CPAC went well for Romney. The question can be asked, does this mean much for Mitt. Obviously I think it does. Here are 7 areas I think Romney stands to gain from his solid showing this weekend:
1. His speech shows he can speak and win over skeptics. He clearly did that. I read several stories of former skeptics now leaning to him. KLO herself had grown skeptical to a certain degree, and she swung herself back. From what I understand he impressed the bloggers at Bloggers row for visiting ad taking questions.
2. He got huge press out of this. I don’t know if it will translate into the polls, but it gives him momentum. Right now the CPAC straw poll results are on Drudge and WaPo.
3. Like it or not, McCain has had a crappy weekend. I know it’s not nice to say his campaign is over (and I don’t think it is) but several people (Erick and Dick Morris) have begun to talk that way. McCain is worse off today than he was last Saturday. There is something symbolic for conservatives to see him announce on Letterman and diss CPAC within a day of each other. McCain supporters may not like that or think it’s unfair, but unfortunately it’s already out there.
4. CPAC will help Romney woo potential staffers, endorsements and bring in more needed cash. It definitely doesn’t hurt.
5. Romney’s campaign pledges to veto spending and fight McCain-Feingold are terrific promises which will win him votes, and the latter can’t help McCain.
6. Brownback and Huckabee, the anti-Romney candidates, will no doubt begin rethinking their campaigns. They are running nearly totally on being the anti-Romney and this weekend they learned it doesn’t quite work with the base.
7. The biggest thing to learn from Giuliani’s speech, is he can quote Reagan and sound good doing it. It doesn’t hurt, but in the end he won’t last long skating around social conservatives. Remember most of the straw poll votes were cast before he spoke I don’t think his speech really helped Giuliani’s numbers.
I don't know what this will translate to over the next coming weeks. I will venture to guess it will give steam to the Romney train and get his name out there as one of the favored conservatives.
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So could you clarify, votes were cast before folks heard Romney speak? If so, then the numbers were lower than they woulda been. 'Cause that was a rippin' speech. That's encouraging.
Are you kidding me? You guys got your asses kicked. You had 225 volunteers there, which means when you crunch the straw poll results, you guys only got roughly a little over 100 others to support Romney. Look how well the Brownback campaign did. You guys spent $350k, the Brownback campaign bought 5 registrations and booth. You got your asses KICKED!
I think that Browback is the one running a 100% Romney campaign which is totally stupid. You have to build a coalition to win. It is so easy to get burned if that is the unifying theme of your campaign.
While Huckabee may take advantage of the theoligical uncomfort of some voters with Romney, I don't think that is the unifying theme of his campaign. It would be stupid because you can never be a 1st tier candidate running that way.
So you're not allowed to provide transport to supporters for CPAC? That dirty rascal Romney! Or maybe other candidates couldn't drum up the folks to bus? I get the feeling that Giuliani, besides smelling suspiciously like a liberal, is riding the wave of popularity but hasn't done the foot work to keep the wave a-rollin'. Romney, on the other hand, is like a soldier. Everyday he's out there, laying the groundwork. It would defy the laws of nature if he didn't continue to rise in the polls, in spite of MSM hit jobs and prejudiced conservatives witholding a vote for the most qualified choice. What I'm saying is, I don't think CPAC was a fluke for Romney. We shall see. . shant we. . .
This Message Is For You MiTT. It Time To Take The Gloves Off! I Want You To Ask John Mccain On TV About The Keating Five And How He Neal BUSH John Glen SEN Alan Cranston John Keating Stole 350 Million Dollars From The Savings And Loan In Colorado! And Also How He Was Able To Avoid PRISON! Take Care And Good Luck Michael Pepperdine
Well it has begun. Romney has a great showing at CPAC (wins straw poll, kills Rudy in a speech showdown) and we already have people crying over it. Where I blog at already has people in the comments sections crying (link.)
Liz A. Mair is just realizing she has been laying down on the wrong set of tracks, and is trying to save face.
I posted on Romney killing the competition in the GOP insiders poll at only to see people cry and whine on that one too.
People, get used to it.
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Think about debates between Romney and Hillary or Obama. He would obliterate them both with ease.
Now, think about a debate betweeen Rudy and the Dems. There would be no debate because they believe the same things. Rudy is one of them, Mitt is one of US!
The New York Times is reporting that Mitt Romney hit a homerun with his speech at CPAC whereas Giuliani left the attendees a bit lukewarm.
Mr. Giuliani arrived to a rousing reception, but the room grew silent and restless as Mr. Giuliani wandered through a speech that lasted 40 minutes. By contrast, Mr. Romney arrived to a much more subdued reception but left to rousing applause.
“The governor knocked this speech out of the park,” said Paloma A. Zepeda, a marketing consultant and conservative blogger who said she came into the room with “serious doubts” about Mr. Romney, and left saying she was leaning toward supporting him. By contrast, she said, Mr. Giuliani “took a risk by coming to C.P.A.C., and he managed to not allay a single conservative fear about a Giuliani candidacy.”
I've been privileged to receive an advance copy of "A Mormon in the White House? 10 Things Every American Should Know about Mitt Romney", Hugh Hewitt's new book on Governor Romney. I've promised Hugh not to post any reviews or details until the publication date but that doesn't mean you can't order it now!
I will give you this. If you are a Mitt Romney fan this book will be a great please for you to read. If you are not a Romney fan this book gives you a very honest and open look at Mitt and his potential to take the White House in 2008. In short. I highly recommend it.
On a different note, Romney's speech was very well received. He is a great orator. I am eager to see the results of the straw poll at the end of the conference.
Yeah, I was surprised to wander into my local bookstore today and see copies of a Mormon in the Whitehouse. claims its release date is March 12th. Strange. Strong book, though Hugh might want to figure out why they're selling it early.
I know this poll and some commentary were posted already . . . but I've done a little more digging into the data and found some great things for Romney . . . thought I'd share them here.
We all know that Romney is starting his slow rise in the national polls (which are 96.7% just about name recognition), but he still trails dramatically in those . . . usually to "Rock-star Rudy" and even McCain. Romney's polling much better in early primary states than in national polls.
Essetially, RNC (Republican National Committee members) have Romney as the one they think will win the GOP nomination. Rudy and McCain trail behind. Romney was the 1st choice of 20% and 2nd choice of another 15% of the RNC members surveyed (with a HUGE 36% still undecided). However, 30% feel that Rudy is the GOP's best candidate to win the general election (with Romney coming in 2nd with 17%). This is significant, because it shows that much of Rudy's support derives from the "I'll support him because I think he can beat the Dems" camp . . . not "I think he'll be the best POTUS to represent GOP/Conservative values". However, I think that as Romney gains more traction, shows his effectiveness in speaking/debating, and leads the charge against the Dems, more and more people will realize that he could spank Hillary (or whoever)--they will then be less likely to support Rudy or McCain "because they can win".
One thing I love about Romney is that he's a "Win-Win" candidate in these respects. Yes "he'll be the best POTUS to represent our values" and Yes "I'll support him because he can beat the Dems". It's not a "one OR the other" conflict with Romney like it is with EVERY other GOP candidate.
Strengthening this argument, when RNC members were asked point blank "Who would you like to see at the Republican Candidate for President?" Romney won handily with 18% (Nearly doubling up on the other contenders, Rudy at 10% and McCain at 9% . . . Huckabee made a showing at 4%, but only 2% said Gingrich, and Brownback didn't even register on that question)
When asked "Is there any one candidate you would REFUSE to support?" only 1% said Romney or Rudy . . . while 11% said McCain. Their's been a LOT of press lately about how McCain's candidacy is imploding. This poll certainly supports those claims and are not the figures "the frontrunner" should be seeing.
