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Friday, August 1, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 8:24 PM | permalink
As many Romney supporters follow the legal happenings related to traditional marriage, I thought I would point out this blog: California Marriage Defense. The California Supremes recently overturned state law and found a heretofore unknown right for any type of relationship between humans to be endorsed by the state through marriage. Voters in CA will have the opportunity to amend the Constitution on the matter in November. A fellow Mitt blogger started up the blog on the subject. Check it out. If you believe in the cause of traditional marriage, go to Protect Marriage and give a donation. If you don't believe in the cause, then you can yell at us at California Marriage Defense.
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Off topic, but a good YouTube.

HYPE: The Obama Effect

The official Movie Trailer for Citizens United's upcoming feature length documentary on Barack Obama.

As the title suggests, Barack is all hype!

Thursday, July 31, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 8:23 PM | permalink
I hadn't read much about Sarah Palin, so this was an interesting place to start. Some people think she is a major contender.
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I really like Sarah Palin, and I especially admire her for being so outspoken about drilling in ANWAR. She'd be a very smart choice for McCain's ticket and I'd be happy to vote for it come November. As much as I love Romney, I'd much rather see him as president in 4/8/12 years than to risk his political career on McCain's ticket.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 1, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

Not looking good for Sarah anymore.

Check out this WSJ article (thanks to Committed to Romney site). The article has details about the probe she is now up against: still predicting Romney as VP? Sure hope he gets the ticket!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 1, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

Sarah is my second favorite pick behind Mitt. She could really excite the base.She's a tough gal that could project as president one day.The Dems in Alaska are trying to smear her to take her out of the running.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 5, 2008 at 3:16 AM  

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