For some one that's in medical school, I personally would side on the side of life as well. I am glad this audio was posted. As I'm still learning as my schooling progresses, I feel there are other ways to overcome these obstacles of farming embryos, and cloning from stem cells. With that being said, I also have an optimistic personal opinion that other ways can be used to accomplish advanced medicine. Somatic cells and placenta cells are of interest to me. However, thanks for the audio.
According to Novak, McCain really screwed up his Sunday "Meet the Press" interview:
One Democratic leader referred to McCain's performance, in suggesting President Bush's additional 21,000 troops may be inadequate, as "comatose." A Republican adviser to McCain said it was one of the worst performances ever on "Meet the Press." The senator's defender said he could not be expected to be cheerful about a plan to send additional U.S. troops in harm's way.
It was pretty bad.
Novak also said this:
A footnote: Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is picking up support for president among House Republicans, headed by former Speaker Dennis Hastert.
Which is more interesting when you start to think about it. The latest polls seem to have Romney making small gains. Straw polls he beats the field almost everytime. I think the straw polls reflect the people who are paying attention and what they see. The MSM Polls reflect the basic name recognition Romney needs to overcome.
Despite all this you don't see Romney out in the limelight too much. I think (I am no strategist- but this is what I hope) that Romney is intentionally steering clear of the public light and concentrating on the back round. Right now 9/10 Americans wonder why we want leather manufactured by Rawlings running our country. My guess is Romney is locking up all the key people he can, brining in all the money in the world, then in a month or two we are going to see a blitz that will rival the 85 Bears.
BTW, isn't that Rawlings site pretty cool?
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Though not something to be touted widely this provides an interesting look at how the real opposition, liberals and Democrats, view the Republican race for President. From a lunch with Billionaire liberal George Soros speaking on the Republican race:
"John McCain", he(Soros) said, had “compromised far too much with the Bush administration” and was unlikely to win the Republican nomination. And who will win? Mr. Soros said he thinks the leading possibilities are former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
Read the whole post here. The rest is mostly about his investing and his activities in Davos at the World Economic Forum.
Of course with McCain out he is still towing the conventional wisdom here but his thoughts on McCain are interesting
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Hillary's voice was awful! She also doesn't know the song too well, either. As I listed, I noticed she goofed up a word in the star-spangled banner part. I listed to her noise again, and sure enough she got it wrong.
The words go as follows: "Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave?"
Hillary sang this: "Oh, say does our ..." Not a huge error, but she obviously doesn't sing this song enough.
Iowans for Romney has great coverage of the great meeting in Iowa yesterday. 300 people showed up for luncheon.
One bit of news is Romney also had some people signing for the Aimes Straw Poll. The other breakng news is that Mitt wore a blue tie.
Jim Kinnick who runs Iowans For Romney,emailed me this short synopsis at my request:
On January 26th I had the opportunity to hear Gov. Romney speak at Beck's Restaurant in Waterloo, Iowa.
An overflow crowd of over 300 Iowa Republicans attended the 11:30 AM event. For a weekday event held in the middle of the Iowa winter, that's a very impressive turnout. Mitt spoke of his conservative values and drew upon his experience in both the private and public sectors. After a speech highlighting his core conservative beliefs and values, Gov. Romney took questions from the audience. Romney spoke of how foreign policy is no longer a "black and red checkers game", that the Cold War is over but we have new challenges to face. On domestic issues Gov. Romney stressed raising the bar on education and made it clear that the issue of education should not be ceded to the democrats. Many in attendance filled out cards to support Romney at the August 11th "Iowa Straw Poll". Jim Kirkpatrick
Jim is doing a great job in Iowa promoting Romney along with our own Jeff Fuller (pic of Jeff up on Jim's site also.)
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Now we're onto the "debate" about Religious Conservatives. The title of this session was "Resolved: Religious Conservatives are Critical to Building a Republican Majority"
The debaters are Ralph Reed (one of the founders of Christian Coalition) and Ryan Sager, the author of The Elephant in the Room.
This is an interesting debate... not calling into question whether or not the Christian base is vital to our coalition (which Sager did not dispute) but rather trying to gauge what elements of the electorate we need to curry favor with. The most prominent issue was same sex marriage, not as a constituency... but as an issue that Sager believes will hurt us in the end.
Sager cites some very stark numbers about who we lost and by how much. Reed, in contrast, cited the absolute lock of activism we have among conservative Christians.
Sager says you have to look at the reality that the issue of homosexuality and immigration is that we don't like it. It's an ugly political reality. Reed counters and says that supporting marriage is not biggotry. Sager clarifies and says he's not saying bigotry.
Reed: People make moral choice with which we disagree because we are in a free society. It's not an issue of heterosexual. It's called America. All we are saying is that the institution should be preserved. The other thing is that we have a council of timidity and retreat. "If it's such a liability why the left has tried to get religion. If imitation is the highest form of flattery...." You can finish the sentence. It's a good argument.
Sager: One tactical point. The reality is that the more they do that the less we can use that as our one of our issues. (See Laura's comments from last night about a
Michael Novak, the moderator, had a great line: Conservatives come in all vintages.
Is Lachlan McIntosh (executive director of the South Carolina Democratic Party) rooting for John McCain? Would the Democrats Rather go against McCain? Read this article and tell me what you think:
We should wonder why the Boston Herald doesn't mention that Mitt Romney has Jim DeMint's endorsment? Wouldn't a Conservative Republican rather have Jim DeMint than Lindsey Graham? You be the judge:
But even with the deck stacked against him, the GOP momentum in South Carolina for the Massachusetts pol is running high. “He’s got a natural charisma,” said Dawson of Romney. “He’s really got a good flavor for the state.”
Two years into his governorship, in February 2005, Romney announced his opposition to stem cell research. Then, to the dismay of his pro-choice supporters, he vetoed a July 2005 bill making available Plan B or "morning after" contraception. Also that year, in an op-ed for the Boston Globe, he declared himself pro-life.