Some other interesting tidbits from the poll: Romney had the highest "Favorable" rating at 83% and the lowest "Unfavorable" at 8% (excluding the lesser known Huckabee) Rudy tied Romney at 83%, but had a slightly higer "unfavorable rating" at 10%. Gingrich had a 15% unfavorable rating, Brownback 20%, and McCain a whopping 38%. Since I love numbers (and since it makes Romney look even stonger when displayed this way) some of the cadidate's Favorable/Unfavorable Ratios are below:
However, the DNC members seem to be MUCH kinder to their own with the following Favorable/Unfavorable Ratios:
Obama 30.7 Richardson 29.7 Gore 18.2 Clinton 18.2 Edwards 14.8
Also, 98% of DNC members were "satisfied" with their current candidates compared to 85% of RNC members. Those Dems sure are riding high after BARELY gaining the congressional majority! Remember how all the talk before the 2006 elections were that Hillary would be "unelectable" in a general election? Well, I guess their one election cycle win was enough to give them LOADS of confidence to the point that Hillary's electability (or lack thereof) doesn't seem to concern them anymore. This is the silver lining of the Nov. losses as (which I'm very happy about!)
The DNC members are also kind to African-Americans, Hispanics, and Women with over 3/4th of respondants stating that our nation was ready for a president from each of those demographics (i.e. Barak, Richardson, or Hillary). The RNC wasn't far behind with a vast majority saying the same thing.
Was there any group/individual these DNC committee members weren't kind to? (surely not from this group of leaders for the "party of tolerance" right?) Well, while RNC members thought our nation was also ready for a Mormon president (77% at least), the DNC showed it's lack of religious tolerance by less than half of them (48%) stating that our country was ready for a Mormon president. I guess religious discrimination is exempt from their "codes of tolerance."
Moving on . . .
Of the DNC members surveyed, a full 59% of them said that Healthcare reform was among the three items of importance for the next POTUS to address (handily beating out Iraq . . . also, only 2% of them thought "Al-Qaeda/Osama bin Laden/Global Terrorism" merited a "top three" distinction, and a similar 2% for "Immigration Reform"). . . who better to beat them "on their turf" of Healthcare than Romney? That's one reason he has been more and more attacked by the DNC (frequent press releases) and the Mainstream media (MSM). They know he presents their biggest obstacle for their goal of getting a liberal in the White House.
This poll is an early sign of good things to come!
Jeff Fuller
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A new LA Times Poll among Washington insiders shows that Romney (20%) has the lead with Giuliani (14%) in second and McCain (10%) in third. Clinton won on the Democratic side.
Among Republicans, Romney had the most backing among party insiders, with 20% support, followed by Giuliani with 14%, McCain with 10% and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia — who has said he might enter the race in the fall — with 8%.
In a potentially worrisome sign for McCain, just over 1 in 10 RNC members said they would not support him if he won the party's nomination in his second attempt.
"It shows just how much resistance there is within the Republican establishment to McCain and how open the party is to candidates who either aren't very conservative, like Giuliani, or only recently minted conservatives, like Romney," Cook said. "McCain has worked pretty hard since 2000 to be a team player, but these numbers would suggest that there is still a problem for him."
The poll was completed by the LA Times and polled members of the DNC and RNC national committees.
"The DNC and RNC members are not just delegates" to the national nominating conventions, said Charlie Cook, a nonpartisan campaign analyst in Washington. "They are key organizers and opinion leaders. They can help build or kill a groundswell, make a candidate's challenge in a state easier or much harder. They matter a lot."
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No wonder the Governor is the target of so much mud slinging, lies and vitriol. I do hope he has thick skin and can tune all the noise out while staying the course.
I guess in politics it is better to be the target of opponents than NOT.
I imagine Romney's skin got nice and "thick" taking hits in Boston, don't you? Not to mention an upbringing in liberal Michigan. I'm thinking he can more than handle the pressure at this point, whereas candidates that use the Secret Service to keep reporters away may suffer when they finally have to Q & A out in the open.
After the great night Romney had at CPAC, with the whole blog-o-sphere in near unanimity, WaPo writes a piece doing there best to make Romney's appearance look like a flop.
That is not a journalist, it is Dana Milbank. You know, they guy who went on TV wearing hunting gear after the Cheney shooting accident? He is a rabid liberal so it is good he dislikes Romney. Conservatives do not take him seriously.
As I sit in my hotel room going over a busy couple of days, CPAC has been amazing. The speakers, the exhibit rooms, and just the people have been great. As Justin commented earlier, Mitt Romney was awesome today at the speech. Just being in the same room with the guy was just awesome. He really focused on the issues that are key to 2008 and for being the No.3 guy, he should be number one! After his speech, I went to the Mitt Romney rally, which was amazing. Mitt hit it off with a great joke and after that the crowd was with him completely! As I cheered on, Mitt with the other participants, I really felt, this is the guy to win it for the Republicans. I will type more about the conference when I get home tomorrow, but all i have to say is GO MITT GO!!!!! Oh, does anyone know how I can work on his campaign in MO???
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Hey Maurice "Momo" Harris, if you really want to help out the campaign in MO at the grassroots level please contact me at or through AIM at KCRchair. I would love to chat about some ideas I have.
Today, Governor Mitt Romney will make remarks at the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Below are key excerpts of Governor Romney's remarks as prepared for delivery.
Governor Romney On The State Of Conservatism:
"Conservatism is alive and well. And it is needed more than ever. America faces a new generation of challenges, critical challenges. Today is similar in many respects to what we faced as a nation 30 years ago, looking at the menacing face of communism.
"In fact, 30 years ago, in this very conference, one man stood up and told America what was needed. It was conservatism, a new coalition of conservatives that would lead to a brighter future for the nation. Ronald Reagan said this: 'What I envision is not simply a melding together of the two branches of American conservatism into a temporary uneasy alliance, but the creation of a new, lasting majority.' And here is where he said that this conservative alliance would lead: 'I have seen the conservative future, and it works.'"
"It is the conservative coalition represented here that can build a brighter future for America: economic conservatives, social conservatives, and national security conservatives."
Governor Romney Calls For Repeal Of McCain-Feingold:
"To me, a fundamental principle of democracy is at stake. It is the people who are sovereign in America, not a few folks in black robes. Judges add things that aren't in the Constitution, and they take away things that are in the Constitution. In that regard, they let the campaign finance lobby take away First Amendment rights. If I'm president, I will fight to repeal McCain-Feingold."
Governor Romney On The Need To Restrain Spending:
"As you know, I'm proud to be the first Presidential candidate to sign Grover Norquist's tax pledge. But I have another pledge I am making to you today. If I am elected President, I will cap non-defense discretionary spending at inflation minus 1 percent. That alone will save $300 billion over 10 years. If Congress sends me a budget that exceeds the cap, I will veto that budget. I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat Congress, I will veto that budget.
"And I know how to veto. I like vetoes. I vetoed hundreds of spending appropriations as Governor. And, by the way, if Congress doesn't want to do the cutting itself, then give me the same line item veto I had as governor.
"And one more thing, I will personally lead a top to bottom review of government programs, agencies, procurement and spending. It's time to cut out the mountains of waste and inefficiency and duplication in the federal government. I've done that in business, I've done that in the Olympics, and I've done that in Massachusetts. And boy, I can't wait to get my hands on Washington."
