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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:07 AM | permalink
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Fred Thompson comes across as very old, frail and very tired. I hope the rigors of campaigning do not force his cancer out of remission.
Being POTUS takes a considerable toll on the body.
Compare pictures of GW Bush 6 years ago and today. He was a very strong, very physically fit, very young 54 year-old and being POTUS has taken a toll on him physically.
He has not had cancer, eats well and exercises everyday so one can only imagine what 4 or 8 years as POTUS would do to Fred Thompson.

If you can’t give a speech better in front of retired military than Barack (attack our allies) Obama, then you need to give up.

You said it, bjalder26. Fred sounds like he was too lazy to read his speech before he got in front of the podium.

The frequency with which ordinary voters are telling him to get moving is becoming embarrassing.

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