DNC on Romney's speech tonight at National Review's Conservative Summit
"Smooth talking Mitt Romney's campaign to charm conservative activists is falling on deaf ears," said Democratic National Committee Press Secretary Stacie Paxton. "As hard as he tries, conservative leaders can see that Mitt Romney believes telling voters what he thinks they want to hear is more important than addressing the inconsistencies in his record."
Just what I need. Far left Liberals telling me what a Conservative is. Incredible. I guess it shows you who they really fear!
Keep checking back here for more throughout the day.
Newt opened the event today (Mitt ends it tonight!). Here's Newt on a roll talking about International Affairs:
Marvin Olasky spoke first from the panel. The eminent scholar, who along with Newt Gingrich, is the reason I'm a conservative.
Salient Points:
The only way to small government is to embrace compassionate conservatism
People want to do SOMETHING. Helping people is a crucial issue and we cannot shy away from it
Compassion is a phrase that some think the left has taken. We need to take back the language
Compassionate Conservatism is the alternative to Big Government
Like Reagan, we need to recognize the great potential of the people
Two things we can do: 1) $500 tax credit that you can assign to any charity and 2) Social services vouchers
Congressman Paul Ryan spoke next. He sits on the several prominent committees such as the Ways and Means.
Salient Points:
At the GOP getaway. He indicated that the crowd was split in thirds 1/3 thought we lost because of Iraq, 1/3 because of corruption and 1/3 for spending
Understand 3 things 1) the default setting of government is bigger government, 2) Almost all bad things come from government and 3) Fighting big government still works!
We have squandered the brand but the opportunity to get it back is still there
Justin is live blogging at the National Review Summit. To make things easier, we've devised a special page that for the event.. You can visit it by clicking on the graphic below:
Before I head downtown I wanted to post some quick videos of the event for you to view. Hope you enjoy.
The first discussion out the gates was immigration. I had to leave the auditorium. More on this later...
After I gained my composure the '08 elections came up. Here's Laura Ingraham on Newt and his "tardiness" to the race (by the by, Newt is the lead speaker at today's first session):
Then, immigration came up again. I decided to record it this time. Here's Kate on whether or not the elections had an anti-immigration backlash and a great little quip at the end:
K-LO on Senator Reid's moving tribute to John Kerry:
Laura on James Webb's response:
Laura on what would happen if they become pro-life. Mona on corruption:
Laura: Do elections have consequences?
Michelle/Laura on Immigration (again...):
Laura: on blogging from the military field and the lack of comms capability at the white house:
Saturday kicked off with a ballroom full of conservative adherents and platefull of lobster ravioli (or, at least, I think that's what I ate?).
I arrived a bit tardy to the event so I missed the quick appearance of our honoree John Bolton. Which is disappointing because I really wanted to see that mustache up close and personal.
Instead, I had to settle to Jonah's goatee. Actually, Jonah's looking pretty trim (the waste not the goatee)... kudos to him. I caught him outside the main ballroom during the main event... which was, of course, the anti-View: Kate O'Beirne, Mona Charen, Kathryn Lopez, Michelle Malkin, and Laura Ingraham. (see pic above)
I'll have more details tomorrow. I've gotta hit the hay (or, more specifically, at least the select comfort king bed upstairs)
Romney fundraising on Capitol Hill Romney is looking for friends and donors on Capitol Hill as he seeks to tap into a scene McCain should be dominant in, but as Bob Novaktells us, he isn't:
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is picking up support for president among House Republicans, headed by former Speaker Dennis Hastert.
In the end, Mitt Romney should be treated like any other candidate for president. His fitness for office should be judged on where he stands on the war in Iraq, health care, the environment, education and other major issues facing the nation - and not on what nonsense he happens to believe in the name of God.
I just wanted to briefly introduce myself to everyone. My name is Ben Wren. I reside in Erie, PA and am in my final semester of studies at Gannon University in Erie.
Last year I worked for Senator Rick Santorum's re-election campaign as his Regional Political Director in the Northwest of PA. Prior to that I've volunteered for the Pat Toomey for Senate campaign and of course Bush-Cheney 04.
I have blogged on two different sites. Prior to being with the Santorum Campaign I wrote for The Santorum Blog and currently write for PA Water Cooler, a blog on PA Politics.
For the first time in 80 years the nominations for president in both parties will be wide open with no incumbent president or vice-president seeking their party's nomination. In this environment the numerous candidacies of varying qualities we see today could be expected. Republicans and more specifically Conservatives are facing a crisis of ideas and beliefs and lack a consensus candidate. In my opinion, once they begin to look at their choices many of them, as I did, will see Mitt Romney and be excited
They will see many things
They will see a successful businessman
They will see a man who has looked corruption in the eye and fought it back in the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
They will see a governor who worked with Democrats to balance Massachusetts budget without raising taxes
They will see a man who has not been reflexive in his policy views but has followed his heart and come to his conclusions after study and thought.
They will see a man who believes that life begins at conception
They will see a man who will confront our enemies with courage and one who will not shirk.
These are the things that I saw.
I am proud to be joining this effort to elect Mitt Romney as our next president. We are a mere 648 days from the general election. There is much to be done. Let's get to it.
We mentioned this effort earlier in the week but it bears repeating.
As Gov. Romney declared in Israel earlier this week. The murmurings among lawmakers trying to abandon the cause in Iraq at this stage would be "folly".
In that spirit, we ask that you sign the NRSC pledge
When asked about his "conversion" Brownback claims he was always pro-life...just avoided saying it. Pretty lame. I have sat in on meetings where candidates are questioned by Pro-life groups. If they refuse to say they are pro-life, the conclusion would be made they are probably not pro-life.
This is not to say Brownback hasn't done a wonderful job since '94, but the fact remains at some point he wasn't truely pro-life and now he is.
The stakes are high for Brownback on this- his ability to court conservatives will truely be hampered by his ability to say he has always been conservstive. That doesn't even mention his current escapades in pork spending, immigration and loving the ISG.