Governor Romney Calling Upon The Strength Of The American People:
"If we are to keep America strong, we must turn to the source of America's strength. Liberals think that government is the source of our greatness. They're wrong. The American people are the source of our strength: hard working, educated, skilled, family-oriented, willing to sacrifice for their family and their country, God-fearing, freedom-loving American people. They always have been the source of our strength and they always will be."
"Thirty years ago, in challenging times, a great coalition was forged in these halls. Today, we face a new generation of challenges.
"If we in this room lock our arms together, we can forge the political will to rebuild our military might. If we in this room will simply march forward we can propel America's growth and prosperity to lead to the world. If we in this room lift up our eyes, we will lift the spirit of the nation.
"Now is the time, this is the place, for us to stand together, to lead a great coalition of strength, for our families, for our future, for America. May God bless this great land."
Rumor has it that Mitt is planning a fundraiser in California in March. Another event had also been reported on Califronians for Mitt Romney. California has long been an ATM for presidential aspirants who then proceed to otherwise ignore the state. Now, California is currently considering moving up to a February 5th primary.
Recent polling suggests Romney is fairing well in California considering his very little name recognition, however, Giuliani is doing exceptionally well. The fact is, Giuliani is standing in an excellent position to win California despite his past inability to help candidates in California, such as his now Policy Director Bill Simon. In addition, if the California Republican Party opts to let voters without party affiliation vote in their primary again, which I expect they will, Giuliani is likely to attract a great many of them. If Giuliani wins California, he will be able to avoid moving too much to the right by forgetting about Iowa and other primary states. The nature of presidential primaries is about to change as we know it.
In spite of this, I think Romney has a good chance to do very well in California. Republicans in California are a pretty conservative bunch. take the issue of illegal immigration, for example. Illegal immigration and the social costs associated with it can't be underestimated in California. Romney has shown his commitment to giving law enforcement the tools to confront these problems and his understanding of good immigration policy. He understands that unless you properly screen who you are letting in the country, you get the bad, in fact very bad, with the good. Giuliani doesn't seem to appreciate this. Romney should focus on this strength in California.
Romney should also focus on his pro-family strengths in California. Marriage Protection passed with over 61% of the vote here. It was just a few months after the Goodridge decision, that Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Fransisco, attempted to start authorizing gay marriages. As the leader in the defense of traditional marriage, Romney's message of preserving this precious institution for the benefit of families and children will resonate with conservatives in this state. There are huge differences between Romney and Giuliani on this issue. One is a leader, the other just wants to convince you they don't support the other side.
There are more differences to be emphasized, among others, Mitt's business acumen and how that will help him keep jobs from going from California to Asia, Mitt's fiscal conservatism (Californian's understand a good fiscal crisis), and of course, health care, since the Governator is currently trying to push through some major changes.
Awesome video, awesome gear. I only wish I could be there. I can't wait for Mitt to come to Houston for a public event here. I only hope I can meet him when he arives at the airport!!!
That was the word I got from the crowd from the bloggers and more!
I am absolutely ecstatic about the position we are in.
Kate O'Beirne: Romney Scored [Kate O'Beirne]
It seems to me that Mitt Romney's willingness to make specific pledges and outline a platform helpfully moved him beyond the typical GOP platitudes about smaller government. Grover Norquist noted that the former governor was the first in the field to sign his tax pledge and now Romney has married it with a spending pledge. In an effective, ahem, contrast, he noted that when it comes to government spending "I like vetoes." His pointed pledge to fight for the repeal of McCain-Feingold and his opposition to the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill appeared to be big crowd pleasers. So too was his "our people are sovereign" slam on activist judges. In stringing together some of the events he faced upon taking office - the Massachusetts court ordering gay marriage, the scientific community's support for creating embryos for research, and the blackballing of Catholic Charities over gay adoption - he offered a potentially plausible sequence that prompted second thoughts on social issues. [He was just endorsed by Ann Coulter: "I like the fact that he tricked liberals into voting for him."] Romney emphasized the importance and power of an enduring coalition of economic, social, and national security conservatives and he clearly hopes to unite them behind him. Today, he did a convincing job of explaining why they should.
The Turnaround [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Romney's addressing CPAC now and oh boy is this different than the disappointing speech he gave in late January at the NRI conservative summit. A few red-meat lines: "It's time to take government apart and put it back together." Wants to make it "simpler, smarter, and smaller." He said, "I will fight to repeal McCain-Feingold." Talking about the marriage fight he said "It is the people who are soveriegn in America, not a few folks in black robes." He talks confidentally about the war and has a good line about how Pelosi and Reid shouldn't be dictating frontline strategy. He's gotten a ton of applause and has kept a steady beat. This is a speech — ending on a forceful, adamant, ticked-off but optimistic about the future note. "Our traditonal values" are on the line, we're under attack, and the government is a mess and he's not going to stand for it, dammit.
This is the speech he should have given in January at our summit. This is the speech he should have given when he launched the campaign. This speech — this is a rallying speech.
Wow. And Jay is supporting Romney, even in light of American Right To Life's expose TV ads running in Iowa and South Carolina! They're at ARTLaction .com.
Newt discusses his time as speaker and fields a questions from yours truly about the Toffler's new book Revolutionary Wealth. The question he was asked was about his record. I think it was fairly pointed so he was getting a bit defensive.
I still love the guy... but I don't think he can make it.
What Newt failed to mention in the video clip was that we currently have a tiered flat tax now. A tax system can't get much more complicated than the current income tax model, that is, unless we keep the same code and try to patch it some more (I personally think that 60,000 pages of patches is quite insane). I have not seen a more fair method of taxation than the FAIR TAX as written (H.R. 25 and S.B. 25). One would simply have to be looking out for their own, selfish, political interest to support any other solution than the FAIR TAX. A retail consumption tax is the easiest to pay, the easiest to collect, and the most efficient form of revenue collection that can be legislated. A good dose of government spending restraint would not hurt, either. Together, the FAIR TAX and spending restraint would give the budget a surplus, instead of a deficit, each year. With such a surplus, taxation rates could be lowered proportionally. And, we could all use some relief in the area of taxation.
Today in New Hampshire Romney gave the beginnings of his economic policy. The press release touted these as initiatives which will "guide his efforts to restrain government spending." Something that is clearly needed.
· Governor Romney Will Lead An Effort To Review And Reevaluate All Federal Spending Programs. His administration will undertake an exhaustive review of each individual federal program with the goal to eliminate and consolidate programs that are no longer useful or are bureaucratic and unwieldy. Federal spending programs do not have a right to immortality, and should not enjoy automatic increases year after year.
Governor Romney Will Veto Appropriations Bills That Exceed Spending Targets. He will veto annual appropriations (with the exception of defense) that grow spending at a rate greater than inflation minus one percent (CPI-1%). This should be considered the minimum amount of spending reductions. If, for example, inflation is running at 3%, then the growth of discretionary spending should grow no more than 2%, or Governor Romney will veto the appropriations. Additional one-time spending for natural disasters and other catastrophic situations will be considered an exception.
· Governor Romney Believes The President Needs The Line-Item Veto Power. As Governor, he had line-item authority, and often used it to trim or eliminate individual appropriations. Giving the President this power would allow us to make tremendous strides in eliminating earmarks and cutting inefficient programs.
The press shop also had some good facts on Romney:
Governor Romney Has A Strong Record Of Fiscal Discipline. Without raising taxes or increasing debt, Governor Romney closed a $3 billion budget deficit his first year in office with a heavily Democratic legislature. Each year, Governor Romney filed a balanced budget without raising taxes. By eliminating waste, streamlining government, and enacting comprehensive economic reforms to help spur growth, Governor Romney helped the state achieve a surplus totaling nearly $1 billion in 2005.
