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Saturday, April 12, 2008
posted by Anonymous | 10:03 PM | permalink
In case you missed this nice write-up about a speech Romney gave on Thursday in PA for McCain, here it is. Jonathan martin points out Romney downplays his VP chances.
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Would love to see Mitt Romz as VP. I want to see the panic in the Evangelical Zealots who oppose him strictly for religious differences. Thought us americans moved to america to escape religious discrimination. The discriminators just followed us here.
Go Mitt Romz.....Ron Reagz Believes in you.

They will panic but it will not be because of Romney.

Based on McCain’s call to help former rival Rudy (and not others) raise money to eliminate primary debt, I believe Rudy will be McCain’s pick. I put down Rudy’s chances as 80%. He mets the criteria of the VP which McCain has laid out. Rudy is very vetted and he has already given Social conservatives a rationale to vote for him — he would appoint pro-life judges. And given that McCain will take public funding, Rudy might be the one who would help him compete in the blue states where he would be allocated money to spend.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:13 PM | permalink
That's what Forbes writer Paul M. Murdock says:
A McCain-Romney ticket makes sense for both men. McCain gets a boost on economic issues and Romney gets a seat next to McCain in the White House—assuming they manage a victory in November. The increased exposure would serve Romney well should he choose to seek the presidential nomination in the future. Considering John McCain’s age, Romney’s chance could come as soon as 2012 if a victorious McCain decided to only serve one term.


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posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:06 PM | permalink
It’s always interesting when people try to define the conservative movement so as to make John McCain the quintessential conservative. Don’t get me wrong, at this point I see him as the best candidate available and will vote for him over the Democratic candidate or any independent. That being said, John McCain is at best a marginal conservative, and better classified as a moderate Republican. There’s nothing wrong with being those things, indeed McCain seems to have succeeded without a strong conservative identification, but conservative is just an inaccurate description of McCain.

Jonathan Rauch at the Atlantic makes the case that conservative really should mean traditional or incremental.

Burke is the father of modern conservatism, and still its wisest oracle. Tradition-minded but (contrary to stereotype) far from reactionary, he believed in balancing individual rights with social order. The best way to do that, for Burke, was by respecting long-standing customs and institutions while advancing toward liberty and equality. Society’s traditions, after all, embody an evolved collective wisdom that even (or especially) the smartest of individuals cannot hope to understand comprehensively, much less reinvent successfully.
In a sense, Rauch is correct. Conservative in its dictionary definition, and the way that he describes Burkean traditionalism, is slow to evolve and incremental in its change. By this standard, McCain does seem conservative. McCain is hesitant to upset the status quo in the federal government. He is not a crusader against big government and its excesses, but more concerned with political corruption (earmarks, McCain-Feingold). He is loathe to do anything dramatic (or, in my view, effective) on issues like immigration or marriage. McCain is generally content with the current state of the federal government and sees only tweaking at the edges as necessary.

However, Rauch’s arguments to the contrary, conservatism is really a misnomer for the modern conservative movement. Modern conservatism is more correctly viewed as classical liberalism. These are dynamic philosophies that are able to bring about the revolutionary changes that Rauch says are antithetical to conservatism. The marketplace, one of the foundations of conservatism/classical liberalism, is able to bring about dramatic changes to a society. Government, one of the obstacles to conservatism/classical liberalism, is generally resistant to change or is ineffective or clumsy in bringing it about.

Rauch places McCain at the center of conservatism because of his resistance to change:

And then there is McCain. As eclectic a reformer as he has been in the Senate, he has been consistent in his incrementalism. Though he was known to sound hot-headed on campaign-finance reform, his legislative work produced a reform that was mostly modest in its aims and that mostly attained them. He has been an old-fashioned budget balancer, not a newfangled supply-sider. He defends his global-warming efforts as gradualist and as modeled on emissions-trading systems that have already been tested. In the presidential primaries, he showed little interest in grandiose promises.
This concept of conservatism misunderstands what the aims of modern conservatism are. It is not about incremental change, but about empowering the individual, generally at the expense of the government. This is why McCain is viewed skeptically by conservatives. It is not that his reforms have been modest, but that his aims have been towards more government at the expense of individual freedom. If his reforms had modest but had been to remove government rather than expand government, I believe McCain would be more favorably viewed by conservatives.

