posted by Justin Hart | 8:30 AM |
Justin will be taking a brief hiatus today as he prepares himself in meditation to attend the National Review Institute Conservative Summit. He'll be live blogging from the event.
Here's a quick rundown of the agenda. Needless to say. I'm excited.
FRIDAY, January 26
6:00 PM Cocktail Reception Honoring John Bolton
8:00PM Night Owl Session — the State of Conservatism
Kate O'Beirne, Kathryn Lopez, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Mona Charen
SATURDAY, January 27
8:00AM BREAKFAST, Rich Lowry convenes
Speech: Newt Gingrich
9:00 AM Panel Session: Is "Small Government" a Big Joke?
Pat Toomey, Marvin Olasky, Paul Ryan
Moderated by Ed Feulner
10:00 AM Debate
Resolved: Religious conservatives are critical to building a Republican majority.
Ralph Reed versus Ryan Sager
Moderated by Michael Novak
11:00 AM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Foreign Policy
John O'Sullivan, Cliff May, and David B. Rivkin
Moderated by Andrew McCarthy
12:00 PM LUNCH
Jeb Bush introduced by Ed Gillespie
1:45 PM Editors and the Leaders
Rich Lowry and Kate O'Beirne Q&A with Rep. John Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor
2:30 PM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Social Issues
Robert P. George, Maggie Gallagher, Ed Whelan
Moderated by Robert Bork
3:30 PM Debate
Resolved: Bush’s planned “surge” of troops into Iraq is a mistake.
Lawrence Korb versus Bill Kristol
Moderated by Rich Lowry
4:30 PM Panel Session: Trumping the Race Card
Michael Steele, Ward Connerly, and Abigail Thernstrom
Moderated by John Miller
Speech by Mitt Romney, Master of Ceremonies Mark Steyn
10:00 PM Night Owl Session
Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, and Rob Long
SUNDAY, January 28
9:00 AM Debate
Resolved: President Bush has, as the White House puts it, found a “rational middle ground between a program of mass deportation and a program of automatic amnesty.”
Mark Krikorian and Tamar Jacoby
Moderated by Byron York
10:00 AM Remarks by Mike Huckabee
10:30 AM Debate
Resolved: The Federal government should act to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
James Woolsey vs. Jerry Taylor
Moderated by Quin Hillyer
11:30 AM Presentation: A Conservative Agenda on Domestic Policy
Ramesh Ponnuru, Charles Murray, Charles Kesler
Moderated by Terry Jeffrey
12:30 PM LUNCH
Speech by Tony Snow
Master of Ceremonies, Larry Kudlow
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