preserve them. Elect Mitt Romney for conservatism.
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Well, I didn't vote for Arnold, I voted for the other now long forgotten conservative guy. And I was pleasantly surprised, for a while. Then as California became increasingly less family friendly, we had to move. After Prop 22 was totally ignored, having been voted into law by a majority and everything. True conservatives are getting to be a rare breed. Vote ROMNEY
Yeah, the only problem I have with McClintock has always been his unequivocal support for Indian Gaming. I lived many years in Thousand Oaks and voted for him as State Senator, but I calculated Arnold to be the better decision during the recall. Could we have generated enough support for McClintock to win, I'm not so sure. He lost the Lietenant Governor race a few years later.
McCain said Thursday that he hadn't yet decided on precise benchmarks. "They'd have to be specific, and they (Iraqi government officials) would have to meet them," he said.
It is beyond me how benchmarks of any kind can be useful except by being associated with particular dates on a calendar, which would of course turn the list of benchmarks into a timetable!
The dishonesty practiced by this man is absolutely appalling!
Mike B.
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Field Operative Casey Huffmire sends in this report from the Romney rally at a furniture business in Fountain Valley, California:
"It was packed I was outside looking into the warehouse. It was a good stump speech. Most of it, of course, I've heard before, but the funniest part was when he talked about McCain during last night's debate going off on a stream-of-consciousness ramble about punishing Wall Street and some town in Norway when asked about adjustable rate mortgages. Romney impliedly said he has no idea what McCain was talking about and then explicitly said he was sure McCain didn't know how to address U.S. mortgage/financial problems. Overall, very good--it was crowded and people were enthusiastic and chanting along at appropriate times."
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I wish there was 2 more weeks before all these states get to vote. There's a huge wave of support coming to Mitt but I'm fraid the wave is about a week behind. There really seems to be a lot of enthuiasm for Mitt as his events. he has truely caught on but McCain still has a better name ID for passive voters. That said Mitt is only down 4 points in Cal. which is really amazing for as long as McCain has been around. Wouldn't surprise me if illegal immigration finally catches up to him there.It would really be great if Mitt could pull Arizona out.
Well, I put my money where my mouth is and made another $$ contribution to Mitt's campaign. Living in the East County of San Diego, and 20 miles from the border, I cannot STAND the thought of McCain's amnesty crap going through. We are all sick of illegal immigration here. Just this morning I saw some illegals walking through my property with their "Juan McCain 2008" signs!! Viva l'amnesty!! (tongue in cheek on the McCain signs....)
Field Operative Vic Dennis was at Burbank Yesterday to greet Mitt and Ann Romney. Her is his report:
"As a result of a 'heads up' I and many other Romney supporters received, I took the opportunity to drive to Burbank to be there for the arrival of Governor Romney in California from Florida. I arrived just before noon and joined a group of at least 40 supporters, including elected officials, staff from Boston, and young people. I had the chance to talk briefly to Assemblymember Tony Strickland, who is a big Romney supporter. In fact, I saw him in Nevada making phone calls for hours on behalf of Governor Romney. We discussed our hope that the Governor would go on the offensive about John McCain’s voting record and liberal tendencies. Assemblyman Strickland told me he was going to the debate and expected a big night from Mitt."
"Just after noon, the Governor’s plane arrived and through the lobby walked Governor Romney and Mrs. Romney. Though they must have been extremely tired following the cross-country flight, they took the time to pose for pictures, sign autographs, and speak briefly with supporters. I had the opportunity to shake hands with the Governor and wish him well on his debate appearance later in Simi Valley. Slowly, the two made their way to several awaiting vehicles that wisked them to Simi Valley."
"One of the things that has struck me since I began volunteering for Governor Romney is the quality of the people associated with the campaign. Without exception, Romney staffers have been polite, appreciative, open and honest, and great people with whom to be associated. I think it speaks volumes about the candidate we support. It is also interesting to note that shortly after Governor Romney’s arrival, the planes carrying McCain and Rudy arrived. One Romney observer noted that no one was present to greet either one of these two."
"The road to the nomination has many twists and turns ahead. The longer this process goes on the better it is for Governor Romney and those of us who want a conservative Republican nominee. I am looking forward to many future opportunities to meet the Governor on his road to the nomination."
