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Saturday, January 13, 2007
posted by jason | 10:45 AM | permalink
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posted by jason | 10:11 AM | permalink
The Miami Herald reports on a meeting Romney had with Christian Conservatives. It went very well:

Florida's leading religious conservatives grilled Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney on Friday over his changed positions on gay rights and abortion, suggesting the former Massachusetts governor could be a tough sell for the party's influential right wing.

Romney was pro-choice when he twice ran for governor in the liberal-leaning state. When he campaigned for the U.S. Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, he told gay activists he would be a stronger advocate for equal rights.

Now, Romney says he is pro-life and against gay marriage. The poised speaker didn't win over Orlando attorney John Stemberger, who is spearheading a referendum on same-sex marriage on Florida's 2008 ballot.

''At this time I am not convinced that he is the best candidate for social conservatives,'' Stemberger said in a written statement. ``I am encouraging Christian leaders statewide to keep their powder dry and wait to hear what other candidates have to say.''

During last year's race for governor, Stemberger and most of Florida's leading religious conservatives preferred Tom Gallagher to the more moderate Charlie Crist, even though Gallagher had once described himself as pro-choice. Some conservatives say Romney compares favorably to U.S. Sen. John McCain, who has tussled with Christian leaders in the past, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who supports abortion rights.

As governor, Romney pushed his state's legislature and high court to put a gay-marriage ban on the ballot.

''He took a stand on same-sex marriage in a very challenging political climate,'' said David Caton of the Florida Families Association, which helped repeal a Hillsborough County ordinance forbidding discrimination against gays. ``He showed his strength and moral fiber in a way that gives me hope that he will be a leader for families and for this country.''

At this early stage in the campaign, Romney and other White House hopefuls are focusing on states with January primaries, such as Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Nearly two years before the general election, donor-rich Florida is generally a stopover for candidates cultivating cash, not votes.

But a fast-moving bill that would move up Florida's primary from March to January -- even earlier than South Carolina's vote -- puts the fourth-largest state in play as never before.

About 35 people met with Romney at the Orlando law office of state Rep. Dean Cannon, who is slated to become the leader of the Florida House in 2010. The candidate fielded tough questions for more than an hour.

''People had very valid questions on how and why his views on social issues had changed over the years.'' said state Rep. Anitere Flores, a Miami Republican. ``These are people that can move and shake a lot of voters in the primary.''

''They were straightforward questions, and he hit them head on,'' said Mark Merrill, a conservative radio show host based in Tampa. ``I was impressed.''

Two Central Florida politicians in good stead with Christian conservatives were asked to participate in the meeting with Romney, a Mormon. U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney, who has pushed abortion limits and school prayer, praised Romney via speaker phone from Washington. State Rep. Dennis Baxley, who sponsored legislation to keep the severely brain-damaged Terri Schiavo alive, noted that Romney has been married for more than 35 years and has five sons.

''There are a lot of evangelicals, Christians and value activists who are trying to find their place,'' Baxley said. ``To whom do we go? Who will carry the day? Who can we depend on? [Romney] believes some things that I can't believe, but what we have in common is standing to protect the free expression of faith and traditional families and freedom and decency.''

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posted by Justin Hart | 9:57 AM | permalink

  • "The easy way to fix any problem is to go to the people and say you have to pay more money, but that's not what the job of management is. The job of management is to find ways to permanently and structurally change the costs of our structure such that we can have a balanced budget without always raising taxes every time people think there's a need."
    • Governor Mitt Romney, Boston Herald, March 22, 2002

~ Mike


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posted by jason | 8:49 AM | permalink
But I am ashamed I was a Califonia Democrat in high school who voted for her. I know, I wasn't always so bright...

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Friday, January 12, 2007
posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 1:02 PM | permalink
According to Dean Barnett of, the answer is Yes!

The only remaining question is how Mitt Romney will feel about my repeated likening of him to the endearing cartoon character, Yogi the Bear. I got to know Romney pretty well when I volunteered for him on his ’94 Senate campaign; the Yogi the Bear comparison definitely shortchanges him in the gravitas department.

But in the political world, as he was in the business world, Mitt Romney is most definitely smarter than the average bear. While it’s conceivable that Romney’s rivals may be able to close the ground in the fundraising game, the Yogi factor will be Romney’s consistent advantage.

But wait, here's my favorite part:

Disclosure: Dean Barnett volunteered for Mitt Romney’s 1994 Senate campaign.If Team Romney will take him, he will also volunteer for Romney’s run for president.

Read the full story at!

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posted by jason | 12:08 PM | permalink
This guy can't even hold his own on the Daily Show!

I would love to see this guy debate Romney.
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posted by Dave | 11:08 AM | permalink
Wait 'til they get a load of this!

"A thousand miles north, in South Carolina, Romney won the first county exec. committee straw poll we've seen. Of the 30 members, 11 voted for Romney, 5 voted for Tom Tancredo, 4 voted for Newt Gingrich, 3 voted for John McCain, 2 voted for Tom Coburn, two for Mike Huckabee, and 1 (each) for Pataki, Giuliani and Duncan Hunter. Aiken Co. has 142,000 residents, making it the 4th largest in the state."

I'm sure the DeMint endorsement had a lot to do with this...
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posted by Dave | 10:03 AM | permalink
The new Hotline race ratings are out and if you read between the lines, it's clear that Hotline thinks that Governor Romney has closed the gap and is knocking on the door for the top slot.

1. John McCain
3. Rudy Giuliani
4. Sam Brownback
5. Newt Gingrich
6. Mike Huckabee
7. Chuck Hagel
8. Tommy Thompson
9. Frank Keating
10. Jim Gilmore
11. Duncan Hunter
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posted by Jeff Fuller | 3:04 AM | permalink
Know thine enemy . . .

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) headed by Howard Dean seems to be doing just that. They've been doing their homework on Romney and they don't like what they see. In fact, they are currently attacking Romney more viciously than any other GOP POTUS hopeful (many of which they are completely ignoring). They've even given him a couple of new nicknames "Smooth Talking Mitt" and "Multiple-Choice Mitt."

My hypothesis is that the DNC is scared of losing a general election to Romney. They have seen the recent attacks on Romney from the right and the left and have decided to "pile on" and try to nip his candidacy in the bud. Or, they saw that he pulled in $7 million in a one day fundraiser and realized that he is a force to be reckoned with. Either way, Republicans everywhere should take notice that the DNC doesn't want to have to deal with Romney. That, in my opinion, speaks volumes.

The Evidence:

A simple search of the DNC's website of Press Releases regarding different GOP hopefuls reveals that they're only really attacking two of them: McCain and Romney (with the latter being the latest preferred target.)

DNC Mitt Romney Search:

ELEVEN DNC press releases in the last six weeks (inlcuding FIVE in the last 3 days!!) are headlined against Romney. Direct and obvious attacks on issues such as Troop escalation, "Flip-flops", Immigration, Romney's Tax record, and GOP governorship losses. Also, back in Sept they include Romney in a long press release about GOP "agents of intolerance" (AKA "Racists") for his proper use of the literary term "tar baby." Also, the use of the nicknames is particularly interesting.

