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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 7:47 AM | permalink
The Wall Street Journal Washington Wire reports:
A top official at Bob Jones University, the Evangelical Christian school with a history of anti-Mormon rhetoric, plans to throw his weight behind Mormon presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

Robert R. Taylor, dean of the university’s college of arts and sciences, said he believes the former Massachusetts governor is the only Republican candidate who both stands a chance of winning the White House and will reliably implement the anti-abortion, antigay marriage, pro-gun agenda of Christian conservatives.
Couple this with the DeMoss letter, the favorable Perkins comments, and other social conservative endorsements... and we may have a harbinger of things to come.

Look out this weekend at the Washington Briefing. I'll try to do some spot interviews on these topics with whoever is at hand.

Update by Timotheus: Dr. Bob Jones III, chancellor of Bob Jones University endorsed Romney today.

Some quotes:

"'This is all about beating Hillary,' Jones said. 'And I just believe that this man has the credentials both personally and ideologically in terms of his view about what American government should be to best represent the rank and file of conservative Americans.'"

"'If it turns out to be Guiliani and Hillary, we've got two pro-choice candidates, and that would be a disaster.'"

This appears to be a watershed time for the Romney campaign as it relates to support from Christian Social Conservatives.
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Romney “Grapples With Suspicions About Religion” ?

Every time I believe that the New York Times cannot get more biased, they out do themselves. Michael Luo in today’s edition still claims that Mitt Romney is having problems with conservative Christians. Gee, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Robert R. Taylor (a top official at Bob Jones University, the Evangelical Christian school with a history of anti-Mormon rhetoric), Rev. Rick Warren, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Mark DeMoss, Jay Sekulow, and yes, even Pastor John Hagee do not think so.

Yet, Luo does not claim to have spoken with any of these Evangelical leaders. His only source seems to be Oran P. Smith, president of the Palmetto Family Council, a conservative Christian group in South Carolina.

The over-analyzed Mormon issue and “complaints” against Romney’s sparkling resume’ and family life are getting tedious. Indeed, there is quit a bit of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. The idea of a presidential candidate who believes in “being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men” is implausible to liberals and the MSM.

The man does not curse, not even a damn or a hell. His family life has been impeccable. He has (quietly) given much of his time to service in his church and community. His business acumen is incomparable, there never being a report of corporate misdeeds, an unseemly tryst, or misconduct in hiring or HR concerns.

And it’s driving the liberal press crazy! Hordes of “investigative” reporters have been digging, literally, through the Romney family’s trash, past school records, business records, family utility records, even who the sons have dated.

John McCain, meanwhile, has suddenly become a Baptist, leaving the Episcopal faith behind. Rudy Giuliani claims to be a Catholic and Fred Thompson says he goes to church, sometimes, maybe, but neither shows a single sign of their professed dogma.

Now, Michael Luo of the New York Times claims Mitt Romney has the problem with Evangelical Christians. What?

I believe that all it takes to support Mitt Romney, is for folks to get past their prejudices (against his religion,his incredibly good looks and his all American, seemingly perfect family) and consider the man's experience and qualifications.

Once they do that, they see that he is, without a doubt, the best candidate we have.

Bob Jones III has endorsed Romney.

There is an update to this article. Apparently, Bob Jones III, the university chancellor has also endorsed Romney.

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