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Friday, August 17, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:05 PM | permalink
...on the Romney investment story here.

A tease:

The article's subtitle, of course, tells the story: "Campaign Insists Investments Are in Blind Trust Only." The word "insists" is a kind of code: journalists use it to suggest that the victim's "insistence" must be untrue. Here, though, there is no question about the fact that Romney's fortune--legitimately earned, as opposed to, say, John ("Fortunate Husband") Kerry's--is invested in a blind trust. This means not only that Mitt Romney doesn't control where his money is invested, he doesn't even know where it is invested. That is the whole idea: when a politician doesn't know where his money is invested, he can't be accused of taking one action or another to further his own economic interests. Which is, in any event, a silly idea when speaking of someone like Romney, one of the ten or twenty most successful businessmen in the United States.

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