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Monday, July 2, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:40 AM | permalink
Countdown to the Ames Straw Poll: 40 days

This weekend, most of the candidates participating in the Straw poll were at a forum put on by Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance. The only info out there (that I can find) is what has been reported by the DesMoines Register. Most of it is fairly typical of what has been said at the debates so far. One thing stuck out to me, though. Duncan Hunter, the San Diego Congressman, said that he could not promise that he would not raise taxes as president:
"I can't make that promise for a couple of reasons," he said. "One, we may have emergencies. We may have a war. ... I will say this, I've got a total record of voting for every major tax cut that has come in front of Congress for 26 years."

Uh...,really? Can't promise to not raise taxes? For someone that repeatedly claims to be a true conservative, he seems to be a very uncourageous one when it comes to taxes.

As for the other front-runners (Giuliani, McCain, Thompson)...oh yeah, none of them showed. Iowa can feel the love.

Thanks to those that donated. As for myself, my wife let me donate a solid Lincoln to Mitt's cause (What did you expect? I'm a poor student). Don't spend it all in one place, Mitt.

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Personally, I'm with Gov. Romney's statement in 2002. I think those kind of pledges are gimmicks. Duncan Hunter is right. Currently, I think we need a war bond.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 2, 2007 at 11:39 AM  

I agree with Brandon P.
I trust Romney would not raise taxes simply because he had the perfect "excuse" to do so in MASS and he did not.
Duncan Hunter, on the other hand, was part of the biggest spending Republican Congress in history.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 3, 2007 at 6:12 AM  

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