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Saturday, September 27, 2008
posted by jason | 4:17 PM | permalink
From LATimes:

People who donated $420,690 to his presidential campaign have given no less than $2.72 million in support of Proposition 8. We could find no donations to Romney for president from people who oppose the initiative.
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I'm a big Romney supporter who doesn't support Prop 8. It's one of the few issues on which Mitt and I do not agree. I see all kinds of problems with Prop 8. Let's focus on solving problems that are far more important, like fixing our economy.

I'm all for prop 8... it's vital to preserve marriage for future generations yet unborn.

For those who haven't yet, please join our defense of traditional marriage at

This is an EXTREMELY important issue. I am convinced that no less than the future of religious freedom in our country is at stake here, along with the future of American families. What is more important than freedom? If prop 8 fails, I am certain that it will lead to an irreparable loss of religious freedom and will result in even further deterioration of the strength of families and further lessening of cultural standards, etc. This will in turn further erode the economy and overall quality of life. The family and culture are fundamental concepts on which everything else rests. Romney is the only candidate who supported the constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage, and the only candidate who truly recognized the importance of this issue.

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