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Saturday, September 29, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:10 PM | permalink
Big thanks for Kelly H. who sends us this link from covering the event in Salt Lake City yesterday:

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Thanks for the slide show! Wish I could have been there.

The last 20 seconds of that video gave me goosebumps. I hope that Ann makes this an issue in the very near future.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 8:05 PM | permalink
I find it interesting that Rudy would invoke the Bible in defending his personal life. It seems both oddly and blatantly opportunistic. Had it been Sam Brownback or Mike Huckabee it would seem natural, but for's just say the shoe doesn't fit.

For a more in depth take on the Rudy's use of scripture, check out
Nancy French's treatment over at Evangelicals for Mitt.

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posted by Justin Hart | 1:56 PM | permalink
I'm not sure who coined the word "bleg" it means begging for something for the blog essentially.

So... I am "blegging" for some pictures from yesterday's SLC event.

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I have some I'd share... but none of your e-mails seem to be posted. So, drop me a line.

I saw one as part of a CNN story ( about end-of-the-quarter fundraising totals. It appears from the story that Fred only raised $7 million.

A brand-new YouTube for Mitt is here:

It's sweet! Check it out.

Great video - very inspiring.
Well ... Mitt is.
Thanks for the heads up, Nealie!

posted by Justin Hart | 6:14 AM | permalink
Lost in the excitement of this last week's fundraising efforts were some of the "Ask Mitt Anything" stops he made. David Brody, the respected reporter from CBN, filed this report on Thursday.

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Sure 'nuff is RRRESSSONNNATTTINGGG loud and clear.

Friday, September 28, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 8:49 PM | permalink
Boy I wish I got paid for this job! But alas... we get paid in other ways, in ways that really count. Like the countless emails, tips, insights and pleadings that we get from you our readers.

Then there are times when you overwhelm and surprise us. Like yesterday... when you helped raise over $4000 for the campaign just through this site. As a reward, we give you the new

Over the weekend we will be rolling out all of the new features of In our opinion, less is more. Blogs can get so busy sometimes with countless links to obscure indexes... we aimed to simplify things in a dramatic way. We have revamped our comments sections and focused our energy on bringing you the best information and interactive tools to help you help Mitt win this election.

Stay tuned! More to come soon.

Oh, and thanks! You've made MyManMitt one of the top sites supporting Governor Romney's march to the nomination.


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The new layout looks great! Way to go!

I love the new look! And once again, congratulations (to us) on raising the money yesterday!

The "Show/Hide" feature is great because you don't get distracted by thousands of comments that sometimes appear for strange reasons on certain posts. On the other hand, you can check out the comments pretty instantly. Very cool Justin.

not only that, but I can finally read the comments section without straining or tilting my laptop screen waaaay back. Very nice.

I agree with iz.

It's great being able to read the comments.

Nice job, guys!

Great job guys. You have the best Romney blog by far. No offense to the people over at electromneyin2008, but this site has the best layout.

I like the new site.

posted by Anonymous | 3:27 PM | permalink

I was at the Rally for Romney in Irvine, California, last night calling everyone I know to persuade them to give money to Mitt for his election campaign. Ann imitates the Mitt bobblehead dolls in this video. What was amazing is how many people were willing to donate something, without convincing because they have heard good things about him.

Vic Lundquist has a great write-up with photos at Elect Romney in 2008 (although he didn't take a photo of me, so, I remain anonymous. Oh wait, Justin is adding photos to the new design. Darnet!).

Also, catch the NPR segment "Romney on the Road" taped in California.


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Nice work, Justin! Looks great!

I really like the option to show comments if you wish. Keeps the blog moving from post to post.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 7:03 AM | permalink

The big Rally for Romney starts tonight with fundraisers all over the country. It's not too late to join up and get with the rally nearest you!.

Later this morning we will be bringing down our traditional webpage for today's events to help rally the troops.

If you can't be there in person consider a contribution: 10 or 25 dollars can go a long way.