Rauch’s article is also derogatory towards conservatives more generally.

Partly, however, it grew from narcissism: no less than their left-wing peers, right-wing Baby Boomers liked to suppose it was their destiny to reshape the world.
This imputation of motive is devious, not to mention disingenuous. This is the same type of equivalence that we saw in Barack Obama’s speech. Rev. Wright’s pronouncements of anti-Americanism and hatred for whites were the same as a private expression of fear after being haggled. Likewise the social upheaval caused by liberal ideology was the same as resistance to those ideas. “We were all radicals,” is what Rauch is trying to say. This is factually wrong and devious in its crass equation of two very different types of people and ideas.

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I will not vote for McCain just so he can kick me and other conservatives in the head, yet again.

Friday, April 11, 2008
posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:32 PM | permalink
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Dean is too dumb for it to be a backhanded complement. Or, for that matter, a "whatever you do, don't throw me in the briar patch comment as to McCain.

It will be enjoyable to see Dean deposed when McCain wins in the fall.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:19 AM | permalink
Reid Wilson tells the tale of two former presidential candidates. He juxtaposes the specter of what Romney has done for McCain since ending his presidential bid versus what Huckabee has done since ending his bid.

First Romney:

Romney has been the most active, appearing for McCain this week at a Lancaster, Pennsylvania Republican dinner, shepherding McCain around Utah for a major fundraiser and promising to hit the stump in the future. Romney has also said he will raise $15 million for McCain, as the Associated Press' Glen Johnson reports.
Compare that to Huckabee:

Huckabee, too, is staying active. He signed a contract with a Hollywood talent agency this week, and next week he will launch a new venture with a major speech, to which his website is counting down (four days, five hours, forty-one minutes and twenty five seconds from the time this post was written).
Is there a starker contrast between two people? Romney has dedicated his time towards a greater cause. Huckabee has used the occassion for self-promotion. Ideally the countdown on Huckabee's website would be the dwindling of his minutes of fame.

In this world we need fewer self-promoters and more people willing to work for a cause other than self. Thank you for the example Gov. Romney.


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Self promotion and gimmickry.

How about calling Huckaphony Huckavain instead?

I'm really happy for Huckabee that he was able to sign a contract with a Hollywood agency this week. Maybe he can get a spot in a good dog food commercial. You know, as the dog.

Huckabeen is a joke! The sooner we don't have to see his face again, the better! Good riddance to the selfish and egotistical Dorkabee!

Nobody ever told you, never pick up a rattlesnake, it doesn't want to be pet. Why do the romney's folks like to poke huckabee, just ignore him and leave him alone. Fact is when romney runs for president someday, he will need huckabee supporters to eventually be on his side, so i would advise to let the facts speak for themselves and move on without calling out.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 11, 2008 at 3:04 PM  

I'm just glad to know his countdown has nothing to do with the VP spot. *wipes brow*

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 11, 2008 at 3:34 PM  

All you had to do was look at Huck's time in Ark. to know it was always about him.Particuarly being a gift-a-holic. It's a shame that so many people fell for his religious stances when they were all phony all along and a con game.He handed McCain the nom and now everyone has buyers remorse.The most appalling part of Huck though was/is his bias against Mormons.Wouldn't surprise me at all if his supporters were behind all the robo calls condeming Romney's religion.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 12, 2008 at 2:39 PM  

There is nothing wrong with Romney supporters bashing Mike Up-Chuck-abee. In fact, there would be nothing wrong with everybody else joining in as well.