"Multiple Choice Mitt" derives from Teddy Kennedy's accusation during the 1994 Senate debate addressing Romney's stance on abortion.

"Smooth Talking Mitt Romney" seems to be their favorite nickname. They're planning for the future with this one. They're so used to enjoying Bush bumble and jumble his words that they won't be able to tease a President Romney similarly. They know he's articulate and smart, so they spin that into a negative of being "Smooth Talking". Funny stuff!

The DNC's sure giving a whole lot of attention to a guy who is still polling in the single digits . . . I think they have realized something and many Republicans need to realize this too . . . that Romney would be their toughest competition in the general election

DNC John McCain Search:

McCain has been a long time target of the DNC. This is expected for anyone bearing the "GOP frontrunner" title. He has a long list of anti-McCain DNC press releases to his name. Still, he's only been the headlining subject of two press releases in the last month (and both attacking people he's hired, not him really).

DNC Rudy Giuliani Search:

Rudy only gets a couple of DNC press releases against him to his name. He's been fading as Romney's been surging and so the DNC has changed their attack tactics accordingly

DNC Newt Gingrich Search:

Newt's the least likely of these guys to actually get into the race. That, plus the fact that they have lots of "dirt" on him already makes his a target not worth attacking.

DNC Sam Brownback Search:

Brownback has earned ZERO defamatory Press Releases from the DNC . . . Message from the DNC: "PLEASE, O, PLEASE LET US RUN AGAINST THIS GUY!!!!"

DNC Mike Huckabee Search: Huckabee was initiated into the "the DNC hates me because I'm a republican" club today . . . still, that's hardly close to Romney's 11 in 6 weeks.

Bottom line: The DNC realizes it will be trying to defeat Romney or McCain in the general election. They don't want to face Romney then. They're just plain scared of him already!!
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posted by Andrew | 2:27 AM | permalink
Courtesy of the Heritage Foundation, a video of Governor Romney's fascinating and thorough presentation about universal healthcare - managed not through socialist programs like Medicaid but through the free-market system!

Click here for the article - scroll to the bottom for the video link.

Right now, the governor said, his state faces two important but connected problems:

  • The cost of health care is rising dramatically, making it much more expensive for individuals to purchase care on their own—and individuals spend after-tax money while businesses use pre-tax funds
  • 460,000 Massachusetts citizens lack any sort of health care, and many more lack adequate coverage

“If you can get everybody insured, that has a very positive effect on the cost of health care,” he said. “Part of your insurance premium is paying for the people who don’t have insurance.”

America should work to solve these problems, Heritage Foundation President Edwin Feulner said. While the establishment of Health Savings Accounts in 2003 was a victory for consumer-driven health care, he explained, “there is much work that needs to be done.”

Gov. Romney’s plan, developed in collaboration with Heritage Foundation health analysts Bob Moffit and Ed Haislmaier, includes a three-pronged solution that goes a long way towards solving the problem:

  • Ensuring that all those eligible for Medicaid are covered, which substantially reduces the costs of providing care to the uninsured
  • Encouraging those who are uninsured by choice to sign up, by using incentives like lower co-pays and premiums along a sliding scale
  • Creating an affordable product, designed by private insurance companies and coordinated by an “insurance exchange” to make insurance available to all workers, who pay for coverage before taxes

Expanding government health care to cover the uninsured wouldn’t work, Gov. Romney said. “Medicaid wasn’t built as a broad-based all-citizen insurance program,” he elaborated. “Growing Medicaid and adding new, optional populations to Medicaid is very expensive.” Instead, the state turned to the private health industry to develop solutions.

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posted by Andrew | 1:26 AM | permalink
I know this site has already linked to the great Romney appearance on the Glenn & Helen Show podcast, but I was so taken by the Governor's words on foreign policy that I had to transcribe them by hand and relay them here:
"With regards to the broader issue, of the war against the Jihadists and radical Islam, I think we have to stand back and not just react to what's been thrown at us, but also to do what, well, if you will, what Dwight Eisenhower called upon when he was inaugurated in 1952 - he said America has to wage 'all-out peace.' He was referring to a two-step program: one, a very strong, unquestionably capable military; and two, an effort to use our resources to move unaligned nations toward America. Today we've gotta have the same kind of campaign."

"A much stronger military capability, and at the same time, an effort to use the resources of the civilized world to help the world of Islam move toward modernity and moderation. To support those people, and institutions, and governments who are, and which are, moderate and modern. And that's gonna mean everything from making sure their public schools are not Wahabi schools, financial institutions, economic and agricultural policies, and the like, that move these nations towards modernity. That's fundamentally where we have to go. And it's gonna be a long campaign, but it's gonna take a highly strategic plan for every single country to help move these nations in a direction that leads to world stability."

"There was this "'holiday from history,' as George Will called it, when America presumed that the Cold War was over and peace was going to last forever - but that ,unfortunately, has been rescinded, if you will. We now recognize that radical Islam and the spread of nuclear technology suggests a potentially dangerous world. and America needs to be very strong: speaking softly, but carrying a big stick."
Forget how amazingly well-spoken Mr. Romney is for just a moment - is any other candidate offering such a multilateral and comprehensively multi-avenue view of the U.S.'s global role? I think not.

Really, I can't urge you enough to go check out this 30-ish minute interview for yourself. Other highlights: the candidate discusses how his Mass. free-market-based universal healthcare coverage plan could transfer to the national level. He also states, if indirectly, that he doesn't support favoring specific genders or races (a veiled attack on Affirmative Action); the governor reiterates that he is also against discrimination of individuals based on sexual preference.

Also, Governor Romney takes a stance on the "surge" plan: he would have planned better and for more troops before entering Iraq, but given the current situation, he has consulted with many military officials and has concluded that the "surge" as proposed by the President has the potential to be helpful to the Iraqi condition. He states that no option is a guarantee for success, but he believes adding more forces most enhances our chances for success.

"American strength is the best ally for peace in the world, and a strong America has to be our objective." - Mitt Romney

There's more - listen for yourself!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:14 PM | permalink

Romney is a conservative on marriage.

Reasons to agree

  1. Romney is the only viable presidential candidate to not have "upgraded" once he made it to the big time.
  2. 01-21-2004, Romney details mandatory parental prep plan
  3. 02-11-2004, Romney statements regarding constitutional convention
  4. 02-24-2004, Statements of Governor Romney on the Federal Marriage Amendment
  5. 03-12-2004, Statements of Governor Mitt Romney on Constitutional Convention
  6. 06-22-2004, "Preserving Traditional Marriage: A View from the States"
  7. 04-20-2006, Romney announces award of abstinence education contract
  8. 05-31-2006, Romney files bill to promote parental responsibility
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Damn, Mrs. Romney was pretty hot back in her day.

posted by jason | 3:23 PM | permalink
From the NYTimes:

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has snagged another highly regarded Republican operative for his presidential campaign as the fight among the presidential campaigns for brains and bodies slogs on.

