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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:43 PM | permalink
From the Hotline:

In non debate action, Mitt Romney just made an impromptu appearance at the Radio-Tv Correspondents Dinner in DC to offer up the Top 10 Reasons Why I Dropped Out.

Per Hotline editor Amy Walter, here are a few of the 10:

Not as many Osmonds as I thought
Got tired of corkscrew landings
Wasn't room in the campaign for two Christian leaders
I'd rather get fat, grow a beard and try for a Nobel Prize
Once Ann realized I couldn't win, fundraising dried up
Flawed theory that as UT goes so goes the nation

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Mitt is getting some nice coverage on this! Michelle Malkin liked Dick Cheney & Mitt better than the "professional" comedians:
All 10 of his reasons were great!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 17, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

I saw the clip of this and Mitt looked great.Truer words have never been spoken than when Mitt said the fundraising dried up when Ann realized he couldn't win. I just hope this fundamentalist sect flap doesn't hurt Mitt's chances at VP. I believe the media is trying to smear all Latter Day Saints and Mormons with this story.Most people are too stupid to realize what a sect is.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 19, 2008 at 8:21 AM  

Maybe he dipped into his liquor cabinet to loosen up. Just Kidding! Newsweek says he keeps it on hand.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 20, 2008 at 5:33 PM  

I would not put much faith in what Newsweek says about Romney. Newsweek has a history of writing slightly anti-Mormon work.
I have not read the article, but in the past Newsweek's articles have had many "digs" in their articles about the LDS Church or people in the LDS Church.

It's true though, about the liquor cabinet. He does keep liquor on hand for hosting guests who expect a drink when entertained. You know, business big wigs and the like. In this, he follows the traditions of his father, who in addition to keeping liquor on hand, even allowed a foreign exchange student staying with them to smoke in his room (though he was obviously a non-smoker himself). I don't think these details reflect poorly on these men at all, so I would't call it a dig for newsweek to point it out.

I would question the liquor cabinet story. When Mitt was Governor of Massachusetts, visitors to his home [for example, journalists and writers] often commented on how he never offered them an alcoholic drink. I don't know what Newsweek was saying specifically because I didn't read the article. I have a policy of not reading Newsweek.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 27, 2008 at 6:19 PM  

posted by Anonymous | 2:41 PM | permalink
Romney had a great showing on Hannity and Colmes last night. The transcript is here. Video of the first segment is here and video from the second segment is here. My favorite part was this exchange where Romney parried (followed by a strong riposte) with Colmes:

COLMES: The word "elite" gets tossed around a lot. Republicans and deregulated industries who have helped create monopolies. They fought against labor unions. They've campaigned against a government net for the poor. They've tried to do privatize Social Security and you call the Democrats elites.

Is it possible that some of the issues I've just mentioned might show some elitists among the Republican side of the ledger?

ROMNEY: You know, I know every policy that conservatives espouse and fight for and Republicans are overwhelmingly conservative, those policies are designed to help the American people from the very poorest to the middle class. We don't think about how do we take away from some and give to others, we say how do we lift everyone in this great nation.

And every policy you've described — for instance, Senator McCain today said he wants to lower the corporate tax rate. Why is that? Because lowering the corporate tax rate will bring more jobs here, will build more businesses here. He's not worried about, you know, chief executive pay. That's not what's the concern he's going have. It's instead how do you build more jobs and keep companies from going offshore?

So his policies, conservative policies, Republican policies, are designed to help people from the very poorest and particularly those in the middle class who feel the real squeeze right now.

COLMES: Are you satisfied that people corporation of oil companies, for example, pay enough taxes? You know, Robert Reich used to refer to that as aid to defending corporations. Are you satisfied that — there are no loopholes that corporations jump through to avoid paying taxes that would help the economy if they paid them?

ROMNEY: I'm sure there are loopholes that the corporate accountants find. When I was governor of Massachusetts I went after these loopholes that were not intended to be put there by the legislature, and we took them out, and you want to make sure the people are following the rules, and not getting special breaks. But I don't want to tax corporations that provide jobs and build new factories and are doing research and development, I don't want to tax them out of existence, I want them to grow and thrive, particularly small businesses.

