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Friday, February 22, 2008
posted by jason | 11:09 AM | permalink
After reading the letter, Keller called Gilbey, a British journalist living in New York, and asked her to coffee at the Times cafeteria. Gilbey, at the time, had a reputation as something of a power-dater; her exes included Senator John Kerry and Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour. An affair ensued, which shocked Keller’s friends. “I felt bad for everyone involved,” says Stephen Engelberg, a former Times reporter. “This was not characteristic behavior at all. I wouldn’t pretend to be Bill’s psychologist, but he didn’t get a red sports car, so …” Link

Not like we expected some sort of act of integrity for the NYTimes. I mean these are the people who were OK endorsing McCain while holding this "Bombshell/Dud". I guess we can chalk it up to the fact that hey, Keller just likes affairs.

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The whole subtext of the McCain story is to keep the narrative of "culture of corruption" about Republicans going. They will tie him to Bush on the war also. This is why they didn't want Romney. There was no corruption in his past. I expect more and more stories about McCain and lobbyists coming out in the next few weeks. I really got angry back when Glenn Johnson sandbagged Mitt on lobbyists when McCain has several ties to them including a lot of them on his campaign staff.Everybody knew these attacks would come once McCain got the nom.Just ridiculous.

Anyone else besides me want to wake up in the morning to headlines reading, "Romney Says j/k - He's still in the race!"

Romney is still running, I've heard some say that he merely 'suspended' his campaign. His name is still on the ballot, and I believe he can still be awarded delegates... If he is on the ballot here in TX, then I will feel happy casting my Romney vote!

Thursday, February 21, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 8:04 PM | permalink
There's been some back and forth through email among several Mitt bloggers about the NYT article on McCain's connections to lobbyist Vicki Iseman. Both McCain and Iseman have denied the story. I am no McCain apologist, but in this battle of credibility McCain wins. The NYT has proven sufficiently unreliable in reporting about issues with a partisan element. McCain has also proven unreliable in telling the truth, but less so than the NYT. Obviously, I don't feel overly confident in either source, so both sides need to submit further evidence to bolster their claims.

As for McCain, you live by the MSM you die by the MSM. McCain tried to carry that snake down the mountain and then wonders why he got bit. You should have known better, Johnny. Should have known better.


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I think a lot of people want to give McCain the benefit of the doubt here just because it's the NY Times reporting it. I don't feel inclined to circle the wagons for McCain just because i don't want to see him damaged for the Nov. election. His defense was attacking the messenger and not with a lot of passion. I tend to believe where there's smoke,there's fire.There was no reason for this woman to be hanging around McCain to the extent she was unless there was something amiss.I don't know if the relationship was romantic,trying to influence legislation or what but something was fishy for his staff to block access from her.Now we have this simmering,ticking time bomb of a story shadowing the campaign from here on out. For the NYT to say this story was still being worked on last Dec and that's why they didn't release it then doesn't hold water. Also if McCain had clean hands in this why did he hire a high powered attorney to lobby the Times to kill the story? Why wouldn't Mr. Integrity and Straight Shooter take the story head on back then?

So he's going to hang on and further damage the party's brand even more than it already is and we'll be stuck with a President who wants to spend nearly a trillion US dollars on world poverty among other absurd liberal agenda items.

This is just the beginning. Even if this story is totally made up it would qualify as "based on actual events". It puts together two of McCain's main flaws, Lobbyists and women. He has admitted to having problems with both on more than one occasion.

And if this story isn't true,then it's Divine Justice working at it's best. Now, he would know how it feels to be wrongly accused. Didn't he do that to our man, Mitt? Ah, vengeance is sweet!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
posted by | 10:43 PM | permalink
Ann, as usual, does a great job of breaking down the McCain-Feingold issues into vividly colored commentary. Here are the money lines:
What a bizarre coincidence that a few years after the most draconian campaign-finance laws were imposed via McCain-Feingold, our two front-runners happen to be the media's picks! It's uncanny -- almost as if by design! (Can I stop now, or do you people get sarcasm?)