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I’ll admit it. In the aftermath of McCain’s Cheap Shot Florida victory I have lost a little of the enthusiasm with which I have approached this primary election season. While I respect McCain’s service to his country as a Navy pilot, congressman, and Senator, I don’t believe he’s the best man to sit in the Oval Office.
The debate last night proved that to me even more. I am not alone in this assessment. McCain did not admit he fabricated his “Romney wants to withdraw from Iraq” accusation out of whole cloth. In fact, he doubled down several times and ended up looking more and more like the grumpy old man who sits on his porch and screams at the neighbor kids “Get Off My Lawn!!”
The endorsements by Rudy and Aaahhhnooolld mean Mitt faces some serious headwinds in his run for the Oval. This is nothing new. Anybody who has followed this campaign for more than a few months understands that Mitt has been swimming in deep waters for a very long time.
Then I got an email – not a personal one, mind you, I’m not that big of a move or shaker – from Article VI’s John Schroeder. He reminded me that off the candidates on that stage at the Reagan Library last night, Mitt is the one who’s stance most resembles the Gipper. Students of history will remember that Reagan made a habit of swimming against the current and going against the conventional wisdom to accomplish what he knew was right – not necessarily what was popular. Reagan was, among other things, an eternal optimist who exuded confidence to the point that it literally rubbed off on those around him.
I have visited the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. It is quite the experience and one I would highly recommend. In that library there is an exact replica of Reagan’s Oval Office which includes his desk as it would have looked during his presidency. On his desk is found a red leather plaque with the following gold-lettered inscription:
It CAN Be Done
See for yourself:
There isn’t much I can do to make that picture sharper, but I bought a replica of that plaque which now sits in my office – well, my cubicle.
As you can see, my desk stuff is a bit different from that of the Gipper.
Reagan accomplished many things which most of the pontificating pundits of his day thought impossible and have since tried to attribute to other influences. The bottom line is, he made up his mind about what he wanted to do, and then he went and did it. He didn’t much care about the prognostications of the pontificating pundits or the whining of the liberal dominated Congress he had to deal with.
I see this same attitude of optimism and confidence in Mitt Romney. He’s gearing up for Super Tuesday and preparing to do battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. He’s not ready to throw in the towel and has decided to both Go Big and Go Long rather than going home.
I’m not ready to throw it in either.
It CAN Be Done!
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Yes, we are fighting for the heart and soul of the Conservative movement.
Lately, I am anxious and feel sick to my stomach as I see people making such poor choices.
I grieve at the thought of what is happening to my beloved country.
It's like Mitt said about Hillary being elected as POTUS - she would take us in the direction of Old Europe: socialistic, welfare-state, high unemployment and illegals everywhere getting and demanding rights as citizens.
I am praying hard for Romney to win the nomination.
Pretty good ad, but Mitt's going to have to go after McCain in ads if he wants to win. Bottom line its time to break out the older ads. The MSM is giving McCain a huge push and we need to put McCain on the defense
AWESOME ad!!!! So glad I just contributed another chunk of my kid's college fund to Mitt's campaign! hahaha. Truly - it is defintely worth it. He is the first candidate I ever felt inspired to donate to. After listening to his great speech on December 6th, I got off my couch and went to the computer and hit "donate" at his web site, and I've been donating ever since. I truly believe Mitt is the last great hope - for this election cycle - and years to come.
I don't think I saw this posted here yet. Josh Trevino of the Pacific Research Institute and one of the founders of RedState on his personal blog analyzes the Florida vote--Romney's Florida Win.
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You forgot one - he has a striking resemblance to the possum road-kill I passed by today while driving home - bared teeth, scruffy white patch of hair, and decidedly runty......
After being UNdecided when this whole thing began - i really started watching and listening to the GOP candidates and what they stood for. And my conclusion after many debates, articles, reports, etc. Mitt is my man for the 44th Prresident of the United States. He is a man of great morals, ideas, experience, leadership, and great character. He will get my vote on Super Tuesday and I hope and pray in November. GO MITT!!!!!
I know what the head to head polls say, and unless you think polls don't change over 11 months (cuckoo...cuckoo) we as a party have some serious introspection as to what McCain's weaknesses are. So allow me to post what will most likely be the final nails in the coffin for McCain, somewhere around October 31st of 2008.