This time it is Carl Forti, who served as communications director and independent expenditure director with the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee for nearly eight years. Mr. Forti, 34, will serve as Mr. Romney’s political director, working out of the Boston headquarters.

He brings two key attributes to the Romney campaign: His role in overseeing congressional campaigns across the country gives him intimate knowledge of the political demographics of many key battlefields across the states; he also knows many of the players.

And since his last job involved spending money on advertising to get Republicans elected, there are members of Congress and campaign operatives people who know him – and dare we say, feel indebted to him – in key districts across the country

One of the comments below this article says it all:

Romney is a sleeping giant that is really starting to wake up - I believe the best is yet to come!

— Posted by Wayne in Texas
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posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 2:52 PM | permalink
Copied from The Republican Party of Kentucky
2007 Annual RPK Lincoln Day Dinner!!!

Summary: Please join the RPK for the
2007 Republican Party of Kentucky Lincoln Day Dinner

Reception to be held at 6:00pm- $1000 per person

2007 Candidates Meet and Greet
6:00pm-7:00pm (Free with ticket to dinner)

Dinner to be held at 7:00pm- $75 per person
(Reservations for dinner @ $75 per person until COB on Friday January 26th.
Last minute reservations at $100 per person)

Keynote Speaker
Governor Mitt Romney

Guests will include:
US Senator Mitch McConnell
US Senator Jim Bunning
Congressman Hal Rogers
Congressman Ed Whitfield
Congressman Geoff Davis
State Senate President David L. Williams
State House GOP Leader Jeff Hoover

2007 Candidates:
Governor Ernie Fletcher
Candidate for Governor Billy Harper
Sec. of State Trey Grayson
Candidate for Attorney General Tim Coleman
Candidate for Auditor Linda Greenwell
Candidate for Treasurer Rep. Brandon Smith
Candidate for Treasurer Melinda Wheeler
Agriculture Commissioner Richie Farmer

(List updated as of 1/10/07)

When: Saturday, February 03, 2007 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Where: Louisville International Convention Center
Louisville, KY 40202

Who: 502-875-5130

Labels: , ,

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posted by Justin Hart | 2:16 PM | permalink
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posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 1:24 PM | permalink
Thursday, Jan 11, 2007

CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6400

Boston, MA – Tonight, Governor Mitt Romney appeared on the "The Glenn and Helen Show" and responded to video clips that have resurfaced from his 1994 U.S. Senate debate against Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Because Governor Romney has made strides with conservatives based on his strong record as governor, opponents have focused attacks on ancient footage from 13 years ago. Governor Romney's call into the show and comments on the 1994 debate can be viewed in a new posting at Mitt TV:

"Well, I just got a look at the excerpts from my debate against Ted Kennedy in 1994. It reminded me of why I ran against him in the first place. Someone had to give him a run for his money.

"Now, it also shows what 13 years will do. I'm grayer. I'm a little heavier. And I hope I've grown a bit wiser as well.

"Of course, I was wrong on some issues back then. I'm not embarrassed to admit that. I think most of us learn with experience. I know I certainly have.

"If you want to know where I stand by the way, you don't just have to listen to my words, you can go to look at my record as governor. Frankly, in the bluest of states. Facing the most liberal media in the country. I've led the fight to preserve traditional marriage. I've taken every legal step I could conceive of, to prevent same sex marriage.

"I have also taken action to protect the sanctity of life. I vetoed bills that authorized embryo farming, therapeutic cloning, Plan B emergency contraception, and of course a redefinition of when life was going to begin as well.

"I've also fought for family. I've promoted abstinence education in the schools.

"I fought for English immersion in our schools and school choice. And of course as you'd expect from a Republican, I've held the line on taxes and I've worked to re-instate the death penalty.

"And I'm proud that at the same time, I've fought discrimination. I believe every American deserves equal opportunity.

"Now, that's my record. And maybe that's why people on the other side are dredging up 13 year old history and attacking me now."

To view video, please see:

Copied from Mitt Romney: The Exploratory Committee.

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posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 12:33 PM | permalink
Is America Ready to Elect a Mormon President? That is a question that the media keeps bringing up, and loves to talk about. I think that if you change the question to:
In the 2008 Presidential Election, would you vote for a Mormon by the name of Mitt Romney?
I think that the answer would be yes among these categories:
People that would say or vote yes:

1: Conservative Evangelicals would say yes to a president Mitt Romney as he is the most conservative, both "Fiscally" and "Socially" of the republicans "Big 3".
2: Conservative Politicians who are not afraid of a backlash and/or threats from a certain Republican that resides in Arizona and his allies.
3: People that are Socially Moderates, but yet are Fiscally Conservative and looking for some one to clean up the Federal Governments "Super-Sized" spending.
4: People that want "Roe vs. Wade" overturned and the abortion issue sent back to the States (where it should have originally been).
5: People that want a Constitutional Amendment passed Defining marriage as between "1 male & 1 female". Of the "Big 3" only Mitt Romney can be counted on to to support a conservative Federal Marriage Amendment. While Mitt Romney sent a letter to the Senate pleading with them to vote "yes" on the FMA John McCain voted no on the FMA, and Rudy Giuliani is socially liberal.

And a "no" among these categories:
People that would say or vote no:

1: The Clinton's.
2: Pro-choice advocates.
3: Supporters of Same Sex Marriage.
4: John McCain.
5: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is also a Mormon.
6: A few "Liberal" Mormons.
7: Liberals & Democrats.

In conclusion I believe that America is ready for a Mormon president, that is if his name happens to be "Mitt Romney"!

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posted by Kevin Davis Jr. | 12:20 PM | permalink
Evangelicals for Mitt is taking on the "MassResistance Deception". I recommend reading a letter that they posted.

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posted by jason | 11:55 AM | permalink

From Hewitt:

"Romney's push-back at the YouTubing of his '94 debate with Ted Kennedy – happening in rapid response fashion – means an entire news cycle on a somewhat significant story has played out before even one newspaper reported it, with the anti-Romney forces (clearly worried about the big $ Monday and the DeMint Tuesday) trying to put a stick in the spokes, and Romney's team finding a way to knock it down in the same cycle. That's a preview of what it will be like all year."

From Barnett:

"You'll be saying it too by the end of the campaign – Romney is Smarter Than The Average Bear."


Hedgehog has an interesting take on Romney's Media innovations:

In today's mail I had a very traditional package from John McCain-- you've seen them: A too-long letter auto-signed by McCain and enclosing a bunch of additional pages. No one will ever read past the first few lines of the letter and the extra pages will go into the trash unread.

My wife asked me: "Now, how many mailings like this have we gotten from Romney? And do you think we will get any?"

