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Saturday, October 25, 2008
posted by Myclob | 11:32 AM | permalink

This email is being circulated around-the-world – please keep it going 

(Please pass this one along, it's worth your time.

When a soldier comes home, he finds it hard.... listen to his son whine about being bored. keep a straight face when people complain about potholes.

to be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work. be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad night's sleep. be silent when people pray to God for a new car. control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower. be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying. keep from laughing when anxious parents say they're afraid to send their kids off to summer camp. keep from ridiculing someone who complains about hot weather. control his frustration when a colleague gripes about his coffee being cold. remain calm when his daughter complains about having to walk the dog. be civil to people who complain about their jobs. just walk away when someone says they only get two weeks of vacation a year. be forgiving when someone says how hard it is to have a new baby in the house.  

The only thing harder than being a Soldier.  

Is loving one.  


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Wow - that one really gets me. My husband will be home next week for R&R (he's in Afghanistan) and in that time there will be a new baby in the house. This is our second deployment, and all of those things are so true. Too often we complain so much about the little things, and forget what is really important. Thank you for sharing that with us.

what happened to all the pictures?

Friday, October 24, 2008
posted by Myclob | 8:04 PM | permalink

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, October 24, 2008; A19

Contrarian that I am, I'm voting for John McCain. I'm not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it's over before it's over. I'm talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they're left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.

I stand athwart the rush of conservative ship-jumpers of every stripe -- neo (Ken Adelman), moderate (Colin Powell), genetic/ironic (Christopher Buckley) and socialist/atheist (Christopher Hitchens) -- yelling "Stop!" I shall have no part of this motley crew. I will go down with the McCain ship. I'd rather lose an election than lose my bearings.

First, I'll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize voting for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living memory. The "erratic" temperament issue, for example. As if McCain's risky and unsuccessful but in no way irrational attempt to tactically maneuver his way through the economic tsunami that came crashing down a month ago renders unfit for office a man who demonstrated the most admirable equanimity and courage in the face of unimaginable pressures as a prisoner of war, and who later steadily navigated innumerable challenges and setbacks, not the least of which was the collapse of his campaign just a year ago.

McCain the "erratic" is a cheap Obama talking point. The 40-year record testifies to McCain the stalwart.

Nor will I countenance the "dirty campaign" pretense. The double standard here is stunning. Obama ran a scurrilous Spanish-language ad falsely associating McCain with anti-Hispanic slurs. Another ad falsely claimed that McCain supports "cutting Social Security benefits in half." And for months Democrats insisted that McCain sought 100 years of war in Iraq.

McCain's critics are offended that he raised the issue of William Ayers. What's astonishing is that Obama was himself not offended by William Ayers.

Moreover, the most remarkable of all tactical choices of this election season is the attack that never was. Out of extreme (and unnecessary) conscientiousness, McCain refused to raise the legitimate issue of Obama's most egregious association -- with the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Dirty campaigning, indeed.

The case for McCain is straightforward. The financial crisis has made us forget, or just blindly deny, how dangerous the world out there is. We have a generations-long struggle with Islamic jihadism. An apocalyptic soon-to-be-nuclear Iran. A nuclear-armed Pakistan in danger of fragmentation. A rising Russia pushing the limits of revanchism. Plus the sure-to-come Falklands-like surprise popping out of nowhere.

Who do you want answering that phone at 3 a.m.? A man who's been cramming on these issues for the past year, who's never had to make an executive decision affecting so much as a city, let alone the world? A foreign policy novice instinctively inclined to the flabbiest, most vaporous multilateralism (e.g., the Berlin Wall came down because of "a world that stands as one"), and who refers to the most deliberate act of war since Pearl Harbor as "the tragedy of 9/11," a term more appropriate for a bus accident?

Or do you want a man who is the most prepared, most knowledgeable, most serious foreign policy thinker in the United States Senate? A man who not only has the best instincts but has the honor and the courage to, yes, put country first, as when he carried the lonely fight for the surge that turned Iraq from catastrophic defeat into achievable strategic victory?

There's just no comparison. Obama's own running mate warned this week that Obama's youth and inexperience will invite a crisis -- indeed a crisis "generated" precisely to test him. Can you be serious about national security and vote on Nov. 4 to invite that test?

