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Friday, August 17, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:30 PM | permalink
"In the latest survey by the Reno Gazette-Journal, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gained 24 points to capture the lead from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani," reports KRNV-TV out of Reno. Here are the results:
Romney 28 (+24 vs. 3/12 poll)
Thompson 18 (n/a)
Giuliani 18 (-20)
McCain 8 (-10)
Gingrich 4 (-9)
Huckabee 2 (n/a)

That makes 3 out of the first 6 states that Romney has a lead in right now (Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. The other three are South Carolina, Florida, and Wyoming). No word of any polls out in Wyoming, but Romney has made steady progress in both South Carolina (within 5% of the lead) and Florida (+2 in the last two Rasmussen polls).

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Don't forget about Michigan! They're thinking about pushing their primary up to Jan. 29 (the same day as Florida's). If they do, I expect that to be another big win for Mitt.

Somebody forgot to tell the folks in Nevada the results of Ames Straw Poll aren't important.

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