5. Obama raises $32 Million in one month, McCain is in the red. Sorry, McCain will not have the MSM at his back and he has no idea how to run a campaign's finances.
There you have it. nominate the guy who loves class warfare and promotes lying under the guise of "Straight Talk." I am sure things will be a landslide in November for McCain. If you buy that I have some ocean front property in ...Arizona?
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Not to mention that the Dem's have an advantage on the Economy per the polls. McCain's "I'll read Greenspan's book" won't work. Mitt has a natural advantage on the economy and as a Republican he has a natural advantage on terrorism.
McCain sucks at debates, the writers at SNL will have a field day; those two NH debates, one in which he was growling at Romney and the next day he was all smiles like he was on drugs. Last nights debate performance was poor also. Romney has always been very solid and won many debates.
McCain's obvious lies, like the FL debate in which he said he never said he didn't know much about the economy. He denied saying it, but everyone knew he did; he lies like that in a General debate and he is toast.
Jason, is any reason why this post was pulled off the Race42008? There were quite a few comments there, especially my "stronger" reasons of why McCain cannot win the general election, smile!
BTW, for those who don't know what a "gook" is, it's someone from Vietnam. - I'm guessing he's still having trouble with that, - not very good for foreign affairs.
Federal law prohibits CUPVF from soliciting donations from sources other than its members and executive or administrative personnel and their families. Contributions received from other sources will be returned to the donor.
I wish we could somehow have Jackie Mason endorse Romney. He has stood up for him a number of times in his blogs. It would be really nice to have a strong Jew supporting Romney. I have emailed him to ask him to.
Robert Novak confirms what John Fund said last week: McCain has serious reservations about conservative jurists like Justice Alito. Novak writes:
I found what McCain could not remember: a private, informal chat with conservative Republican lawyers shortly after he announced his candidacy in April 2007. I talked to two lawyers who were present whom I have known for years and who have never misled me. One is neutral in the presidential race, and the other recently endorsed Mitt Romney. Both said they were not Fund's source, and neither knew I was talking to the other.
As for the judges, this is truly disturbing. Alito is no Ann Coulter, a provacative figure that takes pleasure in deriding McCain's friends across the aisle. He is a thoughtful and intelligent jurist whose measured approach has been a model of restraint. To say that Alito wears his conservatism on his sleeve is just patently false. If Alito's conservatism is worn on his sleave, there are few conservatives that do not.
Moreover, this issue gets at the question of McCain's ability to judge the judicial philosophy of judicial nominees. If Alito's conservatism is too provacative, principled jurists like Scalia and Thomas would certainly be excluded. We have had many Republican presidents who have been unable to distinguish between conservative and liberal jurists. President Eisenhower nominated two of the most liberal judges (Warren and Brennan) the court has ever had. Gerald Ford nominated Justice Stevens. Bush 41 famously got "Soutered" by one of his picks to the Supreme Court. All of these misteps have further entrenched liberal ideology and seriously hindered true conservative change.
Ed Morrissey over at Captain's Quarters says this:
This actually makes it slightly worse. The Fund quote implied that McCain wouldn't appoint an Alito because he thought Alito was too overtly conservative. Novak's report shows that it wasn't Alito's overtness, but his conservatism that McCain found unattractive. That won't help convince conservatives to trust McCain on judicial nominations.
Forgive me - I don't step up in this group very often. For the Article 6 blog to be maximally effective, it requires a certain aloofness.
But as I am reading through the blogs this morning, I am sensing too much resignation, too much sense that the rest of the nation just does not get it when it comes to Mitt, too much going through the motions. In the emails there is too much talk of commitment and not enough talk of winning - fighting for the cause.
Friends, this is not over, Mitt Romney is not a loser and neither are his supporters. Mitt Romney is THE inheritor of the Reagan legacy, and many of you are too young to really remember Ronald Reagan, but one thing overwhelmingly marked him - confidence and optimism. Ronald Reagan simply knew that the American people would resonate to his message, and they did. He even knew that when Gerry Ford beat him.
The Romney candidacy remains the leader and it is not playing catch-up. The Romney candidacy carries the torch for greatest political coalition this nation has ever seen.. That my friends is a winner and as the supporters of that banner we should act and think like winners.