And how will he pass it? Well, how has he fared on the only two significant foreign policy tests he has faced since he's been in the Senate? The first was the surge. Obama failed spectacularly. He not only opposed it. He tried to denigrate it, stop it and, finally, deny its success.

The second test was Georgia, to which Obama responded instinctively with evenhanded moral equivalence, urging restraint on both sides. McCain did not have to consult his advisers to instantly identify the aggressor.

Today's economic crisis, like every other in our history, will in time pass. But the barbarians will still be at the gates. Whom do you want on the parapet? I'm for the guy who can tell the lion from the lamb.

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posted by jason | 7:19 PM | permalink
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Wow. Very gratifying to see a family with their heads screwed on straight. Those are lucky kids. This type of public school aggressions also goes for the efforts to legalize drugs, prostitution, etc. I guess then any adult in a government school setting will be able to discuss the benefits of drug use, prostitution, etc. along with homosexual issues with your kindergartener.

posted by Justin Hart | 8:15 AM | permalink
MyClob, who has done a great job detailing every minutia of Mitt Romney's primary run, is flat dead wrong on this one. His usual approach to bringing an unbiased articulation to his wiki-like entries has failed him this time.

Mike - if you're gonna lambaste Palin for something at least have the decency to quote her directly. No one knows what you're referring to?

I'll have more later but right now I've gotta slap up MyClob a bit. :)

Is the election here yet?
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
posted by Myclob | 10:25 PM | permalink

Reasons to agree

  1. We don't choose where we are born, so it is kind of silly to be proud of it.
  2. People aren't all that different, in different states. 
  3. Their are liberals in Alaska, and conservatives in New York.
  4. Sarah Palin accuses those who live in New York of being "elite", and then when asked what she means by "elite" she says people who think they are better than others. Sarah Palin seems to think she is better than New Yorkers because she is from Alaska.

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You need to get over your disdain for Sarah Palin. She is not perfect but better than most. She may be somewhat naive in the ways of the politic, but that's what we like about her. My dream would be a Mitt/Sarah ticket in 2012 after the upcoming disastrous 4 years of Obama and a democrat congress. Palin has a bright future under the tutelage of someone like Mitt. As much as I like Mitt, I suspect he will fade out of Presidential politics and move on with serving mankind in some other way (church service).

why are you going against your party, Mitt?

Hello Myclob, first I'd like to say in your number 3. The first word should have been 'There'. Second, I don't feel all that silly for being proud of where I was born. I do agree with both 2 and 3 but, I'd like to see the article, or video clip sarah mentions this word 'elite'.

You are absolutely right to be all over Sarah Palin. She is utterly unfit for the job she's trying to reach, and so far the Rovian campaign being run has not worked. I have come to hope our party gets crushed this election to wake its members up from the value voter suicide pact in which it is stuck. A party with values is great, but a Christian identity party takes us closer to Sinclair Lewis' worst case scenario. We can be religious conservatives still worried about competence. It's nothing personal--I actually pity her for getting into a game for which she was so utterly unprepared--but Sarah Palin cannot be the leader for that better kind of party.

You shouldn't be proud of where you were born? That's weird. Should you be embarrassed? Or have no feeling at all about it? Whatever. A little gratitude is always appropriate, at least that, right?

It was on NBC . . . Brian Williams asked her the question. Palin said that elites were people who thought they were better than other people.

McCain then added that elites lived in Washington and New York.

The McCain campaign's perspective has gotten narrower and narrower and Palin is that choice incarnate. It comes down to what Collin Powell said. Who is ready to lead and unify our country?

It's all a matter of semantics.

Mike is arguing that it is silly to be proud of the fact that you were born. Born in america.

Others are arguing that it is absolutely appropriate, even ideal, to be proud of your country. The country you were born in.

Do you see the distinction? Is it possible for them to both be right? I tend to think so.

I think Palin was thinking along the lines of that John Cougar song with the little pink houses line in it. It's okay to say that some areas really illustrate the positive stereotypes that we have.

Well Jason, for such an awful person, she has an extremely high approval rating as governor. She must be doing something right----or are you saying the people of Alaska are too stupid to realize they have a lousy gov? I have no idea on what your problem is, but right now, I know what my problem is.....I am tired of getting emails from a Mitt Romney supporter demeaning Sarah Palin and her great accomplishments.

