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Saturday, December 29, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:50 PM | permalink

Something said by Victor Davis Hanson struck a chord with me. In evaluating all the candidates, Hanson said this about McCain:

I think I share the same odd impression as millions of other moderates and conservatives whose logical reservations are more than outweighed by McCain’s emotional appeal.

I think that Hanson is as astute in this as he is in most other topics. McCain, Huckabee, and Giuliani all benefit from an emotional reaction evoked by one aspect of their personal history. For McCain, it’s his military service. For Huckabee, it’s his religious zeal. For Giuliani, it’s his 9/11 leadership. Each of these events or qualities generally spurs an emotional reaction from the general public, but especially from supporters.

However, it struck me that such an emotional reaction to the candidates is particularly ill-suited towards selecting the next president of the United States. If one was thinking about desirable qualities of a president, emotional appeal would likely rank low on anyone’s list. Why? Because it tells us nothing about capacity for the job. Emotional associations tend to cloud rather than clarify our judgment. Particularly when thinking about the most important job in the world (literally speaking), invocation of emotion is irrelevant. It also seems out of place in the Republican Party, where sound principles and policies have persuaded Americans over the last 30 years. As Hanson describes, McCain’s emotional appeal comes in spite of the principles and policies he espouses. I suspect the same for Huckabee and Giuliani. If voters end up voting based on this emotional appeal, Americans will find themselves frustrated and angry as the emotional appeal lapses and the stark reality of the substance of these candidates emerges.

Luckily there is Mitt Romney, whose substance will promote welfare of all Americans well after the emotional appeal of a candidate has lost its luster. Emotional appeal is no substitute for a solid grounding in sound policy. The smart choice is Mitt Romney.

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You know,I've been wondering the last couple months what the media's angle was in pushing Huck and McCain in the news. They used the word "surge: in every story line about the polls when "rising in the polls" would have sufficed.Surge is an emotional word menat to send a signal that he is really on fire on something. People that don't pay much attention to politics,hear the word and thinks there must be really something about this guy and that's why he registers in the polls...People that have studied the election closely would knows there's plenty of crap in his Arl bio........But what is the motive? Could it be if they see Romney get the nod,the election won't be as emotionally charged and thus hurt ratings or sell newspapers?

posted by jason | 11:31 PM | permalink
Russert: It has been documented in several sources that you were willing to release felons early who have been "Born Again." Would you be willing to release a Muslim convert who professes Allah while in prison or a convict who has converted to Mormonism? If not, would it be fair to describe this as a religious test?

Huckabee: Tim, Look we need to bring hope to this campaign and learn that we are all brothers. I intend to bring Hope to the White House.

Russert: So would it be a religious test to release someone from prison based on their faith?

Huckabee: Look I hate religious tests. That's why I dropped out of Divinity school! (light hearted laughter.) Besides, I don't think Article 5 of the Constitution forbids me from giving compassion to the destitute.
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Did he really say Article 5? Maybe we should send him a copy of the Constitution..

I don't think these are actual quotes. I seem to remember Jason doing this sort of thing before. But I have to admit it is pretty convincing.

I just had an uncomfortable thought. What if someone's blog picked up on this post and thought it was real and it got all over the internet and then Huckabee's campaign had to respond to it? Imagine the blowback... ;-) They'd probably try to tar Jason and Romney with someone else's mistake.

This isn't a snippet from the actual interview is it? The headline implies that this is Jason imagining what he'd ask and how Huckabee would answer, but the text kinda gives the impression that these are actual quotes. Maybe that says something about how good Jason does print impressions of Russert and Huckabee!

Please clear up confusion to save all of us from having to look up the whole interview transcript and read it all.

posted by jason | 11:29 PM | permalink
Surely a blow to the Team Huckabee, and a strong message to Iowa Christian Voters:

Officials with the group typically avoid making public endorsements because of their tax-exempt status, but Mr. Hurd blurted out his decision tonight in what felt like a bit of an accident.

“I’ll tell you a little secret,” he told the audience of more than 200 people. “I haven’t told anybody else this. I’ll tell this secret out here. Next Thursday, when I go to the caucuses, I’m going to cast my vote for Governor Mitt Romney.”

Neither Mr. Hurd, nor Mr. Romney, who took the microphone afterward, identified Mr. Hurd as the chairman of the Alliance’s board.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to endorse a candidate,” said Mr. Hurd afterward, when the Caucus approached him. “I hope I don’t get in trouble.”

Mr. Hurd downplayed the weight of his endorsement, but Tim Albrecht, Mr. Romney’s Iowa campaign spokeman, called it a “huge validator.” Link

While a public endorsement of Romney by Hurd was a surprise, I am positive that Mr. Hurd's support of Romney was not to insiders. Calling Jeff Fuller! Any details you want to chime in with are appreciated. :)
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posted by Aaron Gulbransen | 9:36 PM | permalink
In explaining my support for Mitt Romney, I find it a little hard to figure out where to begin. My dilemma is highlighted by the fact that the more I find out about Governor Romney, the more I like and respect him. I have decided to make this a three part series: one highlighting his resume, one highlighting his moral character, and the other highlighting his strategic advantage in the general election.

Mitt Romney graduated number one in his class at BYU. He then went on to Harvard Business School AND Harvard Law School. He graduated from Harvard Law cum laude. He graduated from Harvard Business School in the top 5 percent of his class and was named a Baker Scholar.

Mitt Romney later went on to work at the vaunted consulting firm Bain & Company. With a few partners from Bain, he founded the spin-off venture capital firm, Bain Capital. Wildly successful with Bain Capital, he was called back to save Bain & Company from the malaise it had dropped into, serving as CEO and leading the company to even greater heights.

When the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics were in trouble, they turned to Mitt Romney to save them. The Olympics under Romney turned a profit, which is something that is VERY difficult for Olympic to do. Also, the Winter Olympics occurred shortly after 9/11 and played a large part in the healing process.

Then Mitt Romney ran for and won the governorship of Massachusetts. His record demonstrates fiscal responsibility, a commitment to the rule of law, a defense of family values, and a value of human life. As Governor, he eliminated the budget deficit without raising taxes in a Democratic state and eliminated large amounts of government waste. He also fought against judicial activism when the Massachusetts State Supreme Court attempted to force same-sex marriage down the throats of the citizens of Massachusetts. He also fought against human cloning and state funding for embryonic stem cell research.

Simply put, Mitt Romney has a tremendous record of executive success. He has not spent the majority of his life in politics, in a state legislature, or in the Federal Government. He has spent his life making tough decisions in high-energy, high-impact positions, in the business, non-profit, and government worlds. While others have had the luxury of debating issues to death, Romney had to make tough choices.

As a businessman, consultant, and venture capitalist. Mitt Romney demonstrated clear excellence pertaining to business and economic matters. One can clearly say that he possesses a greater understanding of how America's economy works than any of the other candidates as a result of that experience.

One fact that can be overlooked if one does not consider it, is the fact that Governor Romney gained relevant foreign policy experience as a businessman and as the CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics. In both of those worlds he gained significant experience and contacts overseas, meaning that as President of the United States he will not be in over his head, as has happened to past state governors that went on to the Presidency.

Romney is clearly an accomplished man. In my opinion, he is far more accomplished than any of the other candidates in either party and by virtue of his experience, among other factors, is uniquely equipped to guide our country into the future. His leadership has been clearly demonstrated and we can feel confident with him as our President economically, socially, and foreign policy-wise.

America will be blessed to have him as our President.
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The media has done the best they can to avoid talking about Mitt's bio and instead trying to kncok him out on religion and flip flops. Too bad they can't find any real durt on him.The Boston Globe is really scrambling with the planned parenthood crap. The one thing I love about Mitt is just how cool he is under fire.Ole thin skinned Huck is really losing his composure the last couple days and is launching personal attacks on Mitt.He reeally should be spending his time digging out from under his foreign policy gaffes.

posted by Mike | 5:15 PM | permalink
I would say that it is also more about what they are feeling, at least for the campaign vets on the Democratic side. And that goes doubly for so many of the posts on blogs around the Web. Some of the mindless things said about Mitt are so lacking in substance that is clear that too many people are "feeling" and not "thinking." Reason seems to have disappeared for way too many folks out there!

Susan Estrich, who is often one of the more thoughtful Democrats I have seen, wrote this on RealClearPolitics:
Huckabee? We should be so lucky. Romney? A Democratic dream. Rudy? What's happened to him? No, it's McCain who Democrats are watching and worrying about.
Yeah, right! It is clear to me that these folks are impressed with the person on the other side for whom only minor adjustments in their thought processes would enable them to vote for that candidate, despite party differences. There is no doubt in my mind that the least adjustment necessary would be with John McCain.

In case you have forgotten just how excited the Dems would have been to have had McCain for Kerry's running mate in '04, read this piece from the New York Times! The good news is that McCain had the presence of mind to say no. The bad news is that Kerry and many Dems thought this would have been a great idea. Somehow, I just can't see how a Dem favorite for their choice for VP should be considered a very good option for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, despite war hero status and vaunted singlemindeness.

And for anyone who is worried about Estrich's "feeling" about the less than ideal opponents on the Republican side, please rest easy. Those who remain unconvinced and insist on wondering about how Mitt's resume will compare to Hillary's, please have a look at this cartoon:

Click here to see a larger of the cartoon.

See the Powerline link for the full story.

From Lucianne via Powerline

So that is how it goes for Hillary, and it is hard to believe that folks could think that Obama and Edwards have a whole lot more to offer!

Mike B.
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I wish you guys could find the Huck new conference today, it might be avalible ay Time after time Huck accused Mitt of being dishonest about his ads and would be a dishonest president. It was a very personal attack.My God I pray republicans aren't stupid enough to vote for Huck or McCain. If nothing else vote for Rudi because at least he would fight the liberals. McCain and Huck is one of them.

Anyone who believes that Romney would not be the toughest for whichever Democrat gets the nomination should consider how far he has come without the Republican establishment behind him.

He moved from being a nationally unknown governor to the leading contender for the Republican nomination. This was done with little support from those too cautious to get behind any one candidate too early.

With 9-10 months and a third of the country (those who are solidly conservative and could not support Clinton, Obama, or Edwards) behind him, I think it likely that he will win even with the weak footing all Republicans have been on since losses 2 years ago in the house and senate.

It seems that the attack numbers from the DNC also demonstrate the falsity of Estrich’s claims. McCain would present different challenges to a liberal running against him for sure, but there is much to be attacked still. McCain appeared to have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory just 1.5 months ago. I would still suggest this is the case. Romney on the other hand has slowly and methodically plotted a course toward the nomination. This evidences drive and leadership that the DNC should fear in the Republican nomination.

Thanks, TOm

posted by Myclob | 3:25 PM | permalink

Huckabee's foreign affairs lapses
By: Lisa Lerer
December 29, 2007 01:26 PM EST

As his campaign has surged, Mike Huckabee has made a series of public foreign policy gaffes, fueling attacks by rivals that he lacks the international experience to be president.

The former governor of Arkansas has 1.) confused the status of martial law in Pakistan, 2.) raised questions about Pakistanis crossing the U.S. border and 3.) wasn't initially familiar with the latest U.S. intelligence assessment of Iran's nuclear weapons program.

While the missteps are his, a tough foreign policy critique has often been lobbed against governors, or past governors, running for president — Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, among them. But what Reagan, Clinton and Bush had — and what Huckabee seems to sorely lack in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination — was a roster of respected foreign policy advisers to reassure voters on national security issues. 

On Friday morning, Huckabee listed former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as someone with whom he either has "spoken or will continue to speak."

At a Thursday evening news conference, Huckabee said, " I've corresponded with John Bolton, who's agreed to work with us on developing foreign policy."

Bolton, however, has a different view. "I'd be happy to speak with Huckabee, but I haven't spoken with him yet ," said Bolton, now a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington.

"I'm not an official or unofficial adviser to anyone," said Bolton, who mentioned he'd had conversations with other Republican candidates but declined to name any names.

Asked to explain Bolton's comments, Huckabee aides said the former Arkansas governor had e-mailed with Bolton. Bolton did not immediately respond to a request to address Huckabee's e-mailing claims.

Huckabee said he had also spoken with former State Department official Richard Haass (now president of the Council on Foreign Relations); military analyst Ken Allard; former national security adviser Richard Allen; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy, a conservative think tank; and a "number of military personnel."

A Gingrich spokesman said the two men had spoken, on an unofficial basis, on Friday.

Council on Foreign Relations spokeswoman Lisa Shields said Haass has "briefed Huckabee on foreign policy issues as well as [briefing] many other candidates" in both parties. Shields stressed that the relationship was not exclusive and that Haass was not affiliated with the campaign.

Reached via e-mail, Allen said an intermediary asked him to speak with Huckabee, but he hadn't yet agreed. "I'm gradually getting older, but am fully capable of recalling with whom I have spoken ," said the former Nixon and Reagan foreign policy campaign adviser.

Allard and Gaffney could not be reached for comment.

Huckabee argues that foreign policy is less about experience and more about judgment. "The most important thing a president does is to make tough decisions when confronted with a crisis," he said Friday. As a governor, "you've dealt with the unexpected, a crisis, time and time again."

The confusion over Bolton, however, is the latest in a growing list of foreign policy hiccups by the Iowa front-runner. And to succeed nationally, Huckabee must broaden support beyond his socially conservative base by proving his competency on issues such as national security.

On Thursday, he commented on the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, saying the U.S. needs to consider "what impact does it have on whether or not there's going to be martial law continuing in Pakistan. " Martial law, as it turns out, was lifted two weeks ago.

Huckabee clarified the point later that day. "What I said was, you know, it was not that I was unaware that it was suspended two weeks ago, or lifted two weeks ago. The point was continued: ... Would it be reinstated? Would it be placed back in?" he said.

Huckabee also raised eyebrows Thursday when he said that Bhutto's death should prompt "an immediate, very clear monitoring of our borders and particularly to make sure if there's any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into the country. "

And earlier this month, Huckabee said he was unfamiliar with the National Intelligence Estimate reporting that Iran hadn't had a program to develop nuclear weapons since 2003.

Huckabee's lack of foreign policy experience has fueled a host of critics. On Thursday, rival Sen. John McCain of Arizona said Bhutto's assassination highlights Huckabee's lack of foreign policy experience.

"You know, I don't think it's appropriate to respond in a political way," Huckabee said.

Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice denounced Huckabee's critique of the Bush administration as having a "bunker mentality" when it comes to foreign policy.

"The idea that somehow this is a go-it-alone policy is just simply ludicrous," she said at a State Department news conference. "One would only have to be not observing the facts, let me say that, to say that this is now a go-it-alone foreign policy."

TM & © THE POLITICO & POLITICO.COM, a division of Allbritton Communications Company

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Should have read - Huckabee lacks the foreign, and domestic chops to be POTUS.

posted by jason | 1:31 AM | permalink
WASHINGTON -- While public polls show Mike Huckabee leading Mitt Romney in Iowa, a new survey of an oversized sample shows Huckabee slipping and no longer ahead of Romney.

A private corporate interest commissioned a phone bank survey of 15,000 Iowans who say they will attend Republican presidential caucuses Jan. 3. It showed Romney with 30 percent and Huckabee at 26 percent. Sen. John McCain was third with 12 percent and Rudy Giuliani fourth at 9 percent. Fred Thompson had only 1 percent, with slightly fewer votes than Rep. Ron Paul (also at 1 percent).

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This poll is way off. Thompson and Paul at 1%???? They are running at least 5% and many polls show them at 10% plus.
If they polled 15,000 people who will caucus for R then they polled about 1/5 of everyone who will... no way....

Friday, December 28, 2007
posted by jason | 9:45 PM | permalink

Fast forward to 2008. Romney runs a contrast ad, with no hyperbole and nothing untrue, delineating the solid differences between himself and McCain. McCain responds with a personal attack ad calling Romney a phony. No substance on the issues, no answer to any of Romney's points, just a personal attack at the man who has led his entire life with honor, conviction and integrity. It's actually beginning to look like McCain is more concerned with personal attacks and labels than talking substance with the voters.

McCain implied in 2000 that attack ads are signs of desperation. Judging his latest commercials with his logic, one could conclude McCain is equally, if not more, desperate. His numbers are still behind Romney despite the MSM working for him and his all-or-nothing New Hampshire gamble. Also, let's not forget that this is certainly his last stand. Should he loose the nomination in 2008, I doubt he will have another chance to run again. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he retired from the Senate shortly thereafter.

McCain is a war hero, but really needs to think through the logic he is using to justify his campaign tactics.
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Someone better call the "fact police" on Michael Medved. He's ripping on Romney for "negative ads" that are "smears" with half truths. I like Medved generally, but Justin or you need to be a "caller" to hose him on his -anyone by Romney- agenda he's pushing. This ad is icing on an already hilarious Friday show...

The only explanation for Huck and McCain's rise is that it's been completely media driven.People are voting for imagery over substance.You would have a really tough time finding anyone that knows their positions on anything except Huck's fair tax proposal.The problem these guys have is the hardcore base has seen and heard enough about them to reject them. McCain gets a lot of sympathy votes because of his time in Vietnam but that doesn't give him the ability to run the country. You never know when he would pull a jack in the box maverick streak out on you and jab the conservative movement in the back. If you could imagine a debate between him and Clinton there wouldn't be that many differences.I can hear them both saying "comprehensive reform" on immigration. I want someone to draw a sharp contrast between the parties.

Could someone ask the Mitt campaign if they can use McCain's "endorsement" of Romney (on video, here somewhere) when Romney ran for governor where he (McCain)said that Romney is an honest man, and with integrity, in a counter ad of their own?

posted by Anonymous | 8:33 PM | permalink
You know, it is okay to not have a lot of foreign policy experience heading into the White House. Ronald Reagan is a good example of just that. But what is required is a candidate who can consume information about the world quickly, master that information, and approach the problems with competence. In addition, surrounding yourself with good people is a must. Romney has the ability to advance our nation's security, mostly because he has tremendous problem solving and management skills.