I hope you are not in this because of "commitments" - I hope you are in this because it is what is best, and if anything marks the United States it is her ability to somehow muddle into the best.
Fight hard - play fair - act like the winners you are.
John Schroeder Salmon & Schroeder, Inc. (818) 249-9228 FAX: (818) 249-8081
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John - you are right! Thank you for the reminder. This is a really important time to stay strong and keep faith in those things that are so important to us and which Mitt represents.
Well that was an odd post. I think it was supposed to be inspirational, but it came off more as a reprimand and an advertisement for your company.
Let's see if you put your money where your mouth is. I posted a donation challenge yesterday and I do not see your name there. Hopefully it's because you've already donated the max $2300.00 allowable by law.
It's still early in the game and I for one am still optimistic. The cream always rises to the top.
Scott, I bet that John has made a financial donation to Mitt's campaign already. He's been blogging away for Mitt for several months and it's a great blog.
I'm one of those voters who wouldn't be outraged by a McCain/Romney ticket. It would make sense to me. I think Romney is better than McCain, and Romney has my vote until the fat lady sings in this primary. But lets quit acting like a McCain presidency would be a disaster. Romney and McCain have complimentary virtues. Imagine them united running against the democrats. It brings a smile to my face.
Besides, for all the people out there who actually are concerned about the Mormon issue, Romney as VP for 4 years would do good things to smooth that issue over.
Of course, McCain was my number 2 choice all along despite the facts of his less conservative resume bullet points. My opinion: Everybody should stick with Mitt until the end, and see where this goes, but let's not get hysterical.
The world will not end if McCain becomes President, but he is not my second or even third choice. He's strong on terror (except for Gitmo and water boarding) and spending which are my top 2 priorities but from there he falls off my radar.
As for John, I'm sure he's a great guy and I appreciate anyone who is on the right side of the issues on this election. His post chastises us to "act like the winners you are." My point is that anybody who participates here is firmly behind Mitt and there should be no judgment about who is acting the most committed. Actions speak louder than an occasional post and to me a campaign contribution would be much more productive, admirable, and inspiring than a hand-slap. We're all on the same team and there is no point in calling out the other bloggers on the tone of their contributions to this blog.
Well Mitt's got his work cut out for him going forward. And we are committed to help out in anyway we can. To that end, we've just released our new book "Mitt On Demand" which is a compilation of selected speeches, quotes and sayings by Mitt Romney. The 143 page softbound book lays out in a condensed format Mitt's policy positions, etc. We really want to see a surge of grass roots support for Mitt before Super Tuesday and think this book could be a good way to generate some needed excitement that the race is not over yet! We would be pleased if you would feature the book and this link ( on your Mittannica site and encourage your lists to buy the book or e-book and/or share it with any undecided's in your circles (or better yet) any McCain supporter.
Boyd & Holly
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During the CNN Republican Debate last night, McCain took a cheap shot on virtually every question to insult Romney. He went after "flip-flopping". He accused Romney of laying people off. He called Romney unqualified to be Commander in Chief. He looked like a fool continuing to insist that Romney wants a time table for troop withdrawal when it was completely clear to everyone there that all the evidence showed otherwise. He used class warfare tactics by telling Romney to spend every dime he had on the election. He complained about all the Romney "attack ads" when it was clear that he was the only one attacking last night. There were so many insults, I can't remember them all.
The most important factor in the debate last night was that Romney rose above the puerile tactics of McCain. Romney looked Presidential and McCain looked like a cranky old man. Romney defended himself quite well without responding in kind. I commend Romney on his poise and urge him to continue this approach. Romney clearly won the debate last night.
It was almost painful to watch at times as McCain went on his rants. I think that his campaign devised a formula for responses: 1. Quick jab at Romney 2. Misdirect Romney's stance on a given policy 3. Say "for patriotism, not for profit" 4. Take credit for the troop surge/"put my political career on the line" (why would that even matter? Are you concerned about being unpopular, Senator McCain?)
These four points were referred to in almost every answer! (with patriotism/profit occurring slightly less than the troop surge)
So very true. Do McCain's supporters honestly think that guy can get elected in the general election? For a hundred reasons THERE IS NO WAY. Romney would have a real chance. The more I see Romney, the more I seriously like him and am totally impressed by him. WE NEED ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM MCCAIN AND HUCKABEE SUPPORTERS THIS WEEK, or all conservatives will lose more than we can imagine.
