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Thursday, May 3, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:57 PM | permalink
  • If you get a chance... be sure you vote in the online poll at the Drudge Report

  • Here's the MSNBC Poll

  • Dean Barnett: "Romney was clearly the class of the field. I know, I’m biased, blah, blah, blah. But if you saw the debate, believe your own eyes. Romney has a command of the facts and an effective delivery that must be the envy of the field. As America gets to know him in forums like this (not that I’m hoping there will be other forums precisely like this hideous one – perish that thought), the country will come to understand why Romney has generated such excitement among insiders and people who know him."

  • Chris Cillizza on WashPost for The Fix: "Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.) stood out with clear and crisp answers -- showing flashes of humor and an ease with the important issues. He sounded authoritative when he talked about Iraq (not an easy task for a one-term governor of Massachusetts) and effectively cast himself -- a Mormon -- as part of the broad faith community in America."

  • From a Corner reader: "A friend whose heart is with Rudy tells me: "Tonight's winner BY A MILE: Mitt ... not even close." Said friend "stunned" more people (in The Corner) don't see it that way."

  • Ryan Sager: "Mr. Romney: If anyone stood out from the other candidates, in terms of
    looking polished and poised, it was clearly Mr. Romney. He got off some of
    the best lines of the night, partially because Chris Matthews gave him some
    oddball questions (I particularly liked: "I don't say anything to Roman
    Catholic bishops. They can do whatever the heck they want." [see: 8:38]).
    He, more than any of the others, managed to sound reasonable and assured no
    matter what he was saying. He's still got a major flip-flopping problem, and
    basically lied about it during his answers on abortion. But any casual
    observer of the debate (were there any non-junkies watching?) would probably
    have to view him as head-and-shoulders above the others."

  • Finally, there's Joe from MSNBC the token (barely) conservative:


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The problem with the flip-flopping charge is it simply is not true. Changing one's position on one issue is neither a flip nor a flop.

The people who keep saying this are just regurgitating a catchy phrase.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 3, 2007 at 10:49 PM  

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