Don't forget, these tax rates are applied to the very smallest businesses. The pizza shops and the new software engineer firm. That's the place we want to see growth in our economy. We don't want those jobs to go elsewhere.
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I've seen a clip of George Romney giving an interview. He had a slow steady blink of brilliance, that said to his interviewer "there is nothing u can give me, that I can't handle."I see the same brilliant blink in Mitt.

I loved seeing Mitt baffle Alan Colmes trying to out wit him from a liberal perspective. Truth has many words to back it up. Alan just can't seem to handle the truth. Mitt wipes the floor with his & every liberals perspective.

P.s. I would sure love to see some more George Romney Clips.

posted by Anonymous | 2:27 PM | permalink
In case you haven't checked into lately, skip on over to check out the slimmed down website. For quite sometime the site has simply features a photo of Mitt and Ann along with a thank you message. Now, the site is back up with a short biographical section about Mitt and Ann, as well as the texts from major speeches and many photos. The Issues section also has many positions outlined. Nice to have some of that reference material back since I was looking for one of his speeches sometime back. Your core of support is strong Mitt!
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posted by Justin Hart | 9:00 AM | permalink

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 9:11 PM | permalink
About inconsistencies, this seems a bit inconsistent with this. Here is Dan Senor squirreling about his story.
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posted by Anonymous | 8:31 PM | permalink
Just when you thought the Romney is flip-flopping silliness had finally ended, we get treated with yet another claim from the AP's Glen Johnson. Here is the entire article:

Romney Reverses on McCain's Economic Credentials

Mitt Romney said Tuesday that Sen. John McCain's Washington experience counts in drawing up economic policy.

That's not what Romney said during the heat of the Republican presidential race.
Here's Romney from Tuesday's appearance on CNN:
"I can tell you that for a person who's spent over 25 years in Washington, D.C., working on economic policies from the days of (Ronald) Reagan and throughout the current time, Senator McCain is very well aware of the spending programs in Washington, which ones need to be cut back, which ones need to be grown. He understands also how to relieve the pressure on the American taxpayer," Romney said hours before McCain, a four-term Arizona senator, delivered an economic address in Pittsburgh.
Here's Romney on Jan. 25 in Florida:
"Now he's engaging in 'Washington talk,'" Romney said of McCain and his self-professed "straight-talk" mantra. "`Washington talk' says that somehow, because you've been in Washington, and you've been on a committee, that you somehow know about how the jobs of this country have been created."

Romney, who bowed out of the race in February, has been mentioned as a possible running mate for McCain.

In a phone call to The Associated Press, Romney said his latest comments in part acknowledged the verdict of the voters.

"There's no question any one of the three would have benefited from a lifetime of service in the private sector that I enjoyed. That's why I thought I was the strongest candidate. The voters chose differently," Romney said of the three remaining candidates, McCain and Democratic Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

My Thoughts: I may be an idiot but I think there is a difference in talking about cutting government programs and relieving taxpayers versus how jobs are created.

For the attorneys out there, if Romney had been a witness in my trial and had said the first quote, the second quote would not be admissible as hearsay because the exception in CA for past inconsistent statements would not apply.
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I cannot stand Glenn Johnson of the AP. He is nothing more than a gotcha journalistic hack! Interrupting Gov. Romney in Michigan the way he did was completely out of line and worse was how he acted about it, had I been his boss I would have fired him for that on the spot. People like him have no respect for Conservative politicians but I'll bet you he worships the ground the almighty Barack ObamaMessiah walks on.

Looks like Glen couldnt twist this one as good as he thought.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 16, 2008 at 9:01 AM  

Isn't Glen Johnson that unkempt, unproffessional newsie who needs anger management classes?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 17, 2008 at 2:50 PM  

posted by Anonymous | 6:35 PM | permalink
According to the schedule, Mitt is slated to be on Hannity and Colmes tonight at 9:00 pm eastern time.

Thanks to reader Diane for the heads up!
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I'm on it like a rat on a cheetoh!

Go Mitt!

posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:36 PM | permalink
...and a miss. What a waste of a countdown.


