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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
posted by | 9:36 AM | permalink

It's getting ugly in California over Proposition 8.

Here is a death threat letter (NSFW), issued on October 20th, 2008, to two of ten households in a California neighborhood where "Vote Yes on Prop 8" signs were being displayed. Their signs had been stolen by the time they found the letter.

The person who provided me a copy of this letter, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time for obvious reasons, is a head of one of two households to have received identically worded death threats, laced with profanity and insults. The recipient stated that, due to certain phrases and words used in the letter, the writer of the threat likely knows something about the religious background of the two households.

This is the second time that this family has had their signs stolen in only a few days. A police investigation is underway.

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This is absolutely unacceptable! If rights and tolerance are requested at the heart of this debate, about same-sex marriage - this is clear evidence of a great lack from our opponents.

It is a great concerns as to what the larger reaction will be, when the YES on Prop 8 campaign, succeeds...


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