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Sunday, May 18, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 5:51 PM | permalink
There was an interesting piece at the Hufington Post about Romney as VP. Mostly, it argues that the strengths we recognized Romney had as a candidate, would be an asset to McCain in the general.

I haven't posted much on the Romney VP front. I personally don't think that this election cycle is going to be particularly favorable for the GOP and I have reservations about Romney being the VP candidate in that mix. I do think McCain can beat Obama, however, I think the best chance of doing that is being as centrist as possible while pounding Obama on experience and national security. I am not sure how Romney helps that overall approach. But hey, I live in state with a Governor who claims to care about democracy but supports Chief Justice George's shotgun blast through the fabric of society in the CA gay marriage decision. So, I am pretty pessimistic about conservative Republican causes at the moment.
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Timotheus -- Maybe I misunderstood you, but are you saying that conservative Republicans do not get it because you believe Governor Arnold is a representative of that branch, that he is a conservative Republican?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 18, 2008 at 7:02 PM  

I am so sick about the judicial activism and complete lack of leadership in both McCain and Obama I can't wait for a chance to backlash. If one comes.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2008 at 1:05 PM  


I think timotheus is suggesting that with these kind of left of center republicans changing the party from the inside, it it getting harder and harder for conservative advocates to get things done. Until the party rights the ship, it will be increasingly difficult to advocate the conservative agenda. Correct me if I am wrong, Tim.

Hard for me to take anything from the Huff and Puff Post at face value. They'd be the first ones launching attacks on Romney if he got the spot.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 19, 2008 at 4:36 PM  

You guys need to do a post on this story:

Mit Romney for VP is the best chance to beat the Democrats!
Romney is strong at states Obama won! Also Romney will bring home MA!
McCain/Romney in 2008!

If McCain does not choose Romney as vp I do not think he has a chance of being our next president. If they could pull it out it would set Romney up nicely in four years to run for president himself and keep a Republican in office.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 3, 2008 at 5:48 PM  

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