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Friday, August 24, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 11:34 PM | permalink
Giuliani had this to say in California recently:

"We need a candidate who can compete in New York, who can compete in California. Just like Ronald Reagan, we need a candidate who can win."

The only problem is, I don't think I want a candidate who can compete in California. A lot has changed since Ronald Reagan. California is now a bastion of democrat policies. California has a constitutional right to conduct human embryonic stem cell research. Domestic Partnerships provide registered gay couples with all of the incidents of marriage, minus the name only. The state has liberal abortion laws and recently rejected the chance to pass a parental notification law for when doctors perform abortions on minors.

California is a great place to live in many ways, but it is certainly not very friendly to social conservatives. I would be disappointed if the rest of the country went our direction on these issues. So, when Giuliani says he can compete in blue California, remember the "R" by his name doesn't necessarily stand for red America.

I want a candidate who can win the country, while continuing the progress we have made on social issues. Romney can and will win the country if nominated.
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Whatever you are smoking, I want some of it. Mitt is going to finish 3rd in Iowa. Mitt is going to finish 3rd or 4th in NH. And Mitt is going to finish 4th or 5th in SC. How does that make Mitt the President? It doesn't. You are setting yourself up for a major letdown. Just remember, you hear it from me first.


Again, you make claims w/o any basis in data; w/o any evidence to support them.

The last 5-6 polls out of Iowa & NH have Mitt up 12-17%. He's had a double-digit lead in both states for over two months.

In SC & FL his numbers have gone from single digits to 17% in the latest couple of polls.

In Nevada he's gone from being even w/Thompson & Rudy to now having a double-digit lead.

All of these statements are based in fact. These are the actual numbers coming from the states. This does not mean Romney is a sure thing. However, claiming that Romney will lose in these states (when all evidence says he will win) requires extra evidence. If you don't sustain the burden of proof required by your position you come off looking like an ignoramus. As always.

Mitt bought that silly straw poll election in Iowa and everyone knows it. He spent a ton of money in Iowa and it will continue to get him some popularity vots for another week of two. Rudy G. will start the real campaign in Iowa in another month. Rudy will blow Mitt's name and face off the front pages. Thus the beginning of the end for Mitt. Mitt had a nice run but now it's all over except for the crying. And if Fred Thompson announces this week that he is running they will be asking, "Mitt who?"

Then we can respond, you remember, Mitt Romney, the one who actually knows what he's talking about.

Mitt bought the straw poll... blah blah blah... losers usually have an excuse.

Yea, he spent near $5M in Iowa. It wasn't all for the straw poll though. It was for support generally, which he now has. Romney is currently polling more than double Rudy's numbers: latest poll has Romney up 31% to 15% over Rudy. Say what you wish about spending $$$ in Iowa, but analysts say winning Iowa is worth at least $50M in free national advertising. That $5M was a solid investment. If Rudy could have won the straw poll he would have spent the necessary $$$ to do so.

In Iowa and NH (unlike the vast majority of states) 80%+ are well informed about the candidates and have made up their minds already. Rudy's $$$ will not change minds. It was bad public policy + sickening personal history that made Rudy uncompetitive in Iowa.

I appreciate your comments. How is the openly pro-choice, pro-civil union, pro-sanctuary city former Mayor of New York City going to get the GOP nomination when it has been in direct opposition to all of his social policies. He rightly deserves credit for his heroic response on 9/11, and his crackdown on crime in the city. National polls continue to show him leading Romney and the other GOP candidates, but the presidential election process is not a national primary, but rather a state-by-state primary/caucus. Romney is pro-life, anti-illegal immigration, and has tremendous experience in the private sector as an expert on turning around financially mismanaged companies and add incredible value to what they do. I think Mitt Romney has a much better shot at being the GOP nominee than Rudy because Mitt is more socially conservative than Rudy and has the fiscal conservative credentials. He has national security experience with managing the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, and can add a VP to the ticket who has Dick Cheney-like national security experience. Rudy adding a social conservative is not going to mitigate his policies that are welcome to mainstream Democrats, but an anathema to mainstream Republicans.

posted by Anonymous | 6:00 PM | permalink
The Mitt Report kindly directs our attention to a new blog: Virginia Students for Mitt.

