Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney narrowly beat John McCain, 35 to 34 percent, in a straw poll of conservative political activists gathered Saturday in Washington — a vote that is viewed as a barometer of support from that major GOP voting bloc.
The announcement of Romney’s win was greeted by cheers from the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference. McCain is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination.
Roughly three-quarters of the votes in the three-day CPAC 2008 straw poll were cast before Mitt Romney dropped out of the presidential race, and one-quarter after his withdrawal.
In votes cast before Romney left the race, he beat McCain 44 to 27 percent. Among votes gathered after Romney’s withdrawal, McCain led Romney 37 to 32 percent.
Mike Huckabee received 12 percent of the vote in the straw poll overall, and Ron Paul received 10 percent. Those results were virtually unchanged among just those votes taken after Romney's withdrawal.
Thirty-one percent said that if John McCain were the GOP presidential nominee, they would either vote for someone else, or not vote at all.
Huckabee fared even worse in the survey – 36 percent said they would not support him, or would back someone else, if he were the Republican nominee.
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Does Mitt Romney's campaign suspension mean that he's totally out of the race? I live in Texas and planned to vote for him in our state's primary. He was the man for president.
I want Mitt Romney back! Does his suspending his campaign mean that he is completely out of the race? The Texas primary is coming up March 4th and I want to cast my vote for him! He is the "change" we need.
Elizabeth, Please do vote for Mitt! He is not totally out of the race, and I would love to see him rack up lots of votes in spite of his "standing aside." Maybe I'm dreaming, but I can think of some scenarios where he might feel as though he needs to come back. I think his absence already has some folks wishing he were still actively campaigning. Let's still vote for Mitt!!
I believe (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) that suspending operations means he's not actively campaigning. He is still able to collect $ and I believe any votes he gets still count (as well as any delegates)
I became a precinct delegate for Romney today in Washington state. Even with his picture crossed off our list of candidates, enough of us statewide chose to represent him that he got about 17% of the delegates votes today. Keep on voting for Romney if you feel so inclined! Especially Ohioans & Texans!
A few emails have come in urging us to throw support behind Mike Huckabee.
As for myself, I have already stated that I think some strategic voting might be appropriate here. That is only if it is clear in your states that McCain is going to beat Huckabee. If it isn't clear, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, vote for McCain to make sure Huckabee doesn't get anymore support.
We can all muse about what order of candidates we would have prefered. Mine ran like this:
Mitt Romney Fred Thompson Rudy Giuliani John McCain Duncan Hunter Tom Tancredo Tommy Thompson Ron Paul Any Other Republican Candidate Several Democratic Candidates Mike Huckabee
Aside from being pro-life, Huckabee did not govern conservatively in Arkansas. Now, I don't want to open a new round of accusations about Mike Huckabee's record versus Mitt Romney's. I just want to point out that there are very good reasons to support McCain over Huckabee. Especially on fiscal conservatism and spending.
Finally, I know I am part of not a small group of people who felt that Mike Huckabee misused the name of Christ to promote his own political ambitions. I fundamentally disagree with his approach to the campaign and believe he cheapened holy and sacred truths by making Christianity a tag line.
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I agree.As much as I dislike McCain,the Huckster is even worse.Staying in this race just shows why Huck puts his own narcissism before the party. He's making McCain look weak by staying in.He's the worse kind of hack self serving politician exploiting the life issue to the max.It's funny how the media isn't critsizing Huck for staying in,when we all know they would have been attacking Romney for doing the same. It's really a hollow victory for the media drumming Romney out of the race. No a large portion of the republican base could care less about the election and their ratings will suffer.I'm still as sore about the horrific media bias in this race as I am about the backroom deals McCain swung to get endorsements.It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Charlie Crist would wind up with the VP spot.
Now, I truly want to gag... I truly can't stand Mr. Opportunist Huckabee. If Huckabee (if ever) wins the nomination, watch out for a conservative revolt coming your way! He is truly a slimeball with a forked tongue... "Oh, didn't you know that the Mormons believe that Jesus and the Devil are brothers?" *retching* What a sleazeball! Never, never, never vote for Huckabee!
There is one thing you must consider with Huckabee's governorship. That state was in shambles. The education system was broken and infrastructure was a mess. He really had no choice but to raise taxes. They had to completely overhaul school systems everywhere as well as fix roads and bridges that were desperately in need of repair. That's expensive. Now Arkansas is MUCH better in education.
Already voted for Mitt in MA. There's no way I'd vote for Huckabee - I happen to agree with Thomas Jefferson about the separation of church and state. I'm still upset by the "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the Devil are brothers?" bit, too.
Someone posted elsewhere that it's mathematically impossible for Huckabee to win - can anyone confirm this?
Huckabee only needs to get enough delegates to prevent McCain from getting the nomination. Then it becomes a brokered convention. Since the Dems are heading for a brokered convention it is not going to matter that the GOP does as well.
If someone who was clueless about Mormonism asked "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the Devil are bothers?" or the all time favorite Mormon question "Don't Mormon men have a bunch of wives?"- doesn't that mean the didn't know the answer and were legitimately asking a valid question. He didn't pull that questions out of his hiney- it had to based on some misconception that is prevalent about Mormons.
My ancestors were driven and killed by the likes of Huckabee. As far as I'm concerned, having him in office would adversely affect anyone not of his particular affiliation. If there was ever a wolf in sheep's clothing, it is Huckabee. When you add to this his extreme inability to govern, you have poor candidate. If it meant keeping him from being the nominee I would walk two miles in driving snow to vote against the man.
(1) In addition to fiscal problems with Huckabee, his pardoning and commuting sentences of convicted criminals is absolutely inexcusable.
(2) You cannot possibly pretend that Huckabee was asking an innocent question when he referenced Mormon beliefs. No one out there really thinks that their pastor wouldn't know the questions to what Mormons believe do they? I would point out that Huckabee's question/statement isn't really want offended me.
When I say "sacred and holy truths" I am referring to everything sacred and holy about Jesus Christ. I find using Christ's name for political purposes to be highly offensive. Welcome Emporer Huck Constantine. As if he has the special endorsement of God.
Ironically, by graciously withdrawing from the race, Mitt Romney was able to do accomplish something he could not do by staying in the race; finally fully establish his conservative bona fides. (It's kind of a Catch-22). Let me explain ...
It's fairly obvious that too many conservatives never fully trusted Mitt Romney -- and for a legitimate reasons: Just a few years ago, he was a liberal Republican governor from Massachusetts. To many, it appeared that he essentially "re-cast" himself as a conservative, in order to run for president this year. What is more, his polished style helped cement the narrative that he was "casting" himself as a conservative. For those who value authenticity, Romney was viewed with suspicion.
(It is understandable why many conservatives felt this way, after all, we have been misled a few too many times in the past.)
Most institutions, such as fraternities, for example, have sort of tribal rituals that one must complete before becoming a full-fledged member. Similarly, I believe that, by running for president as a conservative in 2008, and by so graciously stepping aside for the good of the party, Mitt Romney has sort of "paid his dues." Think of this as his "initiation" into the conservative movement. The hazing is over!
In four -- or eight years -- assuming Romney remains conservative -- he will have held his conservative views for about a decade. I think that's a respectable amount of time to assume that he is sincere in his views.
By stepping down at CPAC, Romney demonstrated that he is willing to sacrifice his own personal glory for the good of the cause. I believe that, at that moment, he became a real conservative in the eyes of his skeptics.
Now, he has the chance to either be a conservative voice in the Administration, the "loyal opposition" to a moderate Republican Administration, or, should a Democrat win, possibly the leader of the conservative movement -- and the conservative heir apparent.
Brokered Convention = Mitt decides after we have a discussion about what it means to be a Republican.
1) Republican Brokered Conventions result in wins!
Abraham Lincoln – 3rd Ballot - Won Presidency Rutherford Hayes – 7th Ballot - Won Presidency James Garfield - 36th Ballot - Won Presidency Warning Harding – 10th Ballot – Won Presidency Dwight D. Eisenhower – “2nd Ballot” – Won Presidency
2) A Brokered Convention gives conservatives a voice. A Brokered Convention gives Mitt Romney a voice. A Brokered Convention keeps media attention on the Republican party for the next 6 months for free! If we just roll over and go to sleep the media will almost solely focus on the Democratic contest.
3) McCain has to win 467 more delegates (44% of remaining delegates) to secure the nomination. Huckabee needs 639 delegates (57% of remaining delegates) to force a Brokered Convention.
4) On Super Tuesday McCain got 42% of the vote in Blue States and only 26% in Red States. Over 60% of McCain’s delegates have come from Blue States. Do we really want our candidate picked by States that we have very little chance of winning in the Fall?
5) 71% of the remaining delegates are from Red States. If we unite we can force this to a Brokered Convention.
6) During the 10 days leading up to Super Tuesday, Mitt asked Huckabee to drop out and for conservatives to unite behind him. The Golden Rule asks for “you to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” For the sake of conservatives please support a Brokered Convention and encourage your supporters to back Huckabee. All of the Moderate and Liberal Republicans that have dropped out have endorsed McCain. Please gather the courage to rally your supporters to the conservative cause to push this to a Brokered Convention.
7) Conservatives Unite! There is still time! Win the Red States and we go to the convention for a discussion about what it means to be a Republican.
Hope this brings encouragement and hope. It is not over!
Spread the word. Feel free to repost this as a Blog Topic at will.
I'm sorry but I can't really believe that Romney got out of the race because the war on terror was the most important issue for November.Mitt was very bitter about leaving this race so early.I think he was very angry about what happened in the last few days in Florida. I think it boiled down to how much more of his personal fortune was he was willing to surrender mostly for a symbolic alternative to McCain.Still I think think Mittheads feel very smitten with him saying he was going to stay in through the convention then 2 days later saying he was getting out. I still say he should have stayed in through Ohio and Texas and just said he'll reassess his campaign after those two states. It's hard to look forward to 2012 knowing that Huckabee is going to be there again siphoning off votes.
I think it is time to start taking Romney at his word. So many people did not believe him when he said he was a true conservative. He changed his position on one or two issues while Governor of Massachussetts, and in their eyes, that meant he was not a 'true' conservative. Now, after his speech at CPAC, many of these skeptics now say they believe him. He has always been this way. Just look at his record in MA. While Governor, he stood on conservative ground and implemented many governmental actions using conservative values, and we know how hard that must have been with the majority Democrats in the government.
I think his actions were the actions of a very sharp, focused conservative. He is a man of integrity. As for his withdrawal, there was more than one reason he had to reassess his campaign and decide whether or not he would go on. With that said, I am also sure that his main reason for dropping was exactly as stated. The party was polarizing, and now, because of his exit, it is not so polarized. More conservatives are now focused on supporting McCain, even though some may do so reluctantly.
Sorry, you are posting on the wrong forums- most of the people here wouldn't vote for Huck if the race for the Republican nomination was between him and Satan. That man is a low, dirty politician of the worst kind. Sorry, but you are going to have to try and pick off less ardent Mitt supporters.
After pulling out of the race, Mitt Romney attended what turned out to be a "thank you" session with a group of his congressional supporters yesterday at the Capitol Hill Club.
He was a loyal soldier in encouraging his Hill backers to get in line behind McCain and said he'd never forgive himself if he helped elect a President Obama or Clinton.
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Looking at the site traffic just now, we appear to be humming along still.
For those still wondering, MyManMitt will keep going. We are working on it right now. In the short term we will undoubtedly support John McCain in his bid, just as Mitt does, but this is a blog for Mitt, and will remain one. So give us a few days or more to hack out the differences, and in the mean time keep coming back!
And I just want to say, you guys have been awesome. Thanks for your comments, donations when we have needed them and your readership. We have a lot of years ahead of us still!
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Awesome. I'm really curious to see what Mitt goes from here. He is a great leader and a brilliant mind. I hope he finds a new calling that will help out a cause in need for the next few years.
As I worked through my anger and disappointment with the news that Romney was bowing out of the race, I came to realize that my strong reaction in part came from being silenced before I was even able to speak! Almost half the states still have primaries or caucuses. I WILL let my voice be heard by casting my ballot for Romney in the upcoming Ohio primary. In doing so, I hope to communicate the following messages. First, Romney was this “conservative’s conservative” for the office of Commander-in-Chief. Second, the mainstream media spin and storyline the pundits and liberals are painting Romney do not sit well with this voter. I refuse to be silenced! And, neither should any other voice that wanted to speak out in favor of Romney! Why should we Conservative Republicans in Ohio just sit here? All Romney supporters who have been silenced by the media should unite our voices in support and appreciation for our candidate.
I have been following the site for about a year now every single day, and often times hitting the refresh button 50 times on high traffic days lol. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the commentary and news about our favorite candidate.
I am going to do some serious soul searching about who to support. I have serious reservations about McCain, as everyone here in Utah is pretty ticked about the underhanded way in which he knee capped Romney. And honestly, the religious bigots in the South can eat dirt, as I am sure some (not all, but some) voted against Romney simply because he is a Mormon. Anyway, I will love looking at where this blog goes, and look forward to Mitt stomping everything in his path in 2012!
Jason - tell me - is mymanmitt now pushing McCain? Under Jon's post "Time to Close Ranks" Jon has took it upon himslef to delete my comment. I posted a comment informing that Mitt has not dropped out - he has suspended his campaign. There is a difference! Mitt is still collecting delegates (Wyoming is still giving the delegates to him) and people who are going to hold true to their convictions should still continue to vote for him in the caucuses and primaries. Seems kind of slimy to me that Jon is already pushing joining forces with McCain. Why is he choosing not to post my link to It will be interesting to see if you post something to direct people over to the link I suggested and if you will side with Jon and not post this or not.
I think Romney made a wise decision. This is just not the year for a Republican, all things and events of the last 4 years considered. Let the Dems have at it, and then 2012 would be the GOP’s, hence Romney’s, year
I want to thank you guys so much for the time and effort you put into mymanmitt. I found your site about a year ago when I was interested in Mitt and have checked it everyday since. All the information you have posted is one of the reasons I have come to love and believe in Mitt. I will definetely continue to come back!! Thank you again!
Jason, I also posted in response to Jon's "Time to Close Ranks" that we should keep voting for Mitt, and keep delegates coming in so that his voice will be heard at the convention. My post is not up. What is going on with this?
The blog over at ComMITTed to Mitt are all trying to post comments under Jon's post of "Time to Close Ranks" and they are not getting posted because Jon is choosing not to inform you of your choices! Sounds like something McCain himself would do!!!
Thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you showed this site. I am a regular reader and look forward to seeing where you'll go with your blog! I was saddened by Mitt dropping out, but believe he did the right thing. Hopefully he'll be back in 2012!
Well I'm not giving McCain the time of day. Can anyone direct me to where I can find a "disenfranchised conservative" bumper sticker? I'm done with politics this cycle unless some good conservative fills the vacuum here...and I'll go about my business until McCain or his democrat counterparts tax me to the point where I can no longer go on. For those of you that still have a vote, do the right thing.
Thank you so much for your hard work in keeping the site going. I have been visiting every day for a year and always find the presentations insightful, positive and encouraging. This has taken a huge amount of work. It is worth it. Keep it up!!
"I think that there is still a thing or two that you could help us with before you cease activity on your site or undergo a metamorphosis."
"There are still states that have not voted. I'm not clear about whether the suspension of the campaign means that Mitt Romney's name will be removed from the ballots of those states. Or if the ballots will still be valid if I were to vote for him."
"For example, I'll be voting in the primary on March 11. It will be either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul. I would rather that it be Mitt Romney."
"My vote is not going to prevent John McCain from becoming the nominee, but I am not ready to give my highly prized (by me) vote to one who I feel does not deserve it and does not need it either. And if Mitt Romney is to continue as either a conservative leader or as a future candidate, it seems that the more votes he gets, the greater his credibility will be to pursue either or both of those paths."
"If you could find the answer to this and put it on your site, it could help more people than just me."
Response: Mitt Romney's name will be on the ballot and you can vote for him if you want to, but lets think about this for a while first.
Conscience Votes are Okay...
First of all, let me say how proud I was to cast my ballot for Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday. I took my son along and told him to always vote for good people (Funny Story, the night I was at the Long Beach rally, I talked to my son on the phone who cried when he found out I was going to get to see Mitt Romney and he couldn't come). I look forward to voting for Mitt again one day.
For those of you out there who simply want to vote for Mitt Romney anyway, as a matter of principle, as a matter of pride in his candidacy, whatever it may be, I say go for it. As for me, I wouldn't do that at this point and I will explain why.
I think it is a foregone conclusion that John McCain is going to be the Republican nominee at this point. I know Mike Huckabee continues to stand in the way of the launch of his national campaign, but most voters will continue to reject Huckabee, a man who is as soft on illegal immigration as McCain and even softer on crime. As a result, those who have yet to vote find themselves in a unique position to engage in strategic voting.
A Strategic Vote for Hillary Clinton...
If I were in a state that had an open democratic primary, I would cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton. Let me tell you why.