But Brownbacks skillful art of dodging questions didn't begin with his CBN video:
Brownback can't even take a stand on gay adoption when pressed! Looks like the dark horse has broken his leg. This is really something...
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Justin will be taking a brief hiatus today as he prepares himself in meditation to attend the National Review Institute Conservative Summit. He'll be live blogging from the event.
Here's a quick rundown of the agenda. Needless to say. I'm excited.
FRIDAY, January 26
6:00 PM Cocktail Reception Honoring John Bolton
8:00PM Night Owl Session — the State of Conservatism Kate O'Beirne, Kathryn Lopez, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Mona Charen
9:00 AM Panel Session: Is "Small Government" a Big Joke? Pat Toomey, Marvin Olasky, Paul Ryan Moderated by Ed Feulner
10:00 AM Debate Resolved: Religious conservatives are critical to building a Republican majority. Ralph Reed versus Ryan Sager Moderated by Michael Novak
11:00 AM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Foreign Policy John O'Sullivan, Cliff May, and David B. Rivkin Moderated by Andrew McCarthy
12:00 PM LUNCH Jeb Bush introduced by Ed Gillespie
1:45 PM Editors and the Leaders Rich Lowry and Kate O'Beirne Q&A with Rep. John Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor
2:30 PM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Social Issues Robert P. George, Maggie Gallagher, Ed Whelan Moderated by Robert Bork
3:30 PM Debate Resolved: Bush’s planned “surge” of troops into Iraq is a mistake. Lawrence Korb versus Bill Kristol Moderated by Rich Lowry
4:30 PM Panel Session: Trumping the Race Card Michael Steele, Ward Connerly, and Abigail Thernstrom Moderated by John Miller
7:00 PM DINNER Speech by Mitt Romney, Master of Ceremonies Mark Steyn
10:00 PM Night Owl Session Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, and Rob Long
SUNDAY, January 28
9:00 AM Debate Resolved: President Bush has, as the White House puts it, found a “rational middle ground between a program of mass deportation and a program of automatic amnesty.” Mark Krikorian and Tamar Jacoby Moderated by Byron York
10:00 AM Remarks by Mike Huckabee
10:30 AM Debate Resolved: The Federal government should act to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. James Woolsey vs. Jerry Taylor Moderated by Quin Hillyer
11:30 AM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Domestic Policy Ramesh Ponnuru, Charles Murray, Charles Kesler Moderated by Terry Jeffrey
12:30 PM LUNCH Speech by Tony Snow Master of Ceremonies, Larry Kudlow
A letter to CBN from that ragtag ensemble Brownback calls his campaign:
Dear Friends:
To our great surprise, there are folks that are actually questioning Senator Brownback's pro-life credentials and heritage. While I expect this sort of attack will garner laughter from everyone that knows of the senator's good work, I'd like to be ready if this elevates to anything bigger.
Can I please ask those that are capable and willing to send me a testimonial quote highlighting Senator Brownback's work on pro-life issues, his longstanding willingness to fight the good fight, and his unparalleled work on behalf of the cause. As an aside, if this is all they have, it might be a long campaign for them…or rather, maybe a very short one.
All the best, and thank you.
Probably people are second guessing you because you flipped also. There will be more..
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Townhall's Matt Lewis Rounds up some old friends of Brownbacks. I give you 4 quotes Lewis used in his piece:
1.“Kansas Republican Party Chairman Tim Shallenburger said he remembered having a conversation with Brownback in 1994 when Brownback was running in the GOP primary for the U.S. House. After the conversation, Shallenburger said he left with the impression that Brownback “was not pro-life.” Link
2. “David Gittrich, development director for the state’s largest anti-abortion organization, Kansans for Life, said when Brownback first ran for Congress in 1994 'he was ill-informed.' Gittrich added, 'He didn’t know whether he was pro-life or pro-choice.' … Gittrich said he had heard from others that Brownback simply didn’t understand the issues at the time." Link
3.“As recently as 1994, the year of his first campaign for Congress, Brownback was a member in good standing of the moderate Republican establishment.” Link
4. “… as primary day approached, (Brownback’s opponent) noticed a change in his opponent's language. Brownback never used to mention abortion on the campaign trail. Now he was publicly pronouncing himself an abortion opponent.” Link
The problem here (as Lewis notes) isn't Brownback's Conversion- as a social conservative myself I am more than happy to see a new face in the crowd- it's the inherent hypocrisy of his past when coupled with the recent statement by Brownback concerning Romney's conversion:
"I think you'll have to look at where he stood, and at times, he's said different things on these issues. I think that's all going to come out during a long campaign.
...I do think that when you get out on the campaign trail and the campaign really gets fully engaged, there's going to be a lot of discussion about where people actually stand on the issues.” Link
Now if this was the only area of "only I can convert" conversion one might be willing to give him a pass. Unfortunately it is not. While perusing the Internet I found this old article on a munitions plant in Kansas. Back in 2005 apparently Brownback had decided that tucking a $10 million dollar appropriation into a large defense bill was for the good of his constituency. From the AP:
The Pentagon, President Bush and the Base Closure and Realignment Commission all agree the southeast Kansas plant is expendable. Even so, Sen. Sam Brownback got the extra money tucked into a defense spending bill before the Senate Appropriations Committee, on which he sits, approved it this week.
"Normally you don't spend money on a facility that's about to be closed," said John Pike, a military analyst with in Alexandria, Va. "It's basically doing an end-run around BRAC."
Only a few months later in April of 2006 we get this:
We have to get spending under control,” said Brownback. “Congress needs to show the American public that it is capable of fiscal
The Road to Damascus is for the chosen few...
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You know... I'm getting tired of this issue. I'm 100% in it for Mitt Romney. I just am tired of talking about who is more stalwart and true on the abortion issue.
The vast majority of Americans are at least a little bit ambivalent about abortion. Conservatives believe abortion is wrong. What about in the case of rape or incest? What about if the life of the mother is in danger? Even before Roe vs. Wade people were allowed to get abortions, they just had to go through committee first.