I always hate it when they place Mitt next to the guy who is being a jerk to him at these debates but last night it was wonderful. It showed the great contrast between the two. Do we want McCain who looked tired and old with that forced smile that looks as good as Hillary's cackle sounds or do we want a polished well spoken individual who can keep himself in check?
How our leaders portray themselves does make a huge impression. I will always remember the day that Bill Clinton was sworn in as President. That was the day that Saddam dawned his powder blue sweater vest. Apparently the hippie saxaphone player did not strike much fear in him as opposed to the day that our current president was sworn in for the first time when he dawned his military uniform and fired off a couple rounds.
I think Mitt great as he always does and we need to do all we can to rally around him.
Mac had exactly five definable tactics for debating last night: 1) Lie 2) Name-drop 3) Lie some more 4) Shrug shoulders, smile smugly when confused 5) Lie
Okay, sorry to yell. But I live in California. I have to deal with a lot of the problems caused by illegal immigration on a daily basis. Criminals who come here and commit horrific crimes. We send them back and they come back and do it again. We need to secure our borders now! We need to screen the people who are coming here. When our borders are weak, all kinds of bad people come in. We don't have the resources for our criminals and everyone else's.
McCain has absolutely zero credibility on this issue. He has no heart for it. He was checked by the American public the last time he tried to shove immigration reform down our throats. He wasn't converted though. Make no mistake. He is still terrible on this issue.
Within a few days, McCain has flip-flopped on this issue in order to pander to Super tuesday states, like California, where tonight, he was asked:
"At his point, if your original proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor, would you vote for it?"
MCCAIN: "It won't. It won't, that’s why we went thought the debate."
QUESTION: "But it did…"
MCCAIN: "No I would not because we know what the situation is today."
NBC'S TIM RUSSERT: "If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as President sign it?"
MCCAIN: "Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't – one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come."
Voters would come to a rational conclusion if they believed McCain will say and do anything to be the nominee. He has amptly demonstrated this in the past few days. I realize this issue has largely fell out of the limelight, but voters need to realize that nothing is getting fixed. And nothing will get fixed with McCain in the White House. He doesn't believe in it. And someone who is not a champion of a cause, will not be able to push a democratic legislature to get the job done. We need to fix this problem or it will continue to get worse and worse.
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McCain was bad tonight. REALLY bad. Mitt was golden. I would have liked to see him more aggressive but he certainly came off as classy and substantive to McCain's tired, bitter and dishonest. I saw a poll on Jonathan Martin's blog at Politico on who won the debate. This probably won't last, but Mitt currently has 100 percent of the vote.
Is this not making everyone crazy? I mean even if liberal Republicans knew what he was up to they’d flip out! That’s why they’re still Republicans!!! Why is this not being talked about? Also, Mitt should really talk about the founing fathers wanting decent, respected men coming from their communities and contributing what they could, then returning to their livelihoods and families. They never intended for men to be carrer politicians! It, as they said, leads to unholy alliances! (Mitt is a perfect example of this…)
Please pass the following around…
Take a listen to and a look at the interchange… Go to to hear John Kerry giving this interview.
John Kerry: “McCain Approached Me About Joining Dem Ticket in 2004”
“Talked to Tom Daschle about jumping the isle and becoming a Democrat”
Jonathan Singer: “On Monday afternoon I had the chance to speak with Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic Party’s nominee for President in 2004. During the interview, which covers a range of topics and which I will be posting later this afternoon, an item of particular interest jumped out at me: According to Sen. Kerry, it was John McCain’s staff who approached his campaign about potentially filling the Vice President slot on the Democratic ticket in 2004.”
Jonathan Singer: “There’s a story in The Hill, I think on Tuesday, by Bob Cusack on the front page of the paper talking about how John McCain’s people — John Weaver — had approached Tom Daschle and a New York Congressman, I don’t remember his name, about switching parties. And I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about what your discussions were with him in 2004, how far it went, who approached whom… if there was any “there” there.”
John Kerry: “I don’t know all the details of it. I know that Tom, from a conversation with him, was in conversation with a number of Republicans back then. It doesn’t surprise me completely because his people similarly approached me to engage in a discussion about his potentially being on the ticket as Vice President.”