Perhaps we will see a proliferation of Mitt websites tied to student efforts much the way the state web sites have abounded.
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:46 PM | permalink
Romney: Mass. Health Plan Can Be Copied, Glen Johnson, AP
Romney Won't Adapt Mass. Plan, Perry Bacon Jr., Washington Post
Romney's Federal Prescription, Mary Jacoby and Sarah Lueck, Wall Street Journal
Romney to Pitch a State-by-State Health Insurance Plan, Michael Luo, NY Times
Romney to detail his healthcare Rx, Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe

H/T Marc Ambinder.

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Not sure I would call it flip floppring but it sure does show that reporters do indeed let their biases reflect in their reporting.

Any guesses on how long it is before we see a new flip flop meme that Romney's national health care proposals are different than the one in MA?

You know, disregarding the fact that he's been saying it would be somewhat different for the last year...

More a joke than anything. Just thought I would turn the tables on the press.

If there was ever a candidate who knew about flip-flopping it would be the Mitt-Man. How many times did he flip-flop on the abortion issue. Mitt had a different abortion stand depending on the day of the week. Mitt needs to come clean on the abortion issue. Thousands of naive Mormon girls had abortions because Mitt said it was perfectly OK. Mitt needs to admit to this or it will hang around his neck like a three-day old fish. We will be checking to see if any of the Romney sons ok'ed the abortions of any of their "offsprings to be." The sons of Mitt's better come clean too. Dont kid yourself, we will defeat Mitt Romney even if it means a return to the presidency of one Bill Clinton.

God bless you Mitt Hits the Fan.
I hope you can find some peace in your life and move on to something constructive and worthwhile.

That is the same post you previously posted, fan person. Whomever you are, if you want to have a sensible discussion, okay, but quit the blog graffiti.


You're a funny guy. Or at least, your intellectually inept attacks always give me a good laugh. I guess that wasn't your intention though. Still, I appreciate it.

Dont take my word for it, go ahead and research Mitt Romney's past, present, and future stand on abortion. Mitt sticks his finger to the wind and then determines what his stand on abortion is going to be for the up coming week. Mitt changes his stand on abortion about as often as he changes his garmies.


If not for your distasteful anti-Mormon slur, your comment would have sent me to the floor in laughter. As it is, I just shook my head and chuckled. Consider the irony: You, the great ignoramus, are suggesting that other people need to research?

We have done our research. We're aware he was effectively pro-life and that he made statements about strongly supporting a woman's right to choose. We're aware that he changed to the pro-life position in 2004. We're aware of Brownback's clip trying to show him as pro-choice again in 2005.

Actions speak louder than words. He ACTED for the pro-life movement as governor and I don't believe he'll change again. Moreover, even if I believed his position changes on abortion were out of political expediency (which I don't) would Rudy be a better option (still pro-choice, used to favor late term abortion rights)?

posted by Anonymous | 3:27 PM | permalink
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To have your link automatically put you ID# in the 'referred by' field change it to this :

Thanks Nate!

posted by Anonymous | 3:18 PM | permalink
Romney is currently winning the Bill O'Reilly poll right now at 53% over Giuliani at 42%. In case you needed any more affirmation that John McCain's candidacy is over, he comes in at a mere 5%, and this without Fred Thompson even in the mix.
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posted by Anonymous | 2:33 PM | permalink
Romney's Health Care plan is here. The Slides of Romney's Power Point presentation he delivered to the Florida Medical Association are located here.

The Goals of the Reform:

- First, Instituting Reforms That Make Private Health Insurance Affordable. More Americans need access to quality, private health insurance.

- Second, Providing Access To Quality Health Insurance For Every American.