Between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, I believe McCain is much more likely to beat Clinton. One of the main reasons is because the most effective attack available to the Democrats, in my opinion, is going to be to paint McCain as a warmonger. Clinton's ability to do this will be severely undercut by her vote to authorize the war in Iraq. She can't very well blame McCain for voting for war in Iraq when she did as well! On the other hand, Barack gets to sit back and claim he was against the war from the beginning and saw the hubrous of running in there thinking it would all be peachy keen. I think this attack from Barack could be very effective.
Barack is also going to be more effective in representing change because he is good at selling the sizzle, even though there is no steak. People love hype. They will pay more for the same product simply because of branding. Unfortunately, right now, the Barack brand is being promoted heavily amongst the main stream media. McCain is going to find that the MSM is not nearly as friendly to him if Barack Obama is the nominee.
In addition, I would take pleasure in voting for Hillary over Barack because Obama unnecessarily attacked Romney on the day he dropped out. To think that a guy with Obama's impressive list of accomplishments would call Mitt Romney ineffective is dumbfounding to me.
What if McCain Loses...
By bringing this up, I want to make sure that I clearly say I believe we can win in November and it is imperative that we do so. However, if we don't, who would we rather have as President for four years. I believe the answer is clearly Hillary Clinton.
There is evidence that Obama is far to the left of Hillary or simply inexperienced. For Example, Barack Obama was quoted as saying that nuclear options against Al Qaeda are not on the table. This is just crazy! Even if you never wanted to use nuclear weapons, you don't tell your enemey that. The whole point of deterrence is that everyone has a healthy respect for you because you might do it if you were provoked enough.
I also think that Hillary cannot afford to be weak on national security and to some extent, cannot afford to nationalize health care. She knows the potential for this to severely weaken her presidency. She has seen it happen to her husband. For this reason, I actually believe that her ambitions will be more balanced and she will govern more responsibly overall than Barack. After all, Barak was the most liberal member of the Senate in 2007.
If you have the stomach for it, a strategic vote for Hillary Clinton in the primary election may help the party in the long run. John McCain is more likely to beat Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama. Finally, Hillary Clinton as president, as scary as that might be, is not as scary as Barack Obama.
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I am quite convinced that 4 or heaven forbid 8 years if Hillary is better for this country than the same from Obama. Combine this with the fact that I think Hillary is easier to beat both in 2008 and if she has been president for 4 years in 2012, she is the choice for those with conservative leanings. Unfortunately my state has a closed primary, super Tuesday is still in the air for Democrats, and my Republican vote isn't until 3 Jun.
I really hate the idea of voting for McCain because at least he's better than the two dems. But I guess what they say about a hangman's noose getting your undivided attention applies here.It's a long way to the election and anything can happen including some policy shifts by McCain and his VP pick. David Keene urged McCain not to pick the Huckster as a running mate,instead picking someone like Mark Sanford of SC.
Thank you for finding the facts I requested and reporting on it.
As to your advice about voting in the Democrat primary, perhaps that might make some sort of sense if the presidential primary were the only important primary.
However, I feel that it is essential to develop and promote good candidates for congress as well. The president cannot carry out his agenda by himself.
Surf through some of the other Mitt websites and alot of people are going to still vote for Mitt. It probably won't stop McCain, but it will hurt Huckabee and not boost Paul. It will feel better to you! Think about it. The Mitt vote just won't die! It shows McCain that the Mitt voters are truly committed!
Yes.....Mormons in America. In reading through all the anti-mormon 'stuff' on the blogs during this election cycle, i find it interesting that such bigoted comments as those about Mitt's "magic underwear" went undefended by most people except Mormons themselves. Hopefully people just ignored them for the stupid comments that they were. I find it interesting that, while it would be completely offensive to EVERYONE if someone referred to a Jew's yamaka as their "magic cap," Mormon bashers seem to wear their 'basher status' with pride. For some bashers, i think, they may even believe it shows their 'dedication to Jesus.' If nothing else, i hope that tolerance for all religions will have improved this election cycle due to Mitt's notoriety and character and his great speech about religion in America that he gave on Dec 6th.
Now that I’ve had some time to process the fact Mitt has now exited stage right in the 2008 Race for the Oval, I’m ready to look ahead to what awaits in the remaining months before the conventions and the general election this November.
I’ve seen the various reactions to Mitt’s “stepping aside” as pundits, bloggers, and everyday people make their feelings (good, bad, and indifferent) known. I must admit that I find troubling the number of people who declare steadfastly that, now that Mitt has taken himself off the field, there is no way they will ever support the candidacy of John McCain.
People, this is the way politics work. Sometimes your guy wins, many times he does not. Either way, once the squabbling and primary brass knuckle fights are over, there comes a time when you need to look at reality and get behind the candidate who comes nearest to your values.
I have made no bones about my disagreements with Senator McCain. I could go into great detail about where he and I differ on policy, strategy, and overall Republican-ness. I do not believe he’s the best qualified candidate for this nation’s highest office. The best candidate, in my mind, is Mitt Romney. Mitt stepped aside, so while McCain may in fact be a Maverick SOB, now he’s my Maverick SOB.
Some of you reading this are probably too young to remember the 1976 Republican primary contest. I was only five-years-old, so what I know about that contest I read from history. The long and the short of the story is that Ronald Reagan fought Gerald Ford tooth and nail, state by state, all the way to the Kansas City convention. Ford narrowly beat Reagan on the first ballot, and Reagan gave a speech endorsing Ford which in fact overshadowed Ford’s own address.
Reagan had a way of overshadowing everyone. But I digress.
There was no love lost between Reagan and Ford. The two had deep differences and Reagan could have just as easily left the stage and gone home. He didn’t. He put his heart and soul in to campaigning for Ford. When the convention dust had settled, Reagan knew Ford would have been better for American that Carter ever would be. He was right.
There are those within the Republican Party who believe four years of wandering in the wilderness dragging the two-ton anchor of a Hillary or Obama presidency would teach the Republican Party and American a lesson. They look back to 1976 and see the intervening Carter years as penance America paid for leaning too close to the left side of the political spectrum. They see Reagan’s 1976 loss as a “strategic defeat” which enabled the Reagan Revolution to start with a bang in 1980.
History always provides a 20/20 hindsight view which is unavailable until you’ve already been there. 2008 is not 1976. Let’s quickly review the Carter legacy – most of which we still have to deal with.
1. The High Water Mark of the Misery Index. 2. The hollowing out of the American military. 3. 444 Days and the rise of Islamic Extremists.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the electorate, we are still dealing with the after-effects of the Carter years some 30 years after he was driven from the White House by the Reagan landslide. I’m pretty safe in saying Reagan would have preferred to have beaten Carter before he had a chance to run America into the ground.
November is fast approaching. The United States cannot afford (literally) to place the reigns of power in the hands of a man or woman who will run the white flag up in Iraq and other fronts in the Global War on Terror. If either Obama or Hillary cut and run from this war, you can rest assured their successor will be forced to send many more of your sons and daughters to fight the same battles again – this time at a much higher cost which will be measured in blood.
While I may have my personal differences with John McCain, like Mitt I know that for him, surrender is not an option. That’s enough for me. If we lose this war, the domestic stuff won’t matter much. It’s hard to have a thriving economy when cities are on fire.
Mitt made the decision to stand aside based on the belief that both Hillary and Barack are unacceptable options to lead this great country in time of war. Take special note of this line from his speech:
If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America, I feel I must now stand aside, for our party and for our country. (Emphasis Added)
Simply put, dear reader, if you sit home to “teach this country a lesson” and thereby hand the White House keys to Hillary or Obama, you’re putting your pride above what’s best for this nation.
I know for a fact there’s no other titled (aside from that of husband and father) that Mitt would rather have than “Mr. President”. I saw him yesterday swallow his pride and ambition in order to do what he thinks is best for this great nation. This country means that much to him.
This isn’t about Mitt. This isn’t about you. This is about America. Mitt made that clear yesterday.
That’s good enough for me.
It’s time to close ranks and move forward.
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Thanks so much for all your posts - it has been great reading the encouraging truth about a great man. Truth has a way of vindicating itself - I think the Mitt Romney story isn't over and that it will come full circle. People will eventually be forced to realize that Mitt is even better than his "too perfect" appearance and manner.
Very well written! I heard so many say that now that Mitt is out, they will vote for Obama. WHAT?? Supreme Court appointments alone is reason enough to now stand behind McCain. He'd probably appoint a Sandra Day but that's better than a Ruth Bader. I'll be directing my friends and blog readers to this post!
Thanks for the posts! I think the most impressive quote I've heard from Mitt speaks volumes, "If this were only about me, I would go on..." What does this say about Mike?
Awesome post. As a republican in Ohio I am feeling a little disenfranchised that the best conservative candidate is out and the primary voters in almost half the states did not get a chance to vote for Mitt. What can we do? I still want to vote for Mitt in the Ohio primary! Is there any good in that? Can we still communicate to the convention delegates that even though the campaign is "over," lots of America was never heard from?
Well, as much as I said I wouldn't, I will vote for McCain. I know my religion too well to sit this one out. Cities on fire is exactly right. Thanks for helping me get over the hurt and move on to help my country.
Thank you so much. A couple of days ago I was one of those Republicans who would have rather seen a democrat screw things up than McCain. Then I watched Mitt's speech, and all day the question gnawed at me - "What would he have wanted me to do?" And I finally came to the conclusion that I couldn't let his hard work go in vain - he would be so disappointed. Like you said, it is time to swallow our pride and think about the good of the country. If there is even the tiniest bit of a chance McCain will consider letting a conservative judge on the Supreme Court, that is better than what the dems would do. Thanks for all of your hard work, insightful analysis, and thank you for keeping us informed. God bless.
Sorry, but I just can't vote for McCain either. He's too similar to liberals and if he gets in the White House he'll do more harm to our party than good. He'll move our party to the left and I refuse to let that happen.
Oh man, no way. I believe that in America we have a right to decide who to support and who not to. I am an American before I am a Republican, and there is just no way on God's Green Earth that I can vote for McCain.
I'm not convinced that a vote for McCain is in conservatives' long term best interest, because I believe he'd be seduced by the media/Kennedy/New York Times editorial board to nominate the same liberal Supreme Court justices that Clinton or Obama would.
McCain is worse than a liar. He's a cheap shot artist and a pleaser who reserves his sharpest attacks for conservatives - not liberals.
Nor am I convinced 100% that "our cities would be in flames" if Obama or Clinton won (because that would cost them votes, so they'll be somewhat vigilant), but I am convinced that 70% of conservative principles would soon be "in flames" because McCain wants to please his new buddies at the New York Times and "reach across the aisle" -- which actually means, "sell out conservative principles" on border and social issues. (Even Bush was upset at Romney for his firm stand on illegal immigration, and McCain has a former cabinet officer in Mexico on his "Hispanic outreach" staff who believes Canada, America and Mexico are simply one region -- not three separate countries.)
It may be AWFUL medicine, but maybe the fastest way to cure the country of pie-in-the-sky liberalism is to elect a spineless Obama who's never managed anything, let him "Carter-ize" the American economy and produce another 20% misery index with inflation and unemployment (while we turn our full attention to having stout rebellion among Republicans in the House and Senate to minimize Obama/Carter damage), and thus set the stage in 2012 for voters to actually find and elect an actual problem-solver outside of Washington.
If Romney choses to run then (or if someone like him takes up the torch), that person can show clips of Romney this year telling everyone that Washington is broken and show all of the big newspapers endorsing the Washington insiders that produced the economic disaster.
If Congress' approval level right now is a historic low of 22%, maybe it needs to drop to around 10% before the liberals will be tossed out on their can, for a whole generation.
Look what Pelosi's "we'll fix everything" leadership has yielded. Ah, 22% approval?
In two more years, she might even be dumped in her own liberal district (just kidding, she's from the Bay area).
McCain has been and will continue to be part of the problem of Washington being broken, not part of the solution.
If the conservative base totally abandons McCain this November, we'll finally have some leverage to get the RNC to (a) require true proportional voting in all State primaries and (b) close Republican primaries to all but registered Republican voters, so that Ohio and Texas and the other late voting states have a voice.
Under the present "Washington is broken" setup where Independents could invade a Republican primary and whack the most formidable conservative (thus stealing the election from conservatives, in that State), the deck was stacked against any conservative outsider.
The insiders like power. They will hold onto it, unless we rip the power out of their hands.
Because they love their power, these insiders will keep the deck stacked against the conservative base unless there is a 9.0 Richter scale revolt from core conservatives.
This is a friggin' war for the soul of conservatism. Not a tea party.
McCain cannot "paper over" the deal-breaking compromises with Kennedy, Feingold and all the other garbage that makes the New York Times editorial board feel warm and fuzzy toward him. He hasn't changed his spots, and now he wants to say a few nice words and pretend -- until elected -- that he doesn't really like Kennedy and Feingold more than his more conservative peers.
I'm not going to be a party to his scam.
The RNC needs to play square with conservatives, or they can go out and form their Moderate Party (with no conservative support) and see how that works.
That would be interesting, a 3 party system with each party holding 33% or so of the pie.
Bottom line: the Romney campaign made their bed with the early state primary strategy and got short-sheeted.
The momentum that Huckabee gained through his stunning Iowa win together with the victory that McCain edged out in New Hampshire seriously maimed the Romney narrative.
Of course, there were plenty of other factors to break the back of Team Romney:
The relentless flip-flop bashing
The anti-Mormon rhetoric
The numerous dedicated anti-Romney sites (more on this later)
The suppressed candidate syndrome
The 11th hour johnny-come-too-lately endorsements
Never getting an "inevitable" moment
But there were so many things the campaign did right, did well, and made history on:
Breaking the mold on fundraising tools, events and programs
The outreach to new media
The news machine intent on winning the information war
Utilizing the family as surrogate candidates
The online innovations that never NEVER stopped
Combining business best practices with traditional campaign approaches
Honing the GOTV effort with locale prowess
The list goes on...
As Patrick Ruffini notes the campaign did almost everything it needed to... it just came a little bit short.
On another note, I need to thank you, our readers. We saw our audience grow from 60 readers a day to 6000 in less than a year. The encouragement you gave us made this effort here on MyManMitt a joy and an inspiration.
What will happen to the site?! Stay tuned.
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Justin, you did a fantastic job working to get Romney the nomination.
I'm on board with McCain, but I think maybe if the Romney campaign had used your positive approach, things might have been very different. If you haven't been told yet, let me be the first to say what you have done has been a real bright spot!
But the Conservative Movement gained a new leader!
Here is the deal. Rush Limbaugh has been saying for several years now that there has been no leader of the Conservative Movement. Sure, there have been two Republican Presidents and even Newt with his Contract with America that brought about a takeover of control of Congress, but conservatives have had no real leader to rally the troops.
Today that changed. Laura Ingraham said on the Bill O'Reilly show this evening that after the speech today she was in a short gathering of high level conservative leaders, all with long faces, who were talking with Mitt. The tone of the meeting seemed to be that conservative support should have coalesced earlier, and there seemed to be some embarrassment that it had not. The clear understanding, albeit unspoken, however, was that Mitt left that room today as the leader of that important group.
He spoke at CPAC 2007 as something of an outsider, and had a long road to travel to overcome all of the obstacles that lay before him, a change in a position or two, his religion, his wealth (I still can't believe that one!), his too-perfect image. In the end, getting elected this year was simply a bridge too far. If CPAC 2007 marked his launch as a conservative presidential candidate, CPAC 2008 clearly marks the beginning of a new era of leadership for conservatives, with a leader around whom thinking conservatives will be able to unite.
This development is confirmed by even the most casual analysis of exit polls. Thinking conservatives across the country voted for Mitt, and they will again.
Remember, that Ronald Reagan tried in 1968 and 1976 and was defeated each time, before being elected in 1980. Mitt maintains that he is no Ronald Reagan. That might be true, but I am convinced that Mitt is the next best possibility that we are likely to see for a long, long time.
Mike B.
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I feel literally sad that Romney dropped out of the race today. I really don't know what I'm going to do in terms of voting because I really don't like any of the other candidates left. Mitt was my man, through and through.
Does anyone think that Romney will run in 2012? I just love Romney.
I'm really having a hard time getting my head around what happened yesterday. I hate to say it but I'm wondering what the "real reason" Mitt dropped out.I think he was looking for a way to half heartedly support McCain although he didn't do it directly,he admitted the one strength McCain has, te support for the war and against terrorism.Even so it's not a rallying cry for me to support him. I'm not even motivated to support him because I don't want the Dems to win..I wanted Mitt to win because I thought he'd bring something different to DC. Now with McCain it will be just more of the same. The other thing that sticks on my crawl about McCain besides his numerous apostates is the swift boat attack he launched on Romney in Florida.I still have to wonder if Ann wasn't the one who called an end to the campaign. I don't want to think it was about the money but because she wanted him to maintain his personal integrity. Or maybe it was just the math.
I'm also wrestling with who I have more disdain for,McCain or Huck.Talk about hubris,Huck asked for Romney supporters to go with him while saying he's an authentic conservative which was a back handed swipe at Mitt.
Here's a funny irony that might come to light. The MSM will now start attacking McCain and guess what,they and talk radio will agree with each other. What a strange alliance this will be.