She is a good person and has performed well as the "cleaning lady" of Alaska politics in her tenure as Governor. She is smart. She has an incredible amount of reserve and strength. She has performed more than gracefully under an intense amount of scrutiny and barbarous media coverage!!! Et tu, Brute?!

I don't think I will be recieving your emails anymore. If I want to listen to someone unfairly dumping on Sarah Palin, I will just turn on the TV and listen to the MSM. Please remove me from your list.
Thank you.


I didn't post this.

But that's a manipulitive argument to say that since someone thinks Palin is not very bright means the people of AK are not very smart.

Maybe they just don't like Palin, and really don't care too much about the intelligence of Alaskans either way.

Are Illinoisans dumb too? Are Massachussents also. I mean they eect Kerry, but wait they elected Mitt. Oh crap...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
posted by | 10:18 AM | permalink
Here is the text of a forwarded email that was sent to me. I have crosschecked the names CCed in the email and can verify that indeed the people included are legitimate, so it is not a hoax as far as I have been able to determine. Links to additional eyewitness accounts are below. Besides, you just can't make this nuttery up.
Dear family and friends,

I had a very disturbing experience yesterday that I would like to share with those of you that live outside of California (or outside of the San Francisco Bay Area). This weekend we have stake conference. Our stake conference always begins with a stake temple session on Friday or Thursday night. Early Friday morning I received a call from the second counselor in our bishopric to let me know that there would be numerous protesters outside the temple, and to remind everyone to stay calm and to drive carefully.

The beautiful Oakland Temple is located right across the bay from San Francisco, very close to the city of Berkeley. Apparently the opposition to proposition 8, the amendment that seeks to make marriage in CA between a man and a woman again, has realized the deep involvement of the church and begun to protest right outside of the temple and harass temple patrons. The fastest way to get to the temple from our house is to take the 680 freeway, but the exit is a bit tricky. The off ramp is extremely short and straight uphill. You then make an almost blind left turn, an immediate right and another left into the parking lot. As we approached the off ramp, I realized there would be trouble.

There was a backup onto the freeway from cars stalled on the off ramp. As we moved forward inches at a time, we realized this was due to a large group of loud protesters who were standing on both sides of the street, yelling, screaming and waving signs. When we got to the top of the offramp, ready to make our turn, one protester jumped out right in front of our car. It took my husband all his self control to carefully maneuver around him to the left and proceed to the temple. I tried not to listen to all they were shouting at us, but I was shaking as I got to the temple front door. Several of the sisters, especially the ones driving on their own, were crying (which made me snap out of it and go into RS President mode to comfort them).

Later, as I was sitting in the perfect quiet of the chapel, I couldn't help but think of Lehi's dream, and the people who mocked the Saints from the big spacious building but 'we heeded them not.' It was a truly surreal experience, I'd never thought that I would have to go through an angry crowd to get to the temple. As we left late at night, the protesters had dispersed, temple security (who all looked very large and Tongan) stood by the gates. I never saw a single police man.

Please pray for those of us in California fighting for prop 8--it's getting kind of scary out here!
More eyewitness accounts.

Additional protests are planned
Some atheists who've objected to the strong stance of Mormons and other religious groups in favor of the measure intend to protest in front of the Mormon temple in Oakland, Calif., on Saturday.
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Psychotic. Can we trade the San Fran area to China in exchange for them funding our bailout or paying our deficit? These people no longer seem to have American values.

Why doesn't someone record some video of these wreckless protesters, so we can expose them denying us our right to freedom of worship and expose the "religiphobe" anarchists for who they really are?

I called the Oakland Temple and someone there said that there were a few protestors but not that many. I'm not sure how accurate the above account is. Maybe somebody, like the protestors, blew it up to encourage lds fear.

I just called the Oakland Temple and someone there said that there were only a few protestors. No big deal. Maybe the no on 8 guys wrote that article to blow up their efforts.