- Third, Enhancing The Portability Of Private Health Insurance.

- Finally, Slowing The Rate Of Inflation In Health Care Spending.

Romney's website lists six steps to bring about change here.

As a person who actually buys private health insurance in the open market as opposed to simply being covered by an employer's plan, I am excited about the thrust of Romney's Health Care plan to foster a more robust market that makes plans more portable and encourages options.

I am also excited about the prospect of being able to buy that coverage with pre-tax dollars as workers who buy through their employers can do.

In fact, by giving that benefit to employees in traditional jobs and denying it to people who don't have an employer giving them health insurance, the tax code has actually created a disincentive from people hanging out their own shingle and working for themselves. Romney's reform will fix that.

There is a lot more to be said but one thing is clear, Romney owns this issue.
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I'm quite excited to see Romney's proposal that the Federal Government cut off state funding for emergency care to the uninsured, and redirect this money towards subsidizing the purchase of private insurance for people under 300% of the poverty level.

That was one of many great aspects of the MA plan, and I'm glad to see that in the Federal proposal as well. If states want to continue funding free riders at the ER, that's their decision.

This was the direction I hoped Mitt would go.

I am not a fan of employer based Health Care. I think it raises rates and locks you into an employer, if you have any kind of pre-existing condition like pregnancy or chronic issues. It also stifles those who would consider self-employment but would have to consider adjustment to medical benefits to do it.

If everyone had personal insurance, rates would be competitive and there would be more freedom.

posted by Devon Murphy | 12:23 AM | permalink
READ THIS. Steven A. Camarota is director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C.

A little background. As the Boston Globe covered last year in one of their more breathless displays of "gotcha" journalism, Mitt Romney hired a landscaping company to work on his house 7 years before he became Governor, whose employ he continued until 2006. Lo and behold, some of this country's 6 or 7 million undocumented workers were employed by said landscaping company. Governor Romney's defense? He didn't know their immigration status, and once he found out he hired a different landscaping company.

For those of you without access to the Globe, here are the essentials of Steven Camarota's response (emphasis mine):

But, the consumer, in this case the governor, is in no way responsible for business practices that go on behind the scenes. In fact, if the governor had asked the workers in question if they were illegal, he could have actually been sued under federal law for discrimination.

Think about it in a practical way. If consumers really are responsible in some way for businesses that hire illegals, why single out the landscaping company? What about the fast-food restaurants or video stores frequented by Massachusetts politicians and their employment of illegals? Given how many illegals work in poultry processing, there's also a good chance that the turkey most of us ate for Thanksgiving was processed by an illegal.
It is almost certain that every elected official, in fact every citizen in Massachusetts, has purchased a good or service provided by an illegal immigrant at some point. But this tells us nothing about the citizens of Massachusetts, all it says is that there are a lot of illegals in the state and in the country. To imagine a circumstance in which the consumer is at least morally culpable, one would have to have evidence that the buyer was aware of the violations. But there is no evidence the governor knew anything about the illegal workers.
There are, of course, people to blame for such situations. In the case of illegal immigration, it's the illegals themselves and the businesses that don't follow the law and hire them. The lawn-care company in this case apparently did not make even a half-hearted attempt to follow the law. The federal government is also to blame. Since Washington has failed to take even the most basic steps necessary to deter illegal immigration, even the most law-abiding consumer will unavoidably purchase services from businesses that employ illegal immigrants.

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They do not call election time the "silly season" for nothing.

People are being ridiculous in what they choose to focus upon and what they think matters in Presidential candidates.

We need a man who stands for our values and will improve the government.
That man is clearly Mitt Romney

I suppose there may be a market for goods certified "Made by Americans" soon.

This is one of the greatest blog posts I have ever seen by any Mitt fan site! =)
Beautifully done, I have to say.
I totally agree with that entire article, how could he know if they were illegal? exactly, he couldn't.

