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Saturday, October 20, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 7:28 PM | permalink
Kudos to Mike Huckabee who gave an excellent speech and was able to win the local straw poll. Congrats to Mitt for winning the overall straw poll with online savvy.

Couple of thoughts here:
  1. Here's a quick genesis of how things happened from the Romney side of things. Over a week ago the Romney camp caught wind that over 1000 people had already voted in the straw poll. I guess Romney can count better than the other candidates (j/k) and quickly realized that this thing was going to be won online. In short: if 2500 people were attending the straw poll and 1000 people had already voted... anyone who didn't make an online showing would lose. They called up supporters and asked them to email their personal lists about the opportunity. We held the news from our blogs until Thursday night so as not to tip the other candidates (who apparently didn't put 2 and 2 together - again j/k) and the race was off.

  2. 600 attendees actually voted online.... so the 952 votes is misleading. I'm not saying Romney won... but the seeming on-site rout for Huckabee needs a little context.

  3. The big losers as Erick and Politico point out are Fred and Rudy. The former came in behind Romney and the later came in second. Second, that is, in the least acceptable candidate group.

  4. Talking to numerous people at the convention... the flurry of Romney endorsements didn 'tnot go unnoticed. Many people came up to me asking numerous questions about Mitt. At one point a prominent radio host asked me to come over and explain where Mitt stands on stem cell research to another fellow news maker.

  5. Here's a better contextual look at why Huckabee is a great guy... but won't be able to make it happen:

  6. (note: legend got cut off on the graphic. All you need to know is this. Huckabee is the small almost non-existent line at the bottom of the graph.

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What the heck is Huckabee saying???? If you don’t vote for him, because he is authentic, then Faith as we know it is destroyed???? If that is his rationale for running, then I think Huckabee has a few screws loose!!!

Huckabee took a more fiery approach. After talking about protecting freedom and family, Huckabee said: “Faith is also threatened, and let me share with you how. I believe that there are many who will seek our support. But let me say that it’s important that people sing from their hearts, and don’t merely lip-synch the lyrics to our songs. I think it’s important that the language of Zion is a mother tongue, and not a recently acquired second language. It’s important that a person doesn’t have more positions on issues that Elvis had waist sizes.”

Thanks for the inside scoop on how this came about. Facinating, but not surprising that Mitt's team would pick up on the early signals of how this would go down and mobilize effectively to meet the challenge.

Charles Mitchell over at Evangelicals for Mitt also has some interesting insight here.

What I thought most interesting about Charles' input is the fact that people weren't able to vote after mitt's speach because the voting booths were already closed for the night, wereas huckabee spoke early the next day and people were able to vote immediately after. I won't try to predict what the outcome might have been if people had voted after mitt but before huckabee spoke, but the energy present coming away from a good speach is powerfull, and after a night sleeping, people fall back into wait and see mode. And people seemed to realy like MR speach, so likely many would have voted for him that didn't if they were able to immediately following his speach.

posted by Justin Hart | 3:08 PM | permalink

Which of the following candidates for Presidentwould you most likely to vote for?

Mitt Romney159527.62%
Mike Huckabee156527.15%
Ron Paul86514.98%
Fred Thompson5649.77%
Sam Brownback2975.14%
Duncan Hunter1402.42%
Tom Tancredo1332.30%
Rudy Giuliani1071.85%
John McCain811.40%
Not Voting671.16%
Barack Obama90.16%
Joe Biden50.09%
Hillary Clinton50.09%
John Edwards40.07%
Dennis Kucinich40.07%
Christopher Dodd20.03%
Bill Richardson20.03%
Mike Gravel10.02%

Onsite Straw Poll Results

Mike Huckabee48851.26%
Mitt Romney9910.40%
Fred Thompson778.09%
Tom Tancredo656.83%%
Rudy Giuliani606.30%
Duncan Hunter545.67%
John McCain303.15%
Sam Brownback262.73%
Ron Paul252.63%
Not Voting70.74%
Barack Obama50.53%
Christopher Dodd20.21%
Dennis Kucinich20.11%
Joe Biden10.11%
Hillary Clinton00.00%
John Edwards00.00%
Mike Gravel00.00%
Bill Richardson00.00%
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At EFM, some said that though present, they voted online to avoid the lines.

Was it clear to everyone present that FRC would produce a separate tally for those present verses those who voted online?

If so, why would anyone present vote online. If not, shouldn't this be discussed?

Thanks, TOm

Talk about skewing the vote results!

There are three facts that are being left out that spins the story.

The on site voting polls were closed down after Romney's speech and opened back up after Huckabee's speech the next day. That means those who came to support and listen to Huckabee were able to vote on site. Those who came to listen to and support Romney the day before were not.