So to put it bluntly, I don't care about Mitt Romney's evolving opinion on abortion... or Brownback's!! I've had an evolving opinion myself. I grew up in a fiercely pro-life family, but when one of my children was conceived, I didn't feel like we were ready for another child, and desperately wished there was a way to make it all go away. But when I had to wrestle with the issue up close and personal, I (and my wife) came down on the side of life.
I am not going to insist on some sort of stringent historical standard of purity, and I don't think America will either. Mitt Romney has said enough on this issue, and so has Brownback. Brownback needs to shut up and quit henpecking Romney, and Romney fans ought to do the same for Brownback.
I would much rather listen to Romney talk about Iran, healthcare, the emerging asian threat, or any of a million other issues. Abortion is a dead horse.
In addition to his work on the Olympics, he has served on the federal Homeland Security Advisory Council, chairing its working group on intelligence and information sharing.
Key Speeches
01-23-07; Excerpts from Governor Mitt Romney's Remarks at the Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference
09-07-2005; Homeland Security: Status of Federal, State, and Local Efforts
09-05-2006; ROMNEY DENOUNCES KHATAMI VISIT TO HARVARD, Declines to provide escort, or offer state support for trip
05-24-2004; Grading Progress on Homeland Security: Before and After 9/11
06-17-2003; "First Responders: How States, Localities and the Federal Government Can Strengthen Their Partnership to Make America Safer"
First, I ask you to sign the pledge! Hosted by NZ Bear at TTLB, the pledge indicates that you will ban your contributions to any Republican who signs a resolution against the President's decision. You can click here to sign the pledge.
Third, if you haven't had a chance yet... be sure to make your vote known on the Pajamas Media poll. (see below)
Fourth, Erik at RedState is not enthused with the current slate of candidates. In my mind, Look, no one can come away from this address by Mitt Romney on Iran and not be a little enthused about he guy.
The American Enterprise Institute today published a newsletter today citing praise for the Massachusetts health insurance mandate that Governor Romney signed into law last April. Here are some excerpts from the newsletter:
Quick description of the program:
A program called the Connector makes low-cost insurance available to small businesses and those without employer-sponsored coverage. Employers are able to offer their workers the option of paying premiums for insurance with pretax dollars. The mandate is intended to provide taxpayer savings by reducing the amount spent on emergency care and hospital services not covered by insurance.
Mark V. Pauly, an AEI adjunct scholar from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, evaluated the study and concluded:
If you want to produce greater equality in an unequal world, you need unequal plans, he said. A good program to help the uninsured will not attempt to offer universal health insurance,
The Urban Institute's John Holahan emphasized:
that mandates on individuals are better than those on employers. He also warned that other states attempting similar programs should beware of special interests: hospitals, insurance companies, health-care providers, and advocacy groups. "Interest groups are incredibly strong," he said. The Massachusetts plan is superior, he added, because it offers educated and structured choices.
John McClaughry of the Ethan Allen Institute spoke about personal responsibility in health insurance.:
He praised the Massachusetts plan because it deals with the uninsured by sending them out into the market, thus reinforcing personal responsibility. Each individual has to decide his own risk level and can purchase insurance to meet his own needs. The Connector is ingenious, he added, because through it individuals and small businesses capture the deduction for health insurance that they could never have captured on their own
Holly Benson, Florida's secretary of business and professional regulation, said:
...the Massachusetts plan offers incentives for preventive care, thus driving down health-care costs. She also noted that insurance companies are responding to mandates and the growing market of uninsured young people by developing low-cost insurance products. Benson praised the virtues of the Connector in offering portability in an era of frequent career transitions. "If you give the private sector enough room to innovate," she concluded, "[it] will find ways to make money and reduce the overall cost of health-care systems."
Representative Hoekstra will endorse Romney today. From Hotline:
Hoekstra was chairman of the House Intelligence Cmte from '04 until two weeks ago. He is an independent -- though unabashedly conservative -- operator. A few weeks ago, he questioned Pres. Bush's selection of ret. Adm. Michael McConnell to be the Director of National Intelligence, wondering why the White House bypassed qualified civilian intelligence officials. In '05, amid a debate about pre-war intelligence, Hoekstra trumpeted a DIA report noting that hundreds of older (pre-1991) shells containing mustard gas and sarin were found throughout Iraq. Other intelligence officials, the DoD and the White House did not believe the report vindicated pre-war assessments about Iraq's attempts to procure chemical weapons. Hoekstra is a strong advocate for civilian oversight of the intelligence community and has been a vocal supporter of the president's formerly secret wire-tapping policies. He’s generally a hard-liner on Iran.
...In the months after 9/11, Romney, then the CEO of the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee, was regularly briefed by intelligence officials on threats to the Olympic games. As Governor, Romney headed an intelligence task force for the National Governors Association, and ex-Homeland Security Sec. Tom Ridge appointed him to a national homeland security advisory committee.
In recent months, Romney's self-directed study of foreign policy and national security has included briefings from current senior intelligence officials and former CIA directors like James Woosley.
It's official. Romney released the statement that Hoekstra is officially on board. Hoekstra join the campaing serving in two roles: Intelegence Advisor and Co-Chair of his Michigan Campaign with the focus on Western Michigan. This is interesting. Western Michigan is strongly conservative with many key Michigan Activist living in this part of the state.
Hoekstra had this to say concerning Romney:
"As a governor and as chief executive of the 2002 Winter Olympics, Governor Romney knows good intelligence is necessary for our security. Governor Romney will provide those on the frontlines of the war against radical militant Islam with the resources necessary to win. I know that the professionals who serve in the Intelligence Community will be well served under Governor Romney."
Why wishful thinking on Iran is wrong (2 min clip):
Confronting the Iran Threat: A 5-Point Plan (6 min clip):
Concluding remarks (2 min clip):
Listen to the entire speech online or download as an mp3 file: This is really one of the best speeches Mitt has given. For all his prowess on domestic issues, Mitt holds no punches to address the reality of the enemy we face.