I say what actually stands out the most was that Romney took an other wise negative situation and quickly framed it into a discussion of how innovative he is. Most aren't talking about the content of the debate video, everyone is talking about how quick, nimble, articulate, innovative and Techy Mitt's campaign has become.

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posted by Justin Hart | 9:05 AM | permalink
Of course, the big news in the last 24 hours was the rapid-fire new media debate between some McCain campaigner and Mitt Romney.

The short of it was:
Romney offered arguments in favor of abortion, back in his 1992 senate campaign against Ted Kennedy.

Later in the day, Romney conducted an interview with Instapundit and wife:

This was an impressive sortie in political discourse using new media as a the medium of choice. As Hugh Hewitt noted:
Romney's push-back at the YouTubing of his '94 debate with ted Kennedy --happening in rapid response fashion-- means an entire news cycle on a somewhat significant story has played out before even one newspaper reported it, with the anti-Romney forces (clearly worried about the big $ Monday and the deMint Tuesday) trying to put a stick in the spokes, and Romney's team finding a way to knock it down in the same cycle.

In other news the new media stories describe advertising on blogs. This from MediaPost:

Gov. Mitt Romney, who announced his presidential exploratory committee last week, also ran a series of blog ads on right- and libertarian-leaning blogs, including,, the blog network, and Romney's spokesman, Kevin Madden, said the candidate intends to run an "aggressive, innovative and integrated campaign" that will include search marketing.

Madden said that Romney hopes the blog ads will reach the most influential voters. "The effort is driven by our recognition of a very unique and motivated audience among New Media devotees," he said. "Our blog ads help reach this audience and drive traffic to our website and provide more information about Mitt Romney, his campaign, his ideas and how they can then in turn join our effort."

As noted on these pages earlier the Mitt Romney website puts the competition to shame. We agree.

from the article Go for the Gelt" Silly
Elsewhere, we find very silly people trying their hand at not being silly and failing:
I put these up if you want to take action on them and to demonstrate that the anti-Mitt forces are out in force.

Lastly, it looks like Romney is doing fairly well in Iowa

Highlights from MMM yesterday:


Confucius Say: The Honest Man has no Regrets

Brownback Endorser defends Romney...

Mitt Romney - An Introduction

Who Would You Vote For?

Boots In Baghdad Endorse Romney

Romney Statement on Troop Deployment

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posted by jason | 8:35 AM | permalink
Capitol Fax (a great IL political blog checked by all the Springfield insiders) is reporting House Speaker Madigan is proposing moving up the IL primary to Feb 5.

This is all in effort to help Obama! As an Illinoisan, this is good news though. I would love to see the Primaries become more relevant in my home state since most people write off IL. It would mean more vistis by Mitt. I do have a pull out bed on my sofa if he needs a place.
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posted by jason | 7:48 AM | permalink
From GOP Bloggers:

John McCain's appears to be the smallest site. A black and white design with links to donate, sign up, a bio, as well as a few speeches and a statement on the death of President Ford. In other words, a low maintance site.

Rudy Giuliani's is a step up from McCain's. For starters, it has color, but also includes a page explaining his record on various issues, and an extensive biography. Still, it's only a fair site.

Sam Brownback's is a bit better in regards to content offered, but is poorly designed and very unnattractive and the news room section hasn't been updated since December 4, 2006. It makes me feel like the site was launched out of obligation, but quickly forgotten.

Mitt Romney's is by the most elaborate and attractive site, and it's updated regularly. It's got color, style, and even a page outlining his positions on key issues. It has a media page (MittTV) with plenty of videos for you to view, and an impressive mechanism for key fundraisers to login via the ComMITT system.

Yes, looking around at sites a few days ago these were also my opinions. I am glad it wasn't just my own bias peeking through. It gets better though:

Each candidate certainly knows the importance of using the internet to get their message out and to build up grassroots support, but if the candidates exploratory committee websites are any indication of their campaign's real understanding of that importance, Romney is way ahead of the competition. Romney's exploratory committee shows the most potential to effectively engage the internet grassroots. In fact, he was the first to start a BlogAd campaign (to my knowledge), probably prompting Rudy Guiliani to follow suit.

Early grassroots support is key, which means the time to engage the bloggers is now. From the looks of things today, Romney's positioned himself the best of any of the current candidates who have set up exploratory committees.

Another point in Romney's favor is all the great unofficial grassroots sites set up in support of Romney. When you have people doing it on their own accord for free, it's really quite a statement. Check out our links section out, you will see how big the grassroots movement is.
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posted by Jeff Fuller | 3:57 AM | permalink
The New GOP Bloggers Poll is up for Janurary. Go vote for Mitt!!!

You can also help him stay ahead at Krusty Konstervative's poll (on the left sidebar).

Also, you can listen to the 34 minute radio interview Romney did with Glenn and Helen Reynolds (of the ever influential Instapundit Blog) yesterday (or download the mp3 here).
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 11:30 PM | permalink
Boston, MA – Tonight, Governor Mitt Romney appeared on the "The Glenn and Helen Show" and responded to video clips that have resurfaced from his 1994 U.S. Senate debate against Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Because Governor Romney has made strides with conservatives based on his strong record as governor, opponents have focused attacks on ancient footage from 13 years ago. Governor Romney's call into the show and comments on the 1994 debate can be viewed in a new posting at Mitt TV:

"Well, I just got a look at the excerpts from my debate against Ted Kennedy in 1994. It reminded me of why I ran against him in the first place. Someone had to give him a run for his money.

"Now, it also shows what 13 years will do. I'm grayer. I'm a little heavier. And I hope I've grown a bit wiser as well.

"Of course, I was wrong on some issues back then. I'm not embarrassed to admit that. I think most of us learn with experience. I know I certainly have.

"If you want to know where I stand by the way, you don't just have to listen to my words, you can go to look at my record as governor. Frankly, in the bluest of states. Facing the most liberal media in the country. I've led the fight to preserve traditional marriage. I've taken every legal step I could conceive of, to prevent same sex marriage.

"I have also taken action to protect the sanctity of life. I vetoed bills that authorized embryo farming, therapeutic cloning, Plan B emergency contraception, and of course a redefinition of when life was going to begin as well.

"I've also fought for family. I've promoted abstinence education in the schools.

"I fought for English immersion in our schools and school choice . And of course as you'd expect from a Republican, I've held the line on taxes and I've worked to re-instate the death penalty .

"And I'm proud that at the same time, I've fought discrimination. I believe every American deserves equal opportunity.

"Now, that's my record. And maybe that's why people on the other side are dredging up 13 year old history and attacking me now."

To view video, please see:

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posted by Myclob | 10:45 PM | permalink
Just wanted to let everyone know there is a new Mitt Romney wiki link (not mine). The people editing Mitt Romney's wikipedia article thought it was getting too long, and so broke it into a couple of sections.

This is the link for most of the Mitt Romney policy information, and so hopefully everyone will update their "links lists".

~ Mike
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posted by Justin Hart | 8:54 PM | permalink

Open field tackle Mitt Romney on the 1994 debate with Ted Kennedy.

