With Romney's rise in early states and his strong organization coupled with strong resume, Romney has become the "betters" choice among Senators and Congressman it appears. John from Powerline blogs that many Senators are regrouping to Mitt:
I was in Washington today for a combination of business, politics and pleasure. I met with a number of Republican Congressmen and Senators, attended a press conference, and followed events on the Senate floor. Here are a few random thoughts on the day's events...
* The Fred Thompson campaign recently set up an event for 60 of Congress's most solid conservatives. Many of them were hoping to be able to endorse Thompson. Unfortunately, Thompson did not impress the Congressmen. He did not appear to be ready for a tough Presidential campaign. One of his aides explained that Thompson was "rusty," which, as one Congressman told me, did not inspire much confidence in this YouTube era. Some of those who attended are now looking at Mitt Romney as the most viable conservative in the race.
On the Senatorial side we have two solid senators (Talent and Bennett) making the same claim. Granted, both are Romney supporters, yet both are solid Conservatives with a reputation among the party faithful. One participant at Monday's fundraising event in Boston, who is very close to the campaign, sent me this in an email and gave me permission to quote:
I had a similar discussion with Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, also a passionate supporter. He told me that the vast majority of his Senate colleagues, both Republican and Democrat, feel that Mitt will be the Republican nominee. He also said that a majority of his Democrat associates in the Senate feel that Mitt would be the toughest opponent for their nominee based on his skills, message and personality.
And we all remember from a few days ago my interview with Bob Bennett:
It should also be noted that a man at the table I sat with in Boston spoke to Bennett and the Senator told him that Bill Clinton himself expressed that the Clinton's are planning on a Hillary v. Romney match up. I also find it interesting that with several Senators and Former Senators in the running, we see that majority still looks to Romney.
Now this begs the question, do endorsements from Congress matter? Of course they do. Evidence number 1: All the candidates are working to woo the support of Congress. Congressman and Senators have long lists of supporters, contributors and networks from their own campaigns. Generally congressman and senators enjoy some degree of popularity within their districts/states and generally have the support and sway of their state party.
Bennett alludes to Senators who are endorsing other candidates but their hearts are in Boston. This isn't a surprise. As we saw with Blackburn, sometimes state party politics and future political aspirations trump your own personal preferences. That's not criticism, just reality.
So it will be interesting to see how many Senators decide to get in the fray and when. Then we will see how correct this information I have gleaned is.
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Great scoop Jason! It is a bit encouraging to hear this come from multiple sources.
It doesn't give reason to get overconfident, as the "political asiprations trump your own personal preferences" elements can work both ways. On that score, I am particularly curious about the efforts Fred Thompson must be making to wooo Jim DeMint over into his camp. SC is a stronghold for Thompson, and may put DeMint in an awkward situation if Thompson's star continues to rise there. I personally believe that Romney needs to retain both DeMint's endorsement and his firm vocal support in order to win South Carolina . . . it's going to be a tough contest down there.
Having said that, there is plenty of reason to be optimistic!
Nice Romneyspin on a meeting that actually took place back in April. Strangely, news reports at the time had no mention of a failure on Fred's part to "impress the Congressmen," nor that FDT did not "appear to be ready for a tough Presidential campaign," nor of Fred being "rusty," nor that Thompson "did not inspire much confidence," and especially not mentioning that some of the attendees "are now looking at Mitt Romney as the most viable conservative in the race."
The Associated Press is not known for being GOP-friendly or fair to conservatives. Yet the actual AP news report of the meeting at the time carried the headline “House GOP Gush Over Actor Fred Thompson.”
Here’s an excerpt from the story:
“WASHINGTON — The welcome for Fred Thompson wasn’t just warm, it was effusive. The former Tennessee senator and actor is still weighing whether to run for the GOP presidential nomination but House Republicans who met with him Wednesday gushed over the prospects of Thompson candidacy.”
“They called him presidential, a leader, a proven conservative, an exciting prospect and ‘a breath of fresh air.’”