Thursday, August 23, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:23 AM | permalink
I don't really have anything to elaborate on KJL's post about Romney's abortion stance, but thought I would give you all a heads up:
I know it’s cool on all sides not to trust Romney, but this strikes me as no there there, despite the reporter’s contention otherwise. He supports a human life amendment but lives in the incremental real world. If Roe is overturned, states will take up the issue. If Roe is overturned, it would be helpful to have a president who supports a federal ban, and who will presumably support those trying to ban abortion in their states (something worth hearing him make clear he would). Romney's position makes sense to me.
Update: Marc Ambinder agrees (my emphasis added):

Mitt Romney is simply struggling to explain the Republican Party's conventional pro-life position. Which is: overturn Roe v. Wade. And then, slowly build up public support for a constitutional amendment banning abortions. ETA: 30 years or more.

This is not a flip-flop.

Assuming that Romney's story of a late-in-life pro-life conversion is true -- and that's a reasonable assumption absent evidence to the contrary -- it's not surprising that he has trouble articulating, in soundbite form, what he believes -- especially to a media that's been conditioned to listen for nuance.

It's also true that everything Mitt Romney says about abortion will be scrutinized to see whether it comports with what he said last week, two months ago, three months ago. His advisers accept that, frustrating as it may be.

Update #2: James Taranto also concurs

The Post reporter seems to be ignorant about the Constitution. Whatever Romney's opinion of a constitutional amendment on abortion (or any other amendment), it is irrelevant to anything he could do as president.

Amending the Constitution is a purely legislative function, possibly the only purely legislative function in the American system of government. To propose an amendment requires the assent of two-thirds of each house of Congress; to ratify it requires the approval of the legislatures in three-fourths of the states. Once this happens--which is exceedingly rare--the amendment comes into force regardless of the president, who has no veto power.

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Look at where these attacks are coming from, are they coming from a one issue candidate who has everything to gain by convining "the folks" that Romney will kill the unborn or are they coming from bloggers and reporters who acutally agree with the positions they accuse Romney of having, such as being pro-choice, for gay rights, out to decieve the religious right, and raising taxes. Seriously, articles like the Washington Post and unfortunately any newspaper you read nowadays has to be weighed against the motives of these who are writing the article because journalistic objectivity has been thrown out the window on both sides.

Mitt Romney is handling all this nonsense 1000% correctly.
He is taking his case to the American People and staying on message.
Romney is not going to take the bait and will refuse to let others, especially the media, define him.
In realty it is all about "location, location, location."
In presidential politics it is, "Stay on message, stay on message, stay on message."

Mitt Romney is just not going to go as far as some people demand. Some people see this as an issue that is black and white, either you get an abortion on demand for any reason without explaination making the government pay for your "choice" or you never ever have a right to one, while most of America is somewhere inbetween, revencing the existance of a life, while recognizing that there are situations where a life must be given for another. Mitt Romney has been consistant in his beliefs, he has just changed his label becuase it was demanded of him.

Isn't Mitt advocating the same course that was taken by the women's suffrage movement--gain momemntum in individual states and then take the fight, when it is stronger, to the national level? He's merely a pragmatic student of history, not a wild-eyed, bleeding-heart, divorced-from-reality uber-conservative.

The pro-life movement has hundreds of lawyers and special interest group folks who have been working on this issue for 35 years -- full time.
As stated by the poster above, the goal is incremental gains.
People who think a single president is going to change all this have not been paying attention the past 3 decades.
Reagan didn't stop abortion and gave us Kennedy and O'Conner on the court.
GHW Bush didn't stop abortion and neither did his son.
It is up to us to get elected pro-life Congress Critters and Senators as well as presidents who will appoint good judges and justices.

This is not a story of flip-flopping at all. This is a story of inimical journalistic obsession.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:59 AM | permalink
Well that surge, too, but I was meaning the continuing Romney surge in Iowa. Strategic Vision has new numbers showing Romney doubling up his competition.