There were many more attendees at the event than voted on site. A lot of folks who attended voted online with their laptops and other electronic hand helds. The non-progressive folks waited in line to vote.

The organization that sent out the emails urging people to vote online was the community "Evangelicals for Mitt". Romney's own campaign did not do that, duh he has an 80,000 donor base, if he had solicited online votes the would have blitzed the online voting.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 10:49 AM | permalink
Another endorsement for Romney:


Boston, MA – Today, Dr. John Willke, a founder of the Pro Life Movement, endorsed Governor Mitt Romney and his campaign for our nation's highest office. Dr. Willke is a leading voice within the pro-life community and will be an important surrogate for Governor Romney's pro-life and pro-family agenda.

"Unlike other candidates who only speak to the importance of confronting the major social issues of the day, Governor Romney has a record of action in defending life. Every decision he made as Governor was on the side of life. I know he will be the strong pro-life President we need in the White House," said Dr. Willke. "Governor Romney is the only candidate who can lead our pro-life and pro-family conservative movement to victory in 2008."

Welcoming Dr. Willke's announcement, Governor Romney said, "I am proud to have the support of a man who has meant so much to the pro-life movement in our country. He knows how important it is to have someone in Washington who will actively promote pro-life policies. Policies that include more than appointing judges who will follow the law but also opposing taxpayer funded abortion and partial birth abortion. I look forward to working with Dr. Willke and welcome him to Romney for President."

Background On Dr. John Willke:
Dr. John Willke, Often Referred To As The Father Of The Pro-Life Movement, Served For 10 Years As President Of The National Right To Life Committee And Helped Found The Organization. A physician by trade, Dr. Willke serves as President of the Life Issues Institute, Inc., and President of the International Right to Life Federation. Dr. Willke had a daily radio program that was carried on over 300 radio stations for 20 years. His one-minute radio comments, entitled "Life Jewels," were carried on over 750 stations in English and 300 more in Spanish. Dr. Wilkie has written eleven books, is a lecturer and a frequent television and radio show guest. His works have been published in 32 languages, and he and his wife Barbara have lectured in 76 countries.
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posted by Justin Hart | 7:11 AM | permalink

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Friday, October 19, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 6:35 PM | permalink
Video coming shortly.

Mitt's performance at the FRC Conference was phenomenal. The crowd was jazzed. The speech was spot on and the aftermath is very positive.

But don't take my word for it.

Erick at RedState:
This guy sounds like he's already the nominee. It's like the other candidates were here to sell themselves and Romney has taken the difference approach -- presume he's already been sold to them and show them what they've gotten. It's not a bad approach for him. It works.
Byron at the Corner:
After Romney's speech, a journalist sitting nearby said that it was all very professional. And indeed it was; Romney had a bunch of issues to touch, checked them all, and said goodnight. Very professionally done.
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posted by Justin Hart | 4:08 PM | permalink
Newt is up here and kills as usual. One thing I defiantly agree with: "Americans are sick of Red vs. Blue fighting. They want Red, White and Blue."

He is by far one of the best speakers we have in the conservative movement. His only drawback is that he holds so much baggage right now. Regardless, we can't afford to ignore this man. He has the ideas.

My reaction so far?
  • McCain - Had a very good speech. He is well respected and spoke from personal stories. But the audience knows they just cannot see eye to eye with this guy
  • Thompson - Was very "homey" and "folksy" (which I like) but he just had so little energy about him. People want to be excited about him... but they can't see that excitement in him.
  • Tancredo - Very well received. Locally here he may do well in the straw poll... but the poll is going to be won online. (More on this later)
  • Hunter - Hunter is Hunter. Good speech... but not really well organized. Dark and dreary.
  • Paul - Boy... he's a character. He may win the online poll (knowing the Pauline Nutroots). Nice applause... just an odd ball.
  • Brownbank - gracious. Almost the same stump speech from CPAC. Farewell good fellow.
Great other speeches coming soon. Love being here
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posted by Justin Hart | 2:48 PM | permalink
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posted by Justin Hart | 2:43 PM | permalink

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posted by Kyle Hampton | 2:27 PM | permalink
A few thoughts about the FRC, not actually being there myself:

First, the continued accumulation of prominent social-conservative leaders is impressive. As I said last week, after noting the implicit rejection of Huckabee by Gary Bauer and Tony Perkins:

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a general consensus among social conservative leaders after the Values Voter Summit next week.
Sounds almost prescient now, don't you think? While I don't have the power to see the future (or any insider knowledge from the campaign), it very much seems to be playing out that way. The list of prominent social conservative leaders who have openly endorsed Romney is growing by the day.