Singer: “Okay. And just to confirm, you said it, but this is something they approached you rather than…”
Kerry: “Absolutely correct. John Weaver of his shop…” [JK answers phone]
For many Republicans, it has been bad enough that John McCain has voted and worked with Democrats against the majority of Republican Senators on a number of occasions in recent years. For Republicans, I would imagine that reports that he approached the Democrats about leaving the Senate GOP caucus in 2001 represent a borderline unpardonable offense. But it seems that reaching out to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to talk about running on that party’s ticket would be tantamount to the highest form of political treason to Republicans.
This story could hardly come at a worse time for McCain.
In 2007, Sen. McCain Suggested Setting Benchmarks In Iraq Which, If Not Met, Might Mean The End Of Our Mission In Iraq In January 2007, Sen. McCain Suggested Setting Benchmarks For Success In Iraq. "Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., one of the most stalwart supporters of the war in Iraq, said Thursday that he might propose that the Iraqi government meet certain benchmarks for the United States to continue its engagement. Fellow senators and independent political scientists said McCain's thinking reflected growing concerns within the Republican Party about the course of the war, and also might mark a turning point for the likely 2008 presidential contender, whose previous unconditional backing of the war may have hurt his prospects. McCain said Thursday that he hadn't yet decided on precise benchmarks. 'They'd have to be specific and they (the Iraqi government) would have to meet them.'" (Margaret Talev, "McCain Suggests Iraqi Government Meet Benchmarks," Knight Ridder, 1/25/07.)
Hey i,m'' Marisa Radford, and what I have to say is that I am so irritated with John Mc,cane he had no right to treat Mitt the way he did on the Ronald Reagen Republican debate tonight, i am vary proud of Mitt that he stood up to John, good for hem and i wish Mitt luck to be president of United States Of America.
why support AT&T when they are hurting the retirees. Our health cost has gone up, deductable over 2000.00, and benefits decreased. And Mitt supports them he should be looking at what the company did with the dollars that the old AT&T had put away for retirees.
From the results last night, there appears to be two distinct mistakes being made by supporters of John McCain. The first mistake is that voters have mistaken McCain for Gen. Petraeus. McCain is correct in identifying himself as one of the chief advocates for a change in military strategy. It is one thing, though, to have been an advocate for change and the actual accomplishment of it. It is not McCain that has been implementing strategic and tactical decisions. That post has been occupied by David Petraeus. To equate or conflate the two is to seriously misunderstand McCain’s role in the success in Iraq. McCain was an important voice, but that is all we can credit him for. McCain would have us not distinguish between the advisory role that he has played for the last 25 years in the Senate and the executives (Petraeus, Reagan, etc.) who have actually brought about the real changes McCain has only talked about.
The second mistake being made is the diminution of the role that the economy plays in our individual and national liberty. The principle and lasting accomplishment of Reagan’s tenure was a rethinking of the economy. Through the reorientation of the economy, Reagan was able to not only end the stagflation of the 1970’s, but was able to win the Cold War. It was through economic dominance that the United States beat the Soviets. It was not the result of superior battle strategies (given that there weren't any military engagements as such), but through prosperity brought about through a strong economy. Likewise, today our ability to defeat our foes (i.e. al Qaeda) abroad and compete with rivals (i.e. China) depends on the health of our economy. Reagan’s use of the economy to defeat the Soviets is one of the underappreciated truths of our time.
Milton Friedman’s book Capitalism and Freedom notes the relationship between a free and prosperous economy and individual freedom.
On the one hand, freedom in economic arrangements is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself. In the second place, economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom.
The first of these roles of economic freedom needs special emphasis because intellectuals in particular have a strong bias against regarding this aspect of freedom as important. They tend to express contempt for what they regard as material aspects of life, and to regard their own pursuit of allegedly higher values as on a different plane of significance and as deserving of special attention. For most citizens of the country, however, if not for the intellectual, the direct importance of economic freedom is at least comparable in significance to the indirect importance of economic freedom as a means to political freedom.