I agree 100% that it took way too long for the top conservatives of the party and talk radio to realize the strength of Mitt Romney. Instead of gathering around Romney early on they refused to take sides until the very end when they woke up to the fact that McCain would be the nominee. In short they got caught with their pants down. The only exceptions are Mark Levin and Hugh Hewitt who have been advocating Romney for a long time now. Even National Review realized a long time ago that Romney was the most conservative and electable candidate.
It also didn't help that talk radio took a two week vacation prior to the Iowa Caucus. Romney was all alone in his criticisms of Huckabee and he got creamed by the liberal media and Huckabee supporters for "going negative." It would have gone a long way to have talk radio around to back Romney up.
Don't "wait to long" to state the obvious my dear timid conservative friends: MITT IS WAY BETTER THAN REAGAN. Get used to saying and thinking that guys. Tally up a list of attributes sometime...and prove it to yourselves. Timidity destroyed Mitt's chances this year. Don't do it again.
I know this has been written about a lot today, but I think Mitt Romney did an honorable thing today. By stepping aside, he sacrificed his personal glory for the good of the movement, the good of the party, and the good of the country.
Had things gone a little different, he might be the nominee right now. And keep in mind how far he came; few people knew his name a year ago.
Ultimately, some conservatives still had their doubts about Romney -- but I think this race might be his '76 race. He has proven his conservative bona fides. Don't be surprised if he's the VP pick this year. And even if he's not, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if we someday have a President Romney.
I think it's fair to say Romney earned more in one speech with conservatives then he did in the last 2 years. I think it's fair to say, that we have not seen the last of Mitt. Right now we have new things to focus on, but Mitt will still be our guy.
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What I'm going to miss is all the good discussion here on the blog and all the people.
I teared up a bit when he said he was suspending his campaign but I think he did the right thing. Here's to 2012 and I sure hope this blog is still around when that time comes!
Some quick reactions as Gov. Romney says it's closing time:
Hugh Hewitt: Governor Romney is an incredibly gifted man --intelligent in the way very few people are, charismatic, and blessed with an amiable openness and determined, strong character.
He is a good man, and his very successful run towards the presidency is a testament to his talents. His magnificent family represents an achievement in the private sphere that he shares with Ann Romney and which was reflected in his accomplishments in business, at the Olympics and in Massachusetts.
Because he is a very good man, a great conservative and an extraordinary patriot he is standing aside to allow Senator McCain's national campaign to commence.
Captain’s Quarters: Mitt made the right decision, and he made the announcement in the right place. He's a good man, and I think this will allow the Republicans a lot more time to find accommodation with John McCain.
Jim Geraghty: And he may have saved some of his best campaign moments for last. “[Dependency] is a drug, we have to fight it like the poison it is.” That got him a Standing O. If you’re gonna leave the race, this is the way to do it.
Allahpundit: In which Mitt himself answers the question posed recently by InstaGlenn about whether Romney 2008 = Reagan 1976. What’s the best thing about this? The goodwill it’ll earn him among the party establishment for not dragging out the primary? The fond memory it creates in the mind of the base of a man willing to sacrifice his own ambition to support victory in Iraq? The venom it’ll draw from the left about him using the war as political cover for his own failure? Or the fact that it backs Huckabee into a corner by framing the continuation of his own campaign as effectively furthering the Democrats’ plans for withdrawal?
Stephen Hayes: Mitt Romney withdrew from the race for the Republican nomination early this afternoon in an extraordinarily classy speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference…For those of us who raised questions about Romney's leadership on Iraq and his willingness to put winning there ahead of his political career, he answered those questions rather decisively this afternoon.
Mark Hemmingway: And with that speech, the good will he's engendered by his classy exit, and the support he enjoys from the conservative base, I think it's safe to say he may have finally laid many of the questions about his conservative credentials to rest. Too bad the timing is so unfortunate.
Krempasky at Redstate: And from now on, I will not be anymore critical than Mitt Romney, who ended his campaign a few hours ago with class far too rare in this campaign to date.
Lisa Fabrizio: Just came from listening to sublime writer Mark Steyn speak and the mood in the room reflected that of CPAC in general after the Romney pullout. It's like a pin has pierced the balloon of hope that many held out here and gloom seems to be settling in.
****** Kenny Rogers put those famous words to music many years ago. Bob Seger more aptly advised that the trick was “never play the game too long”.
Mitt took to the CPAC stage tonight and put an end to his 2008 run for the Oval. I was sitting in the very back of the room during his speech – surrounded by fellow Mitt-backers. We listened to a few speeches which were more like book reports until about 1:30 when Laura Ingraham introduced Mitt.
If I ever run for elected office, I want Laura Ingraham to be my Press Secretary. But I digress.
With the possible exception of his Religion in American speech, Mitt gave the best speech of the campaign – all other candidates included. He hit all the high conservative notes. He spoke of America being the best ally Peace can or ever will know. He spoke of the importance of the family, and most importantly about the value of fathers in the home.
He warned about the dangers of dependency and how it can kill initiative and destroy the American culture and how it (dependency on government) must be fought like the poison it is.
Now, dear reader, I must admit that I had my suspicions about how this speech would end. Living in Virginia and being exposed to the mass media market the way I am, I did not see a single campaign ad for Mitt last night or the night before. I saw plenty for Obama and McCain – none for Hillary surprisingly. In the back of my mind I had prepared for the fact that this just might be the end.
Mitt spoke about his desire to fight this campaign all the way to the convention much like Reagan did in 1976. I felt he really wanted to do this – to fight to the last day and give it his very best shot. He said that today is different from 1976 in the fact that America today finds herself at war – a war which she cannot afford to lose or show weakness in the face of her enemies.
He said that while he and Senator McCain differ in many areas, there is one subject where there is no daylight between them. Both Mitt Romney and John McCain have the same desire to win the Global War on Terror. About that there is no negotiation.
That same desire is shared by neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama. They want to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, bring the troops home and triumphantly wave the white flag of surrender as the Islamofacists start a slaughter which will make the aftermath of Vietnam and Cambodia look like a walk in the park.
What Mitt Romney did today was in the best interest of the Republican Party and the United States of America. He has run a fine campaign and can be proud of his personal efforts, those of his wife and all the members of his family. His decision to step aside is one born of selflessness and will – in Mitt’s own words – allow a national campaign to begin.
Like Mitt, I hate to lose. Having said that, I hate the thought of waking up on November 5th to the sounds of President-elect Hillary or Obama.
Why not just leave your name on the ballot a little longer and see what happens?? The southern bible belt states were done and Romney beat Huck in ALL other states so WHY drop out now? Romney should have just stayed in a little longer to see how he did in states like Texas where he probably would've done very well. Plus isn't dropping out good news for Huck since he can get more delegates now and that's BAD news, you know?
It's been a rough morning. I think we all felt like this since Tuesday night, but we were all willing to keep fighting for Mitt. I even had 40 people ready for my precinct for Washington's Saturday afternoon caucus. That last picture on your blog link from today shows a glimpse of the future. He'll be president some time in the future, and he knows it. History wasn't on his side this time. I'm proud to be a Mitt volunteer and will help out in any way I can. Time for party unity.
Well, get ready for a President Hillary or Barack, because McCain is toast. He has a shot at beating hillary because so many people dislike her. And the Black voters might turn on her.
However, McCain only won because of fluke of multiple candidates and non-republicans voting.
Without the MSM's support which disappears now, McCain won't get far, when the stories start on his temper and age.
I only hope Mitt's around in 2012 to repair the damage they cause.
Wow,I was really surprised today when I heard Mitt was getting out and of course sad. The best man in the race isn't going to be president.McCain isn't going to change anything in Wash and this was always more about it being his turn anyway. It's a shame Mitt used his best speech as a farewell one and too bad he didn't talk more about welfare during the race. Doesn't seem fair that it's over already, I think most Americans are just starting to pay attention to politics. Trying to think what the turning point was in the race and i guess it was Crist and Martinez's endorsements in Fla. along with the kneecap on timetables. Anyway thanks for the Mitt updates at the site, I enjoyed them. Good luck to all you guys!! Joe.
First, let me offer my condolences to the loss of your candidate in the race. I think all of us at our local meetup were hopeful that if our candidate didn't win the nomination, it would be anybody but McCain. With Romney's withdrawl, the fight against McCain will even be harder for those of us left behind.
But, now that Romney is out of the race, is there any way at all you can see clear to support Ron Paul? We sure would appreciate your support. Ron Paul is a candidate for all Americans because he DEFENDS our rights, liberties and Freedom to keep and earn our own money. Until we get our Ecomonic House in order, America (which is made up of WE THE PEOPLE) will never be the great nations our forefathers intended us to be. Could it be more a function of the recent ecomonic indicators that affected Mr. Romney's decision to withdraw? He is a business man. Of all the candidate's who laughed at Ron Paul as he discussed our fiat money system, I honestly believe that Mr. Romney is the only one who understood what he was talking about and he was laughing not so much as what Ron Paul said but rather that he had the courage to SAY it.
If you only know what you have heard or been told, please visit
MyManMitt team. I want to thank you guys for all your information over the past months. Many, many times per day I would come to the site and usually find interesting updates. My family and I are very sad about this result, but Mitt was right to bow out now. An excellent and very professional effort.
This site has been great!!! Thanks for all the info and laughs. Mitt will go on and our work will have been worth the price someday. Mitt has made us proud from day one. Who knows, this race has had so many twists and turns, what the next nine months may bring. I saw a great quote today:
"The bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you refuse to take the turn."
God bless you, Mitt. What you did today took a lot of courage, something you've never lacked for. I think our country is less for your decision, but you are much better informed than I on this matter. I hope you will take the lead on conservative matters, spend a little of your enormous energy in helping us put conservative legislators in congress to counter-balance whomever the uninformed electorate puts in the White House. Again, God Bless you...and this country,
I hope Mitt uses the next 5 years to get a congress put together to really help him turn around the country he will inherit in 012. The sooner we get started on the congress, the less further down the left road we'll be when this country finally gets it together.
Mitt's exit was classy and wise. Huckabee now seems even more ridiculous.
I think McCain is a weak candidate, and even if he wins, I believe he is too old to serve more than one term. Mitt in '12!
I care about winning the war, but I am more concerned about Obama than Hillary. She refuses to take back her Iraq vote and she stood up and cheered when the President said that the surge was working. I think she is pandering/throwing bones to the left wing, but still not the ideal candidate to lead the war effort
Wow, what a fantastic speech delivered by a classy individual. I don't know how he bowed out after all the cheers and yells of "fight on!" I am proud of him and proud to support him. I have never contributed to a campaign before but I contributed to his 3 times. I don't want to take down my Romney for President yard sign... maybe I'll just paint a big 2012 across it.
MyManMitt, thank you so much for all your hard work. I love this site and will continue to visit it to get the latest on the man who one day will be President.
I was just starting to move on from Super Tuesday...just to find out that Mitt suspended the campaign. But, when I actually went online and saw the speech, I just though "wow". What an exit! 2012 anyone? I'm really impressed by what Mitt did: suspending the campaign NOT because he had lost hope, but for party unity and the common good. He is an amazing person, and one day he will be our president and one of the best we've ever had.
Here's what I wrote shortly after hearing the news. I'm proud of Mitt because he understands this concept so well: United we stand. Never forget this. For although we must at times stand alone to defend our principals, and thus our freedom, if we cannot bond together for our common good, our society as a whole will never achieve the fullness of the promise of freedom, nor will it ever succeed. Yet, this must never come at the loss of principal or conviction. While this may seem impossible, tolerance and unity are, in and of themselves, important values to uphold. There two things are the framework for our freedom: our personal convictions and our ability to join together, which added together form our core values as American citizens and children of God. Without both of these things, the society we have built will collapse; the cup of freedom we balance in our hand will shatter. And if the call to defend what is right was not difficult enough, this is the great challenge of freedom: to never give up fighting for what we believe in, but at the same time to recognize when uniting together, regardless of our differences, is essential to our freedom, and thus the survival of those principals which we will never abandon. As freedom cannot survive without principal, principals cannot survive without freedom. People are not perfect, and thus, we cannot always agree on what is right. This is why debate is an essential part of free society. But society itself would collapse without compromise between disagreeing parties. And with the downfall of society ultimately comes the destruction of our freedoms. I believe that true values will ultimately arise victorious. The call to unity is not a call to surrender. Rather, when we come together as Americans, we are promising each other that the differences between us will one day be resolved, that we are as dependent on each other as we are on our convictions, and that one day together we will achieve the greatest possible freedom.
I hope Mitt uses the next 5 years to get a congress put together to really help him turn around the country he will inherit in 012. The sooner we get started on the congress, the less further down the left road we'll be when this country finally gets it together. *************** bolinguist - I loved this comment!
We have a lot of work to do in the next four years.
It breaks my heart to see this noble man step aside so that someone less worthy can lead this country. But to the end Romney has been a class act.. and all who have followed this know it has never been about him.. but about wanting to help us. And today we, our children and our grandchildren ultimately loose...
Alert: Rush Limbaugh just said that Time Magazine is saying Romney may concede in his CPAC speech later today.
Romney has suspended his campaign.
Hopefully Romney has just cut a deal to be McCain's VP. Just in case this doesn't happen: Romney basically needs to win all the remaining delegates to get the nomination. This is mostly because Huckabee is holding many delegates that may go his way. He is mathematically eliminated but refuses to drop out to keep control of his delegates. However, if Huckabee stays in the race, there is a chance McCain will not win enough delegates and end up in a brokered convention. Perhaps there will be a scenario where McCain will need to make a deal with Romney if Huckabee does not have enough delegates to get over the top. In that case Romney has good leverage to become Vice President.
I can't see Romney being a Vice President. He has been an executive all his life. I say wait it out, make a lot more conservative/GOP friends and run and WIN in 2012.
I've said before that there is nothing McCain could do to intice me to vote for him, but I'll admit it... if Romney was VP I'd vote for McCain. Not sure I can picture Mitt going for the #2 spot, but I hope I'm wrong.
Are you kidding me? Better to drop and fight some other day for principle then to sell out. Stop these unprincipled posts! The point isn't about having office, the point is developing principled arguments that revolutionize politics.
I wish that could happen so I could at least vote Republican this time. However...come on, this is McCain we're talking about. He'll probably pick Graham or Liebermen. Lets do whatever we can to get Mitt Romney in there for 2012, we will certainly need him.
Why on earth would Romney ever want to be VP under McCain? Romney understands that in order to be effective you need to build an amazing team of leaders in the administration. McCain is not one of those extraordinary leaders. He is a guy who graduated at the bottom of his class. He was unfortunate enough to end up getting shot down durin the war. He will make a poor leader and he will get trounced by the democrats this November. Better to bow out, stay involved in conservative movements, causes and stay involved for four years while the democrats preside over a retreat on the war on terror, we suffer more attacks on the homeland, and while democratic legislastion heaps more burdens on the economy and on families to the point that our economy tanks, our nation tanks and the conservative movement comes out of the wilderness stronger, larger and with an irresistible appeal four years from now under the leadership of an amazing and irresitable leader in Mitt Romney.
I am very disappointed to see Romney box out. Realistically, it was inevitable, and the way he suspended his campaign and the reasons he gave only set him up for victory in 2012. It only makes Huckabee look even more like the selfish moron that he is. And let's face it--conservatives will not vote for John McCain, and most independents will lean toward Hillary or Obama. He will lose in a massive landslide.
But hey--it took a Carter to get us a Reagan. So perhaps it will take a Hillary to get us a Romney?
Realize as well that McCain is going to lose in November. The country is hungry for change. The democratic turnout in even red states has been astronomically higher than republicans.
Romney may not want to play second fiddle to McCain, but it positions him well for 2012. Also, it would certainly encourage me to vote for McCain this year. I don't know if I could be inspired by a McCain/Huckabee ticket. McCain needs to balance the ticket and win back conservatives.
Mitt is a class act. He does not need to associate himself with the likes of McCain. Let McCain pick Huckabee so we can watch them go down in November paving the way for Mitt in 2012.
WHY couldn't Romney have just left his name on the ballot and see what happens??? The southern bible belt states are over and those are the ONLY states Huck won. Romney would have done well from here on out so why not have just waited until March 4 when he would've done well in a conservative states like Texas? Now, that awful Huckster is going to get all the attention for being the goofball he is!!
Mitt can follow Regan's lead. As Regan did with Ford he step aside and then came back and took over for Cater, becoming one of the greatest President this nation has ever seen. I'll be there in 2012 supporting him all the way.
That was creative and awesome!! once again it goes to show that Romney has appeal across all age groups. Romney in 2012!! We absolutely love him! I am so disappointed in those people in america who could not see.
Okay. That made me laugh when I needed it most. GO ROMNEY!!! What a gentlemen he was today when he pulled out. Look forward to seeing you in 2012. Awesome video guys.
