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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
posted by jason | 11:01 PM | permalink
I just thought people would enjoy this. Grappelli has been a favorite of mine ever since my Beatnik uncle gave me a tape of him when I was 10.

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This comment does relate to Romney:
Check out the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll. here: Thompson is falling, Giuliani is stagnant, Romney is rising and McCain is DOA. I have been eagerly waiting for Romney to break through in the national polls. It looks like Ames was worth his investment.

Nothing to do with Mitt?!?

Actually, it had a lot to do with Mitt, in my opinion.

The joy I felt and the smile that the music put on my face were very similar to what I feel when I see and hear my favorite candidate and the future President of the United States -- Mitt Romney!

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