Turns out Romney did pretty well. He was smart enough to not waste a graduation by talking about his campaign, instead he focused on how these graduates can best operate in the future.
Here are some quotes:
"You know, I don't remember when it was exactly when I went beyond the sandbar. My family had a cottage on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. For the first 40 feet or so, the lake is shallow, warm, and protected from the big waves by a sandbar. That's where I spent most of the hot summer days as a boy. I liked it there. One day, my brother got me up on water skis. Perhaps fearing that a turn would cause me to fall, he drove the boat – and me – straight out into the deep. By the way, the lake is over 100 miles wide. I screamed the whole terrifying ride. But ever after, the deep water is where I wanted to be – body surfing in the breakers, water skiing, diving. Oh yes, the water wasn't as warm and calm, but it was clean and powerful and invigorating. I got out of the shallow water for good.
"Over the years, I have watched a number of people live out their lives in shallow water.
"In the shallows, life is all about yourself – your job, your money, your rights, your needs, your ideas, your comforts.
"In the deeper waters, life is about others – spouse, family, friends, faith, community, country. In the deep waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, protracted battles of consequence."
"You are, of course, giving a great deal of thought to your career. The economic environment may be more turbulent and competitive than my generation has known. Some of you will be tempted to stay near shore, where there are no big breakers and where you will never make any waves. Others will push beyond the sandbar, pursuing new frontiers, exploring new ideas, driving to achieve, to learn, to influence, to contribute.
"That, of course, is the heritage of this land. The people who came to Jamestown 400 years ago may not have all been saints. But they were all pioneers. They crossed the broadest waters and dreamed the grandest dreams. Their spirit is the American spirit. It is why America surpassed our native England to become the world's most powerful nation. And it is the heart and spirit of the American people that make this country the hope of the world. Great people have made a great nation."
"If there ever was a time for great Americans, great and good Americans, Americans who are willing to cross into the deep waters of life, it is now.
"You cross into the deep waters by marrying and raising good children. There is no work more important to America's future that the work that is done within the four walls of the American home.
"You cross into the deep waters by driving yourself in your education and in your avocation beyond the safe and comfortable, to reach new insights, to make contributions, to serve.
"You cross into the deep waters by serving in your church, in your community, in the military, in government or in volunteer service.
"I am optimistic about the future of America because I have seen the spirit and heart of the American people."
Another gem can be found here:
"It seems that Europe leads Americans in this way of thinking," Romney told the crowd of more than 5,000. "In France, for instance, I'm told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up. How shallow and how different from the Europe of the past."
And he twice referred to the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16 in which a gunman killed 32 people before killing himself.
"We're shocked by the evil of the Virginia Tech shooting," Romney said. "I opened my Bible shortly after I heard of the tragedy. Only a few verses, it seems, after the Fall, we read that Adam and Eve's oldest son killed his younger brother. From the beginning, there has been evil in the world."
He added: "Pornography and violence poison our music and movies and TV and video games. The Virginia Tech shooter, like the Columbine shooters before him, had drunk from this cesspool."
Pretty optimistic and inspiring and frankly the kind of talk our nation needs. Most of our social ills are rooted in the selfishness that permeates our society which Romney rightly deems the shallow waters. I was also glad to hear Romney bring up pornography as part of the cesspool that our nation has been fed. While I don't think this is something for a platform, greater awareness of pornography's effects on the nations young and the public at large would only have a positive outcome.
Romney spoke here with the kind of optimism our nation needs. Romney argued that as individuals and as a nation we are happiest and most fulfilled when we put others first, serve our communities and church's, are engaged in noble causes and take responsibility for our own actions. Truly, this is the message our nation needs.
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"Another gem can be found here:"It seems that Europe leads Americans in this way of thinking," Romney told the crowd of more than 5,000. "In France, for instance, I'm told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up. How shallow and how different from the Europe of the past."
You are right this is a gem.
