posted by Ben Wren | 7:45 PM |

In an interview with
KDKA TV News out of Pittsburgh, PA and an interview with
The Politico my former boss and Senator Rick Santorum said the following on John McCain, signing onto the ABM(Anybody But McCain) idea:
“The only one I wouldn’t support is McCain,” Santorum said during an interview in his office at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, where he is a senior fellow. “I don’t agree with him on hardly any issues,’’ Santorum said. “I don’t think he has the temperament and leadership ability to move the country in the right direction.”
Interesting too from the pro-life stalwart:
Santorum suggested that McCain also wasn’t as solidly anti-abortion as he would like. “He may be pro-life, but I served with him for 12 years, and I know how pro-life he is,” Santorum said.
From the KDKA interview he said on Giuliani:
In a different time maybe I'd have taken him out of the game too but I think we are in a different time. That national security is the issue. He's someone who has impressive credentials on national security. I don't agree with him on some of the other issues and I'm going to wait and see how he deals with those.
On Romney:
Mitt is a guy who has recently come to my side on some issues of importance to me but I want to see how he holds up under the pressure. See how he deals with his governing of Massachussetts particularlyhis health care plan, which is under increased scrutiny right now, let's just say that, its not working out so well.
He indicates he is not planning on endorsing anyone anytime soon.
Labels: Giuliani, John McCain, mitt romney, Santorum
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