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Saturday, August 30, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 12:53 PM | permalink
The shocking pick of Sarah Palin yesterday has sent the political world spinning wildly. The right is energized and the left is caught shorthanded flailing for anything that will stick.

In fact, McCain's pick of Governer Palin has lathered the Presidential game of Twister with a nice coat of vaseline. Obama and Biden best be wary how they contort themselves here. In the words of comedian Brian Regan: "Right foot red... BROKEN! Left foot green... BROKEN."

Let's review the minefield that Team Obama/Biden must navigate with Palin on board.
  • Palin has more executive experience than Obama himself (having run a company, a PTO, a town and then Alaska).
    • WARNING: Bring up the experience issue at your own peril.
    • SAMPLE: "When Senator Obama started his first run for local office I was already a two-term mayor. If you simply count the years of experience, I win, frankly."

  • Palin has more direct military experience than Obama and Biden combined having served as Commander of the Alaskan National Guard:
    • WARNING: Don't fuss with military issues. Be cautious around foreign affairs.
    • SAMPLE: "Alaska has a shared border with Canada and shared Islands with Russia. Illinois and Deleware...mmm... not so much. I've actually commanded hundreds of military volunteers in person not just from a DC hearing room."

  • Palin is pro-life in ways that other just aren't. Namely, the pro-life decision she made was real.
    • WARNING: Don't even bring up the word "abortion" around her
    • SAMPLE: "Since everybody's worried about my experience I'd like to know how Senator Biden might react if he were in my shoes. Abortion isn't just some idealogical issue for me... I've had the face the very real decision. So I ask you, Senator Biden, what would you do if your family faced a similar choice?"

  • Palin solidifies the so-con vote by demonstrating unquestionable social conservative values (it doesn't hurt that she has 5 kids)
    • WARNING: Don't come even close to using motherhood as a leverage against her qualificaitons
    • SAMPLE: "I believe I've given birth to 5-times as many children as Sentaors Obama and Biden combined."

  • Palin taps into the Hillary vote giving a voice to mothers and women across the country when Obama wouldn't even vet her.
    • WARNING: Don't imply that the Palin pick was just a play to women or even remotely hint at chauvinistic overtones
    • SAMPLE: "Are you saying that women shouldn't be excited about this opportunity? Are you saying that there isn't a glass ceiling.

  • Palin was a former sportscaster and journalist
    • WARNING TO THE PRESS: She's one of your own.
    • SAMPLE: "Hey George, like you, I've had a foot in politics and a foot in journalism. My timing was just opposite of yours. I realized that journalism is great and all but real change comes through sacrifice and service."

  • Palin was a beauty pageant contestant so she could pay for school with the scholarship
    • WARNING TO NOW: Don't diss her pagaent story until you actually hear it
    • SAMPLE: "I entered the beauty pagaent because sports scholarships for women in the 1980s were almost unheard of. So sue me."

  • Palin is a lifetime member of the NRA and use to hunt elk
    • WARNING: Biden, avoid your terrible history on the 2nd right amendment .
    • SAMPLE: "Like Senator Obama, I agree with and I'm proud of the recent Supreme Court decision. I've been a hunter all my life. In fact when my parents found out about Senator McCain's decision they were on a caribou hunting trip. I think my dad is like many people in this country as he follows this heated debate: he said: 'I'd rather go moose hunting than be involved with politics.' Sometimes, so would I."

  • Palin fought corruption in an AK GOP party that was (and still is) full of it
    • WARNING: Careful around the "ethical" issues
    • SAMPLE: "Like Chicago politics, Alaska politics can sometimes get dirty. In my case I fought my own party tooth and nail for substantive change. I'll let voters decide what Barack Obama did in Chicago."

  • She's a true outsider who's likable, young, articulate, devout, down to earth.
    • WARNING: Don't much about trying to stick the DC inexperience on her.
    • SAMPLE: "You know, some reporters were shocked and amazed that I have never appeared on any Sunday political talk shows. I think many Americans would accord that as a medal of honor."

All of these items show serious head pounding variables that the Democrats and the liberal media must take into account. But were' not done. Consider also:
  • Palin is a former union member, her spouse is still union member
  • She knows the energy and oil issues like the back of her hand (or her husband's hand who actually worked on an oil rig)
  • Palin has actually BEEN to the Alaska Wildlife Reserves
  • Palin is a conservative environmentalist and outdoorsman who understands the issues well
  • Palin owns one home
  • Palin has left the MSM stammering to find information about her
  • Palin has left the Obama campaign stammering to find information about her
  • Palin can tell you what the price of milk is
  • Palin cut costs across the board in Alaska
  • Palin got rid of the "bridge to nowhere"
  • Palin has put Biden back in a box
  • The expectations game plays in her favor
Yes, she has a lot to prove on the national stage but she brings A LOT to the table that conservatives can get excited about.

