posted by Anonymous | 4:46 PM |
Two topics popped up in this
U.S. News article after an interview with Romney. The surge in Iraq and Religion. The statements about the surge continue to show what type of leader Romney would be and offer something of a clear contrast between his management style and Bush 43's.
"Romney wants the administration to publicize the "metrics" it will be using to evaluate progress in Iraq this fall, when several reports on the Iraq involvement are due. Among the factors that Romney says must be considered are how much the Iraqi military has improved in providing security and how many neighborhoods the Iraqis have been able to clear and hold in their struggle against the insurgents. He expressed concern that, if the administration doesn't explain the metrics it will be using to assess the effort, President Bush will open himself up to criticism that he is basing his case for further involvement only on the positive factors, not on a fair and comprehensive review of conditions in Iraq."
This is consistent with everything we have heard about Romney as a leader. He wants to provide the information to the voters. He wants to know the details of what is going on and to have specific aspects of the effort to use as measurements of progress. He wants to analyze that information and try and make better decisions based upon it. Clearly defined goals, clearly defined measurements, and lots of disclosure.
On religion:
"Romney also said he has become more willing to address 'the Mormon issue' head-on perhaps in a high-profile speech later this year. He said he hadn't thought such a speech would be necessary until very recently, as his critics have raised anew the issue of his faith, describing it as little more than a cult. Romney told U.S. News that the series of attacks have been very unfair and "may well change my thinking" about a clear-the-air speech."
"He noted that in 1960, John F. Kennedy gave a major speech about his Roman Catholicism, declaring that on matters of public policy, he would always put the country first. While Romney expressed doubt that he could match Kennedy's eloquence, he said delivering such a speech might be wise later this year."
This seems consistent with earlier impressions that I had. The campaign seems to want to introduce Romney to the country before taking the step of proactively answering the critics of having a Mormon for President. What actually surprised me is that the thought of never answering that question seemed to be a possible approach. I believe he will need to go on record and declare that as an elected representative he is responsible to place the interests of the American people above his own personal preferences and to do what is in America's interest. I believe this will allay doubts in some people's minds who simply know very little about how religion might influence Mitt as President.
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