A citizen of the United States who under the laws of various states is not free to follow the occupation of his own choosing unless he can get a license for it, is likewise being deprived of an essential part of his freedom. So is the man who would like to exchange some of his goods with, say, a Swiss for a watch but is prevented from doing so by a quota. So also is the Californian who was thrown into jail for selling Alka Seltzer at a price below that set by the manufacturer under so-called "fair trade" laws. So also is the farmer who cannot grow the amount of wheat he wants. And so on. Clearly, economic freedom, in and of itself, is an extremely important part of total freedom.
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important because of their effect on the concentration or dispersion of power. The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive capitalism, also promotes political freedom because it separates economic power from political power and in this way enables the one to offset the other.
Thus, our economic freedom has a close relationship to our political freedom. Increasing regulation of our economic freedoms (McCain-Feingold, McCain-Lieberman) are essentially assaults on our political freedom. Our tax burden (votes against the Bush tax cuts) likewise limits our political freedom. These are not old positions that McCain has learned from, but are currently held positions where McCain seeks to limit our freedom. By doing so he diminishes our political freedom and our ability, as discussed above, to fight our foes and compete with our rivals.
When this is all done, let's start a conservative book club. Try to interest people to have a personal responsibility in things, saving monies for themselves, saving morals an principals for themselves. Talk about economic conservativism, not just fiscal conservativism...
I wish Mitt would just give Huckleberry a cool 1 million parting gift, So he would go back home to Ark and live comfortably with the 1200 felons he released early....
Than it would leave our party with A Mitt vs Mcamnesty one on one battle...At that point people may open their eyes and realize there is only one choice to represent the " true conservatives " among us.
The problem is too many people are voting on electibility instead of conservative principles.People are now starting to rationalize their reasons to support McCain rather than being objective about it. McCain has embraced the Rove doctrine that says the GOP needs X percent of the latino vote to win a presidential election so you therefore throw your party under the bus to win. Well guess what. That plan didn't work last summer and now Rove is retired because it backfired so bad.Unfortunately, we may not have 41 rock solid senators to block the idiocy next time around and we'll have 15 million psuedo citizens bilking the social welfare system to the tune of trillions. I don't know how anybody can trade this for electibility. Even Newt came out yesterday against McCain. I really don't know how much more evidence people need that he is not the right person for the party or country.
Since last evening I have been puzzling over the fact that McCain, after winning 36% of the votes in Florida, will get ALL 57 convention delegates and Mitt will get none, despite receiving 31% of the vote. I know that Florida is a "winner take all" state, a principle commented on by Bob Novak, who wrote of Mitt's loss in Florida and concluded where things go from here:
The winner-take-all method (by district or statewide) used by Republicans, in contrast to the Democrats' proportional representation, makes McCain a commanding favorite for the nomination.
Can someone please explain why "winner take all" can be considered to be a justifiable practice, even in a representative democracy? The method chosen by each state is of course a decision made by the various political parties, but I fail to see how the concept tracks with commonly accepted democratic principles. My undergraduate degree is in political science, but the practice still makes no sense to me.
Mike B.
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If I understand correctly FL went winner take all because of being stripped of delegates for moving its primary before Feb 5.
Before that the larger total was awarded proportional to vote or using congressional districts, I'm not sure which. However several other states next week are winner take all also.
"...Can someone please explain why "winner take all" can be considered to be a justifiable practice, even in a representative democracy?..."
I agree. Even if Mitt had come out with the win, I disagree with the practice. This isn't like the Dems saying Bush "stole" 2000 because of the electoral college and then "praying for Ohio" in 2004. McCain stole nothing, but I say it's time to change all winner-take-all states to proportional primaries.
mitt let MCCAIN push hes button don't let hem don't feed in to hem that what he want. stand tall hold your head up and talk to the common people let them know you care and want to make a difference in their life .that you care . let us know you are ready and able to lead a nation you can do it stand TALL WITH GOD AND FAITH YOU HAVE IT DON'T GET LOST IN THE BICKING THAT MAKE YOU LIKE THEM GO MITT
I agree. I think winner take all is undemocratic. The delegate count is supposed to represent the voice of the people, and in winner take all scenarios it just plain doesn't. The GOP needs to get a life and fix this problem asap.
winner take all means the Republican party will choose its candidate sooner than the Dems with representative delegate awarding because one candidate may be obviously ahead after only a few states whereas the Dems must wait until later states to see how the delegate count is swinging. This means the GOP can rally around their nominee and prepare for the general sooner than the Dems.
