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Saturday, July 7, 2007
posted by jason | 12:19 PM | permalink
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I think I need to clean my eyeballs with peroxide now.

That was horrible, and you're right - wrong in SOOOO many ways...


That was foul now wait some big burly Village Person type will come out with a porno love ballad for Mr. Romney. It's a sick world, ain't it?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 3:36 PM  

Should we expect "Randy for Rudy" next week?

Take it down.

It is just plain offensive. Can't stand Hillary, but I am offended by this kinda thing more.

They used kids for crying out loud!

posted by jason | 8:52 AM | permalink
I hope it's not official, because if it is, I would say they are pretty pathetic.

It's a Giuliani ad that is full of cursing, a disgusting metaphor, knocks on Mitt for being Mormon and brags about Giuliani killing immigrants. Actually after watching it, I can't help but wonder if this was actually done by someone who is trying to hurt Giuliani, because it only makes his image worse IMO.

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Uh - were you joking/using sarcasm?.. this is obviously not a Giuliani ad....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 10:51 AM  

Giuliani has 'em and Hillary don't.

By the way, was this worth posting?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 3:39 PM  

Friday, July 6, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 11:42 PM | permalink
For you single issue voters out there, I'm beginning to think there is a strong argument that Romney is more pro-life than Fred Thompson. Somebody has to be lying about this because both accounts can't be true.

The question I want to ask Fred Thompson: Are you aware if any listening devices were used by your lobbying firm?

I sincerely hope no one who reads this leaks it to him before I ask it at an "Ask Fred Anything" event.
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Why do you attack Fred Thompson for doing what Mitt Romney also did concerning abortion? Mitt was elected to do the job he promised to do: He promised to protect abortion laws! Mitt did not let his personal views on abortion get in the way of his job the voters elected him to do. That is all that Fred was doing: his job. To be fair, you should let your readers hear from Mitt in his own words what he has done in his past for his Pro-abortion voters:

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 1:02 AM  

HRC -----
Nobody is attacking Fred Thompson, read the piece again.
Aside: I knew Fred Thompson was really old!! The caption under the photo date it at April 18, 200.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 8:05 AM  

The main reason why Romney backer point things like this out about FDT is two-fold--One, FDT supporters used the whole flip-flopping thing to criticize GMR for months while we tried to assure them that Fred was guilty of being pro-choice in tha past as well. This was to no avail. Second, and more importantly, GMR has been open and forthcoming about his change on the abortion issue from the time he changed to the present. FDT seems to deny he has ever been pro-choice in any way, much less offer an explaination to why he changed. We can't help but think that he believes his charisma will trump the facts in the eyes of the voters. I think not, Fred. Soon it will be too late to admit your past mistakes freely without looking like the worst kind of panderer. Good luck.

I posted this because the reality needs to set in on Fred Thompson fans at some point and I might as well help it along. I accept that Mitt Romney was once less conservative than he is now. However, he is still strong pro-life and an extremely accomplished person who I want running the country. The entire premise for a Fred Thompson candidacy seems to be some kind of bizarre claim to conservative authenticity. In reality, he was once less conservative than what people out there would like him to think of him as. In light of that, he is on equal terms with Romney when it comes to abortion (except for the fact that Romney has come to his position through experience that has solidified his position and is open about his change of heart). If Romney and Thompson are on the same terms when it comes to abortion, than even single issue voters should be looking to other issues and experience. Romney was a great executive in MA, he was a great leader in SLC, and he was brilliant as a businessman. Resume to resume, Romney beats the living crud out of Fred Thompson and frankly, every other candidate when it comes to actually running the country.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 5:50 PM  

This isn't getting better for Thompson:,0,54260.story?coll=la-home-center

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 6:01 PM  

I wouldn't pile on Fred. It could be that this story is false. Fred could be milking it for all its worth to generate a backlash.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 8, 2007 at 10:46 AM  

posted by jason | 3:41 PM | permalink
National Journal Rankings

1. No One
Last Ranking: --
no one No one yet.

2. Mitt Romney
Former Massachusetts governor Last Ranking: 2
Mitt Romney He has a solid claim to No. 2 because of his strength in Iowa and New Hampshire and his solid bank account. But he's not the front-runner because he hasn't demonstrated he can be competitive in a general election yet, either based on message or polls. On the surface, he's had a rough month -- Garrity-Gate, stem cells, dog on top of the car -- but the net effect of this isn't that terrible. Basically, the press thinks Romney is the weirdest candidate. The dog-on-the-roof story only adds to the Clark Griswold weirdness.

2. Rudy Giuliani
Former New York City mayor Last Ranking: 1
Rudy Giuliani Mr. Electable has map-changing capabilities that no other Republican would dare claim. And he's still popular among Republicans, as evidenced by those national polls. But while everyone's been obsessing over how low John McCain will go, it's Giuliani who has seen his national numbers cut in half since April, and his leads in Iowa and New Hampshire erased by Romney. Does Rudy Inc. realize that the window is closing on his own ability to define his biography? Get some paid media up soon, Mr. Mayor.

2. Fred Thompson
Former Tennessee senator Last Ranking: 4
Fred Thompson He's No. 2 because of the combined strength of his state and national poll numbers. He is not No. 1 because even his campaign knows that this balloon will pop eventually and he'll have to get down to the business of retail stumping. It's very interesting, although not surprising, that so many Republicans are eager to proclaim Thompson as their savior without so much as a brief glance at his record, character or reason for running. One consequence of his reliance on new media: when he makes a mistake -- like when he talks about Cuban illegal immigrants (South Florida, anyone? Isn't Florida his state?), everyone will know, instantly. Can Thompson win the nomination? Ask us after his first multicandidate debate.