· In The Four Budgets He Signed, Governor Romney Used The Line-Item Veto Or Program Reduction Power In An Attempt To Cut Spending By Nearly $1 Billion. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/2003; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs $22.402B Fiscal Year 2005 'No New Tax' Budget," Press Release, 6/25/2004; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs Into Law $23.8 Billion Budget For Fiscal Year '06," Press Release, 6/30/2005; Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs $25.2 Billion Fiscal Year 2007 State Budget," Press Release, 7/8/2006)
· By 2006, Spending In The Governor's Office Had Dropped From $5.6 Million In 2002 To $4.6 Million. "Spending in the Governor's Office has dropped from $5.6 million in FY02 to $4.6 million in FY06. Spending is anticipated to drop again in the current fiscal year." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Transfers Funds From Governor's Office To Pay Military Benefit," Press Release, 11/3/06)
In an interview at the New Hampshire Union Leader this afternoon, the former Massachusetts governor said he would limit non-military, discretionary federal spending increases to the rate of consumer price index minus 1 percent.
“If (federal spending) were above that cap, I would veto it,” Romney said. “We simply cannot afford to spend at the levels we have been.”
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Say... where did that McCain Attendance Report Card come from? That was pretty darn cool. (note: you have to sit through a quick 30 second ad... the video will start playing after that)
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In an interview with KDKA TV News out of Pittsburgh, PA and an interview with The Politico my former boss and Senator Rick Santorum said the following on John McCain, signing onto the ABM(Anybody But McCain) idea:
“The only one I wouldn’t support is McCain,” Santorum said during an interview in his office at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, where he is a senior fellow. “I don’t agree with him on hardly any issues,’’ Santorum said. “I don’t think he has the temperament and leadership ability to move the country in the right direction.”
Interesting too from the pro-life stalwart:
Santorum suggested that McCain also wasn’t as solidly anti-abortion as he would like. “He may be pro-life, but I served with him for 12 years, and I know how pro-life he is,” Santorum said.
From the KDKA interview he said on Giuliani:
In a different time maybe I'd have taken him out of the game too but I think we are in a different time. That national security is the issue. He's someone who has impressive credentials on national security. I don't agree with him on some of the other issues and I'm going to wait and see how he deals with those.
On Romney:
Mitt is a guy who has recently come to my side on some issues of importance to me but I want to see how he holds up under the pressure. See how he deals with his governing of Massachussetts particularlyhis health care plan, which is under increased scrutiny right now, let's just say that, its not working out so well.
He indicates he is not planning on endorsing anyone anytime soon.
I hate to jump in when Justin is broadcasting great stuff from CPAC, but oh well. I've been given the chance to blog for arguably the coolest Mitt Romney blog and who can say no to that? For those of you who don't know me, I operate the blog President Mitt Romney and if you want to read more about me you can go here. I hope to add something of value and perhaps some legal and foreign policy analysis where appropriate. Having said that, here's a shallow post for you...
It has been suggested by commenters of My Man Mitt that Romney is only running for VP. For the following reasons, one serious and the other trivial, I have concluded that Romney can only be President. First, Romney sounds too Presidential. Put him side by side with other candidates and he is likely to cast a shadow over them. Which brings me to the next point. Romney looks too Presidential. I was trying to imagine how he would look side by side with other candidates but I could only find pictures of the candidates next to George Bush (of course, I used the pictures with the best camera angles for my point). Judge for yourselves.
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It is never good to state the obvious in my opinion. I do agree that MR is to be president and I do not for one minute think he has any other plans than making it all the way. But to do so, he must make it completely on substance, which I think he will.
For the record, I agree with everyone's comments. I would vote for whichever candidate I felt would do the best job no matter how Presidential they may or may not look. In no way do I mean to imply that Mitt's Presidential persona is a good reason to vote for him.
But it does seem to me that how candidates might look together as running mates is a fair political musing. A lot of discussion was generated about the Kerry\Edwards ticket related to this. Studies have consistently shown that how people look can affect how others view them. Check out this one on the SSRN:
"Are beautiful politicians more likely to be elected? To test this, we use evidence from Australia, a country in which voting is compulsory, and in which voters are given 'How to Vote' cards depicting photos of the major party candidates as they arrive to vote. Using raters chosen to be representative of the electorate, we assess the beauty of political candidates from major political parties, and then estimate the effect of beauty on voteshare for candidates in the 2004 federal election. Beautiful candidates are indeed more likely to be elected, with a one standard deviation increase in beauty associated with a 1½ - 2 percentage point increase in voteshare. Our results are robust to several specification checks: adding party fixed effects, dropping well-known politicians, using a non-Australian beauty rater, omitting candidates of non-Anglo Saxon appearance, controlling for age, and analyzing the 'beauty gap' between candidates running in the same electorate. The marginal effect of beauty is larger for male candidates than for female candidates, and appears to be approximately linear. Consistent with the theory that returns to beauty reflect discrimination, we find suggestive evidence that beauty matters more in electorates with a higher share of apathetic voters."
King, Amy and Leigh, Andrew, "Beautiful Politicians" (January 2007). Available at SSRN:
So, the guy in the dolphin suit refused to reveal himself or his cause. But I've since learned that the guy is associated with some of Mitt's foes from the anti-Mormon right. I'll have more revealing video as we move forward.
"I don't think there's been a bigger defender of traditional marriage among the political world than me over these last several years than me," he said. "I fought for a federal amendment to the constitution to establish marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. Senator McCain voted against that."
The Romney troops are out in force. Every corner you come around there are one or two Brownback folk and a few other guys in tow.... but the Mitt Students are dominating.
I'll upload photos and videos shortly. Here's a quick one:
As you may or may not be aware, Blogfather Hugh has written a book on Mitt entitled “A Mormon In The White House”. I’ve been a long time fan of Blogfather Hugh. I spent the early morning hours of that fateful day in September of 2001 listening to his radio show and have more or less kept my Dimagiatti status ever since.
The book is slated for wide release in a few weeks and so Hugh is beginning to make the rounds of what will become a book tour. One of his first interviews was given (at the behest of his publisher) to the New York Times’ David Kirkpatrick. I don’t read the New York Times, much less David Kirkpatrick, but one of his questions set Hugh on fire and rubbed me the wrong way as well.
I think it can safely be said the MSM doesn’t like Mitt. They don’t understand anyone who doesn’t share their view. Kirkpatrick asked Hugh – evidently very bluntly – if Mitt had paid him to write the book. Yep, that must be the reason. Nobody would ever say anything positive about Mitt unless they were paid to do so. Kirkpatrick was operating under the rumor Mitt had spread some cash around the right side of the political media and evidently believed Hugh had received some of that cash.
Here’s my take: Hugh knew religion would be a factor in the 2008 campaign cycle because Mitt brings that issue to the forefront. He saw an opportunity to write a book about an unexplored subject and managed to convince a publisher it would be worth the investment. And yes, Hugh just might make a little cash if he flogs the book enough.
I don’t know where Kirkpatrick got the idea Hugh could be bought by the Mitt campaign. Hugh is an accomplished author, talk show host, and legal scholar. I’m sure he made out just fine before he wrote his most recent book, and – gods of capitalism willing- he’ll make out even better once the books hit the stands. Memo to Mitt: If you’re spreading cash around the right side of the political spectrum, don’t forget to spread some this way. I make no illusions to the contrary, I can be bought. :)
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Rudy Giuliani has promised to appoint judges in the mold of Roberts and Alito. This is to assuage conservative fears over his pro-abortion and pro civil union views.
