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Thursday, September 18, 2008
posted by jason | 11:19 AM | permalink
Just read this quote on Politico:

“Well first let me take a shot at that, and I’ll tell ya, I’m a product of Title IX in our schools, where equal education and equal opportunities in sports really helped propel me into the—I guess into the position that I’m in today where,” Palin said.

McCain then interjected, “Could I mention she was a point guard on a state championship basketball team.”

After the crowd’s applause died down, Palin continued: “Sports were very, very important to me growing up, you know just learning about self discipline and healthy competition and about what it takes to win and even how to graciously lose sometimes. But how to win, that’s what it teaches ya. Now, I was a product of Title IX where legislation allowed that equal opportunity. Now if we have to still keep going down that road to create more legislation, to get with it in the 21st century, to make sure that women do have equality especially in the work place, then we’re there because we understand that in this age we have all got to be working together. I respect you so much that you are a Democrat recognizing that John McCain and me as a team of mavericks understand where you’re coming from, and we can work together on these issues. But yup, equality for women, for all, that’s going to be part of the agenda and I thank you for that question.” emphasis J. Martin's

I find this quite surprising actually. But I am wondering what readers here think of Title IX and a Republican ticket member actively supporting it.
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A sport scholarship paid for my college too. I appreciate efforts made to promote women's sports, absolutely. But let's not go crazy with the concept, and by that I mean if and when biology trumps merit there is a problem. I also think all-boy and all-girl schools have the advantage over....unisex would you say? Of course this goes back to an ancient, ancient philosophy that there may be some fundamental differences between males and females, which apparently went out of style along with traditional marriage.

Article explaining why McCain should have picked Mitt:

My sister & I were both in sports & my sister ended up getting her scholarship to college to sports. But I think this is another topic where Gov. Palin missing the mark & shows her lack of depth. The reason why Conservatives have an issue with Title IX is not so much with the initial "intent" of it (which she touches on) but with its application (which she does not mention at all). For her not to even bring that up tells me that she, once again, does not have the knowledge on this subject, even though she was intimately close to it. That bothered me. Perhaps that is what drew your attention as well.

I hope Sarah is saying this to woo Clinton supporters...cause it sounds a lot like liberal democrat language.

Monday, September 15, 2008
posted by jason | 10:30 AM | permalink
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When was this interview? Good for Mitt!

This is obviously from back in January when McCain was just simply lying about Mitt's war stance.

I don't think this is recent... at all.

This is from the primary when McCain had gone after Mitt on the surge in Iraq and accused him of hedging his position, is it not?

Are you guys trying to create news from your blog? Or is this recent?

This sounds like Mitt was speaking about McCain's determination in pushing the unpopular amnesty bill. My reason is because conservatives weren't upset with McCain's support of the war, they were upset with his position with illegal immigration and forcing Americans to accept the bill without first debating the consequences. This upset a lot of conservatives and nearly killed his run for president in the primaries. It doesn't surprise me at all that Mitt would say this about McCain and his position with Amnesty.

Mitt rocks.

Go Mitt!

I remember when this comment was made, and it was in reference to McCain statement about Mitt "suppposedly" wanting "timed withdrawals from Iraq" I still have alot of questions about McCains integrity. I do not feel that he is an honorable man in spite of his war hero status. I sure miss Mitt and feel that a Romney/Palin ticket would be a much better option for America.

I generally enjoy your continued coverage of Mitt Romney, and also believe he will be the future of the Republican Party .... eventually.

But, this offering lacks the proper context, and without that, he could be referring to many incidents that
frustrate us all about McCain.

Please remove this. It is from the primaries many months ago. Andrew Sullivan got duped by this also but he removed it from his site.

McCain is trying his best to blow thiselection with stupid gaffes like the fundementals of the economy being strong and firing Chris Cox. Now he's still saying he wants to privitize parts of SS. That pig won't fly regardless of it's merits. McCain should just shut up and let Sarah run this thing.

This was when McCain sat there, and tried to say that "timetables" was the key word... McCain was sure an ass for those last few days before Florida voted...

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