3. John McCain
Arizona senator Last Ranking: 3
John McCain Every assumption the McCain campaign brought to this race has been overturned: that McCain would build a massive bundler base, that Giuliani wouldn't run, that Bush's popularity would carry McCain through tough times with the base, that Fred Thompson wouldn't run, that immigration wouldn't be so bad, that McCain's strength on the war would carry him through. We do not subscribe to the McCain death watch theory; there are so many unknowns about the next few months. But we're waiting to see one metric -- just one metric -- that would provide us with more than a gut feeling that he may again rise to the top. And the reification effect of folks thinking he's dead just makes that possibility more probable.

4. Mike Huckabee
Former Arkansas governor Last Ranking: 5
Mike Huckabee It's funny how so many Arkansas Republicans are convinced that Huckabee won't be the vice presidential nominee because his alleged temper will cause him to implode at some point. That's why Sen. Mark Pryor is nervous about a challenge from Huckabee in '08.

5. Tommy Thompson
Former Wisconsin governor Last Ranking: 10
Tommy Thompson He deserves credit for running to win in Iowa, even after the straw poll lost its cachet. He's there all the time, and he's winning some smaller straw polls.

6. Sam Brownback
Kansas senator Last Ranking: 7
Sam Brownback His support for cloture on the immigration bill will hurt him, and we bet he's incredulous that so many of his conservative Christian friends are taking a look at Fred Thompson.

7. Tom Tancredo
Colorado congressman Last Ranking: 8
Tom Tancredo He's arguably the most influential member of Congress in terms of policy over the past two years. Look where it's gotten him. If his rhetoric had been a tad less nativist...

8. Ron Paul
Texas congressman Last Ranking: 11
Ron Paul We can't wait to see if Internet organization can translate at all to, say, a libertarian place like New Hampshire.

9. Duncan Hunter
California congressman Last Ranking: 9
Duncan Hunter The lack of debates isn't good for Hunter and with immigration on the back burner now, he may not have a good one-two talking-point punch.

10. Jim Gilmore
Former Virginia governor Last Ranking: 12
Jim Gilmore Hasn't he made himself irrelevant in Virginia politics now? If this bid doesn't take off soon, then he could hurt his statewide future.
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posted by jason | 2:07 PM | permalink
The New Smyrna Beach Times Endorsed Governor Romney today:

Although the Florida primary is more than six months away, we believe it is important to get behind the candidate we feel is best suited to be the next president of the United States: Mitt Romney.
We feel his vision and leadership are vital to providing for our national interests as well as economic stability and growth in a shrinking world market.
Romney is not the frontrunner in the Republican Party, but he is the clear candidate of choice in looking at former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's liberal politics and Sen. John McCain's old-school Washington insider status.
On the Democratic side, when all is said and done, the victor will more than likely be Hillary Clinton, who leads in the Democratic polls, is the best financed and has a strong ally in her husband and former president, Bill Clinton.
So why now? Why not wait until the primaries?
The answer is simple.
We've seen and heard enough from the debates to know that McCain is yesterday's news and outside of his 9/11 heroics, Giuliani doesn't have a national platform.
Romney has a strong campaign base.
The fact that Romney won the governorship in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the most liberal of all the states, speaks volumes about his broad appeal - his Reaganesque appeal, something this country vitally needs.
With a war raging in Iraq, instability among the Palestians and Israel and Iran's veiled threats and nuclear program, the nation needs to get behind the strongest candidate.
That candidate is Mitt Romney.
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Awesome! Go Mitt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 2:41 PM  

posted by jason | 12:49 PM | permalink
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posted by jason | 8:41 AM | permalink
1. Drop out of Ames

2. Fire all of Your Staff
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posted by jason | 8:30 AM | permalink
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posted by jason | 7:58 AM | permalink
Rudy, has had a good haul on the fundraising. He was the first place fundraiser in the GOP and I believe has the most cash on hand. He has a likable demeanor and has shown McCain what "Straight Talk" can be.


It would be just nice to know... what...he...thinks...of...

Roe V. Wade.

I mean good or bad. Thumbs up or thumbs down. Yea or ney.

We know he thinks abortion should be legal. We know he is OK with public funding depending on the circumstances. We also know he is OK with constructionist judges, and he is OK Roberts, Alito, Thompson, and Scalia.

What we don't know is if this formal federal prosecutor is OK with the 1973 law the finds a right to abortion in the first term. We don't know if he thinks it is good law. We don't know if he thinks a landmark ruling that made a special privilege that didn't exist in the constitution was in fact good.

Why don't we know? Because he won't tell us.

Mr. Giuliani invoked Ronald Reagan's name repeatedly, and always as a model. There is an element of political calculation in that -- Mr. Giuliani is trying to reassure the so-called cultural conservatives that if they liked Reagan, they'll love Rudy. But can he overcome the perception that he's a culturally liberal, pro-choice New Yorker who's to the left of his own party on a number of issues? He says that his differences with the party on cultural issues are "sometimes exaggerated for political purposes." On Roe v. Wade, he says, astutely, "I don't answer that because I wouldn't want a judge to have to answer that. I don't consider it a litmus test." But he may give the pro-life crowd jitters when he adds, "I think a conservative strict constructionist judge could come to either conclusion."

I think we used to know:

LARRY KING: "Do you still favor 'Roe v. Wade?'"

RUDY GIULIANI: "I am pro-choice, yes."