“Even those congressmen who wouldn’t yet commit offered praise.”
“’Very impressive,’ said Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla. ‘He has the charisma and the fortitude to lead our nation at what is a very difficult time.’ And Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., called Thompson a straight shooter, and said: ‘I’m looking for somebody that can excite America again.’”
I can understand Romney supporters wanting to put the best possible spin on events to help their guy. All political campaigns do that. But when you try to rewrite history, you're engaing in tactics more worthy of the Democrats.
A look at Mitt's numbers in the national polls shows what may be behind this:
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics (6/27) - 8% Rasmussen Reports (6/26) - 12% CNN/Opinion Research (6/25) - 9% Newsweek (6/23) - 12% Cook/RT Strategies (6/19) - 7% USA Today/Gallup - (6/18) - 7% Harris (6/14) - 11% American Research Group (6/13) - 10% NBCNews/WSJ (6/13) - 14% Quinnipiac (6/13) - 10% LA Times/Bloomberg (6/11) - 10% Associated Press/Ipsos (6/9) - 10% McLaughlin & Associates (6/5) - 8%
Average across all polls: 8.3%
No wonder Mitt's troops are engaging in acts of pure desperation. Although I'm a hard-core Fred supporter, I think Mitt Romney is one of the good guys and deserves better from his followers.
I had no idea quoting Powerline was pure seperation.
Coming to a Romney blog to post meaningless polling and telling us we should be afraid of Fred "No Accomplishment" Thompson is what reeks of desperation.
I accidently erased your comments in the moderation section. I really apologize. If you want to repost I will put them up. I know they were long, so I really apologize. We have to moderate comments do to the high amount of spam we would get other wise.
This may seem harsh. Fred Thompson is not a candidate for President. If he has the desire and the courage to step up and seek to articulate the direction he believes the country should go (hopefully something different than the direction he sent us as a lobbyist), then he should do so. Until he shows he actually has enough motivation to do something good for the country and isn't just flattered by the attention, he doesn't deserve serious consideration.
Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute has an absolutely wrong piece over at NRO about healthcare. I don't disagree with the principle that he's writing about. He urges a return to conservative and free market principles on healthcare. Certainly he's right. The prescription drug plan has been an exposition in government expansion. He also argues that we should reject a government take-over of healthcare. Again, he's right on point.
However, Tanner takes an egregious wrong turn by equating Romney's healthcare plan with Hillary Care:
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has embraced the big-government approach. He has joined Democrats in calling for universal health coverage. The plan he supported in Massachusetts is a variation of HillaryCare.
Apparently, Tanner didn't see this at the debate:
Or maybe he missed this from the MSNBC debate:
Or maybe even this:
Tanner goes on to praise Rudy Giuliani's plan that expands healthcare savings accounts and reforms various tax provisions. Certainly there is much to be admired of Giuliani's plan, especially when compared to any Democratic plan. However, it will result in only changes at the margins. Romney's plan is a much bolder plan that would do more for more people. That does not make Romney's plan a liberal idea in disguise. Bold does not translate to liberal.
Tanner mistakenly equates small government with small ideas. Romney sees that even small government can accomplish large things. The small government, conservative principles that Romney advocates are powerful tools that can accomplish something as audacious as insuring a nation.
"His eight years as mayor of New York were the most successful episode of conservative governance in this country in the last 50 years."- George Will
Does this claim seem a little outrageous to you? If so, my question for you is, can you think of any mayor, governor, or president whose service you would nominate over Giuliani as the "most successful episode of conservative governance in this country in the last 50 years?"
George Will gets to judge what it is CONSERVATIVE??? George Will's flavor of Conservatism, just like the Mayor's, is what we call LIBERALISM down here in Georgia.
Eliminating the distinction between crack and powder cocaine apparently is at the top of the docket for Democrats' reforms of the criminal justice system. This is the height of misplaced priorities for the national executive.
The question asked if there should be a federal right to return to New Orleans. This debate is getting more and more silly by the minute. There is an absolute right under the constitution to travel and relocate. That there is any discussion of this issue shows the lack of depth of the democratic constituency.