Romney 31 (+8 vs. last poll June 22-24)
Thompson 15 (-2)
Giuliani 13 (-1)
McCain 8 (-2)
Huckabee 8 (+3)
Undecided 13 (+2)

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:07 AM | permalink
You decide...


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Fred Thompson comes across as very old, frail and very tired. I hope the rigors of campaigning do not force his cancer out of remission.
Being POTUS takes a considerable toll on the body.
Compare pictures of GW Bush 6 years ago and today. He was a very strong, very physically fit, very young 54 year-old and being POTUS has taken a toll on him physically.
He has not had cancer, eats well and exercises everyday so one can only imagine what 4 or 8 years as POTUS would do to Fred Thompson.

If you can’t give a speech better in front of retired military than Barack (attack our allies) Obama, then you need to give up.

You said it, bjalder26. Fred sounds like he was too lazy to read his speech before he got in front of the podium.

The frequency with which ordinary voters are telling him to get moving is becoming embarrassing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
posted by Devon Murphy | 11:09 PM | permalink
Ramesh Ponnuru at The Corner this evening:

So I finally read Wayne Barrett's Giuliani takedown in the Village Voice (I linked to it a while ago). It goes through Giuliani's five big lies about 9/11. The first three are, if true, pretty devastating. It appears that Barrett's reporting was pretty meticulous. But he does have an axe to grind —see this Barrett hit on Giuliani's personal life, for example—so I'm not sure whether he is leaving anything out that exculpates Giuliani.

Having thus far read through the first three (out of five) topics, and even keeping in mind that there is no love lost between Barrett and the former Mayor, devastating is exactly the word I would choose for it. It will be interesting to see whether Team Giuliani addresses these concerns head on, or hopes they can worry about it after the GOP primary.

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Why should you, Devan, be surprised? If any one of us really look at Rudy's experiences with terrorism -- I mean, REALLY look at it, he has nothing, null, zero experience. 9/11 happened. Rudy went around comforting families, cheering heros on, gave hope to Americans after that terrible day. Then 4 months later, he stepped down as a mayor when his term is completed. Since then, he served on the Iraq Commission for a short time before he dropped out. What else has he done? He has been busy recovering from his cancer, going around talking about his 9/11 experiences, which is more of recovery experience (Katrina kind of recovery) and ... Again, nothing to do with terrorists. Let's see what we have with Mitt. He implemented the world class security in 5 months (from 9/11 until Winter Olympics. He served on homeland security committees under President Bush and with Republican Governors Association. He also implemented the bio-hazard response system in Mass, which was ranked the best. He travelled to Israel, Iraq, and a few Asia countries to study the conflict up close.

Right you are, SGS. On all counts.

I did find Barrett's article informative for the level of detail it went into rebutting Rudy's efforts to pad his terrorism resume. Unfortunately, I wonder if anything more than a few sound bites long has the ability to get national attention...especially when it is the lazy man's conventional wisdom that Rudy is unmatched on the issue of terrorism.

Feel free to email me at devon dot murphy at gmail.

posted by Anonymous | 6:21 PM | permalink
Townhall is featuring a piece by Senator Jim Talent on MA's health care reform. Lots of info on why Romney rocks when it comes to problem solving creatively and in accordance with conservative principles.

"Each candidate in the 2008 Presidential race will undoubtedly offer a health care plan. Those plans will include initiatives ranging from a single payer system, to employer mandates, to tax incentives for the purchase of private health insurance. But only one candidate has actually done something, waded into the issue and emerged with a successful plan that does not resort to one-size-fits-all, government run "Hillary Care." That innovative candidate is former Governor Mitt Romney."
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posted by Kyle Hampton | 3:27 PM | permalink
I read this piece by Jonathan Martin about Mike Huckabee and had a few thoughts:
“I think the American people are increasingly frustrated with candidates who attempt, in essence, to buy their way in because they look at it and they say, ‘If a person can do that, do they really understand me? Do they represent me?’ And the conclusion is, no, they really don’t.”
Ever since Romney won the first quarter money race I’ve noticed that some candidates want to make the campaign as some sort of metaphor for real life, as in there are the “haves” and “have nots”. Huckabee tries to make that argument here, trying to paint Romney as disengaged because he’s raised the most money. But that’s just the point: Romney has RAISED the most money. This wasn’t some trust fund of political money that Romney inherited from a wealthy uncle. Romney is not some sort of Paris Hilton of politics; unaware of the realities of real life because of some inherited political wealth. Romney has worked hard to find donors and to generate support. The result of this hard work is the right to spend it as he deems fit to further his campaign goals. Evidently Romney has spent well as evidenced by his growing support.