What are you seeing that gives you the opinion that there is something good going to come from Iraq? Where in the Constitution does it say to attack other nations without just cause? Will you defend the Constitution even though it does not say anything about the rights of big buisness over the rights of the people?
Why is it if you want to ask questions, you're too chicken to not say your name? What you are seeing in Iraq IS progress, pull you're head out! Where does is say in the Constitution that if someone attacks on your soil, that you don't respond back? If you were born AFTER 9/11 then read some history! Big Business over RIGHTS of the people. Huh? Roger B. Greer
***I posted this on Sunday, thought I would repost it tonight.***
The moment has come. Mitt's Camapaign is jumping up in the polls and taking off. MMM has the goal to provide the best cutting edge technology with great content so we can strongly influence the NetRoots community. One of the keys to a successfull Romney campaign is online support- it's free to give, and anyone can do it if you have a computer and an internet connection.
MMM has need of more team members. We are already a strong team with big goals, but are looking for more people to join in and help. Here are some of the areas we can use help in:
1. General Blogging 2. Tech Team (Web design, logo making, artwork, etc.) 3. MittBase (online Romney Data Base) 4. PodCasting 5. Live Blogging Romney events 6. College CR outreach 7. Mitt Academy 8. Any other innovative ideas you might have
If you want to help, email us at
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Listen, we all recognize that the President is down in the polls. But leave it to the Democrats to kick him when he's down. I guess that's politics. But it seems a bit absurd and a bit outlandish to launch a fundraiser to take back the White House during the State of the Union address.
Tonight I received the following email from the Howard Dean. Admittedly, this is a savvy way to rally the base. But in my book it's basically a feckless rub in the face. My only consolation is that probablynot make it to 1600 donations before the night is out.
Dear Justin,
This president's approval ratings have sunk to levels unseen since Richard Nixon.
That's right -- going into his State of the Union speech, George Bush's popularity matches the Republican who became so deeply and universally disliked that he resigned from office. Americans have had it with this president.
So today, I want to talk to you about the next President.
You may not know everything about all the Democratic candidates yet. But let me assure you of one thing: building on our success in 2006 and continuing to grow the Democratic operation everywhere this year is absolutely critical to ensuring that a Democrat wins in 2008.
We took back both houses of Congress, but there's one important house left -- and it sits at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Putting a Democrat back in the White House will require a long-term investment by our party. It's time to take the investments of the last two years and go even further:
You see, while Democratic presidential candidates build operations in the states they need to win the nomination, it's up to the national party to grow capacity everywhere so our candidate is ready for the general election.
The fight for the Democratic nomination will be tough and expensive, and the winner must emerge with viable operations in the states that will decide the general election.
That's where you come in.
Besides supporting your favorite candidate, each of us has a responsibility to ensure that our nominee inherits a truly national organizing operation. That's the DNC's mandate, and it's one we must fulfill together.
We're already on our way. Our 50-state strategy powered victories up and down the ballot, in every part of the country in 2006.
We shocked the experts who simply didn't know how to explain three new Democratic Congressmen from supposedly "red" Indiana, Democratic sweeps in "swing" states like Iowa and Ohio, or unexpected wins in places like Kansas and Kentucky.
The Republicans never knew what hit them.
If we continue to build our program of grassroots organizing everywhere, they will be even more surprised when the Democratic nominee for president seems poised for an upset in some supposedly "safe Republican" states.
Will you make your down payment on a Democratic victory in 2008 right now? You can make your donation right here:
You may have to watch George Bush give the State of the Union this year, but if you look closely you'll see the impact small donations can make.
Over his left shoulder will be Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- the first woman ever to lead the House, and the first Democrat in over a decade.
It took a 50-state strategy to make that happen. Democrats picked up seats in "red" states, "blue" states and everywhere in between because we made a deliberate choice to fight everywhere.
As you see the images of George Bush standing at that podium, I want you to imagine a new Democratic president standing there in his place.
If you want that day to come, it's time to act -- please make a donation of whatever you can afford now to kick off the 2008 campaign:
Below you'll find a selection of the advice and suggestions that tens of thousands of you passed along to Senator Jim Webb as he prepares to give the nationally televised Democratic response.
Your notes convey feelings of both hope and concern -- optimism about the possibilities that come with more Democrats in charge, but frustration with the direction this president still seems intent on dragging the country.
The good news is that the rest of the country agrees with you.
The bad news is that if we don't rev up the operation now, we could miss the opportunity to elect a Democratic president to replace this one at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Make your commitment to the 2008 election now by making a donation to build the infrastructure we'll need to win:
Right March PAC took the opportunity yesterday to hand out fliers that offered several lies on Romney's record, most notably Romney's record on the RU-486 pill. Romney offers a full rebuttal that was done very quickly here.
Yet out of this came on article on Redstate by Managing Editor Erik. An interesting article that talks about some of these distortions and has a picture of the flier in question. Yet what really piqued my interest was a link Erik provided to that Reviews Right March's Buisness Practices.