Huckabee Fails International Relations 101. On the other hand, Huckabee fails international relations 101. What is interesting to see is Huckabee is failing mostly because of his own doing. What happens when a President says the kinds of things Huckabee does? When it comes to foreign policy, Mike Huckabee would have flunked out of even an elementary course.

Now, I am no foreign policy expert. I do have a degree, with honors, from UCLA in political science, with an emphasis in International Relations, but I have no further education or experience. Having given that disclaimer, I want you to consider a speech Romney gave in Israel back in January.

Romney Brings Creative Ideas to International Relations. In this speech, Romney talks about confronting Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. He talks about diplomatic isolation. Indicting Ahmadinejad. De-investing American pension plans of Iranian assets. He talks about creative methods to strengthen economic sanctions and to apply pressure to Iranian leadership.

Romney Understands the Risks Involved. In the speech, Romney also approached another subject of many college day discussions for me: Deterrence.

"[Some people assume] that it's possible to live with a nuclear Iran. That thinking is based on the theory that Iran, once granted the privilege of joining the nuclear club, will be a responsible actor."

"Neither their words nor their records justify that conclusion."

"[Other people believe] in the logic of deterrence, which served us through the Cold War, and they think it will apply to Iran. But for all of the Soviets' deep flaws, they were never suicidal. A Soviet commitment to national survival was never in question. This assumption simply cannot be made about an irrational regime that celebrates martyrdom."

Here, Romney demonstrates a sound and thorough understanding of the problems with deterrence theory as applied to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Deterrence requires some pre-conditions in order to work. Romney aptly points out that there are serious reasons to be concerned about whether those pre-conditions exist in Iran.

Also, consider this exchange between Hugh Hewitt and Mitt Romney some time back:

HH: "Now Governor Romney, China's been pretty helpful with North Korea. They've done some good things. But with Iran, they have not been helpful at all, and now Iran announced yesterday 3,000 more centrifuges towards uranium enrichment. They're on a path towards nukes. And the question I hope gets asked of every presidential candidate is if George Bush comes before the people of the United States in the next two years and says absent military action, Iran is going to go critical and acquire nukes, and therefore, I'm going to take that action. If he made that statement, would you support him in that, Governor Romney?"

MR: "Well, you know, the challenge with threatening a military strike is that that becomes a headline in and of itself. I think America has to maintain the option of military action, any time its interests are threatened. And certainly, having a nuclear weapon in Iran would threaten not only our interests, but the interests of our friends, and would threaten the entire world. It's a setting which would justify military action. The only time one could ever consider such an action is if every other reasonable option had been exercised to keep from having to use that option, and we're a long way from there at this point. You point out, one of the key ways of influencing and putting pressure Iran, and that is through China. China really is the key, both to the nuclear armament of North Korea, as well as to Iran. They're a huge trading partner with both. And China, of course, wants the oil very badly to keep their economy going, and therefore, they don't want to iritate the Iranians. But we're going to have to build our own type of pressure, to make sure that we get from them the kind of support that we need from someone who we want to become more of a friend in the world, and that is by them putting in place very tough restrictions, and supporting our tough acts against the Iranians, our sanctions against the Iranians, as they develop nuclear weaponry."

Romney understands that how we talk about Iran is almost as important as what we do. We want Iran to think we might use military action but we also don't want to be irretractable from that position. You might call this flexible deterrence.

Words are important, ladies and gentlemen. They project American values and resolve into the international arena. Without understanding the issues involved, America is weakened.

Recently, Mike Huckabee, in response to the brutal assasination of Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto, expressed “our sincere concern and apologies for what has happened in Pakistan.”

What? Our apologies? What did we do wrong Mr. Huckabee?

I wonder what the supporters of Madame Bhutto, the ones who think Pervez Musharaff is behind the murder, would think if President Bush had said something like that? They might use that to argue America is partly responsible for the assasination. Why give them that chance, when you can have a President who understand foreign affairs enough not to say things like that.

Check out more informationa about Romney's foreign policy views on his website. You will see a depth and ability there that is lacking in Huckabee. Frankly, you will see a quality in him that is also missing from McCain. That is, Romney will be Presidential. He won't say, I know more about foreign policy than you and therefore, this is what we are going to do. Romney won't be completely condescending when he has to go before the American people and ask for our support to fight the war on terror. Romney will articulate and explain the best policy options available to America and work hard to implement them the best way possible. In short, Romney aces International relations 101.
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posted by Anonymous | 8:07 PM | permalink
From National Review Online, a Judge Robert Bork radio ad:

The Judge and the Governor [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Judge Bork makes a Romney radio ad to air in Iowa.
Listen here. Text is (here exclusively for a few for NRO readers):

ANNOUNCER: "Robert Bork was Ronald Reagan's conservative nominee to the Supreme Court."

JUDGE ROBERT BORK: "Hello, this is Judge Robert Bork."

"These are very important times, and our next President will be called upon to make decisions on some big issues."

"The National Review endorsed Governor Romney, calling him a 'full-spectrum conservative.' I agree. Mitt Romney is the best person to unite the strong Reagan coalition of social, economic, and foreign policy conservatives."

"We need strong leadership on the economy, taxes, immigration, and foreign policy."

"And our next President may be called upon to make more than one Supreme Court nomination. Governor Romney will appoint judges who interpret the law, not activists who legislate from the bench."

"I admire that Governor Romney stood up to the activist court's ruling on legalizing same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. His strong leadership served as a model for the nation."

"This is Judge Robert Bork. I urge you to join me in supporting Mitt Romney for President."

GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "I'm Mitt Romney, and I approved this message."

ANNOUNCER: "To learn more, log onto Paid for by Romney for President."
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posted by Myclob | 5:50 PM | permalink


This is my 2008 slogan: Reasonable Person for President. That is my hope, what I ask Iowa to produce, and I claim here to speak for thousands, millions. We are grown-ups, we know our country needs greatness, but we do not expect it and will settle at the moment for good. We just want a reasonable person. We would like a candidate who does not appear to be obviously insane. We'd like knowledge, judgment, a prudent understanding of the world and of the ways and histories of the men and women in it.


Mitt Romney? Yes. Characterological cheerfulness, personal stability and a good brain would be handy to have around. He hasn't made himself wealthy by seeing the world through a romantic mist. He has a sophisticated understanding of the challenges we face in the global economy. I personally am not made anxious by his flip-flopping on big issues because everyone in politics gets to change his mind once. That is, you can be pro-life and then pro-choice but you can't go back to pro-life again, because if you do you'll look like a flake. The positions Mr. Romney espouses now are the positions he will stick with. He has no choice.


Mike Huckabee gets enough demerits to fall into my not-reasonable column.
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"10 Ways Democrats Could Use Huckabee's Pardon Of 1,033 Felons To Alienate Moderate And Conservative Voters"
By Rex McBride, Los Angeles

In late December 2007, Judicial Watch named Huckabee one of the 10 most corrupt officials, joining Mayor Giuliani and Senator Craig of Idaho as the only elected Republicans on the list. Elected Democrats include Senator Clinton, Senator Feinstein, Senator Obama, Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi.

It's not a great list for Huckabee or Giuliani to be on.

This article is long, because in the 4 or 5 weeks that Huckabee has drawn national attention, a number of journalists have begin researching his method. If selected to be the Republic Presidential nominee, Huckabee's record would be placed under a microscope that dwarfs any quick research that journalists could perform in 4 or 5 weeks. In other words, Huckabee's record on pardons is a gift that would keep on giving for the Democrats, and they could mine it from all kinds of angles.

Dukakis had Willy Horton, but the difference is that Huckabee has 1,033 convicted felons and 12 convicted murderers whose pardons he was required to justify under Arkansas law, which he refused to comply with, as if he considered himself an emperor above the law that governed ordinary mortals.

To this day, Huckabee strongly defends all of these pardons and the secret criteria that he used. That means, as President of the United States, he will continue to pardon convicted felons and murderers, for one reason:

He has stated that his faith does not change from day to day, and it DRIVES his decisions. He meant it, when he described himself as "the Christian leader." That sets a high standard. Unfortunately, his record on pardons is indefensible for anyone who would consider a victims' (or a voters') point of view.

His record on pardons now has national implications. Republican voters need to "do the math" on the "big numbers" of what those pardons mean on a Federal level - as well as what it means to be elected President of a country with 300 million citizens. These "big numbers" relate to the reality of waging a national General Election campaign in all 50 states against well-financed, well-organized opponents.


If the Iowa Republican Primary favors him with 40% evangelical voters, that advantage vaporizes in most other States. On a national scale, only 23% of the electorate identified themselves as evangelicals in exit polls after the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Some "big numbers" of campaign funds raised so far, suggesting the brutal marathon ahead for leading candidates of both Parties:

Clinton ($90.9 million)
Obama ($80.3 million)
Edwards ($30.3 million)
Romney ($62.8 million)
Giuliani ($47.3 million)
McCain ($32.1 million)
Thompson ($12.8 million)
Paul ($8.3 million)
Huckabee ($2.3 million)

Within these larger numbers, actual financial contributions from clergy show that (1) both Obama and Clinton have far more financial support from clergy than "the Christian leader," Huckabee, (2) Romney has about double the support from clergy as Huckabee, and (3) Huckabee, Edwards, McCain and Giuliani have about equal support from clergy:

Obama ($107,350)
Clinton ($88,910)
Romney ($39,350)
Huckabee ($20,610)
Edwards ($19,600)
McCain ($18,800)
Giuliani ($16,700)

With all the favorable press Huckabee has received, even Ron Paul has bested him 4 to 1 in overall fund raising. On a national scale, enough people don't believe in Huckabee to open their wallet to support his election to fund a national campaign. Huckabee has attacked the Wall Street/Main Street wing of the party, who would otherwise be expected to raise money for the Republican candidate - thus biting the hand that would feed him.

Other than royalties from modest book sales, his primary source of income is various health groups who will pay his $25,000 speaker's fee to learn how he lost over 110 lbs. His weight loss, and hunting skills with a .12 gauge shotgun, are commendable but they're not qualifications to be President of the United States with the country and world facing crisis.

There aren't enough groups who can afford his $25,000 speaker's fee to fund a national political campaign. Still, his $25,000 speaker's fees are a mark of how profitable life has become for Huckabee. He now makes about as much from one of his weight loss speeches as he did in a year's salary as Lt. Governor of Arkansas. Unfortunately for his Presidential campaign, no one will pay him for his skill with the shotgun.

Why haven't more people contributed more money to his cause, given how quickly Ron Paul raised his money from small voters? Or Fred Thompson, entering the race late? While everyone agrees that Huckabee is a likable person, the typical national voter does not see value and major-league executive skill when they look at Huckabee, because they do not see real competence. They see a man who some in Arkansas have said "can talk an owl out of a tree," who also has an embarrassing demonstrated record of profiting from hidden side income in a small rural State where political corruption has become an art form.

The $25,000 speaker's fees are peanuts compared to Clinton, Obama or Edwards - and if we see a Clinton/Obama ticket, they'll likely pool their funds ($170 million, if combined now).

Huckabee's glib face time on TV and his homey "let's go pheasant hunting and I'll demonstrate my ability to blast a frightened bird out of the sky" may persuade Iowans that he's got the "right stuff" to lead our country, but most voters in other States will see that his hunting skills have zero relevance to the serious issue of whether he's competent to lead a sophisticated country in the 21st Century - much less organize, fund, and staff a marathon campaign in 50 states.

With respect to competence, if your daughter needs heart surgery, you wouldn't choose her surgeon based on whether he can shoot birds that can't fight back. Being qualified to serve as President of the United States is more like being a heart surgeon, or head of a Fortune 500 firm, than being a pheasant hunter.

Some equally big election numbers for registered voters in the 2004 election:

Independents (42 million, or 24.9%)
Republican (55 million, or 32.5%)
Democrat (72 million, or 42.6%)

Without respect to party affiliation, of these 169 million eligible voters, the Pew Research Group discovered that the voters classified themselves as:

Moderate (45%)
Conservative (34%)
Liberal (21%)

Pew concluded that America elects its Presidents from the middle. In other words, neither the Democrat or the Republic nominee have enough registered voters to win the electoral college, without strong appeal to moderates in the center.


In exit polls in both 2000 and 2004, the Pew Research Group found that 23% of all voters call themselves evangelical Christians.

The Democratic and Republican Parties realize this, and each try to unify voters in their own base and then draw the majority of the voters from the middle to build the winning margin. That's why divisive campaign tactics and identity politics (which may work in small states that do not reflect the national electorate) will ultimately backfire.

In his campaign so far, Huckabee's record appeals to the far left (freeing violent criminals, granting tuition to children of illegal aliens, adopting a nationwide ban on smoking, or opposing vouchers in schools so as to receive the first-ever NEA endorsement for any Republican in New Hampshire) or the far right (eliminating the IRS) that will alienate millions of voters in the middle.

Huckabee is adept at papering over his extreme left and extreme right positions by emphasizing his "Christian leader" credentials - but only if evangelicals make up a huge voting bloc in a given State, or suddenly becoming ashamed of his self-selected "Christian Leader" title and watering it down to a "Proven Leader" title if there are few evangelicals in a State.

If Huckabee becomes the Republican nominee, such verbal sleight of hand will be hammered by the Democrats. They will focus on the thick file of published negatives in his record as Governor of Arkansas. They will dig for more.

They will argue, "do not judge this man by what he says, but by what he actual did or did not do in Arkansas" because he will use verbal smoke and mirrors - or irrelevant pheasant hunting - to hide his lack of competence in foreign affairs, war on terror, true immigration reform, building a strong economy and other issues.

When electoral totals are tallied up, Huckabee's highly controversial record in Arkansas is what one would expect for a 45 state loss in a national Presidential election. His record is so filled with self-dealing and scandal, and so extreme in its politics, that it appeals only to the extreme right or the extreme left.

This is graphically illustrated by his abuse of executive clemency to turn 1,033 felons free in Arkansas - including 12 convicted murders - through pardon or commutation of sentence. The number of pardons/commutations will give the Democrats plenty of ammunition to show that he is "soft on crime" and "totally unsympathetic to victim's rights."

What's worse, his methodology and rationale in continuing to justify all of these 1,033 pardons/commutations is frightening - because he sees absolutely no problem with his approach and stands behind it - as if the Bible directed him to revoke all 1,033 criminal sentences without notifying victims and ignoring recommendations of county prosecutors.

Because he's explained that his religious faith DRIVES all his decisions and he doesn't change his faith from one morning to the next, that means we can expect a President Huckabee to approve early release of still more convicted criminals on a Federal scale - including early release of still more convicted murderers - with no explanation whatever of what criteria he used in each case. Millions of Independents, Conservatives and Democrats will find Huckabee's arbitrary and capricious manner of granting pardons frightening.


Here are 10 ways that Democrats could use public records of Huckabee's abuse of executive clemency powers in Arkansas, to scare voters away:


The Democrats could accurately claim "As the one and only self-styled 'Christian leader,' Huckabee's 1,033 pardons were greater than (according to his definition) the apparently 'non-Christian leader' governors of nearby Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, and Louisiana, with a combined population 20 times more than Arkansas. Most of these states had no commutations for convicted murders, where Huckabee granted 12.

The press in Arkansas reported:

"Governors seldom reduce sentences in other states - and almost never for murderers serving life without parole or for rapists or for habitual drunk drivers, while in Arkansas it's a regular habit with Huckabee.

Other governors use their clemency power only rarely, while Huckabee has made it routine… Here are the figures for neighboring states since 1996, when Huckabee took office …:

Louisiana - 213.
Mississippi - 24.
Missouri - 79.
Oklahoma - 178.
Tennessee - 32.
Texas - 98 (includes 36 inmates released because they were convicted on drug charges with planted evidence).

Total: 624 vs. Huckabee's 703…

In Texas, we could find only one clemency case for a killer."


Huckabee described the one guiding principle for his conduct in office:

"My faith is my life - it defines me. My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them."

This wasn't just a fervent appeal for support from evangelical voters. It was a statement of fact that explained how the only "Christian leader" in the campaign actually made decisions as Governor of Arkansas for ten years.

At the National Pastor's Conference in 1998, Huckabee explained that the reason he got into politics was to "take this nation back to Christ."

In December 2007, he explained to one of his supporters than God was directing and supporting his campaign. (Are all other candidates chopped liver?)

"STUDENT: Recent polls show you surging... What do you attribute this surge to?

HUCKABEE: There's only one explanation for it, and it's not a human one. It's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of five thousand people. (Applause) That's the only way that our campaign can be doing what it's doing. And I'm not being facetious nor am I trying to be trite.

There literally are thousands of people across this country who are praying that a little will become much, and it has. And it defies all explanation, it has confounded the pundits. And I'm enjoying every minute of them trying to figure it out, and until they look at it, from a, just experience beyond human, they'll never figure it out. And it's probably just as well. That's honestly why it's happening."

The moment Huckabee elevated himself above all other sincere, fallible candidates for President to proclaim himself as "the Christian leader," he became a divisive force - at a time when America needs to come together.


Based on Federal criminal justice data as of December 1998, there were 1,213 Federal prisoners already convicted of murder. Since Huckabee is proud that he gave 2% of the Arkansas prisoners a "get out of jail card" before their term was up, that same ratio would mean that he'd give pardon or clemency to 22% or 267 convicted murderers out of the 1,213 murderers in the Federal system (using published 1998 numbers), or a total of 267 convicted murders.

Why would he continue to do so? Because his religious faith DRIVES his decisions and that faith does not waver or change. In his soul, he believes in "giving people in prison a second chance" when they meet his secret criteria - which often involves a letter from an evangelical minister, or perhaps someone who raked leaves at the Governor's mansion.