Second, Romney’s speech at the FRC tonight has been getting previewed a little. It’s topic? Families. I think this is a good topic for Romney. His record in Massachusetts is beyond reproach in fighting against re-definition of marriage. The topic also speaks to a broader array of issues than abortion alone does. Marriage and family not only serve as the social basis of society, but in our modern society, serves as the distinguishing economic difference between the poor and the wealthy. Thus, in a social sense, Romney can talk about values and problems like abortion that often stem from poor familial relationships (either between the two parents or between parents and children in the case of minor pregnancies). The topic of families also allows Romney to talk about the best way to lift people out of poverty; not by entitlement programs, but by increasing marriages and decreasing divorces.

Of course highlighting the topic that distinguishes the personal lives of the candidates is not a bad one either.

Third, it is also important to remember that Romney is not just the candidate of choice for social conservative leaders because of his stance on traditional values issues. Last week, the issue that turned off Bauer and Perkins from Huckabee was Huckabee’s statements about Iran. This is a far cry from abortion or gay marriage. Likewise, McCain and Thompson get downgraded because of their stance on free speech in McCain-Feingold(-Thompson?). Romney’s entire platform is what these people are endorsing. They like his stance on Iran. They like his stance on the first amendment. I wouldn’t be surprised if he also got points for his stance on immigration or economic issues.


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posted by Justin Hart | 1:56 PM | permalink

Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, and Ron Paul have all spoken. More on this later.

For now... here's a look at the exhibits.

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posted by Justin Hart | 10:55 AM | permalink
Well, almost all of them. Lunch is over and the crowds are starting to come in. Before we start up again I wanted to give a quick not to our fellow blogging comrades in the order I ran into them today:
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posted by Justin Hart | 10:52 AM | permalink

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posted by Justin Hart | 9:49 AM | permalink
This flier is making its way around the FRC conference.

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Justin, has anyone been looking into the bundling of chinese busboys for Hillary. Do you think that there is a case of bif donors giving money through multiple people. I recall a Bush supporter from Ohio getting into trouble for doing the same thing.

posted by Justin Hart | 8:20 AM | permalink
Update: No endorsement from Brownback.

First up: Mr. John "Let the chips fall where the may" McCain. McCain is earnest. Earnest but wrong. And that is his main problem. He just can't quite get it right as far as conservatives go. The crowd is attentive but suspicious in my view. Everyone here has a great respect for this American Hero... they just don't line up, eye to eye.

One item of note here. Fred has gone negative. In a flier handed out at the entrance Fred attacks Rudy and Romney for their pro-life credentials.

UPDATE: here's another flier make the rounds:

Quick layout at the Hilton:

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posted by Justin Hart | 8:15 AM | permalink
We are live. Take a minute and vote in the straw poll.

Quick introduction to the event.

vote for straw poll
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posted by jason | 12:37 AM | permalink
The Mitt Mobile came to Chicago. The big news? It stopped at fellow Mitt-Online-Activist Brady Alder. The Mitt Mobile, driven by Josh Romney, stopped at Brady's house to honor him for his work creating the "Romney Girl" YouTube.

Here are few videos of the event, including a video tour of the Mitt Mobile.

Mitt Mobile Arrives

Tour of the Mitt Mobile

Interview With Brady

Yes this is the Mitt Mobile with my 67 Buick Skylark. No, you can't have a tour of the Buick.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007
posted by jason | 11:47 PM | permalink
Another South Carolina SoCon endorsement for Romney:

"I am proud to stand alongside Governor Romney as he pursues our nation's highest office. His values are my values – protecting the sanctity of human life, defending marriage and strengthening the family. We need someone in Washington who will stand up for traditional families and Governor Romney is that person," said Dr. Wilton. "While we may not agree on theology, Governor Romney and I agree that this election is about our country heading in the right direction. Governor Romney is the best candidate to stand for conservative values in Washington."

Dr. Don Wilton Is Senior Pastor At The First Baptist Church Of Spartanburg, South Carolina, And The Immediate Past President Of The South Carolina Baptist Convention. Dr. Wilton was the 2006 South Carolina Baptist Convention President. He has served in churches in South Africa, Mississippi and Louisiana. He began his pastorate at the First Baptist Church in Spartanburg in 1993. His church currently has 6,900 members. A former faculty member at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, he currently teaches at the Billy Graham School of Evangelism and the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. Additionally, Dr. Wilton serves as President of the Encouraging Word Broadcast Ministry, which televises nationwide.

I don't how far this is going to go, but I think the Evangelical leadership is starting to hedge their bets.

I hear there might be some more...
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posted by Justin Hart | 9:09 PM | permalink
As you know there’s a big “Values Voter” Conference in Washington DC this week and they’re having a Presidential straw poll for attendees.
I also found out that you can vote online with a $1 donation to the Family Research Council.