The Politico took a look at his 75 appointments to the judiciary in New York City.
Their findings are interesting. Bullets from the article:
Democrats outnumbered Republicans by more than 8 to 1
One of his appointments was an officer of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Judges.
Another ruled that the state law banning liquor sales on Sundays was unconstitutional because it was insufficiently secular.
A third, an abortion-rights supporter, later made it to the federal bench in part because New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a liberal Democrat, said he liked her ideology.
Further, Giuliani won praise from NYC NARAL head, Kelli Collin:
"They were decent, moderate people," she said.
In the mayors defense, he had to choose from only 3 candidates. From the article:
Under the system, the mayor appoints members of an independent panel. Aspiring judges apply to the panel, which recommends three candidates for each vacancy. The mayor chooses among the three.
Yet, surely, the mayor could have avoided those applicants whose records and pedigrees were that of extreme judicial activists.
Giuliani's pledge to appoint judges like Roberts and Alito comes under question when you consider his record of appointing extreme judicial activists onto the New York courts.
Consider that one judge:
Charles Posner, a Brooklyn judge appointed by Giuliani, made the kind of decision that keeps conservatives up nights when he was asked to levy a fine against a shopkeeper, Abdulsam Yafee, who had illegally sold beer at 3:30 a.m. on a Sunday. In an unusual, lengthy 2004 ruling, Posner found that "there is no secular reason why beer cannot be sold on Sunday morning as opposed to any other morning." Noting that Sunday is only the Christian Sabbath, Posner continued, "Other than this entanglement with religion, there is no rational basis for mandating Sunday as a day of rest as opposed to any other day."
Yet another:
Sonberg's other affiliation: When he was appointed in 1995, he was already an officer of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Judges, a professional group. After his appointment, he became the group's president.
Two were appointed to federal seats:
one of them, Richard Berman, by President Bill Clinton. The other, Dora Irizarry, was a Bush nominee considered so liberal that (Chuck) Schumer pushed her nomination through.... "Temperament is not at the top of my list," Schumer explained at the time, when asked why he supported the former Giuliani appointee. "Ideology is key."
Giuliani spent a great deal of time with his nominees:
"He took it very seriously -- he spent a lot of time with these candidates," recalled Paul Curran, a Republican and former U.S. attorney who chaired Giuliani's Commission on Judicial Nominations.
Yet he allowed these wreckless nominees through? This is troubling and hopefully answers can be provided when he speaks tomorrow at the CPAC conference.
I don't see what the big whoop is about whether or not his grandparents were "poly" or not. If you look at it from another angle, in today's "MTV culture' of being a teenager till you're 35, more people not wanting to have even one family, and glorified selfishness, in my humble opinion being descended from people who welcomed more responsibility ( more family,people to take care of) is not something to be ashamed of or apologized for.
The Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) is often misunderstood. Some accuse the Church of not believing in Christ and, therefore, not being a Christian religion. This article helps to clarify such misconceptions
Early Christian churches, practiced baptism of youth (not infants) by immersion by the father of the family. The local congregation had a lay ministry. An early Christian Church has been re-constructed at the Israel Museum, and the above can be verified. The Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) continues baptism and a lay ministry as taught by Jesus’ Apostles. Early Christians were persecuted for keeping their practices sacred, and not allowing non-Christians to witness them
The Trinity:
A literal reading of the New Testament points to God and Jesus Christ, His Son, being separate, divine beings, united in purpose. . To whom was Jesus praying in Gethsemane, and Who was speaking to Him and his apostles on the Mount of Transfiguration?
The Nicene Creed”s definition of the Trinity was influenced by scribes translating the Greek manuscripts into Latin. The scribes embellished on a passage explaining the Trinity, which is the Catholic and Protestant belief that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The oldest versions of the epistle of 1 John, read: "There are three that bear witness: the Spirit, the water and the blood and these three are one."
Scribes later added "the Father, the Word and the Spirit," and it remained in the epistle when it was translated into English for the King James Version, according to Dr. Bart Ehrman, Chairman of the Religion Department at UNC- Chapel Hill. . . .He no longer believes in the Nicene Trinity. The Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) views the Trinity as three separate beings, in accord with the earliest Greek New Testament manuscripts.
The Cross:
The Cross became popular as a Christian symbol in the Fifth Century A.D. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) think the proper Christian symbol is Christ’s resurrection, not his crucifixion on the Cross. Many Mormon chapels feature paintings of the resurrected Christ or His Second Coming.
Christ's Atonement:
But Mormons don”t term Catholics and Protestants “non-Christian”. They believe Christ’s atonement on the Cross covers all mankind. The dictionary definition of a Christian is “of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ”:. All of the above denominations are followers of Christ, and consider him divine, and the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament.
It”s important to understand the difference between Reformation and Restoration when we consider who might be authentic Christians. If members of the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) embrace early Christian theology, they are likely more “Christian” than their detractors.
* * *
And the 2005 National Study of Youth and Religion published by UNC-Chapel Hill found that Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) youth (ages 13 to 17) were more likely to exhibit these Christian characteristics than Evangelicals (the next most observant group): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . LDS Evangelical Attend Religious Services weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71% . . . . 55% Importance of Religious Faith in shaping daily life – extremely important .. 52. . . . . . . 28 Believes in life after death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . 62 Believes in psychics or fortune-tellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 5 Has taught religious education classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . 28 Has fasted or denied something as spiritual discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 . . . . . . 22 Sabbath Observance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . . 40 Shared religious faith with someone not of their faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 . . . . . . 56 Family talks about God, scriptures, prayer daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . 19 Supportiveness of church for parent in trying to raise teen (very supportive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 . . . . . . 26 Church congregation has done an excellent job in helping Teens better understand their own sexuality and sexual morality . . . . . 84 . . . . . . 35
...and it's a doozy. There are some great names here. I really like Corrine Lovas. She is one of Sen. Kyle's top fundraisers. Kyle is McCain's Exploratory Chair and no doubt he would have like Lovas on McCain's Team. This is a real hit when coupled with multiplereports McCain is tanking.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio – Honorary Chair: Known around the country as "America's Toughest Sheriff", he has been one of Arizona's most popular officials since being elected in 1992. Maricopa County is home to approximately three million people including the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
Jason Rose – State Director: Recognized by the Arizona Business Magazine in 2006 as "Arizona's PR Heavyweight," Rose is one of Arizona's most well-known political consultants. Rose founded Rose & Allyn Public Relations in 1996. The firm's client list includes prominent members of the Arizona business and political community.
Corinne Lovas – State Finance Director: Lovas is considered the top political fundraiser in Arizona and the Southwest. She has enjoyed countless successes on behalf of U.S. Senator Jon Kyl, President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign, the Republican National Committee and numerous other Republican candidates and causes.
Additions To Governor Romney's Arizona Finance Steering Committee:
Ernie Baird: Founding partner of Baird Williams & Greer, LLP. From 1991 to 1997, he served in the Arizona House of Representatives. During his time in the House, he was the House Majority Leader and also served as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
Scott Bundgaard: An executive with J.P. Morgan, Bundgaard served six years in the Arizona Senate both as Chairman of the Finance Committee and Vice Chairman of the Banking Committee. He is a veteran of commercial real estate and finance.
Paul Walsh: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of eFunds Corporation, a leading provider of risk management, electronic payments and global outsourcing solutions. Walsh has 30 years of experience in financial services. He has been the Chairman and CEO of Clareon Corporation, iDeal Partners and Wright Express Corporation. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Staples, Inc.