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posted by jason | 3:34 PM | permalink

An Early Massachusetts Primary

The Campaign For Mr. Right

By Kathryn Jean Lopez

National Review Online Column

January 10, 2007

Dwight Duncan, one of the Brownback endorsers, told NRO last week that the contention that Romney is to blame for the state of marriage in Massachusetts is really "over the top." According to Duncan, a professor at the Southern New England School of Law, "On the whole, [Romney] has been consistent in defending marriage as traditionally understood. Furthermore, his use of the bully pulpit and the courts has been unquestionably instrumental in getting the legislature to finally fulfill its constitutional duty and vote on the citizen-initiated constitutional amendment regarding marriage. …"

Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, agrees: "When people ask how we can support such a switch, I ask if they ever question Teddy Kennedy's or John Kerry's switches from pro-life to pro-choice."

Mineau is among those Massachusetts social conservatives who are grateful to have had Romney in the statehouse…." According to Mineau, "For the four years of his administration, Governor Romney provided strong leadership on key conservative social issues — whether it was politically expedient to do so or not." He tells National Review Online, "I believe Mitt Romney has done an excellent job in defending traditional family values in Massachusetts despite an extremely hostile legislature and judiciary, not to mention an attorney general and secretary of state who both opposed everything the governor stood for."

It's a view echoed by Marie Sturgis, executive director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, who says, "Having Governor Romney in the corner office for the last four years has been one of the strongest assets the pro-life movement has had in Massachusetts. His actions concerning life issues have been consistent and he has been helpful down the line for us in the Bay State."

Mineau adds, "From the onset of the infamous Goodridge court decision in 2003, Governor Romney has opposed same-sex marriage and, I believe, correctly sought to overturn it through a constitutional amendment. …"

Mineau directly credits Romney with getting the state legislature to vote on a constitutional amendment on gay marriage earlier this month. He explains, "The court unanimously ruled on December 27 that the legislature was constitutionally obligated to vote. This ruling, coupled with the governor threatening to not sign the end-of-year legislative pay raise, resulted in the legislature passing the amendment on January 2nd, the last day of the session. This could never have happened without Governor Romney's leadership."

Mineau is among the signatories of a letter expected to be released on Thursday by a coalition of "organizations dedicated to fighting for the pro-family agenda in Massachusetts." … Among those signing the letter are Harvard University law professor Mary Ann Glendon (who also serves as the president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in Rome).

An accompanying brief by constitutional lawyer David French, a founder of the group Evangelicals for Mitt (French also writes for NRO's "Phi Beta Cons" blog), is a longer defense of the governor's social-conservative cred. In the beginning of a six-page document French asserts: "In the midst of Governor Romney's efforts to rescue his state from a fiscal crisis and create lasting and innovative health care solutions, activist judges and a far-left legislature forced issues of same-sex 'marriage,' abortion, religious liberty, stem cell research, and gay rights into the forefront. Each time he was challenged, the Governor not only made the conservative choice, but also did so with an optimistic, unifying message. In doing so, he became a national leader on these vital cultural issues without squandering his ability to govern the Commonwealth." …

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posted by Justin Hart | 1:52 PM | permalink

Here's the same posted version on YOUTUBE for those of you who prefer that medium:

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Yeah this was very compelling. I think a Romney/Schwarzeneggar ticket would be irresistable for the American Public. Moral and physical might during a time of national need.

Never have I been so personally touched by a politician. The United States NEEDS this man as President!

I'm a poor Libertarian student and despite the low quality of his video I will be registering Republican to vote for Romney when the Primary's come around and donating some money to his campaign. He has the right stance on Iraq, on our economy, on fiscal responsibility, and on social issues.

I would love to see Romney paired with a Democrat for '08.

posted by jason | 1:03 PM | permalink


The Choice is Yours!

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posted by jason | 12:29 PM | permalink
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a potential Republican candidate for president, is lining up support in Alabama, with State Treasurer Kay Ivey serving as state chair of his exploratory committee.

"As we build our national campaign, she will be instrumental in communicating my vision to the people of Alabama," Romney said in statement Wednesday announcing her selection.

Ivey, a 62-year-old veteran of statehouse politics, will be sworn in Monday for her second term as state treasurer.

She said Romney "is a true conservative" and she was impressed by "his record of making government more responsive to the people."

Romney was active in Alabama's campaigns last year, with his Commonwealth Political Action Committee making $143,500 in contributions to candidates and political organizations.

Alabama has moved up its 2008 presidential preference primary from June to February, which means the state is seeing more presidential activity than in past years. Several potential candidates have already visited the state, and Romney is scheduled to speak to the State Republican Executive Committee on Feb. 9 in Montgomery.

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posted by jason | 10:07 AM | permalink

Boots in Bagdad is a great blog about the war in Iraq ran by Mark Partridge Miner. "Boots" endorsed Romney today. Here is what he said:

On September 11, 2001 the United States stood at a crossroad and pursued a path of resolve and self preservation. America is at a phase in that course where leadership will make the difference between sustainment and subversion. Our most trying and challenging times have yet to come. The American people need more than ever a disciplined and principled leader who can lead with extraordinary odds placed against them. Our future will entail challenges we cannot comprehend. We are waging a war of ideology against a fluid and relentless enemy.

I believe without reservation that Governor Mitt Romney is that leader. Governor Romney has a proven record of executive leadership. He has proven his abilities to build consensus and execute.

Check out the blog, it has some great photos of Iraq, and some interesting commentary.
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posted by jason | 9:40 AM | permalink


Boston, MA – Governor Mitt Romney, in direct consideration of the proposed increase in troop deployments in Iraq, issued the following statement today putting an emphasis on the need for clear and measurable strategic objectives.

"I agree with the President: Our strategy in Iraq must change. Our military mission, for the first time, must include securing the civilian population from violence and terror. It is impossible to defeat the insurgency without first providing security for the Iraqi people. Civilian security is the precondition for any political and economic reconstruction.

"In consultation with Generals, military experts and troops who have served on the ground in Iraq, I believe securing Iraqi civilians requires additional troops. I support adding five brigades in Baghdad and two regiments in Al-Anbar province. Success will require rapid deployment.

"This effort should be combined with clear objectives and milestones for U.S. and Iraqi leaders.

"The road ahead will be difficult but success is still possible in Iraq. I believe it is in America's national security interest to achieve it."
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posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:49 AM | permalink
A very detailed article from The Hill about the "behind the scenes" workings of McCain and Romney to shore up support among the members of the House and Senate in DC. Definitely worth a read. An exerpt below:

“I’ve spent some time with Gov. Romney and I like what I have seen,” said Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.), a prominent RSC member who heads up the PAC. “He seems to be a Ronald Reagan, supply-side Republican.”

Feeney’s positive reaction is proof that Romney’s talks are producing results. Madden said most of the discussions with House Republicans revolve around Romney’s commitment to fiscal discipline. Shadegg, meanwhile, said McCain and House conservatives have had their differences in the past, but they largely agree on national security issues.