What gives Rudy? Fine, you're pro-choice. If you're the nominee we need to deal with that. But does it really matter to pro-lifers when you say you will appoint strict constructionist and somehow are not willing to open up on the validity of Roe V. Wade? Since you won't answer it now, and you favored it in February, I am left only to infer.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 2:52 PM | permalink
For some incomprehensible reason, Romney is catching press because pornography is available pay-per-view at Marriott hotels. Listen to this quote:

"'Marriott is a major pornographer. And even though he may have fought it, everyone on that board is a hypocrite for presenting themselves as family values when their hotels offer 70 different types of hardcore pornography,' said Phil Burress, president of Citizens for Community Values, an anti-pornography group based on Ohio."

Does anyone actually believe that statement? Is this guy for real? So far, I have read very little to nothing about what Romney said or did on the Board that would have related to pornography. This article says it didn't ever come up that he knows of. But what this person is saying is that even if Romney opposed it on the board, he is a hypocrite for merely being on the board!!! That is ridiculous. First of all, there is little a single board member could probably do, but this person is saying even if he tried?

Even if he hadn't tried though, as a board member, Romney had duties to the corporation. "'It certainly would have been wrong to impose his own personal beliefs if they were contrary to the financial interests of the company,' Marriott spokesman Roger Conner said of Romney."

This episode should actually be a lesson to those of you out there who wonder whether Romney would be dictated to by someone or if he would do what is in the country's best interest as President. Romney understands that elected representatives have obligations to their electors. When he ran in MA, he ran on the basis that he would fix the financial situation there and he told the voters he would not change abortion laws. When they tried to liberalize laws related to emergency contraception, cloning and other areas, he stood in the way. He stuck to what he had told them he would do.

Romney is on record as decrying pornography. He is on record as supporting the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We can expect him to do what he has said he will do. He will stand in the way of those who would liberalize these laws. If you elect him, you elect him on the basis that he wants to continue leading society in a direction that respects life, women, family and that he will set aside his personal beliefs and be President based on that contract with us. This is much the way Reagan was. Reagan laid out beforehand what he intended to do when he was running for President. Much of this was different than what he had done in CA, but it was done on the basis of this is what you are electing me to do. Romney is the best kind of elected representative that way. You know you have someone who is competent, who is laying out what they want to do, who will continue sharing as much information as possible to show you where we are headed, and who will act in the country's best interest and not their own.
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The Bush family has vast ownership interest in Movie theatres. How come these Movie theatres still show filth? Why do I sense a double standard here?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 5, 2007 at 3:44 PM  

This guy sounds like he has a peripheral agenda besides fighting pornography, such as "I don't like Mitt Romney and I don't want him to be president."

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 5, 2007 at 6:45 PM  

And another thing, why would a man such as Mitt Romney live in country where pornography is allowed and people transport their lifestock in large open boxes pulled by trucks on the highway?????
What does this REALLY tell us about the man??
I bet he even owns things made in China.
Look for a 10,000 word "EXCLUSIVE" in Newsweek on Mitt's use of the word "HELL" in the tenth grade.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 7:23 AM  

The bigger story out of this is Romney's blatantly libertarian statement on how he thinks adults should "do as the please."

That's a fantastic statement!

If the Romney folks had any sense, they'd be using that to reach out to the GOP's libertarian wing, most of whom, like me, are currently in the Giuliani camp.

BTW, I just reported on this at

I am shocked that you all cannot see what is wrong with Mitt serving on the Marriot board and seemingly doing nothing about the porn which is sold in those rooms.

Marriot is owned by my fellow Mormons. Mitt is a Mormon. Where is the willingness to do the right thing? Other hotels like Days Inn no longer sell porn! It is possible!

I am not voting for Mitt. I am leaving that bandwagon. The bottom line seems to be more important that doing the right thing.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 9:53 AM  

Good point! That dastardly Mitt! Why stop there though? I mean, I highly doubt the man did anything to curtail the policy of allowing unmarried couples to share a room! For shame, Mr. Romney! I don't care that you will do a better job leading America than the other candidates. I can't vote for you because you refused to override the rest of the board and legislate chastity! Fred or Rudy certainly would have banned porn, and they are getting MY vote!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 11:03 AM  

"If the Romney folks had any sense, they'd be using that to reach out to the GOP's libertarian wing, most of whom, like me, are currently in the Giuliani camp."

Why in the world would a libertarian be in the Guilani camp, have you looked at his record as Mayor? Here's a quote:

"Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do," - Rudy Giuliani, March 1994."

In case you weren't aware, black is to white what authoritarian is to libertarian.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 12:18 PM  

I think Mitt still doesn't understand the pornography issue. I am a big supporter and so is another coworker but we were both put off by Mitt's comments and particularly by the spokesman for Marriot saying that basically money was all that mattered. Mitt sounds like the unevolved 1994 Mitt on this issue. I still think he's the best candidate but he needs to think about where he stand on this issue more.

So is Mr. Romney watching porn movies? Or just breathing the same air pornographers do? It matters 'cause I hate porn, but I have probably shared an elevator or maybe even neighborhood with pornographers, maybe I even bought gas at a station where the clerk had a pornography habit so now I'm encouraging pornography and oil consumption. And now I'm afraid it disqualifies me for public office. What happened to the good old days where pornography was illegal and us decent folk didn't have to worry about it affecting our careers?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 4:43 PM  

Not that I am endoring pornography. I do wish to make it more difficult to access, unlike how it is now (Go! CP80 Go!). But, it has been determined by US Superior Court that pornography is indeed a protected rights for adults. Really, Mitt, Rudy or Fred could not do much about it if any of them do win the presidency. Finally, some of you have declared that it is a shame that Marriot chain is owned by Mormons. Yes, that is true. What you probably did not realize is that it is NOT ENTIRELY runned by Mormons. There are a lot of divisions running by different set of people, many of them are not Mormons. So, the question then is, have we made enough wave so that the executive officers, which handle many, many and many decisions daily, realized that pronography is provided by their company.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 10:24 PM  

What is the argument here?
Are people saying folks SHOULD imposed their religious beliefs on others?
You all cannot have it both ways.
One minute the bigots are yelling that Mitt WILL impose his beliefs on others and now the biggots are yelling because he WILL NOT.
Just admit you don't like him because he is a Mormon and your arguments will not sound so stupid.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 7, 2007 at 8:09 AM  

posted by Anonymous | 1:51 PM | permalink
The Washington Post has an absolutely fascinating article about the work of Alex Gage to target specific political messages to particular voters based upon the same microtargeting theories that marketers use. Basically, a very large sample of consumer information is gathered and processed into target groups for specific political issues.