$1 is all it takes to make your voice heard in the Values Voter Summit Straw Poll. At this crucial moment for the campaign, we want to make sure that America knows that voters like you, who care about values, support Governor Romney.

Let me tell you how simple this is and how little time it will take. There are 3 easy steps to participate in the Values Voter Summit Straw Poll and vote for Gov. Romney.
1) Go on-line to
2) Click on the graphic labeled: "Not a Member? Register now, quick and easy!"
3) If you are already a member of FRC Action, the straw poll sponsor, then go ahead and vote in the straw poll for Governor Romney. If you are not already a member of FRC Action, you can join by submitting an annual donation of any amount (minimum: $1.00).
After joining, you will be taken directly to your on-line straw poll ballot where you can vote for Governor Romney.

Again, this will take just a few clicks and a $1 at most to make a difference right now! Remember, vote now — the deadline is this Saturday at noon EST to get your vote cast before the polls close.

I believe we can make a difference—the difference in this election—and when Mitt Romney becomes the 44th president of the United States, I’m confident he will represent those American values that you and I care about so deeply.
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I voted. It was wild. You can vote too!

I voted too! I was considering voting because online straw polls are easily sabotaged and thus meaningless, but this one requires a min $1.00 donation which makes the results much more meaningful to the American Public and influential to the race.

I just voted for Mitt!
Friday, 1:03 p.m.

Big news! Mitt won the online straw poll. But I am writing to share the link to the video of Mitt at the values voters summit.
This is over 21 minutes long, but this is one talk you need to hear, and share with others.

posted by Kyle Hampton | 7:07 PM | permalink limerick style:

There once was a guy we call Sam
Who’s a conservative politician
He said he’s whole-life
With religion he’s rife
And now he’s at home with the fam.

A Senator surnamed Brownback
His campaign was never on track
His third place in Ames
Sent his bid up in flames
And donations his campaign did lack.


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How about this one...

To be President, Sam did aspire.
Though he never could quite light the fire.
He thought he's a hit
When he attacked Mitt,
But the funding he couldn't acquire.

posted by Justin Hart | 4:20 PM | permalink
OK. For those of you keeping score here we go again:
  • James Bopp, Jr. comes on early for Romney (a "slam dunk" according to David Brody)
  • Jay Sekulow gives his nod along with other prominent ACLJ activists
  • Mark DeMoss keeps his powder dry and then lets it all out backing Romney
  • More evangelicals begin to warm to Romney
  • Endorsements by Bob Jones folk come on strong
  • Dr. Mohler sets the context
  • And now...
Wayne Grudmen gives a strong endorsement of Romney.

Some key excerpts:
As an evangelical professor of Bible and theology, I have decided to support Mitt Romney for President (even though he is a Mormon) for two old-fashioned reasons: First, he is the best-qualified candidate, and second, he holds moral and political values consistent with those in the Bible.


Conservative positions: Romney’s positions on social, economic, and international issues are all soundly conservative. On major issues such as protection of the unborn, a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, strong national defense and victory against radical Islamic terrorists, securing our border, a signed pledge of no tax increases, promoting school choice, and appointment of Supreme Court justices who will interpret law, not make new law, Romney holds solidly conservative positions. His positions are the ones the majority of evangelicals have supported in the past.

Some people object that Romney has “flip-flopped” on some of these positions. I think that accusation is exaggerated. He hasn’t flip-flopped back and forth, he has simply become more consistently conservative. I think that’s a good thing in a political and media climate that is more and more liberal. (In fact, Ronald Reagan also changed from signing a liberal abortion law as governor of California to being a consistently pro-life president.) Evangelicals have worked for decades to persuade people of the pro-life position, and Romney has been persuaded, and he is strongly on our side on this issue.

What about his religion? Romney is a Mormon, and I strongly disagree with a significant number of Mormon theological beliefs, which I find to be inconsistent with the Bible and with historic Christian teachings. But many Mormon teachings on ethics and values are similar to those in the Bible, and those teachings support Romney’s conservative political values.

Can evangelicals support a candidate who is politically conservative but not an evangelical Christian? Yes, certainly. In fact, it would demonstrate the falsehood of the liberal accusation that evangelicals are just trying to make this a “Christian nation” and only want evangelical Christians in office. For evangelicals to support a Mormon candidate would be similar to supporting a conservative Jewish candidate—someone we don’t consider a Christian but who comes from a religious tradition that believes in absolute moral values very similar to those that Christians learn from the Bible.


Or have we come to the point where evangelicals will only vote for people they consider Christians? I hope not, for nothing in the Bible says that people have to be born again Christians before they can be governmental authorities who are used greatly by God to advance his purposes.