As to Huckabee’s question about whether the common folk can relate to Romney, I think the answer is resoundingly yes. Beyond the increasing poll numbers, any businessman or blue collar worker will recognize Romney’s work ethic and see that in themselves. Huckabee’s claims ring hollow like the undeserving worker who gets passed over for a raise. We have little respect for people who claim privilege without earning it. Especially in a president, we don’t want someone complaining about the injustices of the world while continuing to under-perform. Americans want a man of consistent excellence.
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Dont kid yourself. Mitt was a multi-millionaire the very day he was born. Mitt has never had to worry about where the next house payment was coming. But I give the devil his due, Mitt made millions by making a few right decisions. Im also sure that Mitt made plenty of money off the backs of the less fortunate. Soon we will know where every penny came from and Im guessing that Mitt has a few financial skeletons in his closet and it's a safe bet that his sons have had a few financial gaffs of their own. That too will come out as his sons are now fair game. When Mitt called them "soldiers for America" they became fair targets. We will find the dirt and we will defeat the Romneys. All of them. Just remember, you hear it from me first.

"Remember, you heard it from me first." Those words can come back to bite you in the hiney my friend. I'm sure you've considered that. I am from blue collar Detroit, my husband came on a tourist visa with no language skills or cash, and we are now moving into millionare-hood DUE TO THIS GREAT LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. I don't begrudge Mr. Romney his cash and I am grateful to have a presidential choice other than the whiners that claim America makes you poor. Not familiar with that America, myself. And the politicians that claim that very thing are hypocrites themselves.

Mitt Romney got that money from me and thousands more like me.
We gave him that money because we want him to be President.
If we wanted Gov. Huckabee to be POTUS we would have given our money to him.
It really is that simple.
Trolls ain't too bright.

I just have one question. After Mitt throws in the towel, Will you support Rudy G. or will you support St. Hillary? Those will be your choices. Who will you support? Mitt is going to throw in the towel after he finishes 4th, 5th, or 6th in SC. The handwriting is on the wall. Mitt will be begging to be the V.P. on the ticket. Rudy will say, "Hit the road Mitt, you are poison." Mitt will be forced into a life as being a millionaire. Just remember, you heard it from me first. If Mitt wanted to win this race he should have hired me. All Mitt has to do is ---------- opps Im not allowed to say what Mitt should do. The blog owner has put me on double-secret probation. We all know what Mitt has to do. But alas, he cant go down that road. I will agree that Mitt Romney would be the best GOP candidate to defeat St. Hillary but Mitt has a PROBLEM.

Funny.. who is going to come in 3rd in SC?

Romney will come in 3rd or higher in SC.

Then Mitt Fanner with throw in the towel. Or better yet, before then.

@mitt hits the fan:

You are always alluding to a PROBLEM that Romney has. By never actually saying what you personally believe his problem is, you leave it up to the reader to try to fill in the blanks. This is deceptive and misleading.

For example:
Let's say that someone was tried for murder and found innocent. Someone who still believes he is a bad person, albeit innocent may say something to the effect of: "If that person isn't a murderer, he must be something infinitely worse."

It's all supposition.

My point: Get to YOUR point, mitt hits the fan

ps. who pays you to mud sling all day?