This sounds obvious to someone with a business background. In fact, "[When microtargeting was first pitched] to the Harvard MBAs advising Romney in his gubernatorial campaign, they were stunned that the idea had never been used in politics. 'You guys don't do this already?' they asked".

The article goes on to discuss Gage's apparent success using this approach in New Mexico and Ohio in 2004 for President Bush.

In Ohio: "In Ohio, the key battleground of the 2004 campaign, Gage's microtargeting showed that black voters -- who had traditionally not been drawn to the GOP -- wanted to hear candidates talk about education and health care. As a result, they received a series of contacts -- direct mail and phone calls, primarily -- emphasizing Bush's accomplishments on just those two issues. It was a much different message from the president's broader attempt to cast the election as a choice between staying the course in Iraq and the anti-terrorism effort or switching teams in midstream."

"It worked. Nationwide, Bush won 11 percent of the black vote, a two-point increase from 2000; in Ohio, he won 16 percent, an improvement of seven percentage points. Bush won Ohio by 118,601 votes, or approximately 2 percent of the more than 5.6 million votes cast for the two major-party nominees."

Romney: The Romney team has enlisted Gage to help them win the Republican nomination. Several meetings were held to determine if microtargeting would also work in a primary election. The conclusion, "After hashing out the details on maps and graphs, Myers and the rest of the Romney team reached a decision. 'The question was whether you could differentiate between the eight kinds of chocolate,' she said. 'I became convinced that the power of microtargeting was enhanced by segregating a generally homogenous universe.'"

As to the Current Effort...

"[T]he Romney campaign is decidedly circumspect when it comes to divulging details of exactly what Gage and his team are doing, other than to say the process of interviewing individuals has begun in Iowa."

"Developing that strategy has placed Gage in a central role in the campaign. Myers describes Gage as its 'strategic orchestra leader' -- he oversees polling, media and online operations and works to ensure that every part of the Romney operation is working in concert."

"Gage is more humble about his role, calling himself a 'planner.' He said, 'I have always believed in Eisenhower's observation: 'In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.'' "

Just one more indication, in case you needed it, that the Romney team is on the cutting edge.
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posted by Jeff Fuller | 11:53 AM | permalink
Barron's Online features "The Mitt and Bill Show" Parts One and Two.

I think it's a no-brainer that Romney is a natural choice for our economy. Bill Richardson scored worse than any GOP candidate, but was the best of the Dems (If I had to vote for a Dem for POTUS, I've long said that Richardson would get my vote)

The actual report card is interesting as well.
However, like a proud and defensive parent, I think that Romney should have got "straight A's". His only B came in "income tax reform" even though he was the first to sign Grover Norquist's/Americans for Tax Reforms no new taxes pledge and has consistently talked about his plans to drastically change or eliminate the Alt Min Tax and make Bush's Tax cuts permanent. He's also been on the record as wanting to decrease the marginal income tax rate for everyone in every bracket and to simplify the tax code. Meanwhile, "I-commit-to-raising-your-taxes-for-my-socialist-schemes John Edwards" gets only one grade lower at a C? That's just crazy. Maybe they want someone to commit to a flat tax or a "fair tax" to get an A in that one?

Still, a great showing for Mitt summed up in their lead in:

Romney would be the best Republican candidate for stocks, bonds and the economy

Some other worthy quotes:

[On Healthcare] Only Romney has bragging rights to having actually done something in this area, and he's quick to let you know it: "As governor of Massachusetts, I helped design and enact a plan to insure all of our uninsured citizens, which did not require new taxes nor a government takeover of health care."

Based on our report card, the optimal match-up for Wall Street would be Richardson versus Romney, because both candidates favor low taxes and sound fiscal policy. This doesn't seem a likely outcome, however, given Richardson's low charisma levels.

Obama versus Romney, or any of the Republicans for that matter, would be the next-best scenario for the street.
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It would be interesting to see how Ron Paul answers your questions.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 10:03 PM | permalink
Found this button at the Nixon Presidential Library today in Yorba Linda, CA. As one walks through the displays one can't help but wonder what direction the country would have gone with a Romney at the helm.
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Last August when I chatted with Governor Romney in Tennessee, I gave him four of these (and similar buttons) I thought they were so cool, that I thought he needed some more (I figure he already had some, but you could never have too many :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 5, 2007 at 4:54 PM  

The Economist also has a very complimentary article on Romney this week.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 9:17 AM  

posted by jason | 8:12 AM | permalink


2007 DNC Releases on GOP ’08 Candidates (Unique Attacks)







F. Thompson












2007 DNC Releases on GOP ’08 Candidates (Joint Attacks Included)









F. Thompson












T. Thompson


In the month of June, the DNC attacked Romney 14 times, McCain & Giuliani 11 times each and F. Thompson 7 times.
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You really should post that over on Fredstate.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 4, 2007 at 8:54 AM  

I will, and watch me get beat up!

I love the data you bring to bear on this. Looks pretty clear to me...the Dems fear Mitt more than any of the others. All the more reason to nominate him!

Keeping in mind that McCain is a Dead Man Walking, the gap between Mitt and the competition is even wider!