Finally a semblance of sanity about outsourcing from Joe Biden. Sometimes he sounds so reasonable (especially compared to this crowd) and then I remember the judicial nominations of Roberts and Alito.
Kucinich just tried to outflank Gravel by advocating the abolishment of NAFTA. You're going to have to do better than that Dennis. Once you start to advocate assassination of President Bush you'll regain the title of nuttiest Presidential nominee.
I'm reaching for the earplugs again with Hillary.
A buzz word in Democratic circles has been "moral authority". My question is: What does it matter if you have "moral authority" if you are unwilling to act? Kucinich's department of Peace would have all the moral authority in the world, but it would do nothing. Certainly the UN has moral authority, but we all know what the UN has done with that moral authority. It seems more important for these candidates to portend morality than to act.
Why we have a methamphetamine epidemic in America, they are bickering about whether crack should be treated different than powder cocaine? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/meth/ How about talking about real problems in America, like securing our border so the high grade crank coming from Mexico is interdicted?
A few thoughts from the Democratic debate last night:
Bill Richardson summed it up for the Democrats when he said that we shouldn't worry about how to pay for all the programs they propose. Really? This was the party promoting fiscal discipline this last election, right? That kind of fiscal irresponsibility is dangerous on the personal level and even more so on the national level.
John Edwards is the most dangerous top tier candidate for America. With all due respect to Clinton and Obama, Edwards would pit America against itself in a class and racial warfare. He is the antithesis of the successful welfare reform passed in the 1990's.
Denis Kucinich has lost his turf to Mike Gravel, who when he ends his run for the presidency will return to the asylum he was let out of.
I'm not sure if Hillary realizes that she has a microphone in front of her. Apparently she's trying to return to the old days where your message only carried as far as the sound of your voice. I feel like I just got out of a rock concert after listening to her.
Two topics popped up in this U.S. News article after an interview with Romney. The surge in Iraq and Religion. The statements about the surge continue to show what type of leader Romney would be and offer something of a clear contrast between his management style and Bush 43's.
"Romney wants the administration to publicize the "metrics" it will be using to evaluate progress in Iraq this fall, when several reports on the Iraq involvement are due. Among the factors that Romney says must be considered are how much the Iraqi military has improved in providing security and how many neighborhoods the Iraqis have been able to clear and hold in their struggle against the insurgents. He expressed concern that, if the administration doesn't explain the metrics it will be using to assess the effort, President Bush will open himself up to criticism that he is basing his case for further involvement only on the positive factors, not on a fair and comprehensive review of conditions in Iraq."
This is consistent with everything we have heard about Romney as a leader. He wants to provide the information to the voters. He wants to know the details of what is going on and to have specific aspects of the effort to use as measurements of progress. He wants to analyze that information and try and make better decisions based upon it. Clearly defined goals, clearly defined measurements, and lots of disclosure.
On religion:
"Romney also said he has become more willing to address 'the Mormon issue' head-on perhaps in a high-profile speech later this year. He said he hadn't thought such a speech would be necessary until very recently, as his critics have raised anew the issue of his faith, describing it as little more than a cult. Romney told U.S. News that the series of attacks have been very unfair and "may well change my thinking" about a clear-the-air speech."
"He noted that in 1960, John F. Kennedy gave a major speech about his Roman Catholicism, declaring that on matters of public policy, he would always put the country first. While Romney expressed doubt that he could match Kennedy's eloquence, he said delivering such a speech might be wise later this year."
This seems consistent with earlier impressions that I had. The campaign seems to want to introduce Romney to the country before taking the step of proactively answering the critics of having a Mormon for President. What actually surprised me is that the thought of never answering that question seemed to be a possible approach. I believe he will need to go on record and declare that as an elected representative he is responsible to place the interests of the American people above his own personal preferences and to do what is in America's interest. I believe this will allay doubts in some people's minds who simply know very little about how religion might influence Mitt as President.