This gem shows just how ignorant he is since such a thing doesn't exist in France or anywhere else in Europe for that matter.
"I was also glad to hear Romney bring up pornography as part of the cesspool that our nation has been fed."
Unfortunately, it's just another example of his hypocrisy. Romney was for nearly a decade a "hands on" member of the board of directors of the Marriott Corp., one of the nation's biggest white-collar porn peddlers that sells tens of millions of dollars of pornographic movies each year through its in-room movie system.
"(A Marriott spokesman) said none of the programing offered by Marriott is illegal, and he depicted adult movies as a standard part of today's hotel business. 'In-room movies are a revenue stream,' he said. 'This is a business matter.' http://www.1010wins.com/pages/72296.php?
Our local paper reported that the only hotel in our town that sells X-rated movies is the big fancy Marriott downtown.
And Romney, if he was compensated for his board service and/or still owns Marriott stock, personally profited in part from Marriott's porn sales. If he sincerely opposes porn and its harmful effects, he should us the bully pulpit of a presidential campaign to tell his close family friends the Marriotts to stop selling the stuff, and better yet, donate whatever percentage of his income is attributable to Marriott porn sales to some ministry or counseling service that helps the victims of porn use.
Lee, I believe he was mistaken on the 7 year French law, that law was voted on in Germany not France. But the point is the same either way and the story is still inspiring.
Below are some excerpts from the commencement speech at Regent University today:
"I want to offer my sincere thanks to Doctor Pat Robertson for extending me the honor of addressing you today.
"This university, its students, its alumni and the faculty serve as an example of Dr. Robertson's dedication to strengthening and then nurturing the pillars of this community and our country: education, fellowship, and advancement."
"You know, I don't remember when it was exactly when I went beyond the sandbar. My family had a cottage on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. For the first 40 feet or so, the lake is shallow, warm, and protected from the big waves by a sandbar. That's where I spent most of the hot summer days as a boy. I liked it there. One day, my brother got me up on water skis. Perhaps fearing that a turn would cause me to fall, he drove the boat – and me – straight out into the deep. By the way, the lake is over 100 miles wide. I screamed the whole terrifying ride. But ever after, the deep water is where I wanted to be – body surfing in the breakers, water skiing, diving. Oh yes, the water wasn't as warm and calm, but it was clean and powerful and invigorating. I got out of the shallow water for good.
"Over the years, I have watched a number of people live out their lives in shallow water.
"In the shallows, life is all about yourself – your job, your money, your rights, your needs, your ideas, your comforts.
"In the deeper waters, life is about others – spouse, family, friends, faith, community, country. In the deep waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, protracted battles of consequence."
"You are, of course, giving a great deal of thought to your career. The economic environment may be more turbulent and competitive than my generation has known. Some of you will be tempted to stay near shore, where there are no big breakers and where you will never make any waves. Others will push beyond the sandbar, pursuing new frontiers, exploring new ideas, driving to achieve, to learn, to influence, to contribute.
"That, of course, is the heritage of this land. The people who came to Jamestown 400 years ago may not have all been saints. But they were all pioneers. They crossed the broadest waters and dreamed the grandest dreams. Their spirit is the American spirit. It is why America surpassed our native England to become the world's most powerful nation. And it is the heart and spirit of the American people that make this country the hope of the world. Great people have made a great nation."
"If there ever was a time for great Americans, great and good Americans, Americans who are willing to cross into the deep waters of life, it is now.
"You cross into the deep waters by marrying and raising good children. There is no work more important to America's future that the work that is done within the four walls of the American home.
"You cross into the deep waters by driving yourself in your education and in your avocation beyond the safe and comfortable, to reach new insights, to make contributions, to serve.
"You cross into the deep waters by serving in your church, in your community, in the military, in government or in volunteer service.
"I am optimistic about the future of America because I have seen the spirit and heart of the American people." …
What a fantastic speech! I wish the whole debate time had been given to Mitt to make these remarks. These are the values that America needs to recover and implement.