After a day of shoveling snow, sleeping on the couch and replying to emails, (It was a snow day in Chicago) I have come to a conclusion. Earlier in the morning I mapped out the possibilities for Mitt. We also had a bit of chatter amongst Romney-bloggers on our secret undercover email list. Plenty of food for thought. I agree, Mitt's chances of winning are small (unless the NYTimes will do it's job!), but the GOP and Mitt have more to gain from Romney staying in, then we have to lose. ( <--I spelled it right!!!)
1. The party only can win by a continually vetting of the front runner, John McCain. One of the reasons for McCain's huge rise in December was the fact he laid dormant for nearly 6 months without a serious eye being given to his candidacy. Surely McCain has some major problems. While team McCain would prefer to avoid this, we gain nothing going into a general election with a candidate who has only had 1 month of serious vetting. Nothing.
2. By forcing McCain to work for his wins in proportionally allocated states, McCain is forced to appeal to the conservative wing of the party. The feeling of inevitability will not be his campaign theme, but perhaps humility and contrition to the base that he actually needs in the general. We don't want to have to vote for him because he sucks less, but rather, because he has decided to represent us. With Romney threatening a clean nomination from McCain, we have a McCain that has no choice but to extend his conservative streak past CPAC.
3. For Romney's sake, I think it's a mistake to drop out before Huckabee. Huckabee really wants to claim he was the second choice so that he can pick up his campaign in 2012. Romney cannot allow this. There is little left electoral-wise for Huckabee to win in the upcoming primaries and caucuses. Romney needs to stay in to make sure Huck doesn't have the opportunity to become the conservative voice to McCain and operate in a vacuum uncontested.
So, there is my reasoning. Romney needs to stay in till McCain has it wrapped up. Its good for McCain, the GOP and sure enough, for Mitt himself.
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Totally agree. Romney will start doing even better now since Huck's south factor is mostly gone. Regardless, it's best for the GOP base and Romney's name and profile if he stays in till McCain is done. This way Romney can garner more support and be ready for 2012 since there is NO WAY McCain will win the election!!
If he's doing this with 2012 in mind then I think it's a smart move. He can do just like Reagan did in 1976, go all the way to the convention, then give a really strong speech that overshadows whatever McCain has to say. After Reagan's speech and Ford's convention win the delegates were left wondering if they voted for the right candidate, they should be thinking that again in 2008.
Then he can take the next 4 years going around doing fundraising for conservative candidates in the midterm Congressional elections, various conservative causes, and for any state Governors, give conservative policy speeches around the country, and then when 2012 is here go into the Iowa State Fair, win the Straw Poll and run it again, only this time he'll have major name recognition, people won't forget him, I know I won't and would love to vote for him again if given the opportunity.
Well sheeesh, how altruistic do you think Romney is? Or me and other conservatives for that matter? You overlooked the biggest reason, that Romney needs to stay in until there is zero chance he will be president, because even a seriously reformed McCain is nowhere close to a Romney. And you know the saying about teaching old dogs new tricks. I don't think McCain can reform, myself. I won't blame Mr. Romney if he's had enough, but then where do conservatives look for representation? That's the big, gaping, black hole. My friends. (ughh)
What if Romney makes peace with Huckabee? Admittedly not likely, but together they would clean up anything left and quite possibly take the nomination from McCain.
Also, if Romney can deny McCain a majority and go to the convention he might very well find himself on the ticket or at least the cabinet - as we've seen, he has the [economic] knowledge and number-crunching abilities that McCain lacks, and would complement him pretty well.
That said, where can I get my Mitt '12 bumper sticker?
He has to stay in to block Huckabee. It's Wednesday and I just got our first push poll from Huckabee surrogate. So annoying. It was the one about Romney changing his view on "life" at least 5 times in the last 15 years. I kept yelling at the phone, "Liar!!!!" but the guy just kept droning on and on. Won't vote for Huck. Won't vote for McCain. Thankfully, Mitt is staying in so I can at least caucus for him on Saturday.
I agree that in addition to the small chance of a win in the nominating process (I'm not wishing ill on McCain's health, but he IS 72...), the primary advantage is to put conservative pressure on McCain, get him to commit more tightly to conservative positions than he otherwise would. Plus as you say, in a brokered convention, any number of things can happen, and Romney would have to have a major say.
And finally, the long view of the next four years and a possible run in 2012 (with a little more gray at the temples than he had this time).
Romney needs to stay in and keep taking delegates from each state. He can get the real conservatives in every state, and that essential base will keep McCain from getting enough to get the nomination uncontested. Then it goes to convention, and he has a better shot. Huck's broke, and the south is over, so he's not going to pick up anything anywhere else. You're right; Mac won't win in the general, so once a liberal has screwed things up royally bad, Romney can step in a pull a Reagan on their Carter IF Romney doesn't get the nomination this time around. Reagan ran thrice before he won, and was 70 years old when elected.
Oh, my! Someone else was thinking the same thing as I was about 1976 and Ronald Reagan. Remember in 1976, everyone wanted to shut Reagan out, but he stuck it out and was stronger than ever in 1980. I think this would be history repeating itself. Yes, he needs to stay in.
Keep changing Mitt. You are headed in the right direction and have made remarkable time in your travel. We just need a little more conservatism. A little less equivocation. Maybe some time to prove your steadfastness to those that still doubt you. You have shown us a capacity for change that McCain abhors and Huckabee self-righteously rejects. You are so close to Reagan conservatism. Don't stop now. Let it go deep into your heart just as your remarkable persona has gone deep into ours.
Huckster needs to make peace with Mitt. Mitt hasn't been going around exciting religious prejudice against people of Huckster's religious persuasion. Mormons embrace evangelical Christians in the political arena. Apparently it hasn't gone the other way in the republican party.
I think Mitt would embrace a coalition with the Huckster. I don't think Huckster would be open to it.
I like what I'm hearing about Mitt'12, and Mc not winning the general, what about the judges that the dems would put in the COURT. That scares me!! Any thoughts.
I think Romney should stay in the race. I mean Tom Brady lost too, on Sunday, and no one is telling him to quit football! Mitt should keep up the debate.....his message is good and great.
Also, every state should have the privilege of casting a vote for Mitt.
Anyway McCain is going to need the debate practice himself if he’s going to stay battle ready for the Dems. He may be on his way to a slaughtering.
What's even worse than McCain winning is the media crowing about how they defeated Rush and company. They are really revelling at the prospect of burying the right wing of this country.All they are doing is rubbing salt in the wound and creating more of a backlash against McCain and Huck to some degree. This thing is far from over even if McCain goes on to get the nom.I'm sure his campaign consultants are coming up with a way to pull the wool over people's eyes today ar the ACU conference.Yeah I have a feeling that Huck will become a vampire candidate and come back every 4 years.He loves the limelight.
Keep changing for the better Mitt. You are headed in the right direction and you do not have far to go. Maybe time will prove the steadfastness of your conservatism to those that still doubt you. You have drank from the well of conservatism in a way that old man McCain stubbornly refuses and minister Huckabee stupidly rejects. You are so close to Reagan conservatism. Don't stop now. Let it go deep into your being just as your remarkable persona has gone deep into hearts.
McCain skips vote on economic stimulus Republican presidential candidate John McCain skipped a difficult Senate vote Wednesday on whether to make 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans eligible for rebate checks as part of a proposed economic stimulus package.
"I haven't had a chance to talk about it at all, have not had the opportunity to, even," McCain said. "We've just been too busy, focused on other stuff. I don't know if I'm doing that. We've got a couple of meetings scheduled." source:
Something needs to happen re: McCain's temper. Can his button be pushed so that he shows his true nuttiness in public, like he does on the Senate floor??? I think a couple of freak outs in public would really turn people off and they would see him for the nutcase that he is. Someone needs to get pushin' on those buttons.... it's only a matter of time.....
I’ve been thinking the same thing, however, lately I had some other thoughts about Romney staying in the race. Personally, I think Romney should concede at CPAC, a perfect time and place. One of the pluses of doing so is to leave McCain and Huckabee to battle it out and in the process we will find their true colors, especially Huckabee. Need I say more about what will become of the race between them? A nice speech at CPAC with some extremely SUBTLE hints at 2012 or beyond would be impressive and admirable. I doubt the Republicans will win this year, especially with Bush’s not-so-popular 8 years. Romney needs to prepare himself to save the US after Clinton/Obama and worse, McCain, IF! all.
At the Corner Byron York is report a dramatic slow down in e-mail from the Romney campaign and suggests that Mitt may look to pull out soon. he quotes a Romney source that says, York's belief about a pullout and lack of e-mails are mostly correct
The worst thing that could happen next to McCain being elected as a so claled conservative, was to have Ronmney cease his campaign for president. He said it would be better for the party and country if he got out now, bulls_ _ _ _. The party, republican, is more like the democratic party than ever before. It is responding to the national press, instead of actually speaking the truth backing up with facts. The only republican candidate that is left believes in an unproved theory of global warming. Computer models dont make it so. No one that I know of today was alive when the dinosaurs ruled. No one has seen what happened to change the earth temp to freeze them out. It is speculation, a theory, backed up by people who only 20 years ago thought we were going into an ice age and that we would all be dead 30 years. Global warming one time is said t cause hurricanes, that their frequency will increase as well as intensity. When it dpoesnt happen, in Gulf of Mexico, global warming is supposed to the cause of that. I guess it would be fair to say that bill clinton's indescressions could be blamed on global warming. Foolish, but why not. Everything else seems to be blammed on so called global warming. What we have left is Socialism on a stick with whoever is elected, the democrats are just more on the stick
Romney MUST stay in the race since got way more than DOUBLE the amount of votes Huck got and Romney will beat Huck from here on out since most of the bible states are over and Huck only won those states so he is a regional candidate. People in other parts of the country actually have a negative opinion about having an evangelical minister in the white house! The bottom line is Romney can feel better knowing that Huck's bible states are almost all gone and Romney can beat Huck in most states from here on out SO THERE IS NO REASON FOR ROMNEY TO QUIT AND HE SHOULD GO ALL THE WAY TILL A NOMINEE IS DECIDED, SEE?
1) Keep the vote for huckabee is a vote for McCain. Exploit this reality and the WV backroom deal. Huckabee is not a true conservative he's a political opportunist. Hit them with, do you really want another token conservative VP?
2) Nurture the radio base, let it work in Romney's advantage. This medium takes time to overcome the MSM. Keep theme #1 at the forefront.
3) Emphasize McCain and Huckabee's money weaknesses and their lack of economic policies.
4) Hit back on the class warefare lines and label both candidates as killing the heart and sole of the republican party. We are the party of future prosperity, we are the party that says you can become rich.
I love Mitt Romney, he's a wonderful candidate and will be in a much better position if he leaves not and comes back in four years. He needs to keep himself known and start integrating himself with the party elite so they are less likely to hijack the election next time. It is my belief this is a democratic year and that McCain is the new Bob Dole. Let him take the hit for this election and come back strong in four years.
If Romney and Huckabee can somehow split half of the remaining delegates, there will be no winner prior to the Republican Convention. Does someone know what will happen in that case? Or where to look?
If no one candidate gets the required number of delegates, then I think a brokered convention will occur. It is when the delegates get to vote/broker for the nominee. The scenario will be very similar to what happened in West Virginia, but that’s a guess.
Yes, if this continues a three-way mess, would that open a new window of opportunity for Romney at a brokered convention? Do his advantage of staying power, energy, and financial solvency win him another chance if he hangs in for a brokered convention? If so, then ONWARD!!! I am definitely one of those that WILL NOT vote for a non-conservative, and with McCain there is no candidate for conservatives. Romney gives us a voice.
If we go the convention and McCain can't win on the first ballot, I believe all delegates are free to vote anyway they like. If McCain promises Huckabee the VP position for Huckabee's delegates, then that would probably be enough to push McCain over on the second ballot. If Mitt has any desire to try this again then he should conceede, make McCain the nominee, play nice with the party and act like Ronald Reagan when he lost the primary to Gerald Ford. Remember, we needed a Jimmy Carter to get to Ronald Reagan.
I am sitting here in Texas... just waiting for the word that Mitt still has a chance and still has the heart to fight to the end... is it still possible?
Romney is a classy guy and a good man. This is why he should bow out. If he remains and is perceived as a dividing force in the party, he may never bo forgiven. Nixon lost two heartbreaking elections and came back. Reagan lost in 1976 and came back. Romney should do the same.
I have never felt as strongly for a candidate as I did for Romney. It was a great ride but the time has come.
I think that Mitt should stay in it, but I realize the money and momentum makes it hard.
1) make a good case at CPAC
2) play hard for Kansas and Washington, both are Caucuses that Mitt has shown strength at.
3) Then make a judgement, wins in KS and Wash could help to slow the McCain train and keep things open till Texas or Ohio
4) Huckabee is a factor you will need to deal with
5) Most everyone knows about McCain's liberal policies, Mitt should talk more about his plans.
6) Reagan stayed in the race and won some late victories, including a key one in NC; that gave him momentum for 1980. Mitt should adopt a similar strategy
Romney should leave now. If it goes to the convention, he is going to get faced with another backroom deal between Huck and McCain, where Huck encourages all his delegates to vote for McCain in exchange for the VP.
Better to save face now and leave. Let McCain flop against Obama and/or Clinton, work with the GOP the next 4 years, and come back stronger than ever in 2012.
Things are tough, but now is not the time to give up. Remember adversity reveals ones character
From electromney2008 blog
Romney Fighting All The Way To The Convention?
After talking to some Romney people, there are no signs of relenting. One source friendly to Romney says that “the speech tomorrow at CPAC will give the direction one way or another.”
Apparently the word is going around Team Romney that McCain will need 77 percent of the delegates remaining to win.*
Even assuming that McCain reaches 700 delegates once counting finishes in California, he would still need to win 77% of delegates from upcoming states to secure the nomination by April 1.
Mitt Romney is planning to target the delegate-rich Ohio and Texas primaries on March 4, and will campaign this week in Kansas and Washington, which hold Republican caucuses on Saturday.
“We’re number two in delegates. We feel very good about our chances going forward,” Romney’s traveling press secretary, Eric Fehrnstrom, told a scrum of reporters camped outside Romney’s North End headquarters today.
Ohio, Fehrnstrom said, is struggling with many of the same economic problems as Michigan, which Romney won last week. Texas, he said, has a very conservative primary electorate, which should respond well to Romney’s message of economic, social and national security conservatism.
The Kansas and Washington caucuses should be friendly territory because Romney tends to do well in contests where he can leverage his organizational and financial muscle, Fehrnstrom said.
“We’re going to have the resources we need to compete going forward,” Fehrsntrom said. “He’s raising more money than he’s putting in.” Fehrsntrom described the morale of the staff as “very upbeat.”
“Everyone is feeling good about the future, and we’re going to move forward from here,” Fehrnstrom said.
Romney got a big applause from his staff when he met with them this morning, he said.
“John McCain had a good night — no question about that,” Fehrnstrom said. “But that does not mean Governor Romney had a bad night. We tip our hat to John McCain. He won, I think, nine states. We won seven.”
Romney had no public appearances scheduled and planned to spend the rest of the day meeting with aides and writing his speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee tomorrow.
So, anyone else thinking (although you would never say it, right)that it would be a good idea if VP Cheney offered to take McCain hunting? :)
Seriously, though, I am not yet ready to quit, although if Romney quit now he would look like such a gentleman compared to Huckabee, staying in long after he cannot feasibly win.
The other thing is, I have seen so many polls stating that the American people believe 1)that there is a liberal bias, and 2)that the MSM cannot be trusted - mind you, usually by an overwhelming majority. My question is, if that is the case, why do we still watch? Maybe this is silly, but anyone up for a boycott? We can just as well get our news from talk radio and reputable websites.
Just received this email from another Mitt supporter. I'm hoping you guys can verify if it's true (seems accurate to me...):
I just did the math and Huckabee has been mathematically eliminated! We need to tell everyone and I mean everyone! This is huge and Huckabee can't justify staying in the race anymore. There are only 963 delegates left in this race and Huckabee has 176. In order to win the nomination, you need at least 1,191 delegates and if Huckabee wins EVERY SINGLE DELEGATE LEFT, he will end up with 1,139. Game over Huckabee! Spread the word!
"If Romney and Huckabee can somehow split half of the remaining delegates, there will be no winner prior to the Republican Convention. Does someone know what will happen in that case? Or where to look?"
I posted a little about this scenario on the Super Tuesday Surprise post on my blog:
A brokered convention will still most likely give McCain the nomination if he still has this much of a lead; however, it should at least allow the GOP to force some conservative party demands (during the political horse-trading process) on the McCain candidacy.
Even though Huck can't possibly get to 1,191 delegates after last night (and Romney's chances of getting to 1,191 are now almost as bad as Huck's) Romney & Huck should both stay in the race after a night like last night. Both can run a low-key, inexpensive campaign that still divides up the rest of the delegates.
Depending on how the unpledged delegates shake out over the next few days, McCain could still need as much as 50% of the remaining delegates to win without having a brokered convention...and he has yet to perform that well in any primaries or caucuses.