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The opposition is at it in Iowa seeking to attack Romney through use of some 1994 statements about farm subsidies. Romney said back then "I also believe we're going to have agriculture subsidies reduced". Unfortunately, the context of that statement is a little lost on me. Either way, it is totally insignificant to our current situation as a country. In 1994, little was known about the potential for America's farmland to play a significant role in freeing our country from reliance on foreign oil. Because of that potential, our national security requires a different approach now. Romney has promised to lead an energy revolution in our country. As the article explains:
"Romney's Iowa campaign spokesman Tim Albrecht insisted an archival video does not diminish the former governor's strong support for agriculture."
"'Gov. Romney believes that investing in agriculture is key to our economy and families,' Albrecht said. 'America's farmers not only provide food for the dinner table, but they will play a critical role in lessening our reliance on foreign sources of oil.'"
"We must become independent from foreign sources of oil. This will mean a combination of efforts related to conservation and efficiency measures, developing alternative sources of energy like biodiesel, ethanol, nuclear, and coal gasification, and finding more domestic sources of oil such as in ANWR or the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)."
Don't get me wrong, there are probably many inefficiencies in the way subsidies are managed and there are probably other programs that will be needed to encourage the type of farming required for our national needs. But I think it is clear that the situation has changed such from 1994 that maintaining and expanding America's ability to produce crop that will lead to efficient production of the highest quality biofuels is a high priority and we can expect subsidies to play an important role in any strategy to continue to encourage production.
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Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on the United States Senate's vote on the immigration reform bill:
"The immigration bill failed because the politicians in Washington are out of touch with the American people. The voice of the people is loud and clear – secure the border, enforce the law and no special deal for permanent residency or citizenship for illegals. America will always welcome legal immigration, but as a nation we also insist on the rule of law."
me like.
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Down Goes Cloture! Down Goes Cloture! Down goes cloture! Down goes the immigration deal, for the second time! 46 to 53 is the final vote.
Sam Brownback ultimately voted "no" after initally voting "yes."
McCain voted yes.
If I am not mistaken, all the Democratic senators running for president voted yes.
Second, another important Supreme Court decision, this time striking down the use of race in elementary and secondary schools to acheive a racial balance.
I hesitate to even utter his name. Yet, Brownback has really done himself in with this week's immigration vote. I guess he was never in the race to begin with, but what a collosal flip-flop!
First, he votes "yes" and 10 minutes later he votes "no." What is he doing? I can't think of a better example of flipping followed by flopping. He now has negative (less than zero) credibility in his attacks on Mitt for any issue--abortion or otherwise.
People can evolve and remain principled if they follow credible paths. Brownback's 10-minute flip-flop (and his post-vote explanations found at the link below) isn't so credible.
Q2 fundraising will come to a close in just a few short days (June 30th).
In light of this, I wanted to revive my previous post about how the MSM spun Romney's Q1 fundraising success as being "Deep But Narrow." I also pointed out in a follow-up piece that such characterization of Romney was incorrect and that most other candidates relied on big donors more than Romney did.
Both Giuliani and McCain have more June fundraisers than Romney (50, 30, and 25 respectively). Rudy might be tough to beat in Q2 fundraising. Romney needs more money to run his campaign than nationally recognized Rudy, McCain, and Actor Fred Thompson. It's looking like Q2 will be a fundraising horserace. The Boston Globe reports:
Mitt Romney, whose surprising $21 million first-quarter fund-raising haul topped Republican rivals in the 2008 White House race, said on Monday he expected a drop in fund-raising cash in the current quarter. . . . He said he expected former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to have raised the most campaign funds in the second quarter among Republican presidential candidates. He expected money raised by Arizona Sen. John McCain "to be up significantly," he said
This story also notes that Romney is going to personally help fund his campaign in Q2). The stakes are high folks! This is where we come in.
