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Thursday, September 25, 2008
posted by jason | 4:32 PM | permalink

P.S. I want to make sure everyone knows when I knock Palin in these posts these are my opinions, not anyone else here at MMM. So don't worry too much. Also, Palin is better than Biden, but I think in the same way a headache is better than catching Mono.
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Unfortunately, I think this is really just a problem of not articulating the reasons very well. I actually agree with the premise. Which is, having a shared border with Canada and close proximity with Russia requires Alaska state officials to constantly understand the relationship of their territory to international law. Whether this be related to development of natural resources whether they be bordering with Canada or off shore or sensitivity to communities with transnational identities, Alaska's position geographically permeates considerations in their laws and regulations. It shouldn't be hard to come up with a few examples of this. Those are the issues a Governor in Alaska has to think about, much the way that a Governor in a border state must think about. Does it mean she has worked for the state department, no. Does it mean she has met more foreign leaders than anyone else, no. But name the negotiations with foreign leaders Obama has participated in.

John McCain is an idiot. Is it still too late to kick him to the curb and insert Romney into the mix? His first mistake was becoming bash Romney buddies with Huckabee. His second mistake was not choosing Mitt Romz for VP. His third mistake is standing on stage for a debate with Obama. Being a P.O.W. and living in impoverished conditions withered away his brain cells and neural connections. Studies show impoverished conditions wither away neural connections in rats. Why wouldn't it do the same to humans? I'm praying this isn't true! Suspending his campaign? What kind of political stunt is this impoverished rat trying to achieve? His presidential campaign is his jet and I'm afraid he is gonna be shot down, again.

The stupid thing here is that Gov Palin would even agree to talk to Katie Couric, or charles Gibson, or any other MSM hack who is no more than an "offshoot" of the Obama campaign. Can anyone go back and see if any MSM asked Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter the same question? Or for that matter, Ronald Reagan or John Kennedy? It's JUDGEMENT that counts!

There are many of us who agree with you. Palin should take herself off the ticket. Now is a good time to do it and enter Romney with the economic uncertainty and prior to the debate. answer to your question about Obama. Yes, he did meet with the leaders of Iraq on his famous European tour. In that meeting, he tried to undermine our own government and our brave military men and women by encouraging the Iraqi govt. to delay a troop withdrawal agreement until after the presidential elections! See this article:

And as for all the others who commented here.....Palin is a great pick. She will always do what is best for the American people. Romney would have been an excellent pick too, but he is not who McCain chose---and is that a big suprise? The only reason I am excited about voting for MCain now is because of Palin. I think the McCain camp is trying to make her sound more like him, which will be their biggest mistake. How can you be interviewed by sharks like Couric and Gibson if you can't be yourself. I think that was the biggest problem here. MCCAIN SHOULD LET SARAH LOOSE AND LET HER BE HERSELF! Then you will see a different kind of interview!

Obama is a nightmare for freedom loving Americans. McCain is a headache. Biden is a major migraine. Palin is the only bright spot out there right now. Too bad we are so thin on decent leadership.

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