Shall we open the door and let Mitt in?

Mitt Romney is a Morman. Mixing Church with State is a no no. But how about mixing religion with politics or faith with politics. The Kenndys were catholics, and the Rockefellers Jews . Faith is always mixed in politics. I hope politicians have faith in our country. But who do we have faith in? It seems like movie stars gets elected because we know them and like them. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California Shirley Temple, and Andy Devine and Clint Eastwood were elected mayors in California. Ofcourse California is a movie land founded for the camera with all of that sunshine. So chances are with the high percentage of stars in Californa some will be politicians. Let's not forget Regan he was an actor too. The cry went out about him that we couldn't trust his faith because he was putting on an act. But people liked his act it brought food to their tables and security to the Country.
If the following famous people had qualified for President would you have voted for any of them?
Rick Augilera a pitcher for the cougars, Minnesota Twins and now for the Chicago Cubs.
Corbin Allred an actor who starred on "Teen Angel"
Allan Ashby, a Major-leauge baseball catcher for the Houston Astro's from 1979-1989.

Danny White, a football star for the Dallas Cowboys.

Danny Ainges, a basketball star on the Boston Celtics team and works with the Childrens Miracle Network and Special Olympics. He owns and operates National Hat Club. Danny is now a NBA TV analyst.

Gene Autry, king of the cowboys, a singing cowboy movie star.

Rambo the Green Brete that Sylvester Stallone portrayed in the movie Rambo.

Donny Osmond, a famous rock star.

Jack Dempesy, the heavy weight champion boxer .

Red Foely, a country Western singer.

All of these men had the same thing in common. They had the same religion. They were all Mormons. Rambo is Bo Gritz. He has already ran for president but was defeated by Clinton.

There have been many Mormans in politics and no one complained. None Mormans with businesses snatch up return missionaries and BYU graduates and so do the FBI, CIA, and Bankers because of their integrity. Now that a Morman is running for president there is much complaining against his faith. Could it be that his opponents are the only ones that doesn't want another president that has integrity like President Bush has. Mr. Bush endorsed Mitt Romeny.

There seems to be a lot of focuses on Romeny. He's a man that should be closely scrutinized. He has more power over money than the others do. He could bring our county out of financial captivity or suck us under with his power of money. Does it over power him or does he over power it? His wealth came from being a financial organizer. If we don't hire him for our president that could cause our country to mourn. He is the kind our country needs and cannot afford to overlook him. But, does he have what other Mormans had that got them their jobs? I'm sure that they were not hired without a background check. And we should not hire Mitt Romeny without one either. But how far does that investigation go? I'm quite sure that his opponents don't want every one to investigate his Church doctrines but I think his Church wouldn't mind, after all, it sends out missionaries to teach everyone about them.

There are some things about the Church and Mitt that everyone should know about though. First of all there are at least a hundred other churches that call themselves Mormans. They split off the main church because of their different beliefs. PBS cover a documentary merging two Mormon churches in one. Which left me with more questions than answers. Who is the leader of Mitts Church? They showed an elderly leader named Hinkley, who said that they don't believe in polygamy and then showed a different leader in jail for polygamy. I wasn't wondering if they believed in polygamy but I wondered who was the leader. My curiosity got the best of me and I found out that Hinkley was Mitt's leader who doesn't believe in polygamy. I could then sweep the issue of polygamy under the rug. Next, did he believe in Christ or even God. The reason Mormans got a reputation for not believing in Christ is because a child named Joseph Smith clamed he saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. It was Church Ministers that persecuted him for that acclaim. However, he couldn't be a competing threat yet because he didn't yet have a church. They didn't persecute him for plural marriages either because he was only fourteen years old and not married. So that was the beginning of his accusation of being a none christen. He did found his church or he called it Christ's Church and named it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They claim to be Christens which means Saints. So that issue I swept under the rug.

However his belief in his Church could affect the USA and the rest of the world if he were president. His Church believes that families is the strongest governing power in the world and everything begins there including life. His Church is small but the fastest growing one and one of the richest churches in the world. Utah is a Morman State with not many government welfare programs. The reason for this is because the Church has it's own welfare programs and is a prosperous State. The Church is a 100% Charity Orgagazion. The church receives no pay for their services, their ministers, and missionaries get no pay. 100% of all donations for relief are given for relief, their labors and time are all donated. They have organized the men's welfare plan, and the women's Reliefe Society to orchestrate these distributions. They expect no money or favors in return, only that those receiving aid may become free temporally and spiritually. They have no paid preacher for laymen are called on for talks. Even children become accustomed to speaking in front of a congregation. Whether Mitt is a charitable person or not is important to our prosperity and safety. For money is a defiance.

Mitt Romney said he could hardly wait to get his hands on Washington. I'll bet that those tyrants that have conned their ways into Washington don't want his hands on them. Apparently he's not one of them because they are looking for every way to slander his name along with his Church of which 12 million people belong to.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 12:39 AM  

posted by jason | 7:02 AM | permalink

"For more than two centuries, the United States has stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our freedoms have not been easily won. Today, brave men and women are fighting to preserve those freedoms. As we gather with friends and family, let us resolve to keep America strong. We will always be the hope of the world and a beacon of light to liberty-loving people everywhere."

-Mitt Romney
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 3:24 PM | permalink
As everyone knows at this point, Bush 43 decided to commute Scooter Libby's federal prison sentence. This has been hailed by some people who think the special prosecutor was seeking to get some kind of an conviction form an investigation that went largely nowhere. One of the Advisory Board members of the Libby Defense Fund, Fred Thomspon, had this to say:

"I am very happy for Scooter Libby. I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. While for a long time I have urged a pardon for Scooter, I respect the President's decision. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume his life."