By prohibiting speech by anyone else, the campaign-finance laws have vastly magnified the power of the media -- which, by the way, are wholly exempt from speech restrictions under campaign-finance laws. The New York Times doesn't have to buy ad time to promote a politician; it just has to call McCain a "maverick" 1 billion times a year.

It is because of campaign-finance laws like McCain-Feingold that big men don't run for office anymore. Little men do. And John McCain is the head homunculus.

You want Reagan back? Restore the right to free speech, and you will have created the conditions that allowed Reagan to run.
Even after, what was it, $35M of his own money, Mitt Romney couldn't beat what the MSM was going to shove under our noses no matter how we all voted.

Yeah, I know, there are a lot of us, Mitt Romney included, who are telling us to get on the McCain train and vote the party line. I'm so disgusted by the current election system that it will be very hard for me to buy that. However, I made the mistake once, in my youthful naiveté, of throwing away my vote by opting for Ross Perot, thus helping to unseat Bush Sr. and installing a sex fiend in the Oval Office for the next eight years. Except, this year, after we lost the next Reagan (Romney) to a series of scattered, poorly run primaries and MSM chicanery, it's so hard to just hold my nose and vote.

Someone, please, cheer me up about my "choices" somehow.
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I share Ann's anger and outrage at how we are now stuck with McCain thanks to his MSM endorsements. i am even more disgusted at how republican voters fell for it.Now the NYT is releasing a story that if released back in Dec. could have gave Mitt the nomination. Not only did they know about this supposed affair,held it back,then went on to endorse him.Even the appearance of an affair is pretty much a death knell for a GOP candidate.We had a squeaky clean guy who was corruption free and Mr. Fidelity.The last straw is going to be when McCain picks Charlie Crist for the VP spot as a payback for his endorsement in Fla. Even if this story knocked McCain out of the race the Huckster will be there claiming to be the substitute. This is why I said Mitt should have stayed in the race through Texas and Ohio.

As someone who knows not what I shall do, I'll just add a couple of thoughts.

1. The court is not safe under McCain, though everybody keeps acting like it is. M-F makes a huge vested interest in keeping the court liberal.

2. 92 led to 94. 94 was sweet.

I'm with Ben on this one.... we need a repub revolt, and this just may do it.

I am no big fan of McCain, and I hate SCampaign Finance reform. But there is one thing that I must consider when voting in November- our Troops. As it stands, there is only one candidate that will fulfill our commitment to the troops, to Iraq, and to defend America- and unfortunatly for domestic affairs, that one person is John McCain. If I were voteing based on my own selfish desires, I would never vote for McCain. However, I feel that I owe it to the Troops who have sacrificed so much, to vote for someone who will allow them to finish the mission!

I have not decided yet who I will vote for in November, but this one issue is likely to be the clinch pin in the whole deal.

When you consider voting for your troops, remember this: It is an absolute, incontrovertible oxymoron to say that you are *pro* national defense without championing the security of our borders. NumbersUSA places McCain at the "abysmal" level in the area -- below the ratings for Obama or Clinton. And, no, I don't want to see either of them elected. Let's find some other alternative. Let's pray Mitt comes back.

posted by Anonymous | 3:46 PM | permalink
While Huckabee is trying to claim people want him to stay in the race, there are at least as many people who wish Romney was still in the race.

Here are the Washington results:

48.90% McCain
21.51% Huckabee
19.75% Romney

Thanks to reader Laurenda for the link.
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Mitt was actually in second place for a little while early in the returns!

And this after Huckabee's people were bitching and moaning about the WA caucus results. Oops!

What's even more telling is the comparison of the cacus and the primary.
You can see both at CNN's site:

Romney actually gained more while Huckabee dropped! It looks like most of Ron Paul's and much of the uncommitted went to McCain.

i'm hoping Mitt can come in a strong third in November...i will be writing him in. Screw McCain, Mrs. Bill Clinton, and Barry Obama

I'll be writing Romney in too. If everyone wrote in Romney instead of voting for a dishonest old man, Romney will be well on his way for 2012.

I'll be writing in Romney as well. There's really no other choice. It's almost 3 weeks since Mitt suspended his campaign and I'm still disappointed.

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