I am not allowed to tell you why Mitt cannot win. The blog owner has made it quite clear that any mention about Mitt's "problem" will result in drastic measures against me. I do want to "Thank" the blog owner for allowing my Constitutional rights to be excercised. The owner of this blog is an upstanding citizen and I have all the respect in the world for him. This nation was founded on the principle of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. If we ever foresake these freedoms we are all in huge peril. Having said that I believe Mitt Romney would send this great nation in a totally different direction. I believe Mitt would never be able to make decisions without answering to a higher master. I cant be a party to that and I think every legal and ethical measure must be taken to stop him. I have been a Republican for 20 years and I have vowed never to vote for a Dem for as long as I live, and I never will. The real hope for the GOP party is Fred Thompson. He would be a terrific President and he carries none of the Romney baggage. Fred Thompson will be a fabulous President.

When Huckabee criticizes Romney for having more campaign money, he is insulting every single one of the donors who gave it to him. Does Huckabee think that having fewer voters willing to invest in his campaign is a good thing? Donors are a gauge of support. Huckabee claiming that he's more connected with voters because he has less voter support is just baffling self-righteous doublespeak.

MHTF is a very poor spokesman for Fred Thompson.
But the fact that he just admitted he is a relgious bigot (can't mention Romney's "problem") confirms that Fred's supporters do not care what kind of person gets the nomination as long as it isn't "The Mormon"
Looks like Fred! has shored up the idgit vote.

By the mitt hits the fan-

You are a grade A, class one moron troll and your "opinions" are completely worthless.

Just thought you should know.


Your biggest problem is your inability to make claims based on data. Anyone who has done the research can quickly see you're a complete ignoramus.

1. You claim Mitt will be a puppet for his church. This claim is not backed by any data/evidence. If you look at the histories of the hundreds of Mormons who have filled political offices, you will see they have not been "controlled" at all. Compare Orrin Hatch to Harry Reid. Mormon leadership does not dictate public policy to Mormon politicians.

2. Your claims of a Romney fizzle are comical. He has been dominating w/double digit leads in NH & Iowa (the states paying the most attention) for over two months. He's recently jumped in front by 10% in NV. In SC he's in 3rd, at 17%, far ahead of 4th place and just 7 points out of 1st. His numbers have been climbing every month. Also, if he wins Iowa and NH (which he almost certainly will), he'll get a massive boost that will likely cause a sweep through the primaries. In 2004 national polls Kerry was at 7% the day before Iowa, 29% two days after winning Iowa and 53% after he won NH.

You're obviously an anti-Mormon bigot. That's all you have. That's your whole beef. Your claims are totally void of substance.

Monday, August 20, 2007
posted by Devon Murphy | 8:42 PM | permalink
By now you may have heard the latest in the primary arms race, with the Wolverine State weaseling its way into what might have otherwise been a stabilized calendar. Previously:

1/5 – IA caucuses
1/12 – NH primary, WY caucuses
1/19 – SC primary, Nevada caucuses
1/29 – FL primary

According to inside sources, the two state parties in Michigan have agreed to move the state's primary legislatively (so as to avoid national party sanctions for pre-empting Feb 5) to Jan. 15.

Making things even more interesting, indications are that this will be a closed primary, requiring voters to request their registered party’s ballot.

"It ensures maximum participation by Republican activists and supporters. Although going on Jan. 15 is not our first choice, we will join with the Democrats and hold our primary on that day." -- MI GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis

It's estimated that a primary could draw a million votes for each party. A statewide primary would cost $10 million.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson won an open primary in 1988, an outcome not viewed favorably by Democratic Party leaders who said Jackson was the beneficiary of crossover voters who wanted only to tamper with the Democratic presidential nomination process.
Republicans feel they got burned in an open primary in 2000, when Arizona Sen. John McCain was an upset winner over party establishment favorite George W. Bush. GOP leaders said independents and Democrats tilted the vote to McCain.