In the past, Thompson is also on record saying he would "absolutely" pardon Libby and that the case was a "gross injustice."

Some of the most conservative news outlets (heavy sarcasm intended) have compared Thompson's position to his vote to impeach Clinton:

"Thompson, in fact, voted as a senator to convict Clinton for obstruction of justice, though he voted to find Clinton not guilty of the perjury charge. In explaining his vote to convict, Thompson at the time underscored the seriousness of the obstruction charge. 'In the context of a federal court proceeding, that does violence to the rule of law,' he told the Memphis Commercial-Appeal shortly after casting his vote. 'It causes people to lose respect. That to me was the kind of thing the founding fathers would have said rises to the level of removable conduct.'"

I have previously written here about Thompson's vulnerability in relation to his impeachment vote. I am not saying the vote wasn't appropriate or not, I actually think it was. I do think it can be effectively used against him though because Thompson can easily be painted as one of the Washington Republicans who banded with Gingrich to try to take down Clinton (something many people disliked).

There is something pretty distasteful in talking about electability in many ways. You aren't propounding principles, you aren't advocating for the right path, you are doing a pragmatic assesment of what you have before you and what would be the most strategic (not to be confused with strategery) approach. Having said that, I also think Thompson's large and public role in the Libby defense will also be effectively used against him. Whatever some activists may think, this is not a winning issue. The Democrats have been describing Washington Republicans as corrupt cronies for a long time and this is just another item to be packaged in campaign fundraising mailers and to be railed against at rallies.

As Hillary Clinton put it: "This particular action by the president is one more piece of evidence in their ongoing disregard for the rule of law that they think they don't have to answer to."

As Barak Obama put it: "This decision to commute the sentence of a man who compromised our national security cements the legacy of an Administration characterized by a politics of cynicism and division, one that has consistently placed itself and its ideology above the law. This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can begin restoring the American people's faith in a government that puts the country's progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of recent years."

Now, Romney for his part, called the commutation "reasonable." He has previously been criticized for not committing to a pardon. This is very consistent with his record as Governor though, where he has been criticized for not pardoning anyone during his tenure in MA. He prefers a restrained approach because he doesn't want to overturn a jury verdict.

In the general election, to the extent this issue has traction, I think Romney fares much better than Thompson. Really this is about electability. Increasingly, I am convinced that Thompson's record as a lobbyist, as a Senator, as a lobbyist again, and as a member of Libby's defense fund make him very vulnerable in a general election.

As a prosecutor, I must say that I am not a big fan of pardons or commutations of sentences as a whole. I take a jury verdict as fact generally, unless new evidence comes to light. There is no new information here as far as I know. Having said that, I appreciate that Bush has the right to do this. But leaving the debate aside as to whether Libby should have served time since everyone else convicted of this crime does or whether he should ultimately be pardoned, the commutation doesn't reflect kindly upon the White House or the Republican party. As a result, I am convinced the candidate who took a more measured approach to the issue is a better choice than the potential, may be if I get around to it, or you might suck me in if you try, candidate who was on the defense team.
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Fred Thompson is just another part of the McCain, Dole, Damato philanderer polygamist cabal, protecting their goods. McCain was part of the Keating S&L scandal, but they are also responsible for the subprime debacle. Damato never passed the repeal of Glass Steagal because he was milking both securities and banking firms. Meanwhile, the junk banks he had his hand in made junk loans. It only took Phil Gramm one month to pass Gramm Leach when Damato was defated. These guys don't see fnance as an industry which affects our global competitiveness, just as a teat they can suck on. The youth stashers want a harem of women and a harem of banks they can have their way with. And, now, will the guys who insisted our current president was the best candidate just because he had a southern accent please pay the bill?

posted by Justin Hart | 1:52 PM | permalink
It just hit the wires:

FAST FACTS About Romney For President's $20.5 Million Second Quarter Total:

  • Amount Raised In Primary Contributions In The Second Quarter: $14 Million
  • Total Amount Raised In Primary Contributions For The Year: Approximately $35 Million
  • In The Second Quarter, Governor Romney Loaned $6.5 Million To Romney For President.
  • Total Amount Of Revenue For The Entire Year: $43.9 Million
  • Cash On Hand: $12 Million
  • Total Number Of Donors In The Second Quarter: More Than 80,000 (Nearly 50,000 New Donors And 150% Increase From The First Quarter)
  • Contributions Received From All 50 States And Washington, D.C.
  • NO General Election Money Collected.
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Mitt has lost my vote...Scooter deserved prison, you lie & pay the time. He is no better than the rest of us, public servant and all.

Sorry Mitt

You BLEW IT!!!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 2:31 PM  

$14 Million for Q2!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 2:49 PM  

It appears that Giuliani raised $2M for the general election, so the apples to apples comparison is Giuliani $15M and Romney $14M. I'll take that. Doesn't hurt for Romney to be able to drop in millions at will, either.,,-6755456,00.html

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 4:20 PM  

Lost your vote? You guys who come in here and drop similar comments are entertaining, but not at all convincing!

Whom were you voting for before Mitt's comments on Scooter? Mitt? I doubt it. Mitt has so much going for him you'd be nuts to switch your vote on the basis of his Scooter comments alone. But perhaps you are just that--nuts!

Really impressive fundraising. What is apparent in comparing Romney and Giuliani is that Romney is running with Giuliani, which is no small feat, mind you. There are a lot of Republicans out asking for money. Giuliani has a lot of star power and probably a much higher speaking fee to begin with. So, I am duly impressed. What is clear though is we need to breath a collective breath and get to work again.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 6:16 PM  

Mitt's $ numbers may actually be ahead of Rudy's, since Rudy was also raising money for the general election. Still Mitt needs to tap a broader base. He should start to pull away and do well when FDT stops running his stealth campaign and actually exposes himself to public scrutiny.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 7:52 PM  

Anonymous 7:52 -

Giuliani raised $15M for the primary. Mitt raised $14M. See my comment above.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 4, 2007 at 3:45 AM  

Judy said, "Mitt has lost my vote...Scooter deserved prison, you lie & pay the time. He is no better than the rest of us, public servant and all.