The problem with any of these scenarios is that the ONE THING that I can guarantee will never ever ever happen is Huckabee cooperating with Romney. All McCain has to do is to amass enough delegates so that his + Huckabee's is a majority. If the nomination is still undecided at the convention (which is an occurrence with a vanishingly small chance of happening), then Huckabee will throw in with McCain, a la W Va in reverse. The reality is that, as of this point in time, there is NO chance for Romney.
I say this as a year-long supporter for Romney. As sad as it makes me, there are only two possibilities here. One is the "Hewitt Option", the other is the "Coulter Alternative". I am leaning in Ann's direction, personally.
I hope Mitt hangs in there to the end just so McCain doesn't get an easy victory. On the other hand I don't want Mitt to embarass himself in any way.It's funny that no one cals for Huck to get out even though he only has one southern state left and he has less delegates than Mitt. The problem is a lot of the set of the states are apportioned and independents can cross over in some and we know where they'll go. I don't think Mitt would have a problem money wise if he feels it's worthwhile. Staying in means he needs a rationale. Maybe he can say conservatives deserve a voice the rest of the way,I don't know.Even if he does drop out he's going to have the problem of endorsing McCain. Edwards hasn't endirsed anyone maybe he can take the same path.Hopefully he feels the way millions of us do and say he can't support someone who's so anti-conservative on so many issues.
If McCain ends up winning the nomination, his best pick for VP is Mitt Romney. If McCain is smart, he should pick Romney, in order for him (McCain) to get the base of the Republican Party to back him. According to voter analysis, Romney - not Yuckabee - wins the so-called “Conservatives” in every state, even in McCain’s home state - AZ. McCain won the moderates, and independents. Again, having Romney as his VP will also unite the party. Huckabee will not and cannot give McCain this advantage!
I think he should stay in a little bit longer-see how the caucuses turn out. If he does not do well, he should do the classy thing and exit the race(and become next in line for 2012). If McCain is the nominee, I'm pursuing the "Coulter Alternative."
Romney should stay in for as long a possible. Why? To allow as many states to show his support or anti-McCain support that can. Taking this to a brokered convention would be a very good thing. The part of the party that is supporting Mitt needs to have it's voice heard. The Media will not do it. I will support Mitt for as long as he is in.
Romney needs to stay in for at least until March 4 because the southern Huckabee factor is mostly gone now and Romney will do well from now and someone I know from Texas said he's polling well there. Remember that Huck didn't win squat outside of the south!! The rest of the country doesn't want a minister in the white house. Plus he needs to keep his name out there longer and not just disappear so soon, you know?
Huckabee has sevral fronts he is battling. One, he feels and rightly so that he has to fight his constituents plea to keep the anti-christ cult member out of office. (I am an active mormon so please read the rest and you'll see my point.) proof of this is that huckabee keeps attacking Romney while McCain is in the lead. Isn't the idea to attack the frontrunner and hope to bring his numbers down? Also Huck is vying for a position on McCain's cabinet maybe even VP. McCain knows if Huck wasn't in this race it would be Romney with the huge lead in delegates. Look at the states where Romney has lost and give him 3-7% where McCain won and likely first place in all Huckabee won states with exception of maybe two. Unfortunatly Huck and McCain both hate Romney which will prevent Mitt from making friends with Huck and making something magical happen. Mitt, unless you have some fascinating strategy for a brokered convention I would back out as there is almost no chance you can take back enough delegates especially with Huck's motives of keeping you contained. I am looking forward to Mitt 2012. Also Mitt, I Love your effort but this has shown you I hope the danger of changing position on an issue many consider non-negotiable within your faith. My brother (a non mormon)can't accept a mormon being prochoice and many felt that way. Good luck Mitt in whatever road you choose.
As if it couldn't get any weirder, Bob Dole is suddenly, somehow, part of this race. This is just so bizarre, I can't even get my head around it.
What's even more ridiculous (and really quite sad) is that McCain tried to turn a truthful commentary by Romney on Dole's failed presidential bid into a personal attack on Dole's war record.
As if that had anything to do with a 2008 primary election. These gentlemen--heroes that they are indeed (I don't dispute that and I honor them for it)--are fighting the battles of the past. Long ago, terrible things happened to them, it's sure. None of us expects those wounds to completely heal. But if you claim to be running for the future of America, then by gosh, run for the FUTURE of America and leave the past in your scrapbook.
Romney rightfully defended himself by saying,
Referring to Dole as "an American hero, a war hero, a fine man and a great leader of our party," Romney told reporters: "I do not think highly of the mental set that says we should choose our nominee based on how many years they've served and how long they've waited in line."
Romney said the choice should be made on vision, values, energy, passion and the ability to change Washington, "and I think I win that battle."
That he does. Isn't that exactly what most Americans say they want, time and time again? I hope the electorate is not so easily swayed by the MSM's take on this latest dogfight.
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Wanna talk about wierd? I am thinking tonight that two months from now, Mitt supporters might be thanking Huckabee for what he did in the South tonight.
Hey Mitt supporters, lift your heads have won CO, MA, MN, MT, ND, UT and AK today. Oh, and WV was stolen. The fact is you are still in the game.
I know what Mitt was trying to say yesterday about Dole but it just didn't come out right.McCain being the hack politician that he is exploited it to the max.I don't know how much of an effect it had on the results yesterday It's obvious at this point that Republicans are choosing electibility over principle. Most people still believe that Hillary will be the nom despite all the hoopla surrounding Obama. Even if Obama contines to hold his own Hillary has the super delegates in the bag and they'll take their marching orders from Howard Dean. The economy really hasn't helped Mitt out all that much because for the most part republican voters are pretty well situated financially. The evangelicals in the south want a seat at the table and Huck is their symbolic guy.Romney needed some surprise wins last night and he didn't get any.All these winner take all states were designed to help Guliani and they all went to McCain.
I know that this blog is purely political, and that you all are not LDS. But in order for Mitt to run again next election we must address the issue that prevented him getting the nomination this time.
It is obvious that Romney has been hurt by his religion.
Mitt was clearly the best candidate. Among this season’s candidates it is undeniable. Aside from his charisma and intelligence, Mitt was the only candidate that attempted to unite the three Republican core factions: social, economic, and foreign policy conservatives. This union has been key to Republicans edging out narrow victories. This fact is plain to insiders such a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter who have directly or indirectly endorsed Mitt.
Then we must wonder why he has done so poorly. If creditability was the issue, then why is it not an issue for McCain who has changed on numerous social issues, economic issues, and may have considered running with John Kerry? The reason Mitt’s “flip-flopper” status sticks is the subject of a famous Vanderbilt poll which indicated Mormonism, not flip-flopping was the issue. Another widely published gallop poll showed that 27 percent of republicans would not vote for a qualified Mormon candidate, this was a number much greater then for women or African Americans. This makes Mormons the most discriminated minority in America.
Some claim that we can not hold Huckabee or McCain accountable. In response, I point out that Huck’s official blog (whose comments are edited by campaign staff) allows remarks such as: if we elect Mitt “we might as well elect a witch.” In addition, Huck continues to refer to himself as a “Christian leader,” implying that Mitt is not, and refusing to classify Mormons as Christians. Huck, a knowledgeable Baptist minister, plays ignorant about anti-Mormon remarks concerning Christ’s brother–not to mention Huck’s supporters participating in push-polling, anti-Mormon Christmas cards, and spam e-mails. Currently, with no chance of winning, Huck continues to campaign in order to whittle away Mitt the Mormon’s voters. When asked about the frontrunner McCain, Huck twists the question into attacks on Mitt. He will soldier on until the day Mitt concedes. Ultimately, the Baptist minister would rather have a social liberal in the White House rather then a Mormon. Who benefits from this anti-Mormon campaign? The grateful McCain who is not worthy of a conservative’s vote to begin with.
So who does a conservative Utah Mormon vote for? The answer is clear, Hillary/Obama! First, there is no conservative. Second, the democrats will win. McCain, with the allure of Bob Dole, verses a Hillary/Obama ticket is no contest. Third, any margin of victory will be well beyond Utah’s five votes. So let’s do something useful. A massive protest vote will garnish national media attention, and we will use this attention to send a message that Mormons deserve more respect and less discrimination. We are Americans, and the republicans cannot rely on Utah to be their lackey anymore.
Some argue that this will show The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a political vehicle, only reaffirming evangelical fears. In that case let this sentinel article refute any affiliation to the LDS Church or Mitt Romney’s campaign. Others argue that media attention will not change minds. To this I answer that the media attention has already changed minds. As Mitt’s campaign has progressed, the polls have shown a decrease in the number of people with ill feelings toward the LDS Church.
Many minorities focus attention on their respective bigotry, and over time feelings change–nobody likes to be a bigot. One example is the Jewish people; by focusing attention to people’s bigotry over time, they have become fully accepted. When Lieberman runs for office there is no “Christian leader” running against him. It is this media attention that keeps Huck fighting Mitt. This Baptist minister knows that Mormonism in the media throughout a Mormon presidency would lead to reconciliation and decrease prejudice.
Utah unite! Like Women’s Lib or The Civil Rights Movement, we must protest prejudice! Do you want your children growing up in a country where they can’t be president? Vote for Obama/Hillary! Join at
I agree with you partly in that Mormonism was a factor for sure in this race, but I feel the need to reconstruct one statement:
"It is obvious that Romney has been hurt by his religion."
I would actually say (and the actual thrust of your comments were) that Romney was hurt by misperceptions of his religion, not by the religion itself. Mormonism has proven to be the most steadfast in defense of true and righteous principles towards bettering humanity (true conservativism). It's the spin on his religion and not the religion itself that mars his candidacy.
I'm not sure I follow you on voting Hillary/Obama. The only reason I say that is that we have made so much progress towards overturning Roe v. Wade and I cannot stand the thought of voting for someone who represents the most vile of thinking regarding voteless, voiceless unborn children. McCain is the lesser of the evils in my book because he would be beholden (eventually) to the right on this issue.
Either way, I'm thinking about writing in Romney on my ticket. The polls were not well represented in terms of the overall population of voters and my hunch is that there are a LOT of really TICKED OFF conservatives, ones who don't go for Hucksterbee's bull, who might do the same. The surprises may be yet to come.
You know, I'm feeling oddly calm this morning, probably the calmest I've been since Iowa. Mitt did pretty well yesterday, although I'm disappointed with the CA results of course. But overall I have a calm feeling that things are going to work out. Not that he will get the nom necessarily, but that he will have his chance again should McCain get it. McCain will not win the general. Sure, he has an OK chance against HRC but he has no chance against Obama. Obama's youth and status as the change candidate will lead to a McCain whalloping.
And in 4 more years when the economy is in the tank even further, the GOP will be begging Romney to come save the day like he did with the Olympics. It's Reagan all over again.
Of course I still hold out hope that McCain will do something even stupider than usual or that we'll triumph in a brokered convention, but if not, I for one will be making a paper chain for 2012.
On a side note, I have to wonder what the American public is thinking... Congressional approval ratings are horrible and yet it's very likely the next POTUS will be a member of Congress. "We think you're doing a crappy job, why don't you become the President instead?" I don't get it.
I had a poli-sci professor who once posited in one of his lectures that people ought to have to take a civics exam before they're given a ballot at the voting booth. If they pass the exam with a 70% or better score, they can vote. If they don't, they can't.
His logic was that we require people to take an exam when they apply for a driver's license. Why not for when they are voting for the highest offices in the land?
Of course, this is hyperbole, and there would be too much room for fraud and abuse with such tests, but I do wonder what the scores would be like based on the spew that I hear coming out of people's mouths when they try to sound like they know what they're talking about WRT the war on terror, the economy, abortion, etc.
People are lemmings, from my observation. No matter how badly the situation and the conditions that led us there are, people are reluctant to change course. They always want to vote for the devil they know. That's why an effective three- or four-party system is unlikely to ever take hold in this or any country.
I am still with Romney and will continue to support him. That being said IF we are left to choose our next POTUS from three Senators it will serve us well to remind the country why we DON'T pick poll takers aka legislators as leaders.
The beauty of America is that we get the leaders we elect for good or bad.
I have this feeling that Romney continues on and that McCain blows it one way or another. There is still a lot of time until the convention.
While it's pretty obvious for whom I will cast my vote in next week’s Virginia primary, I have yet to state clearly why it is I will support the former Bay State Governor, Mitt Romney, in that contest.
Like you, I have but one vote to cast. I take that responsibility seriously as it is the most important civic duty I will ever perform.
Mitt Romney is by far the most qualified person running for America’s highest political office. His accomplishments dwarf those of his opponents in every way possible. I have elaborated on those facts before and although they are relevant, they are not my main reason for voting the way I will.
I support Mitt Romney for one single reason:
Mitt Romney cannot be bought.
Simply put, Mitt sees his campaign’s biggest political contributor every morning in the mirror. He doesn’t have to deal with the pressures political donors put on those they help get elected once they’ve assumed the reigns of power. Should Mitt be fortunate enough to sit in the Big Chair, he will be free to govern as he sees fit and not be subject to the whims and dictates of any one of a number of special interest groups.
That one fact is extremely important.
John McCain can’t say that. Despite his best efforts to remove money from the political system via the free-speech travesty known as McCain-Feingold, he’s still subject to the requirement that campaigns require money. McCain raised less that $10 million in January – not enough for a national campaign. He’ll have to raise far more than that to have a decent shot at the Oval. Raising that kind of money has a cost – and that cost will be John McCain being beholden to the myriad of donors which put him in that chair.
Mike Huckabee has even less money on hand than McCain. If he had a realistic shot at the Oval, I’d discuss him, but as he has a better shot of winning the Miss America contest, I will dismiss his candidacy without further argument for this post.
The Republican Party has a choice over the next few weeks. We can stay with the back room brokered establishment factory produced candidates who take office with a long list of people to re-pay and go about business as usual, or we can vote for a change. We can vote for a man who is beholden to no one but himself – and the voters.
Mitt Romney cannot be bought.
It really is that simple.
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I have wondered if all those political leaders endorsed John McCain because they suspected that Mitt Romney is not bought easily through favors. I believe that not only can he not be bought with money, but, I also think that he can not be bought through "endorsements". He still has the principle to do what he sees fit without handing out favors and positions to the "friends" who endorsed him when he was running for President.
I just want to say that Mitt Romney is a GREAT AMERICAN. I wish he hadnt suspended his campaign. JFK said once "Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what YOU and do for your country" The Democrats these days dont believe in that they believe in hand outs for lazy people,and for illigal aliens. Mitt is asking what can YOU do for your country? Say no to immoral Hollywood, say no to changing our language to accommodate others. This is America lets tell everyone if you expect to live here then learn English. Mitt belives in a strong America in the America your parents and grandparents fought for. Make families reponsible for their own NOT the governmen, start loving your children enough to be the ones to teach them morals don't expect the government to do it. Mitt Believes we can be that America again. Sure the Democrats want all sorts of freebies for people too lazy to work but that is how a dictatorship emerges by keeping people under their thumbs, by keeping people down making them think that they cant do anything. YOu need a government that give you help temporarily so that you can get a job and get self esteem. Mitt wanted that for all of us , for America to become strong again.
Thank you for letting me ramble on but...Mitt Romney not everyboby knows it I know it THIS COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Michael Savage "savaged" the primary election process on his show tonight. How I wish he had a podcast version of his show so I could link to it.
I made this spoof of MSNBC's home page around 7pm tonight, just to express my frustration with how the "election" (as it were) is being called before all of the West coast voters have had a chance to go to the polls. This happens every four years and none of us does anything about it.
Time to go to a one day primary election process, all secret ballots, and a moratorium on making statements about a candidate's likelihood of winning before the polls close. Prior restraint? Nope. Just good election policy.
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So, as most of you know, right now John McCain seems to be winning the most delegates. It's not looking great. So, in order to comfort me, I decided to grab my old stuffed animal (which always makes me feel better :)) Well, this toy is a republican elephant I got when I first became interested politics, so it's pretty special. And guess what? I can't find it. And it seems like the perfect metaphor for what is happening with the prospect of a McCain nomination. The Republican party that I know and love...seems lost.
Wait, what? Am I seeing that correctly? Has the world gone mad? Did Huck really win? I guess I didn't think he was in the running with Georgia. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention, but I know Romney got some key endorsements there.
Plurality is a poor sense of consensus. A better method is preferential voting. Another is elimination voting. People who supported the eliminated candidate are free to vote for whom they want.
It is clear that in WV the vote was anti-Romney. And that is who won.
WV found consensus. There was nothing wrong.
Now that deal in Louisiana where McCain had the same people on his committed list and on a uncommitted list--that was wrong.
I am working today for a local campaign here in Illinois. Visited a couple precincts in heavily GOP areas. Report is low turnout with lots of Dem ballots being taken. That's good news for Mitt. We want all the modrates and indies to vote Dem and leave the primary for the activists and conservatives.
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Yes, I agree. I live in Naperville, Illinois. The voter's turnout is very low. I came in to vote for Mitt at 4:30 pm and I was only the 188th person to vote.
Ian Ayres, a professor at both Yale's law school and business school, has an interesting post on the Freakonomics blog about the Zogby poll that has Mitt leading California. Ayres says:
But what is the probability that more likely voters in the state actually support Romney? Given the 2.9 percent margin of error, it’s possible that Romney just got lucky and the pollsters happened to ask an unrepresentative group that disproportionately favored Mitt.