The website had details on 11 of the 12 convicted murderers whose sentence was commuted by Huckabee. Each one of these reflects his judgment, or lack thereof:

Huckabee Commuted Sentence, Murphy Was Freed. On November 18, 1996, Mike Huckabee commuted the sentence of Royce Murphy, who was convicted in 1969 of killing another prisoner while serving time for burglary. Huckabee commuted the sentence to 159 years and 11 months. Murphy was released and was under parole supervision until March 2050. His location is unknown.

Huckabee Commuted Death Sentence, Smith Was Freed. On January 22, 1997, Mike Huckabee commuted the sentence of George Smith from life to 127 years and five months. He was released in April 1997 and was under parole supervision until July 2039. Smith was convicted in March 1975 for the death of David Powell. His location is unknown. Records, accessed 4/19/06]

Huckabee Commuted Death Sentence for Murderer. On August 6, 1999, Mike Huckabee commuted the death sentence of John Degler. Degler was convicted in February 1974 for the death of Curtis M. Turner. Huckabee commuted Deglers' sentence and he was immediately eligible for parole. His location is unknown.

Huckabee Commuted Sentence of Murderer Denied Clemency by Two Other Governors. On January 2, 1998, Mike Huckabee commuted the life sentence of Lee V. Walker, who was convicted of first-degree murder in February 1966. Huckabee commuted the sentence from life, making him eligible for parole. Walker was denied clemency once by Governor Bill Clinton in 1992 and twice by Governor Jim Guy Tucker in 1994 an 1996. His location is unknown.

Huckabee Commuted Sentence of Man Who Murdered 81- Year Old Man. On March 8, 1999, saying that he had "prayed and sought God's help with the decision," Governor Mike Huckabee said he would stick to his plan of commuting the death sentence of murderer Bobby Ray Fretwell to life in prison without parole in 1999. Family members of Fretwell's victim, 81-year-old Sherman Sullins, had appealed to Huckabee to reconsider clemency for Fretwell. Fretwell was driving a stolen pickup truck when it broke down. Fretwell picked his victim's house at random, killed Sullins with a shot to the head, stole his truck and money.

Huckabee Granted Clemency Over Family's Objections; Maxwell Was Freed. On October 30, 2000, despite objections from the victim's family, Governor Mike Huckabee decided to grant clemency to convicted murderer and robber James Maxwell making him eligible for parole in 2003. Huckabee was criticized because Maxwell spent three years assigned to work detail at the governor's mansion. The governor declined to discuss his acquaintance with the inmate… His location is unkown.

Huckabee Commuted Sentence of Murderer, Way Was Freed. On May 14, 2001, Mike Huckabee commuted the sentence of Willie Way Jr., who was convicted of first degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and three counts of robbery in 1974. Way pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the July 13, 1973 killing of James V. Carter, owner and operator of a grocery store. Carter was robbed and fatally shot. Way also pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the December 17, 1973 killing of 14-year-old Reginald Mack. Mack was shot in Way's home. Way worked as a trusty at the Governor's Mansion. His location is unknown.

Huckabee Granted Clemency to Woman Convicted of Killing Husband, Hagar Was Freed. On December 10, 2003, Mike Huckabee ordered the release of Elizabeth Diane Hagar who was convicted of manslaughter in the 1997 shooting death of her husband, Mark Hagar. Her location is unknown.

Huckabee Granted Clemency to Murderer Who Bludgeoned Victim to Death with Prosthetic Leg. In 2004, Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to convicted murderer Don Jeffers, who pleaded guilty in 1980 to the bludgeoning death of William Hash. Jeffers allegedly hit Hash with his own prosthetic leg. A year after he initially granted clemency to Jeffers, Huckabee rejected the request after Attorney Robert Herzfeld successfully challenged Huckabee's original decision in court.

* Governor Laughed At Prosecutor's Concern About Clemency. When prosecutor Robert Herzfeld asked the governor to "re-evaluate" his clemency policies, he received a three-sentence reply from Cory Cox, the governor's deputy legal counsel and adviser on criminal justice. "The governor read your letter and laughed out loud. He wanted me to respond to you. I wish you success as you cut down your caffeine consumption."

Huckabee Granted Clemency to Man Convicted of Murder, Witham Was Freed. On July 6, 2004, Mike Huckabee gave clemency to Denver Witham, who had been sentenced to life in 1974 for the beating death of Stanley Wells. Huckabee commuted the sentence, making him eligible to seek parole. Witham was convicted of beating Wells with a lead pipe after a disagreement at a bar. His location is unknown.

Huckabee Granted Clemency to Killer Who Had 35 Disciplinary Marks on Prison Record. On December 17, 2004, Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Wade Stewart despite Department of Correction records that showed that Stewart had 35 disciplinary marks on his prison record including battery, lying to the prison staff, possession of money, using abusive language, possession of gambling paraphernalia, unauthorized contact with the public, destruction and taking of state property, disrupting or breaking into a line, possession of contraband and throwing or spitting fluid. His location is unknown.


During his term as Arkansas Governor, Huckabee stood for exercise and abuse of power without accountability, and then for attacking anyone who dared to hold him accountable. Nick Langewis reported on

"…Mike Huckabee has come under intense scrutiny over his involvement in the early prison release of recidivist rapist and murderer Wayne DuMond in 1999.

"There were no letters sent to the governor's office from any rape victims," said Huckabee spokesperson Alice Stewart to the Huffington Post. In addition, Huckabee told CNN on Sunday, December 2: "None of us could've predicted what [DuMond] could've done when he got out."

Documents and personal accounts obtained by the Huffington Post directly contradict the above two statements. As the Huffington Post details in its Tuesday exposé, Huckabee had been repeatedly warned, including from DuMond's victims themselves, that DuMond was likely to be a continued threat to society if he were to be released from prison.

DuMond had been sentenced to life in prison plus twenty years, which was reduced to 39.5 years under Governor Jim Guy Tucker, for the 1984 rape of 17-year-old Ashley Stevens, a distant cousin of then-governor Bill Clinton. Clinton's ties to the victim, which prompted him to recuse himself from the case, was ultimately used to help fuel an aggressive campaign to release DuMond. On his release in September of 1999, DuMond moved to Missouri and proceeded to rape and murder 39-year-old Carol Sue Shields, a crime for which he would eventually perish in prison, but not before allegedly claiming one more victim, 23-year-old Sara Andrasek, in the same fashion in June of 2001.

While Huckabee denies ever receiving letters from DuMond's victims, staffers say that the letters did exist, but were considered politically damaging and hidden away accordingly.

Huckabee and the Arkansas Parole Board have refused to release any letters they may or may not have received. However, Parole Board members have gone on record. One New York Times report has a member insisting that Huckabee actively lobbied the Board to release DuMond.

"He expressed his concerns about DuMond's guilt," says former member Deborah Suttlar. "He felt he deserved to be released." As did Baptist pastor Rev Jay D. Cole, a personal friend of Huckabee's, who enlisted his help in lobbying for DuMond's release after DuMond was said to have "found God," after also forcibly losing his testicles, supposedly to a band of attackers; the story was taken by some as a self-inflicted ploy for sympathy.

Suttlar abstained from the vote that released DuMond, after years of rejections, out of disgust.

In addition, Huffington Post editor Nico Pitney appeared with two Arkansas Parole Board members, Ermer Pondexter and Dr. Charles Chastain, on MSNBC's Abrams Report to discuss repeated claims by Huckabee that the Board, rather than himself, were responsible for DuMond's 1999 release.

"There's no question that the Governor brought up the issue of releasing Wayne DuMond," counters Chastain, the only Board member to vote against DuMond's 1999 release. "I don't know who initiated the meeting, but we were told that the Governor [wanted] to come and meet with various boards and commissions."

Chastain says that Huckabee specifically brought up the DuMond case in an executive session, portraying DuMond as a "guy from the wrong side of the tracks who got a raw deal."

"I responded," says Chastain, "by saying: 'Governor, If you rape a cheerleader in a small town like that, you're going to get a long sentence if you're convicted. And, furthermore, that sentence had been changed by former governor Tucker to 39 1/2 years."
"When I was called for the next board meeting," adds Pondexter, "I was informed by board members that the Governor had appeared before them, asking them for support in the release of parole in DuMond."

Huckabee told NBC's Meet the Press on November 28 that the Parole Board asked his personal advice on whether DuMond should be paroled, and he, in turn, said that it ought to be given a "serious look."

Dr. Chastain disagrees: "If you think about it, there's no reason why the Parole Board would be asking the governor for advice about a given individual. [Huckabee has] met with a lot of people like me many, many times all day. I met with the Governor one time while on the Parole Board in seven years… I remember it very clearly."

Video of the entire MSNBC Abrams Report exchange, broadcast on December 6, 2007, is available for viewing below."

Huckabee claims that the 4 members of the Parole Board are lying about him applying pressure to release DuMond, ignoring the Bible standard of establishing truth in the mouth of two or three witnesses:

"One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established." (Deut. 19:15, see also Matt. 18:16)

When Mothers Against Drunk Drivers protested Huckabee's pardon of Fields after his 4th D.W.I. conviction in 5 years, Huckabee decided to criticize M.A.D.D. for not openly attacking another D.W.I. convict who defeated Mrs. Huckabee in her bid to be elected Arkansas Secretary of State. Under Huckabee's world view, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers are the villain when he decides to pardon a big contributor to Republican politics. Millions of Christian voters from all Parties will reject Huckabee's view that the Bible directs and authorizes such conduct.


What was Huckabee hiding? John Brummett of the Arkansas News Bureau reported that Huckabee's staff took:

"...the hard drives out of all the office computers, saving information to private storage and [had] the hard drives crushed, by which I mean actually, physically destroyed.

It is customary for one leaving office to get hard drives wiped clean. Mike Beebe's attorney general's office did that. But, as explained to me, it remains possible after seven-step erasure for some uncommonly smart computer whiz to, at considerable trouble, restore some of what was there. Crushing simply removes even the remote possibility.

Huckabee wanted to make doubly sure, rather than singularly sure, that nobody would be prowling around in his and his staff's old hard drive memory.

Alice Stewart, still operating as Huckabee's spokeswoman for provincial matters, told me Friday that the state Information Systems agency actually recommended that the governor's office crush. That's easy to say, since the agency was run by Huckabee's old Texarkana church pal and media specialist, Gary Underwood.

Nobody recommended to Beebe that he take the extra step of crushing his attorney general's hard drives."

In the recent controversy over the CIA destroying tapes of interrogation of terrorists, Huckabee was one of the first to criticize:

"GOP presidential rival Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, questioned whether the CIA destroyed the tape for security purposes as claimed 'or to cover somebody's rear end.'"

Huckabee is willing to assume the worst about others when it benefits him politically, but because he views himself as "the Christian leader" he demands that everyone assume the best about him and release him from accountability required by law - even when he releases a staggering number of convicted felons from prison or blocks a normal criminal investigation into his son's slitting the throat of a dog.

Arkansas law required that he explain, in each case, why he pardoned or commuted their sentences. Since he pardoned/commuted 1,033 convicts, he owes the public more than 1,000 explanations - because there are victims' interests in each case. Where were the victims in his political calculus?


The local press in Arkansas reported on the details of the Green case, showing why there was such a public outcry of yet another violent criminal about to be set free:

"Gov. Huckabee probably never read the confession of a demented killer named Glen Green before he made the monster eligible for parole. Green's confession is so depraved, its sadistic details so scary that no sane, responsible adult would consider him for parole.
If the governor didn't read the confession, he is guilty of dereliction of duty. But if he read the confession and still considers Green deserving of parole, he's certainly unfit to hold office. Who would free a madman who beat an 18-year-old woman with Chinese martial-arts sticks, raped her as she barely clung to life, ran over her with his car, then dumped her in the bayou, her hand reaching up, as if begging for mercy? …

In usual fashion, Huckabee's office didn't even contact the victim's family about the clemency. Although he's required to by the Constitution, the governor, as is his custom, won't say why he granted clemency to this crazed killer (over the unanimous objections of the Post-Prison Transfer Board).
Huckabee apparently listened to Green's minister (and a friend of the governor), who thinks the murder was an accident and Green was forced to confess. The Jacksonville police, who arrested Green in 1974 after a witness linked him to the crime, think the minister and Huckabee are both delusional, which is the mildest epitaph we can print.

This old police reporter knows a genuine confession when he sees one, and Green's depravity has the ring of truth.

Green, a 22-year-old sergeant, kidnapped Helen Lynette Spencer on Little Rock Air Force Base, where he beat and kicked her as he tried to rape her in a secluded area. She broke loose and ran toward the barracks' parking lot, where he caught up with her and beat her with a pair of nunchucks.

He then stuffed her into the trunk of his car and left her there while he cleaned up. Several hours later, he drove down Graham Road, past Loop Road and stopped near a bridge in Lonoke County. Green told investigators he put her body in the front seat and raped her because her body was still warm.

He dragged Spencer out of his vehicle and put her in front of the car and ran over her several times, going back and forth. He then collected himself long enough to dump her body in Twin Prairie Bayou.

This is what the Rev. Johnny Jackson, interim pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, calls an accident, and apparently Huckabee believes him.

"There is no doubt in my mind that he could kill again," warns Pulaski County Prosecutor Larry Jegley.

The crime started out in his jurisdiction and ended in Lonoke County, where Prosecutor Lona McCastlain has also spoken out against the clemency.
"Life means life," she said, referring to Green's sentence after he plead guilty to Spencer's kidnapping, rape and murder.

As he grants clemency to scores of violent criminals, Huckabee's motives are the subject of speculation: Why, people are asking, is he doing it? After studying the record for several weeks, all one can say is that his actions perhaps reflect a combination of arrogance and avarice and ignorance.

While his fellow governors keep electing him to top positions in their little club, he has alienated Arkansans of both parties. They're shocked at not only the amazing number of clemencies but also at the way he ignores the suffering of the victims' families, who are always the last to know when their loved one's killer is up for parole.

Bilenda Harris-Ritter, an attorney who now lives in California, is one of those people who worry all the time that Huckabee might free the man who killed their relatives. Harris-Ritter's parents were murdered in north Arkansas, and she has had to deal with heartless state bureaucrats as she fights to keep the killer locked up.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently named Harris-Ritter chairman of the Public Employees Board, which oversees collective-bargaining agreements among 7,000 employers and 2 million employees.

She is upset that our governor has not been more forthright about his clemencies.
"Huckabee is required by law to make certain notifications. When he does not, the pardon should be voidable," she told us. She continued, "The people of the good state of Arkansas (and I really mean that) need to think seriously about impeachment."

When told that many people consider Huckabee our worst governor in recent memory, Harris-Ritter replied, "No argument from me, and I am a Republican!"

Huckabee has shown that all he needs to be persuaded is to have one of his minister friends ask him for a favor, and he will ignore victims and prosecutors who request that he follow the law. His judgment is questionable, yet he justified his decision to pardon Green and over 1,000 other felons because his faith is resolute and it drives his decisions.


NBC's Amna Nawaz, an Investigative Producer, reported:

"Questions are being raised about then-Gov. Huckabee's 2004 decision to grant clemency to a repeat Driving While Intoxicated offender in Arkansas named Eugene Fields, despite the objections of a law enforcement official at the time. Documents obtained by NBC News reveal Fields' case was handled differently from any other DWI clemency or pardon granted by Huckabee, and some Republicans are now suggesting significant political contributions may have influenced the governor's decision.

In August 2001, Fields, of Van Buren, Ark., was convicted of his fourth DWI charge, a felony in the state of Arkansas, was sentenced to six years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Fields reported to prison in August of 2003.

But prison records obtained by NBC News show that six weeks into that six-year sentence, Fields' application for clemency, a commutation of his sentence the governor could issue to grant Fields an early release from prison, was unanimously supported by the parole board. Within months, Huckabee issued his intent to grant executive clemency to Fields, who was released from prison soon thereafter.

On Fields' application for a commutation of his sentence, four options are listed as possible reasons as to why the application was being made, including, "I wish to correct an injustice which may have occurred during trial," and, "I want to adjust what may be considered an excessive sentence." No boxes are checked on Fields' application; instead "N/A" is written across the top of the sheet, for "Not Applicable."

Rhonda Sharp, a spokeswoman for the Post Prison Transfer Board, was quoted at the time of Fields' release saying, "I've never seen anything like this before," and called the handling of the case "very unusual." This week, Sharp told NBC News that even though there is no set time period within which an inmate's clemency application must be considered, the process typically takes at least a few months to a year, before being sent to the governor's office. NBC News has no indication that Huckabee had any influence over the parole board's 2003 vote, which recommended Fields' sentence be commuted.

But the governor's ultimate decision to grant Fields an early release from prison was met with scrutiny from the media and others at the time. The Arkansas chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving in a letter to Huckabee noted Fields had a history of re-offending, and "a track record of non-rehabilitation and of ignoring second chances."

When questioned by reporters about his decision to commute Fields' sentence, Huckabee said his decision was based on the parole board's vote. Today, in a statement to NBC News, the Huckabee campaign said Fields "deserved time in jail and received it." The statement went on to point out that Fields completed alcohol rehabilitation treatment, and that his prison sentence was reduced with "strong support from the community," and "to make room in an overcrowded system for violent offenders."

Supplementing Fields' application for clemency were tax receipts for donations totaling $1,120 made to the Salvation Army, one letter of thanks from the Arkansas Children's Hospital Foundation for a $2,500 pledge, and two more for donations made to a scholarship foundation and a Baptist Church charity.

But questions about the handling of Fields' case surfaced again in 2006 when he was convicted on another DWI charge, just two years after his release from prison. According to the police report, Fields drove into oncoming traffic on an Arkansas road and into the path of a police officer's car before crossing back into the correct lane.