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Great post!

Thanks for the infor, Justin!

posted by Justin Hart | 9:18 AM | permalink
Update: Just to clarify: This is an official deck from the campaign, forwarded to fund raisers to help them in their Q4 efforts.

When Romney first entered the fray he was dubbed the "Mr. PowerPoint" and for good reason. He is one of the few candidates who makes regular use of the medium for more intimate group settings and for making the case for his strategy across his network of advocates.

Yesterday, MyManMitt obtained a copy of a "deck" entitled: "Romney vs. Rudy: Different Visions, Different Strategies". Here are some key slides from the deck.

Be sure to come back tomorrow as we bring you live coverage from "The Washington Briefing".
Title Slide: Romney vs. RudyWhat the pundits are saying (sample)National vs. Local Polls
Romney's Strategy: Tested, ProvenRudy's Strategy: UnprovenRudy leads the national polls but...
Primary CalendarIowa and New HampshireOpportunity for Growth

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The Phenomenal Rise of Mitt Romney

It started on Tuesday, January 09, 2007. Mark Joseph of Fox news told us that Mitt Romney would likely not win the Republican nomination for President because Evangelicals in states like New Hampshire (20% of voters), South Carolina (34% of voters), and Iowa (37% of voters) would not support a Mormon candidate. Then, Steve McMahon (Dem Strategist), speaking with Chris Matthews, claimed the same thing. Not only was Romney a Mormon, he was really a “Massachusetts Liberal”. Few if any in the MSM and on the professional pundit shows gave Mitt Romney a chance. John King of CNN summed it up for us, “A successful Olympics, one term as governor and 3 percent in the national polls does not give you the nomination.”

My, my . . . things have certainly changed in the past nine months. According to, Romney’s rise in the national polls has been just short of astounding. Consider these key states:

Arizona 10% in January to 18% in October
California 3% in January to 11% in October
Florida 2% in January to 16.5% in October (wow!)
Iowa 8% in January to 24.3% in October
Michigan 9% in January to 39% in September*
Nevada 11.5% in March* to 23.5% in October
New Hampshire 13% in January to 24% in October
Ohio 4% in January to 8% in October
Pennsylvania 1% in January to 8% in October (wow!)
South Carolina 6% in January to 16% in October

And here are some interesting averages:

Southern States from 4% in January to 16.3% in October
Western States from 7.5% in January to 28.2% in October
Red States from 7% in January to 17.8% in October
Blue States from 6.6% in January to 16% in October (wow!)

Consider that Romney is splitting the polls with up to eight other candidates, and he is leading or a close second in those states that the pundits said he had little chance of winning. For Romney, if the next twelve months is anything like the last nine, they will not call him “Mitt the Mormon” anymore. They’ll be calling him Mr. President.

*polls were not available in for January/October

That's a very thorough object lesson in how to run last century's campaign.

Gen. McNamara would heartily approve this message.

Karl at PA for Hizzoner

Have you ever noticed that when someone can't answer with a logical argument they often resort to mockery?

A persuasive powerpoint, but it strikes me as defensive, trying to make a case that Mitt's low numbers in national polls and polls in the February 5 states don't mean he's losing. Mitt's strategy may work; it just as easily may not. His real problem is a worse positive/negative ratio even than Hillary.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 8:00 PM | permalink
Update: today is the last day to help nominate for MyManMitt for the best new blog of the year award.

O Vanity of Vanities! Help us spread your love of MyManMitt to the masses.

I should note that these are not "votes" for the Best New Blog... but a "nod" from you on the following page would go a good long way to see that we are nominated:

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Justin - I voted for!

I voted for you!!

posted by Justin Hart | 6:31 AM | permalink
This is a great pick up for Team Romney. It adds to the growing list of Florida endorsements including:
  • Former Lieutenant Governor Toni Jennings
  • Former Speakers of the House Allan Bense and John Thrasher
  • Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles Bronson
  • Former Chairman of the Florida Republican Party Al Cardenas
  • Former U.S. Congressman Tom Feeney (R-FL)
  • St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker
  • State Representatives Anitere Flores and Trey Traviesa
  • Former Representatives Dennis Baxley and Dudley Goodlette
  • David Griffin
  • Former Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood
  • Former Senator and Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida Van Poole.
  • U.S. Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL)
More on Mack:

"Congressman Mack has been a champion of conservative leadership in Florida and in the United States Congress. I am proud to have his support and counsel," said Governor Romney. "We agree that we have lost our way in Washington and that it is time for us to return to the core Republican principles of fiscal discipline, lower taxes, a strong military and less government. I look forward to working with Congressman Mack to take our message of strong new leadership to Floridians across the state during the coming months."

