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Thursday, May 22, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 3:01 PM | permalink
The Journal has a piece up about Mitt today and excerpts of quotes from an interview with him.

I liked this part because I love the way he describes his decision making process...

On why he left the race on Feb. 7:

"You sit down with your team and you look at what the numbers are, you look at the upcoming primaries, what the prospects are, you talk about, 'Can we go to the convention? Would Mike Huckabee and myself and others have enough delegates that we can keep Sen. McCain from getting the nomination and end up going to the convention?' I mean you go through all the scenarios and one by one you say, 'Well no that one doesn't work, that's not realistic' and 'Oh, that one doesn't work, that's not realistic, we're not going to do well in that state' … You go through that kind of process and that's what led to our conclusion that it was very unlikely that I would be able to win the nomination given the success through Super Tuesday. Was it possible? Yes. Was it very likely? No."
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I read the whole interview and it was terrific. I do hope that Mitt will run for public office again, though. At the end of the interview he says that he doesn't think he will. That breaks my heart. America needs Mitt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 22, 2008 at 6:34 PM  

I'm sure someone will notice this [this IS the main Mitthead blog :D], but according to the nonexistent MSM headlines, I'm sure it will pass unnoticed.

Romney launched a PAC yesterday/today.

It can be found here;

Even though I take Mitt's words on this at face value,I think his wife just said no more money.As an aside I am very happy the Texas Court of Appeals shot down the state from taking all these kids away without probable cause.There's tens of thousands of teen pregnacies who are perpetrated by older men in this country that never get prosecuted. This was a witch hunt by anti Mormon bigots who were trying to smear the whole religion.You can't prosecute over 400 mothers for what one or two did.If there's individual abuse then by all means you go after that person.There's probably a million other kids in Texas who suffer physical ,mental abuse and neglect who CPS should be looking after.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 23, 2008 at 4:57 AM  

Sunday, May 18, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 5:51 PM | permalink
There was an interesting piece at the Hufington Post about Romney as VP. Mostly, it argues that the strengths we recognized Romney had as a candidate, would be an asset to McCain in the general.

I haven't posted much on the Romney VP front. I personally don't think that this election cycle is going to be particularly favorable for the GOP and I have reservations about Romney being the VP candidate in that mix. I do think McCain can beat Obama, however, I think the best chance of doing that is being as centrist as possible while pounding Obama on experience and national security. I am not sure how Romney helps that overall approach. But hey, I live in state with a Governor who claims to care about democracy but supports Chief Justice George's shotgun blast through the fabric of society in the CA gay marriage decision. So, I am pretty pessimistic about conservative Republican causes at the moment.
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Timotheus -- Maybe I misunderstood you, but are you saying that conservative Republicans do not get it because you believe Governor Arnold is a representative of that branch, that he is a conservative Republican?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 18, 2008 at 7:02 PM  

I am so sick about the judicial activism and complete lack of leadership in both McCain and Obama I can't wait for a chance to backlash. If one comes.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2008 at 1:05 PM  


I think timotheus is suggesting that with these kind of left of center republicans changing the party from the inside, it it getting harder and harder for conservative advocates to get things done. Until the party rights the ship, it will be increasingly difficult to advocate the conservative agenda. Correct me if I am wrong, Tim.

Hard for me to take anything from the Huff and Puff Post at face value. They'd be the first ones launching attacks on Romney if he got the spot.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2008 at 4:36 PM  

You guys need to do a post on this story:

Mit Romney for VP is the best chance to beat the Democrats!
Romney is strong at states Obama won! Also Romney will bring home MA!
McCain/Romney in 2008!

If McCain does not choose Romney as vp I do not think he has a chance of being our next president. If they could pull it out it would set Romney up nicely in four years to run for president himself and keep a Republican in office.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 3, 2008 at 5:48 PM  

posted by Anonymous | 5:43 PM | permalink
Romney took a moment in his speech to the NRA recently to comment on the California Supreme Court's decision to go crazy and make up a new right despite California's clear democratic statements on the matter.
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Romney also took a moment to be interviewed by Wolf in the Situation Room (which I haven't found anywhere else) to defend McCain once again:

BLITZER: And joining us now from Louisville, Kentucky, at the convention of the National Rifle Association, the former governor of Massachusetts, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Governor, thanks very much for joining us.

MITT ROMNEY (R), FMR. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thanks, Wolf. Good to be with you.

BLITZER: Barack Obama really came out swinging today against President Bush and against John McCain for comments they made yesterday suggesting his policy of dealing with Iran could be similar to appeasement, the appeasement policy that was practiced by some European leaders against the Nazis leading up to World War II.

Listen to what Obama said just a little while ago.


OBAMA: They're trying to fool you and trying to scare you. And they're not telling the truth. And the reason is, is because they can't win a foreign policy debate on the merits. But it's not going to work. And it's not going to work this time and it's not going to work this year.


