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Thursday, August 28, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 5:04 PM | permalink
A new online conservative magazine, Culture11, is reporting that Romney is NOT the guy. I'm hearing similar things but we will see. I don't think they'll report it tonight.

Note: I'll be doing a lot of writing for Culture11 in the near future stay tuned. Here's a taste.
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I was ready to jump back in with time and money if Romney was chosen. If this report is true, I guess I'll wait for 2012...

Our family and friends will not vote for McCain without Romney. We will vote for Barr and send a message to the Republican Party and John McCain. McCain HAS NO CHANCE NOW>

Come on Justin...we know you're pretty well connected to the Romney family. Is this another head fake, or is this a legit rumor that Romney is not the guy?

Keeping the fingers crossed for our Man Mitt!

If McCain picks someone other than Romney he is going to lose. It will anger the base again, and Pawlenty will get ZERO buzz in media. He also wont get Minn to go red, Pawlenty never got 50% of the vote for Gov. either. Also Colorado and Nevada will go for Obama without Romney on the ticket and thus give the election to Obama.

The rumor mill is so all over the place. I don't think (not very)Straight Talking McCain is all that smart. As such, I think he's as likely to pick Mitt Romney as he would pick Clinton or Lieberman. But here's hoping he listens to his advisers.

Non-sense he will be in Dayton!

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