It turns out that it is really easy to use the raw information of the poll the leader percent, the follower percent, and the size of the poll) to calculate the probability of leading in the population. In winner-take-all elections (which are not the case for many of the primaries), this “probability of leading” is crucially what we should care about –- because if people don’t change their minds (and, if undecided, break evenly), this is the probability that the poll leader will win the election. But most people have a very hard time making the calculation in their head.
So take a shot: what do you think is the probability that Romney is leading McCain in the population of likely Republican California voters?
Turns out that Romney’s probability of leading is a whopping 92.7 percent. If you want to calculate your own leader probability, I’ve created a simple Excel spreadsheet where you can plug in the numbers and generate an answer for any poll you want.
I took a series of videos at last night's rally in Long Beach, California. Here is a quick question for Romney's traveling press secretary Eric Fehrnstrom about the last minute trip to California.
I'll be posting several videos and pictures as I can get them uploaded.
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"Unfortunately, this is what Senator McCain's inside Washington ways look like: he cut a backroom deal with the tax-and-spend candidate he thought could best stop Governor Romney's campaign of conservative change.
"Governor Romney had enough respect for the Republican voters of West Virginia to make an appeal to them about the future of the party based on issues. This is why he led on today's first ballot. Sadly, Senator McCain cut a Washington backroom deal in a way that once again underscores his legacy of working against Republicans who are interested in championing conservative policies and rebuilding the party."
Can't argue with that.
McCain and Huckabee share two things that has fused their campaigns together. First, is a desire for power. McCain and Huckabee have shown that for them the campaign is not about ideas or the interests of the nation, but is about themselves. They desire power over principle and thus the illicit collusion between them has resulted. They have seen that Romney can beat either of them individually and so have tag-teamed Romney at the expense of conservatism.
Second, both have a deeply misguided understanding of economic issues. The real loser in the Republican race is the economy. Huckabee would have actively pit the wage-payer against the wage-earner in a fight to establish a true poverty in this nation. McCain likewise would regulate the nation into poverty with notions like cap-and-trade. Both these candidates have colluded to make the economy the biggest loser in the Republican race.
I hope McCain (Nixon) and Huckabee (Carter) are happy as our economy returns to the 1970's era stagflation and stunted growth.
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Are you really arguing that McCain and Huckabee broke the law by trying to deny a common opponent a victory? This was the system, and as Jim Geraghty points out, that's the entire point of the caucus system.
Then say unethical. If everyone on this webpage is going to go crazy over McCain supporters voting in their candidate's rational self-interest, at least try to be precise about it.
In the West Virginia Caucus, when it became apparent that Mitt would pull out the first victory of this Super Tuesday, Huck and McCain supporters (obviously working in tandem) got together to combine their delegates against Mitt. Huckabee won his first caucus since Iowa – only with the support of McCain backers intent on derailing the Mitt Express.
If McCain and Huck are going to collude their campaigns, then the time has come for McCain to announce Huck as his VP. To continue Huck’s charade of a campaign is simply dishonest, dishonorable, and makes a mockery of the political primary system.
This tactic is a travesty and West Virginia should be ashamed they allowed themselves to be used in such a fashion.
Memo to Huck: Win fair, or go home. Actually, in truth, you should have gone home a very long time ago. You are a man without honor – and your national political future is over. End Memo.
McCain cannot win in West Virgniia, so his surrogate requests that McCain's supporters vote for Huckabee in the second ballot:
Roemer, who represented McCain at the Charleston event, asked McCain boosters to support Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on the second ballot in order to block former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Of course there was no doubt, but the evidence rises that Mitt is running against two people, well more than, given Hunter's endorsement of Huckabee and Giuliani's endorsement of McCain.
Update: Rush just announced it and it was on the news at the half-hour, Huckabee wins West Virginia and gets ALL those delegates. This was after Mitt had 41% of the votes on the first round. Rush is now talking about this being collusion between McCain and Huckabee (The two campaigns deny this of course.), but Rush says that this merely confirms that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain.
Mike B.
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This just shows that John McCain cannot win by himself. He has to have Huckabee's help in winning. Unfortunately, it looks like he will have his help. At lest McCain did not get the delegates.
Bring it on. I can't help but think this may be one of the very states that comes back to bite McCain in the hiney after all is said and done. Dirty pool is a dirty pool does.
This just confirms for me that should McCain get the nom, no matter who his running mate is, he will not get my vote. I am not going to rally around him just because he has a "R" by his name. I will write in Mitt or I will just stay home.
That being said, I still have faith and hope that McCain can be stopped. Hopefully the voters in my state of CA will pull through for Romney today.
Based on Huckabee’s win here, depriving McCain of WV delegates, could there be a scenario in which Huckabee ends up being a spoiler, not for Romney, but for McCain?
The New GOP Religion: Where Satan (Cain) and Jesus (the Huckster) are brothers! Two for the price of one. Destroying our party like Bill and Hill destroyed the Democrats. Romney in 2012 if all else fails, me brothers.
Well, the best part will be the look on the Huckster's face when (if) McCain names someone else for his veep. Then Huck will feel just like the prom queen the morning after prom when she realizes she got used....
Better McCain than Romney. McCain is far more conservative than Romney the flip-flopper. Without Hunter and Thompson, there are no true conservatives, but McCain is the closest we've got.
I think that Paul was pushed out, and now McCain. Down to Mitt and Hick and all of McCain's people are going to Huck. Comes down to Paul's folks; and I don't think Mitt will get that many of them.
WV is not done yet. WV has a rule that the winner MUST win the majority. Romney did not so it will now go to a second round with only Romney, Huckabee, and McCain on it. The vote will then be among only those three. If a majority is still not picked, then it will go to a 3rd round with only the top 2 on the list. Eventually a majority MUST be picked. This still looks good for Romney!!
...or the voting's not done and cnn's just posting a first ballot for some odd reason. That could be another reason for the lack of coverage. (A perfectly good MSM rant wasted due to that little "reality" thing. Darn)
I guess we'll all just have keep our fingers crossed.
Rush just announced that the McCain forces have joined Huck's forces and Huckabee has won West Virginia. Rush also stressed "A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain."
I am deeply disappointed the Republican Party seems poised to select a nominee who did not support a Constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage, voted for embryonic stem cell research to kill nascent human beings, opposed tax cuts that ended the marriage penalty, has little regard for freedom of speech, organized the Gang of 14 to preserve filibusters in judicial hearings, and has a legendary temper and often uses foul and obscene language.
I am convinced Sen. McCain is not a conservative, and in fact, has gone out of his way to stick his thumb in the eyes of those who are. He has sounded at times more like a member of the other party. McCain actually considered leaving the GOP caucus in 2001, and approached John Kerry about being Kerry’s running mate in 2004. McCain also said publicly that Hillary Clinton would make a good president. Given these and many other concerns, a spoonful of sugar does NOT make the medicine go down. I cannot, and will not, vote for Sen. John McCain, as a matter of conscience.
But what a sad and melancholy decision this is for me and many other conservatives. Should Sen. McCain capture the nomination as many assume, I believe this general election will offer the worst choices for president in my lifetime. I certainly can't vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama based on their virulently anti-family policy positions. If these are the nominees in November, I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life. These decisions are my personal views and do not represent the organization with which I am affiliated. They do reflect my deeply held convictions about the institution of the family, about moral and spiritual beliefs, and about the welfare of our country.
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I'm glad he's coming out against McCain but, even in this statement, he's helping McCain win. Most straightforward to prevent a McCain nomination is to help people coalesce around an alternative. By keeping silent on this matter -- even at this late hour, I personally think this makes Dobson complicit in a potential McCain nomination.
This whole campaign season has just sickened me. McCain can eat dirt and die, for all I care. Telling his supporters to go and vote for the Huckster in the second vote in WV is just awful. I mean, come on! We are going to nominate the big scam on the GOP ever. And DOBSON- GUESS WHAT BUDDY- If you aren't man enough to suck up your anti-Mormon (and if not yours, your supporter's feelings) feelings and freaking ENDORSE Romney instead of tacitly oppose the competition, you are doing nothing to support the causes you champion. Period. Thank you for damming us all.
This really irritates me. If Dobson wanted to make an impact, he should've done so before the morning of Super Tuesday. A little too late Mr. Dobson.....
No one polled me and Mitt can chalk up 2 more votes here in Illinois. My husband and I voted at 6:00 this morning when the polls opened and today we will be phone calling on Mitt's behalf. It is crucial that all conservatives say "no" to McCain. I urge all conservatives to vote today for the only "true" conservative in the race - Mitt Romney. Thank you.
I just cast my ballot in Birmingham, Alabama for Mitt Romney. Come one Alabama, let's win this state for Mitt. Remember, a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. If you are conservative and McCain is not in your top two, you simply can't vote for Huckabee. I know ideally you should vote for who you think is the best candidate, but let's be realistic, Huckabee has no shot at all. None. You are not only throwing your vote away, you are helping John McCain win the nomination. Huckabee is single handedly ruining the conservative movement by staying in the race to gain favor with McCain for VP or some other position. How can you vote for someone who puts his personal ambition above the good of the party and the country?
When it came time for questions, all anyone wanted to know was what is he doing in Boston? One reporter said Romney was "perturbed" that McCain was campaigning in Massachusetts today. McCain responded that he couldn't account for Romney's reaction, but that Romney was welcome to campaign in Arizona. When pressed on his bold prediction last week that he would seal the nomination on Tuesday, McCain backtracked-"I am not predicting that. I am not predicting that. I am guardedly confident that we can do well, but I am predicting nothing....we'll be campaigning all the way until the polls close tomorrow night, I don't think that's predicting victory." Well, yes, he is, but why in Massachusetts, which isn't a particularly tight race, instead of California, where some last minute stops might make a big difference?
One theory: McCain really doesn't like Romney, and as it became clear last week that McCain would almost certainly secure the nomination on Tuesday, this was to be a parting slap in the face. Except today, while McCain is still a heavy favorite, the result in California looks far from certain and there's a real possibility this race will continue past tomorrow's contest. It's hard to see how this was a smart move, but it was pure McCain--inspiring, audacious, and a bit reckless.
Meanwhile...wrap your heads around this:
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Sorry to be an ignoramus on the picture. I recognize Joe Lieberman, but who's the guy in the middle? My guess is that it's someone left of center. My caption suggestions:
"I love it when a plan comes together!"
"The American people have NO idea what we have in store for them. Muuuuuuuuuahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa."
McCain’s strategy of campaigning in MA just before primary day, is one of conspiracy in political subtlety. First, it has to do with the well known notion that if Romney loses in his own state, especially to him (McCain), then that sends a clear message to the voters that Romney will have a hard time winning elsewhere. Secondly, he’s playing to the “time zone” factor. The eastern states, hence MA, have a two/three-hour edge, compared to CA and other western states. In other words, while MA’s results will have been final, CA is still be in the process of voting. Therefore, if Californians find out that Romney has lost in MA, again while still in the process of voting, that will have an impact on the minds of the voters and will likely switch to McCain. And that’s the focus of McCain’s MA strategy, I think.
Californians, let’s not be the victims of McCain’s political ploys! VOTE ROMNEY!
I have seen it posted that Boston could possibly be McCain's Stalingrad. As the German Army marched toward Russia, they stopped off at Stalingrad to rub it in and ended up losing the war.
How about: "We're men, we're men in tights. We roam around the forest looking for fights. We're men, we're men in tights. We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right! We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we'll put out your lights! We're men, we're men in tights, Always on guard defending the people's rights."
Why does McCain go the extra mile when it comes to spilling blood and money overseas but apparently doesn't care all that much about OUR borders? The economic terrorism perpetrated on our country's resources by our southern border friends is as real a long term threat as terrorism. It's imploding the country from the inside out. We have to have a choiceon this in Nov. We don't have 41 senators that will stop an amnesty plan this time around and McCain won't care one wit about the backlash.
McCain campaigning in Mass. when Cal. is basically a toss up state just shows the arrogance and hubris of the guy, not to mention classless. These are core character issues something that is supposedly his strength.If Mcain goes on to get the nom,I'm really not going to like Mitt having to get behind him for the sake of the party. The only problem with that is if he doesn't he'll be labelled a sore loser. It will also be a test of Rush and talk radio. It will come down to principle over party and of course principle should win. If i were Mitt in this case,I would just say I'm sorry but I can't endorse someone I don't believe in and then go campaign and fundraise for congresspeople that want him.
Romney isn't Reagan, he's Bush: a businessman turned governor with no other political experience; a conservative-come-lately with no foreign policy credentials. PLEASE LETS NOT REPEAT THIS MISTAKE.
This one's good enough that I'm going to post it en toto just in case Rudy realizes that he shouldn't have anti-McCain stuff up on his website after he's endorsed him.