Your thoughts?


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I very much would liked to have seen Mitt in the top seat. He is my idea of a leader. It may be better for him to not be #2. He's not a #2 kind of person. That said, I think Palin is terrific. I could not care less about the whole "woman thing" even though I am a 54 yr old woman. I DO care about the O&G and ethics issues. I think she'll be terrific!!

The dems talking about her lack of experince is a huge case of the pot calling the kettle black and all it really does is hightlight Obama's own lack of experience. I'd like to see McCain announce that she's going to be in the room on policy making. This will help mute the inexperience mantra.This woman didn't get where she is by being a dummy or shrinking violet and she wouldn't have taken this job as a tken. Republicans don't accept tokenism anyway like the liberals do.

I wish Sarah all the luck in the world. Thank God for her. She has a good life in Alaska and I'm sure it's hard to give up for her country.

I'd rather see Mitt as a cabinet secretary than VP. Or running the RNC. Something where he's the CEO of his domain and can shine.

Palin is an excellent pick. A big risk, and I'll be praying for her to weather the class-5 scheisskrieg already slamming against the pick.

Experience without judgement is worthless. Sarah has exhibited excellent judgement, apparently in all facets of her life. What more do I need to know about her.

On the other hand, Obama has apologized repeatedly for his poor judgement in each of the limited instances we see of his life.

This is not even a contest.

I liked Palin at first. She seemed likeable, conservative, basically a not quite as good version of Romney.

Except it looks like McCain either didn't vet her or chose to ignore lots of stuff that should have disqualified her.

Perhaps he will add Britney Spears to the cabinet next? Because Palin seems to be about as good a mother as hers. Strangely enough, I didn't see Mike Huckabee defending her sister when she was pregnant at 17. What exactly is the argument for picking her over Romney?

FORGET IT! It's over for McCain. Even Repubs in Palin's OWN TOWN don't think she's ready to be governor much less VP! Even Palin's own mother-in-law isn't voting for her!! She left her hometown $20 million in debt.

McCain is DONE! Mcain is a FOOL for not picking Romney.

Justin- Amazing use of the Brian Regan quote. That's just classic.

Ok- Palin has a 17 year old pregnant daughter. Whoopty crap. Tons of the evangelical movement will identify with her in this regard, not condemn her for it. And her daughter is keeping the baby and marrying the father. What more can you want? A politician that had never made any mistakes or ever had family problems in his/her life? Good luck.

When she has the guts to appear anywhere and answer questions about anything of substance, she will be proven as the pick of desperation that she is. The truth will be known and it won't damage the democratic ticket in the least.

Go ahead and spin, we'll play twister with you. Sure McCain can turn around 180 degrees in an instant, and Palin seems quite adept at flip-flopping also. But to win the game of vaseline twister you must keep your feet firmly planted on the truth. And that alone will be the republicans undoing.

The american public has had enough of the lies.

Romney was my man but he is no longer running. Sarah is a breath of fresh air to this stale political race. We now have excitement, at least on the Rep. side. My vote goes to McCail/Palin.

I am keeping the USA and my canditates in my prayers.

Texas Gal

Friday, August 29, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 1:55 PM | permalink
The notion being advanced by Obama's camp that Palin is less experienced than Obama is simply laughable and reeks of chauvinism. Time and time again, democrats have claimed to value women and now have the audacity to claim that she has less experience than him? She was raising kids when he was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Don't democrats value that experience? Not to mention her political experience. She was a mayor, how's that for "community organizing." Finally, serving as governor of a state is 100 times more important than serving as a Senator. Between her and him, I would pick her to run my business or my country any day. The problem Obama has with Palin is that she "gets it." She understands what life is about, has strong values, and will ultimately smash a ceiling that Obama denied Hillary Clinton the chance to. Palin is a fantastic selection and if that is the best he can do to try and dirty her up, bring it on Obama.
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Two quick observation.

First, the democrats say that this election is about understanding people in small town america. Yet their criticism of Palin is that she was the Mayor of a small town and this counts as 0 experience. So why do they disparage small town Americans as unqualified?

Second, it is interesting to watch as the media savages another women and throws Palin under the buss as a VP candidate while it celebrates a man with equal or less experience as a qualified presidential candidate.

I'm sorry Mitt didn't get the nod but I'm extremely happy with Sarah.I agree let the liberals and media savage her, it'll only backfire. She's one tough cookie.