Allow me the meat of RM's Dishonesty:
We see up to the data that have entered which is for March 31, 2006 we see that this PAC had received $58,196 . It paid out $50,468. That sounds good right? Lots of money going to conservative canidates right? Well lets looks a the Expenditures
American Caging, Stafford, TX, $500, 12/6/2005, Caging Fees BOB MCEWEN FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE, BATAVIA, OH, $1,000, 6/10/2005, Political Contribution BRAD BAKER FOR CONGRESS INC, NOKOMIS, FL, $100, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution Constantine Financial Services, Inc, Reston, VA, $3,475, 7/12/2005, Accounting Fees Constantine Financial Services, Inc, Reston, VA, $1,307, 12/14/2005, Accounting Constantine Financial Services, Inc, Reston, VA, $725, 3/2/2006, Accounting Constantine Financial Services, Inc, Reston, VA, $400, 9/19/2005, Accounting Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $8,620, 8/12/2005, Advertising Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $2,850, 7/14/2005, Advertising Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA. $2,010, 2/28/2006, Fundraising Advertisement Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $614, 7/13/2005, List Rental Fees Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $420, 3/9/2006, List Rental Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $319, 10/28/2005, List Rental Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $294, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $43, 3/9/2006, List Rental Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA, $19, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees Eric Spohn, Lawrenceville, GA, $500, 3/13/2006, Salary Eric Spohn, Lawrenceville, GA, $416, 3/30/2006, Salary HOUSE CONSERVATIVES FUND, Washington, DC, $100, 10/25/2005, Political Contribution KALOOGIAN FOR CONGRESS, RANCHO SANTA MARGA, CA, $250, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution LAFFEY US SENATE, PROVIDENCE, RI, $500, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution LESLEY 'LES' MILLER FOR CONGRESS, TAMPA, FL, $100, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution LEWIS FOR SENATE INC, MORGANTOWN, WV, $2,000, 6/2/2005, Political Contribution MASSARO FOR CONGRESS, Tampa, FL, $100, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution Politechs, Inc, Alexandria, VA, $117, 10/28/2005, List Rental Politechs, Inc, Alexandria, VA, $70, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $2,807, 6/30/2005, List Rental Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $440, 3/28/2006, Caging Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $295, 7/13/2005, List Rental Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $270, 8/4/2005, Caging Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $237, 8/4/2005, Caging Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $132, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $91, 10/24/2005, Caging Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $74, 10/28/2005, List Rental Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $31, 3/9/2006, List Rental Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $25, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA, $17, 3/9/2006, List Rental SICM, Inc, Buford, GA, $9,411, 6/10/2005, List Rental SICM, Inc, Buford, GA, $4,706, 6/16/2005, List Rental SICM, Inc, Buford, GA, $991, 7/13/2005, List Rental Fees SICM, Inc, Buford, GA, $549, 8/4/2005, List Rental Fees SICM, Inc, Buford, GA, $304, 10/28/2005, List Rental SMITH FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE, CLEVELAND, OH, $100, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution Special Guests, Naperville, IL, $2,000, 8/11/2005, Advertising SPENCER FOR SENATE COMMITTEE, YONKERS, NY, $100, 3/29/2006, Political Contribution
Well the first thing we see is that hardly no money went to any people running for office.
Kaloogian, Howard (R-CA), $250 Massaro, Mike (R-FL), $100 McEwen, Bob (R-OH), $1,000 Miller, Les (D-FL), $100 Total to Democratic House Candidates: $100 Total to Republican House Candidates: $1,350
Senate Candidate Total Contribs Laffey, Stephen (R-RI), $500 Lewis, Hiram (R-WV), $2,000 Spencer, John (R-NY) $100 Total to Democratic Senate Candidates: $0 Total to Republican Senate Candidates: $2,600
So basically we had a little less than $4000 going to people actually running. Where is the rest going. First look at SICM that is located in Buford Georgia that received around 18,000. That is Mr Greene"s own company. A company whose effectiveness is quite in question in my book. Look at the entry for Diener Consultants, Inc, Lancaster, PA. That company of course is up to it eyesballs in this Fence Scandal. This Company appears to be associated with Greene also. They received around $14,000 for God knows what. Lets look at Response Enterprises, Waynesboro, VA. That is also a Greene/ Sheldon company. They received around $1400 for there services. Mostly caging and mailing list services. In other words Mr Green is buying his own mailing list from your donations. Of Course there is a good bit to the mysterious Constantine Financial Services, Inc, 2400 Earlsgate Reston, VA.(true ownership not known at this time). They received over $6000. Google that address. It is basically the registered addres for all of Green's special orgainizations as well as Alan Keyes. Then of course the usual entry for Politechs and $500 dollars for American caging.
Even the canidates they choose to give too. Mr Lewis Senate run in West Virginia is a prime example. Most people couldn't believe he was running. It was noted by locals he was spending alot on outstate expenditures. IN fact, after looking at his failed primary run, it appeared he almost wanted to lose. Bad choice after Bad choice made in that campaign. But his expenditures are interesting. American Caging again makes a appearance and is raked it in in that race.
Is it any surprise that a group such as this would knowingly produce a dishonest flier attacking Romney? To me some if this is only the tip of the iceberg. I am sure we will see many more slanderous attacks on Romney. MassResistance has been doing the lying gigue for quite a while. MassResistance has falsely claimed that Romney banned the Boy Scouts from the Olympics (something the Boy Scouts even deny) to claiming he is the father of gay marriage (some how I think MA gays would disagree.)
I ask, when will these groups start to go after Guiliani who is decidely pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage and is leading in the polls? I really wonder how much of this is a mask for biggoted anti-mormonism, lokking for anything they to prevent a mormon president. What do the scriptures say, beware of wolves in sheeps clothing? I think Right March could learn from that scripture, and see that inwardly they are ravening.
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This is really one of the best speeches Mitt has given. For all his prowess on domestic issues, Mitt holds no punches to address the reality of the enemy we face.
Day by day, I become more and more impressed with Mitt Romey! He is truly an intelligent, classy, experienced, and knowledgeable man, and THE right person for the job in 2008!
I would recommend that everyone now go to and let Dave Michaels - who has been spewing anti-Romney rants in his postings - know the TRUE Mitt!
Also, visit and vote for Mitt in all THREE categories - monthly, weekly, and junk polls (you'll have to remember to log on at least once a week for the weekly poll), as well as
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has named U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers as co-chair of his presidential exploratory committee in Alabama.
Romney's announcement Tuesday came two weeks after he announced that State Treasurer Kay Ivey would be chair of the panel.
Rogers, a Republican from Saks in east Alabama, is in his third term in the U.S. House. He previously served eight years in the Alabama House, where he was minority leader.
Romney is scheduled to be in Montgomery on Feb. 9 to address the State Republican Executive Committee.
"Gov. Romney's message of lowering taxes, promoting traditional values, and providing for a strong national defense resonate deeply with the people of Alabama," Rogers, R-Saks, said in a statement.