. . .

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), who chairs the RSC, said he has known McCain personally for a number of years but didn’t know Romney until he spoke at the fundraiser for the RSC’s PAC. He too has not committed to either candidate.

“House Republicans will certainly be a part of any presidential strategy, and my guess is we’ll end up having a pretty healthy dialogue about who to support,” he said. “House conservatives will be looking for the candidate that most closely resembles conservative values to take up our banner into November and capture the hearts and minds of the American public. That’s what we’re going to be looking for.”

Sounds like he's describing Romney!!!


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Some of the ltters look to be russian...

Did you get any of my e-mails Jeff?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
posted by jason | 10:16 PM | permalink
"National Call Day" Web Video is up at
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posted by jason | 9:05 PM | permalink
...Napoleon Dynamite Style

Available Here
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Awesome shirt!!!

Let's figure out how to get Jon Heder to wear one!!

posted by Justin Hart | 2:00 PM | permalink
No, not THAT Mr. Dean... Dean Barnett

The big surprise is that as far as the right wing portion of the media primary is concerned, Mitt Romney has already won. I know a lot of people wonder how this has happened. How did an obscure blue-state governor so strike the fancy of conservative pundits?

I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating: Mitt Romney is an exceptionally impressive man. It is very difficult to spend any time with him and not come away charmed. It is even more difficult to spend time with him and come away unimpressed. In addition to being almost preternaturally affable and engaging, Romney also has what lawyers like to call electric intelligence. For reasons that don’t require much elaboration, this is a characteristic that the Republican electorate currently hungers for. Desperately.

In short, Romney is smarter than the average bear. Admittedly in politics this isn’t much of a feat. While politicians as a class are articulate and charming, they tend to lack intellectual curiosity and intellectual rigor. It’s not that they seek simple solutions to complex problems. Were that only the case.

In truth, they seek to attack complex problems by delivering mindless but effective sound bytes. Think of an example, any example: Religion of Peace, Two Americas, Culture of Corruption, Support the Troops, Don’t Escalate – all of these are examples of labeling a problem with the hope that the labeling substitutes for actually engaging the problem. On the political level, it usually works. In terms of getting anything productive done, it’s reliably an abysmal failure.

Romney’s different. He spent a business career mastering difficult fact patterns and figuring out what to do. Simple sloganeering was never an alternative to effective action. As proof of his acumen in this regard, there are numerous businesses that he helped build (Staples, Domino’s) and a vast personal fortune.

THE QUESTION WAS, Would the Romney way be effective in politics? As a politician, would he be just another guy, or would he continue to be the innovator that he was in the private sphere. Yesterday, his political competitors got some bad news on the front.

In a unique fundraising event that combined lots of modern-day viral marketing with a smidgeon of old fashioned phone-banking, the Romney campaign raised over $6.5 million. There has never been anything comparable to it in American politics. Although the money primary is just beginning, Mitt Romney looks like he’s going win that one as handily as he won the right-wing media primary.

But it’s not just about the money. Under no circumstances would Mitt Romney’s campaign lack for funds. If he wanted to, he could probably self-finance a presidential run with the loose change in between his sofa cushions.

What yesterday shows is that the Romney campaign, like his business career, will be marked by innovation. The Romney campaign won’t be relying on techniques that were moldy back when David Letterman was actually funny. Nor will it just trod the road that Joe Trippi and the Howard Dean campaign paved in 2004.

As he has done throughout his career, Mitt Romney will build a better mousetrap. While John Edwards delivers speeches that sound like they were ripped from Huey Long’s playbook, Barack Obama ponders his future and John McCain defends McCain/Feingold, Mitt Romney will run a 21st century campaign that will leave his rivals looking like the antiquated relics of yesterday’s politics that they are.

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I have been following the Rise of Romney for about 13 months now, each day watching the net for news and info related to him and I have read hundreds of stories on this guy and what is said here, is only what is being repeated over and over by so many people.

Romney is amazing, and people who don't even know his name yet will be very impressed, I just know it, and I have a strong hope for this guy, and will be following your site daily, as well as blogging about Romney too, I am very excited about this race.

I would really like to get a fund raiser ID but the pop-up ad on this site is returning a syntax error. I have already convinced a few people to donate, and I would like to get credit, only because it might improve my chances of meeting Romney.

posted by jason | 10:59 AM | permalink
From the Hewitt blog...

Unlike John McCain's point man in the Palmetto State, Lindsey Graham, Senator DeMint is widely admired by conservatives across the country. DeMint also has a good statewide organization, and I expect the Presbyterian DeMint will appear frequently to explain why other evangelicals ought not to be concerned by Romney's Mormon faith.

From the DeMint:

January 8, 2007

Dear Fellow Republican,

I’m writing to ask for your support of Governor Mitt Romney for President. Over the next 10 years, America will face unprecedented challenges. We must elect a President in 2008 who is up to the task, and I need you to encourage Mitt to run.

The threat of terrorism will continue to grow. America’s energy needs will increase, and so will our dependence on foreign oil. The number of retirees will increase dramatically, and without major reforms, the future of Social Security and Medicare will be in peril. Without strong leadership, illegal immigration will continue to cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. America’s education system and global competitiveness will continue to decline without major changes. I believe Governor Romney will provide the leadership America needs to meet this new generation of challenges.

America’s success and strength emanate from the private sector: traditional faith-based values, families, churches, volunteerism and free enterprise. We must elect a President who understands the strength of America. Governor Romney has spent most of his life outside of government. He has been a successful businessman and national leader. As governor, he has taken Massachusetts from large debts to surpluses while holding the line on taxes. He has been married to his wife Ann for 37 years; they have 5 boys and 10 grandchildren. Their lives reflect the best of America’s traditions and values.

Governor Romney has helped to start and manage national and international companies. He understands the global economy, capital formation and the need to make America more competitive. When the nation needed him to save the failing and bankrupt 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, Mitt Romney volunteered to take over the leadership of an event which was headed towards a national embarrassment. He served for over two years with no salary and even contributed Senator Jim DeMint $1 million of his own money to make sure the Olympics went forward. His leadership resulted in one of the most successful Olympics in history. Mitt Romney made America proud.

As Governor he faced down a $3 billion deficit and balanced the budget. He passed innovative health care reforms and education scholarships based on achievement. He fought an activist state court that imposed same-sex marriage on the people of his state and he championed the Federal Marriage Amendment. Once again, he did not take a salary for his public service as Governor.

We need a President who will welcome new ideas and yet knows when to take charge – someone who will call on America’s strengths and provide leadership for the new generation of challenges we face. I believe Governor Romney will be the kind of President who will inspire Americans to reach higher because he shares our goals:

American Security

Governor Romney has innovative ideas about how to adapt our military, Special Forces, intelligence services, and defense technologies to protect America from future terrorist attacks. He believes in peace through strength. He also supports the right of law-abiding individuals to protect themselves in their homes; he will be a strong defender of the second amendment and will protect our right to “bear arms.”