Click here to donate.


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This is a comment that I am testing

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:09 PM | permalink

(Associated Press/Bill Sikes)

Tell me if you've heard this one: 7 men and a woman walk into a bar...


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posted by Aaron Gulbransen | 1:00 AM | permalink

“Sometimes, I wonder what it’s gonna take, to find dignity.” –Bob Dylan

Dignity. What does dignity mean to you? The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines dignity as:

  1. “The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect."
  2. "Inherent nobility and worth: the dignity of honest labor."

    1. "Poise and self-respect."
    2. "Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance."
  3. "The respect and honor associated with an important position."
  4. "A high office or rank."
  5. "Archaic A dignitary.”

Presidential. How do you define presidential? The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines presidential as:

    1. "Of or relating to a president or the presidency."
    2. "Befitting a president, especially the office of the President of the United States: criticized the candidate for not looking presidential."
  1. "Of or relating to a political system in which the chief officer is a president who is elected independently of the legislature for a fixed term: a presidential government."

Based on those definitions, or whatever the terms dignity and presidential happen to mean to you personally, do you think that this or this

meets either standard? Or have we collectively become a movement in which it is not necessary for our presidential candidate to be dignified or presidential?

Much has been made of the fact that Ronald Reagan held the dignity of the office of the Presidency in such high esteem. In fact, the man respected it so much that he refused to take off his suit coat in the in the Oval Office. Conversely, Bill Clinton obviously did not care about the dignity of his office, as evidenced by his personal actions and was condemned for it by our party faithful. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t that what we on the Right considered his cardinal sin? In addition to his legal wrongs and incorrect policy decisions, we took extreme issue with the fact that the man threw away the dignity of the Presidency and of the United States of America with his conduct.

As Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani engaged in the above referenced behavior for the sake of simple humor while sacrificing his dignity. Those are not the only instances of behavior on his part, and neither is he the only candidate that is known to have behaved in an undignified manner.

Do we as a country, or as Republicans or Conservatives, want to sacrifice our dignity yet again? Or do we want a candidate that will unquestionably uphold the dignity of the party, of the office he holds, and of the United States of America?

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Mitt Romney - now that man exudes dignity!

Mitt Romney 2008!

Can we get these three videos permanently emblazoned on the front page of the site? :)

I'm only partially kidding...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:22 PM | permalink
Near the end of my second year finals this last spring, I read the recently released D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals case of Parker v. District of Columbia. My Constitutional Law class hadn’t covered the second amendment and so it was intriguing to me. Judge Silberman does an extensive treatment of the text of the 2nd Amendment, parsing through its tangle of clauses. Notably there is little Supreme Court precedent on the subject. Judge Silberman concludes:

[T]he Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. That right existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution and was premised on the private use of arms for activities such as hunting and self-defense, the latter being understood as resistance to either private lawlessness or the depredations of a tyrannical government (or a threat from abroad).
Parker v. District of Columbia, 478 F.3d 370, 395 (D.C. Cir. 2007). In Rudy’s speech to the NRA (as reported by Marc Ambinder), Rudy refers to Parker v. District of Columbia as a source of persuasion in finding more utility for an individual right to bear arms. Yet, Rudy does some subtle hedging on his conversion:
"Your right to bear arms is based on a reasonable degree of safety," he said.

He indicated that he would oppose new efforts to tighten national gun laws.

"I believe that law enforcement should focus on enforcing the laws that exist on the books as opposed to passing new extensions of laws," he said.
Rudy concludes that the right to bear arms is, interestingly enough, not based on a constitutional provision, but on a reasonable degree of safety. When you think about it, that’s a pretty remarkable shift. Not based on independent (and constitutional) principles, Rudy believes that your right to bear arms is relative to your safety. That’s like saying your right to free speech is relative to your viewpoint.