As for the valid bashing of Up-Chuck-abee by Romney supporters somehow hurting Mitt as an Anonymous poster above posits, I disagree.

Mitt has always been a class act. He has refused to make personal attacks or involve himself in name-calling. Mitt has also refused to play the part of a victim or try to get sympathy. This is even though Up-Chuck-abee has acted like a child throughout. Up-Chuck-abee is STILL attacking Romney - months after Romney dropped out of the race. Up-Chuck-abee is such a baby! He can't get over Romney's wealth and among the many personal insults that he tried to pin on Romney, Up-Chuck-abee tried to compare Romney to a grade school tattletale when Mitt brought up the fact that Up-Chuck-abee wanted to give instate tuition breaks to illegal aliens. How does an adult respond to such ridiculous assertions?

It must have been a very strange fight for Romney. Romney must have felt sorry for Up-Chuck-abee throughout. It would have been like arguing with a child with down syndrome.

But I don't feel sorry for Up-Chuck-abee. I don't feel like just because he appears to have some sort of developmental disability that I should feel bad enough for him to give him the benefit of the doubt when the fate the of entire Free World is at stake.

His website is probably just getting ready to brag about some new nationally syndicated radio show that he will have to compete against Rush Limbaugh - who Huckabee must hate - since Rush saw right through Up-Chuck-abee as a total phony.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 5:22 PM | permalink
This is funny., the official website of Mike Huckabee for President, is showing a countdown to April 15th when it will launch something big.

One MMM reader notes:
The countdown posted at is being touted on blogs, and articles as the announcement date that JohnMcCain's name will scroll to the top of the site, with Mike's underneath it. The star is the same as the one used on McCain's site, and the gold/blue is similar to McCain's site, as well.

The ONLY thing that makes sense about it is that McCain will ignore his advisors, stick with his "gut" and select the guy he promised the spot to after Iowa. It's the kind of thing I could see McCain doing.

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If McCain does choose Huckabee, I forsee McCain loosing the Presidency. Even with the Evangelical support that Huckabee *MIGHT* bring, it will not make up for the support that McCain will loose.
Huckabee is on Judicial Watch's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2007 (
For the sake of McCain's Presidential future, the future of the Republican Party, and the Country... I hope and pray that McCain does NOT choose Huckabee!

But again, our country will get what it deserves.

This is worrysome. It's the only thing that could cause me, a life-long staunch Republican, to plug my nose and vote Democrat or 3rd party against McCain. I really don't want to do that, but am so totally disgusted with the tactics of Hike Muckabee and his supporters that I could not possibly bring myself in any way to support them, especially if McCain is shown to be tainted by this by choosing him. I hope, REALLY hope that you are wrong on this one. Could McCain really be that stupid?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 10, 2008 at 8:16 PM  

In a way it would take away the guilt I currently harbor for wasting my vote this election cycle since I won't vote for McCain. Put Huckabee on the ticket and I joyfully deny the two my vote. That clearly puts McCain's mental ability in question.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 10, 2008 at 9:46 PM  

April 15 is tax filing day. I'm willing to bet that the star is simply there to create a buzz. Suckabee is going to announce something Fair-Tax related.

I can't see McCain picking the Shuckster. The whole conversation would move to his religious views something McCain definately wants to avoid with independent voters.He'll pick someone as unexciting as he is.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 11, 2008 at 4:41 AM  

Aaron, I agree. The star is probably there to keep people's interest, and thus keep Huckabee in the spotlight. It probably will be fair-tax related.

I hope you're right, Aaron, and that this has something to do with the Fair Tax. If it's a Huckabee for VP announcement, then McCain will lose my vote. I think Huckabee's the only VP pick that I feel that way about.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 11, 2008 at 9:17 AM  

If McCain were to announce his running mate this soon, it would not be on the VP selections site. There would be a major press conference scheduled and it would be unveiled on McCain's site to drive the traffic to his site where he can get donors. This is a set-up for something else, while at the same time trying to put in peoples mind the possibility of a Huckabee VP. Huckabee is all about self promotion. Grassroots support for Mitt for VP is overwhelming and I think that will become clear to McCain.