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA): “We Would Have Had A Much Bigger Tax Cut If It Was Not For John McCain.” (Kathryn Jean Lopez, “A Conservative Case Against McCain,” National Review,, 1/14/08, Accessed 1/18/08)
In His Twenty-Year Senate Career, John McCain Has Voted At Least Fifty-Two Times For Higher Taxes On The American People – That’s More Than Twice A Year.*
McCain Was One Of Only Two Republican Senators To Vote Against President Bush’s 2001 Tax Cuts And One Of Only Three Republican Senators To Vote Against President Bush’s 2003 Tax Cuts. (H.R. 1836, Senate Vote #170, Conference Report Agreed To: 58-33: R 46-2, D 12-31, 5/26/01, McCain Voted Nay; Lori Nitschke and Wendy Boudreau, “Provisions Of The Tax Law,” CQ Weekly, 6/9/01; H.R. 2, Senate Vote #179, Passed 51-49: R 48-3, D 3-45, I 0-1, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, Senate Vote #196, Conference Report Agreed To 51-50: R 48-3, D 2-46, I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 5/23/03, McCain Voted Nay)
• And McCain Questioned The “Economic Premises” Of The Bush Tax Cuts. “Nor does McCain spare the rod in rejecting Bush’s tax cuts, especially the $1.37 trillion blockbuster Bush pushed through Congress in 2001, criticizing its economic premises and its likely impact. At best, it’s a long-term economic stimulus, not the immediate boost the economy needs, McCain said. ‘All the predicates for the 2001 tax cuts and all the predictions for its results were absolutely, completely wrong,’ he said. And it will worsen the deficit before it ever helps the economy, he added.” (John Farmer, Op-Ed, “Maverick McCain Maintains A National Constituency,” Newhouse News Service, 2/24/03)
McCain Has Voted At Least Seven Times Against Repealing All Or Part Of Death Tax Through 2002. (H.R. 8, CQ Vote #195: Rejected 44-54: R 3-51; D 41-3, 7/14/00, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #124: Motion Rejected 43-56: R 2-47; D 41-9, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #135: Rejected 48-51: R 6-43; D 42-8, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #132: Motion Rejected 41-58: R 1-48; D 40-10, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #149: Motion Rejected 44-54: R 4-43; D 39-11; I 1-0, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 8, Senate Vote #151, Motion Rejected: 54-44, McCain Voted Nay, 6/12/02; S. 1730, Senate Vote 28, Amendment Agreed To: 56-42, McCain Voted Nay, 2/13/02)
McCain Has Voted Against Capital Gains And Dividends Tax Cuts At Least 5 Times. (H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #115: Motion Rejected 47-51: R 40-8; D 7-43; 5/21/01, McCain Voted Nay; S. 476, CQ Vote #127: Motion Agreed To 62-38: R 14-37; D 47-1; I 1-0, 4/9/03, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1054, CQ Vote #171: Adopted 51-49: R 48-3; D 2-46; I 0-1; With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, Senate Vote #179, Passed 51-49: R 48-3, D 3-45, I 0-1, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, Senate Vote #196, Conference Report Agreed To 51-50: R 48-3, D 2-46, I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 5/23/03, McCain Voted Nay; Alan Ota And Martha Angle, “Senate Clears Tax Cut Package For Bush’s Signature,” CQ Today, 5/23/03)
McCain Sponsored And Voted For A Bill To Raise Cigarette Tax By $1.10 Per Pack. (S. 1415, CQ Vote #143: Motion Agreed To 72-26: R 27-26; D 45-0, 5/20/98, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1415, CQ Vote #161: Motion Rejected 57-42: R 14-40; D 43-2, 6/17/98, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1415, CQ Vote #162: Motion Rejected 53-46: R 11-43; D 42-3, 6/17/98, McCain Voted Yea; Senate Republican Policy Committee, “Tobacco Bill/Strike $755 Billion Payments,” 5/20/98) IN 2004, MCCAIN SAID HE WOULD NOT SUPPORT EXTENDING THE BUSH TAX CUTS
In 2004, McCain Said He Would Not Support Extending The Bush Tax Cuts. McCain: “I would have--I voted against the tax cuts because of the disproportionate amount that went to the wealthiest Americans. I would clearly support not extending those tax cuts in order to help address the deficit.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 4/11/04)
* (S. 1920, CQ Vote #403: Agreed To 53-41: R 21-24; D 32-17 12/10/87, McCain Voted Nay; S. 1630, CQ Vote #45: Agreed To 71-26: R 28-17; D 43-9, 3/28/90, McCain Voted Yea; S. 3209, CQ Vote #285: Rejected 49-51: R 12-33; D 37-18, 10/18/90, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 11, CQ Vote #235: Motion Agreed To 56-38: R 28-14; D 28-24, 9/24/92, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 13, CQ Vote #224: Motion Agreed To 53-47: R 44-10; D 9-37, 5/25/95, McCain Voted Nay; S. 949, CQ Vote #137: Motion Rejected 41-58: R 12-42; D 29-16, 6/26/97, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1415, CQ Vote #143: Motion Agreed To 72-26: R 27-26; D 45-0, 5/20/98, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1415, CQ Vote #161: Motion Rejected 57-42: R 14-40; D 43-2, 6/17/98, McCain Voted Yea; S. 1415, CQ Vote #162: Motion Rejected 53-46: R 11-43; D 42-3, 6/17/98, McCain Voted Yea; S. 442, CQ Vote #306: Motion Rejected 28-69: R 27-27; D 1-42, 10/07/98, McCain Voted Nay; S. 1429, CQ Vote #243: Motion Rejected 58-42: R 13-41; D 44-1; I 1-0, 7/30/99, McCain Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 101, CQ Vote #55: Motion Agreed To 52-48: R 51-4; D 1-44, 4/05/00, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 101, CQ Vote #68: Rejected 44-56: R 5-50; D 39-6, 4/07/00, McCain Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 101, CQ Vote #69: Adopted 51-49: R 6-49; D 45-0, 4/07/00, McCain Voted Yea; H. Con. Res. 290, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 50-48: R 50-4; D 0-44, 4/13/00, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #195: Rejected 44-54: R 3-51; D 41-3, 7/14/00, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #194: Motion Rejected 14-84: R 11-43; D 3-41, 7/14/00, McCain Voted Nay; H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #71: Rejected 47-52: R 1-49; D 46-3, 4/04/01, McCain Voted Yea; H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #82: Adopted 54-46: R 5-45; D 49-1, 4/05/01, McCain Voted Yea; H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #84: Adopted 53-46: R 4-45; D 49-1, 4/06/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #112: Rejected 44-56: R 2-48; D 42-8, 5/17/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #115: Motion Rejected 47-51: R 40-8; D 7-43, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #117: Motion Rejected 48-51: R 3-46; D 45-5, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #124: Rejected 43-56: R 2-47; D 41-9, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #126: Rejected 49-49: R 5-44; D 44-5, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #127: Motion Rejected 43-56: R 1-48; D 42-8, 5/21/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #132: Motion Rejected 41-58: R 1-48; D 40-10, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #133: Rejected 46-53: R 2-47; D 44-6, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #135: Rejected 48-51: R 6-43; D 42-8, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #138: Rejected 46-53: R 2-47; D 44-6, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #149: Rejected 50-50: R 4-46; D 46-4, 5/22/01, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #161: Motion Rejected 49-51: R 49-1; D 0-50, 5/23/01, McCain Voted Nay; S. 1052, CQ Vote #214: Sustained 57-41: R 7-40; D 49-1; I 1-0, 6/29/01, McCain Voted Yea; S.1731, CQ Vote #28: Adopted 56-42: R 45-2; D 11-39; I 0-1, 2/13/02, McCain Voted Nay; S.1731, CQ Vote #28: Adopted 56-42: R 45-2; D 11-39; I 0-1, 2/13/02, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #151: Motion Rejected 54-44: R 45-2; D 9-41; I 0-1, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #149: Motion Rejected 44-54: R 4-43; D 39-11; I 1-0, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #151: Motion Rejected 54-44: R 45-2; D 9-41; I 0-1, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #62: Adopted 51-48: R 47-4; D 4-43; I 0-1, 3/20/03, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #68: Rejected 46-53: R 1-50; D 44-3; I 1-0, 3/21/03, McCain Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #106: Rejected 48-52: R 47-4; D 1-47; I 0-1, 3/26/03, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #108: Adopted 56-44: R 50-1; D 6-42; I 0-1, 3/26/03, McCain Voted Nay; S. 476, CQ Vote #127: Motion Agreed To 62-38: R 14-37; D 47-1; I 1-0, 4/09/03, McCain Voted Yea; H. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #134: Adopted 51-50: R 49-2; D 1-47; I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 4/11/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #179: Passed 51-49: R 48-3; D 3-45; I 0-1, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; S. 1054, CQ Vote #171: Adopted 51-50: R 48-3; D 2-46; I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 5/15/03, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #196: Adopted 51-50: R 48-3; D 2-46; I 0-1, With Vice President Cheney Casting A “Yea” Vote, 5/23/03, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #38: Adopted 51-48: R 4-47; D 46-1; I 1-0, 3/10/04, McCain Voted Yea; H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #170: Adopted 58-33: R 46-2; D 12-31, 5/26/01, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 4520, CQ Vote #210: Motion Agreed To 66-14: R 41-3; D 24-11; I 1-0, 10/10/04, McCain Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #53: Rejected 50-50: R 5-50; D 44-0; I 1-0, 3/16/05; S. 1932, CQ Vote #283: Motion Rejected 50-49: R 6-49; D 43-0; I 1-0, 11/3/05, McCain Voted Yea; S. 2020, CQ Vote #340: Motion Rejected 50-48: R 6-48; D 43-0; I 1-0, 11/17/05, McCain Voted Yea)
Pretty funny, eh?
Jeff Fuller
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MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), in his capacity as a private citizen, today released this statement regarding tomorrow's primary votes:
"I have spent the last 33 years as an active evangelical Christian. I am an ordained evangelical minister. I graduated from an evangelical Bible college and an evangelical seminary. I serve on the board of America's oldest association of evangelical church leaders, and I head one of the most active evangelical ministries in Washington, DC.
"I have thought long and hard about the upcoming elections. I have prayed earnestly about them, and I have met many of the candidates and their top campaign people and I have studied their platforms and policy proposals.
"After careful and prayerful consideration, I have concluded that an evangelical vote for Mike Huckabee is a vote for John McCain, and a vote for John McCain will be a disaster for this country.
"Let me explain. It's clear to me and many others that Mike Huckabee is not broadening his appeal enough to win the primary. Therefore, his only contribution is to siphon off votes, giving McCain a clear path to victory. It's very possible Huckabee is being positioned to be John McCain's pick for vice president. In order to win, McCain needs Mike Huckabee and the evangelical votes he brings with him. The specter of a McCain-Huckabee ticket is bad for evangelicals.
"McCain is proud of his signature accomplishment, the McCain-Feingold law co-authored with liberal Democrat senator Russ Feingold. McCain-Feingold severely limits the First Amendment rights of evangelicals. McCain will use this law as the litmus test for his Supreme Court nominees. If a judge is likely to be against McCain's unconstitutional law, McCain will not nominate him. Make no mistake about it, constitutional originalist judges will be against McCain-Feingold. These same judges will also be pro-life, for traditional marriage and for the public acknowledgment of God.
"Only liberal judges will support McCain-Feingold. They will also be pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage and against the public acknowledgement of God. So, with a McCain-Huckabee administration, or with a McCain-anyone administration, we get the wrong judges. Most distressing, we get the wrong justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.
"Evangelicals must consider both the stakes and the realities in this election. Mike Huckabee's continuation only helps John McCain. The consequences are just too great to take this risk. A McCain victory will hurt this country because of the long-term damage of the wrong judges and justices. Worse, McCain's court legacy will continue to hurt our children and our grandchildren, perhaps even our great grandchildren.
"Evangelicals must choose wisely from among candidates other than Mike Huckabee and John McCain as they vote tomorrow, February 5."
For identification purposes only, the Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK) is president of Faith and Action in the Nation's Capital, chairman of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance and co-founder of the annual National Memorial for the Pre-born and their Mothers and Fathers, the only pro-life worship service held inside the U.S. Capitol complex in Washington, DC.
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Wow,hope this helps. I wish all this MCain backlash would have happened a month ago.It's too bad Pastor Joel Osteen can't endorse Mitt that would carry tremendous weight.Mitt was just on Hannity and he sounded VERY upbeat. Let's hope his internal polling has some nice surprises!! They also said Mitt told Huck there's no whining in politics. He also said Huck was acting squirrelly on Late Edition yesterday LOL.
With McCain's clean sweep of the three Potomac primaries Huckabee is 100% eliminated and like it or not John McCain is the GOP nominee.
Huckabee needs to immediately back off from his senseless fight against the Republican nominee so the GOP can begin the work of organizing for a huge battle with the Democrats. If Huckabee and Paul stay in they are harming the party and reducing the chance that conservatives will have a voice in the White House next year.
McCain is not my ideal nominee either, but that's who conservatives have to work with this season. The Democrats are the 'enemy' now, not fellow Republicans.
Let's get with the program...
I suggest a McCain/Romney ticket to unite the GOP and defeat the Democrat contender.
I just got done listening to a little bit of Michael Medved. I know, I know…I should know better. Anyway, Medved was talking about how this election is different from others where there was an ideological battle taking place in the primaries. Of course it benefits Medved to say this because it diminishes the key differences between McCain and Romney, making it a contest more of personality than of policy. Of course I could list several key policy decisions that distinguish McCain and Romney, but none is more important than McCain-Kennedy. Immigration is the core divide in the Republican party right now and Romney and McCain stand on opposite sides of that gulf. McCain now downplays the significance of his role as leading advocate of amnesty for illegal immigrants. He and some other Republicans, like Trent Lott, famously called conservatives in favor of border enforcement xenophobes. McCain now tries to rewrite history by suggesting that Republicans rejected HIS bill only because of lost confidence in government, as if it were a purely psychological issue. That misses the point that Republicans rejected the full idea of HIS bill for various reasons, but mostly because its whole purpose was to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. McCain-Kennedy’s failure was not lack of confidence in government, but a lack of confidence in McCain himself and his vision of immigration reform.
However, even granting Medved’s proposition that there is little policy difference between McCain and Romney (which I find lacks any substance), Romney has the better personality and temperament for the office of president. Medved stated that he liked that McCain was a tough guy, but it seems to me that McCain is a tough guy only on some issues. When was the last time McCain got fiery over judges? When was he a tough guy on tax cuts? When was the last time you remember him worked up over education? Indeed it seems that McCain gets fiery over things he understands, but that is a limited number of issues. I do admit that McCain is a tough guy on immigration, interrogation, and the First Amendment, but he’s on the wrong side of those issues. To project that McCain is a tough guy on all issues misunderstands who McCain is.
Romney, on the other hand, has shown a consistency of character. He is affable and engaging publicly and coolly competent behind closed doors. He is never out of his league on any issue and generally is the most capable person in the room. He refrains from making personal attacks and always projects a sense of optimism. This is the kind of personality that I want in the president’s office. Indeed, it seems much better than someone whose temper is never out of reach. Competence is what I want in a president, not a bully.
I gave up on Medved a long time ago. I don't trust him, he's dishonest, and he has a mysterious secret agenda that is essentially focused on a hatred or Romney.
The stakes are high on Super Tuesday for the republican parties’ presidential contenders, but it could not be higher for them than it is for America. It is very important for the voter to do some homework this weekend so that we as a nation do not end up with a severe case of buyers’ remorse on Wednesday morning. We must be true to our roots and not allow the wolves in sheep’s clothing to rob us blind, and deprive us of who we are, and what we represent as a people once enlightened with the vision of Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush. There are wolves and they have been running a well coordinated attack, and have already taken some of our associates down. These wolves have us on the run and have begun to strategically divide us, and scatter us in preparation for the final move, the destruction of liberty. They want to chase us down the dark road too socialism. We need to rally around our core principles and adhere to them. We must ensure the safety, and success of our parties’ great but now endangered legacy. We need to rise up with a united voice and cast our vote this coming Tuesday, to the only conservative out there; that man is Mitt Romney. Vote Mitt Romney President of the United States of America in 2008.
I have enjoyed Evangelicals for Mitt for a long time. They are smart and insightful writers over there and have made a prominent and compelling case for Mitt Romney's candidacy. Thus, especially with the number of evangelical voters who will be casting their votes tomorrow, I thought it would be good to hear from a smart person, who also happens to be an evangelical voter. Here's my interview with Charles Mitchell:
What is your background?
I grew up in a middle-class family in Philadelphia. As far as I know, my father is a Republican and my mother is a Democrat—but even there, I’m not positive. It’s just not a huge topic of conversation. They both vote in every election, but they certainly never raised me to do something like this.
I was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, but I did not then adhere to anything resembling Christianity—which is a slam on my own unbelief, not on Catholicism, though I do disagree with some of its doctrines. In college, I became involved in an evangelical Christian fellowship—despite the fact that I had no idea what an evangelical Christian was—and eventually confessed my own sin and hopelessness without God, and my need for salvation through Jesus Christ. After a bit of searching, I got involved in a Southern Baptist church and was baptized there.
My wife Charissa and I now live in the D.C. area. I work at a non-profit relating to higher-education reform and Charissa works in finance. We are members of a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is the more conservative (theologically speaking) side of Presbyterianism.
How would you describe your views (i.e. conservative, moderate)?
Oh, you mean politics.
I’m a conservative with some libertarian instincts who sometimes supports the Republican Party and its candidates. I probably like President Bush more than 99 percent of the population, and I proudly voted for him, but I still don’t think he’s a conservative and he irritates me greatly sometimes. Without naming names, I’ll simply say that I would not be able to support in the general election all of the candidates who have pursued the Republican nomination this year—due to insufficient conservatism.
The last political candidate I really got into was then-Congressman Pat Toomey, who challenged Senator Arlen Specter in the Republican primary in 2004, when I lived in Pennsylvania. When Senator Specter prevailed, I supported his Democratic opponent in the general election. Another Republican who didn’t pass muster in my view was my congressman in Pennsylvania, Curt Weldon, who was eventually driven from office due to corruption. The same is true of Don Sherwood, who was my congressman in college.
Republicans like that aren’t worth supporting. In Senator Specter’s case, if you want a Democrat, elect one who admits to being one. And if you see a Republican—a member of the party that is known for being conservative, even though it often is not—behaving in an unacceptable manner, don’t let him tarnish the brand, as Congressmen Weldon and Sherwood, among many others, have.
Is there any sort of hierarchy for you in the spectrum of issues?
Simply put, I want a candidate who is committed to killing terrorists, keeping unborn babies alive, and protecting free markets—in that order. Other issues are important, but gravy. And as for the aforementioned troika, if we lose the war on terror—or whatever you want to call it—nothing else matters. Hence the order.
How did you first come to support Gov. Romney?
It was in 2005. I had been reading about him in conservative publications—John Miller and Terry Eastland had written cover stories in National Review and The Weekly Standard, respectively—and David French approached me. He, along with an evangelical friend of his, had been watching Governor Romney since 1994 and scheming about 2008 since November of 2004. He wanted to know if I would help him and his friend do some heavy lifting on the faith issue, and I agreed. It’s been a wild ride since then.
What appealed most to you about Gov. Romney’s candidacy?
Well, he satisfied my troika of criteria. Also, I think the country wants and needs a different kind of communicator than President Bush. Like I said, I love him more than most, but he sure has his deficiencies—and one of them is shown in the fact that, as I mentioned before, we still don’t even have a common name for this big war we’re in. I truly believe that the biggest problem we’re having stems from lack of support on the home front—and while the left surely hasn’t helped, I just don’t think President Bush’s communication has been up to snuff. People need to be constantly and coherently reminded as to what we’re doing and why, and that simply hasn’t happened. Governor Romney could do better.
Why Evangelicals for Mitt and how did it start?
The blog itself was just a natural outgrowth of the thinking David and the group of friends he assembled had been doing. I mean, come on—it was this or keep filling each other’s Inboxes with constant e-mails!
As far as timing, it happened right after we put together a pretty fun effort at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in March of 2006. That was the first presidential straw poll, and Governor Romney—as a Mormon from Massachusetts—was predicted to do very poorly. In fact, when we had the privilege of meeting him, I believe he said he’d be happy to get three percent. He didn’t know what we were up to, and he ended up beating everybody except the home-state favorite, Senator Bill Frist—who, as you know, didn’t end up running.
From your experience, do evangelicals have different priorities than other voters?
I would submit that most conservative evangelicals are more focused on “values issues” than other voters—but also that the media can distort what those issues are. For instance, more of us than anybody realizes think the war is a values issue. I mean, by definition, the people who are trying to kill us want to destroy our civilization and our values. They want to turn the world into a caliphate—as Governor Romney has often said—and they aren’t shy about it. Sadly, we are!
From a theological point of view, other candidates have more in common with evangelicals. Why not support Mike Huckabee? John McCain?
As David—who is so much smarter than I am, despite the fact that he went to Harvard—puts it so well, theology is only important in a political race to the extent it affects public policy. With a Mormon, the places where we diverge—the Trinity, for instance—are not relevant to public policy. And the places where we are together—family values come to mind—are.