Teresa Belew, executive director of MADD Arkansas, says that proves Fields should never have been granted clemency in the first place.

"Early release of an offender who has such a history only exposes the public to the likelihood of reoffending," Belew said, "which, in fact, happened in this case."

At that time, Huckabee was quoted as saying he was disappointed in Fields' actions. Today, his campaign said that after his relapse, Fields "received the maximum penalties." According to court documents, Fields paid an $800 fine and was released.

Documents recently obtained by NBC News now suggest that Fields' clemency case was handled differently from others with similar felony DWI convictions.

An examination of clemency records available in the Arkansas Secretary of State's office, provided to NBC News by MADD Arkansas, shows that in Huckabee's decade in office, only seven clemencies or pardons were ever granted for DWI convictions. NBC News independently examined those records.

Fields' case was the only one in which any objection was made by law enforcement, and disregarded by the governor.

Prosecutor Marc McCune filed an official objection at the time, "strongly" objecting to Fields being granted clemency, as did the sheriff from Fields' county, who suggested in his objection that Fields "should do his minimum" sentence. Not one of the other seven DWI convictions listed an objection of any kind, noting in each case that judicial and law enforcement officials "have raised no objections to applicant's request."

Fields' case was also the only one of those seven in which significant time had not passed between the time of the conviction, and the granting of the clemency or pardon by Huckabee.

One offender was 47 years old at the time of his conviction and was granted clemency "specifically for the restoration of firearms rights," at the age of 62. Another, who was convicted at age 41, was not pardoned until he reached the age of 58, at which point "all rights, privileges and immunities he enjoyed prior to conviction" were restored to him.

Fields was 62 years old at the time of his conviction; he was 65 when Huckabee commuted his sentence. That executive clemency made him immediately eligible for parole.

Some Arkansas Republicans are also questioning whether Fields' clemency was tied to sizeable political contributions.

According to Federal Election Commission records, a month after Fields' appeal was denied, his wife made a $5,000 donation to the State Republican Party in June of 2003. A month later, she made an additional $5,000 donation, again to the Republican Party of Arkansas. The following month, Fields reported to prison and began his clemency application process. He was a free man in less than a year.

A former elected official in Arkansas with fundraising experience for the State Republican Party says the timing of Mrs. Fields' donations raises serious questions about their intended purpose. He spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity and says he is not supporting any Republican presidential candidate at the moment.

"In the summer of 2003 there's no real political activity," said the former official. "It's always a tough time to raise money in those periods, and all of sudden $10,000 comes walking through the door when there's no campaign going on? There's no reason to give that kind of money then."

Prior to his wife's donations, Fields had made a $10,000 donation to the Republican Party of Arkansas in October of 2000 under "Fields Investment Company," the name of his business. Both Mrs. Fields' 2003 donations and Mr. Fields' 2000 donation placed them among the largest, individual donors to the Republican Party of Arkansas in those years, on par with donations from members of the Walton family, of the Wal-Mart department store chain. The only other donation made by either Fields to the State Republican Party was in the amount of $500 in August of 2004.

The Huckabee campaign today responded to questions on the matter, saying only, "There was no connection between the handling of any clemency application and any political donation…"

Victims' rights go out the window, when Huckabee decides to arbitrarily dole out his "second chances in life." As noted by MSNBC news, he set the wheels in motion to pardon a man convicted 4 times for DWI, but only after the man's wife paid two $5,000 checks to the Arkansas Republic Party. Naturally, Huckabee denies that there was any connection to the $10,000 and the pardon that followed.

Nor did he explain why he didn't pardon others convicted of 3 or 4 D.W.I. convictions in a similar time span.


His complete reversal of positions include

- once proposing that AIDS victims be quarantined, and taking years after medical science revealed that casual contact could not spread AIDS to change positions
- once opposing the embargo on Cuba, now favoring it
- once supporting college tuition for illegal immigrants because "we don't want to punish children for crimes committed by their parents," but now favoring an immigration policy that would deport parents and children
- attacking the Bush administration for having an "arrogant bunker mentality," then saying that he didn't mean President George Bush
- once called for a universal Federal ban on abortion, then changed his position to a state's rights position

- Hispanic leaders in Arkansas are shocked at his changes on immigration now that he is a candidate for President, starting with his original effort to set up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock.


In the Bible, it counsels "avoid the very appearance of evil." (1 Thes. 5:22)

As the Governor of one of the 50 States, Huckabee had the duty to have high ethical standards. When the Boy Scouts of America published the letter where David Huckabee and the other boy were fired from their jobs, after they killed the dog, their firing didn't end the question of whether criminal laws were violated.

Or does Arkansas have 2 sets of criminal law? One for average citizens, and the other for Huckabee, his family and cronies?

Washington has had enough scandal, without having a new President who employs a double standard for those in his own family or who will contribute to his Party or his campaign, and then claim that the Bible directs all his decisions.

The people of Arkansas will never know, for sure, what happened when David Huckabee killed the dog. That's why State and Local police and prosecutors are paid, to independently investigate matters when family members of high government officials are implicated.

The Governor should not be allowed to intercede, short circuit the criminal investigation process, and give his own explanation. He wasn't there. Detectives are trained to investigate crime, and if no crime was committed, say so.

When Huckabee's pheasant hunting trip was recorded by TV cameras and published on the internet, he joked that the dead pheasant at his feet should be a warning to anyone who opposed him in his campaign for President. His joke showed a lack of respect for a harmless animal whom he killed for sport. Is his lack of respect for innocent animals behind David's slicing the throat of the dog?

If there were mitigating circumstances, an independent investigation would have revealed them. Why did Huckabee block the investigation?

Saying that "they didn't handle it well" or "they were just boys" doesn't suffice. We've seen what Michael Vick has done with brutality to animals, and know that Jeff Dahmer and other serial killers began their life of crime with brutality to innocent animals. Why was there no independent investigation?


Published records in Arkansas document the fact that Huckabee has his favored circle, where patronage was doled out. If you were within his approved circle, you could escape a murder conviction, a D.W.I. conviction, or slit a dog's throat and not be investigated.

However, not even a minister's wife is immune from Huckabee's warped system of dispensing pardons to 22% of all applications for pardon.

Angela McCoy, one of the victim's daughters, said Huckabee repeatedly referred to Maxwell as "Jim" during a meeting. "It was obvious there was a personal relationship between the two of them," she said. "That hurt us to the bone." Maxwell told police he pulled out a stolen .22- caliber pistol and ordered Reverend Billy Price Bennett to get out of the car. When Bennett resisted, police said Maxwell shot him three times and stole the car.

The agony of Reverend Bennett's widow and daughter are heartfelt, and would be cannon fodder for Democrat campaigns that document Huckabee's insensitivity as a leader.


Andrew DeMillo of the Miami Herald reported on a number of the convicts pardoned by Huckabee, and how he relied upon personal contact of some sort to pass out his "get out of jail" cards:

"-James Maxwell, who killed a pastor of the Church of God in Arkansas. Maxwell worked at the Governor's Mansion when Huckabee announced his intent to reduce his prison sentence.

-Samuel W. Taylor, convicted on a drug charge. A prosecutor said the man had told him Taylor's sister had gone to school with Huckabee. Huckabee said the sister didn't influence the decision. Taylor subsequently was arrested on another drug charge.

-Donald W. Clark, convicted of theft. Huckabee's pastor recommended leniency for Clark, whose stepmother worked on Huckabee's gubernatorial staff.

-Robert A. Arnold Jr., who was convicted of killing his father-in-law. Arnold's father, a former mayor of Hope, Huckabee's hometown, said he was a casual friend of the governor.

-A pastor who promoted Huckabee among blacks urged the governor to grant clemency to John Henry Claiborne, who was sentenced to 100 years for a 1994 armed robbery, according to a 2004 report in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Huckabee made Claiborne eligible for parole after receiving a letter from the Rev. Charles Williams, who told the newspaper he had helped win ''many, many'' clemencies from Huckabee.

-Denver Witham, convicted of beating a man to death with a lead pipe at bar, had his sentence commuted by Huckabee. The action drew the ire of prosecutors who speculated that Huckabee's act of clemency was related to Witham, who was lead singer in a prison band, being a fellow musician…

In summary, Huckabee has two problems related to his 1,033 pardons and commutations. First, is that he approved them. Second, is that he claims that all of his decisions are DRIVEN by his faith and that his faith does not change.

Thus, when anyone attacks Huckabee's pardon decisions that no reasonable person could defend - but he defends those 1,033 pardons as if they were scripture and ordained of God - he makes clear that he would continue to misuse executive clemency as President.

Instead of 12 convicted murders pardoned in Arkansas, pardons at the same Bible-guided 22% rate would yield 267 murders turned free - unless he flip flops and issues no pardons. This would raise still another question - is his flavor of religious faith another word for political expediency?

It's one thing to claim that he is the only Christian leader in the race and expect to be given political points for it. Did he walk the talk?

A website that I found helpful on where the candidates are on life related issues.

posted by Anne | 4:21 PM | permalink
National Review fences with the Union-Leader:
John McCain’s aides complain that Mitt Romney is running a negative campaign. Those same aides have been attacking Romney themselves, but for the most part they can outsource the negativism to their friends in the press — starting with the Union Leader, a prominent conservative newspaper in New Hampshire that has endorsed him. (We have endorsed Romney.)

The Union Leader’s advocacy of John McCain has become so fierce and lopsided that it has practically transformed itself into a pro-McCain 527 organization. It has not formalized the arrangement, which is lucky for it: If it had, McCain would, on his campaign-finance principles, have to try to shut it down.

Read on for more excellent points.

---crossposted at BackyardConservative
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Thanks for letting me post a comment on this site.

I am LDS, and though i respect MR, I will not be supporting him.

I will be supporting Ron Paul, and I encourage you to research him. I believe you will find him to be a Principled man, who follows the Constitution, i would even call him the Champion of the Constitution.

Mitt Romney may be a moral person, LDS, a good speaker, but his politics are in correct. Though i agree with him on some issues, here are a couple of things i do not:

He believes that Jihad is the biggest threat of our time. Unfortunatly, that is incorrect, and its sad to say, but the policies of the Bush Administration and the congress are more of a threat to our liberties.
Agencies like the IRS, DHS, CIA, and others are terrorizing people in this country to a greater degree than any foreign terrorist will.

Also, he wants to continue the illegal and undeclared war in IRAQ, and enlarge the milatary abroad.

He has no desire to stand against the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank, which should not exist.

I wish all of you the best, and invite you to get behind the Champion of Liberty and the Constitution, Ron Paul.

Your fellow Republican,

posted by jason | 3:50 PM | permalink
I received this email from a person who knows Mitt pretty well. To me it epitomizes why he is so ready to lead, way beyond any other candidate in the field.

Said the Dutch jurist, philosopher and playwright Hugo de Groot,

“A man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city; he cannot govern a city if he cannot govern a family; he cannot govern a family unless he can govern himself; and he cannot govern himself unless his passions are subject to reason”

Knowing the heart of Mitt Romney as I do, I believe that he passes the de Groot test with flying colors.

Hugo Grotius or Huig de Groot, or Hugo de Groot; (Delft, 10 April 1583 – Rostock, 28 August 1645) worked as a jurist in the Dutch Republic and laid the foundations for international law, based on natural law. He was also a philosopher, Christian apologist, playwright, and poet. Link

I have made the case here in the comments section before that no one is truly objective. We all have our paradigms we must work in. Yet, one character trait of Mitt is that he truly strives to approach everything he can in a dispassionate objective manner. I am sure he has his preconceived opinions of things, as we all do, but no one can doubt his ability to put away the passions and see the whole picture, giving equal time all thought and view points.

In truth we don't need someone who bases policy on the emotions of populism or the emotional wreckage of past experiences. What we do need is someone who can turn data into the right results. Passions and emotions are good, but as de Groot says, they should be subject to reason.
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posted by Anne | 3:26 PM | permalink
Huckabee blooper--doesn't know East from West in Pakistan. And is his support slipping in Iowa? Dean Barnett digs into the numbers of the LA Times poll. Here's the video on Pakistan.
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posted by Anonymous | 2:45 PM | permalink
In the ever expanding list of campaign innovations, Romney adds Personalized Phone Calls and Personalized Voice Mail Messages from the candidate himself.

The personalized phone calls only take a few seconds and are free! Check it out. You simply input the person's name and phone number and they receive a phone call from Romney. You can also personalize what issue matters most to that person and your relationship to the person being called. It also seems to show your phone number as the originating number. It is a lot of fun.

In addition, for $25 you can have a personalized voice mail greeting from Mitt Romney for your phone. If anyone has signed up for this, tell us about it in the comments.
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posted by Anonymous | 2:28 PM | permalink
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Honestly i think Mitt's ads would be better spent attacking the Dems and what they would do to the country instead of these ads against Huck and McCain. It would show he's looking past the primaries and ready to take the dems on in the general..People want to know what our nom is going to do to stop the insane liveral agenda. Show John Dingell's 50 cents a gallon tax to fight "global warming". There was so much stuff they tried to push through congress this year,there's no shortage of material.Charlie Rangel's 1 trillion dollar tax increase. People need to be made aware of what the dems are up to and who will fight them.Hillary's Christmas ad is a walking attack ad,put a price tag next to them while she's opening them. etc.

posted by jason | 10:29 AM | permalink
Since the beginnings of the campaign, my constant observation of McCain and his Internet surrogates is that they have always tried to write an underhanded narrative of Romney. It’s actually been the case since day one. It never has needed a basis in reality, in their minds the narrative just has to be repeated often enough for it to be true.

Today is no exception. There is a narrative coming out of the McCain Campaign against Romney. It’s the “Romney is in a tailspin” narrative. It’s really not surprising. McCain has jumped a few points in New Hampshire, by spinning a comeback story to the press before it happens, then they report it, and then it happens. I am guessing that McCain is hoping to spin the tailspin narrative to the press for Romney before it happens… hoping to make it happen.

Yesterday at Powerline we read this:

And when Romney blasted McCain's over his support for a comprehensive immigration reform measure in the Senate and for his failure to renounce that support, McCain himself responded:

I know something about tailspins, and it's pretty clear Mitt Romney is in one. It's disappointing that he would launch desperate, flailing and false attacks in an attempt to maintain relevance. As the Union Leader said today, New Hampshire voters just aren't buying his act, and these latest attacks won't help him.

Both responses by McCain have this in common -- they fail entirely to address the substance of Romney's criticism. The reason, of course, is that McCain has no good response. He did oppose tax cuts, support for which does lie at the essence of Reagan conservatism. Similarly, he did support comprehensive immigration reform and his line on that support now is a grudging acknowledgement that the American people (though not necessarily McCain) want border security first.

Mirengoff makes a great point, instead of McCain actually defending himself, he decides to try and spin a story to the voters of the condition of Romney’s campaign. This is basically an utterly useless line for the thinking voter, and frail manipulation for the non-thinking voter.

McCain knows Romney is not in tailspin. Does anyone really think Team McCain is sitting around, slapping high fives and drinking it up to Romney’s tailspin? Does anyone really think that McCain camp has written off Romney and are now focusing on other competitors?

But it doesn’t end here.

Last night on Anderson Cooper, we heard a reiteration of the “Tailspin” narrative when John McCain followed Romney on Cooper’s CNN show:

Romney first:

COOPER: Governor John McCain said today this crisis underscores why the next president must have extensive foreign policy experience. How do you respond to that? Does he have a point?

ROMNEY: Well, I think it's very important that the next president has experience making important decisions, making them on a deliberate basis, knowing how to bring together brilliant people, listening to them, gathering data, analyzing data and making good decisions based upon that kind of information.

COOPER: So foreign policy experience, per se, is not essential, just experience?

ROMNEY: Well, if -- if foreign policy experience were the measure for selecting a president, we'd just go to the State Department and pick up one of the thousands and thousands of people who've spent their whole life in foreign policy, and frankly, becoming a United States senator does not make one a foreign policy expert, either.

What you want is people who have the ability to assemble a team of capable individuals, hear them out, listen to data and make important decisions. That, after all, is what Ronald Reagan did. He was not a foreign policy expert. He just happened to lead America to the greatest foreign policy achievement of the last half of the last century.

Here was McCain’s response when asked. I should note, that prior to this response by McCain I thought he was giving a top-notch interview. He was convincing. But then he brought out the “Tailspin”:

COOPER: I talked to Governor Romney a short time ago. I asked him about his foreign policy experience. He said he thought experience is what matters, not necessarily foreign policy experience. He says, frankly, you can get anyone from the State Department. They all have foreign policy experience. They wouldn't make a good president, necessarily. And he said, frankly, becoming a U.S. senator does not make one a foreign policy expert, either.

What do you make of that?

MCCAIN: I think he's in a tailspin. I'm familiar with those. I've been involved in every major national security issue for the last 20 years. I understand the issues.

On Iraq, I rejected Rumsfeld's strategy. I strongly supported the Petraeus strategy that's succeeding. It's obvious that my credentials are very well known and very important in this very dangerous world, in which we have two wars and a constant struggle against radical Islamist extremism.

Now a few points:

  1. In fairness, Romney did throw out the first barb when asked.

  2. John McCain took all of 6 words to utter “Tailspin.”

  3. With Cooper, John McCain actually gives a substantive reply.

  4. Tailspin is a great term. It subtly reminds people of McCain war status while injecting interesting imagery. It wasn’t chosen in haste, you can be certain of that.

Let’s focus on number three. Why does John McCain see fit to offer substance on Cooper's show, but when questioned on the Bush Tax Cuts and immigration he avoids substance? The answer is obvious, on foreign policy McCain knows a lot. When it was time to answer questions on foreign policy he had awesome answers. When he had time to talk about his constant thumbing at the conservative base he had nothing to offer so he reverted to feigned indignation.