Sorry Mitt

You BLEW IT!!!!!
By judy w" ....
Judy, Judy, Judy....Are you going to "pay the time" for LYING that you were ever going to vote for Romney?


By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 4, 2007 at 8:06 AM  

Monday, July 2, 2007
posted by jason | 5:18 PM | permalink


  • Romney 27%
  • McCain 21%
  • Giuliani 19%
  • F.Thompson 10%
  • Gingrich 4%
  • Brownback, Huckabee, Hunter, Paul, Tancredo 1%
  • Gilmore, Hagel, Pataki, T. Thompson 0%


  • Romney 25%
  • Giuliani 18%
  • F. Thompson 14%
  • McCain 13%
  • Gingrich 5%
  • Brownback 3%
  • T. Thompson 3%
  • Hagel, Huckabee, Hunter, Paul, Tancredo 1%
  • Gilmore, Pataki 0%


  • McCain 23%
  • Giuliani 22%
  • F. Thompson 19%
  • Romney 8%
  • Gingrich 6%
  • Huckabee 3%
  • Hunter 2%
  • Brownback, Gilmore, Tancredo 1%
  • Hagel, Pataki, Paul, TThompson 0%
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How is McCain doing that well in SC? Also, Justin can you tell us what people are saying on the ground in SC and if the swell of anti-Mormon mailings are some of the reason for the lack of traction there. Thanks

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 8:38 PM  

McCain spent 12 million dollars SOMEWHERE, I guess it was South Carolina.
Polls take a while to catch up with the realities on the ground.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 6:02 AM  

posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:42 PM | permalink
To get an in depth look at the state of McCain's campaign right now, read this from David Freddoso at NRO.

One more thought came to me as I read through Marc Ambinder's run-down of the McCain numbers: McCain's campaign finances are an indictment on his ability to run a fiscally sound government. According to Freddoso, McCain raised $11.2 million in the second quarter, but spent $14.4 million, leaving just $2 million in cash on hand. Ambinder has another amazing number:
Though he wouldn't confirm it, a back of the envelope calculation suggests that McCain has spent $23M this year, more than any of his opponents.

Admittedly, McCain spent much of that money on ground-game organization (which as Justin continually reminds us is vital). It's not that the objects of McCain's expenses are frivolous or unworthy, but such expenditures make McCain's professions of fiscal discipline ring notably hollow. It begs the question: How can he reign in spending for the nation if he can't even do it for his campaign? How will he make the tough choices on federal spending?

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Regarding how McCain will reign in spending for a nation...he will do what he has done with his staff--fire most of the federal government and ask the rest to volunteer their time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 9:34 PM  

posted by Anonymous | 3:38 PM | permalink
The AP has some info on advertising today and here is the bit on Romney:

"Early on, Romney took advantage of his ability to raise money to push himself into the top tier of candidates. His TV advertising has introduced him to voters who don't know the former Massachusetts governor as well as Giuliani and McCain, campaign spokesman Kevin Madden said."

"'Many of the other top-tier candidates have already enjoyed a good amount of free media attention on their candidacies,' he said. 'We, on the other hand, have had to turn to paid advertising to make ourselves better known.'"

"The bulk of Romney's TV spots were concentrated in early decider states Iowa (2,036 ads) and New Hampshire (788 ads). But Romney has also run local ads in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Minnesota, Nielsen said."

"His ads are likely to spread soon to states with primaries on Feb. 5, including New York, North Carolina and Missouri, Madden said."

Notice that Romney was the only major candidate, by mid June, who had run any television ads.
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:08 PM | permalink
...or should I say down. McCain raised 11.2 million for the second quarter. CNN reports:
Republican John McCain reorganized his campaign Monday, cutting staff in every department as he raised just $11.2 million in the last three months and reported an abysmal $2 million cash on hand for his presidential bid.

Some 50 staffers or more are being let go, and senior aides will be subject to pay cuts as the Arizona senator bows to six months of subpar fundraising, according to officials with knowledge of the details of the shake up.

I haven't heard Romney's number yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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I wish I could raise 11.2 million in three months.
Having said that, the sooner McCain gets out of the race the better for HIM and his family.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 3:01 PM  

As McCain tanks and the Democrats continue posting exorbitant amounts, it become more important than ever that Republicans begin uniting around the best canidate, Mitt Romney. That 11 million dollars would have helped us elect Romney the next President. I don't mind if we only narrow it down to Mitt and Rudy, but we need to start focusing our efforts.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 3:28 PM  


That's kind of funny. I went to Boston thinking, man how about I have a fundraiser for my self, they seem to work pretty well.

posted by jason | 9:50 AM | permalink
I finally had a chance to sit down and read the Globes 7 piece story on Mitt Romney. It's worth a read if you have the time. Long, but full of details.

Before reading it what struck me, was the Boston Globe does a 7 article piece on Romney, and the most negative thing the public can take away from it is that Romney strapped a dog carrier to the top of his car. You would think with a paper owned by the NYTimes that has a penchant for negative stories on Romney, a little more could have been unearthed, but alas, that wasn't the case.

Lets look at some of what they revealed on Romney.

1. College Days:

"He was just full of energy and excitement about the law and law school," said Garret G. Rasmussen, who, by virtue of alphabetical seating, sat near Romney their first year at law school. "There was nothing jaded about him, nothing skeptical, nothing ironic. He was all positive, and it was a very refreshing style."