Don't take this lying down. We do not want Pelosi and the Dems running the Iraq war. And we certainly DO NOT want a pullout from Iraq before our job is done. We are not the "Paper Tiger" that Bin Laden envisions. Read the letter below the form and sign up with us to put your force behind this:
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To: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Democrat Leader
Congress has passed and President Bush has vetoed H.R. 1591, the Iraq Surrender Act of 2007.
This legislation, which you worked to pass, sets a timetable for surrender. It pulls the rug out from under our troops. That is shameful and wrong.
Your actions have already emboldened the enemy. Violent jihadists now know that the elected leadership of Congress would undermine the troops by holding their funding hostage to demands for surrender.
This Congress would bring us back to the dark days of the 1970s, when the world doubted our staying power. Except only much worse. Withdraw in April 2008, and on May 1, Iraq becomes an unchecked den of terrorism at the heart of the Middle East -- a new base for the same people that struck our homeland on September 11th.
I stand with our troops. I stand for victory. I support the President's veto and will urge my representatives to vote to sustain it.
There can be one and only one outcome in Iraq: We win, they lose.
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Governor Blunt: "Governor Romney did a superb job in the debate and he demonstrated that he is the right leader to bring change to Washington. With a record of turning around troubled companies and institutions, Governor Romney has real, relevant experience. More importantly, he brings a fresh perspective from outside the Beltway and he articulated his vision in the debate. Our nation confronts a new generation of challenges and we need Governor Romney's innovative, executive leadership."
Senator DeMint: "More than any other Republican presidential candidate, Governor Romney has outlined an aggressive agenda to cut taxes. He will lower taxes for all Americans, make the Bush tax cuts permanent, abolish the Death Tax and making savings tax-free for middle-income Americans. Lower taxes protect jobs and ensure continued job creation. Because America's strength rests with its people, Governor Romney believes Americans should be able to keep more of their hard-earned money."
Pro-life Activist James Bopp, Jr. "Governor Romney is the most forceful Republican candidate defending the freedom of speech. He believes that we should not be limiting political speech, and the involvement of citizens in our democracy, in the name of campaign finance reform. We need transparency and disclosure in our campaign finance system, but McCain-Feingold has done the opposite, driving contributions to groups dominated by the wealthy and with little accountability to the public. All citizens should applaud Governor Romney's call to repeal McCain-Feingold."
Noonan: "The statuesque Mr. Romney had a certain good-natured command, a presidential voice, and a surprising wiliness. He seemed happy to be there, and in the mysterious way that some people seem to dominate, he dominated."
Chris Cillizza: "Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.) stood out with clear and crisp answers – showing flashes of humor and an ease with the important issues. He sounded authoritative when he talked about Iraq (not an easy task for a one-term governor of Massachusetts) and effectively cast himself – a Mormon – as part of the broad faith community in America."
Howard Fineman: "I think Mitt Romney came off looking presidential…"
Kathryn Jean Lopez: "Romney showed himself to be a smart, articulate, optimistic, serious leader. If it was a first impression for anyone watching, as I imagine it might have been for anyone flipping away from The Office for a few minutes, it was a good start."
Mullings' Rich Galen: "Overall I thought Romney did the best. He had command of his positions and articulated them well."
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: "Governor Romney was very good in talking about health care, where he knows a great deal."
New York Daily News' Michael Goodwin: "Romney was very good at turning every answer into a statement of lofty, conservative principle. He spoke of family and marriage and faith and turned a question about 'what don't you like about America?' into a poetic ode to our nation. He came across as sharp and jaunty."
The Politico's Roger Simon: "It would be terribly irresponsible to pick a winner of Thursday night's Republican debate. So I will. I think Mitt Romney won."
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer: "I thought Mitt Romney came off as looking very presidential."
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: "I'll tell you what, it looked like Mitt Romney really had a strong introduction to the Republican Party tonight."