Don’t get me wrong; correct doctrine is extremely important. The Bible doesn’t mince words on that, and if Governor Romney believes all Mormon doctrines, I believe he’s mistaken and that it is a matter of eternal significance. But the mere fact that something is important to one’s relationship with God doesn’t mean it’s something we should give it prime consideration in a political race.
What’s prime consideration? Well, put it this way. If there were another candidate in the race who had all Governor Romney’s good qualities but happened to be a Presbyterian, I’d probably support him. Plain and simple, he’d be more likely to win, because there’d be no need for a website like EFM. But there isn’t. The only other candidate whose doctrine is—near as I can tell—close to mine has nothing of any intelligence to say on the central issue of our times (the war) and believes in massive governmental intervention in the economy. Sorry, but when we’re picking a president—not a pastor—having good theology doesn’t cancel all that stuff out.
What do you say to other evangelicals as to why they should vote for Mitt over other candidates?
At this stage, it’s very simple. The evangelical candidate is out. He will never be the nominee. It is a two-person race, Senator McCain vs. Governor Romney. Evangelicals are right to commend Senator McCain for his views on the war, and for his many pro-life votes in Congress, and for his personal heroism. But there is more than that to consider.
First and foremost is the issue of judges. Senator McCain has distinguished himself by his hostility to numerous conservative judges, even going so far as to unite with seven Democrats on a compromise that deep-sixed numerous conservative appointees. He’s also said, apparently, that he thinks Justice Alito is too conservative. He’s called our kind “agents of intolerance.” And he’s said forthrightly—just the other day—that “[i]t’s not social issues I care about.” Look, pro-life votes are one thing. But the next great battle in the abortion fight is picking the next Supreme Court justice—whose vote could decide the fate of Roe v. Wade. And it’s precisely on judges where Senator McCain has disappointed us before. The stakes are too high to risk having him do it again.
There’s also the issue of the economy. Senator McCain favors massively harmful schemes to combat global warming, and he vociferously opposed the Bush tax cuts—on grounds that sound a lot to me like covetousness, bashing the rich—when they were proposed. Now he says he’ll support renewing them, but why in the world would you make permanent something you thought was a terrible idea? Here again, he’s just not trustworthy on a key issue.
Senator McCain and Governor Romney are on two opposite trajectories. The older Governor Romney has gotten, the more conservative he’s gotten. I don’t know about you, but I can relate. On the other hand, as Senator McCain has aged, he’s gone off the reservation. In the 1980s, he was part of the Reagan Revolution. Today, his instincts reliably take him toward the positions of the mainstream media, not the conservative movement. That’s why he’s called the MSM “my base.”
It would be one thing to support Senator McCain against a candidate who was sure to mess up the war, appoint pro-abortion judges, and raise taxes. If he is the nominee, I will indeed support him against Senator Clinton or Senator Obama—who meet all the foregoing criteria. But there’s no reason to do so now, when there is another candidate who’s with us on all the important issues—not just one. And if you buy that but you’re still concerned about the Mormon issue…well, surf on over to EFM!
Don't get me wrong, I am an avid reader of EFM and think the world of Charles and David, but why-o-why does this "trinity" thing keep coming up in the same paragraph with "the bible doesn't mince words..?" The word trinity is not in the bible ANYWHERE (no matter what translation you prefer) and the concept is not even "biblical" in the sense the Nicene creed promotes. Why does this creep into political discussions at all? I will be happy when all references to religion and backhanded compliments for Romney end. I will be even happier when judgment of Mitt's "eternal soul" likewise ends. It does not help when every endorsement for Romney includes a ominous prediction for his eternal destiny. May we all "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling" and leave the judgment statements to God above.
McCain's spending the day in Boston was originally supposed to look like a symbolic blow to Romney. While Romney was flailing around the country trying to pick up delegates, John and his Straight talk entourage would hang out in Boston and gnaw away at Romney's home town. I am sure there was a lot of high fiving and laughter when the McCain camp made this decision, but one thing is for sure, although McCain seems to want to give the proverbial finger to Romney, the voters in California and Georgia seem to be flipping it back.
The majority of McCain's campaign has revolved around his tough as nuts, tell it like it is personality. It's something America loves. Look to such movie Icons as Clint Eastwood and John Wayne for an example. Yet, as much as America loves an honest straight shooter, America also hates a bully. Look to movies like "Karate Kid" and "Some Kind Wonderful" for an example.
McCain has no chance of turning Massachusetts his way. The latest polls have Romney ahead by 25 points. While McCain lists a Massachusetts delegation of about 28 Massachusetts public figures, of which 3 are currently elected official, Mitt Romney releases a list of 75 elected and public figures who have endorsed his candidacy:
Massachusetts Republican Leaders Supporting Romney For President:
Elected Republican Leaders:
* Bill Weld, Former Governor * Kerry Healey, Former Lt. Governor * Donald Dwight, Former Lt. Governor * Scott Brown, State Senator * Robert Hedlund, State Senator * Bradley Jones, House Republican Leader * Fred "Jay" Barrows, State Representative * Vinny DeMacedo, State Representative * Lewis Evangelidis, State Representative * Paul Frost, State Representative * Susan Gifford, State Representative * Robert Hargraves, State Representative * Bradford Hill, State Representative * Donald Humason, State Representative * John Lepper, State Representative * Jeffrey Perry, State Representative * George Peterson, State Representative * Elizabeth Poirier, State Representative * Karyn Polito, State Representative * Mary Rogeness, State Representative * Richard Ross, State Representative * Todd Smola, State Representative * Daniel Webster, State Representative
Massachusetts Mayor and Sheriffs:
* Michael Sullivan, Mayor of Lawrence * James Cummings, Sheriff of Barnstable County * Tom Hodgson, Sheriff of Bristol County * Frank Cousins, Sheriff of Essex County
Massachusetts District Attorneys:
* Tim Cruz, District Attorney * Michael O'Keefe, District Attorney * Elizabeth Scheibel, District Attorney
Massachusetts State Leaders:
* George Keefe, Former Adjunct General MA National Guard * Oliver Mason, Former Adjunct General MA National Guard * Steve Tocco, Former Chairman of the Board of Higher Education * Kelt Kindick, Former Chief Financial Officer of Commonwealth * Deb Shufrin, Former Director of Business and Technology * Renee Fry, Former Director of Business and Technology * Beth Lindstrom, Former Director of Consumer Affairs * Jane Edmonds, Former Director of Labor and Workforce Development * Tom Trimarco, Former Secretary of Administration and Finance * Ranch Kimball, Former Secretary of Economic Affairs * Stephen Pritchard, Former Secretary of Environment * Ellen Herzfelder, Former Secretary of Environmental Affairs * Tim Murphy, Former Secretary of Health and Human Services
Massachusetts Republican Leaders:
* Ron Kaufman, RNC Committeeman * Jody Dow, RNC Committeewoman * Christina Bain, Republican State Committee * Ricardo "Ric" Barros, Republican State Committee * Jeanne Boynton, Republican State Committee * John Cafferty, Republican State Committee * Christine Cedrone, Republican State Committee * Brock Cordeiro, Republican State Committee * Christopher "Chris" Fava, Republican State Committee * Eamon Fennessy, Republican State Committee * Danielle Fish, Republican State Committee * Andrew Goodrich, Republican State Committee * Marcy Haaland, Republican State Committee * Ronald "Ron" Hastie, Republican State Committee * Linda Jewell, Republican State Committee * Kevin Jourdain, Republican State Committee * Matthew "Matt" Kinnaman, Republican State Committee * Robert "Bob" Magovern, Republican State Committee * Barbara McCoy, Republican State Committee * Edward "Ed" McGrath, Republican State Committee * William "Bill" McKinney, Republican State Committee * William "Bill" Nickerson, Republican State Committee * Kimberly "Kim" Palmer, Republican State Committee * Ellen Rooney, Republican State Committee * Robert "Bob" Semonian, Republican State Committee * Brian Shortsleeve, Republican State Committee * Matthew "Matt" Sisk, Republican State Committee * Susan Slade, Republican State Committee * Cynthia Stead, Republican State Committee * Michael "Mike" Sullivan, Republican State Committee * Mimi Sundstrom, Republican State Committee * David "Dave" Tuttle, Republican State Committee * Jeffrey "Jeff" Wilson, Republican State Committee * Shari Worthington, Republican State Committee
Over and over since Florida we have been told to step in line with the McCain camp. So much, it's laughable. But you know what? McCain has done nothing to make that possibility. Look to Wednesday's debate for the example.
The reasons so many conservatives can't stand McCain is his poke you in the eye and leave you with a wedgy attitude. At a time that McCain is supposed to be rallying conservatives, and being a gracious competitor, he instead takes the opportunity to play head games and take an ego trip. Good, let him. Because apparently while so many McCainiacs think it's cool, enough American's are asking why in the world would we want someone as vindictive and ego driven as McCain making trade deals and controlling our nuclear arsenal.
I make no predictions for Tuesday, but a McCain backlash seems to be gaining some traction.
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I love the "poke you in the eye and leave you with a wedgy attitude" comment... that made me laugh! Mostly because it's funny, partly because it is 100% spot on. Keep up the good work.
Listen up, ONLY a vote for MITT ROMNEY in Republican primaries is a vote AGAINST MCCAIN, a loser that is being aggressively imposed on us by the establishment and the “mainstream” media. By casting your vote on ANY OTHER candidate you will be helping MCCAIN to win the Republican nomination.
"It's a tough war we're in. It's not going to be over right away. There's going to be other wars." Offering more of his increasingly bleak "straight talk," he repeated the claim: "I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars."
"It's a tough war we're in. It's not going to be over right away. There's going to be other wars." Offering more of his increasingly bleak "straight talk," he repeated the claim: "I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars."
- John McCain, February 3rd 2008
I would love a commercial by Mitt Romney saying that he is going to do the same thing that Bush did, and try every diplomatic option with-in reason, and that it is irresponsible to say "there will be more wars". This goes to the heart of why I don't want to vote for John McCain. He is not putting forth an intelligent argument trying to predict that there will be more wars; he is trying to position himself as the know-it all tough-guy. "Yep, there is going to be more wars, but don't you worry there little missy, I'll take care of you."
David Petraeus doesn't say, "there are going to be more wars." President Bush doesn't say, "there are going to be more wars". The Defense Department and State Department don't tell us there are going to be more wars. But John McCain knows more than them all put together. Do you see what a train wreck this is going to be? John McCain has spent 25 years in congress out positioning people politically. Saying the right thing to get elected. If he wins he will go from having a staff of 2 to 6 people, to running the largest organization on the planet. His job will be to collect the brightest people on the planet and trying to prevent more wars. That's what he is going to do right?
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McCain is basically just running for commander in chief.He's a walking disaster on social and other domestic issues.He has an arrogant,bunker mentality towards rank and file Republicans.He can't unite republicans without doing some major flip flops and that would damage his so-called straight talk narrative.I'll take my chances with Mitt on the stage aspousing conservative principles against Clintbama.I want somebody to vote for in Noember,not vote against the other person.
Lost in the shuffle of the back and forth is the subtext of the class warfare card being played by McCain and Huck.If there is a case for a 12th commandment it should be thou shall not speak ill of another person's wealth.All of Mccain's endorsements are based on his being a war hero and leadership. Usually a winning narrative but in McCain's case the leadership is aimed towards sticking a thumb in the eye of conservative voters.
It's funny how Mitt has come from way behind in states where 2 weeks ago you wouldn't have thought he had a chance but you don't see the word "surge" like we saw in every Huck story leading up to Iowa or McCain in NH.I don't know which is worse,the media bias or McCain being declared the winner Tuesday before votes are even cast.
This is exactly why McCain will never win the General Election. His only way of appearing "needed and necessary" is by being the war monger that he is. He is our very own Kim Jung Il. NOBODY will vote for that in November.....
I'm listening to Mary Matalin on Meet the Press. She says Huckabee has a "man crush" on McCain, has contributed nothing to the party, and needs to get out. PWNED.
Does anyone remember "the Manchurian Candidate'? I think McCain has been programmed and he's bringing the Huckster along as his insurance to deceive the gullible.
Why do we on the Republican side always seem to get saddled with the "interesting" candidates? Back in December the polling for the Democrat field looked like this:
Hillary Clinton (35%) Barack Obama (29%) John Edwards (17%) Bill Richardson (10%) Dennis Kucinich (3%) Joe Biden (2%) Chris Dodd (1%) Mike Gravel (0%) None of these (1%) No opinion (3%)
Mitt Romney 30% (11%) John McCain 29% (24%) Mike Huckabee 20% (26%) Ron Paul 8% (4%) Alan Keyes 3% (0%) Undecided 10% (8%)
While the Democrats have now reduced their field to Clinton and Obama, on the Republican side Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, and Alan Keyes are all set to play spoiler, leaving one of the two least conservative candidates of the field with a “clear flight path to the nomination” as described by Michael Barone. Incidentally, the title of his article, “Republicans Unite; Democrats Divide,” is somewhat ironic, given the love-fest which was the Democrat Debate on Thursday night. As Clinton and Obama prepared to leave the stage, he was caught on camera whispering sweet nothings into her ear, with her smiling like a little schoolgirl. It was so cute...
In 1992 it was H. Ross Perot who kept George H. W. Bush from getting a second term, giving the White House to Bill Clinton. Now it is Huckabee, Paul, and Keyes, who can’t seem to bring themselves to leave the stage.
This is so very painful to watch.
Mike B.
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If McCain is the nominee - I am going to change parties and vote for Obama - No way is Bill Clinton going to be in that White House again - and McCain is asking for a Coronation! He reeks of "entitlement"!
I know this is kind of off-topic, but Romney won Maine and all it winner take all? Because the ABC page showing the results said it last updated yesterday at 9:35 pm EST, Romney was the projected winner at 52 percent, and he had 18 delegates and nobody else had any. Please confirm. That would get him a lot closer to McLame and might help undecideds going into Super Tuesday
If you think about it, Huck has been the spoiler for Mitt all along going back to Iowa. He basically came out of no where witha big boost of the MSM and no one had any oppo ready to go on him. Going back even further the media declared him the real winner in the Iowa straw poll last August.So it doesn't surprise me that he wants to stay on and play spoiler to the end. I believe he has a deep seeded anger about Romney's wealth. He brings it up in every interview. He's a very vindictive person which also came out a lot while he was governor of Ark.He often blackballed people that didn't agree with him.
I don't know how he's been able to stick around this long unless he's getting some money from the Mccain donors.
Al we can bank on at this point is rasmussen is showing some states closer than other polls and there will be a lot oflate breakers for Mitt.The other thing you can hope for is Mccain voters thinks he has it in the bag because of the big poll leads and stay home.Certianly all the polls coming out today were designed to demoralize Mitt's voters.
Spidey, let's hope that the MSM (including Fox News which I have quit watching altogether) lovefest for McCain and Huckabee lulls many likely voters into a sense of "he's way ahead, why should I go vote?"
Mitt Romney will be holding a Rally today at the College of Dupage in Lisle, Illinois. If you live in Illinois and want to make the trip here it is:
The Rally with Governor Romney is Sunday, February 3, at 11:50 AM. College of DuPage McAninch Arts Center 425 Fawell Boulevard Glen Ellyn Intersection of Fawell and Park Boulevard
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Just saw Mitt on This Week with George Stepanddodgeis. He did fantastic.He hit every question out of the park.He pointed out his big win in Maine yesterday despite Collins and Snowe campaigning for McCain.He also signalled he'd stay in past Tuesday and dip in his pocket even more.. Latest Zogby has Mitt up by 3 points in Cal.I'm going to have to get splints for my fingers to keep them crossed!!
All I can say is thanks for the advance notice. The paper I subscribe to, the Daily Herald, mentioned Romney was coming to Illinois on Sunday, but since Romney's own website made no mention of it, and a call to headquarters was unreturned, I assumed it was a mistake. I'm upset there was not publicity on this for us Romney supporters in Chicago. The Chicago Trib shows McCain with a 2-1 lead in Illinois. Hopefully this will change by Tuesday.
Now McCain gives us a little more straight talk…apparently while campaigning in South Carolina he told reporters on his bus that “It’s not social issues I care about.” (HT to Anne Leary)
Everyone got that? He doesn’t understand economics, and he doesn’t care about social policy. Should anyone be surprised at the push-back McCain is getting from real conservatives like Michael Reagan?
It's funny how the LA Times has come out and endorsed McCain since they haven't endorsed anyone for President since 1972.Almost sounds like an act of desperation on the MSM's part.Hopefully it will backfire since Republicans in the state despise the paper so much. But the media hasn't thought this thing out very much. If they want attention and ratings during the general election cycle they would have been a lot better off with Mitt as the GOP candidate. Since McCain and the Dems agree on so much the general could be a real snoozer ratings wise.I know I'll be switching my TV when I see Mccain and his forked tongued express comes on :)
Yeah, and did you see the new AP poll out today in California? McCain ahead 32 to 24..... If McCain wins the Rep Nom, I will be off the hook for the next 9 months. I won't pay any attention to politics. No diff between Hill, Barak and Mc. Boring...
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