Rudy also references that he would oppose any new laws restricting gun ownership, not because those laws are wrong, but because there are enough laws on the books as it is. Is this really a rationale that we are comfortable with? Nor does Rudy say that he would deregulate guns in anyway. Indeed, Rudy’s stance has not truly changed, but he has reframed his issues around policy judgments like safety and enforceability, not constitutional principles, making gun-owner rights still relative to his judgments.

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posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:55 AM | permalink
Mitt's op-ed over at NRO about Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
The world is looking to our leaders to meet the challenge of a rogue nation, bent on obtaining nuclear weapons. Failure to do so would diminish the legacy of those who fought and died in World War II and of all victims of genocide and terror. We are long past the time for political correctness and accommodation of Ahmadinejad’s outrageous rhetoric. It is time to speak clearly and frankly, to strengthen alliances and build new ones, and to act with unity and decisiveness against a ruler who threatens to reintroduced the world to the horrors of nuclear devastation and holocaust.


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posted by SteveT | 10:05 AM | permalink
Is Fred Thompson running against himself?

In the last few weeks, Fred Thompson has been making some appearances around the country trying to sell himself as some kind of conservative firebrand. In the process he seems to be tripping over his own voting record. Let’s look at some specific issues.

No Child Left Behind Act

Now (Washington Post):
Thompson told a crowd in Jacksonville that Bush's signature education program isn't working and that he would provide federal education money with fewer strings attached.

"We've been spending increasing amounts of federal money for decades, with increasing rules, increasing mandates, increasing regulations," Thompson said. "It's not working."

He added that there are problems with Bush's No Child Left Behind program, which requires annual testing and punishes schools that don't make progress.

Then (National Review Article):

December 18, 2001

Thompson Praises Final Passage of Education Bill
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) today voted for final passage of The Leave No Child Behind Act, legislation based on President Bush's education reform proposal.

"The Leave No Child Behind Act sets an important new direction for federal education policy," Thompson said. "The combination of flexibility, accountability, and choice provided by the Act is a significant step towards ensuring that all of our students receive a quality education.

Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage

From The Washington Post:

When he says he would have opposed adding the prescription drug benefit to Medicare, "a $17 trillion add-on to a program that's going bankrupt," he is fighting the bipartisan judgment of the last Congress.
There is only one problem with this, Fred has voted for a prescription drug benefit in the past, specifically 2001 (

Voted YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit.
Vote to pass an amendment that would make up to $300 billion available for a Medicare prescription drug benefit for 2002 through 2011. The money would come from the budget's contingency fund. The amendment would also require a Medicare overhaul.
Reference: Bill H Con Res 83 ; vote number 2001-65 on Apr 3, 2001

So he voted for the $300 billion dollar drug benefit in 2001, but would have voted against the estimated $395 billion dollar package in 2003. Is there anything outside of his new found presidential ambition that would cause him to change his mind?

Global Warming

Just to add one last example of where Fred Thompson seems to be saying one thing to conservative audiences and then something else to other people, is the issue of Global Warming.

From his columns and speeches, we get this (Washington Post):

Thompson seems to have taken particular pleasure in mocking global warming.

"It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto. . . . This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle," he wrote.

... Scientists who insist that global warming is ruining nature, he said, are like those true believers four centuries ago who insisted that the Earth is flat. "Ask Galileo," he said.

Except this is what he told some voters earlier this month in New Hampshire (from the Manchester Union Leader):
…a couple of young environmentalists asked him very well-rehearsed questions about global warming…He told the global warming guys that climate change was real and that the United States needed to address it. He mentioned working with other nations to find solutions, but he had no specific agenda. (Afterwards, the activists said they were not satisfied with his answer.)

What can we take from this? Will Fred Thompson fight the environmentalists tooth and nail or will he be the next to sign a new version of Kyoto?

So which is the real Fred? The guy who in speeches to conservative audiences and news columns appears to be very conservative or the far more moderate senator?

