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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
posted by jason | 8:12 AM | permalink


2007 DNC Releases on GOP ’08 Candidates (Unique Attacks)







F. Thompson












2007 DNC Releases on GOP ’08 Candidates (Joint Attacks Included)









F. Thompson












T. Thompson


In the month of June, the DNC attacked Romney 14 times, McCain & Giuliani 11 times each and F. Thompson 7 times.
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You really should post that over on Fredstate.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 4, 2007 at 8:54 AM  

I will, and watch me get beat up!

I love the data you bring to bear on this. Looks pretty clear to me...the Dems fear Mitt more than any of the others. All the more reason to nominate him!

Keeping in mind that McCain is a Dead Man Walking, the gap between Mitt and the competition is even wider!

Shall we open the door and let Mitt in?

Mitt Romney is a Morman. Mixing Church with State is a no no. But how about mixing religion with politics or faith with politics. The Kenndys were catholics, and the Rockefellers Jews . Faith is always mixed in politics. I hope politicians have faith in our country. But who do we have faith in? It seems like movie stars gets elected because we know them and like them. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California Shirley Temple, and Andy Devine and Clint Eastwood were elected mayors in California. Ofcourse California is a movie land founded for the camera with all of that sunshine. So chances are with the high percentage of stars in Californa some will be politicians. Let's not forget Regan he was an actor too. The cry went out about him that we couldn't trust his faith because he was putting on an act. But people liked his act it brought food to their tables and security to the Country.
If the following famous people had qualified for President would you have voted for any of them?
Rick Augilera a pitcher for the cougars, Minnesota Twins and now for the Chicago Cubs.
Corbin Allred an actor who starred on "Teen Angel"
Allan Ashby, a Major-leauge baseball catcher for the Houston Astro's from 1979-1989.

Danny White, a football star for the Dallas Cowboys.

Danny Ainges, a basketball star on the Boston Celtics team and works with the Childrens Miracle Network and Special Olympics. He owns and operates National Hat Club. Danny is now a NBA TV analyst.

Gene Autry, king of the cowboys, a singing cowboy movie star.

Rambo the Green Brete that Sylvester Stallone portrayed in the movie Rambo.

Donny Osmond, a famous rock star.

Jack Dempesy, the heavy weight champion boxer .

Red Foely, a country Western singer.

All of these men had the same thing in common. They had the same religion. They were all Mormons. Rambo is Bo Gritz. He has already ran for president but was defeated by Clinton.

There have been many Mormans in politics and no one complained. None Mormans with businesses snatch up return missionaries and BYU graduates and so do the FBI, CIA, and Bankers because of their integrity. Now that a Morman is running for president there is much complaining against his faith. Could it be that his opponents are the only ones that doesn't want another president that has integrity like President Bush has. Mr. Bush endorsed Mitt Romeny.

There seems to be a lot of focuses on Romeny. He's a man that should be closely scrutinized. He has more power over money than the others do. He could bring our county out of financial captivity or suck us under with his power of money. Does it over power him or does he over power it? His wealth came from being a financial organizer. If we don't hire him for our president that could cause our country to mourn. He is the kind our country needs and cannot afford to overlook him. But, does he have what other Mormans had that got them their jobs? I'm sure that they were not hired without a background check. And we should not hire Mitt Romeny without one either. But how far does that investigation go? I'm quite sure that his opponents don't want every one to investigate his Church doctrines but I think his Church wouldn't mind, after all, it sends out missionaries to teach everyone about them.

There are some things about the Church and Mitt that everyone should know about though. First of all there are at least a hundred other churches that call themselves Mormans. They split off the main church because of their different beliefs. PBS cover a documentary merging two Mormon churches in one. Which left me with more questions than answers. Who is the leader of Mitts Church? They showed an elderly leader named Hinkley, who said that they don't believe in polygamy and then showed a different leader in jail for polygamy. I wasn't wondering if they believed in polygamy but I wondered who was the leader. My curiosity got the best of me and I found out that Hinkley was Mitt's leader who doesn't believe in polygamy. I could then sweep the issue of polygamy under the rug. Next, did he believe in Christ or even God. The reason Mormans got a reputation for not believing in Christ is because a child named Joseph Smith clamed he saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. It was Church Ministers that persecuted him for that acclaim. However, he couldn't be a competing threat yet because he didn't yet have a church. They didn't persecute him for plural marriages either because he was only fourteen years old and not married. So that was the beginning of his accusation of being a none christen. He did found his church or he called it Christ's Church and named it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They claim to be Christens which means Saints. So that issue I swept under the rug.

However his belief in his Church could affect the USA and the rest of the world if he were president. His Church believes that families is the strongest governing power in the world and everything begins there including life. His Church is small but the fastest growing one and one of the richest churches in the world. Utah is a Morman State with not many government welfare programs. The reason for this is because the Church has it's own welfare programs and is a prosperous State. The Church is a 100% Charity Orgagazion. The church receives no pay for their services, their ministers, and missionaries get no pay. 100% of all donations for relief are given for relief, their labors and time are all donated. They have organized the men's welfare plan, and the women's Reliefe Society to orchestrate these distributions. They expect no money or favors in return, only that those receiving aid may become free temporally and spiritually. They have no paid preacher for laymen are called on for talks. Even children become accustomed to speaking in front of a congregation. Whether Mitt is a charitable person or not is important to our prosperity and safety. For money is a defiance.

Mitt Romney said he could hardly wait to get his hands on Washington. I'll bet that those tyrants that have conned their ways into Washington don't want his hands on them. Apparently he's not one of them because they are looking for every way to slander his name along with his Church of which 12 million people belong to.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 6, 2007 at 12:39 AM  

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