"He didn't mind if we were drinking coffee or having a beer, but that wasn't what he did," Serkin said. "We respected him for being true to what he believed in, and I found him to be completely open and tolerant to everybody else."

On occasion, Mitt and Ann invited classmates to "family home evening," a Mormon tradition in which families set aside time each week to spend together. Visitors to their house at the time, on Winn Street near Belmont Hill, remember it as modest, without any obvious trappings of wealth.

In spending time with Romney, "you got the feeling you were dealing with a guy with a very strong moral fiber who is very devoted to church and family," added Brownstein. "You're not going to hear from Mitt a joke at anyone's expense, and you're not going to hear any swear words. You know when you meet him and when you're with him that you're dealing with a very serious-minded guy."

2. Bain Capital Days:

He approached his consultant job with the complementary skills that had been sharpened during his parallel lives at Harvard. His legal training taught him to ask challenging questions, to play the role of devil's advocate, and to use an adversarial process in an effort to get answers. Business school developed his ability to reconcile conflicting data and differing points of view. It also helped shape him as a leader and team-builder

In 1997, he balked again, at the acquisition of a Los Angeles video distributor and movie producer that would be renamed Artisan Entertainment and become famous for producing the movie ''The Blair Witch Project.''

Romney worried that Bain Capital's image would suffer from the perception it ''had gone Hollywood,'' according to Rehnert, the Bain partner who proposed he deal.

Romney had another problem. The studio had an extensive library of R-rated films, which the Mormon Church discourages its members from watching.

Rehnert calmed Romney's image concerns by enlisting a Chicago firm to join the deal, sharing the risk and deflecting attention from Bain.

Romney, balancing his duty to make money for his investors with his religious beliefs, let the deal go through, but declined to co-invest his own money, which partners usually did.

''I didn't want to profit from a studio that made R-rated movies,'' Romney said recently.

3. Family Life:

''Think about it,'' Tagg says, ''a 12-hour drive and the only time we stop is to get gas. When we stop, you can buy your food and go to the bathroom, but that's the only time we're stopping, so you'd better get it all done at once.'' Yet there was one exception to Mitt's nonstop policy. ''As soon as my mom says, 'I think I need to go to the bathroom,' he pulls over instantly, and doesn't complain. 'Anything for you, Ann.'.''

Tagg didn't get it back then, but now at age 37 he finally understands why his father has been willing to suspend his regimented ways when it comes to his wife. ''When they were dating,'' Tagg says, ''he felt like she was way better than him, and he was really lucky to have this catch. He really genuinely still feels that way, thinks, 'I'm so lucky I've got her.' So he puts her on a pedestal.''

After these stories, the Globe goes onto a series of articles on Romney's life in the Olympics and Governor. Granted, Romney does have critics their. What public figure who is successful doesn't? And granted, Mitt is not perfect, there are some fair criticisms that can be made.

But I think what is most noteworthy, after reading the entire series, is that the Boston Globe has been following and digging up on Romney for years, and what do we get, a picture of an honorable man who has a strong inner core of values that revolve around his family and integrity.
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Well, except for that incident with American Pad and Paper. Bain Capital bankrupted it and left it struggling ... Oops! Oh, well, must leave them with a big mess to clean up ... no prob. A few extra million into Mitt's pockets; what the heck?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 1:30 PM  

ASB150 -- Comments like yours make a strong case for making IQ tests required before voting.
Even a CASUAL reading of the AMPAD situation shows BAIN improved it considerably.
The problems AMPAD suffered later were the pains of a 100 year old company selling LEGAL PADS in an INTERNET and BLACBERRY world.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 6:09 AM  

posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:40 AM | permalink
Countdown to the Ames Straw Poll: 40 days

This weekend, most of the candidates participating in the Straw poll were at a forum put on by Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance. The only info out there (that I can find) is what has been reported by the DesMoines Register. Most of it is fairly typical of what has been said at the debates so far. One thing stuck out to me, though. Duncan Hunter, the San Diego Congressman, said that he could not promise that he would not raise taxes as president:
"I can't make that promise for a couple of reasons," he said. "One, we may have emergencies. We may have a war. ... I will say this, I've got a total record of voting for every major tax cut that has come in front of Congress for 26 years."

Uh...,really? Can't promise to not raise taxes? For someone that repeatedly claims to be a true conservative, he seems to be a very uncourageous one when it comes to taxes.

As for the other front-runners (Giuliani, McCain, Thompson)...oh yeah, none of them showed. Iowa can feel the love.

Thanks to those that donated. As for myself, my wife let me donate a solid Lincoln to Mitt's cause (What did you expect? I'm a poor student). Don't spend it all in one place, Mitt.

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Personally, I'm with Gov. Romney's statement in 2002. I think those kind of pledges are gimmicks. Duncan Hunter is right. Currently, I think we need a war bond.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 11:39 AM  

I agree with Brandon P.
I trust Romney would not raise taxes simply because he had the perfect "excuse" to do so in MASS and he did not.
Duncan Hunter, on the other hand, was part of the biggest spending Republican Congress in history.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 6:12 AM  

Sunday, July 1, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 3:36 PM | permalink
Great interview with Ann Romney:

"The Ann Romney we see staring in admiration at her husband during their public appearances is authentic, bold, and completely confident that the man she fell in love with during her teens is indeed doing the right thing for the country. When asked how she feels about taking on such an enormous endeavor as a presidential campaign, she calmly says, 'I have no fear, none at all. I know we are doing what we are supposed to, and no matter how things turn out, I know we will be okay. Everything will be fine.'"

Check it out over at Women for Romney.
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