Question. Has any presidential candidate ever announced his choice for Treasury chief before the election?

Anybody know why Mitt did not show up here in PA last night as scheduled for the McCain event? It was publicized that he would be there, but was a no show. Although if I got passed over for Palin I would be a little miffed too.

Anonymous, you did get passed over for Palin, but try not to take it too hard. :-)

posted by Anonymous | 1:31 PM | permalink
...well, not really. But I wanted to know if my blip about Sarah Palin counts as a prediction.
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posted by Justin Hart | 11:10 AM | permalink
“Governor Palin's story is one that all Americans will find inspiring. She's a Washington outsider with a commitment to the conservative principles that will make our nation stronger. I look forward to campaigning for Senator McCain, Governor Palin and Republicans all across the country.”

Thanks Gov.
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Romney is such a good sport and a team player. I was really rooting for Romney to set him up for 2012, but I have to admit that this is a stellar pick for McCain.

posted by Justin Hart | 10:47 AM | permalink
And beauty pageant contestant:

I like this gal already!
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posted by Justin Hart | 9:36 AM | permalink
FoxNews reports Palin is indeed the pick. We'll have more later. For right now... its been quite the ride we love you guys as readers.
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How hard is it to run alaska? Hardly any people in it, and you got tons of money from oil? The experience McCain gets from this is null & void. This better be a huge head fake. McCain will lose otherwise!

He just switched millions of Romney voters for an attempt to steal a few Hillary voters. McCain the maverick just put a whole lot of water in my gasoline!

I'm not voting! I can't pull the lever for McCain and definitely can't pull the lever for Obama. I will wait out the next 4 years of Obama misery for a chance at another Romney presidency.

If she's as pro-amnesty as McCain, say hello to President Obama. God, why did we get stuck with McCain....

Ok, John, I will vote for you. I would have given money to you had you chosen Romney, but I like Palin. I think she will give the media buzz you are looking for, and has a solid record as a conservative. But I hope to Heaven that come 2012, it's Romney as the #1, and Jindal as #2. I will actually be excited then. But for now, good job at least not picking the Huckster.

I am very excited about John McCain's pick for Veep. If we can't have Mitt, Sarah Palin is a terrific choice. She is smart, competent and imminently likeable [which are not common attributes among prominent female leaders these days].

As for the question about how hard it is to run Alaska from Mr. Negative above...Having lived in Alaska for a while, I will share a few observations since it really isn't like any other state. The territory of Alaska is about one third of the territory of the rest of the United States and it is filled with lots of different kinds of people including Native Americans and immigrants. There is a large Asian population as well as a large Russian population. The Aleutian Islands are closer to Russia [that would be the former Soviet Union for those of you who have forgotten your history] than to the rest of the United States and there is a strong military presence in the state. Since Alaska had been invaded during WW2, they are quick to go into defense mode during a crisis. More routinely, there are large earthquakes, huge blizzards and even volcanic eruptions in Alaska - the governor must respond quickly to events like these that are thousands of miles away from the capital in Juneau.

Much of the land is wilderness and thus to govern it successfully one needs a good understanding of the environment, resources, the national park system and hunting and fishing. It has an extensive coast line on the Pacific which means it is part of the Pacific Rim which puts it in trading and travel relationships with China, Japan and Korea. If North Korea develops nuclear weapons, they could target Anchorage, the largest city with a population of several hundred thousand. The main industry in Alaska is the oil industry and any governor would have to know how to reckon with that to be successful. In other words, Governor Palin, with her high approval ratings has mastered quite a few important skills of leadership.

Let's not be sour grapes here, folks. Governor Palin is an excellent choice and I am totally looking forward to having the first female Veep in American history! And I think Mitt is in agreement on this. I replaced my Mitt sticker on my car with a McCain one when I heard the news, and I am going to make a donation to the campaign. Let's do more than vote - let's be a part of this great story!

Steve-o is right on. Romney was number 1 choice and I was ready to donate some cash to McCain if he picked him. He didnt. Palin is still good enough to get my vote. Atleast it wasnt Huckabee, Ridge, or Liberman.

Also I dont like all this great ride stuff, lets keep this site going to get ready for 2012!

I'm voting for Palin!!!!! Oh wait . . . does that mean I have to take McCain with her???