National Review's Jim Geraghty: "Romney had some strong answers, good humor. I'd be surprised if he didn't help himself tonight. Maybe the audience will see what attracted his fans. Clearly, this was a format he seemed at home in."
National Journal's Marc Ambinder: "Mitt Romney is great with first impressions… He certainly seemed presidential. He flubbed no question. His knowledge was evident."
The Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Mitt Romney's aides and advisers were buoyant after the forum. And for some good reason. The former Massachusetts governor, ever handsome and articulate, was poised and smooth for most of the evening. For the thousands (millions?) watching at home who were getting their first taste of Mitt, they had to come away impressed."
New York Sun's Ryan Sager: "If anyone stood out from the other candidates, in terms of looking polished and poised, it was clearly Mr. Romney. He got off some of the best lines of the night… But any casual observer of the debate (were there any non-junkies watching?) would probably have to view him as head-and-shoulders above the others."
Dan Riehl: "Romney may be the guy who pulled it out tonight."
John Hinderaker: "If you didn't already know how good Romney is, you would be really impressed by his performance tonight."
Captain's Quarters' Ed Morrissey: "Who won? – Mitt Romney won this debate. He looked relaxed, answered clearly, showed real warmth and a sense of humor, and actually answered the questions asked of him – even the stupid ones, to which I'll return shortly."
Townhall's Dean Barnett: "Mitt Romney – Romney was clearly the class of the field. I know, I'm biased, blah, blah, blah. But if you saw the debate, believe your own eyes. Romney has a command of the facts and an effective delivery that must be the envy of the field. As America gets to know him in forums like this (not that I'm hoping there will be other forums precisely like this hideous one – perish that thought), the country will come to understand why Romney has generated such excitement among insiders and people who know him."
CBN's David Brody: "The debate is over and I thought Mitt Romney really came across well. He was comfortable, funny and somewhat free wheeling."
National Review's Mark Hemmingway: "It's obvious now that in the first major Republican presidential debate Mitt Romney put in a very strong performance."
Dean Barnett: "Romney was clearly the class of the field. I know, I’m biased, blah, blah, blah. But if you saw the debate, believe your own eyes. Romney has a command of the facts and an effective delivery that must be the envy of the field. As America gets to know him in forums like this (not that I’m hoping there will be other forums precisely like this hideous one – perish that thought), the country will come to understand why Romney has generated such excitement among insiders and people who know him."
Chris Cillizza on WashPost for The Fix: "Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.) stood out with clear and crisp answers -- showing flashes of humor and an ease with the important issues. He sounded authoritative when he talked about Iraq (not an easy task for a one-term governor of Massachusetts) and effectively cast himself -- a Mormon -- as part of the broad faith community in America."
From a Corner reader: "A friend whose heart is with Rudy tells me: "Tonight's winner BY A MILE: Mitt ... not even close." Said friend "stunned" more people (in The Corner) don't see it that way."
Ryan Sager: "Mr. Romney: If anyone stood out from the other candidates, in terms of looking polished and poised, it was clearly Mr. Romney. He got off some of the best lines of the night, partially because Chris Matthews gave him some oddball questions (I particularly liked: "I don't say anything to Roman Catholic bishops. They can do whatever the heck they want." [see: 8:38]). He, more than any of the others, managed to sound reasonable and assured no matter what he was saying. He's still got a major flip-flopping problem, and basically lied about it during his answers on abortion. But any casual observer of the debate (were there any non-junkies watching?) would probably have to view him as head-and-shoulders above the others."
Finally, there's Joe from MSNBC the token (barely) conservative:
Don't freak out... don't adjust your browser language settings.... the title of this post is an old Polish saying: "Where there are six cooks there's nothing to eat". That's my feeling watching the debate tonight... one difference here... there were 10 of them!
Can we narrow this down a bit more! Thanks.