Please take it upon yourselves to donate to Romney's campaign!! If you haven't donated yet and money is tight just give $5 or $10. Help increase the total number of donors by making sure your spouse donates as well and any family members who will be 18 by election day 2008. Get your friends, classmates, & co-workers to donate too. Feel free to use my fundraiser ID (225003) when you donate. If you donated in Q1, make sure you donate more in Q2! My wife and I have more than doubled our Q1 donations.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, get the courage to send an email or place a call to all of your family and friends about why you have donated to Romney's campaign and invite them to do the same on or before June 30th.
America needs Mitt in 2008 . . . but right now Mitt needs us!!!
Jeff Fuller
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How can a negative article be good news for a campaign?
A recent piece from Time Magazine is titled "Romney's Cruel Canine Vacation" tries to expose Mitt Romney as a heartless animal abuser.
Here's the good news . . . while Giuliani is getting hammered for dropping in the polls and his handling of 9/11, McCain is taking a beating over immigration and his flailing campaign, and Fred Thompson is going through his first round of vetting, the best they can come up with now against Romney is perceived animal cruelty nearly 25 years ago. There may be 3 or 4 Americans who will not vote for Romney because of this incident, but, something tells me they wouldn't be voting for any Republican anyway.
This, my friends, is the sign of a solid candidate running an excellent campaign.
Jeff Fuller
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Here is one version of the story at Time: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1638065,00.html I find this particular article to be absolutely outrageous. To compare this to Romney's support of aggressive interrogation of terrorists? Absolutely irresponsible in my opinion.
Second of all, is anyone else skeptical that the MA animal cruelty law would cover this even by a stretched reading? According to other accounts, Romney biult a windshield for the carrier to limit the pressure of the wind. How is this different than riding in a convertible? Would it be unnecessarily cruel or inhuman to have an animal carrier in a convertible? Of course not. Absolutely scurilous, in my estimation. People do a lot of violent acts to animals that juries regularly equit on and we want to fixate on this? Give me a break. Really, a highly unnecessary character attack.
I want to start off by saying that I am generally satisfied with the Republican candidates for president. They are people with whom I find a lot of common ground and would vote for long before any of the Democratic contenders.
Still, there are issues that trouble me about each candidate. I've talked before about some of my qualms about McCain, most recently in discussing McCain-Feingold. Today, there is one question that still plagues me about Rudy Giuliani: How?
Giuliani's position on abortion has been well documented and I have explained the fallacy of his constitutional reasoning for supporting taxpayer funding of abortions. More recently Giuliani has argued that he will increase adoptions and decrease abortions. It is one of his now famous "twelve commitments". Giuliani has repeated the statistics from his tenure as mayor evidencing that phenomenon in New York.
Which brings me back to my question: How? What is it that will accomplish these two goals? What policies resulted in the success in New York? Or was it purely coincidence that took place during Giuliani's How will that work on the national stage? I assume that Giuliani will explain as he gets through fleshing out his twelve commitments, but count me skeptical right now.
Mostly I find myself skeptical because the two issues do not necessarily correlate. Increasing adoptions does not necessarily decrease abortions. Conversely decreasing abortions does not necessarily translate into more adoptions. Thus, trying to merge the two issues confuses the listener.
Which brings me to a reason why I support Mitt. We have seen Mitt defend life. He understands the role that a strong executive can play in reducing abortions. It's not just through strict constructionist judges. It's not just through personal opposition. It is through the full exercise of executive powers. Right now Mitt understands and advocates that. Rudy does not.
* Mitt Romney 23% (20) * Fred Thompson 17% (10) * Rudy Giuliani 14% (18) * John McCain 10% (16) * Tommy Thompson 6% (7) * Mike Huckabee 5% (3) * Newt Gingrich 4% (5) * Sam Brownback 3% (2) * Ron Paul 2% (2) * Tom Tancredo 2% (2) * Duncan Hunter 1% (1) * Jim Gilmore 1% (1) * Chuck Hagel 1% (1) * Undecided 11% (12)
Can't wait for more debates or other opportunities to get Romney and Fred Thompson out in the public view. My prediction is that with more "in person" face time, or live TV, Romney's climb upward will continue and Fred will lose his current "Savior of the GOP/Second Coming of Reagan" aura/reputation. His poll numbers will drop accordingly.