Don Cogman: Cogman is the Chairman of CC Investments, a private investment firm in Scottsdale, Arizona. In 2002, he was appointed by President Bush to serve on a panel tasked with overhauling the United States Postal Service. Cogman currently serves as Chairman of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Education Foundation. Formerly, he served as President and Chief Operating Officer World-wide of Burson-Marsteller.
The endorsement of Sheriff Arpaio just highlights the stark contrast between Romney and the rest of the Republican field when it comes to securing our country and having a sound immigration policy that rewards those who follow the law instead of those who circumvent it.
1) Will you be at CPAC tomorrow!? If so, please email me! Myself and our own Maurice "Mo Mo" Harris will be there. Please email me at if you are coming!
2) Bull Dog at Ankle Biting Pundit want to hear WHY you are supporting Mitt Romney. Give him an answer! SEE HERE
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Scott Helman at the Boston Globe finds a super secret PowerPoint written by my dog; Mitt mixes it up in DC. Who's that endorsing McCain and much, much more...
Republican Mitt Romney focused his attention on the nation's capital Tuesday, meeting with members of Congress and attending two fundraisers that his aides hoped would raise nearly $1 million more for his presidential campaign. Article Tools
During the second of two days in Washington, the former Massachusetts governor took part at a midday fundraiser that took in about $450,000, said one top adviser. Many of the attendees were lawyers and lobbyists, along with former Massachusetts residents and colleagues from Bain Capital, the venture capital firm Romney started.
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Things are going better for Romney. Hotline has the details:
Mitt Romney is taking hits for lurching to the right, but a new Diageo/Hotline poll shows his WH '08 strategy may be working.
-- Romney's name I.D. among GOPers remains less than 1/2 that of McCain or Giuliani, according to the survey, but comparable numbers of GOP voters view him as "conservative." The ex-MA gov also has the lowest "liberal" rating of the three.
-- Of course, the Right's still not sold on their top tier. Less than 1/4 of GOPers describe any of them as conservative. Other unique hurdles each one faces: More than half of GOPers say Giuliani's a moderate, but only 1/3 even know he's pro-choice ... yet. Also just 26% of GOP voters know Romney's a Mormon. And slightly more than half of all voters (60% of GOPers) think McCain is 64 or younger; He'd be 72 at his 1/09 swearing-in.
-- Meanwhile, Dems maintain a key edge in voter excitement, reflected in an open-ended question about preferred '08ers. Clinton alone pulls the same support as all 3 top GOPers combined (and Obama is the only other candidate in double-digits). Is that connected to the relatively small number of GOPers who think Giuliani/McCain/Romney are "conservative?"
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So first thing to note... this is NOT the campaign's roadmap. It's doubtful the Governor ever saw it. This type of analysis comes in unsolicited all the time. It's silly to think that Spencer Zwick has this laminated in his coat vest.
So what does the PowerPoint say? Well, from what the Globe reports on... it doesn't say a whole lot more than what we already knew.
The article details a few of Romney's strengths and weaknesses ("His hair looks too perfect") but otherwise offers very few original insights into the 2008 race. Here's one tidbit:
A page titled "Primal Code for Brand Romney" said that Romney should define himself as a foil to Bay State Democrats such as Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John Kerry and former governor Michael Dukakis.
Not a bad strategy. If I were cherry picking I'd take that with me. But we knew this back in 1994.
So how about the competition? The document is pretty spot on:
MCCAIN: McCain is described as a war hero and maverick with a compelling narrative and a reputation for wit, authenticity, and straight talk. But he's also seen as "too Washington," "too close to [Democratic] Left," an "uncertain, erratic, unreliable leader in uncertain times." "Does he fit The Big Chair?" the document asks. The plan calls McCain, 70, a "mature brand" and raises questions about whether he could handle the rigors of leading the free world.
GIULIANI: Giuliani is called an outside-the-Beltway rock star and truth teller who earned the nation's trust for his leadership of New York City's response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But he is described as a one-dimensional Lone Ranger whose social views -- he supports abortion rights and civil unions for gay couples -- could destroy the "GOP brand." "We can't disqualify Dems like Hillary on social issues ever again" if Giuliani is the nominee, the document states.
ON ROMNEY AGAIN: The case for Romney, according to the plan, is this: "Mitt Romney, tested, intelligent, get-it-done, turnaround CEO Governor and strong leader from outside Washington, is a better candidate than McCain & Giuliani to ensure that America's strength is maintained so we can meet a new generation of global challenges." ... In addition, the document provides a Romney roadmap for the early primaries, suggesting that he hopes to emerge as a credible "alternative to frontrunner" in Iowa, win New Hampshire, show strength in South Carolina, and be dominant in states, such as Michigan, that are eyeing early primary dates. The plan suggests Romney make full use of new media to reach voters, from feeding videos to YouTube to perhaps creating his own radio programming.
Most of this is low-grade stuff that my dog could write. From the pathetic graphics in the deck (OK - I'm a snob when it comes to PPT graphics) my dog probably did write it.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra spoke to a small crowd in IA on behalf of Romney.
On abortion in particular, Hoekstra outlined what he and Romney believe: merely passing laws banning the practice is a dead end.
“You cannot just be about focusing on making it more difficult to get an abortion – it’s a much broader concept,” Hoekstra said, highlighting policies to fund adoption as a viable alternative. Link
A wonderful comment- fighting abortion is wider concept, wider than judges I submit. Guiliani has squeaked by thus far with his "I will elect judges like Roberts and Alito." Many are blindly presuming that this is all a president can do with Socon principles in general. It's the only way a SoCon could support Guiliani in a primary.
If a president really cares about fighting legalized abortion he can do a multitude of things such as increasing funding for adoption services (as Hoekstra noted), vetoing bills from a democratic congress that liberalize abortion laws even more, push for parental notification laws, push for laws making it illegal to transport minors across state lines for abortions, and using the bully pulpit to make the case on a regular basis. He can also fight against over the counter abortives, something our current president has failed us on.
A President who makes SoCon issues a top priority will veto embryonic stem cell legislation, cloning legislation, and will fight for marriage amendments on the national level and will lend his support on the state level. Romney will fight the cultur war with us.
There has been some confusion as to where Rudy stands on Immigration. Over at Ankle Biting Pundits they looked into this.
They found this speech on the Welfare Reform law given September 11th 1996.
There are aspects to the Welfare Reform Bill that, as just a matter of policy, I disagree with and I think could pose very serious problems, and although I do think the bill does some good, in the end I believe it does more harm than good.
Which aspects did he disagree with so much that he decided to go to court over it? In the welfare bill it required Cities to turn over the names of illegal immigrants over to the INS. From the speech:
New York City's Executive Order 124, signed by Mayor Koch in 1988 protected people in that endeavor by instructing employees of New York City that they are not to turn in those names into the Immigration and Naturalization Service....
What do you do about it, do you revoke Executive Order 124? It is my conclusion and Corporation Counsel's conclusion that this raises such serious constitutional questions that we will challenge it in court.
Giuliani defends his decision by saying that:
The tenth amendment reads: "The power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution not prohibited by it to the States is reserved to the States respectively or to the people." So what the Constitution says is unless a power is given to the national government, to the federal government, and unless you define those powers in the enumerated powers of the federal government, those powers are retained for the states for their local subdivisions and for the people.
He says that Police power is a local authority and therefore the bill is unconstitutional by dictating what a local police force must do when in violation of local laws..
