posted by Anonymous | 10:34 PM |
Okay, sorry to yell. But I live in California. I have to deal with a lot of the problems caused by illegal immigration on a daily basis. Criminals who come here and commit horrific crimes. We send them back and they come back and do it again. We need to secure our borders now! We need to screen the people who are coming here. When our borders are weak, all kinds of bad people come in. We don't have the resources for our criminals and everyone else's.
Governor Schwarzenegger is
proposing letting tens of thousands of inmates out of Caliornia Prisons in order to meet a budget gap (
Yes, the same Governor who apologized for being a Republican). The same guy who is
gushing over McCain.
The King of RINO's.
McCain has absolutely zero credibility on this issue. He has no heart for it. He was checked by the American public the last time he tried to shove immigration reform down our throats. He wasn't converted though. Make no mistake. He is still terrible on this issue.
Within a few days, McCain has flip-flopped on this issue in order to pander to Super tuesday states, like California, where tonight, he was asked:
"At his point, if your original proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor, would you vote for it?"
MCCAIN: "It won't. It won't, that’s why we went thought the debate."
QUESTION: "But it did…"
MCCAIN: "No I would not because we know what the situation is today."
Just a few days ago, McCain sang a different tune on NBC's Meet the Press:
NBC'S TIM RUSSERT: "If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as President sign it?"
MCCAIN: "Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't – one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come."
Voters would come to a rational conclusion if they believed McCain will say and do anything to be the nominee. He has amptly demonstrated this in the past few days. I realize this issue has largely fell out of the limelight, but voters need to realize that nothing is getting fixed. And nothing will get fixed with McCain in the White House.
He doesn't believe in it. And someone who is not a champion of a cause, will not be able to push a democratic legislature to get the job done. We need to fix this problem or it will continue to get worse and worse.
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