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David Brody, the intrepid Washington reporter for CBN, interviewed Rudy over the weekend and does an excellent job grilling the Mayor on a host of issues. See these clips:
First off, I want to encourage our readers to read the actual opinion. If you want to get a good idea about the arguments involved in the campaign finance reform issue, the majority opinion, concurrences, and dissent all provide a good representation of the different sides of the argument.
Here’s a little about the case. It is a follow-up case to McConnell v. FEC. McConnell decided that McCain-Feingold was valid just from a reading of the language, but left open the question of whether in actual application it would still be constitutional (or in legal terms, an “as applied challenge”). FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life resolves the question of the as applied challenge. Chief Justice Roberts, the majority author, decided that McCain Feingold is unconstitutional as applied to the issue ads by WRTL without reversing McConnell. Justice Alito concurred, noting that he would be open to overruling McConnell depending on the effect of the WRTL case’s effect. Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy concurred in the result, but stated that McConnell should be overruled. Justices Souter, Stevens, Breyer, and Ginsburg dissented.
In a sense this is both a small and a big win for free speech. It’s a small win because the actual outcome is fairly narrow. This follows the general judicial philosophy of Justices Roberts and Alito, who generally have been deciding cases on narrow grounds rather than making grander pronouncements. Roberts’ declination to overrule McConnell makes this holding of this case fairly narrow, dealing only with what is and what isn’t an issue ad. Much like the partial-birth abortion case, Gonzales v. Carhart, the narrow grounds upon which the case was decided tempers the ability of the winning side to make any grand pronouncements as to the effect of the case.
On the other hand, this is a big win for McCain-Feingold’s opponents. The test set forth by Roberts is exacting. It will make McCain-Feingold essentially toothless for any political ad other than those expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate. Additionally, WRTL paves the way for further erosion and the possible overturning of McCain-Feingold in its entirety. Three Justices already openly advocate it. Alito signaled that he could be convinced to do so. Roberts is more cryptic, but it seems likely at the least that he would also be willing to overturn it. Such a reversal would be a huge win for such a conservative cause as the First Amendment. (Note that usually the first amendment is a clarion call for liberals defending the worst human behavior – i.e. “bong hits for Jesus - while suppressing its intended purpose of promoting political speech).
McCain (and possibly Fred Thompson) should be embarrassed for supporting such a blatant infringement of the First Amendment. While his concern with political corruption is laudable, silencing political speech is directly prohibited by the First Amendment, and certainly is not the method to avoid corruption. That McCain would choose to sacrifice free speech for the sake of political candidates is indefensible. Roberts’ judicious approach to the law leaves McCain-Feingold still alive but on life-support. Had Justice Scalia been writing the majority opinion, he would have left nothing of McCain-Feingold’s restrictions on speech. Indeed, as Scalia notes in his concurrence:
There is wondrous irony to be found in both the genesis and the consequences of [McCain-Feingold]. In the fact that the institutions it was designed to muzzle—unions and nearly all manner of corporations—for all the “corrosive and distorting effects” of their “immense aggregations of wealth,” were utterly impotent to prevent the passage of this legislation that forbids them to criticize candidates (including incumbents). In fact the effect of [McCain-Feingold] has been to concentrate more political power in the hands of the country’s wealthiest individuals and their so-called 527organizations, unregulated by §203. (In the 2004 election cycle, a mere 24 individuals contributed an astounding total of $142 million to 527s.) And, in fact, while these wealthy individuals dominate political discourse, it is this small, grass-roots organization of Wisconsin Right to Life that is muzzled.
This also means that a candidate with the most soft money allies has a huge advantage. It opens up a huge venue for full fledge advertising blitz right up to the election. While it is great for Right to Life Groups, it supercharges the George Soros of the world, while hard money limits still handcuff the individual candidates.