Great post by the one person who outlined all the reasons why Alaska is a challenging & complex state to govern & how it's actually a state which likely gives a governor there more foreign policy experience than any other state would. I too am excited about Sarah Palin, and though I was rooting for Romney, I am actually happier with Palin, because I think she is a better choice for McCain's VP. I think Romney would make a great president but I couldn't picture him as VP to McCain. Also, the more I find out about Palin the more I like her. I will actually contribute to McCain-Palin campaign the same way I contributed to Romney's. The other thing I like about this is at least we won't have to put up with the anti-Mormon garbage during this election anymore.

posted by Justin Hart | 7:35 AM | permalink
If its true its a great pick! Keeping it tight to the chest was brilliant. We'll have more.
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Not true and not a great pick. Palin is very talented and is fitting for a vp or even president one day.
Romney is the one with the edge to fit perfectly with McCain. I will state this now. If McCain picks Palin(Attempt to get H. Clinton Voters). It won't work and he will lose. Gulp! Don't be dumb John!

Uh, not a great pick at all.

Youth and inexperience meets age and economic inexperience.

Not a winning combination.

posted by Justin Hart | 7:20 AM | permalink
Palin would be a great move by McCain even though I would love Romney to get the nod.

Stay tuned...

Drudge speculates:

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Lame pick. McCain is going to lose, women are not going to vote for him just because a women is on his VP slot. Thats even if she is the pick. If it is not Palin either than you can really forget it. No economic credentials to boot, when the economy is the number 1 issue.

posted by Justin Hart | 6:55 AM | permalink
Multiple reports are now saying Pawlenty is out!

Governor Palin of Alaska may have been on a flight to Ohio last night.

Reports say that Romney will be there in Ohio!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 10:59 PM | permalink
We're going to reserve comments about the veep pick until tomorrow. I need to sleep off the bitter speech I just witnessed.

Sleep well and dream of the biggest head fake in history.
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I hope it's Romney!

I f John McCain picks Pawlenty I will vote for Obama!

I f John McCain picks Pawlenty I will vote for Obama!

I sure hope you guys are right about Mitt.... I am so sick of OBAMA!

posted by Justin Hart | 5:04 PM | permalink
A new online conservative magazine, Culture11, is reporting that Romney is NOT the guy. I'm hearing similar things but we will see. I don't think they'll report it tonight.

Note: I'll be doing a lot of writing for Culture11 in the near future stay tuned. Here's a taste.
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I was ready to jump back in with time and money if Romney was chosen. If this report is true, I guess I'll wait for 2012...

Our family and friends will not vote for McCain without Romney. We will vote for Barr and send a message to the Republican Party and John McCain. McCain HAS NO CHANCE NOW>

Come on Justin...we know you're pretty well connected to the Romney family. Is this another head fake, or is this a legit rumor that Romney is not the guy?

Keeping the fingers crossed for our Man Mitt!

If McCain picks someone other than Romney he is going to lose. It will anger the base again, and Pawlenty will get ZERO buzz in media. He also wont get Minn to go red, Pawlenty never got 50% of the vote for Gov. either. Also Colorado and Nevada will go for Obama without Romney on the ticket and thus give the election to Obama.

The rumor mill is so all over the place. I don't think (not very)Straight Talking McCain is all that smart. As such, I think he's as likely to pick Mitt Romney as he would pick Clinton or Lieberman. But here's hoping he listens to his advisers.

Non-sense he will be in Dayton!

posted by Justin Hart | 4:01 PM | permalink
So says Bloomberg.

Also, here's an interesting post by a PA blogger noting that Romney will be in PA with McCain and Ridge. Pawlenty indcated today however that he will be at the MN state fair? Is our source in the PA GOP correct?

ALSO: CBS reports that GOP delegates want Romney as Veep!
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Please choose Romney!

posted by Justin Hart | 1:59 PM | permalink
Could Cindy McCain be the determining factor in the VP pick for her husband John McCain?

Through two sources we can report the following:
  • Cindy McCain is apparently smitten with Ann Romney. They've hit off a strong friendship over the past few months.
  • Cindy has expressed this fondness to John
  • John McCain has indicated that he will include Cindy in the final decision of his VP pick
  • As early as this morning McCain denied that he had picked anyone
  • Cindy was on her way back from Georgia to be with John today

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KBH says on Fox News that if she had to bet the ranch, she would say it was Romney.

posted by Justin Hart | 1:15 PM | permalink
Drudge is reporting that the name might be leaking tonight... so we've moved the countdown clock to "1".

Here's what I've heard today. I've heard that Pawlenty is the man and that Mitt is out. I've heard that Mitt is the man and that Pawenty is out.

Roll Call reports that Romney's sister's house in Michigan is being swept by Secret Service.

S.E. Cupp has a great piece on why Romney is the man.

This Fox News blogger like's Romney's chances.