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That was a SWEET compliment. Romney continues to Impress at home and abroad. That's why the vitriol against him is so overblown. They want to stop Mitt before the average voter gets to see and hear him.
Governor Romney does have it all together. While international relations is supposed to be his weak point, it is clear to this former IR student that his "weakness" will be one of his great strengths and a great strength to our nation.
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) will be joining the Romney for President Exploratory Committee.
"I am honored to have the support of Speaker Hastert. As a leader in our Party and former Speaker, his long and continued career of service has been marked by a deep commitment to improving the lives of the American people. Under his leadership, Congress passed the most significant tax relief in a generation, and in the aftermath of September 11, approved historic legislation protecting the American people and supporting the men and women defending our country," said Governor Romney. "Today's announcement is a clear indication that our message is being embraced across the country."
With today's announcement, former Speaker Hastert said: "Our nation needs proven executive leadership. Whether in business or public service, Governor Romney has demonstrated a unique ability to inspire people to go further and reach new levels of accomplishment. He sees the challenges before us and is not afraid to confront them. Governor Romney is the right kind of leader for America."
Others On Governor Romney's Growing Congressional Team:
· Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)
· Representative Jim McCrery (R-LA)
· Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA)
· Representative Dave Camp (R-MI)
· Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL)
· Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
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Sources inside former Gov. Mitt Romney's camp tell The Politico that they've picked up yet another major Washington endorsement: former House Speaker Dennis Hastert. The Illinoisan is set to publicly endorse Romney tomorrow.
Romney has cultivated the congressional wing of the GOP in an effort to cast himself as the consensus alternative to Sen. John McCain. Although the former Speaker is now just a rank-and-file member of the House, his support of Romney is a strong indicator of where much of the anti-McCain Republican establishment is headed. Also helpful to Team Mitt, Hastert still retains significant goodwill within the House GOP Conference and will serve as an effective surrogate before members.
Stay tuned for a bit more reporting on Romney's congressional outreach efforts.
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Myth vs. Fact: The Facts on Governor Romney's Pro-Life Record Monday, Jan 22, 2007
MYTH: Today, Materials Passed Out By "Anonymous Somebodies" Claim Governor Romney Supported RU-486 "As Late As 2005." "Liz Mair sends word that some anonymous somebodies are passing out anti-Romney fliers at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. today. Among the bullet points listed are allegations that Governor Romney flip-flopped on RU-486 – as late as 2005 supposedly supportive of the idea of forcing Catholic hospitals to dispense the abortion drug." ("Romney Backed RU-486?,", 1/22/06)
FACT: Governor Romney Is Pro-Life, Opposes RU-486 And Has A Record Of Taking Action To Protect The Sanctity Of Life. "If you want to know where I stand by the way, you don't just have to listen to my words, you can go to look at my record as governor. ... I have also taken action to protect the sanctity of life. I vetoed bills that authorized embryo farming, therapeutic cloning, Plan B emergency contraception, and of course a redefinition of when life was going to begin as well." (Romney For President Exploratory Committee, "Governor Mitt Romney On His 1994 Debate With Senator Ted Kennedy," Press Release, 1/10/07)
- To view video, please see:
Governor Romney Is Supported By Leading Pro-Lifers, Including:
- Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) - Former Representative Vin Weber (R-MN) - Representative Jim McCrery (R-LA) - Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) - Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL) - Representative Dave Camp (R-MI) - Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA)
FACT: In 2005, Governor Romney Vetoed Morning-After Pill Legislation. "Gov. Mitt Romney vetoed a bill on Monday expanding access to emergency contraception, angering abortion rights advocates while pleasing anti-abortion activists... 'If it only dealt with contraception, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But it also in some cases terminates a life after conception, and therefore it ceases in that case to be a contraceptive provision,' he said." (Theo Emery, "Romney Vetos [Sic] Emergency Contraception Bill," The Associated Press, 7/25/05)
- Pro-Life Leaders Praised The Move. "Jim Sedlak, vice president of the American Life League, a national anti-abortion group, called the veto 'fantastic.' 'I think any candidate that establishes themselves as respecting human life in the earliest stages – and that's what Gov. Romney has done here – would certainly be appealing to pro-life voters,' he said. ... Marie Sturgis, executive director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, said that anti-abortion voters will look favorably on the governor's decision. 'I would think that would be a byproduct of this, sure, that pro-lifers would appreciate his stand. It would seem logical. Every time someone votes our way, our grass roots and certainly the organization is appreciative of that,' she said." (Theo Emery, "Romney Vetos [Sic] Emergency Contraception Bill," The Associated Press, 7/25/05)
FACT: In An Editorial At The Time, Governor Romney Explained His Veto, And Declared "I Am Pro-Life":
"Yesterday I vetoed a bill that the Legislature forwarded to my desk. Though described by its sponsors as a measure relating to contraception, there is more to it than that. The bill does not involve only the prevention of conception: The drug it authorizes would also terminate life after conception. ...
"I understand that my views on laws governing abortion set me in the minority in our Commonwealth. I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view. ..." (Governor Mitt Romney, Op/Ed, "Why I Vetoed Contraception Bill," The Boston Globe, 7/26/05)
Yesterday's rally on the Mall, the 2007 March for Life was a tremendous success in my mind. I thought perhaps the first snow of the winter here in the DC area would dissuade some of the marchers but that certainly wasn't the case.
I haven't heard the numbers but there were certainly thousands upon thousands of marchers coming down 8th street to the Mall where a good forum of speakers were assembled to address the crowd.
One of my favorite Congressmen is Mike Pence. He addressed the crowd and as he was making his way back to the Hill with his staff I stopped him for a quick interview.
After the rally I headed back up to the HQs for the Family Research Council for the Blogs4Life event.
Ramesh Ponnuru spoke first. He's the author of "Party of Death", an excellent treatise on the culture of death that the Left had engendered over the past three decades.
After his keynote, which addressed the major biases in the media I asked Ramesh what he thought about Hugh Hewitt's remarks about the media admitting their biases upfront so we can get the lie of the green.