I don't believe McCain would be part of anything so fruity as having a ticking clock for making a big announcement that he is selecting Huckabeen, the unethical fool, actor-wanna-be, rock star-wanna-be, as his VP.

This is just another of Huckabeen’s desperate antics for attention.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 11, 2008 at 1:03 PM  

It is with some sadness that I make this announcement, but that countdown is just for the time when Mike Up-Chuck-abee is going to take us all out of his misery. Yes, Up-Chuck-abee is planning on committing Seppuku.

From Wikipedia: Part of the samurai honor code, seppuku has been used both voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies, as a form of capital punishment for samurai who have committed serious offenses, and for reasons that shamed them.

Anyway, oh well, but it's better than having to suffer through more stupid publicity stunts like his press conference to unveil the negative attack ad that he was going to use but didn't want anyone to see.

Up-Chuck-abee is the epitome of buffoon. He actually makes me almost feel sorry for the people of Arkansas who had to deal with him as their Governor for 10 agonizing years, and this is with fully recognizing that they had to deal with Bill Clinton for 8 years.

The only reason that I don't feel sorry for them is because they voted for the idiot Mike Up-Chuck-abee, so they really deserved him. But one thing is for sure, the rest of America does not.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
posted by jason | 11:45 PM | permalink
From Paul Harvey's Website:

The former Republican presidential candidate will serve as guest host of ABC Radio Network's "Paul Harvey News & Comment" on Thursday. Harvey, who recently recovered from pneumonia and is scheduled for cataract surgery, plans to return to the show on April 25.

Check Harvey's website for time and stations in your area.
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Go Mitt!!! This is another area in which he excels. He really does have a great radio voice.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 10, 2008 at 2:58 PM  

Shoot, I missed it. I'll try to find it on Harvey's website.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 9:36 AM | permalink
Here’s a few stories to read today:

Weyrich Backs Away from “No Mitt” Ads: “I don’t know what the story is with Weyrich but all this vacillating isn’t doing him any favors.”

Religious Right flip-flops: “The Religious Right is still desperately trying to catch John McCain’s attention, and they’re still running into the same problem that left them with a candidate so distasteful to them in the first place. They can’t seem to pull it together and make up their minds.”

Romney in 2012?: “Mitt Romney still has friends -- at least on Facebook.”


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Please post this link to the Romney for VP petition

http://www.ipetitio MittforVP2008

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 9, 2008 at 12:52 PM  

Take the spaces out of the link--then it will work!

Please do NOT lump all those on the "Religious Right" as somehow all in favor of Huckabee. This is VERY misleading, since those on the "Religious Right" are not a group of people who are homogonous, but instead a heterogenious people with disperate views. Many Evangelicals voted for Mitt all across the country. We STILL want him, although this time, for McCain's V.P.pick!

Denny, New Republican Party Blog

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 12, 2008 at 6:05 AM  

posted by Justin Hart | 8:41 AM | permalink
The anti-Mitt/anti-Mormon agenda, John McCain is lucky, and what do the Beach Boys, Houston, TX and Mitt Romney have in common?

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posted by Justin Hart | 8:11 AM | permalink
John McCain Was One Lucky Guy in Primary Race With Romney - Michael Barone (

"John McCain was one lucky guy. That has been my conclusion as we watched him beat Mike Huckabee in South Carolina January 19 by 33 percent to 30 percent, beat Mitt Romney in Florida January 29 by 36 percent to 31 percent, and then make a huge delegate sweep by winning all the winner-take-all states on Super Tuesday, February 5, including Missouri by a 33 percent-to-32 percent-to-29 percent margin over Huckabee and Romney. In California, which awarded 11 delegates to the statewide winner and three each to the winner in each congressional district, McCain beat Romney statewide 42 percent to 35 percent and carried 48 of 53 congressional districts (it appeared to be 50 of 53 before California finally counted all the votes).