"Governor Romney is a proven problem solver with an unparalleled record of success in both the public and private sectors," said Congressman Mack. "Governor Romney is a mainstream conservative leader who will be a champion of hope and opportunity for every American, a catalyst for conservative change in Washington, and a staunch defender of our freedom, security and prosperity. I'm pleased to offer Governor Romney my endorsement and look forward to working hard to help elect him the next President of the United States."

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 11:34 PM | permalink
I was glad to see my former boss, Grover Trask, is backing Mitt Romney for President.

Grover Trask was a great District Attorney. I expect to have some more thoughts soon about why people associated with law enforcement want Mitt Romney to be President.
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posted by Justin Hart | 7:47 AM | permalink
The Wall Street Journal Washington Wire reports:
A top official at Bob Jones University, the Evangelical Christian school with a history of anti-Mormon rhetoric, plans to throw his weight behind Mormon presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

Robert R. Taylor, dean of the university’s college of arts and sciences, said he believes the former Massachusetts governor is the only Republican candidate who both stands a chance of winning the White House and will reliably implement the anti-abortion, antigay marriage, pro-gun agenda of Christian conservatives.
Couple this with the DeMoss letter, the favorable Perkins comments, and other social conservative endorsements... and we may have a harbinger of things to come.

Look out this weekend at the Washington Briefing. I'll try to do some spot interviews on these topics with whoever is at hand.

Update by Timotheus: Dr. Bob Jones III, chancellor of Bob Jones University endorsed Romney today.

Some quotes:

"'This is all about beating Hillary,' Jones said. 'And I just believe that this man has the credentials both personally and ideologically in terms of his view about what American government should be to best represent the rank and file of conservative Americans.'"

"'If it turns out to be Guiliani and Hillary, we've got two pro-choice candidates, and that would be a disaster.'"

This appears to be a watershed time for the Romney campaign as it relates to support from Christian Social Conservatives.
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Romney “Grapples With Suspicions About Religion” ?

Every time I believe that the New York Times cannot get more biased, they out do themselves. Michael Luo in today’s edition still claims that Mitt Romney is having problems with conservative Christians. Gee, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Robert R. Taylor (a top official at Bob Jones University, the Evangelical Christian school with a history of anti-Mormon rhetoric), Rev. Rick Warren, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Mark DeMoss, Jay Sekulow, and yes, even Pastor John Hagee do not think so.

Yet, Luo does not claim to have spoken with any of these Evangelical leaders. His only source seems to be Oran P. Smith, president of the Palmetto Family Council, a conservative Christian group in South Carolina.

The over-analyzed Mormon issue and “complaints” against Romney’s sparkling resume’ and family life are getting tedious. Indeed, there is quit a bit of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. The idea of a presidential candidate who believes in “being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men” is implausible to liberals and the MSM.

The man does not curse, not even a damn or a hell. His family life has been impeccable. He has (quietly) given much of his time to service in his church and community. His business acumen is incomparable, there never being a report of corporate misdeeds, an unseemly tryst, or misconduct in hiring or HR concerns.

And it’s driving the liberal press crazy! Hordes of “investigative” reporters have been digging, literally, through the Romney family’s trash, past school records, business records, family utility records, even who the sons have dated.

John McCain, meanwhile, has suddenly become a Baptist, leaving the Episcopal faith behind. Rudy Giuliani claims to be a Catholic and Fred Thompson says he goes to church, sometimes, maybe, but neither shows a single sign of their professed dogma.

Now, Michael Luo of the New York Times claims Mitt Romney has the problem with Evangelical Christians. What?

I believe that all it takes to support Mitt Romney, is for folks to get past their prejudices (against his religion,his incredibly good looks and his all American, seemingly perfect family) and consider the man's experience and qualifications.

Once they do that, they see that he is, without a doubt, the best candidate we have.

Bob Jones III has endorsed Romney.

There is an update to this article. Apparently, Bob Jones III, the university chancellor has also endorsed Romney.

posted by jason | 6:13 AM | permalink
Notice the title isn’t “Who is The Front Runner.” Generally the title “Front Runner” is bestowed with a little bit of fact mixed with a little bit of popular perception. This post is not about who is the “Front Runner,” but who in my estimation is the most likely to win.

Well, no surprises here, it’s Romney.

Let me tell you why:


Marc Ambinder had this interesting chart from an “internal” campaign memo. These numbers have some serious implications.

  1. How is it that Romney can raise more over all -and only 500K less in the last quarter- than Rudy when he has less than half of the supporter base as evidenced by RCP National Averages?