One thing to note is McCain will never attack Romney on substance. I don’t think I have ever seen him do it. I have never heard that Romney’s foreign policy is naïve or not well thought out. The last thing McCain needs is to get in argument where Romney looks head and shoulders above him on anything domestic, or heaven forbid, on a par with him on foreign policy issues. Which Romney comes petty close to doing.

So McCain keeps trying to write the narrative. “Romney’s in a tail spin.” “The sky is falling in Boston.” It’s certainly not true, and McCain certainly does not care. Romney’s numbers are amazingly stable while McCain and all the other candidates numbers have been up and down for the past year. It must leave his campaign thinking their only chance is to spin to the media in hopes of a new narrative.
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Jason, I'm actually a McCain supporter, and not a very big fan of Gov. Romney, but this is extremely trenchant analysis. Bravo.

Hey thanks a lot!

posted by jason | 10:28 AM | permalink
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
posted by Jon | 10:14 PM | permalink

I’ve been on a self-imposed blogging blackout for the past few days and so other than dealing with a cowardly commenter, I haven’t had much to say. I’ll be back to my normal News Roundup duties shortly, but I couldn’t let this Huck Whopper slide by without comment.

Early this morning reports started coming out of Pakistan about the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. She was a courageous woman who was taking the point in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism in Pakistan. She said what she thought and ended up paying for her political stand with her life. I’m not an expert on Pakistan by any stretch of the imagination, but this woman had a lot of guts to do what she was doing where she was doing it.

The issue of terrorism will dominate the upcoming election. Either a candidate has the chops to deal with it or they don’t. It’s that simple. The way each campaign reacted to Bhutto”s murder speaks volumes about each candidates foreign policy chops. Most of the candidates did a decent job with the glaring exception of one – Mike Huckabee.

Here’s what Huck originally said to a crowd of 150 supporters at Orlando Executive airport – as told by CBS News’ Nancy Cordes:

…Mike Huckabee strode out to the strains of “Right Now” by Van Halen and immediately addressed the Bhutto situation, expressing “our sincere concern and apologies for what has happened in Pakistan.”
The Huck campaign has since called Cordes to “revise and extend” his remarks, but the slip is out. Huck is dangerously naïve when it comes to foreign policy in general and terrorism specifically. He’s sending apologies for an action committed by Islamofasicts in a Muslim country.

Sorry, Huck. There are no mulligans in politics. Apology is not and cannot be policy. End Memo.
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As a pastor he should have been the candidate with the most practiced lines when presented with an unexpected death.

Yeah,Huck had a couple of gaffes over this but as long as the MSM doesn't make a big deal out of it he's on safe ground.If you look at the avalanche of crap that's came out against Huck the last few weeks,it hasn't done anything to drag his numbers down. The reason is the MSM is burying the info to keep him propped up to beat Romney in Iowa. The real risk here is that this will help MCCain in Iowa where he finishes in the money and gives him more heft going into NH.

How can such a bad candidate as Huckabee be doing so well? According to some analysis of the official Huckabee blog, people support Huckabee for the following reasons:

29% To defeat the pundits and elitists (power to the people, etc.)
27% He is God’s candidate (only true Christian, strong faith, etc.)
22% To defeat Romney (to stop Romney’s evil, etc.)
6% To enact the Fair Tax
4% To defeat Giuliani and MacCain
4% He is positive (he is not divisive, etc.)
2% To defeat the rich

Scary stuff, huh? The source is:

posted by jason | 4:16 PM | permalink
Martial Law ended two weeks ago:

He made a bad choice of words when saying the U.S. needs to consider “what impact does it have on whether or not there’s going to be martial law continuing in Pakistan.” He should have said whether or not martial law will be reinstated – it was lifted nearly two weeks ago. A minor slip, maybe, but not a subject he wants to mess up on when he is already considered weak in the area of foreign policy.

I'm sorry, but if you are making a serious run for President there are some things you should just study. This isn't an election for senior class president. Knowing if our sometimes-partner in the war on terror is still in the throes of Martial Law would be a great place to look competent on foreign policy.
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Another CBS story...The Huckster is coming under attack from the Club for Growth and get this the Hispanics in Ark feel betrayed by his tough new stance on immigration..This guy is finally being outted by the NSM including his moonlighting side speeches for $$$.The guy should drop out of the race and concentrate paying his mortgage full time..

We can just add this to the list of examples that show how Gov. Huckabee knows next to nothing in terms of foreign policy.

I presume this comment is from Gov. Huckabee and not Gov. Romney.

The comment is from Huckabee, as the underlying link indicates. I changed the title of the post to clarify that.

posted by Anne | 2:27 PM | permalink
Romney is getting attacked in Iowa by Huckabee, and McCain in New Hampshire. WaPo on McCain vs. Romney: The Sequel. Consider the WaPo is MSM, and McCain looks to be their media darling again (while largely giving Huckabee for Hire a pass).

McCain's conservative positions are as much a product of coming from a conservative state as Romney's moderate positions were a product of running as a Republican for governor in a liberal state.

They are both leaders, but McCain's a maverick, Romney's a manager. Other than national security and pork-busting McCain has no consistent philosophy but service to country. On most issues he has the mindset of the Left--balancing the budget rather than cutting taxes, government regulation and caps on campaign donations rather than free speech and transparency, global warming mandates. Romney has lived his life as a conservative, demonstrated decisive success in the private sector, turned around the Olympics, and when he governed, sought solutions and consensus based on a free-market model.

Powerline on Romney's Point, that McCain has flunked Reagan 101:
Both responses by McCain have this in common -- they fail entirely to address the substance of Romney's criticism. The reason, of course, is that McCain has no good response. He did oppose tax cuts, support for which does lie at the essence of Reagan conservatism. Similarly, he did support comprehensive immigration reform and his line on that support now is a grudging acknowledgement that the American people (though not necessarily McCain) want border security first.
Given the choice, I'm for Romney every time.

For latest polling, go here and here.

For updates, go here.

---crossposted at BackyardConservative
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i am glad someone is still backing the fairy tale king.

Jason, this morning you posted on race42008 that you were "calling" the race for Mitt (that he would win). I cannot find it now. Can you email your post to me at

posted by Justin Hart | 8:51 AM | permalink

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Thanks Mitt for finally calling Huckabee on the "class warfare" Card that he likes to whip out against you. He claims we can't vote for Mitt because he has a lot of money and has been successful as a businessman. Give it up. As opposed to being one of the folks and depending on the kindness and wallets of others to foot the bill be it from the collection plate or the "gifts of public office" or the taxpayers money.

You gotta love Huck charging churches 25 grand to pay his mortgage.I wonder what Jesus would say about this.

posted by Jeff Fuller | 2:26 AM | permalink
This post over at Iowans for Romney details how unwise GOP voters would be to cast their lots with the media-created "contenderships" of McCain and Huckabee. Essentially, were either of these two candidates to become the GOP nominee, they will learn first hand the proverb: "You live by the sword, you die by the sword"

Romney, on the other hand, has been fighting head on the MSM/DNC for over a year and has remained a contender DESPITE it (and despite being the #1 target for his fellow GOP rivals as well).

I'll side with the battle-tested guy anyday.

Jeff Fuller
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
posted by Myclob | 11:14 PM | permalink

THE HUCKABEE / NOVO NORDISK STEM CELL STORY doesn't seem to be getting much media traction. It's like they're rooting for him. Some discussion here, though: "Over the weekend, it came out that Huckabee received $35,000 in honoraria in 2006 from a company that does stem cell research, the very same company that social conservatives blasted Mitt Romney over because his blind trust had invested in it. Huckabee's take of $35,000 from the stem cell researchers was but a small sliver of the roughly $378,000 in outside fees that Huckabee raked in during his final year as Arkansas' governor. Too bad he didn't have Hillary Clinton's facility with commodities trading--such a skill probably would have made things easier for Huckabee."

UPDATE: Reader Jason Palk emails:

Long time reader, first time e-mail response:

I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill here, or if there are serious issues here, then just about every candidate is taking money from a corporation with politically inconvenient sources of income.

Your characterization of Novo Nordisk as a firm that participates in embryonic stem cell research is correct, but belies the fact that millions of diabetics around the world rely on Novo Nordisk's products. The first thing that comes to my mind is that it is a company that makes insulin, not as a company that participates in stem cell research, but you do not characterize it as such in any of your posts so far on the subject. It would be far more benign to your readers to see that Huckabee was paid by a company known for making diabetes drugs that happens to do research in embryonic stem cells.

If this remains a serious issue in your mind, I would point out that many universities that fund embryonic stem cell research in lieu of taking federal research funds are supported by their congressmen and senators, even though their primary purpose is not to support embryonic stem cell research. We should then speak out against anyone speaking on any University of California campus, for example, as those campuses receive funds and carry out embryonic stem cell research.

The same argument can hold true for any corporation that carries out as its primary purpose some service or good, but at the same time does some that is politically inconvenient, such as bribing foreign officials or God forbid, spending too much money in Congress.

Hmm. But wouldn't these defenses apply equally to Mitt Romney, who got grief from pro-life people for investing in Novo Nordisk?

Look, I'm pro stem-cell research. Leaving aside the separate question of whether a sitting governor should earn a lot of money from people who may have interests relating to his day job, I don't have a problem with people taking money from Novo Nordisk. But if you think embryonic stem cell research is so bad that Romney's investment was bad, why isn't it just as bad for Huckabee to take money from Novo Nordisk?

ANOTHER UPDATE: Bob Krumm emails:

I've long thought that gotcha politics about who took campaign contributions from whom is usually a silly game to play. Even a max donation of $2,300 is hardly enough to sway a US Senate candidate, much less a presidential aspirant. However, this wasn't a simple campaign contribution. This was a payment of $35,000 along with an unspecified agreement to distribute thousands of copies of Gov. Huckabee's book. This wasn't a contribution; it was a relationship.

Yes, it's more than just a contribution.

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posted by Myclob | 10:41 PM | permalink

Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007

CNBC's "Kudlow & Company"
December 26, 2007

Governor Romney's Policies Will Help All Americans:

CNBC's John Harwood: "Governor, Mike Huckabee has sort of cast himself as the populist candidate on economics in the Republican Party, just as John Edwards has done that on the Democratic side. What do you think is the role for populism as this economy begins to turn down, potential for recession next year. Does the Republican Party need a little touch of populism to be more politically appealing, and do you see any part of that notion right substantively as well?"

Governor Romney: "Well, I don't think we as a party or we as a nation move forward by policies of jealousy and trying to tear down other people. Divisiveness doesn't work. John Edwards ran his campaign based on two Americas last time up. That just didn't sell in America. Americans want to see everyone be prosperous, want to see our country grow and be successful, and we come together on major issues. A divisive campaign is not the right way to go. I do believe that we can put in place policies which strengthen our economy and help middle income and moderate income Americans and the way we do that is, one, by keeping our tax rate down, lowering our corporate tax rate, trading with other nations on a level playing field, investing in research and technology, getting health care for all our citizens. These are things we can do that help all Americans and the right approach is not by, if you will, trying to play a class card, but, instead, working to raise the level of living for all of our citizens."

To watch Governor Romney, please see:

Governor Romney On The Need To Lower Taxes:

Governor Romney: "Well, one thing we can do is to reduce the burden on the American taxpayer to lower taxes. The last thing you want to do, in a setting like this, is to raise taxes. And that's, of course, what the Democrats are all planning on doing as soon as they get in. The right course is to lower the tax burden on the American people and create a stimulant effect which, of course, can help pull us out of any downturn we may be feeling."

To watch Governor Romney, please see:

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posted by Myclob | 6:37 PM | permalink
Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007


Former Sen. Bob Dole Questions Gov. Huckabee's Foreign Affairs

The No Laughing Matter!: A serious look at Gov. Mike Huckabee's record and policy beyond the one-liners. As in:

- Gov. Mike Huckabee: "And the ultimate thing is, I may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night." ("Imus In The Morning," 12/4/07)

- National Review: "The Holiday Inn Express Candidate." "In sum, conservatives should have worries about the depth and soundness of Mike Huckabee's foreign-policy views. And staying at a Holiday Inn Express is not going to be enough to allay them." (Editorial, "The Holiday Inn Express Candidate, National Review, 12/10/07)

"Dole Stings A Bee"
The Des Moines Register
David Yepsen
December 21, 2007

Bob Dole has sent Mike Huckabee a sharp letter rebuking the former Arkansas governor for criticizing Bush administration policy in Iraq in a recent magazine article.


The text follows:

"Dear Governor,

"I'm puzzled by your gratuitous slaps at the President in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs. By the way, I have no special ties to President Bush and I'm not involved in any presidential campaign.

"Why have you joined the 'Bush bashers?' I know Iowans fairly well and doubt those attending Republican caucuses will appreciate your critical comments. President Bush gets more than his fair share of criticism from the other side and many in the 'mainstream' media. They all really must be heartened by your comments.

"As a veteran, I worry about the future security of the good people of Iowa and all other Americans. We are engaged in a global war on terror which will not disappear because you imply a willingness, without any preconditions apparently, to sit down with the enemy. Sure we can all find fault with President Bush and his Administration on policy matters and phases of the Iraq policy. I doubt however Iowans will applaud second guessing more than five years after the agony of 9-11, particularly since you have been either silent or supportive during the interim as far as I can determine.

"The Foreign Affairs piece is a perfect example of 20-20 hindsight, and wishful thinking in most instances. You make knotty foreign policy issues sound so easy if we would just change our ways. I never was a foreign policy expert though I followed it closely for nearly three decades under Democrat and Republican Presidents.

"The great majority of Americans regardless of party, place liberty, freedom and security as top priorities. I'm certain you do too but I am troubled about some of the statements attributed to you in the Foreign Affairs article.

"The administration is certainly not perfect, I cannot recall one, but I do not believe it should be your primary foreign policy target. We are a great, compassionate nation and I know you want to keep it so.

"To win in 2008 we need to multiply, not divide," Dole said.

He then joked in a post-script: "P.S. I lost the General in '96, so what do I know?"

To read the full article, please click here:

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Wow,what a scathing attack by Bob Dole on da Huckster. Hey Bob still open for VP??haha Go Mitt!!

Just for the record, Huck is currently earning his wings as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Hence the Huck surge) ..His foreign policy advisor is Richard Haas, president of the CFR.

Huck and Mitt are nothing more than CFR puppets.

And so is..

Fred Thompson
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Bill Richardson this video you will discover the agenda of these CFR candidates, and you'll find some pretty scary quotes from Huck's foreign policy adviser, and other prominent CFR goons.

It looks like the DR yanked the story. I noticed it was several days old yet I haven't heard one word about this in the MSM. Can you say cover up?

posted by Myclob | 6:32 PM | permalink
Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007

The Concord Monitor Attacked Ronald Reagan, George Bush In 1980

"[The] Monitor endorses the candidacy of John B. Anderson... He has proposed a 50-cent-a-gallon tax on gasoline... He favors both the Equal Rights Amendment and the windfall profits tax on the major oil companies." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board Recently Personally Attacked Gov. Romney:

UPI Headline: "Liberal N.H. Newspaper Slams Romney." "Romney campaign spokesman Kevin Madden told CNN the criticisms were taken in stride. 'The Monitor's editorial board is regarded as a liberal one on many issues, so it is not surprising that they would criticize Governor Romney for his conservative views and platform,' Madden said." ("Liberal N.H. Newspaper Slams Romney," United Press International, 12/24/07)

FLASHBACK: The Concord Monitor Endorsed Moderate John Anderson In The 1980 GOP Primary:

The Monitor Praised Anderson For His Liberal Positions. "[The] Monitor endorses the candidacy of John B. Anderson? He has proposed a 50-cent-a-gallon tax on gasoline... He favors both the Equal Rights Amendment and the windfall profits tax on the major oil companies." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

FLASHBACK: The Concord Monitor Personally Attacked Ronald Reagan In 1980:

The Monitor Attacked Reagan's Ability And Capacity. "Ronald Reagan – The former California governor is simply too old (69), too doctrinaire, too inexperienced in the intricacies of the federal government. We gravely question his capability to withstand the daily physical and emotional battering that the nation's chief executive must endure." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

The Monitor Attacked Reagan For Supporting "A 19th Century Economic Philosophy." "Reagan espouses a 19th century economic philosophy shared by less than one-third of the national electorate. He opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, President Carter's embargo on grain shipments to the Soviet Union, the proposed windfall profits tax on major oil companies, implementation of the Panama Canal treaties, and he has favored simultaneously additional defense spending and a tax cut." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

The Monitor Claimed Reagan Was "On The Side-Lines Of Contemporary American Thought." "Though personable, [Reagan] is on the side-lines of contemporary American thought, and he could not win a national election if he won the GOP nomination." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

FLASHBACK: The Concord Monitor Also Attacked George H.W. Bush:

The Monitor Attacked Bush For Having Most Of The Same Conservative Beliefs As Reagan, Like Cutting Taxes And Increasing Defense Spending. "George Bush – The former director of the CIA, two-term congressman from Texas in the 1960s, onetime Republican national chairman and first U.S. envoy to mainland China has both magnetic appeal and organizational and leadership talents. He is widely regarded as a moderate. He is not. He shares most of Reagan's political beliefs, his stand on the ERA being one of the notable exceptions. He also favors a tax cut and an increase in defense spending at the same time." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

The Monitor Claimed That Bush's Positions Needed Far More Scrutiny. "Bush's articulation of his positions on major issues is fuzzy and sometimes evasive. He can mesmerize an audience, seeming to say much while actually saying little. Bush has campaigned for the GOP nomination, mostly in New Hampshire, for more than 20 months. Despite this, he needs additional scrutiny." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

The Monitor Questioned Bush's Credentials. "Bush's highly-vaunted Washington experience is more noteworthy for its breadth than for its depth. He is a shiny new political phenomenon, following the Iowa caucuses, and we want to hear from him a fuller articulation of his positions on a broad range of national issues. We hope he survives the New Hampshire primary and submits his thinking to more searching examination in the primaries to come." (Editorial, "For The GOP: Anderson," Concord Monitor, 2/21/80)

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posted by Anne | 4:01 PM | permalink
Ranking with Al Sharpton as one of the most opportunistic candidates for President, (it pays the bills and makes me a household name), Mike Huckabee is still for hire. The Politico:
Breaking with tradition for presidential candidates, Mike Huckabee is continuing to accept paid speaking engagements in the thick of his insurgent presidential campaign, although churches get a break from his usual fee of up to $25,000.
Background at RedState.
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posted by Mike | 2:40 PM | permalink

It is hard to overstate how infuriated I get when I read assessments of Mitt Romney by people who have no idea of who he is, either personally or professionally. I have known Mitt for almost 42 years, and although we have not been personally close in the interim, every time our paths have crossed, I have been blown-away impressed with the person he is and the things he has accomplished. As the years have passed, I have seen him go from good, to better, to best!