From previous shifts on Immigration, Abortion, McCain-Feingold and now No Child Left Behind, Prescription Drugs and Global Warming, Fred seems to be running from his past. The interesting thing is that much of this stems from his voting record, not just past statements on the issues.

With a growing list of position changes, Fred has some explaining to do. In the end, one can conclude that Fred Thompson is no more the candidate of consistency than any of the others.


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posted by Justin Hart | 7:47 AM | permalink
Note: Justin Hart is the founder of and serves as an unpaid advisor to the Mitt Romney campaign on the Faith and Values Committee

Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that Texas Congresswoman Kay Granger has endorsed his candidacy for President of the United States. Congresswoman Granger will serve as National Co-Chair of the Women for Mitt coalition and will be a campaign surrogate to help communicate Governor Romney's message of conservative change in Washington.

"I am proud to have the endorsement of Congresswoman Granger," Governor Romney said today. "She has extensive leadership experience and a comprehensive understanding of the new generation of challenges confronting our nation. She will be a powerful surrogate for our message of making our country stronger by bolstering our national defense, controlling government spending and strengthening the American economy. I look forward to her counsel and guidance as the campaign moves forward."

Joining Romney for President, Congresswoman Granger said, "Governor Romney is a proven leader and natural problem solver. He has demonstrated the ability to turn problems into successes. As Americans, we need his leadership in Washington. He is the only candidate to demonstrate that he has a strategy to make America stronger by returning to our core conservative principles that have made this country so great. I am proud to join his campaign."

Background On Congresswoman Kay Granger:

Kay Granger Is The Former Mayor Of Fort Worth, Texas And Is Currently The Highest Ranking Republican Woman In The House Of Representatives. In November 2006, she was elected to the Republican House leadership for the 110th Congress, serving as vice chair of the Republican Conference. She is co-chair of the Iraqi Women's Caucus. Granger sits on the Appropriations Committee and serves on the Energy and Water Development, Homeland Security and Military Construction/Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittees. Granger co-chairs the Anti-Terrorism Caucus and serves as a deputy whip. Today, she is considered one of the House of Representatives' leading defense experts.


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posted by Justin Hart | 6:24 AM | permalink
The Romney campaign has raised the bar again by lowering the hurdles to become a fundraiser.

In every campaign I’ve helped on, the politician has relied on professional fundraisers and personal friends to bring in the dough. From day one of the campaign the Romney camp threw the typical playbook out the door and tapped into the energy of everyday supporters to demonstrate their own fundraising prowess.

Now comes “Rally for Romney“, a cross-country slate of events in over 45 major cities. The idea is to get people to recruit “captains” of fundraising teams that can raise $1000 each. To date, the barrier to entrance has been at least $3000.

This Thursday is the day. We will revamp the homepage, per usual, come Thursday. Stay tuned... but for now... go sign up!

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Monday, September 24, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 12:51 PM | permalink
... then why did they blacken out the podium and the backdrop?

See these heavily-branded events from the same Columbia U. World Leader Forum:

Dr. Ivo Sanader, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia,

Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia


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They didn't blacken out the podium. They blackened out the lectern. The podium is the thing that the speaker and the lectern are standing on.

Hmm, maybe it was just a color coordination thing.

You know, black hair, black backdrop. Grey suit, grey podium.

Does Columbia have a School of Fashion & Design? Maybe this was an interdisciplinary event!

Either that or they had second thoughts about the university name being permanently associated with the largest state sponsor of Islamic terrorism. But why should a bunch of leftist academics care about something like that!

Nah, definitely has to be a fashion thing.

TO: Justin Hart, et al.
RE: Could We... it...

Columbia does 'black face'?



Divestment from Columbia is the best response. Universities have to be reined in and hitting them in the pocket book is the only thing that will work.

Excellent point.

Will anyone in the MSM question this?


Is it too much to ask the leader of a nation to don a tie? What is it casual Monday over at Columbia?

eh, most likely the "death to America/ death to Israel" banners got delayed at the print shop.