    Rudy has some money, but should his current fundraising performance continue into a general nomination campaign would he be able to keep up with Hillary? Hillary has raised near 90 million with an RCP average of 47.7 (as of October 15th) That is 1.9 million dollars per RCP Percentage point. We will call that her FPPP (Fundraising Per Percentage Point.) Rudy? He has an FPPP of around 1.5 million. Fred is at .4 million, but with only one quarter to claim. Romney? His FPPP is 5.5 million dollars.

    A hallmark of effective campaign organization surely is how much money you can extract from your base. If you don’t have the organization in a Republican primary, how will you do it in a general where opinion of the GOP is at a low?

  2. Romney will not run dry on funds. Rudy, as best as I can tell, is worth around 70 million. McCain I believe around 1-2 million. Romney is worth (as everyone here knows by now) 250-500 million. At 500 million Romney could cut him self a 250 million check in the generals and still make the other candidates look like paupers. Going up against the Clinton machine, that will be pretty appealing.

State Strategies

Romney seems to have the upper hand, as compared to his opponents. With good leads (albeit not clear) in Iowa and New Hampshire he is in perhaps the strongest position in regards to primary voting. Polls bounce up and down in states like Nevada and Michigan, yet he is strong contender with undoubtedly the strongest ground game. Romney’s poll numbers in South Carolina and Florida are indeed moving up, much to the alarm of the other campaigns


Romney has been getting some pretty good love from Social Conservatives, who are the ones that will put in the time on Primary/Caucus day. Counting on moderates to carry the day for you in states like Iowa and South Carolina is generally not a good strategy. Of course we will have those who see it as there job to torpedo Mitt, but as it looks now, Mitt will have plenty of help from influential leaders who appear to be moving toward him.


Right now, my prediction is Mitt will win. He is the best positioned. Actually I believe with Mitt’s superior ground game in states like New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada, Florida, you get the picture; he could be behind by 5-10% the day of the primary and or caucus and still pull of a win in any of those states.

Today at Politico we read the candidates seem to all be focusing there attention on Romney. It should be no surprise. If current trends continue the nomination is Romney’s to loose- and I think the others know.
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2 Comments: “there job” and “there attention”, “there” should be spelled “their”. Good analysis notwithstanding.

The link in the last paragraph is broken.

Monday, October 15, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 9:21 PM | permalink

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Mitt Romney is the bomb!!

Go Mitt 2008!!!!

posted by Justin Hart | 2:32 PM | permalink
If you happen to be in the DC area this weekend don't miss the FRC Washington Briefing, the largest gathering of values voters under one roof. It starts this Friday, October 19th.

All of the big boys will be there: Rudy, Thompson, McCain and of course our man Mitt! Here's the full three-day agenda.

Justin will be live blogging the event and as a special incentive we can offer you the student rate of $50, even if you aren't a student!

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posted by Beth Barnat | 11:02 AM | permalink
“How could anyone vote for a man who doesn’t have the brains to realize he belongs to a cult?
-- posted at a conservative website - referring to Governor Mitt Romney

I often see posts like this on some of the conservative blogs I read, so I thought I would do a little research and found a website called, and came up with the following list.

I don’t think anyone would argue that the following people don’t have “brains.”

Nolan Archibald, CEO, Black & DeckerJerry Atkin, CEO, Sky West, Inc.
Gary Baughman, Retired CEO, Fisher-Price
Stephen Covey, Chairman, Franklin Covey Co.
Gary Crittenden, CFO, American Express
Ron Dittemore, Director, Space Shuttle Program
Van Johnson, CEO, Sutter Health
Richard King, President, Albertsons
Steve Lund, CEO, NuSkin International
J.W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman, Marriott International
Dimon McPherson, CEO, Nationwide Insurance
David Neeleman, CEO, Jet Blue Airways
George Romney (1907-1995), Chairman, American Motors Corp.
Kevin Rollins, former CEO, Dell Computer Corp.
Lt. Gen. Brent Snowcroft, Retired USAF, National Security Advisor to both Presidents Ford and Bush from 1982 to 1989
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Sr. VP, Lufthansa - German Airlines
Kay Whitmore (1932-2004), CEO, Eastman Kodak
Gary Allan, Country Western Singer
Eric Dodge, Country Western Singer
Gladys Knight, Performer
Bob Bennett, U.S. Senator (R), Utah
John Doolittle, Congressman (R), California
Orrin Hatch, Senator (R), Utah
Jon Huntsman, Jr., Governor (R), Utah
Steve Young, Retired Quarterback, Tampa Bay Bucaneers and S.F. 49ers

The people listed above have one thing in common.
They are all Mormons.

There are many more, too many to list here.

There is also a video based on a book entitled, “The Mormon Way of Doing Business” and you can find it at YouTube here.

