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Monday, February 25, 2008
posted by jason | 12:13 PM | permalink
But not Mitt...

Utahns may get the chance to vote for a Romney this November after all — Josh Romney, the son of former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, says he's considering a run for Congress.

Of course, there's always the possibility that Mitt Romney may end up on the ballot as a vice presidential candidate — or even, some suggest, the party's nominee if the campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., continues to falter.

Josh Romney told the Deseret Morning News that after a year of campaigning across country for his father, he's been approached to run as a Republican against 2nd Congressional District Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah.

"I haven't ruled it out," Josh Romney, 32, of Millcreek, said of becoming a candidate himself. "I'm pretty young, but I've had good experience on the campaign trail." Plus, he said, he likely could count on his father's supporters here in Utah. Link
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I know ill be donating to his campagin.

I'm a little curious about the speculation in this article that says if "MCain falters" Mitt could be back in the running.Wouldn't that be something. Good luck to Josh if he does run but Matheson is pretty popular.

I'm not surprised he's considering, one thing I always kept in the back of my mind was that no matter what happened to Mitt during this election one of his sons was most likely going to come back sooner or later and win big.

I'll definitely be contributing to his campaign if he runs. He sure does look a lot like his father though!

I pray for the miracle return of Mitt EVERY DAY.

I have postulated the theory that if McCain continues to fade as a candidate in the hearts and minds of Republicans and conservatives that the Republican Arty will wise up and take control of the candidate at the convention - combining Mitt's and McCain's delegates and giving them to Mitt. As much as I dislike Huckabee - a Romney/Huckabee ticket just might make it - Huckabee with the Southern states(except Fl which Mitt could deliver) and Mitt strong in the West and Mid West.

Let us hope.

I need your vote to get this published on

Why Mitt as VP helps McCain more than Huckabee

A state by state look at the numbers shows that Gov. Romney would be a significantly better choice than Gov. Hukabee as Sen. McCain's VP. Even considering the GOP's need to do well in the South, the numbers show that Gov. Romney is a better choice than Gov. Huckabee.
Submitted By BuckeyeGOP - Feb 26, 10:02 am 7 votes | VOTE

Mitt -- Please! -- Save your country. We'll commit time, money, whatever you need. You're the only guy who can get us out of this mess.

Hey people. There are a lot of Romney supporters on There are a lot of comments. Good people know each other. J-Mart is bad and there are a group of bad posters as well, but you can find others and you'll not feel alone. Posts are relatively fast - typically two minutes. And you'll get responses in a minute or so more.

First of all I'm glad there's still some die hard Mitt fans around lol.The question about wheter Mitt would help McCain with more states isn't the right argumnet for having Mitt as the VP. He would give conservative voters with a wary eye on McCain to vote because we could see our future.So that would help in a lot of states.I'm not sure how much the ticket needs a southern guy,they aren't likely to vote for Obama anyway.We need help in the midwest and west.The Alaska Gov. wouldn't be a bad choice either.NO HUCK!!

Here is what NewsMax posted on 02/26 about Romney running again in '08...

Interesting idea, especially with all of the recent hits against McCain (including the discussions that McCain might be disqualified because he was born in the Panama Canal area).

Mitt -- Please! -- Save your country. We'll commit time, money, whatever you need. You're the only guy who can get us out of this mess. We NEED you ...Please...I am a grandmother that has voted Republican my whole will NOT vote...we have a choice of dumb...dumber and scary dumb (Obama)There are a LOT of people on the sites that feel the same way...We got McCain shoved down our throats and we will NOT vote for him

I really miss Mitt Romney a lot. McCain got the nomination last night. I am just feeling sad. I have a Google e-mail alert for anything that mentions Mitt but your site is the best. Thanks for giving me my fix!!

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