I agree with Mitt that all people from Iran in this country should be arrested and put in camps. We cannot have enemies here in the United States and it is a pity that Guantanamo is not big enough. We should create camps in other countries like Russia and Germany to put them.

Ties are a Western device to be eschewed by all good Persians.

It was done on Ahmadinejad's request. Black is part of he shtick. It goes along with world dominance, oppression of freedom, and authoritarianism.

Kyle, Ahmadinejad won't wear a tie because it's cross-shaped.

Those are different rooms. Ahmadinejad was in Roone Arledge Auditorium at Lerner Hall. Your other pictures are from Miller Theater (Morales) and Low Library (Sanader). Sometimes Columbia has branded Roone Arledge, as when their own professor Stiglitz spoke on globalization, and sometimes not, as when India's PM Vajpayee spoke.

I recommend caution in merely pulling pictures from the internet without actually knowing where those picture were taken on campus, and when.

If I recall correctly ties fell out of fashion after the revolution, considered symbols of western ideals:

isn't it possible that Ahmadinejad requested that for his own propaganda purposes?

Anonymous said...

isn't it possible that Ahmadinejad requested that for his own propaganda purposes?

How does that change anything? Who's running the show.. if that were the case it would only change the evidence that Columbia knuckled, not the end result.

If this is part of a school speaker program, the invitee has the option of accepting or not.

Suppose you invited a notorious celeb to your house for a small party, would you allow him to then dictate the decor and the guest list?

And if you did, what would that make you?

3 different microphones 3 different podia... I'm thinking these photos were from different rooms.

You know they might have needed a bigger room given all the buzz.

This sort of perfidy is a commonplace at Columbia. Please follow the link below for more evidence of their sinister intent:

Neither PM Vajpayee's appearance nor Curley's were made as part of the World Leaders Forum.

Every photo and video I've seen from the Columbia site involving that event was branded - save for Ahmadinejad's.

It doesn't matter that the photos on this site aren't from Lerner Hall. They're just evidence of the branding involved with the event. Every previous speaker at the World Leaders Forum in Lerner Hall or in any other hall or auditorium at Columbia spoke at a lectern with a WLF and/or Columbia logo or in front of a drape with the WLF lettering on it.

Except for Ahmadinejad

posted by Justin Hart | 9:54 AM | permalink

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Sunday, September 23, 2007
posted by jason | 1:24 PM | permalink
The Mackinac Republican Leadership conference is over, and there are some notable moments to consider. While generally speaking, meetings like this are gone and forgotten, I think this weekend we saw some very symbolic types cast.


Prior to his speech the man from Tennessee was enjoying near Rock Star status, according to Robert Bluey. In a post at Restate titled “Fred Thompson: The Other Rock Star in Michigan” Bluey had this to say:

I've run into Fred Thompson twice today at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference and I'm about to see him a third time as he addresses attendees during dinner.

My first encounter came early this afternoon in the lobby of the Grand Hotel when a pack of supporters surrounded him in hopes of scoring an autograph or a photo. Then later this afternoon, I attended a brief press conference, where about a dozen cameramen and even more reporters asked him about the importance of Michigan in presidential politics, the state's economy, and his views on campaign-finance reform.

After the speech Bluey reported this:

My high expectations for Fred Thompson were met with bitter disappointment tonight after listening to a boring and uninspiring speech that was more appropriate for someone running for president of the Rotary Club rather than president of the United States.

Thompson's address to the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had the potential to top Rudy Giuliani's moving speech last night. Instead, things went bad right from the start. Moments before Thompson took the stage, Rep. Tim Walberg gave a quick speech blaming last year's GOP losses on Republicans who had fallen asleep. It gave Thompson a punch line; he told the audience that he hoped that he wouldn't put them to sleep. Then he did just that. It was like watching Bob Dole -- without the Viagra.

Bluey wasn’t the only one bored to tears, let’s read what Martin has to say.