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What exactly was Huckaster trying to do this time? Pitifully looking for ways to upsurp Mitt?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 15, 2008 at 4:31 PM  

Any surprise?....During his run for the presidency. Huckabee did nothing but Huckafart or two out of his mouth. The hot air coming out his mouth made some laugh and others puke. That is all it was and thats all his lame countdown ended up being. Huckafart is spewing his junk on the net too. Good Job Mike! Maybe your Hollywood B.S. charisma will land u an acting job.

Wow...a real copy cat.

Huckabeen's followers were all ready and expecting the countdown to end with a big joint announcement from McCain that Huckabeen was the chosen VP. So gullable--his deluded supporters; so pathetic--Huckabeen.

Too bad. I really was looking forward to Up-Chuck-abee committing Seppuku. Oh well. I guess that instead of him taking everybody out of his misery, we'll just have to continue living with him as a complete waste of space and air.

Huck-a-Who???? . . . . . .mwa-ha-ha!!!!!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 18, 2008 at 6:53 PM  

Hey guys, I don't share a lot love for Huckabee either, but these names you are calling him seem peurile and immature. Up-Chuck-abee? Farts out his mouth? I see this kind of nasty and childish tone all the time on Daily Kos. I thought the level of discussion on this blog might be a little higher. We can do better than this.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:14 PM | permalink
Mitt Romney was on Morning Joe today talking about McCain's economic plans.

If anyone sees the video in embed-able format, send us the link.

UPDATE: A faithful reader sends the video


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How about a transcript for us poor people with dial-up? Anybody know where I could find one? I'd love to see what he said.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 15, 2008 at 3:57 PM

Mitt on Morning Joe

Thanks for keeping us informed.

Bobbie, FL

Mitt Romney should be McCain's VP. People who were really following the Republican primaries closely know that Romney had the majority of conservatives voting for him, especially in the absence of Huckabee. Look at his numbers before Huckabee came on the scene and you see that Evangelicals are willing to vote for Romney in the absence of a Bapist in the running.

Also, if you look at states like Nevada, the 2/3 majority of evangelicals voted for Romney there. Even southern states like South caroline will not be a problem for Mitt when those hard-core evangelicals are faced with voting for McCain/Romney or Obama/Hilliary. They will not vote for the dems just because Romney is Mormon.

Monday, April 14, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 6:30 PM | permalink
“…they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Is it me, or does this seem like a Freudian slip? This is revealing to me about Obama, not because of his antipathy towards some of the things that are generally valued or, at least, constitutionally protected. No, it seems to me that this is more self-descriptive than almost anything else we hear from Obama. It seems that Obama’s hides a bitterness that has turned him towards a hateful religion, a dislike of people that aren’t like him (like, uh, the white people he regularly disparaged in his books), and anti-trade sentiment (unless its his love for trade that makes him want to rescind free-trade agreements).

Shelby Steele talks about the mask that Obama wears. I think in one candid and Freudian moment, Obama’s mask was pulled away and we saw something of Obama’s deeper psychology and his view of the world.

UPDATE: I wrote the above post before I saw this from Victor Davis Hanson. I would use the "great minds think alike" cliche, but I wouldn't dare put myself in his class.
The problem with the Obama Marin County speech, inter alia, is that it invites comparison to himself—as all condescension does, being the nursemaid to hypocrisy. So if religion is a crutch for the embittered of Middle America, what is the creepy Rev. Wright for Obama? So the frustrated protectionists of Middle America are “anti-trade”, what then does that mean for the Harvard-educated NAFTA-trashing Obama? If Middle America can distinguish illegal from legal immigration, why can’t Obama in remarks to sophisticated Marin county elites? If jobs “have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them” why then is the Pennsylvania unemployment rate around 5%? And does small-town America cling to “antipathy to people who aren’t like them” any more than does Rev. Wright, Rev. Meeks, Rev. Lee, or all the others that gravitate to Obama, but who are spared the condescending “they” write-off?