“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.”
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955), quoted in New York Times, March 19, 1940
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Ty Detmer, NFL QB. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader. Ezra Taft Benson, Former secretary of Agriculture. Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health & Human Services.

I think you meant The link takes you to a spam page.

How about Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of the television?

For over 100 years Mormons have served in the U.S. Congress and in the Cabinet, as well as in the Federal Judiciary and as ambassadors.

Here is a sampling:

Senator Reed Smoot, first LDS member of Congress, seated after a years-long debate about Mormonism at the turn of the Century. He served for 30 years.

J. Reuben Clark, Ambassador to Mexico in the 30s, served in the Church First Presidency till the 60s.

Ivy Baker Priest, U.S. Treasurer under Eisenhower

Rex Lee, US Solicitor General (under Bush or Reagan)

Professor Roger Porter, Harvard, served President Ford as a White House Fellow as recording secretary to the Cabinet. He currently teaches a course for freshman Senators and Congressmen on how to get around the Capitol and do their jobs!

Judges (a sampling):

J.Clifford Wallace, Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit, currently Senior Status

Randall Rader, Judge of the CAFC and Professor of Intellectual Property George Washington University Law School

Senators (a sampling):

Gordon Smith

At least 15 Mormons are currently serving in Congress, 12 Republicans and 3 Democrats.

There have been at least 5 Cabinet Members, thus by constitutional definition in the line of succession to the President

Ezra Taft Benson, while an LDS Apostle in the 50s served as Secretary of Agriculture, thus in the line of succession of both President and Mormon Prophet. He later became Prophet and President of the Church in the 80s.

George Romney, HUD Secretary under Nixon

David M. Kennedy, Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan

Stuart Udall, Interior

Mike Leavitt, Current HHS Secretary and former Utah Governor; therefore currently in line of succession.

How about Henry Eyring?

"Eyring was a giant of 20th century physical chemistry. In over 600 scientific papers and 10 books he contributed to many areas of science, but is probably best known for his theory of absolute reaction rates and for the concept of the "activated complex" (transition state) in chemical reactions. The most influential of his co-authored books were "The Theory of Rate Processes" (1941) and "Quantum Chemistry" (1944), but he also published seminal works on the theory of liquids, optical rotation, rate processes in biology and medicine, aging and cancer, anesthesiology and many other areas."

"Among Eyring's numerous honors were the Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (1964), the Langmuir Award (1967), the Pauling (1969), T. W. Richards (1975), Priestley (1975) and Berzelius (1979) Medals, and the Wolf Prize (1980). Eyring served the profession in many capacities, including President of the ACS (1963) and of the AAAS (1965)."

Hey, I'm on that website as well, although I'm not nearly as famous as others. I do interact with highly creative and sometimes frighteningly intelligent Mormons on a regular basis. Mormonism is a religion that inspires deep analysis and profound thought, something that the garden (weed-patch) variety bigot will never understand.

Anonymous: Thanks for the heads up!

Also, add all the famous Mormons to this list that you know -- this list is entirely incomplete!

Anonymous: Thanks for the heads up!

Also, add all the famous Mormons to this list that you know -- this list is entirely incomplete!


You guys (and gals) forgot Jon Heder... lol

"the garden (weed-patch) variety bigot"

Anon - I love this phrase! And oh, so true.

Ok, so Mormons are brainless? I wonder, however, which Presidential administration was the most "Mormon"? Surely, this administration would be demonstrated as "brainless" and inept. Well, historically, the most "Mormon" presidency was Ronald Reagan's. So, by that logic, if you think that Ronald Reagan was a bad president then vote against the "Mormon", but if think that the Reagan administration had "brains" then surely you have to vote for the Mormon because of the good then did during the Reagan years.

"[Ronald Reagan's] administration included more members of the Church than any other American president, ever. Three of us, David Fischer, Gregory Newell and [Stephen M. Studdert], served on his personal White House staff. Richard Wirthlin was his chief strategist. Ted Bell served as Secretary of Education, Angela Buchanan was Treasurer, Rex Lee was Solicitor General. His White House included Roger Porter, Brent Scowcroft, Richard Beal, Blake Parish, Jon Huntsman Jr., Dodie Borup and Rocky Kuonen, and there were many other Latter-day Saints throughout his Administration." -Stephen M. Studdert, Special Assistant to President Reagan

Has anyone added Pat Buchanan's sister - was it Fay Buchanan? her signature was on US currency as the Treasurer, I think.

Ken Jennings

posted by Justin Hart | 6:30 AM | permalink
Back by popular demand... we have updated our Mitt Romney interactive New Hampshire map. There was some jive talk last week that Thompson could easily catch up to Romney's organization in New Hampshire.

I tend to disagree. I think you will too.

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