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Friday, June 29, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:58 AM | permalink
Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute has an absolutely wrong piece over at NRO about healthcare. I don't disagree with the principle that he's writing about. He urges a return to conservative and free market principles on healthcare. Certainly he's right. The prescription drug plan has been an exposition in government expansion. He also argues that we should reject a government take-over of healthcare. Again, he's right on point.

However, Tanner takes an egregious wrong turn by equating Romney's healthcare plan with Hillary Care:
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has embraced the big-government approach. He has joined Democrats in calling for universal health coverage. The plan he supported in Massachusetts is a variation of HillaryCare.
Apparently, Tanner didn't see this at the debate:

Or maybe he missed this from the MSNBC debate:

Or maybe even this:

Tanner goes on to praise Rudy Giuliani's plan that expands healthcare savings accounts and reforms various tax provisions. Certainly there is much to be admired of Giuliani's plan, especially when compared to any Democratic plan. However, it will result in only changes at the margins. Romney's plan is a much bolder plan that would do more for more people. That does not make Romney's plan a liberal idea in disguise. Bold does not translate to liberal.

Tanner mistakenly equates small government with small ideas. Romney sees that even small government can accomplish large things. The small government, conservative principles that Romney advocates are powerful tools that can accomplish something as audacious as insuring a nation.

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