According to the Politico, Meet The Press tried to set up a one on one between Romney and McCain but McCain turned it down. That is twice McCain turned down a debate with Romney.
ala Hugh Hewitt. It's why Mitt is still in this. I do remember hearing that whoever won NH would win MI, that certainly didn't hold, and it was touted till election day. Things can change quickly. Mitt has a tough road in front of him, but he is the man for the challenge.
Next Tuesday the winner-take-all states that lean McCain are New York (101), Missouri (58), Arizona (53), New Jersey (52) Connecticut (30), and Delaware (18) for a total of 312 delegates. (Even though Missouri, another winner-take-all leans Huck right now, lets give its 58 delegates to McCain.)
Romney is favored in winner-take-all Utah (36) and Montana (25), for a total of 51 delegates.
Thus before the sorting takes place in the other states, McCain's got 409 delegates and Romney's got 126.
Huckabee will certainly get the 34 Arkansas delegates to go with his 29, for a total of 63.
States dividing delegates Tuesday on other-than-a-winner-take-all basis:
California 173 Georgia 72 Illinois 70 Tennessee 55 Alabama 48 Colorado 46 Massachusetts 41 Minnesota 40 Oklahoma 41 West Virginia 30 Alaska 29 North Dakota 26
Total 671
If these divide 40-40-20, McCain and Romney will add 269 delegates each, and Huck 133. But since we are going worst case for Romney, make it 50-30-20, or 336 for McCain, 201 for Romney, and 134 for Huck.
Total at the end of Super Tuesday without a major reversal of fortune for Romney:
McCain 745, Romney 327, and Huck 197.
It takes 1,191 delegates to secure the nomination. There are more than 900 delegates left to fight for after Super Tuesday.
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I actually expect Mitt to pick up some steam as he emerges as the only viable alternative to McCain. I expect the intelligent Huck supporters to break for Romney regardless of what Huck says or does. These are evangelicals...and they want a federal marriage amendment, which McCain doesn't offer.
Given how much McCain has turned his back on conservatives, I can't reasonably foresee him ever getting 50% of the republican vote...anywhere.
Anyone know the contact info for James Dobson. He has to see the impllication of having Mccain get the nomination. If he can come forward and endorse Romney, that may make a difference
I wish James Dobson would come out and endose Mitt. He has got to realize the implication of Mccain getting the nomination and how that affect the families. He may actually make a difference.
And if Huckabee has the American people's interest in mincd. he will drop out and endorse Mitt. People can get so blind.
It took a while for the conservative backlash to knock Huck off but he was eventuallly done in.Mitt's momentum is lagging about two weeks behind and he's just missing some wins.McCain is greatly benefitting from name ID as a he stays a hair in front of Mitt. Mitt's ID is rising but not quite fast enough to keep up. But here's an ironic twist. The MSM is gleeful to point out the demise of Rush's influnence but they are actually being a Rush multiplier by talking about it.There's people that know about Rush but don't listen to him. The media is happily announcing that Limbaugh doubts McCain's creds as a conservative.So the narrative is becoming "is McCain conservative enough" and "conservatives are supporting Mitt by a wide margin. The only question is are enough people hearing the anti= McCain message enough to go vote against him? The states coming up have a bigger issue with illegal immigration that some we've seen already so maybe that will help.But yeah Lapdog Huck is certianly hurting by staying in.64% voted against mcCain last night,that's a bright spot.
From Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic, via the Mitt Report:
"For Republicans, I'd say John McCain has a distinct edge in California, New York, New Jersey, Alabama, Massachusetts, Arizona, Connecticut and Tennessee. Mitt Romney has an edge in Utah, Maine, Montana, Alaska, West Virginia. Mike Huckabee used to be the governor of Arkansas. And Missouri is a toss."
I disagree right off the bat with Massachusetts going for McCain; the few polls I've heard have Romney way up. This is the first prediction I've heard about Maine, Alaska, and West Virginia.
Hey Guys I already post one but its Marisa Radford once again anyhow as I said I am so happy that Mitt stood up to Mc.cane John was such a bad out of line cocky, rude and so immature, i was so irritated with hem when he started to laugh at Mitt, i do not understand why John acts that way he is so full of it, he needs to nock it off, but anyway i wish Mitt luck to be president, anyhow take care everyone
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