Im in the Oakland East Tongan Stake and my ward meets in the building adjacent to the temple. There is a huge protest planned for this Sunday between 9-12 at the temple gate and its all over the internet and in USA Today. Its being hosted by an Atheist Group and my friends at Laney College tell me many groups are planning to attend. This experience has taught me a lot. Talking about Prop 8 to anyone can invite trouble, but doing it somewhere like as liberal and 'free thinking' as Oakland guarantees it. The No on 8 folks(most of them decent despite our differences) far outnumber here us but we are not ashamed to stand up for what we believe. The result has been physical altercations including arrests today involving another Tongan Ward that was provoked by a no-on-8 group that tried to harrass them. It was on the news tonight. Meanwhile our ward stood at a very busy intersection where SF commuters getting home from work pass by on their way to the hills. The reaction was actually favorable and we received a lot of honks in our favor, Of course many more were against us and showed their disdain quite explicitly. At the same time several gay couples confronted us and held up signs alongside us. Id guesstimate there were about 100 people in all. We try at all costs to keep the peace but they've been pretty aggressive. Anyway, nothing we can't handle. At the same time, I suspect all 16 Bay Area Tongan Wards will be up at the temple this sunday from 9-12. Ya know, to take a tour of the visitors center. LOL Peace to you all.

My mom told me about this article. I am now finding out that it is blown way out of proportion. It even went as far as saying that people were spitting on the cars and hitting them with no on 8 signs. What a joke.

I don't care how many protester's there were, this should not be happening. We all have a right to our vote and should not be bullied with scare tactics by anyone. I understand that there are extremists everywhere, but this is ridiculous and should not be allowed to happen in our country. Whether it was blown out of proportion or not, any type of treatment like this against another human being is disgusting.

My image of Mormons was that they were always very nice and respectful, until now. I spent many summers at LDS summer camp and treasured the memories of the kind people I met there. That is why I am shocked by the behavior of many of the Tongan Mormons protesting in support of 8. Despite what has been posted on this website, many of the Yes on 8 Tongan protesters have been verbally abusive and physically intimidating. I know No on 8 protesters who have been called "faggots" and "unnatural" by the groups of Tongans protesting in Oakland, in front of the Temple, and at various locations along MacArthur Blvd. These same protesters have been yelling "No HIV! No on 8!" and "Protest Your Children!" at gay men, lesbian women, and their families. A straight woman I know, recovering from cancer, had "A man and a woman!" yelled at her repeatedly as she drove her young children home from school--her baldness meant she was a lesbian?? I am deeply saddened by the ignorance being displayed. The deep rifts that these protesters are creating right now through their ignorant and cruel behavior are going to last long after this election is over, no matter what happens with Prop 8.

Cry me a river! The tongans protesting for Yes on 8 in San Bruno have been incredibly rude and disrespectful!

I was walking, and assuming I was gay, a fully grown tongan man screamed in my face, threatening to beat me. Others displayed acts of disrespect by knocking High School student's "NO on 8" signs out of their hands.

The post above me is correct in stating that many tongan mormons use phrases such as "PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!" and "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR SICK LIFESTYLES! SAVE THE CHILDREN!"

And that comment about the woman with cancer. That is outrageous!

Excuse me? I hope you know who your church is being represented by.

The San Bruno community is sickened by the low moral standards of the Mormon Church and Tongan community.

Not only will proposition 8 never fully go through, but now you have been disgraced by the poor judgement of your followers.

You opened Pandora's Box when you decided to force your religion onto the State Constitution and deny marriage to other people who don't share your religion or beliefs. What part of separation of church and state don't you understand? If the courts invalidate those 18,000 marriages, I hope things get much scarier for you. You'll deserve it.

"What part of separation of church and state don't you understand?"

I would ask the same question of you, but I think I already know the answer. Separation of Church and State means not promoting one religion over another. Which religion do you think is being promoted? Mormons? If so then what about all the evangelical and Catholic and Jewish supporters of Prop 8. Or, maybe religion over non-religion? If so then what about all the opponents of 8 who are religious folks. You can't identify a particular sect or even the establishment of religion over non-religion because there are people on both sides that are religious.

As to opening pandora's box, apparently you feel it is OK to assault and batter those who disagree with you as well as deface, destroy, and steal their property. All of this has been already done. It very much reminds me of the child who doesn't get his way and then throws a tantrum by throwing stuff in the house, except here the tantrum has turned violent. Grow up. Your opposition sued the peaceful political process and won the argument. If you disagree with the outcome, you have the chance to persuade people in the same way.