BLITZER: All right. He's obviously pretty upset, especially at the forum in which the president spoke yesterday, the Knesset in Jerusalem, on Israel's 60th anniversary.

I want to give you a chance as a major supporter of John McCain to respond.

ROMNEY: Well, first of all, with regards to the president's comments, the president said that we should not negotiate with terrorists. That's nothing unusual. I was frankly surprised to have Barack Obama say that that was leveled at him.

I guess I'm kind of speechless at him saying that that was something that was directed towards him. The president is saying what presidents have said time and time again. And of course in a place like Israel, saying we're not going to negotiate with terrorists, is exactly what the policy is of that government as well. Although there are other people who take a different course.

And then with regards to Senator McCain, look, you have a very big difference between Barack Obama and John McCain with regards to how you're going to deal with the state sponsors of terror. John McCain, like President Bush and others, recognize that we're going to talk with these other nations, but we're not going to have the dignity of the office of the president of the United States bestowed upon Ahmadinejad or Assad so they can have a propaganda bonanza.

That's just not going to happen. And that's the difference.

Does the president of the United States personally meet with the presidents of these rogue nations, if you will, these sponsors of state terror? Is he going to meet with them personally? And John McCain says no and Barack Obama says yes.

BLITZER: The reason the president's comments at the Knesset yesterday were seen as being directed at Senator Obama and other Democrats is because White House officials traveling with the president told that to reporters after they spotted that paragraph in the speech. So it wasn't as if, Governor, this was something that just the Barack Obama campaign came up with. The news media traveling with the president, they were specifically making that connection.

ROMNEY: Well, I wasn't with the White House press corps there, so I can't comment on that. I can tell you that the comment by the president that we should not have direct discussions -- we should not have negotiations, rather, with terrorists, that's something which has been said time and time again. I think it's entirely spun (ph) up. And the real difference between John McCain and Barack Obama, both of them want to make sure that we have discussions and we talk with the bad actors in the world, but John McCain says no way would he sit down on his first year in office on an unconditional basis with people like Ahmadinejad and Assad.

And that's a big difference. And Barack Obama is going to talk about this a great deal, but, you know, he's the one that said he'll meet with them unconditionally. That's a wrong way to go, and I think it shows a level of naivete that Americans recognize is not right in a commander in chief.

BLITZER: There is a videotape that came out today by Jamie Rubin, who's a Clinton adviser. He used to work for Sky Television in London. He interviewed in Davos, Switzerland, John McCain a few years ago, right after -- a couple of years after Hamas won the Palestinian elections, and in that interview McCain said, "They're the government" -- referring to Hamas -- "sooner or later we're going to have to deal with them."

It seemed, at least the excerpt that was released today, it seemed to suggest that John McCain himself is ready to deal with "terrorists."

ROMNEY: Well, actually, when I was growing up, and my dad said to me, "Mitt, I'm going to have to deal with you one way or the other," that did not mean he was planning on sitting down with me at an official state dinner and having a nice chat. It meant he was planning on some kind of punishment. And my guess is, when John McCain says that he was going to deal with Hamas one way or the other, it's pretty clear what the intent was of his comment, which is that he feels that we just can't stand by and watch Hamas or Hezbollah continue to fight against the well-being of our own citizens, as well as the well-being of our allies around the world.

I think it's a pretty clear statement that he's planning on being tough. Not that he's planning on bestowing the dignity of the office of the president on someone like Ahmadinejad.

BLITZER: You're over at the National Rifle Association convention, the NRA. In their most recent rating of John McCain as a senator, they gave him a C plus in terms of issues, Second Amendment issues, issues very dear to the NRA in terms of gun control, access to guns. He's got his work cut out for him where you are right now, doesn't he?

ROMNEY: Well, I think, actually, as people compare John McCain here with Barack Obama, that they're very squarely going to be standing behind John McCain. Now, John McCain, everybody knows, is his own man. He's been known as a maverick for a long time.

He doesn't stand 100 percent behind any one group, but he does believe in protecting the constitutional rights of Americans, and that includes the Second Amendment. And while I think the folks here are not going to line up with him 100 percent as well, they're recognizing that this is a man who is a lot closer to where they are than Barack Obama is. And I think that's why he'll get the kind of support that I expect that you're going to see here from Republicans, Democrats and Independents who want to protect Second Amendment rights.

BLITZER: Governor Romney, I know you've got a lot of work over there. Thanks very much for taking a few moments and joining us.

ROMNEY: Thanks, Wolf. Good to be with you.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2008 at 4:36 AM  

Wouldn't it be great to have a guy with his head screwed on this tight be leading the country. SIGH*

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 20, 2008 at 11:46 AM  

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