He thought it made sense and that it would basically bring us back to 19th centry letters where everyone already knew and admitted each others biases. Ramesh is incredible articulate and full of one-liners. Like this one:
"Students at Hogwarts speak the name of Voldermort more frequently than the press mentions partial birth abortion."
Next we listened to a panel of bloggers discuss the issues of the day. These bloggers included:
After some good discussion about the websites for 2008 Presidential aspirants, Mary Katherine Ham discussed the risks that candidates face when getting into the blogging fray:
Next, the discussion turned to Democrats vs. Republican online fundraising. Robert Bluey had this to say:
Governor Mitt Romney on Today's "March for Life" Monday, Jan 22, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
Boston, MA - Today, on the 34th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Governor Mitt Romney released the following statement commemorating the annual March For Life:
"Across this nation, thousands of Americans are gathering in their local communities and in our nation's capital to reaffirm their dedication to protecting the sanctity of life. We must create a culture of life where the weakest and most innocent among us are protected.
"While there are well-meaning people on both sides of this debate, no one can deny that when hundreds of thousands of abortions are performed every year, it should be a major concern for a nation as great as ours. If we commit ourselves to promoting a culture of life, I believe that one day our nation's laws may reflect what is in our hearts."
Rapid response mentality. Take advantage of the network that we have.
Great keynote by Ramesh today. FRC will have the video up later. Couple of great lines:
"The media, in its efforts to be balanced, has contributed to the mythology [of abortion law] than debunking it."
Referring to a glowing review of a NARAL leader Ramesh indicated that we'll probably have to wait until the "apocoplypse" before we see one about a pro-lifer.
Students at Hogwarts speak the name of Voldermort more frequently than the press mentions partial birth abortion."
I asked about his perception about the media and forcing a admission of bias. I'll write some more about this later.
I'm here at the FRC bloggers event Blogs4Life . Ramesh Ponnuru is here to speak to the bloggers assembled. We have Katie Favazza, Ivy Sellers, Mary Katherine Hamm and others...
Turns out Hillary's new campaign video that is the talk of the town was filmed in the summer! The smoking gun notes that in the backround of the video (supposedly filmed at her house in NY or GeorgeTown) are trees with blooming flowers.
I'm in it to win...6 months from now.
In the video Clinton makes some dumb shots at Bush saying that Americans play by the rules. What set of rules is she reffering to?
Hotline argues she taped it this week and has some compelling evidence. To me it looks like a sunflower in the backround, and those just don't bloom in January. Givin the Clintons record, I'm still on the side of the smoking gun.
According to a study by McKinsey & Company, New York (a stratigic business consulting firm)...
"..the U.S. is losing its advantage because of three main factors:
1. The American regulatory framework, particularly Sarbanes-Oxley, is "a thicket of complicated rules, rather than a streamlined set of commonly understood principles, as is the case in the United Kingdom and elsewhere."
Mitt Romney was not just a CEO, he was a CEO of a STRATIGIC BUSINESS CONSULTING firm, Bain & Company. This firm charges companies money, to tell these companies what they should do differently to improve their performance. The most qualified person in the country to help our economy would be the CEO or former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm like Bain, or one of its competitors such as McKinsey & Company or the Boston Consulting Group .
As far as I know Mitt Romney is the only CEO or former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm running for president of the United States. I defy anyone to tell me of someone more qualified to be president of our countries economy than a former CEO of a strategic business consulting firm like Mitt Romney from Bain and Company.
According to the study the 2nd main factors causing the US to loose its advantage is:
2. While New York offers a promising talent pool for its financial services work force, "we are at risk of falling behind in attracting qualified American and foreign workers."
I see two problems. Education and the ability to recruit talent from over seas. Romney is the only candidate who is making any sense on either of these issues.
And here is just a small quote from Mitt Romney on the recruitment efforts of our country.
"Immigration has been an important part of our nation's success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America."
Governor Romney: "We need to make America more attractive for legal immigrants for citizens and less attractive for illegal immigrants. I want to see more immigration in our country, but more legal immigration and less illegal immigration." (AP, June 23, 2006)
3. The legal environments in other nations "far more effectively discourage frivolous litigation."
What do all of the Democratic candidates have in Common? Hillary was a lawyer for the Rose Law Firm. Barak Obama worked for the civil rights law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland. John Edwards was a personal injury trial attorney. Mitt Romney graduated cum laude from the Harvard law school, but he did not sell his soal to the law-gods. He made money the old fashioned way, he earned it. John Edwards is the king of frivolous litigation. He made his fortune through corporate negligence and medical malpractice claims. Edwards was criticized for paying himself mostly through subchapter S corporate dividends, rather than a salary, to take advantage of a tax-law loophole that allowed him to avoid paying $591,000 in Medicare taxes.
So who do you think will do better at "discourage frivolous litigation"? Mitt Romney, Harvard Law Degree (cum laude) but chose a business career, or Barak Obama the civil rights lawyer, or John Edwards the corporate negligence and medical malpractice lawyer?
Mitt Romney, the only candidate who has an MBA, let alone a Harvard NBA. The only candidate who has probably ever read the economist, or Harvard Business Review. Mitt Romney in 08!
~ Mike
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re: "...and look what a mess he has brought to our country"
What mess has Bush gotten us into? The economy is doing great. You don't like Bush? Who would MassResistance have supported for president instead of Bush? Mitt Romney not only has a Harvard MBA, and Law Degree, he was the CEO of a major business consulting firm. Who, in your brillian mind, is more qualified than Mitt Romney to be "president" of our economy?
Interesting article on explores the use of blogging, Web videos and other technology. It starts off with a great synopsis or Romney's response to the You Tube video of a couple weeks ago.
It seems this election cycle will the first that is largely won on the web.
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Hey Jason I referenced your inclusion of this story on my blog. Thanks for picking it up, there's a similar one prior to this post on my blog citing ABC News that you might want to glance at too.
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