I support Governor Romney because he believes we need to achieve operational control of America’s borders, issue fraud-proof worker identification cards, and implement an enforceable legal immigration system. He does not believe that people who come to the U.S. illegally are entitled to a special right to citizenship.

American Competitiveness

We must guarantee that America is the best place in the world to invest capital and operate a business. I support Governor Romney because he will make America’s education and workforce development system the best in the world. He understands that by streamlining our tax code and legal and regulatory systems, America will become the best place in the world to do business.

American Independence

America should not be dependent on unreliable countries for our energy needs. I support Governor Romney because he believes we need to make America independent of foreign sources of oil. We must protect our freedom by taking our resources out of the hands of hostile regimes and using them instead to build our economy at home. Through conservation and the development of alternative fuels, America can be independent of oil from the Middle East, Venezuela, and other unreliable suppliers.

American Values

Governor Romney has exemplified the moral leadership that must be the hallmark of an American President. He knows that traditional values begin with doing the right thing; saying what you mean and meaning what you say; and keeping your promises. He strongly believes that America must keep its promises to seniors before we make new promises that we can’t afford. Governor Romney has the vision and the courage to reform Social Security and Medicare for the next generation while guaranteeing promised benefits to today’s seniors. He knows that doing the right thing means that every American must have access to quality healthcare. He passed such a plan as Governor and would support other innovative state and federal solutions, rejecting an unworkable “one-size-fits-all” approach. I support Governor Romney because he believes all Americans should have a health plan that they can afford, own and keep.

Governor Romney is strongly pro-life. He will be a great asset to the cause of life because he has done something that we must convince many other Americans to do; he has changed his mind. After reviewing new scientific data, he is absolutely convinced that human life begins at conception. He will work to protect the lives of mothers and babies. He will also support promising adult stem cell research while maintaining the ban on federal funding of research that involves the killing of human embryos.

Governor Romney is opposed to same-sex marriages and civil unions. He supports a Federal Marriage Amendment that protects traditional marriage. He believes in the equal rights of every American, but does not believe activist judges should be making the law in these areas. He also rejects government promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.

Governor Romney believes that American values should include the end of wasteful government spending and the elimination of the huge debts that our children should not be forced to pay. He also believes that preserving our environment is an important American value and a tangible legacy for future generations.

I believe that Governor Romney can restore America’s leadership at home and around the world. Too often, career politicians who have spent their lives in government, turn first to government solutions. And too often, well-intentioned government solutions have only made our problems worse. As a leader who has spent most of his life in the private sector, Governor Romney will call on America’s strength and character to solve problems and secure our future.

I Need Your Help! Governor Romney has organized an exploratory committee to promote his vision and goals for America and to gauge support for his potential candidacy. I believe that he is exactly the leader America needs to secure our future. Americans are tired of the same old ideas that keep coming out of Washington. They are hungry for a leader who will draw on America’s strength. I would like Governor Romney to know that key Republicans like you want him to run for President. If you agree with me, please use the enclosed replycard to let me know. I will personally hand deliver all of these cards to Governor Romney.

Sincerely, Jim DeMint
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posted by Justin Hart | 10:03 AM | permalink
Selwyn Duke (,

re: "Mitt Romney: A Massachusetts Liberal for President?"

Can you define someone is a "Liberal" with two issues? Is that how "American Thinkers" debate? Do you think you were accurate in your description of Romney? What did you add to the conversation that could not be found, more accurately here and here?

I have never seen a less accurate quote of someone in my life. You say, "Thus, it's no wonder that while campaigning against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney said that anti-marriage "is not appropriate at this time." My guess is that the time will be right when the electorate is left." What is anti-marriage? You represent the "American Thinker"? That is a sad comment on the state of thought in America.

Actually here is the real story:

During his 1994 campaign against Senator Edward Kennedy, Romney said that same-sex marriage "is not appropriate at this time" and pointed out that marriage was regulated under the jurisdiction of state laws.

Are you a liar or are you just stupid? I think you are a liar. Why don't you allow track backs, and responses on your site? Is that how American thinkers carry on conversations, with their ears closed?

You accuse Mitt Romney of flip-flops. Please check out these site, and tell me what you think: (you have to click on the links to see the arguments for and against the thesis).


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Monday, January 8, 2007
posted by jason | 11:21 PM | permalink
"Money talks, but early money screams"

Spencer Zwick
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I wonder what it's screaming?

When I was a kid I remember watching the tv show "The Bionic Man." He was also called the 6 million dollar man.

We now have a new 6 million man. (Make that the 100 million dollar + man by the end of the year.)


posted by Justin Hart | 4:56 PM | permalink
That take is pretty incredible!

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Unbelievable. With this kind of support shouldn't he announce tonight the transition of his exploratory committee to the Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign?

That's amazing! Mitt Romney is now the absolute frontrunner for the GOP nomination for President.




The largest one day campaign fundraising was $33 million done by Bush before the finance reforms. $6.5 million in one day is the largest amount raised I've heard of since the passing of that bill!


How much did you raise? You were doing pretty good at the time of the first video. I enjoyed the second video, thanks for doing that.

Fantastic stuff! That amount, if it gets significant press coverage, could catapult him into a greater public profile. And certainly will serve as a snowball for future fundraising.

If I had $6,538,323 dollars to my name I would give it to Mitt Romney. But I'll just keep blogging and driving traffic to these and his sites.

Good work.

Sorry to say it guys, but he will not be the nominee. He simply doesn't know what he stands for.


Ever changed your position on something once you got a clearer explanation? If not... maybe you ought to think about it.


Who could possibly believe Mitt Romney's claims that he made it through 3 decades of polarizing public debate over abortion being pro-choice? He was unswayed by 10 years of action by Congress to ban the gruesome partial birth abortion procedure--and only discovered abortion was morally wrong at the age of 57 (2 years ago) after a one-hour conversation with a Harvard scientist about stem cell research?!? Puleezze! He'll say whatever he needs to in order to get elected, and then he'll revert back to a social moderate or liberal. I'd take Sam Brownback any day of the week over Romney.

Sam who?

You can cry in your Cheerios all you like, but Romney will be the next President.

Romney the next president? hahahhahahah Wow! What are you on? Cocaine?

Looks like Ron Paul is on track to beat this today. Real people, real money, small donation size and the man doesn't have to cut himself a check. Now that is support!

posted by Justin Hart | 3:41 PM | permalink
I had a chance to sit down with Eric Fehrnstrom, communications director for Mitt Romney. We discussed the event today, the blogosphere and other interesting tidbits.

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Good work Justin!

Any chance on an interview with Chief Mitt himself?

You may want to fix your alignment so the video doesn't cover half the sidebar...

posted by Justin Hart | 2:55 PM | permalink
Mitt just announced that we passed $2.5 million dollars! That has got to be a record somewhere!