I would counter that while Police power is a local authority the integrity of our borders and the security that integrity provides is a federal one. It being a federal power therefore means that local authority cannot supersede it.This is another area with stark differences between Governor Romney and his two leading opponents.
While McCain and Giuliani both favor policies to coddle and give aid to those whose first action in this country is to violate this country's laws Governor Romney has advocated tough enforcement of our immigration laws.
We need to make America more attractive for legal immigrants -- for citizens -- and less attractive for illegal immigrants. I want to see more immigration inour country, but more legal immigration and less illegal immigration."
(Editor's note: I sat down with Governor Romney at this headquarters in Boston on Friday. I asked to record the interview and Governor Romney agreed without hesitation, and as I turn the recorder on Romney is in the middle of commenting on the fact that his every utterance these days is captured on tape in one way or another.)
ROMNEY: You've got to be really careful about what you say and do anywhere you are. I actually had a dream about being in parking garage and having somebody in front of me taking too long to get their change and honking the horn and then yelling back, and getting out and yelling at each other and then seeing it on YouTube the next day. So I said 'OK', I've got to really be careful, you know, in my personal life.
RCP: So how's the campaign going for you so far? Is it what you expected?
ROMNEY: It's gotten going a lot faster than I would have expected. I saw George Stephanopoulos last week, he said he was hired on as the first Clinton campaign employee in what would be the equivalent of October of this year. And we have many tens of employees at this point. And even this early the response in states that really are early in the process: Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, the response is really quite surprising. Large numbers of people, lots of questions, enthusiastic reaction.
RCP: What's the question you get asked most?
ROMNEY: From Republican crowds most often the question relates to immigration, then education and healthcare. Interestingly, very rarely is there a question about foreign policy, Iraq, Iran. I typically have to insert those into my opening remarks to get the audience to draw out on that at all.
I think it's in part because Republican audiences don't want to talk about it. It hasn't gone well. It feels like the team is losing and people don't want to hear about it.
RCP: Speaking of, yesterday there were reports you issued some mild criticism of the Bush administration policy in Iraq, saying it wasn't going as well as many had liked. John McCain said recently he thought Secretary Rumsfeld would go down as one of the worst Defense Secretaries in history. Dick Cheney responded by saying he thought Rumsfeld had been a great Secretary of Defense and that he'd done a super job. What do you think? What's your impression of the job Rumsfeld did?
ROMNEY: I really don't think pointing fingers at individuals is a productive exercise at this point. Clearly the president would agree the buck stops with him. He's responsible for the management of our affairs, and I would not suggest we go and try and find individuals within various departments to assume the blame.
In my view, and I've said this many times before, we did an excellent job knocking down Saddam Hussein's government, but we did less than a superb job in managing the post major-conflict period. And I think we were underprepared for it, under planned, under staffed, and under managed. And because of our shortcomings in those areas we've contributed to the difficult position in which we find ourselves. But we are where we are.
And if you, like me, have done a lot of reading about the process that led up to the conflict and the preparations for the post-major conflict period, you too will recognize that, if these accounts are accurate, we've made a lot of errors in terms of preparation. And whether you've read the Looming Tower, or The Assassin's Gate, or Cobra II, or Paul Bremer's book or Gen. Zinni's book, they come to that set of conclusions even though they come from very different viewpoints.
RCP: And do you believe it's still fixable at this point?
ROMNEY: Yes. I think there is a reasonable course - or, let me restate that, there's a reasonable probability that there is a path to securing the nation and establishing stability for a central government. I don't say that's a path with high confidence of being successful, but there's still a reasonable probability that path can be pursued. And that's why I think the president is right to add to the military mission the responsibility for securing Baghdad and the population of Baghdad.
I think that should have been done a lot earlier and should have been part of the initial plan. But, be that as it may, it's now being added to the mission. And when you add a mission to our military that means you need to add troop strength to carry it out. We'll see how well that plan is working. It will probably play out over a matter of five to six months, or more. But it's months, not years.
I presume that the Defense Department and the President have worked out with al-Maliki's government what the milestones are and what the timetable is for determining if we're being successful in this new effort. And we'll be able to judge, are we accomplishing what we hope to accomplish? Those don't have to be made public, although I think it'd be helpful if in some cases they were, so the public could understand and have credibility behind the accomplishments, if there are accomplishments. I think it's much broader, for instance, than just saying, "are there fewer attacks?" It's much more devoted to determining are the Iraqi military and police forces able to take the lead at some stage here in providing for the security for their people.
RCP: And, as you said, it'll play out over course of five or six months. That's what most experts have said. But what happens if it's not successful, or not as successful as we'd hoped? What then?
ROMNEY: If you establish milestones, and you determine that we're not making progress against those milestones, then you know the strategy isn't working and you have to turn to Plan B or C. I'm not going to forecast what Plan B or C might be. Clearly there are people who say we should just turn and walk out. There are others who say we should divide the country in various - three, four, five or more parts.
There are additional risks associated with those courses that would suggest we don't want to take those options unless there is no other option available. And the additional risks you're familiar with. If you divide the country in parts Iran may try and seize the Iraqi portion - excuse me the Shia portion of Iraq. Al-Qaeda could play a dominating role in the Sunni portion. The Kurdish population could destabilize the Kurds in Turkey and could create conflict across the border. You could have a regional conflict develop. And for all of those additional reasons and risks, you wouldn't want to pursue that course unless there were no other option available.
RCP: On a related subject: Iran. You made some comment yesterday about Iran. If Iran hasn't acquired nuclear weapons by January 2009 when President Romney takes office, would they acquire them under a Romney administration?
ROMNEY: I think it's unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon. Unacceptable to our interests and to the interest of the civilized world. For that reason I think we should exert every source of our world pressure to keep Iran from pursuing that course. And, of course, the military option must be left on the table
In my view, at this stage, we should be doing as the Bush administration has begun, which is tightening economic sanctions, as well as tightening diplomatic isolation, we should be communicating to the Iranian people the downsides of becoming a nuclear power, we should be engaging the moderate Muslim states in the neighborhood to help put pressure as well on Iran and to help us by taking pressure off of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Finally, in my view, we should be putting together a much broader comprehensive strategy to defeat radical jihad in the world of Islam.
RCP: So, just to phrase it a different way, it's your view that the national security risk to the United States of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon outweighs -
ROMNEY: Is extreme...
RCP: and outweighs any sort of adverse effect or fallout that might come from attacking them either with airstrikes and/or some sort of ground force.
ROMNEY: You know I won't describe precisely what action should be taken or how it would be taken, but clearly the consequences of a nuclear Iraq - excuse me, a nuclear Iran - for the world and for America are so severe that military options have to remain on the table. Those options I have not discussed in great depth with the US military, so I'm not going to describe what particular path would be considered, but I can say that given the fact that we would never want to pursue a military option unless we had pursued every other reasonable option, I want to make sure we are aggressively pursuing those other options. And those other options relate to tightening economic sanctions so that Ahmadinejad is increasingly unpopular in his own country, so that religious leaders like Khamenei, as well as the public at large, are dissatisfied with him and ultimately sweep him from power, or cause him to withdraw his nuclear ambition. And that's why it's so important for us -
RCP: Do you think that's probable?
ROMNEY: Yeah, I think that - in fact the Bush administration's restrictions on credit and banking are already having an impact. Ahmadinejad did fall behind in the most recent elections. Our intelligence in Iran is somewhat limited, as it is throughout the Middle East, but there is indication among some observers that Ahmadinejad is on a bit of thin ice and that if we were to continue to exert extensive pressure on his economy and the diplomatic reception that he and his fellow Iranians receive around the world that that could have the desired effect of either causing him to retreat to a certain degree or to be replaced by a leader that had more moderate views.