My opinion: I put the odds at 50%. Romney makes a lot of sense on paper but McCain is just an unknown quantity.


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Drudge has Romney at about 50% on the online poll as well. Sure would be fun to have our horse back in this race.

Watching Fox News and KBH says if she had to bet the ranch, she'd say it was Romney

posted by Justin Hart | 8:27 AM | permalink

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:09 PM | permalink
NRO is all over the VP speculation:

Byron York says that he's hearing McCain has made the decision and told his staff.

York then says that while Lieberman would be the choice if McCain would win no matter what, that's not the situation McCain faces.

Yuval Levin then discusses Romneyphobia, stating "Judging by the Obama camp’s assorted efforts to prepare the ground for McCain’s VP choice on Friday, they seem to be terrified of Mitt Romney."

Larry Kudlow says that he's hearing Tim Pawlenty and Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Ramesh Ponnuru notes that KBH is moderately pro-choice.

Finally, David Frum inexplicably attacks Romney as a VP choice, citing old lines of attack.


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If Romney was chosen I would be so happy! I would work for the ticket, send in money, call for GOTV - and I know I'm not alone.

We'll know 1 second after McCain makes the announcement whether he just blew the election or not.A pro-choicer is a deal killer.KBH just adds to the age problem.Pawlenty is too wimpy to go against Biden.The Dems are going to play the class warfare card whether he picks Romney or not.Romney has rock star quality we need to energize the country. He can speak to real conservatism. Pawlenty also buys into global warming.

posted by Justin Hart | 8:40 PM | permalink
We will see. Again, its a 50/50 split but the KBH/Liberman route is just too weird. Meg Whitman is promising but totally unvetted.
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I hope this isn't true, otherwise it's going to be 1/29 all over again for me.

This is ridiculous. No way McCain would not put Romney in the "final three": not doing so would unnecessarily alienate Romney partisans. This is nearly evidence that Romney is the guy (even leaving out Pawlenty would not have the ramifications of leaving out Romney from the final three).

posted by Nealie Ride | 5:19 PM | permalink

I believe this is from yesterday, but it's always refreshing to hear Mitt.

Originally posted (along with many other newly found YouTubes) at NY for Mitt.
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Katie Couric still works for CBS?

CBS is still on the air?

Who knew.

posted by Justin Hart | 2:50 PM | permalink
Here are some direct quotes from people who were close to the Romney campaign:

"Its possible. Its very, very possible"

"I put his chances at 55%... that's up from 35% two months ago"

"The situation is very tight. I haven't heard anything new this week"

Then there's this exchange on MSNBC:

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Awesome. Well it may be too much to hope for. But we haven't seen someone of that calibre since the, uh, well the primaries.

Look at the class of this guy! He never makes it about him! He never throws himself out there to say "Oh, John McCain should pick me!" and he's not trashing the other potentials either. Romney would not let one single comment out of his head that even remotely insinuated that he was gunning for the position. Everything was "Trust John McCain."

And the only reason I started to trust McCain--even before he started moving to the right--is because I trust Romney. Amazing. Mac, PLEASE pick this man to be the veep!!!

Sooooo smooooth!

posted by Justin Hart | 9:12 AM | permalink
Dear Friends of MyManMitt,

When Mitt Romney took over the reins of the financially failing Salt Lake City Olympics he was invited to meet the entire Olympic committee. The meeting was scheduled for the only five star hotel in Utah with a lunch layout that would make Caesar jealous. Mitt canceled the venue and moved it to the Olympic offices they were already paying for. He ordered pizza and charged a dollar per slice. In the end, the Olympics made a $100 million profit.

Given the chance, I have no doubt that Mitt Romney would foster this same frugal flare and apply it to the biggest behemoth, the United States Government. The weight of regulation, taxation, and energy policy folly would come into stark relief with Romney's insight and influence.

Come Friday will Mitt Romney get the nod from John McCain and go on to become the next Vice President of the United States?

We can't say for sure. But we'll be ready either way!

Stay tuned as we come into the home stretch.


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Thank you fir this. I haven't heard this story yet, Mitt is just fantastic.

At the convention next week I might need a tissue if Mitt isn't the VP pick.

I completely support McCain, but I'm not sure that I would be able to endure another CPAC speech from Romney, my heart isn't as strong as his.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 6:40 PM | permalink
I guess the VP pick wasn't audacious enough.
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VEEP Debates Q&A

QUESTION: How will Sarah Palin do in a debate with Joe Biden?

ANSWER: How many men watching will be aware that Biden is in the room?

I guess only the ones trying to decide who to vote for and wondering why one side seems much more knowledgeable and experienced than the other.

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