Friday, October 31, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 12:36 PM | permalink
Thursday, October 30, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 8:43 AM | permalink
Frank Schubert has been involved in over 30 ballot initiatives in his lifetime but he’s never experienced anything like Proposition 8. Yesterday, I was asked to be part of a blogger conference call with Schubert who heads up the Yes on 8 movement. Bottom line: This race is almost over. Tensions are high. Expectations are tempered but the general feeling is that Proposition 8 will prevail. Read the whole thing here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 11:44 PM | permalink
posted by Anonymous | 10:30 PM | permalink
Ultimately, I think the commercial won't play as well as Barack might have liked. It sort of felt like I lived in Venezuela and the weekly Hugo Chavez TV show was on. Barack Obama's propaganda piece gave a very limited and unconvincing narrative. It is striking how much is lacking there when it comes to talking about accomplishments. So he was a state senator, so he asked Condoleeza Rice pointed questions. Good for him. I can cross-examine the crud out of anyone but that doesn't make me Presidential material. I wonder how comfortable the campaign is with the absolute elite position Barack holds. I have known my share of arrogant law review types and the idea of electing one as President is really scary. Not as troubling as the idea of electing a professor though. Having said that, those are real accomplishments. But the campaign wants Barack to be seen as average American. In this piece, they do that by featuring average American people. But there is a disconnect there. In the end, we all hopefully know we are dealing with the most liberal member of the Senate and a guy who is no average American. He is a guy who is dubiously qualified to be President and has ideas about the economy and government that, rather than being tempered by perhaps business experience, have been radicalized by his education and associations.
posted by Anonymous | 10:26 PM | permalink
There will never be a more divise President than Barack Obama. Bill Richardson is wrong about bipartisanship. Most politicians moderate when they get in office, but there is a huge doubt about a leader with this much audacity keeping his aspirations in line. Barack promises everything. Barack can't pay for anything though without hurting our economy further.
posted by Anonymous | 10:24 PM | permalink
Rebuild Military while Joe Biden is saying military funding will need to be cut? Empty rhetoric. Tougher sanctions to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons? Iran knows that Obama is never going to do anything about it. There is no deterrence there. On a related note, Barack is on record saying he would never use nuclear weapons against Al Qaeda, so, he has already ruined any deterrent value we may have had there.
posted by Anonymous | 10:18 PM | permalink
Why is Obama's healthcare plan going to ruin our economy and healthcare system? Because it will charge a fee to businesses who don't give health care. If the cost is low, businesses will dump employees into the government plan rather than pay for private healthcare for their employees. If the cost is too high, it will force employers to provide health insurance for employees whose work is not worth such expense. There is an incentive for businesses to employ as few people as possible to avoid the huge cost associated with each employee. This cost also gets immediately passed along to consumers. It is a job killer.
posted by Anonymous | 10:16 PM | permalink
Bush has led us down the federal takeover of education track. Obama just wants to further it. Early childhood development, more teachers, better pay, etc. with supposed greater accountability. Make no mistake, there will not be greater accountability when the teacher's unions finally get their wish to gut the No Child Left Behind Act.
posted by Anonymous | 10:11 PM | permalink
Barack as government program reformer? Why would anyone think that Barack has any clue how to reign in goverenment spending? Does anyone really think that he will be able to go line by line and be able to succesfully streamline government? Like, the Democrats in Congress and he are going to bring efficiency to Washington. Laugh heartily now at the notion. Barack as Iraq spending reformer? I have an ideological difference between Obama on Iraq when he attacks our spending there. I think we have a moral duty to try and help them because we trashed their country. Barack wants to ditch them to fight amongst themselves.
posted by Anonymous | 10:09 PM | permalink
A profile with a Wal Mart worker! I guess Democrats don't hate Wal Mart as much as I thought. Too bad Obama is about to start taxing your coorporate profits at a much higher rate. There goes your job.
posted by Anonymous | 10:08 PM | permalink
Hey, go figure, Democratic governors are ready to vouch for Obama. Where's Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi? I may be wrong, but I would bet money they don't show up in this propganda piece.
posted by Anonymous | 10:05 PM | permalink
I get a weird feeling when my tv station is being taken over by a politician. I keep wondering if there is going to be a big red "V" at the end of this. The economic plan: Hey Obama! If you are so convinced that you have the solution to the economic problems, why aren't you yelling that all the politicians need to get back to Washington and pass the bill you are going to sponsor! The fact is, you just expect things to get better when you are President and you don't really have solutions.
posted by Anonymous | 10:03 PM | permalink
First profile. How can I pay for bills? Maybe you should give up on the football equipment. Sorry, my kids play soccer.
posted by Anonymous | 10:01 PM | permalink
Yeah, I am going to live blog about the ridiculous infomercial. What is with the silly pseudo oval office/slash log cabin room.
posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:02 PM | permalink
Those that are not Californians may not have heard about this story (video included). California cities want to buy up foreclosed homes and flip them. The story, out of Sacramento, says: Now the federal government is stepping in and sending cash to the hardest hit areas. The Sacramento region is getting one of the biggest bailouts, and receiving $32 million dollars.
"To purchase foreclosed homes in troubled neighborhoods and flip those homes," says a city representative. Mayor Fargo says the homes will be fixed up and then sold or rented out. Now I'm no genius (which maybe means that I'm qualified to work for the government), but this seems like a terrible idea. I was against the bailout before I heard this. This kind of foolery just solidifies the inevitable conclusion that the bailout was a historically bad idea. /// Cross-posted at That's Debatable?! (For those that would like to engage in serious debate, join me and other bloggers at That's Debatable?!) Labels: That's Debatable blog
posted by jason | 10:16 AM | permalink
A lot of you know I blog at www.race42008.com. Now that the race for 2008 is coming to end, the site is beginning to remake itself for 2012. Race42008 was a great place for Romney. You see at Race42008, all the candidates were represented through front page posters, and Mitt had 5. No other website really gave Mitt that kind of fairness and coverage. With Redstate becoming "Sarah-state" coupled with some of the other negativity on sites like Human Events and what will surely begin on The Next Right, it s important that we provide a fair balanced look at Mitt should McCain loose and Romney decide to run in 2012 (which I think Mitt will). During the primaries Race42008 was bringing in an average of 10-20,000 unique hits a day, which was well above sites like The Next Right, Ankle Biting Pundits and even MyManMitt. Race42008 was read by top editors at National Review, Real Clear Politics, Fox News, etc. In other words Race42008 gave a chance for a balanced view of Romney to be heard by the movers and shakers. So if you can only give $5 that is great but please give something, so Race42012 can enjoy the redesign and continue to provide the content that will be essential to Romney's online success.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 3:05 PM | permalink
Does anyone else think that Obama wouldn't be able to pass a background investigation for a sensitive U.S. Government position? Between the dope use and the friends he keeps, I wouldn't give him national security clearance.
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