Capturing the essence of this man, Ronald Kessler, chief Washington correspondent of, has written one of the most balanced and complete views of why Mitt is the best man for the job of President of the United States. In fact, Kessler does an excellent job explaining why, out of the current group of Republicans, Mitt is the ONLY ONE for the job!

While each of the Republicans is terrific in one area or another, not a single one of them has Mitt's breadth and depth of talent, character, work ethic, and accomplishment! Kessler explains all of this and more in his clearly stated, outstanding endorsement!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mike B.

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I'll give you a good reason to vote for Mitt Romney.

He knows what he's doing as an executive. Romney knows how to lead well, and he's proven it time and time again. Romney has proven his ability to affect change in private organizations and to get things done. Romney may not have the charisma of the pastor, but he has a unique God given powerful talent to lead and turn around organizations. No other candidate in either party comes close to Mitt Romney's unique experience in the wild west that is the private sector.

Mike Huckabee may be able to shoot a bird, but can he analyze the incredibly complex federal beauracracy and know how to cut out the waste and inefficiency that is killing us? Mitt Romney can and will do that. Mitt Romney can take the federal government and the Washington culture of obesity and waste to the woodshed and set policies that will lead to economic and political greatness for generations to come.

Mitt Romney has the right ideas and plans regarding illegal immigration and on taxation. McCain has proven that his leadership on both of those issues were just plain wrong. John McCain also proved that he is not an effective leader when he drove his campaign into bankruptcy and started taking tax payer money to fund his campaign.

When it comes to the business of leading the world, Mitt Romney is the best of the brightest and we would be foolish not to nominate him.

In 8 of the 10 last elections, the party who has nominated their candidate first has won the election.

Let's put our individual differences aside and agree that Mitt Romney is a good man at heart. Let's put the small differences aside and unify before the democrats do and let's get started on winning the general election before the democrats do. Mitt Romney is poised to win in Iowa and New Hampshire. If Iowa will vote with his head and picks Mitt Romney, Romney stands a good chance of winning New Hampshire. If Romney wins Iowa and New Hampshire, he stands an EXCELLENT chance of winning Michigan. We can turn this thing into a sweep and have a decided unified nomination that will cause the democrats to start shaking in thier wingtips.

posted by jason | 1:46 PM | permalink Iran.

In the Iranian context, his policy is being interpreted as a change, calling for bringing to the table non-military options as well. Huckabee is of the opinion that relations with Iran deteriorated following Bush's "axis of evil" speech. In many points his message on Iran is more akin to that of the Democrats: there is a need for dialogue with Iran, and more diplomacy is needed. He quoted the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu, who authored The Art of War 2,500 years ago: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Huckabee has vowed that "Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons on my watch," but that does not assuage Israeli observers who are not too pleased with his stance.

With this powerful endorsement of Huck and the Concord Monitor coming out for Moderate McCain, there is a lot to think about.
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posted by jason | 12:50 PM | permalink
It's no surprise a liberal rag is coming out against the leading conservative in the state of New Hampshire. If Romney plays his cards right, the Anti-Endorsement could really be a blessing in disguise.

And it looks like they are. From the Romney Campaign Press Shop:

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board Personally Attacked Gov. Romney:

UPI Headline: "Liberal N.H. Newspaper Slams Romney." "Romney campaign spokesman Kevin Madden told CNN the criticisms were taken in stride. 'The Monitor's editorial board is regarded as a liberal one on many issues, so it is not surprising that they would criticize Governor Romney for his conservative views and platform,' Madden said." ("Liberal N.H. Newspaper Slams Romney," United Press International, 12/24/07)

Not Surprisingly, The Concord Monitor Editorial Page Takes Liberal Stands On Many Issues:

The Concord Monitor: Remove "Under God" From The Pledge Of Allegiance. "[W]ith school starting this month, it's a good time for teachers and principals to ask themselves what they're accomplishing by bringing God into the classroom each morning. Of course, Congress and the president could undo 'under God' in a snap, removing the language as quickly as it was added. Want to make the presidential candidates squirm? Ask them why they think 'under God' belongs in the classroom and in our national pledge." (Editorial, "Courts Aside, Do We Want 'God' In The Pledge?" The Concord Monitor, 8/22/07;

The Concord Monitor: Driver's Licenses For Illegal Aliens "A Good Idea."
"The public does appear soundly opposed to granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, though for reasons of public safety if nothing else it's a good idea." (Editorial, "Immigration Debate Ripe For Demagoguery," The Concord Monitor, 12/3/07;

The Concord Monitor: School Choice "Should Be Shot Down."
"Legislative proposals for school vouchers have come up again and should be shot down again. Vouchers rob public schools of badly needed money and, if the money is given to a religious institution, are unconstitutional." (Editorial, "Voucher Schemes Rob Starving Public Schools," The Concord Monitor, 3/8/06;

The Concord Monitor: "A State Income Tax Should Be Part Of The Discussion."
"Pass the income tax without condition, meaning the income tax would take effect whether the amendment passed or not. Then consider the amendment on its own merits. Then it would almost certainly pass. But there is an even easier way for the Legislature to protect taxpayers from willy-nilly expansion of the income tax's uses. This is through the legislation itself. The Legislature could stipulate that income tax revenue be used only to pay for public schools and only on a formula approved by the Legislature. … Once the Legislature defines 'adequate,' it will have to figure out how to pay for 'adequate.'" A state income tax should be part of the discussion." (Editorial, "An Income Tax Should Pay For Education Only," The Concord Monitor, 2/26/07)

The Concord Monitor: "The Time Has Come" For Civil Unions; Gay Marriage "Eventually."
"Earlier this month, voters in seven states approved constitutional amendments banning gay marriage. Society isn't ready to broaden the definition of that sacramental word to include the union of two men or two women. But it is only a matter of time. The young are far more tolerant on matters of race and sex than their elders, and their attitudes will eventually be reflected at the polls. … New Hampshire has been on the wrong side of this civil rights debate. Its lawmakers have refused to grant equal freedom to all. The time has come for that to change." (Editorial, "State Should Grant Gay Couples Equal Rights," The Concord Monitor, 12/1/06;

I am sure the Concord Monitor likes McCain because he is the most conservative candidate in the field.
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It may have been a misprint, but don't you mean McCain is the least conservative or more appropriatly, the most liberal
candidate of the bunch?

Frankly if Romney got endorsements from liberal/MSM outlets like the Concord Monitor, NH Union Leader, and the Boston Globe, I'd be second guessing my support for him

McCain can have all of these endorsements!

I'll take National Review, David Keene of the American Conservative Union, hugh Hewitt, and the "non-endorsements" from Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham!


Just employing some sarcasm!

posted by Myclob | 11:24 AM | permalink
Article published Dec 26, 2007
Huckabee's illegal-alien record hit

December 26, 2007

By Stephen Dinan - Mike Huckabee is overselling his record of cracking down on illegal aliens as governor, claiming he ordered his state police to arrest illegal aliens when in fact he never signed the agreement with federal authorities that would have allowed it.


"This is a policy difference, but the facts are the facts — under Governor Huckabee's administration, there was never even any effort to begin negotiating with Homeland Security," said former state Rep. Jeremy Hutchinson, the Republican who sponsored the 2005 law.

Mr. Huckabee's campaign acknowledged he didn't follow through, but said it was lack of time, not lack of interest.

"The clock ran out. We're glad to hear Governor Beebe picked up the ball and is running with it," said Charmaine Yoest, a senior adviser to Mr. Huckabee.

Mr. Huckabee signed the law in March 2005, more than 20 months before he left office (SO THE TIME RAN OUT? LIE LIE LIE!) In less than a year in office, his successor, Gov. Mike Beebe, a Democrat, has already begun negotiations with DHS.

Immigration-control groups say they fear Mr. Huckabee could repeat President Bush's track record on immigration, which they say amounted to tough talk but a failure to follow through.

"The devil is in the details, and Bush has shown a pattern of deception on immigration enforcement again and again and again, and the Huckster is right in line with that technique," said William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, who said Mr. Huckabee is trying to fool the Republican primary electorate.

"He knows he's wrong on immigration; he can't win if he's wrong on immigration — therefore, lie," Mr. Gheen said.

He said he will be in Iowa in the run-up to the Jan. 3 caucuses to try to convince voters Mr. Huckabee can't be trusted.

Mr. Huckabee makes the enforcement claim on the immigration section of his Web site — one of only two times he talks about his record on the issue in Arkansas: "As governor, I ordered my state troopers to work with the Department of Homeland Security to arrest illegals and enforce federal immigration law."

Ironically, Mr. Huckabee calls for better federal-local police cooperation as part of his nine-point immigration plan released earlier this month: "Local authorities must be provided the tools, training and funding they need so local police can turn illegal immigrants over to the federal authorities."

Cooperation has become a hot issue for many states and localities, and polls show voters want police to be able to check the immigration status of those they arrest or pull over in traffic stops.

The only other former governor in the race, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, signed a cooperation agreement with Homeland Security officials in the waning days of his administration last year, but his Democratic successor rescinded it immediately.

In Arkansas, the law Mr. Huckabee signed called for his state police director to negotiate the agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — in this case, Steve Dozier, who Mr. Huckabee appointed after firing his predecessor (you remember that story right?)

Mr. Dozier did not return a call seeking comment for this article. He is now an executive with Arkansas-based Wal-Mart.

Mr. Hutchinson, the former Arkansas state lawmaker, who supports a rival of Mr. Huckabee's in the presidential race — former Sen. Fred Thompson — said that even though Mr. Huckabee signed his bill, " I don't think he supported the concept."

"My frustration with not pursuing it was we never even sought to determine what the federal government would give us and help pay for, and from my perspective, the only reason we shouldn't even initiate conversations is because as a policy reason we didn't want to do it," he said.

At a press conference last week called to answer charges about his Arkansas record, several state lawmakers who are supporting Mr. Huckabee said they remembered passing the bill, but couldn't say whether the governor ever followed through.

"I was in the state Senate as we pushed that bill through," said Sen. Gilbert Baker. "I believe that became law in the state of Arkansas. Now following on through that as far as agreements, I don't know the details there."


Jerry Seper contributed to this article.
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posted by Anne | 9:35 AM | permalink
Washington Times:
Mike Huckabee is overselling his record of cracking down on illegal aliens as governor, claiming he ordered his state police to arrest illegal aliens when in fact he never signed the agreement with federal authorities that would have allowed it.
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:13 AM | permalink
Noted economist and Hoover Fellow, Thomas Sowell, writes about the presidential candidates on both sides:
The only candidate of either party who truly looks presidential is Mitt Romney. It was unfortunate that Mike Huckabee and others have tried to make his religion an issue.

John F. Kennedy was supposed to have taken that issue out of politics — and Huckabee’s bringing it back in ought to disqualify him for a shot at the White House, even aside from Governor Huckabee’s wholesale pardons of criminals and his raising taxes.

Romney and Giuliani are both articulate Republicans — and it is rare for the Republicans to have two at one time. Some presidential election years they haven’t even had one.


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Monday, December 24, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:37 AM | permalink

Are you just now starting to pay attention to the race? Want to know what's happened over the past year? Here's a 12 minute overview of the Romney campaign, the landmarks, the challenges, and the successes.

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Very nice video. Dude you put a lot of work in for Mitt and I for one appreciate it.We have an uphill fight to the White House because of the liberal media but they didn't stop Bush. Always nice to see a video of Ann. What a super MOM!!

Please put together a list of all the people who have endorsed Romney, to counter the weak lists the other campaigns are putting forth

posted by jason | 1:36 AM | permalink

Seriously, there has to be hundreds.

Post your answers in the comments!
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How about we start with the savior complex--that is so thinly veiled, that without the connivance of a corrupt media vouching for him, he would be seen through immediately and thrown out of town for the quack he truly is.

Thanks for posting this, Pete's Dragon was my favorite movie for several years when I was a kid.

This is great! I also heard that there is a great movie that reminds folks of Huckabee called "A Face In The Crowd" by Elia Kazan - Andy Griffith was the main actor.

Check out Elmer Gantry.

I tell you, those boys from Hope, Arkansas have got their schtick down!

Sunday, December 23, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:30 PM | permalink

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I am a first time visitor to your site. I found you on a link from I am so tired of hearing about what Mitt is not. I support the guy because of what he IS! We need to get this video out. This is the first time I have seen this video and I REALLY like it.


posted by Jeff Fuller | 9:19 PM | permalink
Huckabee and his supporters always seem to point out that Romney's attacking him. The already nascent Huck-a-bust will undoubtedly be blamed on Romney by Huck and his supporters. However . . . I don't think that Romney had anything to do with the fact that essentially every conservative with a microphone or blog has been railing against Huckabee for the last few weeks. Need some evidence?:

Rush Limbaugh
Condoleezza Rice
Michelle Malkin
Ann Coulter (new one here)
Phyllis Schlafly
Bob Novak (others here & here)
Peggy Noonan
Charles Krauthammer
Bob Dole
Sean Hannity
(not frontal attacks, but plenty of concerns about him being the nominee)
Laura Ingraham
Fred Barnes
Joseph Farah (Founder/CEO/Editor of World Net Daily also expresses concern for homeschoolers who support Huck)
Thomas Sowell
George Will (these comments too on a TV news show)
Michael Reagan
Glenn Beck (semi "reconciliation" he's still not too impressed)
Donald Lambro
David Limbaugh (another here)
Michael Barone
Mark Steyn
Kim Strassell
Matt Drudge (it's obvious that he has a bone to pick with Huckabee given his coverage of late)
Pat Buchanan
Jonah Goldberg
John Fund (an interesting video here)
Jim Geraghty
Kathryn Jean Lopez (another here)
Tony Blankley
Howie Carr
James Taranto (here too, don't miss, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 of "No Truck with Huck")
Clarence Page
Dean Barnett
Rich Karlgaard
Rich Lowry (this one too)
Mark Hemingway
Austin Hill
Quin Hillyer
Tom Bevan
Jack Kelly
Deroy Murdock
David Frum
Jonathan Alder
John Hinderaker
Bruce Bartlett
Victor Davis Hanson
Johnathan Tobin
Hugh Hewitt (and another)
Walter E. Williams
David Reinhard
Frank Gaffney (who Huck claimed was one of his Foreign Policy advisors)
Lori Byrd
JC Hawkins
Peter Wehner
Douglas MacKinnon
Paul Mirengoff ( here and here too)
Jerome Corsi
The Editors of National Review (Oh yeah, this one too . . . and both were written BEFORE the NR endorsed Romney)
The Club for Growth
The Cato Institute (Huckabee's F grade for fiscal issue . . . 46th out of the 50 governors ranked. Yes, that's worse than the vast majority of Democratic governors!--PDF here)
Mitt Romney :)
Ron Paul :)
Fred Thompson :)
Rudy Giuliani :)

You can just hear and feel all of these conservative/GOP icons pleading with the voters: "PLEASE DON'T MAKE US TRY TO DEFEND THIS GUY!!!" (should he be the nominee).

Conclusion: Huckabee's not a full-spectrum conservative and the GOP would be unwise to give him the nomination. Romney has had to point out the un-conservative spots in Huck's record because the MSM/DNC axis sure hasn't been (they want him as the GOP nominee) and because McCain and Rudy want Huck to win Iowa to stifle Romney's path to the nomination. However, Romney is hardly alone in pointing out Huckabee's worrisome record.

Update: Welcome Townhall and Hugh Hewitt readers (he linked to this post and called it "An Impressive List . . . of people you do not want against you") Thanks Hugh!! Please feel free to explore the links above and leave your comments here. Also, Quin Hillyer's recent article "The Republican Party: All Hucked Up" contains a list that is interestingly familiar to mine.

Jeff Fuller
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I am a Fundamentalist Baptist and I have my reasons to be suspicious of Mr. Huckabee.

Dr. Rice's first name is Condoleezza.

Mike Huckabee - President
J.C. Watts - Vice-President

Conclusion: Huckabee is not the LGBT Republican candidate that the LBGT line and staff of the RNC and RSCC foisted on the base of the Republican Party fully expecting them to capitulate as they did over fifty years ago with the revision of the ALIMPC in 1955. Fight's on for the federal appellate and the SCOTUS. We're prepared.......are you?

I am afraid of him. His record indicates 6 tax increases, he has openly embraced illegal aliens, he has pardoned at least twice as many felons as the previous 3 governors combined. Yet in his speeches he "sounds" conservative. He is not a conservative.

Approximately one third of LGBT folks vote Republican. Romney is a great candidate in many ways. I don't think any of the other GOP hopefuls come close to him. However, his anti-gay position is troubling. The idea that the way to "strengthen" American families to discriminate against gays is dangerous nonsense.