RCP: Switching gears to a lighter subject, for our readers to get a better sense of who you are as a person, tell me something about yourself that only people who know you well know.
ROMNEY: I love practical jokes and humor. That there's frankly no joke that I don't think is funny. I love practical jokes, but I don't like being scared. My sons will tell you that when they have jumped out of the tree when I'm coming from work in the middle of the night and said "boo" to me, that there is swift and severe retribution.
I have five boys in the family, and it's constant competition, sport, humor, and practical jokes. For instance, when we gathered for my big - was it the announcement day, no I guess it was the big fund raising thing, we were going to have a January national call day - all my sons came back to gather for that. We were there at the dinner table and someone said, "hey, should we go have a 440 race at the high school?" Sure enough, we all went upstairs and found our respective jogging shorts, put on tennis shoes or running shoes, went over to the high school and had a 440 competition at the track.
RCP: Who won?
ROMNEY: I came in last. I was thinking I could beat my son Ben but, boy, even though he's in medical school and has gotta be out of shape, he still beat me, darn it!
RCP: One last question, and forgive me if you've already been asked and answered this question because I haven't seen it. Being that we celebrated President's Day this week, and I see John Adams by David McCullough here on the table... who is your favorite President?
ROMNEY: Ah, it's too hard to pick a favorite President. It really is. It's like picking your favorite from a box of chocolates - I love all of them. There are, of course, the famous and great presidents that everybody knows and says "ah, Lincoln, Washington." How could anyone not choose Lincoln and Washington, and they're so obviously so far above the standard of Presidents in our land or any land, that of course they have to be at the top of the list.
But I love John Adams. His book is on my desk there. The first time I read that book by David McCullough when I got to the last page I literally had tears in my eyes because I felt like I was losing a family friend.
I love Teddy Roosevelt. I read everything I can get my hands on about Teddy Roosevelt. Anybody who says "Bully" is a friend of mine. And his enthusiasm, his energy, his can-do attitude was just extraordinary.
From a more modern standpoint, you've gotta love Ronald Reagan. I respected him for his optimism, his humor, the glint in his eye throughout his career. But I find that as I get older and older, he gets smarter and smarter as well.
RCP: Any Democrats at the top of list?
ROMNEY: Truman was a man I see as having real character and the courage of his convictions. And FDR at a great time of need was a communicator that made a real difference for America. Clearly, there are a number of his policies that I vehemently disagree with. But I think as you look at American presidents, more important than their policy was their character, and those who brought something to the American spirit are one who we remember with affection and admiration for generations.
I frankly don't know whether Teddy Roosevelt's policies would be accepted by the Republican party today, but Teddy Roosevelt was as Republican as any Republican I know.
ARLINGTON, VA - U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential exploratory committee today announced that Virginia's senior senator, John Warner, will support the Arizona Senator should he decide to seek the presidency.
Senator Warner, now serving in his 5th term in the U.S. Senate, has spent the greater portion of his career working with our military, beginning at age 17 enlisting in the U.S. Navy during the last year of World War II, later as a U.S. Marine officer during the Korean War, and then during the Vietnam War serving as Under Secretary and Secretary of the Navy.
During his service as Secretary of Navy, Secretary Warner learned about McCain's distinguished career, and upon his return from Vietnam, the two met and established their long friendship and professional association.
"America's next President will be challenged by a range of diplomatic and security issues of unprecedented complexity largely due to growing, worldwide, terrorist threats. Senator McCain's long experience with, and understanding of, our military coupled with his proven, unquestioned courage and leadership, provide him with the essential qualifications for our next President," said Senator Warner. "America's prosperity and personal freedoms at home must be protected from threats beyond our shores. Security will be the primary issue in the forthcoming Presidential campaign. I consider it a privilege to join the McCain team."
Senator John McCain said that he was honored to have the support of such a distinguished public servant. "Senator Warner has served his country with honor, courage, and commitment," said Senator McCain. "His support means a great deal to me as a person, fellow Senator, and veteran. I look forward to his advice and counsel."
I'll let you be the judge. Good line or how he really feels!?
OK -- he was joking. But when you couple this questions together with the whole: "I'll build the damn fence if they want it" you have to wonder. John - you gotta be careful.
What the hell is wrong with Mitt Romney? Is he a stalking horse for Rudy Giuliani? I'm serious, is he?
Mitt is going after everyone and anyone who might be an alternative to Rudy Giuliani, but giving Rudy a free pass on everything.
I no longer think Mitt Romney is seriously running for President. I think he is looking for a VP nod from Rudy.
Somebody ping the Romney folks to take up my challenge, please! Prove to me Mitt Romney is NOT a stalking horse to take on everyone else but Rudy Giuliani in this race.
Mitt, if you want some of us to start taking your seriously, you'd better damn well start taking-on the front-runner instead of Sam Brownmback and John McCain.
The strategy is actually a good one. Rudy has so much in his closet that you almost don't have to do anything. Yes, he is the front runner right now... but that will change dramatically soon IMHO.
I thought Giuliani was stalking Romney? In all seriousness, I have advocated here and elsewhere that Giuliani would be the perfect VP for Mitt and that Mitt should not attack him.
In addition, I believe Mitt is seeking to run as a positive candidate, in contrast to McCain's grumpiness.
Mitt doesn't need to attack Giuliani. I don't believe he gains any traction by doing so. McCain is going to have to do that sooner or later anyway.
In a way, Romney's statements that McCain and Giuliani are heros is a very sound strategy. Even better than attacks. He is basically saying, I admit those men are heros, but I am still the best man for the job. Almost disarming their greatest strength. One has to acknowledge the strenghts of your opponents from time to time.
At this point in the race it is less interesting to see where the candidates fall on the horse race numbers and more interesting what message is sinking in with the voters.
Pew Research did a poll February 7-11, released on Friday, looking into how the candidates are viewed.
Some interesting numbers and observations are extracted below.
Words most often used with Mitt Romney: Good Conservative Massachusetts Governor Olympics Well Republican Leader Mormon
In the horse race numbers It is: Giuliani: 36% McCain: 23% Romney: 15%
This is more impressive when you consider that 54% of the respondents said Nothing/Don't Know in response to being asked about Romney. Romney can only go up while McCain and Giuliani, who only 32% and 9% didn't know about respectively, have less room to grow.
The people who mention Giuliani's ideology generally don't like it:
Very few people mention anything related to Giuliani's political views or ideology (6%). These mentions are slightly more prevalent among people who say there is no chance they will vote for him than for those who say there is a chance they will.
Negative comments about Giuliani include references to his personal life and personality, with such references as "arrogant," "egotistical," "a bully," "full of himself," and "showman."
McCain seems to be taking hits from both sides:
On the other hand, mentions of issues and ideology are more common among those who say there is no chance they would vote for McCain. In this regard, comments about his support of the war in Iraq are especially notable. Others mentioned that he is "too close to Bush" or that he "gives in to the political right." About equal numbers of people describe him as trustworthy" or "honest" as say he is "two-faced," "dishonest," or a "hypocrite."
Romney's viewed by the folks more on ideology than by religion:
Mentions of ideology – mostly about his conservatism – are the most common of any single type of comment (at 9%). Various other mentions include his time as governor of Massachusetts, his father's political career, and his own service as head of the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee. There are only a few mentions of Romney's religion (3%).
In general the poll paints a picture of the people not being satisfied with the choices they have right now
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