Using Dave Leip's Election Atlas and the Green Papers, I calculated the delegate count if McCain's share of the vote had been exactly 3 percent less in each primary on January 19 and 26 and February 5 and if Romney's share of the vote had been exactly 3 percent more. After all, those results would have been just about as plausible, given the way the campaign and polling were going, as the actual results."
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
posted by Jeff Fuller | 12:50 PM | permalink
A friend of mine here in Louisiana asked me to get the info out on this "NO MITT" snafu . . . here is what she sent me:

So Mr. William J. Murray did not like people signing his No Mitt petition so they could leave PRO ROMNEY comments!

“ADVISORY: PUBLIC ACCESS TO COMMENTS HAS BEEN BLOCKED. Because of insensitive and offensive posts public viewing of comments has been blocked. Click here for a complete explanation. Note: If you support Romney you should not be signing a petition against him in order to make pro-Romney statements. That is flat out dishonest.”


Romney’s press secretary told FOX News that the claims made in the No Mitt Ad are not true.

Here is Mr. William’s blog where we CAN leave comments!

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Of course this ad had nothing to do with Mitt being a Mormon! Well, I'd like to see how long you could be in a room talking with each of the 20 signers of that ad about Mormons or Mormonism before they start going off about how horrible the Mormon Church is and this and that & blah, blah, blah.

I'll give Mr. Murray the benefit of the doubt. But that doesn't mean that he properly vetted the co-signers of his anti-Mormon... I mean anti-Mitt ad. They each need to do their own Mr. Murray-esque disclosure. But I doubt that they could all do one.

Monday, April 7, 2008
posted by Nealie Ride | 4:02 PM | permalink

Mitt is a class act.

Huckabee and his crew? You decide.
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Huckabee is just upset that he is not getting any face time while Romney is campaigning for McCain and is still in the news.
I believe he did not know about this as much as he had no plan on letting out that commercial he made and paid for but then had the news conference to say he was not going to show it after he shows it to them.
Slimy, sleezy, and not an honest person.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 7, 2008 at 7:09 PM  

I think this is a joke. Wasn't there a problem with conservatives not backing McCain because he's not a true conservative...but now I guess...they think he's a conservative and won't vote for him "again" if McCain chooses a true conservative as a VP. Pretty twisted logic if you ask me.

The mentality of Huck Supporters has always been very short-sited and idiotic.

They claim to stand for pro-life, pro-social-conservative principles - yet they insist on voting against those principles if the name Mitt Romney happens to be involved.

Stupid Hypocrites!! Get a life!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 7, 2008 at 11:20 PM  

I couldn't agree with you more! Huckabeen IS slimy and dishonest. Let's be sure to add his bigotry in there, too!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 8, 2008 at 10:35 AM  

Once again Huckabee shows his willingness to put his own agenda above the willingness of others to pull the party together. Thank goodness a man (?) like him never stood a chance.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 8, 2008 at 10:52 AM  

Huckabee's about to explode with jealousy and angry feelings he can't understand. Hold yourself together man! Mitt is not a threat to you! Let it go......breathe in..... breathe the negativity out....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 8, 2008 at 11:06 AM  

It's funny when Mike Up-Chuck-abee claims that he had nothing to do with the ad but he doesn't want to repudiate the ad. What a weasel! He tries to get it both ways always. Lance in TX- good point above. This is a lot like that news conference. Up-Chuck-abee has no money so he has to get the press to disseminate his message around for him. That's one of the main reasons that Up-Chuck-abee hates Romney so much. Up-Chuck-abee has a huge issue of class envy. He'd make a good Maxist.