Between 2003 and 2008 116 pieces of legislation have been sponsored, favored and opposed by Equality of California - all in the name of equality for the LGBT community. These 116 pieces of legislation have originated either in the California Assembly or Senate. Some official policies have been chaptered into law immediately by the California Secretary of State. The franchise has been taken away from all of the citizens of California on these 116 pieces of legislation - regardless of orientation.

If anyone should be angered by this, it should be every California citizen who did not have an opportunity to vote on any one of these 116 pieces of legislation and official policies.

Moreover, I felt even more berayed when I learned on the Equality California website about 43 pieces of legislation that were passed and became law between 2003 and 2008.

How is it that a minority (1.7%) smaller the the LDS population in California (2.0%) can use intimidation and public humiliation from publicly posted voting cards to publicly humiliate Senators and Assembly members who do not vote with the LGBT community. You will see this posted on the Equality California website.

This same intimidation has raised its ugly head again with continued death threats and violence against the LDS. One can find this on the internet in blogs. But then again, the LDS I know are not strangers to fear and intimidation.

I also wonder how this minority can receive more than $150 million from Federal and State government funds in California alone through 501(c)(3) nonprofits reported on pages 1 and 3 of one of their form 990 nonprofit returns. In that one year 53 LGBT nonprofits reported more than $388 million of government grants and fees on pages 1 and 3 of their form 990.

The LGBT is a very powerful lobby group that uses GLAD to silence those who come out against the issues they hold near and dear to their hearts.

How can the 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits that the LGBT community has formed have any tax exemption whatsoever for their roles in sponsoring monetarily legislation in the California Assembly and Senate? The Equality Federation shows how the LGBT community has organized in some 43 states.

It is obvious that the LGBT 501(c)(3) are organized to make grants to 501(c)(4) organizations to sponsor LGBT friendly legislation. The 501(c)(4) nonprofits engage in influencing legislation - despite IRS guidance condemning this practice. If the IRS were to learn how the directors on the boards of these 501(c)(3) and 501 (c)(4) nonprofits are identical, they would move toward removing their Tax Exempt status under 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4).

Lastly, the 2007 State of the State report on the Equality Federation website lists the first projected issue for 2008 as "schools/Youth". The eighth projected issue for 2008 for the LGBT community is marriage. It is obvious the LGBT want to protect LGBT youth in schools; however, the legislation now being passed will have a disparate impact on non-LGBT youth in our schools.

There is so much more the LGBT community is not telling the rest of California about their agenda. After all Equality California is an activist group and not your average 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation.

everyone has the right to have their own opinion. i had to call the police on tuesday, because someone came to my lawn and riped it out and left it there and left the sweetest message that said f-you. as an lds member it hurts to see that kind of behavior. the gay community wants to wet married and have a family.t hey are setting a great example to their family by using violence i am proud to be mormon and what we did was protect in our beliefs and protected we won. this is not anything against the gay community i have friends that are good people. to us marriage is something that is sacred which is why we tried so hard to keep it protected.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 4:08 PM | permalink
DailyKos is determined to make the debate around Proposition 8 a personal fight. They have mustered their forces to dig up dirt on people (and particularly Mormons) who have contributed to Protect Marriage. More details here.

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posted by | 9:36 AM | permalink

It's getting ugly in California over Proposition 8.

Here is a death threat letter (NSFW), issued on October 20th, 2008, to two of ten households in a California neighborhood where "Vote Yes on Prop 8" signs were being displayed. Their signs had been stolen by the time they found the letter.

The person who provided me a copy of this letter, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time for obvious reasons, is a head of one of two households to have received identically worded death threats, laced with profanity and insults. The recipient stated that, due to certain phrases and words used in the letter, the writer of the threat likely knows something about the religious background of the two households.

This is the second time that this family has had their signs stolen in only a few days. A police investigation is underway.

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This is absolutely unacceptable! If rights and tolerance are requested at the heart of this debate, about same-sex marriage - this is clear evidence of a great lack from our opponents.

It is a great concerns as to what the larger reaction will be, when the YES on Prop 8 campaign, succeeds...


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