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Friday, October 12, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 3:19 PM | permalink
Check out these Rasmussen Report numbers about general election match-ups. Note that while all GOP candidates do not fare that well against Clinton or Obama, there is virtually no difference between Giuliani and Romney in this respect. In addition, they are both better in general election match ups than Fred Thompson.

Lessons Learned:
  • Going with Fred is suicide.
  • If Romney is as electable as Giuliani, go with the conservative candidate!
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We HAVE To Have Rudy . . . Because?

Jack Kennedy must be spinning in his grave. Now, I have to ask for some forbearance from my Catholic friends. This is not directed at Catholicism.

We hear the whispers, the innuendoes, the insinuations, and the outright inference that Giuliani belongs to the correct religion, McCain is neutral, Romney is the devil incarnate, and the *SEI's (Southern Evangelical Idiots) are inconsequential. We hear it at Fox News (Catholic - New York). We hear it from the Giuliani clan (Catholic - New York). We hear it from ultra-liberal Chris Matthews (Catholic - New York). And we have heard it more than once from Robert Novak (Catholic - New York).

Giuliani? Oh yeah, he made pretty good speeches AFTER 9-11. He did nothing before 9-11 to fix the communications infra-structure for the NYPD, the FDNY and the Port Authority. Is that not what we elect officials to do? We elect them not to necessarily read a crystal ball and prevent such as 9-11, but to be PREPARED in such an event. Let’s just step back and ask a few questions.

Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who has had the fewest wives?
Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who is the most family oriented?
Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who is pro-life?
Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who backs a constitutional marriage amendment?
Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who is focusing more not on past events but the future?
Among Romney, Giuliani and McCain, who actually worked on health care in their respective states?

I'm not really big on conspiracy theories, but . . .

*SEI''s - code word in the North, the Left Coast, and the MSM for “Southern Evangelical Idiots”

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