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Monday, January 8, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 4:56 PM | permalink
That take is pretty incredible!

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Unbelievable. With this kind of support shouldn't he announce tonight the transition of his exploratory committee to the Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign?

That's amazing! Mitt Romney is now the absolute frontrunner for the GOP nomination for President.




The largest one day campaign fundraising was $33 million done by Bush before the finance reforms. $6.5 million in one day is the largest amount raised I've heard of since the passing of that bill!


How much did you raise? You were doing pretty good at the time of the first video. I enjoyed the second video, thanks for doing that.

Fantastic stuff! That amount, if it gets significant press coverage, could catapult him into a greater public profile. And certainly will serve as a snowball for future fundraising.

If I had $6,538,323 dollars to my name I would give it to Mitt Romney. But I'll just keep blogging and driving traffic to these and his sites.

Good work.

Sorry to say it guys, but he will not be the nominee. He simply doesn't know what he stands for.


Ever changed your position on something once you got a clearer explanation? If not... maybe you ought to think about it.


Who could possibly believe Mitt Romney's claims that he made it through 3 decades of polarizing public debate over abortion being pro-choice? He was unswayed by 10 years of action by Congress to ban the gruesome partial birth abortion procedure--and only discovered abortion was morally wrong at the age of 57 (2 years ago) after a one-hour conversation with a Harvard scientist about stem cell research?!? Puleezze! He'll say whatever he needs to in order to get elected, and then he'll revert back to a social moderate or liberal. I'd take Sam Brownback any day of the week over Romney.

Sam who?

You can cry in your Cheerios all you like, but Romney will be the next President.

Romney the next president? hahahhahahah Wow! What are you on? Cocaine?

Looks like Ron Paul is on track to beat this today. Real people, real money, small donation size and the man doesn't have to cut himself a check. Now that is support!

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