I had a chance to interview Bob Bennett today while in Boston. He had some interesting things to say about Romney and those Senators who "support" him:
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With extraordinary patience (on behalf of contributors that I called for the umpteenth time) and with your generous online donations... we made our goal!
We'll have more updates throughout the day. Stay tuned! And thank you.
After all is said and done... MMM readers have helped raise $60,000 this year for Mitt!
Here's a quick pic from the event at Fenway with 1000 supporters at Fenway park:
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It will take me a few days in may spare time to process all this information, but make sure to check out the Boston Globe's "The Making of Mitt Romney" 7-part special edition. There seems to be over a dozen of detailed and lengthy articles highlighting different phases throughout his life.
I've been reading just about everthing Romney-related for over a year now, and I've learned lots of new things more about him after just spending the last hour going through less than a quarter of it.
One thing that I've noticed so far from the peices I've read is that it's pretty hard to find one of Mitt's personal contacts from his past that have anything bad to say about him.
Thoughts? Impressions? Favorite Parts/Quotes?
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So far, the most telling quote in the entire series, in my mind, is found at the top of the third page of the story about his time at Harvard. It reads: "Romney's classmates also remember him as enthusiastic and optimistic, noteworthy qualities at that time of war and social turmoil. 'He was just full of energy and excitement about the law and law school,' said Garret G. Rasmussen, who, by virtue of alphabetical seating, sat near Romney their first year at law school. "There was nothing jaded about him, nothing skeptical, nothing ironic. He was all positive, and it was a very refreshing style.'" In conversations with acquaintances about Romney, one of the most common complaints I hear about him is some variation of "No one is that good." They see him as too polished, even fake, simply because they cannot imagine that anyone really could be as good as Romney truly is. It seems that he has really been that good, even from his drad school days.
What a sad commentary when goodness, intelligence, wealth, business savy a great family and capability are deemed by many Americans as a negative. We should all want the best and brightest among us to lead our country. I have met Mitt and had the chance to speak with him on several occassions and my impression of him now exactly mirrors that of his grad school friends. HE REALLY IS THAT GOOD!!!
The decision is a pretty strong protection of "issue ads" even if they name a current candidate for office. McCain et al.'s arguments were slapped down one by one. More thoughts at President Mitt Romney.
Most of the time, when a presidential candidate gives a major policy address, his campaign invites the public to attend or at the very least allows members of the media to cover it. But not smooth talking Mitt Romney. Last night in Denver, when Romney gave a speech to the American Enterprise Institute that campaign aides spent the week billing as a "major address" on national security issues, no reporters or members of the public were permitted to attend. [The Atlantic Online, 6/18/07; AP, 6/22/07] Instead, his campaign issued canned quotes from his prepared remarks.
Romney's decision to keep the press out of last night's speech follows an embarrassing string of goofs, gaffes, and flip-flops during his previous forays into foreign policy.
However, they fail to mention that AEI rules require that this event be closed to the press. This is confirmed by The Politico here:
Check out the 31 Power Point slides former Gov. Romney used last night at the American Enterprise Institute’s World Forum in Beaver Creek, Col., which was closed to the press under AEI rules.
I know these guys are desperate to ding Mitt whenever and however they can, but to outright lie to the public and state that it was "Romney's decision" to keep the press out is copletely unacceptable.
Tuck this away in your memory when next you see a press release from these jokers at the DNC.
Lorrie Morgan, a country singer who dated Thompson and considered marrying him in the mid1990s, told The Sunday Times: “I couldn’t think of a bad word to say about Fred if somebody put a gun to my head...
...“I think he has a great chance of capturing the women’s vote. He’s majestic. He’s a soft, safe place to be and that could be Fred’s ticket. Women love a soft place to lay and a strong pair of hands to hold us,” she said. (link)
As a woman who finds certain "older men" (think Sean Connery) attractive, I just don't get it. Fred seems like a nice guy to be around but he looks very old and very frail -- not at all strong -- to me.
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