Mitt taking calls on the floor.
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posted by Justin Hart | 1:14 PM | permalink
Someone was giving me a bad time that my photos showed empty desks. Of course that was at 8:00AM this morning.

No announcement today but this is going to be fun! See video below.

The event is in full force now:

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Cool Justin!!

We want more!

I pushed the "share button" and sent it to myself, and then broadcast it to all my mitt places that I post... when It comes across as an e-mail they put it as a little small picture...

Here is what it looks like:

WE WANT NUMBERS!!! Tell us: what is the "record" that is being approached?!?!?

Awesome. Go Team Romney!

I heard 2.1 million is the record.

STOP Mitt!!!!! This guy is a horrible leader......


I've yet to hear someone saying Romney lacks strong leadership skills unless they have an obvious agenda against him. So, what's your story?

Now this is more like it. But you swing the camera around way too fast.

Why are you spending time raising money?

Why not go around with your webcam and interview people there about why they are there?

posted by Justin Hart | 8:25 AM | permalink
***update***Welcome Eyeon08'ers. Obvioously these pics were taken before the event started.

I've been to numerous corporate events, flashy screens, big lights, lots of noise... but I've never encountered anything like this for a political fundraiser!

Dozens upon dozens of computers lined up ready to crank up the phone calls and make a huge impact on the world!

OK... that was a bit hyperbole... but I love it!

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Great pics you guys! I have linked to this entry on my site - really good work!


Wasn't this supposed to be live-blogging?

Where's the life?

more posts coming, thanks for visiting.

posted by Justin Hart | 7:08 AM | permalink
What's that smell! Fresh Boston dough wafting from convention center in the form of donations to the soon to be finalized "Mitt Romney for President Committee". And if our aspirations are correct we are talking about breaking dough!

Not as in breaking bread, although there will plenty of that. We're talking about breaking records! Any you can be part of it!


When you do be sure and use the Fundraiser ID: 588000

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posted by Andrew | 12:02 AM | permalink
Greetings, fellow Mittheads! My name's Andrew Quinn, I'm a sixteen-year old high school sophomore, writer, jazz musician, conservative, and supporter of the serial comma.

I'll let on a little more about myself, my values, and my reasons for supporting for Romney later, but I wanted to dive right in.

One of my main interests, given my age, is "evangelizing" about Governor Romney to others my age. To this end, I've devoted a page under my Facebook account (a high school and college social networking site) to synthesize some Romney news, positions, quotes, etc. If you've got an account over there, please check it out and join us in discussion!

Unfortunately for me, school is starting back up tomorrow - which means my time for writing is short on a late Sunday evening. Until tomorrow, I'd like to offer thanks to the great crew that saw me fit to contribute - I'm excited to be here! Romney 2008!
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Welcome to the site, glad to have you!

Welcome aboard Andrew!

Romney Rocks the Blog-o-sphere!

Sunday, January 7, 2007
posted by jason | 11:45 PM | permalink has an interesting post up wondering if Guiliani is really going to run. When you look at the polls, it looks highly likely. When you consider the self doubters in his campaign and the small infrastructure it flips to questionable.

Its a good read, check it out. is a fantastic site with wonderful commentary on the current presidential race.
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posted by Justin Hart | 7:35 PM | permalink
Don't let the title fool you. No one is raising any funds tonight. Rather, this is the fattening of the calf before they let loose the dogs tomorrow.

Without slaughtering any more mixed metaphors let me just say... Hold onto your horses. This if going to be interesting.

Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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I think I speak for all of us when I say - huh, Justin?!

posted by Justin Hart | 6:11 PM | permalink
The countdown begins! I've arrived in Boston with an hour to spare (before dinner) and before the big event tomorrow.

Full disclosure here: I've been a Romney fan since diapers, literally!

I was born in Boston in 1971 while my father attended school here. The Romney's were in our local church parish. I understand he babysat me once.

Full disclosure #2: Since that time I have never met the Governor until last October at the NRO bash in DC. We happened to run into each other and I mentioned my name. He immediately placed me back in Boston 35 years earlier.

Others have commented on his razor sharp wit but that sharpness spills over into memory in a very cognitive way. You make friends very quickly if you remember their names.

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posted by jason | 5:42 PM | permalink
Deseret News reports on John Huntsman Sr.'s (Utah Governor John Huntsman Jr's Dad) work for Romney.

"I don't want to get involved in situations that would bring the LDS Church into play," Huntsman told the Deseret Morning News in a telephone interview. "The letters I'm sending out to raise funds all have a disclaimer: This is not because of my church affiliation..."

"I feel it's important to say that because I don't want it perceived as a religious campaign of any kind. For me, it's about the best person who can lead our country at this pivotal point in time," Huntsman said during a break from touring Huntsman Corp. plants in the Southeast.

For those of you who don't know who Huntsman is, he is the founder of Huntsman Corporation, a large international chemical company. He is also a finance co-chairman of Mitt Romney's presidential exploratory committee, as covered in a past post.

Many outside of Utah, may not know that Huntsman Jr. is the Governor of Utah and was an early sign on to McCain's campaign, along with Utah Atty. General Shurtleff. Many at the time (and still today) wonder why in the world McCain would go to great lengths to sign on the A.G. from such a place as Mormon Utah? The answer? McCain knows Mormon Romney is the real challenger, and likely winner. Has Romney been busy courting people from AZ? Probably not.

The article goes on to say:

Huntsman said he has hosted two events to introduce Romney to potential contributors, in Houston and Philadelphia, and is planning another in New York City. He said he won't, however, host any events in Utah.
"There are a lot of other folks in Utah who'll cover those bases. I don't intend to be one of them," Huntsman said. "I don't want to be caught up in anything that's regarded as church-state."


But these comments say it all:

"It isn't like there's a great split in the family or anything," Huntsman said. In 2000, for example, he said he supported Elizabeth Dole while his son backed George Bush for the GOP nomination.
Bush won, of course, and the governor expects the same result this time around.

"The governor loves and respects his dad too much to provide an opposing sound bite, but he believes their respective choices in candidates will likely end much like they did in 2000, with the governor riding the winning horse," his spokeswoman, Lisa Roskelley, said.

What is it about the hubris in the McCain Camp? If you read the article Huntsman Sr. is as kind as could be to his son, yet the Huntsman Jr. can't avoid the swipe. All I have to say is that McCain stench tends to rub off!
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For whatever reason, Utah has two extraordinarily liberal politicians in office, who are upsetting most of the state. They happen to be Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and Governor Jon Huntsman. They both are supporting McCain because they don't support Romney's immigration policies. They both know Romney personnally, and have said they think "he's too conservative." That should say something to those accusing Romney of being a liberal. As an aise, Utah has the most liberal illegal immigration laws in the county, going so far as to give in-state tuition to illegals at universities. Huntsman especially is an impotent leader, who hopes only for a cabinent position in McCain's administration, like former Utah Governor Leavitt received in Bush's.

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