So, who wins and who loses with a closed MI primary on Jan 15? While Governor Romney has yet to decisively take the lead in MI polls (as he has done in IA and NH), he has several strengths there over the more liberal Rudy Giuliani. And while McCain won the state in 2000, any stumble in Michigan’s closed, early, and expensive primary will serve to remind the public that not only has McCain lost his comparatively spry 64 year old mojo, but he has trouble wooing the Republican base.


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posted by Kyle Hampton | 11:41 AM | permalink
OK, so I know Captain Ed doesn't talk like that on his blog, but I thought it'd be fun anyway. Captain Ed does talk like this, though (quoting Gallup):
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has posted modest gains over the last two weeks, both in his favorable rating and in his positioning in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. One presumption is that Romney's gains reflect the visibility that followed his win in the Iowa Republican Party straw poll last weekend, although data in the new Gallup Poll show that only a third of Republicans nationwide are directly aware that Romney won this unofficial contest.

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Captain Ed finds it very hard to be kind to Mitt Romney. If he says anything remotely positive is must be VERY positive for Mitt.

The only wind blowing is the "hot wind" that Mitt is blowing out of his orifice. Mitt is a propaganda machine. He reminds me of most of the Dems that are a futile campaign similar to that of Mitt's. Who knows, Mitt may reverse his jello-like stand on abortion and become a Dem himself. His beliefs are closer to a Dems anyway. You Mittheads are just setting yourself up for more disappointments from Mitt. Mitt is in this race for the money and everyone knows it. Just remember, you heard it from me first

By the mitt hits the fan,

you are nothing but a blow-hard jackass. Just remember, you heard it from me first.

Mitt is in it for the money? The man has amassed about $250 million working in the private sector. He has infused several million into his campaign. He has said that he would not take take a salary as President. Sorry, but I strongly doubt that Mitt's run for the presidency is motivated by monetary gain. Mitt believes that he can make a difference and be an effective leader to lead the US in the right direction. He is working his butt off so that he can serve us.

Ah, the Ignorati is here.
Fan hitter, if you knew how to read perhaps you would know Mitt Romney took NO SALARY as governor of Massachusetts and has already declared he would donate his Presidential Salary to charity.
By the way, do you even know the salary of the President of the United States? Mitt can make more than that in a WEEK -- and has.

Sunday, August 19, 2007
posted by Devon Murphy | 12:40 AM | permalink
Before introducing myself, let me say that I’m very honored to be contributing to My Man Mitt. This site has risen to such prominence among Romney–blogs thanks to dedicated and experienced contributors. I am definitely the “Johnny-come-lately” guy here.

I am Devon Murphy, and have been keenly interested in political blogs since stumbling into Iowa’s Best Blog a little over a year ago. You may recognize me by the supremely uncreative user name “murphy”. I currently hail from Silicon Valley, California, with a very special wife and 1 and 7/9ths very active boys. I have worked in the biotech industry since graduating out of a physics program in Ithaca, New York.

I feel that responsible fiscal stewardship and resource management is one of the fundamental pillars of any successful organization, government, or society, and currently one of the most needed. At the same time, we must have a leader who will vigorously reaffirm our American culture and values in this age of loosening morals. And it is absolutely essential that our Commander in Chief recognize the place of America in the world, and the gravity of the threat posed to the civilized nations and peoples of the world by the radical violent faction of Islam.

Governor Mitt Romney is not merely the best choice currently running for President. He embodies those essential qualities in a Chief of State that we only see once in a generation. As a nation, we’re facing tougher challenges now than at any point in our history. Governor Romney has the right vision, principles, and experience to ensure that the American people can rise to the challenges ahead of us, and secure our stability and success in the 21st Century. I am proud to support Mitt Romney for President.
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Welcome Devon. I recognize 'Murphy' from You always make very food points in your arguments. Glad to see you on board.

He Devon. Welcome. I'm a Mitt supporter in Silicon Valley as well and am helping to organize supporters. Let me know if you'd like to help out. You can leave me a comment at my personal blog I'm also on the blog team at btw.


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