The "Law & Order" star gave a listless version of his stump speech to a packed dinner crowd last night that failed to meet the considerable anticipation many Michiganders had for him going in. It was Thompson's debut in a state that will now likely vote third in the GOP contest next year, and few came away impresssed. Trying to be as charitable as possible in describing Thompson's performance, Michigan Republican Chairman Saul Anuzis said in a chat with reporters this morning that "It appeared that it was a very off-the-cuff speech."

What Bluey finds surprising, most Thompson critics would label “Vintage Fred.”


Rudy, on the other hand, delivered what some referred to as “Red Meat.”

In remarks last night, the New Yorker summed up his philosophy of smaller government, lower taxes, and less regulation, hit hard at what he called "Islamo-Fascism," ripped into Democrats who won't condemn's attacks on General Petraeus, and invoked the names of Ronald Reagan, Lady Margaret Thatcher, and French President Nicholas Sarkozy (who, Giuliani said, he admires so much that he "has started to drink French wine again.").

It was a good speech for Rudy.


Romney’s many years of experience finding problems and fixing them came into play yesterday. While Romney very easily could have spoke about Islamo-Fascists and those nasty Dems, but Romney has spent time studying the issues facing the party and rolled them out in what was a probably for some in the party, a bitter pill.

Justin already covered Romney’s speech, so I will leave it to him, but suffice it to say, there is no candidate who has the room fo this platform. No candidate has claim to solving complex problems, turning around troubled organizations and governments, and an impeccable sense of integrity.

Romney has placed his bets. The question I have is, is there anyone who thinks that cleaning up the party is not necessary?

With Rudy we will get a candidate who understands the GWOT. With Romney we will get a candidate who will speak to the independent disgused with the GOP. If Republicans fail to recognize he need to clean house we will keep loosing 2006 style. If we can get our act together, we will be victorious.
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Thompson serves ocra?

He suck the life out of every room he enters. He's probably a good man, but I don't want him as our next president.

posted by Justin Hart | 11:50 AM | permalink
Yesterday at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan, Romney continued his full court press on the internal change that's needed across the GOP ranks:
"I believe that we are at an inflection point today. Forces of globalization, the emergence of new economic powerhouses like China and India, and the spread of radical violent Jihad have created a perfect storm that will change the course of our nation. And, we face unprecedented challenges in securing our borders, protecting the family, creating new jobs and achieving energy security.

"The people of this great nation have always taken a hand in shaping our own destiny. I believe the American people will rise to the occasion once again, as we have always done before. But at this critical time in our nation's history, Washington is failing us.

"I think we'd have to admit that the blame doesn't all belong to the Democrats. We Republicans have to put our own house in order. We can't be like Democrats – a party of big spenders. We can't pretend our borders are secure from illegal immigration. We can't have ethical standards that are a punch line for Jay Leno. When Republicans act like Democrats, America loses.

"We've got to start acting like Republicans, not earmarking Republicans, not big government Republicans, but like Reagan Republicans and Teddy Roosevelt Republicans. They led us along the right course.

"It's time for us to show the confidence my Dad had that right will always prevail.

"It's time for change in Washington and change begins with us.

This is almost word for word like the news ads he has run and the recent commercial "Change".

The reaction to this has been mixed. Here's Powerline's Hinderrocker:
I don't find the ad particularly controversial; certainly its sentiments will resonate with most Republican primary voters. But will it make a difference in Romney's position in the Presidential race?

Politico's Martin notes the uneasiness on this discussion:
The tepid response to Romney's message of change reflects the mood many Republicans here and across the country share. While recognizing the failures (real and perceived) of President Bush and congressional Republicans, they're not ready to explicitly rebuke their own. And hearing the chief rhetorical staple of the Democratic candidates -- "change" -- from one of their own White House contenders can be disconcerting or at least cause uncertainty about how to respond. In any case, it prompted a much less enthusiastic response than Giuliani got here last night for his red meat attacks on Democrats and particularly Hillary Clinton.