Regardless there were some great points from Romney. See some of the clips here. Here's one my favorite:
David French (the founder of Evangelicals for Mitt) has a great post (after a brief hiatus) about Mormons, Mormonism, politics and such. His comments are a welcome breathe of fresh air to this already heated debate:
I know that I'm going to get in trouble in some quarters for the following statement, but I'm going to say it anyway. I love Mormons, and I deeply appreciate the role played by the LDS church in our nation and our culture.
When "family values" are derided, families tend to falter. When families falter, poverty and violence follow like night follows day. When unborn children are viewed as a "clump of cells" that exists at the convenience of the mother rather than as a living person, they can be dismembered and slaughtered on a scale that staggers the imagination. When everything is relative and our culture is viewed as no better than any other, we lose the will to fight evil, and we abandon our friends abroad.
This is really a rallying cry for the entire conservative movement - or it should be. As Kate O'Beirne has declared before, if the movement loses the value issues... there's precious little left." David continues:
In the midst of this culture, our churches often look at millions of fractured families, millions of lost children, and waning resolve in the face of undeniable evil and say: "It's our fault, really. If only we were more accepting of family arrrangements that lead to poverty. If only we were less 'obsessed' with murderous medical 'procedures,' and more 'understanding' of the people who seek to behead us, then perhaps we'd have influence in this culture."
So we watch as the mainstream denominations (and even some evangelicals) slide into a meaningless and empty social religion that is utterly powerless to sustain the soul or to confront evil.
But not Mormons. The LDS church still stands proudly for the family, for human life, and with the moral resolve necessary to confront the challenges of our time. They give generously, serve enthusiastically, and stand shoulder to shoulder with evangelicals on the great moral and cultural issues of our time. In my own life, every single Mormon that I have come to know has been kind, generous, and utterly devoted to their family.
I hope that this is a wide perception. Richard Mouw, from the Denver Theological Seminary, has previously decried the "belicose doctrinal terrorists" that attack the Mormon faith and I agree. Our joint efforts in Alaska, California, Ohio and elsewhere show marked success, even as we disagree on theological grounds. Thanks David.
Thanks for putting this up! I don't have time to get the code to the YouTube video directly, so I just linked to this post directly in my blog. I loved it--Mitt is great, and I thought he pulled it off amazingly well. :)
I have un updated version of the Mitt Academy I put up just at a blogsite yesterday at http://mittacademy.blogspot.com/ (My blog is at http://www.mitchformitt.blogspot.com/) Would you all consider putting a post on mymanmitt, and a link to it at the top of your page? I could email you a little gif of the "academy's official seal" that could be used for a link.
I'm not that savvy with websites, but that may be a good thing for me, because I like to try and keep things simple.
Anyway, keep up the great work at mymanmitt!
If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions feel free to contact me at the mittacademy email address.
Today, Romney for President announced the D.C. Chapter of Young Professionals for Mitt – the first chapter of Governor Romney's efforts to involve young professionals in his 2008 presidential campaign. Serving as Co-Chairs of the D.C. Chapter will be Alex Annett of Patton Boggs and Drew Maloney of Ogilvy Government Relations.