His new name is Karl Marx Up-Chuck-abee. :D

The Huckster is very sneaky and very anti-Mormon.There would be a lot more rejection of him being the VP pick than Romney.Why haven't you seen the Huckster out campaigning for McCain? Is he too busy lining his own pockets giving private speeches? huck isn't a "company man" he's out for himself.I think McCainis going to wait until he sees who the dems have on their ticket. I still think he'll pick Alaska's governor.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 9, 2008 at 5:39 AM  

posted by Justin Hart | 1:42 PM | permalink
Lots of news making the rounds right now about John Murtha's earmarks. One familiar recipient is CTC (Concurrent Technologies Corporation). "Corporation" is a bit of a misnomer since CTC is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.

Knowing something about non-profits I decided to do a little sleuthing.

First, some information on CTC itself:
  • Ruling year: 1989
  • Assets: $75,491,552
  • Income: $243,960,365
  • No. of employees: not available
  • NTEE Code (categorization code for non-profits): U40 - Engineering and Technology Research
Next Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees: Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2006

Name Title Compensation
Daniel R DeVos Pres & CEO $503,473
Edgar Berkey VP & CQO $472,535
John B Pursley, Jr Exec VP $411,576
Michael A Katz Sr VP & COO $357,864
Edward J Sheehan, Jr. Sr VP & CFO $346,540
Emil C Sarady Vice Pres $310,747
Frank W Cooper, Jr. VP & CTO $288,933
Jerry Hudson Vice Pres. $254,807
Linda Monzo General Mgr $227,111
Margaret A DiVirgilio Gen Mgr & Treas $225,851
George Appley General Mgr $220,705
Teri S Maguire Corp Secretary $78,671
Henry L Ellison Board Member $5,500
Conway B Jones, Jr Board Member $5,500
Albert L. Etheridge Board Member $4,500
Howard M Picking, III Chairman $4,500
E Jeanne Gleason Board Member $3,500
Lawrence J Rhoades Board Member $3,500
Mark E Pasquerilla Board Member $2,500
John N Crichton Board Member $2,000


Improvement of the nation's industrial competitiveness through the effective development and transfer of leading-edge technologies


Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) is a national resource committed to assisting industry and government achieve world-class competitiveness CTC is an applied research and development professional services organization that provides management and technology-based solutions to a wide array of clients representing state and federal government as well as the private sector.

Can anyone interpret that for me?

Now, here's the kicker:

Contributions $0
Government Grants $212,739,257
Program Services $31,098,761
Investments $122,347
Special Events $0
Sales $0
Other $0
Total Revenue $243,960,365

Program Services $212,322,790
Administration $25,845,645
Other $1,054,730
Total Expenses $239,223,165
Net Gain/Loss $4,737,200

In short, you the taxpayer gave almost a quarter of a billion dollars to CTC, a non-profit entity, to fund massive salaries for an organization that has a fuzzy mission and now a fuzzier future thanks to Murtha.

Is there some back scratching going on as CBS alleges? Why yes.
  • Daniel R DeVos - CEO, gave $1000 to Murtha 3/2/2007 and $1000 on 8/28/2007
  • Edward Sheehan - CFO, gave $1000 to Murtha 3/9/2007 and $1300 10/26/2007
  • Frank Cooper - VP, gave $1000 to Murtha 3/28/2007 and $200 8/30/2007
  • DiVirgilio - Treasurer gave $1000 to the DCCC
The list goes on and on. More to come...

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I believe that Linda Monzo has contributed at least $3000 to Murtha. This information is available as a public record.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 7:48 AM | permalink

This is my favorite scene from Ben Hur

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Heston was such a great leading man in those big Hollywood epics.Compare that to today's leading man types like George Cloony who's movies bomb right after another.You'll never get another great movie out of liberal Hollywood ever again.Maybe some sharpy writer will write a script about Hillary's healthcare victim in Ohio? Who doesn't like a good fiction once in a while?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 7, 2008 at 6:11 AM  

Rush replayed an audioclip by Heston reading the intro from Jurassic Park. It was awesome!!! Here is a link:


By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 7, 2008 at 4:07 PM  

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