J.M. Smith --- Washington State

I'm baffled like Medved at the response of the GOP talking points. Somehow many of us missed the memo. Huckabee's positions are not liberal, but they are from the social conservative point of view. Social conservatives apparently make up at least 30% of the GOP judging from the Huckaboom. Why is the GOP so fearful of the social conservative block of the party. Huckabees conservative credentials obviously surpass Romney or Guliani who both served overwhelmingly blue state constituencies and have very weak social conservative histories.

Is talk radio and the blogosphere now fully vested as MSM members in good standing. It certainly appears from the social conservative point of view that gate keepers in new media are becoming just as arrogant Dan Rathers.

I liked Huckabee when I first became acquainted with him. The more I learn about him, the more he looks like a RINO. From Larry Kudlow: "He wants to, if need be, have government regulate salaries. I think he’s crazy. I don’t think he understands the free market business system."

I'm greatly concerned about anyone who bills himself as a "Christian leader" and could so disingenuously make a comment like Huckabee's don't-Mormon's-believe-that-Jesus-and-the-Devil-are-brothers comment.

His apparent lack of judgment is also concerning - from accepting $X00,000s in gifts while he was governor to the profligate granting of commutations and pardons to violent criminals(

Fixed Condi's name . . . thanks.

Also, Huckabee and his supporters are benefiting from "persecution syndrome".

That they (like Anon 11:44) suggest that ALL the conservative commentators (except Medved) have suddenly switched to becoming part of the MSM/Gay-loving culture I just have four words:

Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh

Get real folks!

You could add Victor Davis Hanson to your list as well.

Where was Huck all these years fighting for the conservatives?

Traditional Marriage?
Health care for the uninsured?
Stem cells?
Balancing the budget? (any budget)

Instead he comes out in embarrassing ways talking about quarantine of aids patients 7 years after the rest of the country knew that aids didn't get spread by casual contact.

Its not just that Huckabee isn't a "full spectrum" conservative. The truth is that he doesn't have very many conservative positions at all.

The real problem with Huckabee though is that he not only doesn't believe most of the positions he takes, he apparently doesn't understand most of the positions he takes. He reminds me of the almost-smart kids in high school who turn in papers that follow the timeline and mention all the noteworthy names and points but which, nevertheless fail to convey a real understanding of the material. Its just competent regurgitation without essential comprehension.

Great site!

Would you like a Link Exchange with The Internet Radio Network? At the IRN you can listen to over 50 of America’s top Talk Shows via Free Streaming Audio! In addition you can email the President, VP and Congressional Leaders!!

Huckabee has shown his true colors when it comes to taking money for speaking at events while still elected as Governor. In some states that would be illegal if not openly disclosed and funneled into the appropriate accounts. It definitely appears unethical and doesn't pass the smell test. I don't care one iota about a candidates religion. I care about their values and morals as well as their conservative credentials. Huckabee is soft on crime, soft on illegal immigration, economically confused (fair tax?), naive on foreign policy and seems to want to be Pastor in Chief but he will take the $25,000 to speak to a congregation. He kind of scares me...

You missed Jim
Taranto at the WSJ's Opinion Journal/Best of the Web. See for ex 12/10.

rondoz and Monkeydartz,

Got them added! Thanks for the heads up.

I noticed that Hugh Hewitt linked to this post. Cool Jeff.

Only ONE BIG PROBLEM with your scenario:


The only candiate that could win Hillary is Mike Huckabee.

So, how could the members of the "impressive list" be so dumb to endorse Romney? When a vote for Romney is a vote for Hillary?

And don't think Romney can count on the Huckabee evangelicals to vote for Romney, word is they will write in "Huckabee" rather than vote for him. And the GOP will need those votes to win against the dems.

I'd say those "impressive members of the list" are really just shooting off their own foot, it will be the end of the GOP of which you speak.

You seriously forgot the anti-Hillary factor.

Make no mistake about it, Romney will NEVER win against Shrillary and you all better wise up to that and use your brains and vote for Huckabee.

If not, see ya at Hillary's inauguration! (coronation) and I personally will blame every one of those on that "impressive list."

Anon 11:14:

Dude, come back from the delusion.

Check out these two head to head polls . . .

Rassmusen polling has always been very kind to Mike Huckabee.

So this recent poll was very interesting

* Hillary Clinton 47% (46%)
* Mike Huckabee 43% (45%)

Survey of 800 Likely Voters was conducted December 19-20. The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage points. Results from the polls conducted and November 30-December 2 are in parentheses.

Now compare that to Romney's numbers from just 2 days prior:

* Mitt Romney 44% (43%)
* Hillary Clinton 43% (46%)

Survey of 800 Likely Voters was conducted December 17-18. The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted December 3-4 are in parentheses.

That's a five percentage point spread in favor of Romney (+1% vs -4%).

Also, this shows that Huckabee is now LOWER vs Clinton than his pre-Huckaboom levels. His record and rhetoric are finally starting to penetrate and they realize what a bad idea he'd be. This is also during the same time when Hillary's campaign/image has been falling. Very bad news for Huck supporters.

I’m wary of a minister of any faith as a political leader. Ronald Reagan didn’t have to make fantastic claims of Godliness to attract the Christian right, but simply an understanding that our rights, and thus his authority, came from a higher source. In fact, Reagan wasn’t particularly religious. If you combine this with wishy-washy conservatism and wanting to quarantine aids patients, Huck becomes VERY beatable. Let’s look at the résumé and who can get the people fired up and best articulate the conservative cause. I think that leads us to Romney, Giuliani and even Thompson.

when did Clarence Page become a conservative?

I'm pretty much in agreement with being wary of any faith minister becoming a political leader. Its one of those things, like communism I suppose, that could work in theory but never does in practice. I wouldn't say the Ronald Reagan wasn't very religious because the truth is that we don't know if was or wasn't which is kind of the whole point; I think a candidate should reassure us that he/she has a faith that they hold and, provided that it isn't something loopy or dangerous we should take comfort in their acknowledgement of an authority higher than themselves, higher than the government. Never forget that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton both assured us that they were born again and both made continuous public displays of their church attendance. I prefer someone like Mr. Reagan (or Bush for that matter) who says, 'yes, I have faith' and then changes the subject to appropriate political matters.

Darn, I didn't make the list.

Thanks for that long list of blowhards. Now I know I like Mike Huckabee. The last thing we need is another Washington elitist.

James: Talk about not believing in his positions; Romney is a kite that is only concerned about where the wind is blowing.

Jeff Fuller: You forgot to mention that most of the country doesn't even know who Huckabee is. Remember that this will come down to two, and Hillary against Mitt will be the ugliest, nastiest, political joke we've seen in a long time. Huckabee has a way of inspiring people that may have an impact when he's up against Hillary.

Anyone who thinks that Huckabee could beat either Obama or Hillary is nuts. Huckabee is a intellectual lightweight. I'm sorry I'm trying to be kind. The Democrats are putting up their best and brightest. ANd we have Huckabee? Come on!

If we had a choice between a religous bigot who tells a good story and a very well informed experienced woman like Hillary. I can tell you many many independent leaning Republicans will hold their nose and vote Hillary. Our country needs leadership not entertainment.

Truthfully I can't believe I would say that, I spent the Clinton years avoiding the TV everytime either of them said a word. I loathed them. But if Mike Huckabee is the best Republicans can offer I will have to consider what the moderate Democrats can offer me. I can still be prolife and be a Democrat. I know others who are.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that the Republicans and Bush over spent and were corrupt when they ran things. If Huckabee is anything on the ticket I vote Democrat for the first time ever.

If Huckabee wins anywhere the very exsitence of the Republican party is in danger. I can only hope that others will see through him in time to save the party.

Many of us moved to the Republican Party simply because it was the defender of faith, freedom and family. We could care less about those in the country club circle who dominated the GOP for decades. I would put the honesty and integrity of Mike Huckabee up against any of the media and/or polictialc elites who are opposing him. Go HUCK!

Sorry, blowhard elitists: I like Huck. He was elected governor of Arkansas five times and had to clean up the Clinton mess. He knows Hillary better than anybody and knows how the Clintons work. National Review is trying to shove Romney down our throats and now that he is flaming out, they will push McCain. As for Ann Coulter, she stopped being funny several months ago.

Anyone who has bothered to study Mr. Huckabee in depth on their own rather than simply listening to drive by media and bogus sites such as this one - will understand Mr. Huckabee is the right man for president in 2008. Take a few days and study the man for yourself - study them all - including Mr. Romney. Start with the,4945,11-1-13-6,00.html to learn that YES Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers.
Study whether Romney bothered to do his job and risk his future by even considering pardons - start first in determining how many even reached his desk.
Get the facts rather than reading the crap on these mymanromney pages.

I support Huck. But, if Romney wins the nomination, then he can count on my support.

(figuratively speaking)

A few Huck defenders have shown up . . . finally!

to paulschmidt . . . you say "the honesty and integrity of Huck?"

Like the same Huckabe who said he had a theology degree?

The same Huckabee who says that Romney is running "dishonest" ads against him but has failed to point out one factual error in the ads?

Like the one caught repeatedly lying about his record on immigration and taxes?

That's the kind of "honesty and integrity" we need in the oval office, eh? Note to Huck supporters. He's a POLITICIAN . . . and having been a pastor in the past doesn't automatically translate into "honesty and integrity"

And to Anonymous just above . . . so Ann Coulter is only funny when she isn't bashing Huck? If that's the case for you then I'd argue that you've completely lost any sense of objectivity . . . and that's a dangerous thing.


I hit a good number of the links you have listed, showing the supposed distaste these "personalities" have for Mike Huckabee, and half of them didn't even support your point. Are you SERIOUS with this garbage?? I could do the same as you've done here, and put up a really ugly-looking blog and slam up a bunch of names that think Mitt Romney is a robotic, politically opportunistic, John Kerry-wannabe.

One "attacker" you've listed in particular, Michael Reagan, has stated his approval of Mike Huckabee in the past. The article you cite for him, may support your thinking that there's an intentional cross in the background of his Christmas ad, but Reagan calls it "political genius". If that's your example of a "conservative with a microphone or blog railing against Huckabee", bring it on. We'll take it.

So keep compiling your crackpot list. It would figure that something like this (littered with half-truths, exaggerations, and misrepresentations) would come from a Romney supporter.

And remember kids.. a vote for Mitt in the primary, is a vote for him getting utterly "Swift Boated" out of the general by anyone he faces.

Work hard for someone you support rather than working so hard against someone you don't.
Marty in Hagerstown : )

FRED THOMPSON is the best person to lead this country. He is a true conservative and has been his entire life. All one has to do is check his record to see this.

During my time in the Army as an Intelligence Analyst, I served under both Presidents Carter and Reagan (as my commanders in chief). Without argument, President Reagan was the best commander-in-chief a military person could ever have served under. Fred Thompson possesses the same qualities and vision as President Reagan in that he is strong on national defense and sees a dire need to secure our borders and control immigration.

I can think of no better person to lead this country and fix the problems we have. He is the only candidate from either party who has specific and detailed plans on border security and immigration reform; revitalization of America’s armed forces; saving and protecting Social Security; and tax relief and economic growth. These are detailed on his Web site at . I challenge you to find any other candidate who has laid out specific plans to fix anything.

Fred Thompson has published his first principles, some of which are mentioned above. In addition to those, he strongly believes in individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, federalism, traditional American values, the rule of law and is a strong proponent of the Second Amendment — all concepts established during the birth of our country and documented in our Constitution.

Again, try to find any candidate who has laid out their plans to “fix” this country. You will find they all speak in vague and abstract terms on their plans.

For those who have heard Fred Thompson speak, you will usually hear him say that the Fred Thompson you see today is the same Fred Thompson you saw yesterday and is the same Fred Thompson you will see tomorrow. He stands by his principles and values and doesn’t shift his positions based on polls or public opinion; in other words, he doesn’t say what the voters want to hear just to get elected, but remains steadfast on his views and convictions.

During his time in the Senate he focused on three areas: to lower taxes, strengthen national security and expose waste in the federal government. Fred Thompson has foreign policy experience, having served as member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Intelligence committees.

As chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, he opened the investigation in 1997 on the Chinese government’s attempt to influence American policies and elections, and this investigation identified connections with the Clinton administration (documented in the committee’s report).

As a member of the Finance Committee, he worked tirelessly to enact three major tax-cut bills. Fred Thompson remains steadfast and even though a person may not agree with all his views and he understands some may disagree with him, you can count on him to be consistent and unwavering.

Don’t be fooled by his laid back approach and what critics call his “laziness.” As a former assistant U.S. attorney, he earned a reputation as a tough prosecutor and he possesses the toughness this country needs in order to tackle today’s and tomorrow’s issues.

I ask that you take a hard look at what this country needs, then take a hard look at all the other candidates’ views, policies, their records and their track record on consistency. Fred Thompson possesses integrity, loyalty, commitment, energy and decisiveness, all traits of an effective leader, and will emerge as the best person to take this country boldly forward.

Please help Fred win in Iowa:

Leaders Converge on Iowa to Expose Huckabee!

December 26, 2007
Contact: William Gheen,, (866) 329-3999

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is launching an effort in Iowa today, to warn GOP voters about the pro Amnesty stances of McCain, Giuliani, and especially Mike Huckabee who is trying to deceive voters with a tough immigration stance on his website that excludes his comments to Fox News on December 9th when he says illegal aliens can return within days!

"Our team will expose the Huckster and the endorsement of lone Minuteman Jim Gilchrist which will not save him from the truth," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Eighty four leaders have signed a letter rebuking Gilchrist and Huckabee for their support of a touchback Amnesty plan modeled after the Pence plan. Within a few days, most GOP voters will know about this trick."

ALIPAC's William Gheen, Peter Gadiel of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, and Daniel Smerglio of Voice of the People USA (Hazleton, PA) will be setting up a command center tonight, conducting media interviews, and calling into 42,000 Republican households to warn them about the Huckabee touchback Amnesty plan.

Leaders of other organizations that have signed the letter will be joining them as will volunteers. Mike Huckabee's poll numbers have started to fall because the public hears the news and scrutinizes his record.

"Mike Huckabee has one of the worst records on immigration enforcement of any of the candidates," says Gheen. "We just hope the public can be adequately warned before they vote!"

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is a multi-racial, multi-party, national organization dedicated to the enforcement of our existing immigration laws and secure borders. For more information and to view the video of Huckabee's "illegals back in a day" plan, please visit


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878

Huckabee to Be Exposed in Iowa for Lies about Amnesty!

Friday December 21, 2007

CONTACT: ALIPAC (866) 329-3999,

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) will launch a campaign the day after Christmas, to expose the Mike Huckabee campaign for attempting to lie about his pro-Amnesty immigration stances, while using the lone endorsement of a Minuteman to shield his plan from scrutiny.

The ALIPAC plan involves massive phone contacts with Republican voters in Iowa, a talk radio blitz, radio ads, and an activist team on the ground that will target 50,000 Republican voter households. ALIPAC's William Gheen, Peter Gadiel of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, and Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People (Hazleton, PA) will hit the ground and air waves in Iowa December 26 through 30th.

The goal will be to warn Iowans that Huckabee (Huckster) is trying to hide his stance that illegal aliens should be allowed to leave for a day and then quickly return legally, which is really 'touchback' amnesty.

Gheen, Gadiel, and Smeriglio will be working with others that represent the 84 organization leaders that have released a letter rebuking the endorsement of lone Minuteman Jim Gilchrist and Huckabee's deceptive amnesty plan. (Letter Copy at

"Mike Huckabee cannot escape the truth and if the voters know the truth, his surge will collapse," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "If you look at Huckster's website, he wants you to believe he will make illegal aliens leave the country in 120 days! Strange how he does not mention the part of his plan which allows them to return the next day. Mike Huckabee is a liar and the last thing we need is another liar in the White House!"

While Mike Huckabee's promoted immigration plan appears tough on immigration enforcement, his campaign statements and website omit the part about the fast return of illegal aliens. Mike Huckabee stated on Fox news December 9th that illegals should be able to apply for the path to citizenship like a "credit card" and be back in a matter of days! He has since refused to discuss this position with the press.

Further controversy erupted last week, when 84 Leaders of immigration enforcement organizations quickly rebuked lone Minuteman Jim Gilchrist and the Huckster for trying to trick voters into supporting a pro-Amnesty candidate.

"We are launching an extensive effort in Iowa to try and repair the damage and to warn Iowans about this trick that is being played on them by Huckabee and Gilchrist," says William Gheen. "Mike Huckabee has one of the worst records on immigration enforcement out of the GOP candidates and what makes him the bottom of the barrel is his willingness to lie to the nation. He lied about his theology degree and he is lying about his immigration enforcement promises."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is a North Carolina based national organization that has over 25,000 supporters of all races, political affiliations, and religions. ALIPAC will be meeting with members of the press and Presidential campaigns next week. For more information, please visit us on the web at


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878

Leaders Rebuke Minuteman's Endorsement of Mike Huckabee for President

December 17, 2007

Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), (866) 329-3999,

The immigration enforcement movement, which is made up of hundreds of organizations, was stunned to hear of Minuteman Co-Founder, Jim Gilchrist's, endorsement of pro-amnesty Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and over 84 organization leaders have signed a letter rebuking him for the endorsement.

The letter, found at, also rebukes Mike Huckabee's deplorable record in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, supporting in-state tuition for illegal aliens, and his verbal attacks on Americans who support enforcement of immigration laws. Signatures include those of the Executive Board of Minuteman Project and the Co-Founder of the Minutemen, Chris Simcox, as well as many independent Minuteman groups.