In case you missed it... here's the video from the first meeting:
The Young Professionals For Mitt D.C. Chapter:
- Jason Abend, National Law Enforcement Recruiters Assn. - Alexander Annett, Patton Boggs - Dean Armandroff, American Medical Association - Lindsey Arms, Public Affairs Consultant - Blake Ashbee, Direct Impact - Annabel Atherton, Friedman Billings Ramsey - Brian Baker, Boies Schiller & Flexner - Michael Bell, Hogan & Hartson - Dan and Aimee Berger - Elliot Berke, Barbour Griffith Rogers LLC - Andrew Bird, Organizational Staff - Tomas Bilbao - Scott Blakeslee, Deloitte & Touche - Jodi Hanson Bond, Motorola - Kevin Book, Oil & Gas Analyst - Jill Bratina, Public Strategies - Eric Brown, Patton Boggs LLP - Brad Card, Dutko Worldwide - Stephanie Cathcart, Public Affairs Consultant - Chaz Cirame, Consultant - Roy Coffee, Locke Liddell Strategies - Craig Cookson, Convio - Cesar Conda, Navigators - Jim Cox, B&L Group - Christina Culver, Dutko Worldwide - Drew Cutler, Consultant - Makan Delrahim, Brownstein, Hyatt & Farber - Vincent De Vito, Pepper Hamilton LLP - David Distefano, Locke Liddell Strategies - Troy Dow, The Walt Disney Company - Ryan P. Duffy, Speechwriter - Ellen Barker Dunagan, Traverse Solutions - John Dunagan, Public Affairs Consultant - Andrew Ehrlich, B&D Consulting - Reed Farnsworth, Financial Consultant - Amy Flachbart, K&L Gates - Tucker Foote, Mastercard - Wesley Fricks, Public Affairs Consultant - Shawn Friesen, Government Affairs Consultant - Kimberly Fritts, The Podesta Group - Nate Gatten, Larson Stewart Myrick & Link - Colleen Gerald, Public Affairs Consultant - Chris Goode, Hyjek & Fix - Aron Griffin, Carmen Group - Taylor Gross, Herald Group - Erik Gustafson, Mortgage Bankers Association - Justin Hart, COMSYS - Robert Hayk, Smith Barney - Darrell Henry, Public Affairs Consultant - Patrick Holley, Citigroup - Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock - Rene Isles, B&D Consulting - Michael Isom, National Security Consultant - Todd Johnston, National Mining Association - Ed Kaleta, Government Affairs Consultant - John Kelly, Wal-Mart - Anna Kimsey, Dutko Worldwide - Dan Klenck - Stephanie Lester, Retail Industry Leaders Association - Drew Maloney, Ogilvy Government Relations - Jeff McWaters, Amerigroup - Frank Micciche, Sallie Mae - Eric Miller, Sales Analyst - Phil Musser, New Frontier Strategy - Darryl Nirenberg, Patton Boggs LLP - Sarah Obenour, Haute on the Hill - Nels Olson, Korn/Ferry International - Josh Overbay, U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Anita Peduzzi, PAC Director - Julie Philp, Government Affairs Consultant - Paul Poteet, Biotechnology Industry Organization - Rick Powell, Quinn Gillespie - Sara Graves Raak, Public Affairs Consultant - Sujit Raman, Hogan & Hartson - Brian Reardon, Venn Strategies - Michael Robinson, Government Relations - HL Rogers, Attorney - Marc Ross, American Chemistry Council - Shalla Ross, Barbour Griffith Rogers LLC - Andy Rubert, Smith Barney - Iggy Sanchez, DLA Piper - Rumu Sarkar, CALIBRE Systems - Gene Schaerr, Winston & Strawn - Kristin Schrader, Public Affairs Consultant - Tyler Schwab, ADT - Travis Seegmiller, Patton Boggs - Kristin Seitz, Public Policy Manager - John Spitaleri Shaw - Brett Shogren, The Washington Group - Jonathan Simons, U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Matt Spencer, Illumen - Tim Stewart, Larson Stewart Myrick & Link - Mari Stull, Club BV - David Tamasi, Ogilvy Public Relations - Bob Tompkins, Patton Boggs LLP - Martin Whitmer, Whitmer & Worrall - Anita Winsor, Consultant - Darren Wilcox, Dutko Worlwide - Tom Worrall, Whitmer & Worrall - Adrian Yeoh, Sprint
Romney brother Josh indicates that's he's purchased (on the cheap of course) an RV to house the brothers as they gauge their 99 county tour of Iowa.
Looks like he's asking for potential names and such. How about: "5 Guys Name Ro-" or "The Brethren" or "The Brothers Romney"... I dunno. But go tell them what you think? Any ideas?
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