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Obama has all the hallmarks of a white eliest and maintaining his ethnicity at the same time. He is a product of the diversity worshippers made in their own image.He sees nothing wroung with what Rev. Wright or Bill Ayres has said because it's all he's ever been exposed to.He has no connection at all to average people not does his wife.Nothing but products of liberal indoctrination.When liberals talk about educating black people this is the result they want at the end of the day.Not doctors, engineers or inventors.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 15, 2008 at 7:54 AM  

Obama's "who let the dogs out" moment. Except it happened in Marin County's wine & cheese country. Ain't no friends of squirrel a la popcorn popper in that place.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
posted by Myclob | 8:42 PM | permalink
Wednesday, Oct. 05, 1983


CIVIL RIGHTS The Central Point

Selma is a city of 29,500 people—14,400 whites, 15,100 Negroes. Its voting rolls are 99% white, 1% Negro. More than a city, Selma is a state of mind. "Selma," says a guidebook on Alabama, "is like an old-fashioned gentlewoman, proud and patrician, but never unfriendly." But the symbol of Selma is Sheriff James Clark, 43, a bullyboy segregationist who leads a club-swinging, mounted posse of deputy volunteers, many of them Ku Klux Klansmen. It was in Selma, four years ago, that the Federal Government filed its first voting-rights suit, but court processes are slow, and Selma Negroes remain unregistered.

Selma seemed a natural target to Martin Luther King. He rounded up hundreds of Negroes at a time, led them on marches to the county courthouse to register to vote. Always, Clark awaited them, either turning them away or arresting them for contempt of court, truancy, juvenile delinquency and parading without a permit. In seven weeks, Clark jailed no fewer than 2,000 men, women and children, including King, who dramatized the situation by refusing to make bond for four days. Still the Negroes came, singing "We shall overcome." In reply, Sheriff Clark pinned a button on his shirt reading "Never!" The city's mood grew ever uglier.

King called for a march from Selma to the state capitol at Montgomery, 50 miles away. King planned to lead the march himself, but at the last minute was persuaded by aides to stay at his Atlanta headquarters for his safety's sake.

Ignoring an order from Governor Wallace forbidding the march, 650 Negroes and a few whites filed through the back streets of Selma, and headed for the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which crosses the Alabama River.

On U.S. Highway 80, 400 yards beyond the bridge, was a phalanx of 60 state cops. Suddenly the clubs started swinging. From the sidelines, white townspeople raised their voices in cheers and whoops. Joined by possemen and deputies, the patrolmen waded into the screaming mob. Now came the sound of canisters being fired. A Negro screamed: "Tear gas!" Within seconds the highway was swirling with white and yellow clouds of smoke, raging with the cries of men. Choking, bleeding, the Negroes fled in all directions while the whites pursued them. The mounted men uncoiled bull whips and lashed out viciously as the horses' hoofs trampled the fallen. " O.K., nigger!" snarled a posseman, flailing away at a running Negro woman. "You wanted to march—now march!"

"Please! No!" begged a Negro as a cop flailed away with his club. "My God, we're being killed!" cried another. The Negroes staggered across the bridge and made for the church, chased by the sheriffs deputies and the horsemen. All told, 78 Negroes required hospital treatment for injuries.

Rarely has public opinion reacted so spontaneously and with such fury. In Detroit, Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh and Michigan's Governor George Romney led a protest parade of 10,000 people. President Johnson publicly declared that he "deplored the brutality." And in Atlanta, Martin Luther King announced that as a "matter of conscience and in an attempt to arouse the deepest concern of the nation," he was "compelled" to lead another march from Selma to Montgomery.

More articles here .

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Dya think that's really a possibility all the talk about a McCain/Giuliani ticket? That might get me out to the polls, depending on whether Giuliani understands the economy or not.

Anonymous, Oh yes, Rudy does understand economy. He will endoring tax cuttings and increased spending, just like the current Administration. He will be amazed in bringing our economy state down on our head. Really!

This is wrong post to put this comment under, anyway.

What I want to say about this post is that this is what I am afraid we will see from Obama Administration. We will see Selma situations throughout the country when Obama tries to push the bills giving Blacks super-rights, that is, rights above Whites and all other groups, only to see those bills contested in the US Capitol. The Blacks (those who follow Obama blindly) will demand that these bills be passed. And many whites will arise in angry for those (remember, they are "bitter").

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