Copy of Letter and List of 84 Organizations Signed

While Huckabee has released a 9 point immigration plan which appears to be strong on enforcement, the plan lies when it claims that illegal aliens would be given 120 days to leave the US and get in line. His plan imitates the pro-enforcement positions of Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies, but in truth, Huckabee intends for illegal aliens to leave for a day and then return legally.

Huckabee's true intentions to provide illegal aliens with a 'touch back' amnesty is found in his interview with Fox News Sunday: "Choosing the President" which aired on Dec 9, 2007 where he states...

"Look, if we can get a credit card application done within hours, it shouldn't take years to get a work permit to come here and pick lettuce... You do have a pathway to get back here legally that would take days, maybe weeks, not years."

"Americans want illegal aliens to leave as the current law states they must," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "The problem with Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilcrhist is they are trying to trick Americans by not telling voters that the illegal aliens only leave for a day, if that, under the Huckabee Amnesty plan. We want to warn America about this trick!"

ALIPAC speculates that many illegal aliens would be allowed to go to their consulates inside the US, which legally qualify as foreign soil, to pick up their new paperwork under this plan.

Over 84 leaders are standing together to rebuke Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilchrist for perpetrating this deceptive amnesty plan on American voters. ALIPAC is considering commissioning a phone poll into 50,000 Republican households in Iowa to ask, "Do you support Mike Huckabee's plan to have illegal aliens leave and walk back in legally within a day?"

Mike Huckabee's Shamnesty for Illegal Aliens!

December 12, 2007
by William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

In August of 2005, I was called for an interview by THV-TV News out of Little Rock Arkansas to comment on Governor Mike Huckabee's comments complaining about an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid on local chicken plants, which resulted in the arrest of 119 illegal aliens. What I said during the interview is even more relevant today "Governor Huckabee is known nationally as an illegal alien’s best friend!"

At the time, Mike Huckabee was known nationally for supporting in-state tuition for illegal aliens, which is massively opposed by American voters four to one! This plan forces American taxpayers to subsidize tuition for illegal aliens, thus replacing American students in the limited seats in colleges, while providing the wrong message and encouraging more people to illegally immigrate and bring their children into the U.S. to be trained for jobs, it is illegal for them to have!

The fact that Mike Huckabee would support a policy change despised by 80% of those he swore to represent in public office says a lot about what we could expect from the man as President.

Furthermore, his open denouncement of ICE raids in Arkansas is probably the result of his heavy financial support from Open Borders corporations like Tyson Foods. In Arkansas, the chicken processing lobby is so powerful they call it "Big Chicken".

While the public was cheering the raids, Tyson Foods was upset about ICE raids and so was their bought and paid for politician Mike Huckabee!

Tyson Foods Inc., has their global headquarters located in Springdale, Arkansas and they are the worlds largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork. They were large contributors to Mike Huckabee as Governor and now their federal political action committee, TYPAC, is backing his campaign for President.

Tyson Foods Inc. is one of the most egregious corporate violators of our Federal laws against hiring illegals in America!

In 2003, the U.S. Justice Department claimed that 15 Tyson plants in nine states had been conspiring since 1994 to recruit illegal immigrants, and that this practice was known by senior executives at Tyson corporate headquarters. It was determined in court that Tyson managers had been intentionally working with organized crime elements and temporary service agencies to import illegal alien workers, replace their American workers, and drive down wages. Tyson agreed to join the basic pilot program to screen new employees in 2004, but later raids continued to find large numbers of illegal aliens working for Tyson!

Earlier this year, the company supported the thrice-failed "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" amnesties that were pushed in the U.S. Senate. These legislative attempts to legalize Tyson's illegal labor workforce failed due to massive public opposition with Zogby polls showing only 3% of Americans approving of how Congress was handling the issue! The backlash was so massive that angry calls to lawmakers, which were ranging 50 to 1 opposed, overloaded and shut down the entire Capital phone system!

Mike Huckabee is now experiencing a surge in the polls as GOP core voters continue to abandon John McCain and Rudy Giuliani for their pro Amnesty pro illegal alien records and stances. This is bringing Huckabee's immigration stances into the limelight for scrutiny and his campaign is fully aware that missteps on this issue can send him back down the ladder like McCain and Giuliani.

That is why his campaign has released the "The Secure America Plan" which details his 9-point plan to facilitate the "enforcement of our immigration laws and results in the attrition of the illegal immigrant population"

This is exactly what America wants to hear, America wants to hear about reducing the number or illegal aliens in America. Americans want illegal aliens to return to their home nations as current law dictates!

However, there is a big problem with Huckabee's plan. While most of the provisions will be positively received by the American public, especially voters, his promises to crack down on employers, build a fence, and bolster the border patrol are all nullified by positions number 3 and 9.

Huckabee makes it clear that illegal aliens will have to leave the U.S. However, what he is advocating is the 'touch back' provision which was a trick fielded by the supporters of the failed "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" amnesty bills in the U.S. Senate this year.

In position #9, Huckabee says he would increase visas and expedite immigration processes so "those patiently and responsibly seeking to come here legally will not have to wait decades to share in the American Dream"

Such changes would clearly increase legal immigration levels, which already stand at 1.4 million per year, making America the most generous nation in the world for legal immigration. The majority of the American public, while generally supportive of legal immigrants, is in no mood for such a massive expansion of legal immigration levels considering the intense public backlash against illegal immigration.

Huckabee's intent to expedite legal immigration ties into the real problem with his plan. This is revealed in item #3, where he would grant amnesty to illegal aliens by having them sign up with the government and then leave the U.S. for a day or two and later on pick up new documents across the border to walk back in and say "Look at me! I came in legally this time!"

What a devilish farce! Millions of illegal aliens in America would quickly have no fear of immigration law enforcement and would be on the "path to citizenship" receiving benefits at the taxpayers’ expense. This provision would in effect nullify all of the other immigration enforcement promises of Mike Huckabee.

The mere fact that Mike Huckabee's campaign is imitating the tactics that the pro Amnesty lobby in Washington, DC deployed earlier this year tells us exactly who he serves and that he is willing to try and deceive the American public to accomplish his political agenda! Mike Huckabee has is now promoting the Pence Plan that we call SHAMNESTY!

One more President like that in the White House and we can kiss America goodbye. We will have millions of illegal aliens who have become untouchable by immigration authorities and millions more on the way once America has shown she is defenseless against the Global corporations pushing this agenda!

It gets worse, according to Michelle Malkin's article "Meet the GOP's Border Control Cross-Dressers" (Dec. 11, 2007) Huckabee joins McCain and Guiliani on the dishonest pro amnesty politician front!

It appears that Mike Huckabee has been pandering to the Open Borders Hispanic racist group LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens), where he has promised them an 'open door' policy. He has also criticized state legislators in Arkansas who wanted to require proof of citizenship to register to vote! That really takes the cake when you think about the fact Mike Huckabee wants illegal aliens to be able to vote!

Even more disturbing is Mike Huckabee's decision to follow the deplorable lead of Senator's Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy by deriding Americans who are concerned about illegal immigration and opposed to the Senate AMNESTY bills as "driven by racism or nativism."

In an attempt to build street credibility, the Huckabee campaign claims they were inspired to create their plan from an article by Center for Immigration Studies ( Mark Krikorian. While Mr. Krikorian is renowned for his concepts of attrition enforcement, he is opposed to the Touchback amnesty provisions Huckabee's team built in as this measure would nullify all of the other enforcement provisions listed! Mr. Krikorian, while cited as a source by Mike Huckabee's team, would probably call the plan another "No Amnesty Amnesty".

Mike Huckabee is clearly an Open Borders fanatic.

This is why there is a shockwave moving through the immigration enforcement movement after hearing of the endorsement of the Huckabee campaign by Co-Founder of the original Minuteman Project, Jim Gilchrist.

The embarrassing truth is that Jim Gilchrist has forced distance between himself and the vast majority of other groups and leaders in the immigration enforcement movement over the last year because of his egotistical, unstable, destructive, and growingly bizarre behavior. His behind the scenes actions have created a great deal of alarm from groups such as ALIPAC who were a part of the original Minuteman effort and who have supported Mr. Gilchrist in the past.

After Jim Gilchrist split with co-founder Chris Simcox of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, he quickly made enemies out of any group that refused to take a side in the conflict. He would not respect the neutrality of other sovereign groups and adopted an "with us or against us" stance that drove many away.

Jim Gilchrist's last attempt to muster Minutemen volunteers fell apart during the Laredo Texas operations he launched. While the opening day had many attendees, within one week there were less than ten volunteers on the border and Gilchrist himself was not even present most of the time.

Since that time, Jim has been engaged in a bitter battle against the Executive Board of his 501(c) organization after they terminated him from his position as director, which has thrown the whole organization into court battles. While most of our movement was neck deep in the battle against the Senate "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" amnesty bills, Gilchrist was busy sending out his next wave of bitter e-mails decrying the actions of the "hijackers" of his organization.

Many of us in the movement have been keeping quiet about these problems, the threatening e-mails, and personal attacks, hoping that Jim Gilchrist would fade into the background, where his reckless behavior and failed organization could do no further harm to the movement, which is much bigger than Minuteman. We had hoped that his initial contributions to the cause in Minuteman 1 could be saved from his actions of late. Today, the rest of the nation is painfully learning what we know about Jim Gilchrist, due to his endorsement of pro amnesty Open Borders Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.

Since the Minuteman Project is a tax-free nonprofit organization, which is prohibited by law from endorsing candidates, one has to wonder why Jim Gilchrist is making endorsements for President, which will surely be challenged by other Presidential campaigns and pro amnesty groups.

Perhaps Jim just skimmed over the Huckabee plan like many Americans will do and fell for the bait? It is likely that he was so happy to hear from a Presidential campaign in the midst of his isolation that he jumped at the opportunity to be relevant again?

Jim Gilchrist and Mike Huckabee have made a terrible mistake by supporting a Presidential campaign which has stances in favor of "touchback" amnesty for illegal aliens, benefits for illegal aliens, voting access for illegal aliens, "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty, expanded visa programs, and more legal immigration. They are both attempting to give the illegal aliens, the US Chamber of Commerce, and their supporting groups like Tyson Foods, LULAC, and La Raza exactly what they want, while trying to dupe the American public.

As Americans representing the 80% of our fellow countrymen and women who oppose this radical Open Borders agenda, we must do all we can to expose Mike Huckabee's true stances and record. We must also make it clear to Jim Gilchrist that he has just erased any positive contributions he may have made in the past to the immigration enforcement movement by lending his support to an 'Illegal Alien's best friend'

posted by Jeff Fuller | 8:26 PM | permalink
A little independent research via Google can apparently get better "fact-checking" than the MSM reporters can.

You've probably heard before that two eyewitnesses have come forward and said that they saw George Romney and MLK march together. Well, now FOUR historical books have confirmed the same thing. Also, Mitt's brother, Scott states that he heard his father say that he had marched with MLK (in that same last link).

My scientific background also reminds me that positive evidence (like the two lady eyewitnesses' claims, or the 4 books cited) is always stronger than negative evidence ("I didn't see them together" or "newspaper columns of the time failed to confirm").

It is not out of the realm of possibility that, despite all this evidence to the contrary, they did not march in the same parade. But with historical books and records getting it wrong it's hard to claim that Romney "fabricated this out of whole cloth" like opponents are implying. I think most rational people are willing to not get caught up in the figurative use of the word "saw" when we can all "SEE" that George Romney was truly a champion of civil rights (the silver lining in this whole affair).

Regarding the 1978 quote that apparently Romney said that he marched with his dad and MLK through the streets of Detroit . . . well, given the apparent lack of journalistic accuracy in this whole affair I'm afraid that I wouldn't be surprised if it was a complete misquoting of Romney. However, if he did in fact say that, then at least he hasn't propagated or inflated that error in the intervening three decades (something that serial liars/exaggerators cannot help but do . . . the stories usually get better and better with time!!).

Update . . . A Harper's Magazine article from 1967 stated that George Romney and MLK marched together. You need a subscription to read the PDF. Here's the search results which gives some of the text and the relevant quote is:
"When the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King marched in Detroit three years ago, Romney marched with him. He is proud that he helped write a state constitution that has the most comprehensive civil-rights guarantees in the nation, including open occupancy in housing."

Jeff Fuller
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I'm just curious to see the whole article (1978) with Mitt. Is the author of the article alive?

Common, there is no need to be that defensive. How can anything said/not said 30 years ago (1978) be held against him. In recent speeches he has talked about his father marching with MLK and not himself. Anybody who talks about a reported quote from 1978 is only interested in a hit job, and not really in fact checking.

posted by Myclob | 8:08 PM | permalink
The image
A Closer Look At The Long History Behind Politics and Religion In America
Dec. 23, 2007
(CBS) "In God We Trust" is right there on all our coins and currency. To find the phrase "Wall of Separation," however, you must go not to the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, but to a letter President Thomas Jefferson wrote to Connecticut Baptists in 1802. His words have guided us ever since, but what, in practical terms, do they mean? Our Cover Story is reported now by Martha Teichner:

Eleven days and counting before their state nominating caucuses, it's understandable that some Iowa Republicans may be having trouble separating politics and religion.

The battle between Mitt Romney, the Mormon, and Mike Huckabee, the Baptist preacher, has defined the race.
But even the possibility that a candidate's brand of faith could become a kind of presidential litmus test worries as many, if not more, Americans than it reassures - among them, Jon Meacham, editor of Newsweek.

"We are veering very close to violating the article in the Constitution that says, there should be no religious test for federal office," Meacham told Teichner.

Meacham is the author of " American Gospel," an attempt to put the tension between God and politics in historical perspective.
American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation

"You have 46% of Evangelicals, in a poll that Newsweek did in Iowa, saying that Romney's Mormonism makes them less likely to vote for him," said Meacham. "That, in and of itself, is a very dangerous battle to have because it pushes religious affiliation to the center of debate in a country that has done very well when it has kept that kind of religious debate to the sides, or off the table altogether."

The living embodiment of that notion of separation is the neighborhood of Flushing, in the New York City borough of Queens.

Here you'll find every nationality imaginable - every religion. Within a few blocks, there are churches, a Quaker meeting house, Buddhist temples, synagogues, a mosque. As a sign of how mixed-up everything is, in front of the Queens public library, the Christmas tree and the Menorah were sponsored by the Chinese Businessmen's Association."

All of which makes what's inside that much more remarkable. It's called the Flushing Remonstrance (pictured, left) , on loan from the New York State Archives, signed December 27, 1657 - 350 years ago this week. It is a bold, historic declaration of religious freedom.

Professor Kenneth Jackson, who teaches New York history at Columbia University, described the significance of the remonstrance:

"This is one of the really great documents of American history that's preserved by the archives. It's the first thing that we have in writing in the United States where a group of citizens attests on paper and over their signature the right of the people to follow their own conscience with regard to God - and the inability of government, or the illegality of government, to interfere with that."

In 1657, Flushing was a farm village, and like Manhattan, part of New Netherland, a Dutch colony governed by Peter Stuyvesant. Stuyvesant persecuted followers of religions other than his own Dutch Reformed Church. When he barred Quakers from Flushing, thirty local citizens, none of them Quakers themselves, petitioned Stuyvesant, claiming the ban violated Dutch custom.

"It's just elegantly and eloquently written," Jackson said. "They say, 'We desire, therefore, in this case, not to be judged, least we be judged. Neither to condemn, lest we be condemned, but rather let every man stand and fall to his master.'"

Peter Stuyvesant, no man to be trifled with, fined the petitioners and threw them in prison until they recanted - but there's more.

An important part of this story is the role played by a man named John Bowne, who lived here. Bowne allowed the Quakers to meet in his home. He was arrested, jailed, and sent to Holland for trial. The outcome was not what Peter Stuyvesant expected - Bowne was exhonerated.
And the principles set forth in the Flushing Remonstrance - essentially, freedom of worship and the separation of church and state - became practice.

"It didn't just come out of thin air, the First Amendment to the Constitution. We believed this already, in 1791, so it could become the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights," Jackson said.

Remember, most of the original 13 colonies had established churches and actually taxed citizens to support them. The end of that led to an explosion of religious fervor.

"In other words," Teichner asked Jon Meacham, "the separation of church and state enables the tolerance of someone else's religion?"

"Absolutely," Meacham agreed. "The separation of church and state is like oxygen to the fire of religious liberty."

So if you thought the tug-of-war between religion and politics is something new, think again.

"Religion has always been a weapon in the political arena," Meacham explained. "In 1800, there were advertisements that said you could have Jefferson and no God … or Adams and God." (

Meacham cited another example: "In the Civil War, President Lincoln was presented with a proposed amendment to the Constitution to declare our allegiance to independence and Jesus … and in a brilliant parliamentary move, he referred it to a Congressional committee from whence it never emerged."

And another example, "Theodore Roosevelt, in 1908, was defending William Howard Taft, who was a Unitarian being attacked by William Jennings Bryan's supporters who were evangelicals who believed that Unitarians were not Christian."

And of course, lately, Teichner observed, we've been reminded of John F. Kennedy's famous speech.

On September 12, 1960, Kennedy said, "I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute. Where no Catholic prelate would tell the President, should he be Catholic, how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote."

Kennedy's self-defense to Houston ministers was that year's chapter in a long history ... Mitt Romney's speech was this year's.

In his speech , Romney said, "the founders proscribed the establishment of a state religion, but they did not countenance the elimination of religion from the public square. We are a nation under God, and in God, we do indeed trust."

The two speeches, 47 years apart, show how the conversation about what Jefferson called the "wall of separation" has evolved.

"Americans have tested that wall in every possible way," Meacham told Teichner. "We've run trucks up against it, we've thrown firecrackers at it, and the wall has stood pretty strongly. And it requires, I think, constant vigilance."

Because, as history and the First Amendment tell us, the relationship between government and religion is as fragile as it is strong.
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Great post!! Very educational - thank you!

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