But Romney and his campaign clearly recognize the political necessity to move away from a party brand that, thanks to the incumbent president and congressional scandal, is at a historically low ebb.

Notice, even as a "Romneybot" I can still call it as it is. This is a risky maneuver that could potentially be costly... but I think it is the right move.

Yes, it hurts and its not easy but it is needed. With approval rates plummeting, congressional fiascoes and lack of leadership all too evident, former GOP fundraiser jumping ship, etc... We need to take a good hard look at ourselves and figure out what is going on.


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posted by SteveT | 11:43 AM | permalink
Are you basing who you support today on who is the most electable according to national polls?

If you are, perhaps a little electoral history might help you to reconsider –

Kathyrn Lopez at National Review Online helps bring a little reality into the situation:

January 10, 1980 Gallup Poll

Carter 63%
Reagan 32%

There is also an interesting quote from that time that sounds so eerily similar to what we hear today from so many,

“Republican candidate John Anderson, a dark horse, said the other day that if the Republicans nominate Mr. Reagan it's political suicide. He's right. Most polls show that, going head-to-head against Mr. Carter, Mr. Reagan would lose by 2-1. The former California governor would be the Barry Goldwater of 1980.”

Just in case you missed it here are the results of that election:

November 1980 Presidential Vote

Reagan 50.7%
Carter 41.0%
Anderson 6.6%

In my lifetime, I can recount many instances where early national polling has shown itself to be less than useful. In the summer and fall of 1991, George H. W. Bush was leading all Democrats by 20 points or more. The pundits all saw Bush cruising to reelection the following year. Obviously, Bush’s second term never arrived.

In 1995, US Senator Robert Dole continuously led President Clinton in head to head matchups. Throughout that year we were subjected to arguments from Dole supporters, “Bob Dole can beat Clinton. Let’s win this thing!” Even as late as January of 1996, one poll had him ahead by several points. Of course, Dole lost that race by about 8 percent that November.

When, in 1999 the Presidential race was heating up, many saw George W. Bush as the only hope. He led the polls over Al Gore all year and even had a substantial lead in the summer of 2000. As almost all of us now know, he won that race by perhaps the smallest margin possible. Perhaps a less well known, but stronger candidate might have been able to win a clear victory against the hapless Al Gore?

Even polling a few months out can be less than valuable. In August 1988, Mike Dukakis was leading George H. W. Bush by 17 points in one poll. Of course Bush went on to win that race by 8 percent.

As national polling measures little more than name recognition at this point in the game, it is important to look at other indicators to gage electablity. When the decision comes down to who I support, current head to head poll numbers do not factor in. I look for someone who has shown proven leadership, projects optimism, fights for things that I believe in, and can unite the party. In my view, the one candidate that matches all of the criteria is Mitt Romney.

Link to Lopez article:

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posted by Myclob | 9:09 AM | permalink

September 23, 2007


Mackinac Island, MI-

Gov Mitt Romney won the Michigan Republican Leadership Conference straw poll, receiving 39 % of the 979 votes cast.

Sen. John McCain came in second with 27%, followed by Rep. Ron Paul with 10.8%.

The straw poll, sponsored by the Hotline, was held this Friday and Saturday on Mackinac Island.

Frmr New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was close behind Paul, taking 10.62%. Frmr Sen. Fred Thompson took 7%. All five spoke before conference attendees this weekend, as did Rep. Duncan Hunter, who took 1% of the vote. Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback were scheduled to appear, but cancelled on Friday.

The Michigan Republican party unofficially certified the straw poll results.

Only conference registrants who were Michigan residents were eligible to vote.

FInal results are below:

S. Brownback 3 .31%
Rudy Giuliani 104 10.62%
M. Huckabee 25 2.55%
D. Hunter 12 1.23%
J. McCain 260 26.56%
R. Paul 106 10.83%
M. Romney 383 39.12%
T. Tancredo 0
F. Thompson 70 7.15%
Uncomm 16 1.63%

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